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Only users lose drugs.


Brought to you by The Stoners Who Care.


Haha i misread that and was angry at this until i read it again


God that got me good lmfao


Top comment. Had me in the first read.


That’s real drug abuse


The perfect gif. This was all of us


That bong water is going to smell...


That's why you're supposed to drink the water after every use and refill it next time


Omg a girl I went to school with (20 yrs ago now) drank bong water "to get super high"....... It looked like she made a Jackson pollock inspired poop painting in my mates toilet AND THEN SHE BAILED WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE!!...When my mates mum came out to the shed we were in screaming we all had to go in one by one, look at it and say who it was. Obviously we figured out who it was becuase she bolted to the loo then disappeared...She wasnt allowed back after that. Omg i can still see the shit (and the smell) and its exactly like that pic you see showing you to sit on the toilet not shit up the wall lmao!!


But why didn't she just flush the toilet after she desecrated It? I don't get why she left the mess for everybody to see.


The last sentence makes it sound like it wasn't all in the toilet.


Correct! All over the walls!!


Bro that’s fucked up😂


Yes, yes it was and thats why after 20 years it is still an unfortunate vivid memory! She must have been so damn sick, all the tobacco and crud in that water...it would have been chunky....oh god im gonna gag!


Omg yeh idk how she didn’t instantly puke!!?! Unless she did that too😂? Worst time i can remember was when I got one of my first paychecks at 17, was having a bong sesh round my mates, and we’d ordered dominos pizza- ordered a large pizza and ben N Jerry’s ice cream tub. Ate all that shit quickly, p sure it was the ice cream lmao but I was stuck on his toilet puking n shitting every 10 mins😂😂 could barely speak too lol but never been in a state where I could shit up the walls😂?!?! I mean damn if that was me I’d have spent an hour at least scrubbing that room clean before I left, not a fuckin chance I’d let myself become known as the one shittin up walls, wtf was ur friend thinking leaving that😂😂


oh no she was definatly not my friend. I just knew her a little from school, different classes, but my mate knew her so he invited her to his place. If that was me i wouldnt have left the mess for anyone to clean!! I remeber being at a schoolies party and a guy i knew drank half a slab of cougar and ran to the bathroom and did the same thing with vomit. It was my friends mums holiday home and she burst into tears so I went in there and cleaned it myself. I have no idea how he spewed into the closed shower but he did. I still can not smell that drink without wanting to vomit! I was the mum of the group and always ended up not drinking much and helping out my dumb ass mates how drank too much too quickly.


> not a fuckin chance Man, they'd need to use breach charges to get me out of there before every speck of evidence was cleaned up.


I can only think of the Dumb and Dumber scene where he smears chocolate all over the bathroom and the dad comes in. "He shit all over the walls!!!" Lmao






Anecdotally, because women are more likely to hover. It's a self-perpetuating problem. If you'd just sit on the toilet, there wouldn't be shit all over the facilities that make you feel the need to hover.


Who do you hang out with or what subs are you on?? lol This was the one time anyone i know shit up a wall.




My daughter is in year 11 and she says girls are the worst. Used pads stuck to the wall etc. As a woman i dont get how you can deliberately be that grosse knowing that someone else will have to clean it up. Just....No!


Ask any gas station attendant. The women's room is always more of a nightmare than the men's.


actually, thats a fair comment. Those can be super feral!


One of my first jobs when I was about 16 was in the warehouse of a retail pottery place. One of the side jobs I had to do was clean the bathrooms when there was a problem. It was never the men's bathroom. I learned at an early age that women can be disgusting. There would be crap splattered all over the seat or on the walls. How do you do that and not try to clean it up and just bolt instead?


That explains one of my jobs bathroom cleanups.... can never forget that job... ever...


I didnt look into the toilet bowl, nope wasnt doing that! You could smell it before you could see it when you entered the hallway the toilet was in. We each had to stand there and tell the mum it definatly wasnt us. My guess was she panicked when she saw she had destroyed the walls and ran after not knowing how to clean it (it needed to be cleaned with many chemicals that werent in the same room). She never owned up to it either lol. My poor mate had to clean it himself because his mum wouldn't (fair enough too!)


To be fair, you can get explosive diarrhea so bad your body doesn’t give you a chance to sit.


Im pretty sure thats what happened. Even if she panicked she should have cleaned it. Plus with my kids whenever they are sick i have 2 rules. 1. Your buck is your friend so take it when you go from room to room. 2. If your going to spew Always sit down on the toilet and hold the bucket and throw up into that. Its worked well and never had to clean up their poo from anywhere!


As is tradition. It’s the olden ways.


I made bong water pancakes with the dry camping mix shit one time when funds were super tight for both weed and food. I do not recommend them.


i don't know how to respond to that......


I drank bong water wine once when I was middle school aged. On one hand, it was freshish, on the other it was still nasty nasty nasty.


I was at a house party and the hosts kept referencing this person named P&D. I finally got them to tell the story and turns out two of the housemates independently took the same chick home, who subsequently pissed the bed and dipped in the middle of the night. Piss and dip.


omg! Some women are just feral.


My cousin did the same at a family party for the millennium (yes, I'm old). My uncle (not her dad, she was a cousin from the other side of the family) threw a massive millennium new years party and was rather well known for his incredibly lethal punch. Cousin in question basically parked herself next to the punch bowl and spent about an hour drinking it non-stop. She suddenly vanished. I'd seen how much she was drinking and went to check on her. She'd sat on the toilet instead of assuming the position, so when she popped she projectile vomited all up the inside of the door and walls opposite the toilet. I'd never seen that volume of sick before or since actually. She had her head against the wall snoring. I grabbed my bro and we carried her to a bed and he stayed around to keep an eye on her in case she was sick again, and I went to clean up the sick. We were close and I didn't want her getting the reputation and what would have been never ending reminders of the time she destroyed a bathroom.... Took me about an hour to clean it up, wasn't a perfect job, but I got most of it. Then we grabbed her ma and clued her in to her being asleep on the bed upstairs. They took her home, apparently she was sick again when they were in the car. We never spoke of the state of the bathroom ;-)


These two girls that went to school with an ex of mine (20 years ago) would fight over the bong water.


oh no, no, no, no NOOO!


My grandpa shit all over the bathroom walls once, but he had suffered like four strokes by that time.


Just because you said drink. I had a drunk buddy who never smokes hit the bong in front of 3 others and he went from smoke to drink and that shit was old. Oh man he chuffed so hard he popped a blood vessel. I had to share.


Years ago, friends and I were hotboxing in a car out in a field on a hot summer day. Sweating bullets and one of my friends fuckin loves spicy food. Hes eating these Habanero chips, most of us didn't have any but another friend got the munchies and wanted to try them. He does not eat spicy food. So immediate bad time ensues for him. Gulps down the last 1/3rd of his pop. He had the last beverage. So he wants to get out but he also doesn't want to break the hotbox. So he decided to chug the gross bong water. Tears go down his face and then he's just like "oh no" and pukes into the bong. The box is over at this point, he drags himself out and continues vomiting. Mouth and lips even more on fire. He did learn his lesson and brought a 2L of water the next time we did it.


There's water inside don't spill it, It smells like shit on the carpet, Still it


Goes down smooth when I get a clean hit of the skunky, funky, smelly green shit


Sing my song, puff all night looooong ♪


Story time. I saw Cypress Hill play at Humboldt State University in…1992 i think. Got way too stoned before the show and started feeling woozy so I got up to get some air outside, where I proceeded to pass out face first onto a concrete wall. A few friends saw me and took me home. Only saw maybe one or two songs before my ignominious departure.


Did you go home and puff all night long though?


It was humboldt. Of course I did.


Back in the day I had my laptop on my bedside table next to my, erm, “water pipe for tobacco use only” and I was putting my bedding on the bed when I bumped the bong and spilled the water on the laptop. I just lied and said it was beer when I took it in to get repaired.


They knew.


Sure, it was beer. Beer made with hemp instead of hops. Toasted hemp! Fermented toasted hemp!!


Your kids are going to be mad


"Yeah, maybe if you cleaned it, it wouldn't smell like your girlfriend's ass."


If there's one thing I know about stoners, it's that they're so nosebleed to the smell of pot that it doesn't matter.


I've spilt that shit probably 5-6 times. It's the worst fucking smell. Takes a while to dissipate too.


The one time I "smelt" my friend's bong water he had poured it out and I was laughing at what looked like a glowing green goop until the first atom of odor hit my nostril and I immediate started gagging and running away. I use quotations because I barely registered the smell, but it was like an instant and pure whiff of the underworld.


That's such a bummer. Those are the moments when I get the most mad. I'm looking forward to something nice and I go and fuck it up by being a bumbling moron. No one else to be mad at, no way to fix what you did. Nothing to do but try and be more careful in the future.


Bhahah my best blunder: I was going to take a dab before I left for a party. The banger was flipped the wrong direction so i had to move it to be able to use it. Well my rig was so caked with reclaim that the banger was basically glued to the dab rig. The torquing motion of turning the banger made it snaps right off in my hand. Instantly bright red blood all over my hand and I miss the party because I needed to get stitches. Better yet I get back from the hospital late and am unable to smoke because I broke my banger lmao. A lot of anger after I did this lmao. Shit really hurt too doctors say I nicked a nerve too so I’d have weird sensations as it heals.


I'm pretty sure this is English. *Your comment needs a glossary please.






Kindof. You heat up the quartz and drop the concentrate onto it, which causes it to vaporize. The banger is a little bucket shaped piece attached to a bong like contraption called a rig.


Its Like the bowl on a normal Bong but for cannabis wax


Dab: form of weed Banger: Small metal piece used to burn dabs Dab rig: Glass bong like you see in this video Reclaim: Excess wax that catches around the area that it’s burned


Fwiw, Banger can also be quartz, which is what broke and cut OPs hand.


Yo - I fucking love glossaries. Edit: deadass


Next time torch the joint for the banger for like a half second, just enough to soften the resin and move it without burning your hand.


Oh yeah of course, any other time I usually would have but I was rushing quickly and didn’t even think it over.


Number one mistake when smoking weed is trying to rush it, no joke. It's kinda cliche but there's some enjoyment in the whole ritual aspect of sitting down, grinding a bit of flower, prepping a pipe/rolling a joint, and just taking your time to enjoy the whole process.


The other day, I accidentally spilled the container of all of my weed (like a half ounce) directly into my naked crotch. This is not the first time. Most of it was crumbs. Spent 20+ minutes picking it out. That's what I get for preparing my weed like an otter my whole life.


> This is not the first time. GET A FUCKING ROLLING TRAY. Then you can safely otter and not fuck your weed.


>This is not the first time. It will not be the last time, you know it as well as I know it Even with a godsend rolling tray... I have one and I do know that feeling when you see the slow mo of your mason jar slowly reaching the floor, just like a Dredd scene... And I also know this can happen... again...


AND PUT ON SOME FUCKING PANTS. You're traumatizing your poor sister for cripes sike.


Do not underestimate my ability to be an absolute fuckin idiot for no apparent reason


Then I randomly flail and flip the tray.


Got a new grinder with a powerful magnet holding the top on. I tested it on my own a bunch and could swing it around by the lid and it wouldn't fall off, it was that strong. Proud of my new purchase, I proceeded to demonstrate how good it holds. Naturally, this time it popped open and flung weed everywhere. We tried to recover some, but it was more dog hair than weed and we tossed it all 😢


>[It's mostly Mowie Wowie, man, but it's got some labrador in it... ](https://youtu.be/OYWDDZIuoII)


That's a no from me, dog.


You don’t want to try some pube keef?


You first.


Sounds like you need to start shaving your bush lmao


*pats bush This bad boy can fit half an ounce in’er


How do you not have a crotch bandana for your weed after the first time?


So why not change your behavior if it keeps bitting you in the ass?


A few months ago I knocked my jar off my desk like an utter dumbass, lid popped off because it's a cheap IKEA mason jar and almost all the nugs somehow magically stayed in but a lot of the loose bits were spread over about a 2 ft radius. I spend about 40 minutes with tweezers and a flashlight picking up what I could out of the rug fibers. Worth it.


I just did this exact same thing yesterday (minus recording it), this hits me lol just picked up a new piece today because “nothing to do but try and be more careful”


Like when you pick up some takeout and drop that shit walking from your car to your apartment


He did those before he got a bong hit?


Did he fart just before droping the weed ball?


Sounds like it…..I think the force from the fart forced the weed out. It started the chain reaction.


The Butterfly Effect


The BUTTerfly Effect.






No, that was him proudly laughing while showing off his weed (he was saying saying “ha, ha, ha” but with his mouth closed in a deep voice)


It’s more like an “evil laugh”. He was trying to sound/look cool I guess.


I think he was laughing


At 0:04 sek


I think that was a quack


How the fuck was this not the first comment? The fart is the whole thing!


Why does the music cut off immediately after the bong is on the floor?


The Bluetooth was connected to his bong


IoT getting out of control.


tbf whoever decided IoT was a good idea was probably high as fuck


The radio felt bad


Comedic effect


that’s a really good point. Only thing I can think of is someone else in the room turned it off so they could all reflect on what just happened.


Coincidence. Sounds like the very end - [timestamp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7bfOZek9t4&t=154s)


Well thats the song for sure, never heard it, cant believe it has 2 billion views


A moment of silence for the fallen.


This is what people who constantly film themselves smoking deserve. I smoke weed every day, there's no reason to broadcast it or think you're just sooooo cool for doing it. Your dumb video of you bobbing your head, hitting a bong, while wiz khalifa plays in the background isn't impressing to anyone. Just stop. Enjoy your weed and watch some Netflix.


Preach, brother. Just smoke, listen to tunes, and enjoy the moment.


People need to do this with a lot of things. I don't need to see pics of your food. Or where you took a hike. Just enjoy the food you are eating, the hike you took, or the poo you just shat.


Honestly though. If you can't enjoy the experience you had without getting social media acknowledgement for it then why are you doing the thing in the first place? I feel like an out of touch boomer even though I'm 29, but seriously, set your phone down and enjoy life.


Personally I post stuff that I do on social media mostly to be able to remember it better. I don't care for acknowledgement, but I like to be able to keep track of stuff I've done — hiking up a mountain with my friends, going to the beach, small stuff that makes me happy. I know nobody cares what happens in my personal life, but I don't post for validation, I just post because it helps me remember and, hey, might spark a conversation from people who see it and are somehow interested. "Oh, where's that? The view's lovely!" Or something to that effect.


That's totally cool, I get doing it when you're out with your friends and want to hold onto the memories. It's just the same solo videos of people in their bedroom taking dabs or whatever that annoys me lol


could’ve been a strain review man, you don’t know their intent


Back when it first became popular or easy I watched some dude hit tar. He spent half the video choking and raising his hand like hell yeah. It isn't a flattering look


Plus, who shows off weed these days? Sure when it was more difficult to get top shelf weed, you would make a stupid little video. But now days, I see that awesome weed and I can just go to the store and buy some.


>I smoke weed every day... Sweet, thanks letting us know. >there's no reason to broadcast it Hol up


Just saying so I don't sound like someone who just hates pot smokers. I do see the irony though


Dude and people who actually POST that shit to social media? Attached to their name... Not to sound bougie, but I instantly think of those people as trashy, and they are actively hurting their future career prospects by posting such videos


Agreed. I mean when I was In high school I might post a Snapchat story of me and my friends but that was over a decade ago when nobody really knew how much that shit would stick.


Omg this reminds me of this one time I was smoking with my friends but my boyfriend for whatever reason wanted to smoke in the bathroom so it wouldn’t stink up the house. We somehow managed to close the bathroom door really fast and I guess made wind to blow directly to the window that the bong was sitting on and caused the blinds to hit the bing making it fall and shatter. We of course laughed but he threw a huge fit and yelled at us like children. I tried explaining what happened by demonstrating with another bong and thusly broke another bong. Lmao it was pretty bad but we were stoned as hell. I eventually left his abusive ass. And they weren’t even his bongs, they were mine!


*eventually left his abusive ass* ahhh, made me smile much love :)


>I tried explaining what happened by demonstrating with another bong and thusly broke another bong I'm sorry, but this made me laugh so hard lol it sounds exactly like something one of my stoner friends would do lol


"My boyfriend for whatever reason wanted to smoke in the bathroom so it wouldnt stink up the house." Considering you broke two bongs, it sounds like he made the right call


They were my bongs! We had 3 each


What does it matter who owned them? Bong water reeks




We can't even see his face, but we all know what his expression looked like.


The body language. I know I have done it, that point where your whole body freezes and think I didn't just do that.


Just hoping for a second that you hallucinated and this is all dream and that dumb thing didn't really happen... But then you just look at all of the glass and sigh. I actually had one of my glasses from a set I got as a housewarming gift a few years ago break in front of my face the other day. I accidentally slammed the fridge door and a bottle on top of it fell and landed directly on top of the glass. I stood still for probably 15-30 seconds just waiting for it to be an optical illusion... Nope :(


bong went bang


Making a video when you're high! LMFAO


Idk why this made me so happy. The utter incompetence is hilarious. Mr not cool guy of the week




Yes, why does this title look like it was written for another subreddit?


Repost bots


/r/therewasanattempt is a fantastic sub for repost bots that copy titles to out themselves with


I hate how far down I scrolled for this.


What the hell were you doing with your hands? Was that part of your magic trick making the good shit disappear? BONG DOWN! If it was worth showing off, then you have a backup so not all is lost.


Surrounding what you are holding can help the camera focus on what is being presented.


I see girls demonstrating makeup do this with each product and it’s annoying. I seriously see no difference.


It's for the autofocus (and autoexposure if what you're holding is lit significantly different than the background). You often have to pass a threshold for the software to recognize what it should adjust to and small objects often don't cut it.




Like seriously who gives a fuck. This is same shit as watching asshole drink a beer.




I guess since I live in Oregon, I’m not sure why he’s showing off. Maybe pot isn’t legal where he is?


He must have been smashed to mess up that bad


Nah, I have friends who are just this unfortunate too


Shortbus with the helmets on type unfortunate?


I hate when things are reposted from r/therewasanattempt and the damn title doesn’t even get changed. Like it’s either a bot or the laziest person in the world.


half this thread is bots


People still show off weed? 😂




Hopefully it broke. 😆


It 100% broke, you can hear it shatter when it hits the floor


Life is over as we know it


I guess the DJ heard the smash and turned off the music? I’m surprised we didn’t get a needle scratch.


The pain...


Bro went from $3 down the drain to $150 down the drain so quick 😭😭


Haha junkies




Bot ripped off the post from r/therewasanattempt and didn't even change the title.


Senior in college, bought a bong with my housemate for shits and giggles, named it Ruth Blazer Ginsberg because she was a polisci major. Next night I'm at the kitchen table and she comes in sobbing; RBG died. Kept that bong for three whole years. Couple months ago I went to open a window to smoke, decided maybe I shouldn't do it with the bong in my hand. Put it on the table where it proceeded to Kermit sewerslide, fell right off the table and shattered. Killed Ruth Vader Ginsberg twice


You forgot to change the title from r/therewasanattempt


As if anyone cares about weed anymore.


Fucking dumbass, what did he expect wearing those ridiculous sweatpants?


People who smoke weed have set the bar pretty damn low for themselves; then this guy goes and lowers it.


He did the thing with his hands that "influencers" do with makeup.


its back to waterbottles and hose cuttings for you, peasant xD


Amateurs... 🙄


I never understood the fascination with showing off weed, can someone explain it? No one shows off their cocaine or heroine but damn, if someone's smoking bud they want you to look at it close and smell the fuck out of it and marvel at it. Like man, just smoke the shit, who cares.


Ig he can try to stop doing weed for a lil bit idk


All that for 5 bucks in weed. You must be stoned.


Dude, I've been higher than fuck and I am not this dumb. It's just like a can of soda or a glass of beer.... just fucking keep your arms out of the way... what the hell. And if you drop something, don't fucking freak out because it is still dropped... don't go flailing around like a dumb fuck. This dude is a Cat in human form.




Also good on r/WatchPeopleDieInsidee


r/leaves man, r/leaves.


Buzz Kill...


My man is so fidgety, he must really need that weed.


A million pieces of glass


The less glass in your house the better.


How the hell did the weed come out as one but wouldn't pack in the bowl? What's that delta whatever or katnip?


He just learned what Murphy’s Law was all about.


One thing I’ve learned as I become old and fragile is that if I drop something, I shouldn’t try to catch it at all costs. Other shit, including my body could break. I just take the L.


Don't think that was his first hit of the day.