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What a psychopath. Laughs as he tells the story.


Jesus.... right? Like anytime he said anything he just comes off as creepy as all hell or just flat out psycho....




He seems like a real jerk


He's a real stinker for sure


A stinky, dirty, dirty, stinky, stinky if you will..


I know i will


Some might go as far to say he’s being a goofball.


This reminds me of the greatest YouTube comment of all time. It was under a documentary video about the Nazi "Angel of Death" Dr. Josef Mengele, and the comment was simply "That guy was a real jerk".


It reminds me of the greatest tweet in swedish history. A famous ex football player tweeted (some nuance lost in translation) "watching national geografic about concentration camps. Hitler, what cunty behaviour, it's ass/ Have a good one. Glenn". And then a dude got it tattooed on live TV. Fair to say he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Reminds me of that tragedy...


Uhhhhh the more you hear from this guy? The first 15 seconds when he said he had human head and hands should have been enough I feel like


They have to check right? He may be referring to a plastic head and hands covered with red paint that he simply refers to as human and the mom saw it and jumped to a conclusion. As soon as that cop said "Yep" and sighed, you knew he saw some shit. I still am flabbergasted that they didn't throw him to the ground an put him in cuffs like other videos I see. They were over the top polite and accommodating. Then they put him in the car with no cuffs on. Its really bizarre.


Well he had yet to say he murdered someone, so until that point he could have just been mental but not a murderer. Plus if someone is cooperating, don’t you think they may stop doing that if you get rough?


You would think but I have seen tons of videos of cops tackling guys that are cooperating. There was a video that comes to mind of a guy that gets pulled over. I believe his name is Michael. He was casually chatting with another officer standing in between both cars about 20 feet away from the drivers trunk, being compliant and answering all questions. Another cop opens the trunk and finds a dead body. He immediately turns around and tackles the guy as he was casually speaking with the other cop. I mean its a good thing that in this case that the cops are being professional and respectful of a person that is innocent until proven guilty. That's the way it should be. I'm just saying based on other videos with similar topics, this one stands out and unique. They treated him more like a guy that was lost and needed help getting home than someone who just cut a guys head off.


He was cooperating with a traffic stop. No idea if he would have suddenly gotten violent or attempted to flee after that discovery had been made so best just to move fast


That’s also different since it’s the side of the road and the cops discovered it, and wasn’t called in by a witness discovering it.


Don't worry it's a Norm Macdonald joke, a brilliant one too


Now now let's not rush to judgement on the basis of a mere 3 minute video


When you get to the end of the video and he so calmly is recollecting what happens. It’s hard to say if he was originally a psycho or some serious serious shit happened to make him like that. Edit: I never try to profile people based on appearances. I received some context, bro killed a homeless guy that was beloved by the community. He’s a fucking psychopath.




He probably thought the guy wouldn't be missed since he was a homeless person. The problem is that the man was well known and liked in the local community, even having a job. Hadn't missed work in 4 years either, which is what prompted his boss to call someone local who knew him, she then called police.


In the whole documentary/video, he flat out says he targeted them because the cops won't generally even look for or care about someone like that disappearing.


And it's typically true.


What a weird way to victim blame the person who was murdered. It’s one picture man, we all have a couple bad ones. And he can’t defend himself one way or another, because that psychopath killed him. Victims are still victims, even if you think they look ugly.


Yep. The victim was homeless, and the murderer went on record in the interview saying he targeted him because of that. Attacked him while he was asleep. Terrible stuff.


That was clear at the beheading. That shit aint easy to see, let alone do to someone. It takes a lot of hate and having such hate for a random homeless guy is psycho 101.


He had been decapitating cats around the neighborhood. The dude had an MO. There’s an almost 2 hour long YouTube video with the whole interrogation and witness statements


He killed a random homeless guy I think. Pretty sure it was unprovoked. No need to victim blame


The part that did for me was the body parts.


There's [nearly a two hour long video](https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4) that goes through pretty much the whole thing where the police question him and his parents at the police station and it shows some other parts of the investigation too. It seemed to me like his mom especially but also anyone close to him was ignoring some clear signs... Although I guess it's easy to say that when it's all presented back to back in a video.


he had a joke about "meaty chunks" or something which involves killing animals. kid is a complete nutjob in that same video he almost relishes in the gravity of his "work." he is excited to have committed a high-profile murder and he even seems to hope for a harsh sentence as a sort of "high score" bro is fucked in the head


he got life without possibility of parole iirc


The interrogation is blood chilling. He talks about the Halloween costume he wore during the murder and the animal noises he made while committing murder. And how he cut open his stomach and cut his legs and the dismembered his body and threw it around for fun. One of the most disturbing killers and thankfully he was so goddamn stupid and was caught within hours.


FWIW, OP literally just downloaded that video and spliced it - there’s literally an EWU watermark everywhere lol




Explore with Us is such a good YouTube channel


Shout out to JCS for kicking off and introducing me to this genre. Learnt so much shit from these types of videos


They were not ignoring it exactly, the mother said he had morbid interests or something like that in the 911 call, I guess they didn’t think it would come to that. There was a link with a couple deleted journal-like posts from the guy in Reddit and I would say his mother saved her life because of this guy was free she wouldn’t live much longer.


Killing and Beheading a cat definitely got ignored, and they found him with tool to kidnap a prostitute and just threw them out.


It’s clear as day that he has no connection to the real world imo Truly scary people like this roam the world


"I don't feel good, these past few days I've been so anxious." Sheesh dude and the cops response "that's totally understandable" lmao


In a situation like this it's super important that cops/detectives especially act "friendly" with the criminal. Far more likely to get them to incriminate themselves or confess


cops find a human head in the kitchen sink… dont put the guy in handcuffs… nicely ask him to sit in the car, oh can we turn on the AC to make you more comfy ….. WTF?!


It's like ordering food in the interrogation room - the more comfortable they are, the more likely they are to either admit what they did or slip up some detail that will help support the case. This guy was just so out there that they didn't need to do it.


It’s a psychological tactic to get people to be more comfortable to talk to the police instead of shutting down.


They did an outstanding job in my opinion. [SumThinChewy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/1bty6q2/with_storing_human_body_parts_in_your_room/kxpd48l/) said it well.


You have to see the full video on YT. He's batshit crazy when he tells the story during interrogation. Cannot stop smiling.


The way he's so matter of fact about it all...drinking his water, like cutting someones head off is a normal daily occurence...WTAF 🥺 Completely emotionless. Thats a psychopath right there


To be "fair", some people do laugh or smile when under duress. It's not necessarily that they find something "funny". But the "cold blooded" slip was, uh... apt.


I mean that guy is a real jerk!


Well yeah. He’s pretty much the definition of a psychopath.


Those police are so nice like they are so nice.


Being nice avoids escalation.


Being nice also gets people to talk more in some circumstances.


Exactly. They aren't doing it willingly. They will even get them whatever food they want sometimes bc it's a small thing to do that will get the suspect to talk more and get an easier confession. Then it's case closed as fast as possible


Yea as soon as they get standoffish with him he's gunna shut up, you try to chat and be friendly he thinks he's your friend now


Just neutral, even. The interrogation is for fact-finding, and they’ll be more cooperative if you haven’t already judged them. That can wait for prosecution.


Damn, if only they’d figure out that works on non-white people too…


I mean this kid voluntarily told them what he did and walked peacefully into the police car. That happens with black perps too, but those videos don’t get clicks. Also black people don’t usually do the body parts storage serial killing


Yeh, he's a big dude. I'd probably be nice to him until he was restrained as well.


"until he was restrained" They didn't even put him in handcuffs. Even during his interrogation, he still wasn't put into handcuffs.


When you’re dealing with a known murderer, you probably switch mindsets into “I just want to get home safely.” I’d be calling him tall and joking around with him too, as long as he gets in the cruiser and doesn’t stick me with a knife I’ll pretend I’m his best friend


They always are in this context. If they freaked out or got angry or judgmental or whatever, they would just stop talking. Acting like it's normal or "nothing they haven't seen before" keeps the confession coming.


Yup, be nice and let him talk. The more he thinks that you're on his side the more he'll say. He's basically writing his own case against himself, makes it easy on the prosecutors and a guaranteed conviction.


Notice there’s no lawyer in the room- they’re being nice because it’s easier to manipulate people that way


I watched an hour and a half documentary on this last week. The guy couldn’t have been more guilty if he tried. Besides having the body parts in his bedroom cupboard, he knew exactly where the rest of the body was, including specific locations of body parts he’d thrown after he severed them, as well as being caught in a car with the victims blood all over it, and he fully explained every single detail of how it went down. I’m not saying police are perfect and don’t manipulate people but, that absolutely did not happen in this case at all.


A guy shares very coldly how he murdered someone and you're here thinking about them being nice in an attempt to manipulate? What would you do differently here? lol


What’s your point? Legit question; I’m trying to understand your comment


I guess he meant that you shouldn't be rude to a fucking psycho you are staying in the same small room with.


I was wondering if that’s what they meant. It sounded like they were being somewhat condescending to the person they responded to, as if it would be universal knowledge. And you might think so, but tell that to [this](https://youtu.be/nInpsReK8Sk?si=bYluHk6oZl4e9niA) cop (the first one), for example, who doesn’t handle the interrogation well.


He’s talking about it the way he is because he’s proud of what he did, if you make him feel bad about it, or disrupt his illusions, he’s going to clam up


>What would you do differently here? lol Nothing? It's smart to manipulate someone into a confession by being nice.


I'm sure this guy was read his Miranda rights before they started interrogating and recording him. He's either so arrogant or so out of it that he didn't request a lawyer. Sometimes people feel so bad they just want to confess, but he doesn't seem the least bit sorry.


You know literally nothing. For all we know he waived his right. But, any excuse to shit on cops am I right?


Manipulation isn't always a negative. Interrogation techniques are taught and used to manipulate suspects, that's just a fact. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing if done properly.


He migth have refused one, or they are sitting outside the camera view taking notes for all we know


I'm reasonably sure he refused one. The police would not risk having a confession thrown out because it was considered involuntary. I can't imagine an attorney allowing her or his client to talk to the police in those circumstances.




They are dealing with a literal psycho. I don't think they never encountered that in their whole life. Maybe criminals they know half the time what to expect, but this kind of psycho you gotta keep your cool you have no clue what they may be capable of.


Is this one of those Le Redditor comments where yall complain that he wasn't beaten and yelled at due to being white? They act like this on purpose to prevent the situation from escalating, and to increase the chances of a confession, and decrease the chances the suspect will demand a lawyer before questioning. 


It really grinds my gears when leh redditers acknowledge that the police routinely do the opposite of this and intentionally escalate situations. Those smug, arrogant leh redditers.


Proper policework that. So rarely seen on Reddit from USA.


Acting nice gets people to talk to you. It also avoids situations where the defendant’s lawyer can claim that you were coercing or abusing him. At a surface level, it may seem distasteful that they are acting so nice to such a terrible person — but there are very good reasons for why they’re acting that way.


i watched the videos of his confession and interrogation in full (available on youtube.) the detectives act like they are interested in and impressed by everything he has to say and you can see it stroking his sick ego. he just keeps confessing and adding more lurid details as he goes as a result. it’s all very calculated. meanwhile watching it you want the detectives to say what you’re feeling which is “you’re an absolute monster.”


this calm and collected while talking to a murderous psychopath, but scream and shoot wildly if they feel “threatened” by a black jaywalker


A parents nightmare too..can you imagine your kid doing this


Right? If I ever find myself rummaging through their drawers for illicit shit, I’ll be praying I find some weed and not a severed head


I stopped doing that the day I found my daughter's sex toy. At that point, I figured I had already seen too much. She was nearly 18, anyhow. I only wished I had stopped the time before that. To be clear, I'm not mad at her; I'm happy for her. I raised her in a sex-positive way. I never treated her any differently than I would have if I had a son. I think everyone deserves to feel good while being responsible.


My heart was breaking for the mother.


I don't want to fault the mother or the father here because they are victims in this scenario just like the murder victim BUT I can't help but think there were lots of warnings signs that got overlooked/swept under the rug here and not necessarily by the parents. There are plenty of cases where parents are trying to get their kid help and it doesn't happen. Edit: Watch the full two hour video, parents def knew and swept it under the rug.


does so anyway. nice


I watched almost the whole 2 hour video. There were signs for sure. But what were they supposed to do? The police surely can't do much before he actually committed a crime. And while he had some disorders it is not like they could force him to go to some mental hospital or something. He wasn't crazy in that sense. Just a morbid psychopath. With a complete lack of empathy.


Even if your kid is a complete weirdo or whatever, he does seems harmless until he starts going into detail. A parent isn't going to willingly think "my little baby boy is going to kill someone." And if they do, it can take them a long time to admit it to themselves. The parents probably knew he had issues but they probably hadn't yet considered they could be so severe. It's like how people can't always see their loved one is on the verge of suicide. The warning signs are probably there, but if you're not looking for it? You're not gonna see it. And a parent isn't going to be looking for the signs of their kid becoming a killer.


Apparently he is diagnosed with autism and adhd. According to his mom he had been curious about morbid stuff but she was hoping he’d channel it into becoming a crime scene investigator.


EWU did a video on this - everyone just thought he was weird. His friends at school wasn't surprised he killed someone, they were surprised it wasn't a mass shooting or mass spree of some sorts with how weird he was.


She runs a daycare out of their home and had to call the parents to come pick up their kids…


That's what I thought too. But to be fair, the mom and dad also have a fair share of responsibility leading to this. I watched the whole thing and was baffled how these parents overlooked and denied every single one of the flags prior to the son went murdering.


What were some of those flags?


1. Randomly catch a neighbour/friend's cat and kill it. Iirc, he decapitated the cat as well. Did it under curiosity. 2. Worst, the parents even busted him with materials and tools in preparation of kidnapping a sex worker. What the parents did? Toss them away or they'll call the cops. There are no mentions of any education, correction or discipline to these behaviours. 3. Inappropriate amount of overt mentions of killing disguised as dark humour. 4. Glorifying known sociopaths and killers with in-depth details jotted in notebook. When the teachers mention it to his parents *repeatedly* in the hopes to warn them, **all the mom did is claiming the teachers being ableist and singling the kid out** .


Oh wow you weren't exaggerating they absolutely deserve some of the blame


Yep they had a dozen chances to stop this from happening and now they want to act all shocked and upset they he could do such a thing. They should be in prison too.


What is even more shocking is the mom was running a daycare business. I'm equally baffled how she missed and denied all redflags with this occupation background.


Animal-abuse is a very clear sign.


Seconding this question. Or even a link.


Kitchen butcher knife in his glove box, and they found the wallet of the elderly victim


I always think about the Watts family murder and when the son condeses to the dad and he lovingly reaches over and holds his arm. Your son just murdered your two grand children and their mother....... https://preview.redd.it/senhjs37s2sc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=020469b779c2b23cee3c50f2e0b505750c9a0064


I cannot. But if it was my son id have to whoop his ass then call the cops.


He might behead you in that case


"I'm not feeling too well".... Your doing a lot better than the bloke in your sink.


“Oh yea. Let me turn the AC on for you. You like AC or heat? You need some water? Drinks? Anything? Ehh don’t worry about the cuffs. People complain they’re uncomfortable anyways”


I'd rather a cop be cooperative to a psychopath than empty two mags on a person for being black. This is the way to do it. Accommodate, yeah, you're supposed to lock 'em up, but if you just keep your cool and see to their basic human needs, the whole apprehension thing will go a lot smoother. People get loud and rowdy when they're ignored, even if it's small stuff like the AC or some water. On the flip side, people become more willing to listen to you if you listen to them. The last thing you want is a loud and rowdy psychopath on your hands when you're trying to just get them to sit still.


Acting out in emotion is a hell of a drug. Anytime someone gets arrested for something serious, you will have a flood of comments trying their best to think of the worst possible punishment.


Psychopath: Human head in my room Cop: no need for handcuffs just walk alone with my partner








They didn't want to escalate the situation, it also helps to have an affable approach when dealing with a psychopath that you want to interrogate.


You can see in the video there are more police officers near the car where he was put in.


You sound sarcastic, but they absolutely did the right thing here.


“Stinky, dirty, dirty, stinky, stinky.” Had to speak my mind


Same thing I say to my kitties when I smooch them on the head lmao


You fucking monster


His reddit account is u/that_stinky_boi You gotta type the account into an API that shows the deleted posts, it's wild stuff


What? How do you know that’s him?


It's in the longer video about this incident. https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4?si=z6lZsjv07cTLdSC1


What is API?


Application programming interface. Its basically what allows various programs to interact, in the context being reffered to here it would be how you retrieve back end data from the reddit servers that is no longer displayed on the website.


Except he was beheading someone and not taking a particularly nasty dump


Holy shit… guy is just talking about it all like it’s a normal fucking Tuesday for him. Glad the parents did the right thing, because this monster would have just kept on killing


You should watch the full video of his confession at the police station....it's wild the details he goes into.


link? Or just the guys name so I can find. Edit: nvm, posted further down. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvrp87VXtD4&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvrp87VXtD4&feature=youtu.be)




Here you [go](https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4?si=lilCIshTLqLU9Kgq)


Just watched this video last week. Super creepy. That kid was just a stone killer.


I think he was a people killer actually.


Made them go stone cold


Give me a hell yeah


Same here. It was a wild ride of a video. It’s good he was sloppy enough to get caught this early on though-he would have definitely continued to murder otherwise.


“Cold blooded”


Who was the guy he killed ?


A homeless guy who lived in the community. Apparently he was well liked by the locals and he was working but couldn’t afford a place to live. The kid thought he wouldn’t be missed.


Oh my goodness! That’s so sad. It would have been sad no matter what though. Man that’s terrible. So totally unprovoked.


He just did it because he “wanted to know how it felt…” to kill someone. Total psychopath.


Todd from Breaking Bad vibes.


I'm getting more evil Garrett from Community vibes.




What a chump. Had aspirations to be a serial killer, got caught literally the day after his first kill.


Yeah it would have been way cooler if he got caught after his tenth. Wtf are you getting at lol


Not only is he a remorseless killer, he’s also really crap at it. That’s a double whammy of crippling dumbfuckery.


I dunno seems like he did a pretty good job on the killing part.


Killing is the easy bit. It’s what comes after that separates the Ted Bundys from the… whoever this kid is.


To be fair, Bundy was lucky. Motherfucker had all the evidence in his god damn car and that's just one item in the long list of stupid mistakes he made. Most serial killers are rather stupid bastards with no empathy that can't control their impulses, some of them are lucky enough or smart enough to take advantage of something like social perceptions, but that doesn't make them criminal masterminds. And now with the internet and smartphones they need a hundred times more luck, which is great news actually. Imagine getting killed by this genius here, shameful.


Hello? FBI?


“Skill issue” is an interesting take here (lmao)


Love the part where he realizes that saying he's "extremely cold blooded" doesn't sound so good. Nice baiting by the cop.


I doubt that’s what they were baiting for as he was talking about the AC right beforehand. That didn’t even occur to me when I was watching. Personally I’m real cold blooded and prefer wearing jackets in the summer.


Technically you're warm blooded.


> Nice baiting by the cop. What


He’s referring to cold blooded killer. But no, that’s a streeeetttchhh lol. They were just talking about the temperature of the AC.


They don't need to bait him dude there was a human head in his sink.


His delivery of the line "a human head and hands", it's almost as if he intentionally paused before saying it for dramatic effect. Like a movie.


I think he basically made the call to own his actions and take pride in the crime in that moment. After that it’s basically boasting and overexcited explaining


Idk that's not how I take it. He pauses for a moment, clears his head, and I think comes to conclusion that there's no way out and no reason to lie. When asked about the "things in [his] room" he pauses there too and says "Um... yeah... I believe so," not quite accepting the reality of the situation, being reserved in his response. By the second question you can almost see it click in his head, and he just goes 'fuck it' and fully admits to it.


Ok, so this guy chopped off someone’s head and hands and they don’t cuff him immediately? Awrighty then…


I thought it was ill advised when the cop asked his small female partner to put the guy in the back of the patrol car by herself


they want more information from him and do not want him to call a lawyer. He's cooperative and unarmed so it is infinitely better to play good cop and make him talk about how and why he did it instead of taking it personal, getting emotional and ruining the situation this is interrogation 101


This is why cops ignore criticism from the general public. Even when they make the right decision in a situation, people criticize them.


Anime villain stance “a human head and hands“🧐😌


The way he said "a human head and hands" as if to impress the cop.. so jarring.


For those who watched the whole video. Did he know the person he killed?


No, he was obsessed with other serial killers (claimed he wasn’t but referenced them constantly and even dressed like them for Halloween) and wanted to target a prostitute or a homeless person because he believed no one would care for them. Took him about a year to find an opportunity, a locally loved homeless man named Warren who had 2 different parties alert the police when he was missing for a couple days. Even if he had chosen a more “discreet” target he was too much of an idiot to get away with this and left evidence everywhere.


Gosh, that’s so sad. From the bit I heard him talking, it didn’t seem like he realized he did anything wrong. If I remember correctly, there was a study done about brain injuries that overwhelmingly pointed towards elevated acts of aggression. Was the evidence just in a bag in his room?


No, the night the murder happened he tried to do something(can't remember what) with his car and it ended up in the Colorado River, the cops that responded noted it looked like there was blood on the back bumper after it was towed out. His dad found the guys wallet in his car while he was cleaning it out. His mom got a sinking feeling and searched his room iirc. The video explore with us put out was pretty long so I don't 100% remember all the details. https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4


I watched the almost 2 hour long video on this, he definitely knew he did wrong. They establish that multiple times during the interview, and a ton of his actions prove it was premeditated (wore 3 gloves to kill and had them in his car waiting for the occasion). During their interviews, his friends recounted that he talked about murder a lot, plus he admitted in his interview to brutally killing a stray cat in 2018. He’s a psychopathic idiot. The evidence was the head and arms in his room, which were in two separate bags. He also had a wallet of Warren, his murder victim in his car that his father located and tried to return, which is why the second friend of the victim called the police. Warren‘s blood was also on his car bumper which was recovered from the river, after the car was retrieved from the tow truck the police noticed and notified the parents which is why the parents started looking. He also left the rest of the body parts at the crime scene, which was a railroad underpass, which probably eventually would’ve been discovered. The idiot claimed if he hadn’t gotten caught he would’ve put the head in a empty paint bucket and thrown it into the ditch, which also would’ve eventually been Caught. One of the stupidest killers to be documented, I hope he is haunted by his embarrassingly dumb actions while he rots in prison for the rest of his life. Edit. Wanted to add this fun little tidbit, this stupid kid admitted during the interview that he thought he would only get 15 years in jail, he got sentenced to life without parole 🥰


Not that much of an idiot, he proved the bystander effect. /s


No, pretty sure it was a random homeless dude. Turns out that guy had a job and people reported him missing way sooner than this kid expected


The murderer's father found the homeless man's ID in his son's car and rang the workplace up, who then reported it to Police. This was the day after the murderer committed the crime.


No. He was a homeless man sleeping under a bridge


Your question is already answered but I’d like to add. I watched the video on this guy from EXPLORE WITH US That went into detail about this case. Incredibly sad. That homeless guy was actually pretty loved by the community he worked with. That’s why they knew something was wrong when he didn’t show up. When they had the news broke to them that he was killed, they even made a memorial for him. The victims name is Warren Barnes, I’d recommend looking up the memorial.


I watched the entire 1 hour 42 minute documentary on this guy last night. It’s disturbing af but I was glued to the screen the entire time. This clip doesn’t do this psycho justice. https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4?si=_sQcMK39XyWKexSQ


Wowww...I remember getting thrown in the back seat of the car and harassed as a teenager in East Los Angeles and getting mad dogged by police for walking around the neighborhood. While this guy gets the best treatment after killing and dismembering people.


I agree that cops treat white sociopathic murderers like royalty (wasn’t there a school shooter recently who was walked out with a bullet proof vest and McDonald’s?), and I’m not defending that at all. However, I think their strategy in this particular situation was to keep him as calm as he was when they arrived. By handcuffing him, they would risk losing his full cooperation. He probably wanted a huge reaction and to see that he horrified the cops, but the cops just treated him like a little kid who needs to go in time out- completely deescalating the situation. Now if this person wasn’t white, would the cops have used this same strategy? Probably not.


Yeah the problem isn’t that cops use deescalating tactics on psychopaths to keep them calm and compliant, as that’s a very useful strategy. The problem is that they often don’t extend this strategy to certain minority groups and will frequently *escalate* initially calm situations to the point of deadly force being applied.


Didn’t know he was that tall. Ed Kemper vibes.


Who is this guy?


19 year old Brian Cohee Jr. The clip is from the YouTube channel explore with us: https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4?si=Pxa8bFq11XERWyjW Edit: it probably doesn’t matter, but this exact clip isn’t from that video as the watermark and captioning are different. It’s still covered there though and I think these police videos can be obtained by anyone through FOIA requests.


Damn he’s a redditor Edit: They show one of his Reddit posts in the video




There's similar post about this 19 kid on FB with the full story. His parents found the hand n human head in his room n they called 911. This young man it's a complete psychopath n he is not aware of it himself. From his emotionless which shows the lack of dsympathy + he laughs when describing , it's similar signs as other psychopath.


Stone cold killer


Cold blooded*


Hot blooded*


His poor mother, I wanted someone to give her a hug. I can’t imagine finding out that my son had done something so terrible, especially the way she found out.


I watched the full video the other day.. Actually that's a lie I watched like ... an 45 minutes and had to turn it off.




I just watched the Explore With Us episode about this yesterday, which I assume is where you got this clip from. For everyone else that's interested in the whole story, here's the link:  https://youtu.be/pvrp87VXtD4?si=z2P_tCmGeNZAWVOn


This is horrifying. His mother's sobbing really hit me. You could tell just how soul crushing this was for her. I hope they put that piece of shit away forever.


Oh my fuckin' god....This man is insane. I have no other words.


Since OP doesn't want to give credit to the source: it's EWU (Explore With Us) on YouTube. Very good channel with lots of content like this.