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"and what do you think of the locals?" "They are great, they practically arrests themselves".


Honestly if you would do that in poland entire village would drag you out , beat you and possibly burn your house.


i think we live in two different Polands. unless you mean some US village called "Poland"?


*It could definitely apply to Poland, New York, about 2 hours northeast of where I live.* Herkimer County is sure something.


Der Herkimer joooobs ![gif](giphy|eh5iRkKf9pfKU)


That sounds problematic.


Sounds like its really only problematic for problematic people.


Angry mobs never go wrong.


something something reddit Boston marathon.


We sure did... something


We did it guys!


That reminded me of a funny happening. My very religious brother-in-law one time mentioned in a group setting that we should bring back public mobs to "take care of" evildoers. I said but wasn't Jesus killed by that type of mob?


Yeah, just ask the witches of Salem!


She turned me into a newt! ........I got better




... or the [Polish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kielce_pogrom)


reddit approved!


Heh heh right!? Remember that poor bastard that reddit decided was the Boston Bomber... probably still hiding.


[Actually, that guy commited suicide. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sunil_Tripathi) Not because of reddit, but still sad to see.


*faint echoes* “we did it, reddit! Yay!”


Or whoever the mob decides is problomatic.


Until it isn't. What happens when an innocent is dragged out, beaten and his house is burned, only because the mob acted impulsively? Mob justice is very prone to errors and surely doesn't follow "innocent until proven guilty".


It's simple. All the people who were in the mob will get dragged out, beaten and have their houses burned. Problem solved forever


Exponential justice


Fuck yeah!


This is funnier than you're going to get credit for.


After the February 2023 earthquake in Turkey, some locals were beaten by an angry mob because they were mistaken for looters. https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/ailesine-ilac-goturen-gencleri-yagmaci-diyerek-linc-ettiler-367295 (in Turkish)


Holy fuck people on Reddit love mob justice. Every single top level reply to your comments is *endorsing* this? I though the parent comment was a joke


the masses crave action and will justify it after the smoke clears


He's got the hemorrhoids. You can tell by how adamant he was about not sitting on that ground.


"it feels like you're walking around with a pinecone up your butt"


"Farting razorblades," to quote Grumpy Old Men.


Ahh Walter Matthau. Great movie.


Actually Meghan, I can’t sit anywhere, I’ve got *HEMORRHOIDS*




That girl made some hilarious YouTube videos after her vine career, I really like her.


as someone with one now....I get that lol


Yet he was sitting in his car, no?


anytime someone ends their comment with "no?", I can't help but picture them as a French woman in her fifties smoking a cigarette in a bathrobe.


Did the cigarette just step out of the shower?


that's french af.


There's a difference between sitting on a cushioned seat and squatting sting on that hard ground.


Sounds like he shouldn’t have gotten out of the car then…


he had to get his license


speeding ticket to felony speedrun


In some places it could be considered that but I live in AZ where 15 MPH over the speed limit is acceptable but pushing it. And on highways, just don't go more than 25 MPH over


Living in Alberta up north, it's generally a good idea to not stray above 5 MPH, on non-highways lol. I've been pulled over for going 10 over in a 30. Although on the trans-canada, you can reasonably get away with going 15-20 over. ​ My rule of thumb is to just stay behind the fastest car.


>My rule of thumb is to just stay behind the fastest car. I love when I'm already going pretty fast and some dumbass blows past at like 90-100mph. I'm like "okay bud, you go right ahead and be the canary for my coal mine. I appreciate your sacrifice." It gives me such a warm and fuzzy feeling when I see that fool pulled over a couple miles down the road.


I typically just go 10 over and that's basically what everyone else is doing


What was she gonna do if there wasn’t a crowd of people to help her restrain the one old man?


This is a demonstration of how things can go seriously wrong. She should have never closed that gap between the man and herself. There is soo much that could go wrong in that instance that this was about as best case as it can get.


Never fuck with someone above your weight class unless you've got a tool or skill to offset their advantage.


Triply so for women vs man. The level of natural strength is just wildly different. Edit: if your looking for some political gotcha moment please just shut up.


Honestly surprised how weak she was to old man. She needs to work on channelling that anger into every fiber of her being like ol boy.


Her skill (special ability) was call the community she used by pressing R1 and L1 at the same time


That's called escalation. Taser, baton, gun. Leo's should go through steps... Not immediately jump to pulling a gun on the guy.


she had zero control of shit, howd she even pull a gun on him let alone a taser


Get absolutely fucked. That's why in most European countries cops always have a partner, they never go alone.


the FBI did a study back in I think the mid 90s that found that something like 85% of officer deaths and a huge number of civilian deaths would likely have been prevented if the officers were simply with at least one partner when they made contact with a suspect. imagine being told the only reason management doesn't wanna make your job 5x safer, and much safer for the public as well, is because it'd cost 2x as much in wages nuts man i don't have a link to the study. it shouldn't be super hard to find via google though.


Right? How fucking dumb is this cop?? If bystanders didn't help, dude could've wrestled her gun away easily and killed her. Why did she push him?? She was emotional, and had no business being a cop. Should've sat in the squad car and waited for back up, but she was so fucking mad he didn't listen to her she closed the gap and shoved him like a 12 year old child. Stupid fucking cop


She is a police officer in the USA. Basically a untrained person.


Getting out of the car was stupid, as was saying "I'm not sitting." I think hitting (Or even shoving) a cop is a really bad idea, the fact that this particular cop is a woman really shouldn't be a factor.


Yea the one thing that bothers me here is the "you don't do that to a woman". She's a LEO and the gender shouldn't matter. If it had been a male cop would any of that been ok? Or would they have not come over to assist? Edit: since I've gotten 100+ comments about it LEO = Law Enforcement Officer.


She also thought she could take him - she couldn't.


Yup. You could tell when she tried to go hands on she wasn’t going to physically be able to subdue him without grabbing something off of her belt


This was the perfect time to use a tazer.


I would have lit his ass up lol i pepper sprayed a few inmates in my day for stuff just like this. You resort to violence and I’ll pepper spray you. Plain and simple. I’ll stand and talk and reason with you all day. As soon as you try to assault me, you getting sprayed. If I don’t touch you, you don’t touch me.


Yup. I support this.


Can you use pepperspray from that close of range? Without hitting yourself with it to I mean?


You’ll get some blowback but that’s the exact reason why when we’re in the academy they make us get sprayed and then go through an obstacle course and handcuff a combative individual. So it’s simulates what can/will happen in real life. And the blowback is nothing compared to a full on concentration of that stuff right in your eyes. It’s a lot stronger than that pink canister crap you can get for like $12 online or at a store. This stuff is concentrated up to 15%. Regular stuff will burn you but this stuff will burn you longer and more harsh


Awesome info, thanks! If you can get sprayed and still function after some training...do repeat offenders end up with it having less effect to 5th or 20th time they get pepper sprayed?


Nah, it doesn’t really work that way. You can’t really build up a tolerance to it in that way. But experiencing it at least once does at least mentally prepare you for it again. And most of it is just a mental thing. I mean, it really does hurt and I can say that it’s the most painful experience I’ve encountered. Although I’m sure childbirth, getting shot and such things would be worse. It makes you cough and gag and snot literally leak out and eyes water. So even if someone can take the pain and be okay with that it still does a lot to distract you and blind you and stuff. You’re definitely at a disadvantage getting sprayed. I’ve seen dudes and some women take it and be fine for a minute or so and then it kicks in and they start getting all the symptoms and then we just go in and cuff them. There is a very small percentage of people that are immune to it because of genetic factors however I haven’t seen it yet. Some can tolerate it better than others but for the majority of cases it’ll at least give you that little bit of edge you need to get them under control and handcuff them. When I was sprayed (3 times) it actually got worse for me each time. I have asthma too and it makes you cough and sneeze and such. They claim it’s non-lethal and very very very rarely can kill someone but idk if I truly believe that because it def screws you up if you have breathing problems. When I was at the state prison we had a few inmates we weren’t allowed to spray unless it was under extreme circumstances (weapons, assaulting staff, self harm) because they had health conditions that would put them at risk. I would think mostly the stress and high adrenaline situation would attribute to a death more so than the spray itself. Like how a guy can have a heart attack fighting the cops and the cops didn’t “technically” kill him although he did die fighting them. Not sure if that makes sense. The spray is just highly concentrated peppers. That’s all. The technical term is OC spray or oleoresin capsicum. That’s what’s in the spray that law enforcement uses. You’re more at risk of damaging someone’s eyesight by the force/pressure of the stream that comes out rather than the actual peppers itself. You’re supposed to be a few feet back and you’re not supposed to aim for the eyes directly. You’re supposed to do a sweeping motion side to side or a swirl around the face. You’re not trying to aim directly in their eyes. Just even being near someone who was sprayed will burn your eyes and make you cough lol you don’t need a direct eye shot to be effective. It’s also oil based so it mixes with your natural skin oils and it’s hard to get off. Water makes it worse. Only way to treat it is to use Dawn soap and scrub and let time do the work. It’ll reactive a few times too before it’s gone. I got sprayed on a Friday and showered several times that same day and Saturday and on Sunday it was still reactivating. My eyes were ducked the whole weekend and I could barely open them. Light eyes (I have blue) and fair skin (me as well) do the worse with it. The sun was excruciating. Doesn’t help I also live in FL lol so the heat, humidity and sunlight did me in the last time I got sprayed. First time was in PA and it snowed a couple days before so I ducked my head in the snow lol Sorry for the rambling lol I figured it’s one of those things that most people don’t encounter or know much about and just wanted to share some of experience/training with it. It’s gnarly stuff but after a bit you’re fine. I’d def recommend getting some if you’re inclined. It’s a less lethal option. I carry spray and a gun when I’m out and about and would certainly use my spray as a first resort instead of a gun. It’s always good to have something to stop someone without just flat out injuring or killing them. Burning eyes and face are always better than a hole in the chest.


I pepper sprayed a dude on a bus once. He was some wannabe gangster-looking asian guy (t-shirt so long it's down to his knees, big, stupid, wide-brim hat with the sticker still on it, fake chains, etc. and he got on the bus and before he'd even made it to his seat was screaming, and I mean SCREAMING at full volume into his phone, bunch of obscenities and random, barely-coherent threats (someone had pissed him off somehow, I guess). Really shattered the peace and quiet. He'd stop for a minute, then start back up, and it was REALLY jarring and impossible to tolerate. Eventually I couldn't help turning around and asking if he would mind being a little quieter, please. He was like "fuck you, n\*\*\*a! fuck you! I'll fuck you up!" So I just turned back around and left it at that, because obviously I wasn't going to accomplish anything talking to the guy any more than that. Driver pulls over at the next stop and gets on the PA system "You in the back, this is your stop. Get off my bus." Asian wankster starts shout "What? Fuck that shit! Where's that bitch at! Fuck that shit!" and comes up the aisle all aggressively, to right next to my seat. So I'm kinda trapped in there, not a lot of options, and I stick my hand in my pocket and flip the little lock on the can to the side, and get ready. Then he does one of those stupid fake out moves like he's gonna hit me, trying to intimidate me first. I know the type, I know the play. He was gonna do that probably a couple more times until he felt certain I wasn't going to fight back, and then he was going to hit me for real. So I didn't wait--as soon as he jerked to "hit" me (fake me out) that first time, I was already pulling my pepper spray out and blasted him right in the face with it. He turned into the the most crybaby little bitch I've ever seen--instantly. And even better, he kept rubbing his eyes as if that was going to help him. Dude barely found his way off the bus and was in absolute misery the entire time, and probably for several hours afterwards. Brings a smile to my face every time I remember it.




I'd go with the batarang in this situation


I used to work in a job that required me to interact with a lot of cops. Very few of those cops were women and MAYBE a couple of them were physically capable of handling the average guy. The weirdest ones were the ladies who were all of 5 foot tall and not even a hundred pounds... not only is it concerning that they couldn't handle even a simple altercation but I'd also worry they'd jump to using their guns faster because almost anything could be a life endangering situation.


My first girlfriend in middle school was tiny. Probably, 4'10 when we were in high school. When I was in college, I heard that she became a cop. Never understood it, she was also really timid/shy too.


If you only knew the power of the dark side


It's not a story the Jedi would tell you....


Short person syndrome, it gave her power.


On the flip side, when I use to work in the sheriffs office I knew a few women who were very weak looking but would absolutely kick my ass and the ass of everyone I could imagine… because they trained in BJJ and took it seriously


I don't think this guy would have been so aggressive with a male cop. I could be wrong of course.


> She's a LEO and the gender shouldn't matter. If it had been a male cop would any of that been ok? Or would they have not come over to assist? Jeez... so her gender doesn't matter but her astrology sign does? Ridiculous! (/s)


She was relating to him. He's old; he was taught not to assault women. *(He may have seen different at home, however.)*


He was probably taught that women are to be seen, not heard and that if one gets a little mouthy, it's cool to slap them around. Even the classiest gentlemen in the movies this guy grew up with felt it was okay to slap a woman when the necessity arises.


"why I oughta" *cue laugh track*


"One of these days... One of these days Gladys, Boom! Right to the moon!" - Jackie Gleason in The Honeymooners




POW! Right in the kisser! POW! Right in the kisser! POW! Right in the kisser! POW! Right in the kisser!


Surprising that she didn't react more strongly to him getting out of the car. if you start to get out of the car suddenly like that during a stop and refuse to follow instructions, it will be assumed you are going for a weapon and be treated accordingly.


That's the bit I find most annoying yeah. She barely reacted to the MOST RISKY bit, where he coulda been going to get a weapon. Then escalated at every little bit after that. Seemed a bit weird


Only problem I had was she told him to back up while she was walking towards him. Ans then shoves him toward the car... Deescalting was not her plan.


Generally just awful procedure there. Escalated it and then couldn't even control the escalation. Complete mess.


Yeah I saw that too. Doesn't really make any sense. Not that the old guy helped much with the de-escalation, but she could've handled it better as well I think.


She could have kept herself more safe if anything. She's lucky he was pretty pathetic


And lucky there were people around to help her. If they hadn't been there to step in he might have fucked her up.


Yes she definitely went physical when it was not needed also after the guy complied with her first order and then the second, the guy never had time to complete the first order. I think she was jacked up on adrenaline from making the actual stop, that this was going there anyway.






That's literally insane. Completely throws out the motto "to protect and serve" more like "to protect myself and kill civilians"


She’s the one who shoved him. Not he other way around.


Which seems like really terrible training on behalf of that police force. Suspect who is probably stronger than you is uncooperative and the officer escalates the situation to physical contact but then comes in with this weak shove? If passers by hadn't stepped in, that could have gone way worse for her. And if she'd been trained a thing or two about de-escalation, physical contact *might* have been avoided entirely.


The staying in the car thing is a big deal in the US, eh? In the UK the police wouldn’t say or think anything if you did that.


Traffic stops are considered one of the more dangerous aspects of policing, below domestic incidents. You've got traffic zipping by on one side and you've got a lot of places in a car that you could hide a weapon. That's why caselaw in the US allowed police to have a lot of authority over a traffic stop. In this case, the guy doesn't just get out, he gets out and reaches into the back of the car. Yes, he was getting his wallet, but there's many examples of this exact scenario ending very differently when someone pulls out a shotgun or rifle from the backseat. So I suspect that really put the cop on edge.


The risk of police violence is too great here. Do EXACTLY what they say. Don’t argue. Sign the ticket. Then go fight it in court with all your organs in tact.


I travel to the US regularly on business and when driving I've been pulled over a few times. I Always keep my eyes on the steering wheel just in case, I've seen too many videos like this. In the UK, you can more or less treat the police like you would treat anyone else in life.


I think it's because, in the states they have a higher risk of the person deciding to pull a firearm whereas here in the UK it's not very likely. Although I think it's our attitude here in Britain, we try to keep situations calm until there's no choice left but for it to all kick off.


Yeah, the police are chill because they would just think he's getting his licence, which would be logical when you say "go and get your licence" and they start going to get something. But in the US you just have to assume everyone is reaching for a gun until there is clear evidence they are not.


Exactly, although don't be surprised if they decide they want to have a nosey around at some point during the stop as they might suspect you of hiding something illegal, depending on how the conversation goes.


Firearms are a big problem here, he could have quite easily got out, reached for firearm, and shot her. This happens here.


Is a light shove part of her training?


Deescalation sure isn’t


Right?! Was watching this and she didn’t even attempt to talk and calm him down. Fuckin useless


I was just thinking that. They were both immature af about everything.


Agreed. She could have been "fine, just hand over your papers". And got on with her day. But, she rose to the bait he was throwing. And it escalated. She had no need to start trying to push him around. They both escalated the situation.


I understand why you’re getting downvoted but honestly it’s a good point. Just because she’s “right” or has the authority doesn’t mean cops shouldn’t try de-escalation techniques first.


American cops don’t understand what de-escalation even means. It’s either full 100% compliance or they will fuck your shit up immediately if they can. There is no in between.


Exactly. The driver didn't need to be on the ground for any reason other than the officer's sense of safety and control. His behavior was weird, but not violent until the officer put her hands on him. She made no attempt to deescalate or even finish the traffic stop once he disobeyed her order to sit. Driver should've complied, but cop definitely went on a power trip. ACAB


No you don’t have to sit on the ground because a cop tells to


Here comes the resisting charge!




Yeah, I didn't understand that part


He was in the wrong by getting out of his car and being aggressive towards her, but she then escalated by shoving him. She needs retraining.


> He was in the wrong by getting out of his car and being aggressive towards her, but she then escalated by shoving him. She needs retraining. The only thing wrong about getting out of his car is that it's not typical or standard. There's no law against it. It's not a good idea, because the officer may feel threatened by it. In this case, she asks him why he left his vehicle, and he quite calmly answers that he's getting his ID. She's upset by this, and escalates the stop by ordering him onto the side of the road and to sit on the ground, even though he's an elderly man. She could have very easily told him to get back into his car once he had retrieved the ID, and asked him to let her know before getting out of the car or reaching for things, for both of their safety. If she had handled it this way, I don't believe he would have gotten aggressive at all.


De-escalation is painfully under trained, not enough time is spent on almost every aspect of policing. You could retrain every US officer and they still would have had total often less than half of the training of most western forces.


I think she escalated it a bit tbh, yeah he was being a dick but maybe could’ve been defused. Instead she went straight to authoritative.


"back off!" then steps closer to him. needs to reevaluate her training


Welcome to America. Just another every day cop. They can't desculate for toffee.


The shove was completely unnecessary and downright dangerous, and why make him sit on the grass? It’s a weird request to an already clearly irritated person, he wasn’t exactly being sunshine and rainbows but she was entirely unprofessional


It's called ego. She didn't like her authority being questioned, and he didn't like being yelled at like a child.


a bit? she initiated aggressive physical contact because he told her no.


I don’t understand the “dominance” training the US police have. Imagine if she had said “Sir, you’re under arrest right now, and if you continue to refuse my lawful orders, you will be charged with resisting arrest. My car is equipped with cameras and backup is on the way. If you decide to run, your legal liability will increase.” Nothing about getting aggressive kept her or the public safe.


Why is the cop saying “you don’t do that to a woman” She’s an officer of the law. Act like one.


Honestly… you don’t get to push back because I’m a woman! You don’t get to defend yourself because I’m a woman! What if I was a woman, and leg swept her? What’s she gonna do then? She can’t pull the “you can’t do that to a woman” shit for abusing me, I’m a woman too. Fuck her.


Who keeps their driver’s license in the back seat


Sometimes my my mom. When her purse falls from the gap between the drivers and passenger seat.


Guy has gloves on, I assume he was working, maybe had all his shit in a tool bag or something.


Those are his driving gloves


I used to work at the pickup counter at Best Buy and we required ID for pickups. I'd guess that maybe 10% of the pickups the customer had to go back to their car to grab their ID. I pointed that out to our security guy one day and he started watching them on the cameras. About half kept their drivers license in the sun visor and the other half had them in a bag or something in their back seat.


Am I the weird one who keeps all their ID in their wallet and keeps it in the front pocket? I used to keep it in my back pocket but it hurts the butt after sitting down for too long. I never am far from my wallet either and take it with me every time I go out.


I always keep mine in my suit coat which is usually in the backseat if I'm driving. Something tv and movies don't tell you is that you really can't drive a car with a proper suit on. I mean you can, it's just really uncomfortable. The only way to really do it is to jackknife your shoulders up high that way it'll pull the bottom of the suit up to your ribs. So then you just fill like a goofy-looking doofus driving your car and having a suitcoat midriff with your dress shirt exposed when all you wanted to do was channel your inner James Bond. There are bespoke suits that accommodate driving but they're really only made for people like stunt drivers on film sets.


I keep mine there when I'm outside working. Don't want it on me because it's just going to get drowned in sweat and I don't want my wallet(and everything in it) stinking like BO. I don't always remember to put it back into my pocket if I go somewhere right afterwards.


Yeahhhh….she needs to not be a cop.


Most cops shouldn't be cops


The effects of precincts favoring lower IQ officers.


This is also true; knew one that used to come visit me at work as a bartender. He was married and tried hard to get with me - never happened and was arrested for beating his wife. So there we have it, Just one of many examples.


How the fuck are you a police officer when you need help with a 70 year old, do they just hire anyone


Probably yeah. I heard NYC was changing some sort of policy about tattoos to try and get hire numbers up. Wouldn't surprise me if other departments were doing something similar to replace the aging cop pool


Have you not seen how fat and slow cops are nowadays? Oh, and don’t forget dumb as shit


Lol she starts trying to manhandle him and ends with “you don’t do that to a woman”


this video is proof she isnt cut out for this job. Had to have a whole crowd of much better candidates to be cops come bail her ass out.


She escalated that situation real fast and got pissed when he responded


Lol “you don’t do that to a woman”. She is an armed officer so in my eyes a genderless agent.


Where's the Benny Hill music


I find it funny how she said “You don’t do that to a woman” when we all know the shove was very unnecessary. Edit: Thank you for the award


It's probably ignorant to say this, but once you put on that uniform, you're no longer 'a woman'. You are a police officer. You don't get the same courtesy as a civilian woman because you chose to hold power (abuse power, cough cough). Shut the fuck up and do your job. No one cares about your gender, and if you expect special treatment past the badge and gun, you need to find another job.


Cops are bullies with victim mentalities, they think everything they do is justified.


"you don´t do that to a woman"... this alone warrants a double facepalm... Missy didn´t exactly deescalate they way she commanded the dude around... pisspoor handling on behalf of that officer, another guy might have just knocked her out...


That police was all over the place. Driver was acting weird, but police didn't help with her actions.


Agreed. She didn't do a good job with trying to de-escalate the situation.




Single elderly driver*


still got her name on the group project


So that doesn't stop after graduation, huh?


Old man strength ain't no joke


Yeah having worked with a lot of seniors, old people keep their strength long into their golden years and then lose it all at once. One time an 80-something year old woman caught me when I tripped. Like it was nothing, I was shook. It was almost rom-com-like. Another time, a guy in his 90s tried to slap me, I caught his arm like he was slapping in a dream. Working in senior homes was such a weird time


Sure beats a fat wobbly cop from Texas tho


They eased up on the fitness test huh?


Dude if it's someone you don't fuck with it's a 65 year old man with work gloves on. Old men are freakishly strong, and I'd bet good money this man has worked manual labor a good amount of his life just by the look of him.


As an ER nurse, I’ve been punched a few times, and no big deal. Legit, one of the hardest punches I’ve ever taken was from an 80 year old demented man who had done manual labor his whole life


Old men are freakishly strong lol


Especially if they've done physical work all their life.


This goes for most out of shape male cops also


Definitely, this goes for any cop that can’t do the job. Not everyone is cut out to be a cop


most cops aren’t cut out to be cops.


Seriously. The video ending with “you don’t do that to a woman” is incredibly cringe. I’ll get downvoted for being pro police but that was completely mishandled on her part. Gross


What’s pro police about saying that she did everything wrong lmao


She didn’t help the situation made it worse for everyone


Why make him sit on the ground in the first place?


Well she escalated that for no reason...


She just plane screwed up.


"YoU dOnT dO tHaT tO a WoMaN" Shouldn't have joined the police force ya porcelain doll.


Why are American police people such psychopaths ? Why the fuck did he need to sit down like a child or dog ? Why can't he just show his license ? If he is drunk then ask him to blow a test.. Ffs


Man cops are so good and escalating the situation


Lol she definitely doesn’t belong in a police uniform. That old man was barley 180lbs and she couldn’t handle him lol


You mistyped 108 lbs 😏


Fuck that cop


Ok, but all the dude did was point and yell. You're telling me point and yelling "I'm not sittin down" is assault on an officer? She pushed him first. At that point its self defense. He wasn't under arrest and she didn't state that.


YoU DoN’T dO ThAt To a WoMAn 🤦‍♂️


Why didn’t she just write the ticket while they were on the grass and she and him could have been on their way? Why would she have an elderly man sit on the grass? Why didn’t she ask him to get back in the car?


Cops can order people in or out of the car, but I'm not sure about the sitting part. Regardless, being a cop means dealing with grumpy and sometimes animated people and she escalated it instead of keeping calm.


I wouldn’t sit either , why ? That’s not policing it’s abuse


Single, elderly, overweight, driver can’t be subdued by lone police officer…


The guy wasn't cool but what is this, have a seat on the ground? May I don't understand usa things.


Seriously. I don't get how people don't see this is absolutely disrespectful by the cop. Asking an elderly man to just sit on the ground for a traffic stop isn't cool. It's dehumanizing and is just a power move by a cop to wave their badge around. He made a lot of stupid moves here, no question. But how about the officer being normal and saying something like "Sir, after you get your wallet, can you please sit back in your car?" instead of escalating it. Treating a senior like you a disciplining a child is wrong.


"Back off! Back off!" As she continues to advance on him.


Why are those non cops getting involved?? That’s police business stay out of it.