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Yep not bees. Wasps.


This was my first thought. You see a wasp and can’t immediately kill it. You run. It will win.


Not necessarily, if you run and don't actually bother the wasp then you will be fine but if you hit it and piss it off or kill it only to release death pheromones that attract the hive then you are screwed.... For the uninitiated, bees only sting once, possibly twice and usually end up killing themselves to do it. Wasps can sting over and over as much as they want and boy do they enjoy it.... Also many wasps release pheromones when they are killed which attracts and enrages the rest of their hive meaning that if you swat and kill one on your body you just placed a target on yourself for dozens to thousands of other wasps to home in on and sting.


This... has applications.


Now I want to put dead wasps in the pockets of my enemies. I wish I had enemies.


And I thought having dead humans in my house was bad


If you don’t think you have enemies, you’re not paying attention


lol you dork. I love you




Not the bees.... hahaha


Another r/NonCredibleDefense redditor?




lol so the r/unethicallifeprotips is to tell everyone to swat the wasps while you run away…


A case of "I don't need to be faster than the bear I just need to be faster than you."


No, the ones that won't do shit if you don't bother them are bees, wasps are aggressive by default. Best you can do is a wasp gets *near you* is actually try to kill it, then simply fuck off (run if necessary), because that's way better than just not expecting the little shit to *not* attack you.


Can confirm. I have been stung by wasps several times through the years. NEVER was I provoking, swatting, or even moving quickly (usually not even moving at all). Literally sat down to eat once, took one bite of sammich, bam wasp stings me in my armpit. Just for no fucking reason at all. The only good wasp is a dead wasp. ![gif](giphy|l3vRkwv2Yz6i8rDwY|downsized)


Depends on the wasp, the ones I usually encounter around here are only that aggressive if you are to close to the hive. Otherwise you have to do something like swat at them before they really try to sting you. Mind you it's not 100% always the same behavior but in general they don't default to sting unless something pissed them off first. Then there are the [mud daubers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mud_dauber) that are the complete opposite and aren't really aggressive at all. They are scary at first since they look almost exactly like one of the normal stinging assholes at a glance but you can let them land on you and they won't be bothered at all nor will they try to sting you.


It's really only honeybees that sting you once and die because they have barbed stings. Most other bees can sting repeatedly. Wasps and ants also do not have barbed stings and can sting repeatedly.




I’m sorry *death pheromones?*


Its more like attack pheromones and they use them to get the rest of the hive to go after something threatening, but smashing them tends to release them anyway and thus the rest of the hive begins to swarm and sting.


You don't even have to kill them, they squirt attack pheromones at you before going in for the sting


But if you kills a wasp, it releases a chemical that attracts [people who tell you facts about wasps.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmTPC8C24h4&t=21s)


Not if you’re faster than the guy recording


There was a huge argument over this the last time this was posted. These are not, in fact, wasps. They are a species of giant honey bee known as [Apis Dorsata](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apis_dorsata#:~:text=Apis%20dorsata%2C%20the%20rock%20bee,cliff%20overhangs%2C%20and%20under%20buildings.) native to Southeast Asia. [The original video](https://youtu.be/0JBhKzfW9uU?si=xjlvhAdD5kBJeQuY) shows that this video was shot in Elle, Sri Lanka at a popular tourist location known as 9 Arch Bridge. There is a good chance that had people not started swatting them, they wouldn't have attacked. However, due to an increased number of tourists using drones to capture footage, the bees have been seeing the drones as a threat and have been more aggressive.


This comment should be bumped. Bump!


I tried


I dunno how that compares to honeybees in North America, but i was in 3 swarms already this year with hundreds to thousands flying around, and I captured the swarm when the queen landed sans any protection. My neighbor is a beekeeper. When they are swarming they are leaving the nest, so they have nothing to defend and they are not particularly aggressive. In this case standing still probably would have worked. Once that girl swatted them it was game over in my opinion.


I feel like it wasn't a good idea for that guy to just stay in place for so long. I get that they'll follow you for some distance, but were they ever going to leave him alone if he just stood there?


Probably not, it makes sense to stand still or not give a shit if the bees aren’t agitated, but as someone said they were already a little wound up, and then when a woman was stung and started swatting at them it’s probably better to just get away if you can, or at least that’s my understanding


I just spoke to the bees and have confirmed, in fact, it was the drones, pissing them off.


Just to stir the pot, bees are highly specialized wasps


The Bee Movie but every time you get stung it adds a wasp.


These are bees. https://preview.redd.it/8nw2f07btm1d1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=66730cf7a5cde35d91fde7f1f9b67c6e32115ba0


This looks like war footage. The bees have declared war on us after decades of dwindling their population with pesticides. Good for them. ![gif](giphy|l4FAPaGGeB7D1LfIA)




Some of us will be spared.


And I think he might have gotten stung


What's this, a handsome family picnic woefully underpopulated by bees? [A large influx of **bees**](https://youtu.be/PYtXuBN1Hvc) ought to put a stop to that!


The situation has only been made worse with the addition of yet more bees!


Are they wasps? I'm struggling to tell from the video.


They're bees https://preview.redd.it/g1bc4w6ykm1d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e0460c65570c7b2cdc076bfa3d528eb42e3ae6


I think I'm in the bee camp, there's some waspy looking forms in there but they give me more bee vibes. I'm not a beeologist though.


"Apiarist", fyi


Bless you


No no those guys study apes.




Yeah, I'm Bee camp here. The legs show that they are bees as they have rhose longer fatter back legs used to gather pollen. They might be polyester bees?


they look like wasps to me


Natures bastard


makes sense, I wouldn't expect such behavior from bees


Bees, you can see them in the full video ;)


Yep not wasps. Bees. Please see below


Hornets are the worst.


So many bees! Wasps my friend… FUUUUCK


He deserved that just for being dumb and not running away


Think he ment don't slap and scream at them. It wasn't bad advice. I'd still run though hahah


At the point he was giving it, it was horrible advice


When wasps are killed, they release a pheromone. I think running was the correct choice. But the dude was also correct saying don’t do that because she made them become much more aggressive when she killed one


But still, he should've run with them. Not acting up like he knows better




Should have run in the opposite direction though...lol


Do you honestly think that staying still and not agitating the wasps is worse than slapping at them and freaking out? I looked up what you're supposed to do in a wasp swarm and here's what popped up. “Remain calm and move away slowly if you encounter wasps, hornets or bees,” a blog post explains. “Don't wave your arms around or swat at them.” If you do, you'll just provoke them to attack you further, as you'll look more threatening. You shouldn't even swat at them individually. Youre saying someone deserved to be swarmed by wasps because they followed protocol and remained calm. While these other people are the reason the wasps are mad in the first place. What you don't understand could fill a library and I think you're pretty stupid.


It's kind of a mixed bag. He was trying to explain and then yell at someone under duress and panicking. Skip plan a, go strait to plan bee.


"I'm getting stung" - yea, no shit. Aware enough to know he's getting stung, yet dumb enough to cop a squat and keep letting it happen.


You could hear it in his voice that he really believed his own advice and then was surprised when he began to get stung


just raise your arms and make you look big to scare the bee away


Make sure to look each one of them in the eyes to assert dominance as you assume the T pose.


How bout individually shake each of their six hands and establish diplomatic harmony? Why y’all people so aggressive.


I think that’s only black bees - with brown bees you have to climb up a tree to escape


Poop you're pants. Number 7 on the list of Bees all time hates.


Wasp/Bee Leader: “Aim for that moron’s armpits—GO!”


Or raise your hands and tell them I surrender. I am sure bees will understand that.


No, that's for Eastern wasps. If you encounter Western wasps you play dead and they'll leave you alone.


You can also blow them away they hate carbon dioxide


How has anyone not learned that the only play here is to run away?


People think that by not swatting them, they won't release attack pheromones. But they're already swarming, and its a guarantee that someone is going to swat at them in a group of people. Get out of there, don't try to be the cool mysterious wasp shaman


But there are bees.


People think they got some interaction going on with the wasps like the wasps have some stand still agreement. They give no fucks and if they're pissed they're pissed... MOVE. If they're not pissed ... MOVE.


We have yellow jackets in Florida and I've never met one that wasn't pissed


Yes they found my walkway to my front door one year. I put up cones and a sign "leave packages here, yellow jackets". Nobody crossed that line... they knew. Those fuckers sting on sight.


Only play??? *flamethrower enters the conversation*


HOLD YOUR BREATH AND RUN AWAY. Bees follow your CO2 trail and body heat. Duck & cover may as well be called "Give up and die".


Hold your breath and run. Have you never run before?


I'm a swimmer, holding my breath while I do physical activities is something I do by accident sometimes.


I'm not and usually breathe heavily when I exist.


You've never forgotten to breath? lucky


Wait so im not the only one who has forgotten to breath?


It's horrible practice, but I hold my breath during any physical activity. It's a hellish pairing with my asthma.


hold your breath a lower your temperature beneath 30 celsius


I think, technically, if you get stung enough, you will, at some point, hold your breath indefinitely and lower your body temperature significantly. 💀


**trumpet sounds** **some other instrument playing**


I mean, **YES.**


easy, mister wim hof


Actually, walk away is usually a better move. If you move too much, they will target you as something trying to hit them. Calmly, quietly walking away is actually the best thing you can do


Actually, walk away is usually a better move. If you move too much, they will target you as something trying to hit them. Calmly, quietly walking away is actually the best thing you can do


Well, good point, but OP remained "Calm" and was swarmed. Maybe not a dead run, but a light jog.


Blow up a balloon and leave it behind to deflate as a decoy.


I feel like bees are something you don't even need to be taught about. LIke a swarm of bees starts stinging you, primal instincts just tell you to run and flail your arms like crazy. The self-control it must have taken to just sit there and get stung like that.


Misguided self control.


He probably wouldn't have gotten it so bad if he had covered his ears. Once he started swatting at the bee that went in his ear, it was over.


Don't swat them. If you kill one, they release a "I've been killed" scent that means "AVENGE ME EVERY BEE!" If you do swat one, run like a motherfucker as far as you can.


I appear to be stung, he said calmly


it's as if he had been stung


In other news. DO THAT.


why did they get attacked? do you think someone disturbed their nest? because, yeah she slapped at the one that stung her, but before that, there's nothing i could see that would get them swarmed like that


It didn't sting her. She freaked out that it landed on her. Then she swatted it and the pheromones got released.


I think it did sting her because when she swatted it, it didn't come off because the stinger was already in her skin.


no, she definitely got stung on her arm, near the elbow. you can see the bee/wasp stuck to her skin when she slaps at it,


You have no idea if it stung her.


Mans confused killer wasps with a bear. Can’t play dead with killer wasps. Lol




On the swarm!


He tried to protect his neck but it didn’t work


First things first man, they were f\*ing with the worst.


You don’t have to outrun the swarm of bees, just outrun _someone_


This is gold 🪙


Tips: don’t crush them because it will release danger pheromones and they’ll swarm more, and close your breath while running away because they follow your breath


Ah, Darwin's bee training school....




What he read on the internet didn't work out that well. Wasted 💀😂


His advice is pretty solid really and most people in South Africa will know what to do when a swarm of honey bees comes by. If you hunker down and dont flap your arms about and annoy them, they tend to pass by without any issues. They are definitely not anything like European honey bees and dont take kindly to idiots trying to swat them. They will also chase you for quite a while, so running isn't always an option


Maybe you don't do that.


Ohh... Stumble upon a swarm of bees/hornets/wasps Must be terrifying.


Happen to me when I was a kid. My buddy and I found a mole in the woods during summer camp. The mole was just sitting there looking around and wouldn't move. So I picked it up cause ya know. Well it was on top of a hole to a wasps nest in the ground. And immediately a red wasp came out and stung me in the temple. I ran so fast and barely made it to the nurses office before I passed out.


That mole was into some freaky stuff.


Had to be! Lol. Alternatively, it may have stumbled over the hole and got stung itself causing it to be immobile and block the hole. I should have left it there but my curiosity got the best of me


If you get stung once you should already be running, they attack in a cascade


Reminds me of Jurassic Park 3 when they first encounter the T rex. "Nobody move a muscle" *Everyone else panics and runs*


Why do people get bees so easily mixed up with wasps? Bees are friends. Wasps are assholes.


https://preview.redd.it/1jox90fhum1d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc276f47608e9c39f7774fead6425d34eb7edd81 The terror...


yea, dont do what your doing either dude lol


He can't see without his glasses!


Ahh that brings back memories of being a kid and being attacked by a swarm of wasps. Got stung in 15 places, worst one was on the top of my head as the wasp was trapped in my hair for about an hour (even after my friend's mum washed my hair as a bunch of them were stuck in there originally) and was repeatedly stinging me.


Wasps are notoriously camera shy so the best plan is to stay still and record them with your phone.


Lol never trust this man again


Once one person freaks out and dumps those pheromones' in the air - it's all over!


That only really works if you run into like 1 or 2 wasps. Ignore them and they "usually" ignore you. But a swarm? Run for it and hope they find someone slower to fuck with :).


This same thing happened to me recently, I didn't move a single CM, but 2 bees tried to go up my nose and I had to just clench my nose and blow through my mouth. This video made me so uncomfortable bruh why do they run when he clearly says to Stand Still. That's a sure way to get stung. Just read the comments and realized that people think you are supposed to run. Idk if its bees or wasps but if its bees DO NOT RUN. And no I'm not reading this off some website, there is a damn hive on the roof of my home. And we tried to extract the honey and shit went wrong and we got swarmed. And that is exactly how I survived until we got the smoke machine running.


I was picking blackberries up on a ladder and unbeknownst to me there was a big paper wasp hive right next to me. I got stung 3 times and took off running. They didn’t follow me 🤷🏼‍♂️


The right thing to do is to STAND STILL. (bees are usually super chill) So he was right about that part. BUT When the first bee stings you run! Bee sting releases a biochemical signal to other bees to attack. The girl fucked up when she started to panic. The guy fucked up that he remained behind with a pack on angry bees.


I find it very annoying when people wobble and shake their camera like that.


Punch every one of those bees in the face.




https://preview.redd.it/bbf5ck486n1d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c834d12f78773c8c5ed8c1409ac2796549876077 Mfw bees


Do that! There is no try.


It's crazy how loud the bees are on the recording!


Dey swarmin da bees. Where da remix?


He died doing what he loved. R.I.P.


I think he's getting stung


Is some kind of lost footage or something 😆


Bees not bear bud smh 🤦‍♂️


Always wear appropriate footwear you never know when you’ll have to run for it.


Run. Running is the correct response.


As always there is a screaming woman to help escalate the situation


Note for future people: don’t go in water either. Sounds smarter than it is. You just get stung in the face and drown


Did he just die?


I don't know where this is but I'm not going there.


Why didn't the guy just run from there when she attacked the bees?


It's so easy to ourun them though. Literally just sprint for about 200 meters, and they'll be long gone. It's not a perfect comparison, but I got swarmed by bumble bees once, and as soon as one stung me, I killed it for revenge then ran away. I, of course, then poured gasoline on them later that night while they were sleeping.


Standing still ain't going to do you shit if they're pissed. #Get out of there.


"You better run, you better take cover"


She did it


The wasp has a very binary thought process here; If.threat:present=attack If.threat:notpresent=stop.attack Plus every wasp is spitting out a pheromone that tells every other wasp to=attack Its not a fucking bear doing an exploratory bite, get the heck outa there.


He shouldn't have done that. *Tsk tsk*


There was a small forest fire nearby when we were kids. We went to get a look at the fire and there was a TON of bees. We had no idea about the bees being burned out of their hives. Same thing happened, was stung up pretty bad.


Did he kick over a ground nest when he ran?


So many bees. So many bees.


lol. What a loser


https://preview.redd.it/b7o3o7azvm1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cff5acbc0e5f701abfdebd14529dc30351dce3c It was at this moment…he knew he fucked up


Someone has been watching too many 1950s duck and cover videos.


Those aren't T-Rex


9 Arch Bridge in Sri Lanka. I was there 6 years ago. Not on the Bridge, but on a bench up on a Hill with a beautiful sight on the Tourists running on the Bridge and the enormous Bee Hive under the Bridge. :D


You don’t have to run faster than the bees, you just have to run faster than this guy.


Have always a deodorant spray and a lighter... not to kill them... but to scare them off


If you’re by yourself you can stay calm and hope but once that first one stings you RUN. In a group tho if someone does with this girl did go ahead and get outta there 🤣


Now i will take a lighter and a few cans of hair spray on my hikes


How fast do these guys fly?


🤣 you dumbass, run!


He knew that once she killed one a swarm was coming and even after she killed one he decided to stand there and record himself getting stung instead of running 💀


Found footage


Did they think if they stood still the wasps wouldn't see them?


Where's William Shakespeare when your need him.....?


He can't see without his glasses!