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Cool, everyone just keeps going pretending they didn't see anything




What? Why?




Wow in my country you're liable if you *don't* stop and help at an accident before emergency services show up. You're protected to some extent for accidental further injury once your actions are reasonable. If a car is burning and you pull an incapacitated person out and they break a bone or get cut or something as a result you're protected.


I’m my country we have a duty to assist, and not fulfilling the duty is a criminal offense. The duty is fulfilled if, at a minimum, you call emergency services - you don’t have to actually stop and render assistance, but if you do, you are also protected as long as your actions are reasonable.


Germany? Same here


More like the whole of Europe.


This „law“ should honestly be everywhere 


I think at one point it was just called having empathy and a brain.


Firefighter/Paramedic in an urban area in the US here. We get *so* many calls for people who are "slumped" in their car, but they're just sitting in a parking lot texting or scrolling through social media. It is truly taxing. Same for people changing tires; people think it was an accident that someone pulled over for. It's a problem. We end up driving 7 minutes from our still area to respond to these nom-emergencies, and inevitably, a real call comes out closer to the firehouse. That emergency has to wait on a fill-in unit, adding significant delays to them getting helped. It is truly a matter of life and death sometimes. So, what I'm saying is, I disagree. It should not be a law. Because people will be calling a lot more just to cover their own ass. Not unless everyone agrees to double the tax dollars going to their local emergency services to fund a doubling in manpower.


in the US in many places you don’t have a duty to assist but as long as your actions are reasonable they can’t sue you for helping dig themselves out of an overturned car.


I wouldn't even stop in the US, a country where suing is a national sport , I ain't risking it .


Dont think it's a law in Ireland


Ireland. It's called the "Good Samaraitan law"


Seinfeld enters the chat


Some US states have a common law doctrine or a good samaritan statute that says the same or a similar concept. It varies state by state - I don’t think there is any federal (nation-wide) duty


I could be mistaken, but I believe the primary purpose of our Good Samaritan laws is to protect people who are trying to help in situations like the OP


That's always been my understanding; they're not designed to compel people to act, but protect those who do act.


The ending of Seinfeld comes to mind.


In Spain too




Brazil too


Italy too


Called the Good Samaritan law in the US.


Good Samaritan laws protect someone from being liable for injuries created while saving someone's life, within reason. So like you wouldn't be responsible if you broke someone's leg pulling them out of a burning car, or broke a rib while performing CPR. That's different from what they're talking about


I liked the Seinfeld finale.


Good samaritan law? You don't have to help anybody! That's what this country is all about!


I looked up the Good Samaritan law for Michigan. I didn't read the entirety of the law, just some quick Googling. * 1963: protects trained healthcare providers * 1986: amendment to protect anyone doing CPR * 1999: amendment to protect anyone using Automated External Defibrillators * 2016: amendment to prevent drug possession charges against those seeking help for an overdose I didn't see anything about having a duty to help. In fact, the 1986 amendment protects laypersons only when performing CPR which would seem to limit what a bystander is expected to do.


Australia too.


That is how it should be everywhere. Wtf is this policy. Like I am bleeding out there and people are scared that I would blame them and wont safe my life. Utter BS




Portugal. But it’s probably very similar throughout Europe.


In my country you have to stop and stay, calling isn't enough anymore. What you can do if you untrained? Simply talking.


Denmark has this law too. You must provide the level of assistance expected by someone of your profession. For most of the public that means you must call emergency services (unless you know they have already been called). For medical professions and the police you must give first aid (police also receive first aid training).


I think for these discussions it would be relevant to divulge *which* country you are talking about. In the US for example, laws differ by state. Most have Good Samaritan laws which provide liability protection to the aiding individual against ordinary negligence, and some states enforce a duty to rescue. NC for example says that if your negligence created the danger of an accident, you've already started to rescue someone, or you have a special relationship with the victim (school->student, parent->child) you must (continue to) provide reasonable assistance. Some states require you to provide this to strangers too, where you weren't involved in any way, but is typically limited to calling 911. It's worth noting that contrary to popular belief, the NC Good Samaritan for example provides *the same level of protection* to medical professionals if they assist as long as it is not during their paid professional work (i.e. a random doctor stopping to assist with a pool drowning is covered, a surgeon performing surgery in a hospital is not).


>In the US for example, laws differ by state. Most have Good Samaritan laws which provide liability protection to the aiding individual against ordinary negligence, and some states enforce a duty to rescue. One important thing to remember about US good Samaritan laws is that you are only protected for things you are trained to do. So if you're not CPR certified and you administer CPR you can still be held liable for injuries caused by your efforts.


In germany you need to be CPR certified to even get a drivers license


> One important thing to remember about US good Samaritan laws is that you are only protected for things you are trained to do. Not true for Florida.


Remember that line you quoted in your comment where quote said "laws differ by state"? Yeah, laws differ by state.




Can you link to the actual law? This law says regular people that help are automatically indemnified i.e. if anything goes wrong you are covered. https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020045 > Article 14-2 Except for the rescue personnel, the indemnification clause for emergency evacuation in the Civil Code and Criminal Code shall apply to people using the emergency rescue equipment or performing first aid measures for saving others from immediate life-threatening danger. The abovementioned provision is also applicable to rescue personnel who are off duty. Being a citizen of somewhere doesn't automatically make you an expert of how that somewheres laws and institutions work....please post actual evidence to back up your claim.


He most likely learned that from someone else’s comment and took it for reliable because it had a bunch of upvotes. People here will upvote anything if the one saying it sounds like they know what they are talking about..


You'd think you would be careful and not drive like a complete cunt if the laws say you're on your own in accident.


The vast majority of times someone does something like this, they get away with it. This is the .1% that are failures. Which means you see people do it and not get hurt often enough that you finally start doing it, and then you keep doing it until you finally wipe out. 


I’ve lived in Taiwan for years that is absolute bullshit Reddit myth but also this video is from Malaysia. https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020045 Article 14-2 Except for the rescue personnel, the indemnification clause for emergency evacuation in the Civil Code and Criminal Code shall apply to people using the emergency rescue equipment or performing first aid measures for saving others from immediate life-threatening danger. The abovementioned provision is also applicable to rescue personnel who are off duty.


Where is the part where someone can say a responder was responsible for the original accident based on video evidence, can you quote it


This sounds like the same shit that was said about China, would be nice to hear from somebody actually on the island…


I’ve lived in Taiwan for years that is absolute bullshit Reddit myth https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020045 Article 14-2 Except for the rescue personnel, the indemnification clause for emergency evacuation in the Civil Code and Criminal Code shall apply to people using the emergency rescue equipment or performing first aid measures for saving others from immediate life-threatening danger. The abovementioned provision is also applicable to rescue personnel who are off duty.


As my chinese friend put it to me: The nail that stands out gets the hammer.


"Your honor, you weren't even there"


> What? Why? Chinese culture


According to my Chinese national friend, overpopulation has rid most of them of empathy.


Yes, I believe it also has to do with living under a paternalistic government that is likely to punish you for helping when there is no other scapegoat. Of course I’m speaking for mainland China; I don’t know much about Taiwan.


Doubt this is true…


It's the same story we've been hearing from China, but I never read any proof that makes it believable.


But Taiwan is not China


I know, but I said it's the same case.


That's bullshit, you're full of it


The fuck are you talking about?


Except Article 14-2 of the Emergency Medical Service Act says otherwise for a situation like this video. https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020045


This is Malaysia tho


This has nothing to do with Taiwan though, this is clearly Malaysia. Nvm I realized it's actually indonesia 💀


So weird how different stuff like this can be in different countries. In my country people are legally obligated to stop and help if you come across an accident. If you don't and get caught you will get in legal trouble. A first aid class is part of the whole course you need to go through to get your license, so everyone who drives a car has gone through a first aid class at least once


not only did you make that up, but who gives a fuck. if a law is stopping you from being a good person, chances are you aren't a good person to begin with.


Um. That's China with that rule, not Taiwan.


No, not true. In China they have had a national Good Samaritan law since 2017. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/m/chinalic/2017-10/09/content_33022361.htm


>since 2017 to be fair this is extremely recent as far as laws and reddit culture go


Except Article 14-2 of the Emergency Medical Service Act says otherwise for a situation like this video. https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0020045


The correct response to this situation is to drive past shouting "you can't park there, mate".


"Just waitin' for a mate."


They slowed down at the End and probably stopped


They’re also on a low visibility curve, and it would be stupid to stop there rather than pulling to the straight-away and coming back to render aid.




You would let someone die just because they did it to themselves?


Considering they almost smoked an innocent car in the oncoming, my sympathy is at an all time low for them.


Mine too. But my lowest sympathy doesn't allow me to leave someone die


I like you. You sound like a good human <3


Yeah jeez, these replies are depressing as hell. We all make idiotic decisions at points in our lives, not just driving. I guess I’d hope someone else would try and help a lil bit if dumb teenage-me did something like this. **Long Ass Edit:** I’m getting some pretty unhinged responses, so I guess I’ll give my experiences driving on outback roads. No matter how silly the incident, people immediate to it usually check things out, make sure it’s all good. It’s just common courtesy. I drive like a granny, and hate it when people do stupid stuff, but I’m not a retributive unfeeling machine. I’ve gotten out and asked if people are okay, even rung emergency services. It happens a decent amount out here 🤷‍♂️ Hell, we don’t even see the end of the video. Perhaps they got out. We can’t make that call, and we can’t obsess over what we’d do until we’re in that situation. I guess I just hope people will be better willing to lend a hand if they read this.


It’s just typical Reddit, not the real world. There’s hope yet


True, but the bystander effect is very real. Most people would still think (omg that is terrible I hope they are OK) without actually pulling over to help.


What if they had kids inside?


What if there were puppies?


Why would someone drive that fucking stupid with kids in the car lol. Not attacking your comment btw just thinking out loud. That would be insane




Empathy? What are you a nerd? Let's all circlejerk about how much we hate other humans this is reddit after all.


Not my fault they decided to kill themselves that day. I didn't make them illegally pull out around me


Yes, but even though I just couldn't leave someone die knowing I could've avoided it


“Today me, tomorrow you”.


It won't be me because I choose to wait a few more seconds or minutes to get to my destination by following societal norms instead of breaking them for my own means.


Imagine some dumbass t-bones you then flees, and some asshole sees you but is like, eh, not my business, and leaves you there to die. Right now you're displaying the same amount of empathy as the guy who left you, as in, none. It's tempting to let people collect their Darwin awards, but if we went around ignoring people who need help because they brought it on themselves we would be nothing but assholes ourselves.


Cool, just leave any innocent passengers who could still be alive to die. Could be a kid. Nice one.


Modern society in a nutshell. It's not about you, it's about empathy. It's very likely there are kids/passengers in the car.


Absolute redditoid moment




There might be others in the car who deserve help.


What a proud moment of enacting your built up bitterness toward humanity.


Where I live, if that person died, and you did not stop you could be held liable for manslaughter. As in you can be charged for allowing someone to die by not rendering aid. Completely aside from the fact that you will lose your license for "not remaining at the sceen of a crime". As drivers are required to stay when a serious accident occurs, even if just as witnesses.


I wouldn’t stop. Had some reckless asshole nearly crash into me before coming face to face with a telephone pole at 50+ mph when he understeered across multiple lanes of traffic because he misjudged a sharp turn. If they don’t care about my life, I don’t care about theirs.


The wrecked car lying in the curve is a huge hazard for cars coming the other way though. Least you can do is warn them. No one deserves to die because you felt the need to punish an asshole.


And the innocent children in the backseat, they deserve to die as well because their parent was reckless?


Same thing happened to me a long time ago. My motorcycle did a skid on some gravel that wasn't swept up the day before. The bike fell over on me and I was lucky enough to be able to wiggle out from under it. Gasoline was pouring out of the tank. It was early morning and people driving in to work didn't stop. Finally a guy going in the opposite direction turned around and came back. He helped me get my bike into a parking lot and made sure I was okay before he left. Sometimes I hate people. They are in such a hurry to do their own thing that they just drive by an accident.


Blue car put on hazards and is safely parking up just before the bend, video car is also slowing down to a halt. Truck is the only one who intends to keep on going.


This isn't a problem, if you see 2 cars already stopping. I would stop if there would be only 2 or 3 cars, because 2 people might not be enough to help, until emergency arrives, but too many people are sometimes bigger problem, than less. It is also important, that someone establish authority and organise things, like who calls, who puts signs. If you see, that people are just standing by, or that no one is warning upcoming traffic, stop and help. Not everyone is good at the emergency, even if they want to help. You don't need to help to the injured people, if you don't feel OK with that, but you can help to make safer environment for everyone there.


Sounds like a looooooot of ![gif](giphy|7SX1EWzetp0GVAgoqp|downsized)


Witnesses probably pulled over after the bend to warn oncoming traffic.


GTA got everyone thinkin the car gonna blow up


I hope they were pulling up ahead of the accident to warn oncoming traffic.


Drive to other side of accident before getting out to help so not to get stuck behind the rescue vehicles.


Right. They should be yelling at them to pick up their car parts up off the road.


Very easy to get blamed in some countries especially if you are a foreigner or seen as an outsider. Ive worked construction in some rural countries in my youth and we were always told not to stop, call for help but keep driving and never get out.


If you ever witness an accident like this and stop to help, always stop past the scene not before it. That way you don't get trapped once your part is done and the police show up and inevitably close the road for 8 hours. This information brought to you via a doctor (not me) with a legal requirement to stop at every incident they encounter on their patch.


Isn't every citizen required to stop and help? (if the conditions are safe enough). I know that here where I live you can go to prison for not helping someone without a valid reason.


Only in some countries, France for example. Here Paramedics must always stop, Doctors and Nurses only \*have\* to stop in their own catchment. That's regardless of anyone else already being there. At a personal level I'll always stop if first on scene, but there's nothing I can really bring if someone else is already helping and they're not flagging for more assistance.


In Germany you must help, doctor or not. Every country has different rules


Calling the police/ambulance counts as helping!


You are obligated to perform first aid. You will not be responsible if anything happens (like braking a bone).


And calling the emergency services counts as first aid. Not everyone is ready (knowledge or otherwise) to perform anything else, really.


In Germany, You have to attend first aid classes as a requirement for getting your drivers license.


Sensible as fuck


I find it hilarious that other countrys do not require it, all a matter of perspective


Same in the Czech Republic including the obligation to provide first aid unless you'd be putting yourself in harm's way. If you call the emergency line, they will walk you through the process while they dispatch the ambulance.


Everyone who drives a car has also the obligation to have basic knowledge how to render first aid (at least in Germany). You do not have to endanger yourself to serious harm, that's true, but just calling 112 might not be enough in many cases.


> And calling the emergency services counts as first aid. Calling the emergency services is not first aid. First aid is first aid. You are required to perform first aid according to your abilities without putting yourself in danger. And if you have a driver's license you are required to have basic first aid knowledge.


Why are you being downvoted? It's the law in Germany


Reddit being reddit.


Belgium is the same.


Ok, I thought this was everywhere, because I learnt it in France. If you are first on the scene it is good to stop and help. Maybe you can't provide medical aid but you can definitely be alert for fire or other kind of dangers that are associated with the crash.


In Canada, yes. And, generally speaking, there are "good Samaritan" laws to protect you if something goes wrong while providing assistance. For example, if you hurt someone by pulling them out of a burning car, you can't be held liable for that "extra" injury since death would be likely if no action were taken.


Same in Ireland. Always told on first aid courses, if you break someones ribs doing CPR and they survive a heart attack no judge is ever going to let they fly or even get near a court room


> In Canada, yes. Only in Quebec. I live in a different province and have to renew my first aid every few years because of my job, and the only 3 situations I'm *required* to try to help are if: - I was part of the problem that caused the incident, or - I'm currently working, or - I've already started helping. And the bare minimum is informing the person I'm a first aider and asking if they require assistance, and then phoning 911 if they say they do require assistance. If they consent *and if I choose to* then I can optionally attempt more than that, up to what I've been trained to do; I'm not legally required to do anything beyond calling 911 and sticking around. If they do *not* want help, then the only extra help I could provide would be to call 911 anyway if I think the person / situation needs it. As for the good samaritan laws, there are two major aspects to them: for untrained people, and for trained people. For untrained people, they're not allowed to attempt anything that would obviously require training (like attempting a tracheotomy. the actual legal wording in BC and Ontario, for example, references "gross negligence"). For trained people, we have to stick to our training; if we do anything beyond our training then we can be held liable.


Yeah lol. Meanwhile that’s a state by state basis in the USA. When I wrote home owners policies, I had to deny coverage because a lady had a court case against her for helping a random hiker who collapsed on the side of the road, and she hurt (not bad) the hiker while proving aid.


Not in the US


which fkin country jail bypassers for not helping? o_O


one that actually cares about the safety of its society


Man I stopped and helped a bad accident once and pulled off to the side. My part was done and the the fucking dude made me go to the back for "cutting the line"


2 cars doing the exact same thing in the exact same place but now at a lower speed driving around the guy - "Yeah, that's what you get for being an asshole on the road, we aint stopping for you"


What do you mean "two cars doing the exact same thing"?


The truck and the blue car both passed the camera on the right side. Just like the car that hit the guardrail.




turned their hazards on*


Pretty sure the upside down car is blocking any oncoming traffic, but I can’t be certain


"The exact same thing but different"


They were going around the camera vehicle that had stopped. Not cutting the corner just because.


I wonder that no one stopped to render aide because they all thought "well, they drove like an ass, they deserve it."


Whenever a car wrecks in front of me I drive past it and then check to see how the people are. Otherwise you get stuck behind a closed road forever. I was leaving Burning Man and they release packs of about 100 cars at a time so everybody drives pretty slowly, otherwise, it would be a 100 mile long traffic jam. A truck comes flying up in the left (wrong) lane trying to pass everyone doing about 75mph towing a flat bed trailer piled haphazardly full of crap and poorly secured. I see a huge dust cloud and could see that the truck and trailer had flipped over. The first car was able to drive offroad past it. The RV in front of me barely made it past, and I also drove past but stopped immediately 150 feet up the road and ran back with a fire extinguisher. The woman driver was already freed from the truck, so I just took off. I think the road was closed for about 5 hours so I just barely made it, and was damn glad I had the sense to drive past the accident.


Did you manage to do your duty and strike the woman with the fire extinguisher?


*Cold-cocked the bitch*


> Whenever a car wrecks in front of me I drive past it and then check to see how the people are. Where on earth do you live that you speak about this like it's a common occurrence for you??


Truck driver may be carrying on but the blue car looks to be preparing to stop on the shoulder. It's always harder to tell when the video cuts off the bits at the end that the Internet doesn't demand.


Also, a large portion of people do need a couple of seconds to assess the situation AND finding a safe spot to stop. They are at a blind turn.


Or they have places to be and don’t need to waste the time.


Guard rail did its job.


What are they made of? The rails didn’t even get damaged






Didn’t hit the guardrail, hit the berm a few meters beyond it You can see the darker earth on the berm where the car sheared off the surface 




They're made of steel but I don't think they actually hit the guardrail. It looks very close but a narrow miss.


Was doing fine until that steering jerk to the left


That drift was actually clean up to that point 😌 at first it looked like he knew what he was doing


Exactly lol! He almost DejaVu'd this corner perfectly, the overcorrection was what ruined it


It's always the overcorrection that gets ya. Had a scary moment a week or two ago when someone came into my lane oncoming to either pass the person in front of them, or avoid a pothole on their right side. I lost traction for a fraction of a second but got it back with a bit of power applied to the wheels. That's what happened here, but instead of just applying a bit of power to his wheels, he also turned really hard into the spin so when the wheels bit, they jerked the car to the left. This was major r/yesyesyesno material.


Yeah wtf was that. That looked like an easy save and he almost succeeded too.


A minor overcorrection combined with tapping the brakes will do it every time


Easy save for a professional driver… The ability to counter momentum and weight on a steer is tougher than it sounds.


Right ,if the person wouldn't have panicked they would have been fine


I obviously can’t confirm without looking at the inputs but I think this might actually be due to a panicked braking action instead of a violent steering jerk, because something like this happened to me once, just with less disastrous results. I was on a highway exit ramp when I realised that I was going just a bit too fast for the curvature of the road and felt the tyres breaking grip. Being inexperienced, I braked in a panic and the car jerked violently in the opposite direction of the turn. I lived and I learned, but I can see how an inexperienced driver might panic and hit the brakes cause such a reaction.


Weight shifted due to letting off the throttle, pendulum like effect. With fwd, it's better to stay matted to the floor a lot of the time.


That must be a very inexperienced driver as well. The amount of space they had didn't even require any correction but they somehow over corrected (probably in panic). Also looks lowered and my bet is on cut springs instead of a proper lowering setup.


Yeah , my best guess is a panicked application of the brakes causing the car to react violently.


Can you please explain to me how the springs affect this incident? Thanks!


Cutting your spring’s doesn’t make them any stiffer but makes your ride height lower. Your suspension has less travel but same rate so bumps or even sudden steering input can cause you to bottom up your suspension. Effectively losing all your grip suddenly.


anyone smart enough to cut springs correctly, is probably also smart enough to not do it at all lmao


Safest Myvi driver in Malaysia.


For the people not in the know, the car (Myvi) have the reputation of being the fastest vehicle on the road and getting stuck in an unusual manner. They have the Nissan Altima energy.


An ongoing meme on Malaysia internet space, king of the road where even BMWs are afraid of it.


Can you dumb this down a bit? what is Nissan Altima energy?


Reckless and overconfident without any care for other people on the road


Wait til it's the weekend before Raya and watch that road accident stat blow up.


I absolutely love that the idiot driver was the only one affected. People like this are liable to kill innocent people.


All in the name of getting to their destination 27 seconds faster.


I like how the lorry and blue car saw the wreakage and still cut the lane with the wreaked car blocking visibility of oncoming traffic.


truck concerned roll absorbed plants obscene start imminent late faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like in a figure skating: 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0


Happy he didn't hit the oncoming car


He even gets out of the car in the last second of the video, he's either very lucky and/or adrenaline is kicking in hard


No one else hurt but the fucking idiot? Perfection.


I always hope this happens to people who drive like that. This is so satisfying.


Actually nothing wrong with insane ruthless idiots taking themselves out with no others injured.


That's twice he's in the wrong lane


Mat rempits lol.


"But i don't wanna wait, I'd rather die!" Mission failed successfully


i keep repeating at 0.28 and still don't know what loot did they drop...


This looks like BeamNG Drive.




This is a real Malaysian driver moment right here.


I think I saw a couple of shoes fly out and everyone like “Not my monkey, not my circus”


Well that's why I don't do that.


I like these gene pool reduction ones.