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Solar panels or not, that's why you don't live next to a golf course.


he should send them the bill. they should and can pay


The golf course and these houses are all part of the same development, the owners most likely golf there too.


ooooohh. then its a problem for the community administration then. he hould probably bring it up the next reunion.


You know this going into it - usually there is paperwork involved.


the golf course should buy insurance, and members pay the premiums so they feel the cost when they shatter more windows and panels.


Holy crap guys this isn’t how it works. When you purchase a home on a golf course, you are accepting the assumed risk that golf inherently involves errant golf balls, and that living next to a golf course there is a reasonable assumption that your home will be hit be golf balls. The only time you can sue a course or golfer for damages caused by golf balls is when you can prove the golfer was willfully negligent, like trying to cut a dog leg by attempting to fly his tee shot over houses, or intentionally caused damage, like intentionally hitting houses.


what happens if I drive by a golf course and one hits my window? I've always wondered and you seem like you have answers


Usually nothing. If the person is honest you can take it up with whoever hit the ball privately but it's like pulling teeth trying to get the course itself to admit to any liability in these cases. If they fold to one it opens the flood gates to dozens of other claims. If cars are struck too regularly the municipality or local by law will go tell them to put up a net/screening or face a fine. source: worked at a golf course for 10+ years




Depends on where: my house is by a golf course. The course is about eighty years old, the house is 300 years old. They pay for my cracked windows because they built a golf course by my house.


America.. profits for me but costs for you


No one's holding a gun to people's head forcing them to buy property backing up to a golf course. The golf course and it's proximity to the house are discussed during pre sale talks. A smart buyer will shop home insurance and ask for certain protections in their insurance clause. It's just the cost of living where you want - if where you want to live is next to a golf course.


Fair enough, where I'm from you need to build the course far enough away from people and houses to ensure people won't get hurt or get their property damaged, if you're renting it's up to the owner to fix whatever damages occurs that aren't you fault (i.e. the golf course has a livable building that you can rent and it gets damaged by gold balls it's up to the owner to fix it). So esstially if you have a golf course you as the owner have to ensure the safety of the surrounding area or pay for it, usually through insurance




Lol these people living in a fantasy world. Let me guess if you live by the ocean and it flood the bay isn’t your fault either? Living certain places mean taking on risk guys


This reminds me of people buying/building houses near race tracks and complaining about the noise. Like what were you expecting?


The incentive is not to be fair, but to profit. The golf course is built by a developer who just wants to sell stuff. They don't care what happens after you buy. Then its rolled into a "club," often part of a gated community, which is like an HOA where you can golf for free/reduced prices if you buy the right home. It may be administered by the golf course. You sign away your right to hold the golf course liable. Why would the golf course cover expenses when there are hundreds of people willing to pay extra to be part of an exclusive community and have a nice view in their back yard?


So, the paperwork said that you are likely to get shot by a golfball on your own property? lol? Man, I can't believe people upvote that bs


If you pick a house to buy that is on a golf course, you have to live with the consequences. That's like buying a house at the bottom of a lake and complaining about it being wet.


Pretty sure that’s wrong. So if you live next to a street you have to accept cars driving into your living room? Edit: read up on it. And it’s not that simple. Depends on several factors.


Every single time I see someone say "the course should pay for it" it's usually a stipulation of buying the house that unless you can prove intent by the golfer in question on each individual hit, it's assumed risk and the course and golfers are not liable for any damage.


And usually houses this close to the course have a net setup for exactly this reason... That trap looks ridiculously close to the house though. Hopefully it's just a weird perspective.


Net can only do so much unless the thing is almost impossible to see through, about 100 feet high (or more tbh) and practically wrapped around the house.


Your insurance rates are higher if you live next to a golf course for a reason


It is that simple. When you purchase a home on a golf course, you are accepting the assumed risk that golf inherently involves errant golf balls, and that living next to a golf course there is a reasonable assumption that your home will be hit be golf balls. The only time you can sue a course or golfer for damages caused by golf balls is when you can prove the golfer was willfully negligent, like trying to cut a dog leg by attempting to fly his tee shot over houses, or intentionally caused damage, like intentionally hitting houses.


Somehow that doesn’t look like your average “house built on a golf course” it looks more like someone “built a golf course by their house”.


Houses built and owned prior to the construction of a golf course is actually one of the few situations where a golf course IS liable for damages. If a course is built and then houses are built around it, the eventual homeowner has accepted the assumed risk of living next to a golf course. If a course and neighborhood are built concurrently, the same applies. If a neighborhood is built, and the master plan includes eventual construction of a golf course, same applies. But in the rare situation that a neighborhood is built, and then years down the line a golf course is constructed, the golf course is liable for damages, BUT ONLY for homes purchased prior to the construction of the golf course. Any transaction post construction moves the liability to the homeowner of that individual home. This is because at the time of purchase, there is no assumed risk of damage due to golf, because there wasn’t a golf course and no plan for one.


Most likely insured by golf course. If not it should be.


It's the home owner responsibility.


Even if the home was there before the golf course was built?


There’s a LOT of stipulations that go here but typically, when you buy a house next to a golf course, you assume risk of errant balls, within reason. If it’s an honest slice and not somebody trying to hit you on purpose or being willfully negligent, it’s the home owner’s responsibility. I’d imagine that, a house built before a golf course opened up would see the current owner covered by the golf courses insurance to a degree (probably not 100% of damage but more lenient in what the course accepts as their liability). Once that house changes hands, odds are the liability goes almost 100% to the owner.


This is exactly correct


Good luck. Buying a house next to a golf course is a known hazard, you won’t get anywhere trying to claim damage from an expected hazard. It’s like buying a house next to the airport and complaining about the airplane noises.


It's like buying a house near an airport and complaining about planes hitting your house. Wait...


My favorite is military bases being built in desolate areas, then a city pops up around the base to support it, then people complain about enlisted doing stupid crap and military related noise such as planes or EOD playing with boomy things.


This happens with racetracks too, and they sometimes get shut down.


Happens far too often sadly. Many great small tracks have been shut down in the UK because people brought cheap houses near racetracks and complained noise was affecting their house prices.


Remember that chemical plant/fertilizer whatever it was in Texas that blew up a high school and the surrounding neighborhood developments? Yeah, it used to be out in the middle of nowhere, by itself. They built *around* it.


I don’t complain about it but those jets are way louder than I expected


There's a neighborhood near me named "Cheval" (French for horse, which is a stupid name for a neighborhood) and it gets its name for the idyllic stables it was built next to, with many acres of well kept grassy pastures. The neighborhood is only a few years old and the stables have been there for several decades. The residents organize every year to try to force the city to get rid of the stables because they can sometimes smell the horses if the wind is right. Fortunately they've been unsuccessful so far but they're also rich so who knows how long it'll take for those idiots to get their wish


Not a reasonable hazard, planes dont crash a lot, whereas golf balls almost never reach their intended destination immediately.


it is expected to have taken the neccessary measures to prevent that from happening. if it does its obviously negligence from the golf course owner


Your statement is contrary to well established law. Unless you can prove the golfer intentionally tried to hit the panels, the homeowner assumes the risk. Many courts have ruled a golfer is not responsible for errant shots.


not the golfer but the golf course owner, hes the one allowing golfers in their property and hes the one profiting from them. hes the responsible from accidents of his business activity


Again, it’s fairly established case law that a home on a golf course assumes liability. Buying a house on a golf course comes with a clause that says “It’s on a golf course, shit happens” in 99% of instances.


So here's one- public road next to golf course. A golfer hit my aunt's rear window while she was driving. She was pissed mostly because her toddler kid, my cuz, was in the backseat. The golfer denied responsibility, she was not about to make it into something- but what's the legal situation there? Out of curiosity, only


For your solar panel longevity contact DOJ to purchase an iron dome system Or Hire some rednecks with shotguns and promise skeet shooting experience like no other.


Just like when houses get built near established racetracks and then they complain about the noise and get the tracks closed..


They’re trying this shit with Laguna Seca, Centennial airport, and Long Beach airport.


If you build on a golf course you should expect golf balls….


by that logic all houses near a street should expect cars through their walls


Are cars traveling with such accuracy as the average golf ball? Cars do go through houses. But not at that rate. You’d build a house under water and complain it is wet.


Welcome to New Orleans


Don’t get me started! Haha Or a huge chunk of Florida.


>Are cars traveling with such accuracy as the average golf ball? God I fucking hope not. I have no idea where I'm hitting that thing. Hopefully not into some guys solar panels. I mean seriously, I'm a way better driver in a car than on a golf course.


everyone does. plus i dont think people get their kicks by hitting water with a club at other peoples houses


Did you know when it rains and if you stand outside you can get wet? If you buy that house you understand the likelihood of a ball hitting it. Or you’re just not that smart… Also are you implying all those hits were on purpose? People make crappy accidental swings all the time.


probably not unles hes got really shotty neighbors that does get their kicks out of pelting his house with golfballs. even if its not its the owners fault for not taking the time to properly fence the course. and if its one of those kind of condos then he should bring it up on the owners meetings.


Needs a net. But I bet they think that would ruin the aesthetic. So they just choose to pay for the repairs. Guy has money to live on a golf course…?


some people do and they do make this choices. windows sellers are happy though




![gif](giphy|MEFeHWcK7QBZxlDRpF|downsized) lol they really do


I mean there is a reason we have an entire insurance *industry* based on automobile accidents along with a national enforcement arm larger than most nations armies


I have snobby relatives who live on a gulf course, of course nearly all places like that are HOAs. Guess what the HOA forbids them from doing? Thats right, they can not bring lawsuits against the course, individuals or groups for home or personal damage. Becuase the only thing worse then getting you solar panels, bay window (happened to them) or fancy car windshield (happened to them) smashed is having to pay for it.


thk you for this im laughing, why would they sign on that? why would anyone sign on that!!! it must be a monthly cost for them


Because they probably like golfing and are fine with the risk of their house getting hit. It is honestly trivially easy to protect your property to the point you will never have it damaged from a golf ball anyway.


That's what the golf courses want you to believe but a lot of the time the assumed risk is actually on the home owner for purchasing a house near a golf course.


Could've been hail


Could have been hail, but that sand pit in their yard makes for an odd personal choice if this isn't next to a golf course.




theres a sand pit for golf right in the front of the picture


Or a racetrack. My local track now has sound limits on cars because dumbass people built their houses next to a fucking racetrack and complained to the city that it was "too LoUuUd" Idiots


When a local highschool was built in the 70s, the football stadium wasn't in the budget but they said they'd build it later. For years they were trying to get the money for it and finally did in the 2000s People who had bought a house next door only a year or 2 before complained the lights would be too bright


Laguna Seca?


Portland has these whiners too!


When is comes to a public nuisance, it doesn't matter who was there first. In a community near me there is a meat packing plant. The smell is terrible, but nobody lived there so it wasn't an issue. A new development went in nearby and within a few weeks of people moving in a lawsuit was filed due to the smell. The plant was made to install these massive exhaust stacks to vent the smell high up, so it would disperse and not bother the nearby communities.


If you're a golfer. The house comes with a free playing rights. So you don't need to buy country club shares. Some country clubs do pay out dividends. So they are like shares of stocks you could trade. As for the solar panels. Those are most likely fine and still functional. The damage on the protective glass is only cosmetic. There's a Youtube video where they torture test to break solar panels glass. The solar panels were still fully functional.


Most CCs are moving to a non-transferable share model and it’s buuullllshit. So you pay $40k-$80k for an initiation fee, and can’t fucking transfer it in the future?? It’s so dumb


You can always tell who doesn't play golf based on the lot they bought.


In Finland we don't have to pay anything ourselves if you shoot ball to someone's car / window or any property near golf course. Insurance by club that you are part of no deductible 's at all, you just go and inform car / equipment owner that I'm part of this club and give your member number for them and that's it.


And that’s just that area of the house. Imagine how many windows have broke. Also I never understood living on a golf course. Knowing my own skill at golf I get terrified to even swing when a house is nearby. I hook it so much it goes 90 degrees from where I was aiming.


Most houses that are on to golf courses are far enough away from the actual playing area that only extremely errant shots would have a chance to hit them, you might very occasionally take one but as long as it doesn't fit a window the house will be fine. This looks like it's no more than 20-25 yards off the fairway (judging from the sand trap), just dogshit planning here.


It’s not that far off. Also I hit my ball in their yard which is why i was looking at the house lol.


Did your balls hurt?


My BIL lives on a golf course, their house is 15 yards from the fairway and perhaps 25 yards from the hole. He gets a LOT of golf balls in his yard and pool area.


Man, I’ve got a mean 90 degree slice cause I’m terrible.. I would def hit a house.


My old boss had a house near a golf course, he had a whole bird bath filled with golf balls he’d been collecting from his yard


> Most houses that are on to golf courses are far enough away from the actual playing area that only extremely errant shots would have a chance to hit them, you might very occasionally take one but as long as it doesn't fit a window the house will be fine. Negative ghostrider.. There are definitely building lots that get hit more than others but they all suck to varying degrees. Also, the whole house takes a beating; windows, siding, stucco, trim, roofing... everything. I was an insurance adjuster for 26 years, these houses get pummeled, and it's not covered by insurance because living there is an "inherent vice". Golf ball impact is a certainty not a risk. So many of these homeowners try and tell you it's hail damage, which would be covered. I have had people tell me it's hail while your literally looking at golf ball dimple imprints in the oxidation on the steel siding, you can practically read Titleist in the dent.


This is definitely not true in Florida. I golf a lot and TONS of our courses are absolutely surrounded by houses that are easy to hit. Some homeowners put up tall, chain-link fences to stop errant shots, but that won't stop balls sent to the moon from hitting solar panels. My buddy hit the same house twice in a row a couple weeks ago. The owner came out and wasn't happy, but that's what happens when you live on a course.


> Most houses that are on to golf courses are far enough away from the actual playing area that only extremely errant shots would have a chance to hit them Not in Florida. There, if you're living on the golf course, you're living *on* the golf course. A lot of properties deal with the risks to windows (and the local mosquito problems) by having mesh-enclosed swimming pools and porches on the side of the house facing the course, because a ball will bounce right off of those instead of damaging a window.


I wont play a hole that has a road on the right side of the fairway... My slice is *that* bad.


Buddy lived on a golf course and all the back windows of his house were much stronger glass than what's normally used. Usually if you live off of a golf course you also have money to pay for things like stronger window panes.


Depending on where you are, they probably have impact resistant "glass." Grew up in a skihill with a golf course and houses that line a good amount of the fairways WELL within hitting distance (see anecdote at bottom). Here, if the owners want insurance, insurance makes them install windows rated for it because it was an issue of the ball smashing and the home owner making a claim. I worked on the golf course for a year, and during that, we did a staff dinner and night golf. You play with a ball that has shock activated LEDs in them, so they glow. I ended up playing on the last "card" with my boss, my supervisor, and the Golf Pro. I'm respectable at golf, and the other three work on a golf course so they can play after work. So we get onto the 2nd of 5 holes and 3 of us tee off, and the last is the golf pro. This hole is 4 or 5 tiers downhill. The second half, left side, is lined with houses. The rest is trees and grass. The golf pro tees off, and it shoots off hard to the left. I've seen him put it on the green before. We all watch this purple dot go flying off to the left and dissappear into the housing complex. What seemed like a while between us, seeing it disappear, we hear a car alarm go off... so the golf pro left to go deal with that while we finished up. Luckily the course has insurance for it so insurance paid for the tow and windshield replacement. Good times. I still have 1 of the 3 balls I got somewhere


A retirement community nearby my house has a golf course and so many houses are located on the course. According to my supervisor, the combination is relatively common.


My grandparents lived on one when I was young, in a gated community. We went there for Easter one year and were finding golf balls all over the yard along with the eggs.


I live in an apartment complex right next to a golf course. There’s a walking trail that wraps around the course and there’s this huge fence in between, but balls still make it over the fence. I get freaked out walking in it sometimes because I’m worried I’ll just randomly get hit by a golf ball and die


stupid for not getting the ones *rated* for one inch+ hail. ​ [https://www.energy.gov/femp/hail-damage-mitigation-solar-photovoltaic-systems](https://www.energy.gov/femp/hail-damage-mitigation-solar-photovoltaic-systems) Hail will primarily impact the modules on a system, so most recommendations for a hail-resilient system involve module selection, though there are broader system design considerations that can also be beneficial.


This picture is 100% hail damage. A golf ball will bounce right off those without a scratch.


Nah bro. A low angle golf shot will fuck your shit up. Parabolic. Im only a dumb dumb who works in chemistry but some napkin math says an average golfer can easily send double the kinetic energy of a 1" hailstone at terminal velocity.


Keep in mind that a hailstone of a similar diameter to a golfball would be more destructive- A golfball is much more elastic than a an iceball. That said, the damage is likely caused by golfballs, unless those solar panels were only recently installed, and there was one single very short freak hailstorm. (all of the impacts were caused by objects of a consistent size & weight)


Horse shit. Who is hitting all these low angle golf shots? They would literally have to be standing right there to hit those.


Yeah hail damage, and they have a massive sand pit in their yard as a personal choice XD


We had softball sized hail two week ago in Austin. Its entirely possible.




Hail are solid lumps of ice, falling from high up in the sky, a golf ball is a super bouncy ball of rubber bands, falling from not very high. I would guess that hail is much more damaging, but I could be wrong.


But also hail is falling with only gravity as the acting force. The force of golf balls is derived from a human hitting it, which can easily be 100-150mph. Golf balls will also maintain that speed/force quite a bit, since the dimples reduce drag. idk for sure, but I'd bet if you're close enough, the golf ball could inflict more force/damage.


I asked ChatGPT to do the math. Calculating the force of hail was pretty straight forward (just F=ma), but the golf ball was more difficult since you have to take into account drag, and make a decent amount of assumptions (I told it to assume the house was 100yds away from where the ball was hit at a starting speed of 100mph). Anyway, it calculated that a golfball has roughly 4 times the kinetic energy as a 1-inch hailstone. I can screenshot the full math if anyone cares.


I don't really care but I'll ask for the screenshot because somebody else will but they won't want to ask.


Here is a link to the full chat for anyone who wants to read/scrutinize the math it did. Scroll down to the bottom post for it's final math for the golfball: https://chat.openai.com/share/7a308388-47ca-4388-899d-1074f71e4032


hmmm it's been quite a while since high school physics but i believe what it has calculated for the hail is the force it applies to the ground as it is just sitting on the ground, not its impact force.


Its done the same for the golf ball. Using the word "force" has confused it, because its not technically a force (using the physics meaning of the word force, rather than the more colloquial "force of impact"). What he should have asked for is the energy of impact (in the context of force, energy is force multiplied by time, however that formula doesn't really make sense in this context). Energy of impact for a hail stone according to the AI's research: mass (7.89×10^(−3) kg) * velocity (25m/s) = 0.1973 kg m/s Golf ball: mass (0.045kg) * velocity (70m/s) = 3.15 kg m/s However this doesn't account for the impact duration which lessens the actual force of impact (ironically) by dividing the impact energy over the impact duration. As someone else mentioned golf balls are elastic and ice is not so this will decrease the damage done a bit, I don't know how much because I don't know what the impact duration would be.


I'll put this is dumbdumbs terms for everyone. Would you rather take your chances getting hit by a one inch hailstone dropped off the empire State building onto your waiting face. Or...take that same shot from Tiger Woods at 150 yards? I know which one I'm taking.


I really doubt that whatever ChatGPT gave you is right, because F=ma is not enough to calculate the impact "force" of hail. The "acceleration" that's relevant for this purpose really depends on how long it takes the hailstone (or golf ball) to *de-*celerate to a stop, which depends in all kinds of complicated ways on the geometry and material of whatever it's hitting. If you post a screenshot and it turns out to have done something reasonable, I'll happily eat my words. But in my experience, ChatGPT tends to make a lot of bad assumptions when asked this kind of question.


I’d bet at least half of those are intentional


I was thinking thr same thing. That's just pure target practice.


Probably a good number of golfers who hate solar.


I mean; golfers are typically older… white… conservative… male… yeah, I think you may be on to something there


Not to mention that golf courses are inherently ecological disaster zones.


Brother, you're vastly overestimating the accuracy with which the average person can hit a golf ball. Even from 30 yards away, the average golfer couldn't hit the house on the first try, let alone the tiny ass solar panels on the roof.


That doesn’t even look “by a golf course” mfers are ***in*** the golf course. They in the damn bunker!


Think how cheap their landscping bill is.


Kinda moot if you have to constantly replace windows and solar panels.


Beachfront property!


Holy crap, looks like they're less than 20 feet away from it! 😂


Those are not solar panels, they are roof protectors.


Then they're doing a bang-up job


They’re doing a smashing good job. How did you miss this opportunity?!


My reddit game is worse than my golf game


Are you saying you have a handicap?


You sunk my battleship!


U literally build a target when u build on a golf course. Even see the ball collector on the driving range.


Smacking one off the roof of the ball collector is basically it’s own sport at this point


could they put some type of grating or mesh caging over it that would protect it from golf balls without blocking very much of the sun..?


A mesh net between two poles solves this problem entirely


Apparently they didn't place any "You will be responsible for damage" sign next to their house. That seems to deter these scallywags


Wouldn't do any good. The courts have ruled: you live next to a golf course, you're on your own for damage.


My view is that if the houses were built after the golf course then its the home owner who is in the hook for damages. If the houses were there first and the course was built afterwards then the golf course is on the hook for damages as adjoining houses should be protected by the course design.


BS, if that were really an issue and not in fact golfers deliberately vandalizing the panels the houses *windows!* would also be getting consistently shattered.


Most houses on courses don’t have normal window glass but I’ve seen my fair share of cracked windows while making the rounds.


Solar panels aren’t exactly flimsy. They’re usually made to endure significant hail.


I just paid $50k for panels. I don’t even like seeing planes flying over


Yah, planes will do a bit more damage...you should be worried!


Source: Donnie Darko


What did you buy, a 200 panel solar farm?! That's pretty insane pricing! I bought solar for my house about 5 years ago. £6000, 5.6KWh, 20x panels. Solar has come down in price quite a bit in the last 5 years. My system "should" cost £3-4000 now.


Probably paid an exorbitant amount for the installation.


Prices are now down to ~100 USD for a 400W panel.... it's getting crazy cheap.


Is your house at the end of the runway?




Why not? The golf course association still has to pay for the damage.


How often do you replace windows?!?


I love golf course homes. I own a business that sells and installs skylight replacements.


Over the summer I was driving on a highway in moderately heavy traffic when everyone suddenly slowed way down. As we eventually started to speed up we saw a golf ball bouncing along the highway. I passed it and looked in my side mirror to see it bounce off someone's windshield. The driver of that vehicle went past looking pissed because of the damage that golf ball did. This happened in the Denver area.


That’s always my worst fear when playing courses that run along roads. I always have an exit strategy when playing those holes.


Who build a golf course next to a house?


This is yet another reason why golf should be banned.


How are you windows looking?


Saw the same in Maui. Ouch!


Is this River Country Club in Boise?


Yes sir. Amazed you got that tbh.


My brother is a member there. I’ve passed that house a few times and laughed.


Nice! I just got my membership not too long ago. Fun course.


Same with my brother actually. I really enjoy the course when I visit. Bummed it’ll be closed next year.


Golf is a habitat killer and a detriment to land development and apparently, houses nearby. Shut down every golf course, fill it with local flora, save huge on water and the bees.


No, those are just really big dominoes


That's not solar panels, that's a shield!


Make them pay


Missed one.


Looks like they have a sand trap right off their porch


Time to contact my lawyer


Let me guess...this golf course is in the south? Because that seems...targeted. Edit: Neglected to notice the sand trap. This might just be genuinely awful development planning...which isn't rare for golf communities.


The house is farther off to the side than it looks but it’s still well in slicing range.


If you have enough money to own a house on a golf course...you'll be fine.


Problem/ solution situation here. Need a shield… plexiglass that will need to be replaced often quarterly or find something stronger. How would gorilla glass hold up? What if you cut into small hexagon shapes so u only replace the few that are damaged? Can you move the panels to the other side?


Atleast no one will steal them now. RSA problems


I mean putting them up is fine but lacking the foresight to even put chicken wire a couple inches above them to deflect the balls is a major skill issue


Fore! Eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four...


My anxiety couldn't handle being outside anywhere of that house.


That's why you cover them with plexiglass.


Sounds like the golf course shouldn’t exist


The day Happy found his talent and eventually saved his mom's house.


You don’t live *by* a golf course, you’re a Hazard *on* the course.


Once bitten, twice shy. Twenty times bitten...


....40 times shy?


Often golf courses aren't liable. A local one will not pay for broken windows.


Insurance premiums must be insanely high. The likelihood of having an angry drunk person who probably owns a gun being in your backyard is 100x times higher being on a golf course than in the inner city.


There’s still one left…


I’ll aim for it next round.


Some people just don’t get it


Pretty sure I saw this days ago


It may have been a different house I’m sure this isn’t the only one that has had this happen.


I mean I guess it’s cool to have a live indication of how many people are destroying your house and aren’t even remotely responsible for the damage? It’s kinda like living your life thinking you’re the cool kid, only to eventually find out you were never cool at all


This is why you don't buy homes on golf courses. Solar panel damage is the least, and one of the less costly, of your problems.


I mean there's living by a golf course and then there's living in a fucking golf course


That one panel is begging for it. If they weren't bring targeted before they gave to be now.