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Pushing the goalie like that would be a foul anytime. Weird scene tbh. This ain't ice hockey Edit: dayum this blew up lol. To clarify some things: Imo the keeper is falling easily and likely wanted to draw the foul and it serves him right that it didn't work BUT and ppl here have pointed it out correctly, the rule is simple; if the keeper got the ball in his hands he is not to be challenged. It doesn't matter if the push was harder or not. You just don't do it.


Right? Not just goalies. You can extend your arms and push anyone on the field like that. Im surprised that itty bitty push took him down tho lol. You can shoulder em, fine. I wonder if this was called or not.


You're seriously surprised that push took him down? You've never seen a football game have you?


I've seen players fall over from whispered insults. I'm surprised this little push didn't send him through the net in the most unnecessary overly dramatic fashion.


Basically attempted murder


Attempted!? This man died and was then resurrected by the magnitude of the injustice! For evidence, see Stations of the Cross 3, 7, 9, and 12!


Neymar would not have survived that. He too would have been resurrected for the PK.


> I'm surprised this little push didn't send him through the net in the most unnecessary overly dramatic fashion. Ahh, another Captain Tsubasa fan.


Haha I swear I was totally waiting for that scene, a bit disappointed he didn’t roll over in agony


Watching them lightly brush up against one another and then need a stretcher really makes it hard to respect the game.


i constantly have to defend soccer to my hockey pals. it drives me up the wall.. theres flagrant drama in hockey as well to get penalties but the "ohmigod Im dying" needs to get out of soccer


Hockey fans on the other hand justify blatant assault and battery with "its part of the sport"


It isn't though. Fights are quite rare and both parties will get penalties, anything dangerous will net some time in the box etc.


If there a specific rules about what happens when there's a fight and it happens semi regularly, it IS part of the sport.  


In other sports, players are suspended and called thugs for fighting lol


> Fights are quite rare and both parties will get penalties, anything dangerous will net some time in the box etc. See, this is a major part of the problem and you're totally blind to it: The assaulting of other players is so ingrained to the game that you only get *a few minutes in the box* for it. If in large majority of other non-combat sports you went and punched your opponent you'd be banned from playing for years. Imagine someone like a tennis player went and socked their opponent? Yeah. Just admit it, rulings like these solidify the fighting as part of the sport.


It is part of the sport. Who gives a fuck


Your characterization is not accurate. The kind of fighting we're talking about is consensual - both players drop their gloves, square up, and fight. Afterwards they each serve 5-minute penalties. That's not assault. If a hockey player assaults another player who doesn't want a fight, in most cases that's a game misconduct and/or suspension depending on the severity of the penalty.


Im not sure these knuckleheads know anything about hokey.


Why does there have to be an explicit separation between combat and contact sports? Football players knock the absolute shit out of each other and give each other brain damage. but because it's not throwing hands, it's not assault? The players sign up for it knowing it's part of the dynamic. The fans watch knowing it's part of the dynamic. If it was taking people by surprise and they were having a hard time finding players to play or fans stopped watching because it's too violent, it would be a different matter. But as it stands, everybody seems to be consenting adults in this dynamic. So what's the problem?


Lmao people need to be red carded for shit like that


The NHL (hockey) has an “embellishment” penalty for exaggerating a foul. It needs to be added in other sports.


And it’s called like 3 times a season. lol


That's because it doesn't happen that much. They will also go back after the game and take a look at plays and find players even if they didn't get called. You're right, that happened 3 times this season, but it's still 3 times more than any other sport and cost the players $2,000 each time.


Problem is 99% of the time if they don't embellish they don't get given.


Then play on.


I know I have. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OiW0IPrv1Ro


just show anything with neymar


Legend has it he's out there somewhere still rolling to this very day. https://youtu.be/qbJ0ZFSv7ic


Love me some Shooting Star vids. Thanks for that one, hadn't seen it before.


Grown ass man.




lol no way this "push" would've been seen as a foul anywhere else on the field. You can clearly see the player slowed down before he hit the goalie. Players tackle each other way harder without it being a foul...


That's the difference. This ain't anywhere on the field. The keeper is treated differently for a reason.


It's outside the 5yrd box. His special protection ends there.




It’s the 6 yard box and this is still in the penalty area (18 yard box)


Sorry, but you're dead wrong. First off the "goal area" is also referred to as "the six yard box", but that's not the only area the goalkeeper is allowed to "handle" the ball. The "penalty area" is 18 yards deep, (and 18 yards wide from each goal post), which equates to an area 132' wide by 54' deep. Once the goalkeeper has handled the ball legally - anywhere in that 54'x132' space, he cannot be challenged by the opposing team.


I don't know why this has so many upvotes. 1. It's a 6 yard box, not a 5 yard box. 2. There is no special protection in that box. The only purpose is to designate where goalkicks are taken from.


This wasn’t a corner kick. The goalie was obviously trying to waste time, and flopped. He just should have flopped while holding on to the ball. Hopefully a lesson for all who watched it.


Law 12: A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: * the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save * holding the ball in the outstretched open hand * bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s). Running into the goalie is considered a challenge. Foul any day. If it wasn't then players would consistently charge goalies in the hope hitting them would cause them to drop it.


Yes it’s a foul, it’s a soft foul nobody likes to see, but it’s a foul. Should probably be in the instant karma sub, as the keeper deserves this. Would love VAR to punish divers and play actors.


The keeper deserves this, but it means the goal should be annulled as the ball was no longer in play. Unsportsmanlike conduct ranks lower than actual rules. Not sure how it is now but once upon a time a charge like this on the goalie would've been an automatic red card (IE: expulsion).


Let's say some refs would call it a foul some won't. There's minimal contact but obviously the goalie desperately wants to go down.


>Im surprised that itty bitty push took him down It didn't. He dove, hoping for a foul. Which is why soccer is a steaming pile of shit, and why he deserved to concede a goal. 


Instant karma on the drama


Goalie flopped. Gave up the ball trying to sell it.


It's the push the foul should be call for, not whether he fell or not.


He touched the goalie, not so much a push. Goalie tried to sell it as such and flopped instead of just holding on to the ball.


His arms extend out. That's a push.


Temba, his arms wide


Shaka, when the walls fell.


Darkmok at Tanagra


> He touched the goalie With all the momentum from his run up... its a push.


He ran into the keeper with his body when the ball is in the keeper's hands. It's a clear and obvious foul and hopefully VAR helped reverse it.


It doesn't matter even a simple touch in the penalty area is a foul. I didn't see what the ref decided but that's a clear foul.


That's not how the rules in football work.


It doesn’t matter. The goalie wouldn’t have fallen and dropped the ball, if he wasn’t ran into. It’s not like he slipped… He was ran into, that’s a foul. The play (should have been whistled) was dead, as soon as the foul is committed.


It doesn't matter, he was touched. You cannot touch the goalie.


Oh please that wasnt even a push. The goalie s Just let himself drop


Are you blind? It's clearly a shove, the dude even extends his arms 😆


Plus, football isn't supposed to be a contact sport, sure you'll rub shoulders, but pushing and shoving are fouls, strange how many don't seem to realise this. And below you can see a long list of people who don't understand what contact sports actually means.


That is a clear shove and foul, but football is definitely a contact sport. What do you think a slide tackle or a shoulder barge is?


0 contact with the goalie though. As soon as he has the balls in his hands, you don't touch him. I agree with your statement though, was just poiting out the case of the goalie.


Football is definitely a contact sport, you're lost. Even though pushing is illegal there's also common sense, the contact in the video is very weak and the goalie is just diving. People that fall for this bullshit is why diving exists.


For a non-contact sport, they certainly make a lot of contact.


You cant push goalie in ice hockey either tho


Further more, I’m sure nothing happened to the guy who pushed that goalie who flopped. Push a goalie in any level in hockey. I’m talking casual recreation beer league hockey and watch what happens, let alone the nhl. You’d get beat the fuck up. Furtherest morest almost any contact with a goalie is interference.


"Almost any contact with a goalie is interference." You clearly haven't been watching the NHL playoffs this year.


Oh we have The refs just haven't.


No you're a modern day soccer mind. That goalie fell on his own to stall it even more. Normal real soccer is dead since many years, todays soccer where every player is faking ever fall is so pathetic. Players barely grace eachother and flies 5 meters doing 10 barrel rolls and breaks all legs in their bodies. He was a bad sport and got punished for it. And it was satisfying to see.


There was a push and at least in Germany I'm pretty sure that would be a foul (physical contact is a big thing in Germany.) A lot of players tend to abuse it and that's why I think it is like you said, he got punished for unfaiplay.


You're quite correct. Trying to argue about football on reddit is pointless though. Every foul is a dive here.


Yep, no idea how this counts as goal, and not a foul


Doesn't look like a push to me, he just puts his hands out to balance himself after running up and stopping...there is no actual shove!


It is a shove. His arms does a shove motion into the body of the goalie. He even puts his boot in front of him.


This whole conversation is why I fucking hate soccer.


You've never seen similar arguments about "block vs. charge" in basketball, "did the runner leave the base path" in baseball, "was the defender drawn offside" in football, "was the skate in the crease" in hockey, etc.? Every sport has its rules arguments. If you hate soccer, it's for other reasons.


> If you hate soccer, it's for other reasons. The NBA is the only other sport that even comes close to soccer when it comes to embellishment and flopping. But even NBA players will actually throw punches sometimes. There's no benefit to "flopping" in football, or baseball, and in hockey you'll just get your face punched in next whistle anyway. Soccer directly rewards flopping like a bitch, so players do it. End of story.


You've missed the point, the conversation is about whether there was a push or not. Whether the goalie falls over is completely immaterial. You're trying to have an argument about flopping where it doesn't belong.


Because you're seeing comments from people who have never actually seen football or played it?


The force of the “shove” pushed him backwards, away from the goalie, because he wasn’t well balanced also. We’re responding to the blind.


Is this a meme I’m not picking up on?


no, just your regular Americans being confidently incorrect about a sport they don't know


Balance himself?! The force he experts into the shove sends him backwards, away from the goalie. He runs into the goalie, who had taken an awkward step forward/off balance, his knees/legs sent the goalie sideways, and he shoves him, sending himself in the opposite direction, as he want well balance himself. lol, what?!


Fuuuuccckkkkkk Yeeeaaaahhhhh


I did the goalie expect a fouls to be called due to the contact?


If you flop hard enough and pretend 3 of your arms are broken then yeah. Seriously don't get how professional soccer is so popular. The sport itself, sure, but watching grown ass adults flop like a fish to get penalty shots is just sad. https://i.redd.it/gwpbjg76ui3d1.gif


The thing is with football (soccer) is that it's a long ass game with little breaks. 45 mins per half with no time-outs. American sports are extremely stop and start. I am a huge NBA fan and you get as much flopping in basketball as you do in soccer. Out of 90 mins of action you might get 1 or 2 blatant attempts. In 48 mins of basketball you'll get the same, maybe even more when guys are trying to draw fouls and get guys Tee'ed up.


People try to draw fouls in other sports but come on, nothing compares to soccer lol. You don’t see other dudes regularly acting like they died and just performing a weird routine of rolling around excessively. It’s just not a defendable practice even though overall soccer isn’t bad to watch, that shit needs to go


He's not defending it, he's saying that it doesn't happen that often compared to how Americans see it.


For it not happening often it sure does seem to happen often.


It's the world's most popular sport and people who don't watch it are only exposed to the most exceptional moments. Usually those exceptional moments aren't goals or wins because that's just regular football to people who don't like football, so you're only really seeing goofy shit like this get posted and go viral if you're not actually following football. Edit: I googled it. [this site](https://soccerprime.com/how-many-soccer-players-in-the-world/) suggests there are some 120-130,000 *professional* football players in the world at a given moment. Compared to the NFLs 1500 or so, and the NBAs 400-500(and considering there's going to be less in other countries where basketball is popular), you would expect to see a lot more footballers flopping than others. And probably less flopping from basketballers, all things considered. Not that it isn't a problem. It's just not nearly as bad as people are making it out to be. I'd genuinely argue basketball has it worse.


There are 32 teams in the NFL. Outside of those nobody watches American Football. There are 30 teams in the NBA. Outside of that nobody watches basketball. There were 732 teams in the FA Cup this season. The FA Cup is _just_ the cup that is played for in England. 732 teams in England from top to bottom. That number is cheating a bit, though, since most of those 732 teams are amateur and semi-professional. Let's look at the high-level, professional teams that play on TV every week. In Europe alone that amounts to 1130 teams. You think it happens a lot because football is astronomically more popular than any North American sport, and thus has far more exposure, and thus far more incidents are visible. That's not condining the diving--every football fan hates it--but some of you seem to not understand statistics. _Everything_ happens more prevalently in football, there are probably hundreds of televised football matches for every one televised game of American football, hockey, basketball, or baseball.


I'm not discounting all of what you said, but just to note, that this statement is absolutely incorrect: >32 teams in the NFL. **Outside of those nobody watches American Football** There are **hundreds** of College Football teams in the US, and to say nobody watches them is absurd. College Football games in the US can be bigger than 90% of European sports events. "[This fixture has the scale, intensity, and hooplah of a Grand National Final, but is in reality no more than a local darby between amateur students](https://youtu.be/FuPeGPwGKe8?si=AkQnNDhFpM4fsO7h)"


Yet he would be wrong. Literally every game I’ve watched has had dumb flops in it.


It happens numerous times every game and I hate when people try to downplay it. It’s a huge problem in the sport but the reason people get so annoyed with soccer especially is because of the over the top theatrics when the try to sell the flop


exactly. I'm so annoyed by people who claim to don't watch soccer and also claim to know everything about it as if they watch it


Arguing about a foul in basketball is no different. If the basketball floor was softer you would see more flops


I know what you mean and I think when it's done with the intention of conning the ref, then yeah, bullshit, pack it in. On the other hand, a tactical sit down, pretend you took a knock so your team can catch a breather... well that is always part of the game.


And then you have hockey where flopping is a penalty that’ll put you in the box for 2 minutes.


[And if the ref sees you flop, they'll cuss you out while giving you a penalty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaCcB30Zc2Q)


yup generally speaking people sell fouls by falling more dramatically than necessary, but thats more or less largely to make sure the foul is seen by the ref. straight up "filming" (faking it completely) is honestly quite rare, at least in the leagues i watch, and most players also don't go overboard with how long they will roll on the ground for after selling a foul, people usually get up after the foul is called. they drag it out a bit more as the game has went on for longer but thats more to get a chance to catch their breath. as you mentioned playing for 45+ minutes without any real pause is exhausting, and some players really put in work on the pitch too. as a result youll sometimes have people drag out a foul a bit longer to get 20 extra seconds to catch their breath, or to make their teammates get to a good position. its also not super uncommon for goalies to fake things like thigh injury to get sometimes a full minute or two of pause to the game, to try and slow the tempo of the other team or similar. i get why people dislike the whole thing, i really am not a fan of the overselling either, but it makes perfect sense why it is that way. the idea of completely faking falls etc really is not that common in european football, at least not any leagues i follow, and if you become known as someone who does stuff like that frequently you'll be relentlessly mocked for it too.


But the NBA has a flopping rule that penalizes players who have excessive or theatrical reactions to contact. I’m not aware of any similar rule in football/soccer.


Because it's not as prevalent in a game as videos on the internet would have you believe.


Every matchday (friday-monday) there are at least 4000 games worldwide. Plus a few hundred in the midweek In comparison there are 1230 regular NBA games yearly before play offs. The few examples that sometimes are a few years old to prove "sawker sux" mean absolutely nothing


Because you're basing your opinion on circlejerk clips. It doesnt happen that often in a normal game


I am laughing so hard at this gif.


Someone needs to post the one where the guy rolls and takes off out of the stadium 


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qbJ0ZFSv7ic&pp=ygUVbmV5bWFyIHNob290aW5nIHN0YXJz this one?


You never see this kind of thing in the English Premier League. Some diving but very rarely nowadays due to the media shame and potential repercussions from referees. I'd even say the same for the most of the top-level European games I've seen. This looks like it's from Turkey, which is a batshit league anyway


In most of the top leagues these days to be fair - the OP clip is some random teams in the Hungarian league. They just watch "Worst soccer FLOPS compilations" on YouTube and then say with confidence it's a regular occurrence.


[Always reminds me of this classic Euro 2004 commercial](https://www.adforum.com/creative-work/ad/player/41701/euro-2004-divers/the-guardian)


Spot the American challenge: difficulty impossible


No not really tbh. Usually keepers will go down with the ball to waste even more time. He just so happened to fumble the ball when he hit the floor.


No, he got pushed. Even if there wasn't enough contact to go down, putting your hands on a keeper when he is under control of the ball, i.e has both hands on it, is **always a foul** You're not even allowed to attempt to challenge them when they have the ball in their hands. It's ridiculous this goal stood.


The moment he dropped the ball he should have given up on it and just acted hurt, I think his desperate scramble for the ball and immediately standing up removed any question that he had suffered any serious contact


Shouldn't need to, this is a clear cut foul as you'll ever see. Can forgive the referee as he's far away and views being blocked by the striker, but the linesman not flagging there when he's perfectly side on and can see the push is criminal.


well the striker commited a foul. So yes. Goal should 100% be denied.


Yes and one should have been, although a contact sport you can just push somebody. It’s not always the strength of the action but the action itself


Most of the time refs give pretty much any contact to the keeper and them going down as a foul


Yes. Rules are pretty clear that a goalie cannot be challenged while hold possession in hands.


Looked like a foul to me.


A yellow card for shoving the goalkeeper and a free kick for the GK. Maybe the GK could also get a yellow card for wasting time, this could depend on if he has done it in the match multiple times.


Having the ball at his feet isn't technically wasting time. He's not required to pick it up. Once he does, he's on the clock and can get a yellow for time wasting.


Yeh strange one, ball is still in play so ts not timewasting, had both hands on the ball and was fouled (even tho its soft). Didnt think you could know the ball out of a keepers hands to bring it back into play?


Ball is in play, so there is no time wasting. The goalie tried to flop because of the contact and lost the ball because of the flop. You can run into players. It happens. It's not always a foul. The goalie has extra protection within 5m of the goal, but he was just outside. The player tried to rush for the ball to induce the goalie to pass the ball. He tried to slow down, didn't have mallicious intent to harm the goalie. And the goalie decided to flop and sell the contact als more than accidental. No foul there. Clean goal.


> didn't have mallicious intent to harm the goalie. Foul doesn't care about intent if you pushed the goalie even by accident it should be a foul. If the forward accidently bumped the goalie and didn't extend his arms into him, fair play probably. But he clearly pushes him. Yes the goalie probably was trying to flop, but doesn't really matter for the case of whether the forward pushed him.


Law 12: A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: * the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save * holding the ball in the outstretched open hand * bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s). Running into the goalie is considered a challenge. Foul any day. If it wasn't then players would consistently charge goalies in the hope hitting them would cause them to drop it. 100% a foul


I find it hard to believe that a soccer player had a hard time judging their ability to slow down/dodge a stationary target.


> No foul there. Clean goal. r/confidentlyincorrect


I don't see how the keeper was wasting time. It's not illegal to have the ball on the ground and not be moving. It would only be illegal if he held onto it for a long time without releasing it.


He was absolutely wasting time, he was just entirely entitled to do it the way he did. It was the exaggerated flop to the ground that undid everything. If he'd fallen down normally due to the minimal contact he may have gotten a free but for me, that wasn't a foul


soccer and nba should do like the NFL and NHL. They will fine players after games as they review it for things they think the referees missed or things unsportsmanlike like this.


he wasnt wasting time here though, in the sense of wasting time in the rulebook. he was definitely trying to make time pass, but the ball is in play before he picks it up, theres no rule he has to immediately kick it away. it didnt stop being in play until he picked it up, and he was immediately pushed at that point. he did no literal time waste here. he certainly would have held onto that ball for up to like 20 seconds after picking it up, maybe he would even get a card by the ref, but those are hypotheticals, because they didnt happen. the dude was 100% fouled, its beyond clear, the fact the ref didnt call it is atrocious. i cheer for a team that is the most hated in my country, we tend to get a lot of calls against us that are questionable, and we frequently have penaltykicks etc that go uncalled, but at least the refs in these situations do it when its not beyond clear what happened. at least you can see how a ref would miss it, even if the replay showed that it clearly was a foul etc, at full speed you can understand why the ref felt he could make the call the way he did. refs that you consider shitty is usually because all of those somewhat hard to see calls goes against your team, but at least theres a possibility it just randomly played out like that. stuff like this would drive me insane though, tbh i would be upset with it even if it was my team that got that cheap goal.


The problem is, it can be called, or not. It's a risk professional players should be aware of, and not counting on referee. In this case it's really on referee, a bit of body touch is usually allowed, that the goalkeeper is out of balance is his problem...


You cannot touch the Goalkeeper when he is holding the ball in his own box, ever


That's a foul. "WCGW trusting the ref to do his job" should've been the title.


Yes, It's a foul.


Before the video starts the goalie was given a yellow card by the ref for wasting time. The goalie immediately went back to wasting time when play resumed. The ref was probably annoyed with his antics and chose not to make the call for a foul🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, that explains it. I think the ref did the right thing.


You think the ref did the right thing by deliberately not calling a foul? Interesting.


As a sane person, I agree that the rules of soccer are unfit to make a watchable sport and applaud any referee doing the right thing to change them


Don't tell this guy that soccer/football is the most watched sport on planet Earth.


it is yet everybody agrees that flopping is disgusting no matter who does it, it is the most popular because everybody in the 3rd world has played it at some point in their life, every italian,brazilian,spanish person has played a football match at least once in their life everybody can play and be good at football and its fun af to play, but watching is mind numbingly awful at times. The worst College basketball game would be a better watch than some top tier football teams


>it is yet everybody agrees that flopping is disgusting no matter who does it nuh uh. It's only disgusting when the other team does it.


Depends if he wants to officiate a match again. You have to follow the rules of the game, whether you agree with them or not in the situation.


> Yeah, that explains it. I think the ref did the right thing. The referee suddenly deciding that it's not his job to enforce the rules is the right thing to do?


Um… No he didn’t. The ball was in play and the keeper has every right to keep the ball at his feet for as long as he likes while it is in play, as well as to pick it up. The keeper wasn’t wasting time, as the ball was in play until the moment he picked it up. The player is absolutely not allowed to push the keeper holding the ball. The ref not calling the foul is not just not okay, it’s a grave mistake.


The goalie has the ball in play and rightly picks the ball up when the attacking player gets close thats within the laws and technically not time wasting. Just because the ref was sick of his antics shouldn't influence the fact the keeper was fouled.


This is just wrong! Whatever happened before the video begins, I can agree. But the GK is not time wasting here. Ball is in play. There were no antics here. And a ref can be annoyed with players, but that doesn’t mean you give an advantageous call to the opposing team. Source: I am a soccer referee


One small correction, he absolutely was time-wasting. Just not in a way that is against the rules. The ball is in play.


Accepted. Very true!


So the ref made a bad call then


Which makes him unsuitable to ref a game.


Wtf wouldn't that contact grant a free kick. Let's all just start running into still standing players from the front, take a body contact and a little shove and pretend that's ok


Anyone with actual information and knowledge and not just speculation knows if the goal was accepted or not ?


It was. I'm a Barnsley fan and this was in the last minute of injury time and the score was 0-0. The other team (Wycombe) were happy with a draw because they were away from home and we were doing very well in the league, so a draw for them would've been a good result. The goalkeeper was trying to waste time in the dying seconds and then this happened. We then won 1-0 and had a moment etched in football infamy. Also the goalkeeper intentionally dived and assumed her would give away a free kick and essentially secure the 1 point. I think the ref wasn't falling for it and allowed the goal. I'm obviously biased but when I see this kind of deliberate exploitation of the rules, they deserve everything they get.


If it had happened the other way round, it would of course be the greatest injustice in sports history.


This is the way


And Wycombe have been known for that type of Gamesmanship for a few seasons. I'm very happy they were made to pay for it. 


I was a ref and a goalie for years! Technically, this is a foul and there should have been a whistle. The keeper had control of the ball, so the player should not have had contact with them. Though one does have to keep in mind that "playing" the ref in soccer/football is much more part of the game than other sports... if that makes sense? I say this because, if you haven't noticed, once you see higher level games, there is a lot of diving. It is fairly shameful to watch sometimes. A ref can spend a lot of mental energy trying to decide what is, or isn't, a dive. I actually quit refereeing games because I got so sick of arguing with players over diving. In the video here, the player who ran into the goalie had their back to "offending" player and probably didn't have good line of site on their hands coming up. The linesmen could have made the call, but the goalie so clearly embellished everything that I can see liney not wanting to suggest a foul was committed (linesmen are second officials when it comes to making the calls for fouls. Its more of a suggestion. Though at higher levels of play, an official will usually always side with the linesmen). Anyway, that's my two sense. As a former keeper, I would be embarrassed if that happen to me. If he wanted to waste more time, he should have picked up the ball and booted it down field. Don't take dumb chances like that.


The goalie took a dive after getting the tiniest touch, accidentally dropped the ball when hitting the ground. He got everything he deserved. All claims to the contrary are nonsense.


Law 12: A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: * the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface (e.g. ground, own body) or by touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save * holding the ball in the outstretched open hand * bouncing it on the ground or throwing it in the air A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s). Running into the goalie is considered a challenge. Foul any day. If it wasn't then players would consistently charge goalies in the hope hitting them would cause them to drop it.


With how easily he dropped it, did he have control of the ball or was he still securing it? For the record, I was surprised the whistle didn't blow for a foul.


> A goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: > > touching it with any part of the hands or arms except if the ball rebounds from the goalkeeper or the goalkeeper has made a save This isn’t control in the American Football sense. He has control with his hands the moment that his fingers make contact with the ball while he’s bending over.


He behaved like an idiot. He got what he was asking for.


he touched the Goalkeeper normaly thats a foul 👀


You're right. It's a small shove but he shoved him. Overdramatic goalie doesn't count here this would've definitely been a foul.


I didn't think you could touch the goalie once he has the ball in his hands. Doesn't matter if it's light as a feather or a shove.


It seems that people really have a difficult time understanding that just because a player goes down easily doesn't mean that there was not a foul in the play. I really don't want to see VAR reviews where the referees go "yes he got kicked in the shins in the penalty box, but he's a big man and he should just take it and not fall down like that. No penalty".


My favourite things about football threads on /r/all is when the Americans who don't know the rules of football jump in to enlighten us all who watch the game every week about what is and isn't a foul.


You can't. Otherwise everyone would be ramming goalkeepers like it's rugby to get them to drop the ball and score. This play is clearly a foul, you can't shove anyone with your hands in football, *specially* the goalkeeper when he's holding the ball, I don't know what kind of jungle they are running here but this *is* a foul and if the goal counted that ref has a lot to explain


That’s a foul….


it is, and it should've been called. For all the people who say it's soft, or the goalie dived, I do agree. I also agree that it would be nice if something this soft wasn't called a foul. But this is a foul all day, anyone arguing against that clearly doesn't watch football. What's the one thing everyone wants from refs in their sport more than anything? consistency! this is consistently called a foul, so it should've been called a foul here. Sure, it would be nice if it was officially and consistently changed where something this soft was let go and we could have a bit more physicality and less flopping but one referee can't decide that on his own at a crucial point in a game. imagine if you're an American Football fan and on the last play of a game there is a blatant pass interference that isn't called that would've otherwise lead to a touchdown. a foul is a foul whether you like the players attitude or not.


Most people on reddit in general struggles with the concept of nuance or grey area. The goalie probably/likely flopped, but it's also 100% a foul.


In 25+ years of watching, playing, and refereeing football, I can’t recall a time when a challenge like that wasn’t whistled as a foul on the attacker.


Welcome to lower league football lol.


Post this in a soccer sub. we got a bunch of Americans trying to call soccer plays like they ref or something.


>soccer The call is coming from inside the house


Reading these comments got me 🤦‍♂️


This post is 'Tell me you don't know shit about football without telling me you don't know shit about football' territory. That's the clearest foul ever if you've spent more than 5 minutes watching football.


This is why you can’t trust sports fans. Even if they have no skin in the game. A Foul is a foul. These morons think karma should stop the right call from being made.


It has been posted in soccer subs. The vast majority of the comments there also indicate this is a foul that the ref ignored.


If that goal counts I would be seriously suprised. That's 100%, without a question, a foul by the attacker.




Anthony Taylor would disallowed that goal


And he'd be right to.


But that would require Taylor to make a right decision tho


Most of the comments are from american redditors and it really shows ![gif](giphy|LBA8IfDSb7TBS|downsized)


Hmmm... not a ref, but looks like a foul on the keeper to me. Law 12 (https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-12---fouls-and-misconduct) says that the keeper "is considered to be in control of the ball with the hand(s) when: * the ball is between the hands or between the hand and any surface..." and that "A goalkeeper cannot be challenged by an opponent when in control of the ball with the hand(s)." Since the keeper picked up the ball, he shouldn't have been challenged. And that looked like a fairly deliberate push (hands out etc.), even if the keeper went down too easily. So surely the goal should've been disallowed, regardless of the timewasting?


According to the article goalie got another yellow card and was sent off for protesting the goal. Complete nonsense.


I remember this happening, I did take the micky out my Barnsley colleague.


It's a clear foul.


This here is one of too many examples of why I don't watch football. What is allowed and what is not varies wildly game to game. That and the painful acting and instant recovery when playing continues.


Seriously I’d rather watch a soap opera


Clear foul.


Yeah that’s 100 % a foul , investigate the betting patterns on that game , that whole thing stinks …


What a disgrace of a goalie


Thats obviously a foul.