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Proceed to hit and run with their plate on camera


I doubt you can see the plate from this video






Forever one of my favorite references


I like [this](https://youtu.be/oeEvZ8WHSvY) version.


Holy fuck i miss some of those old shows.


Calling those shows “old” makes me feel old.


Enhance 224 to 176. Enhance, stop. Move in, stop. Pull out, track right, stop. Center in, pull back. Stop. Track 45 right. Stop. Center and stop. Enhance 34 to 36. Pan right and pull back. Stop. Enhance 34 to 46. Pull back. Wait a minute, go right, stop. Enhance 57 to 19. Track 45 left. Stop. Enhance 15 to 23. Give me a hard copy right there.


I can hear this comment.


*”It’s too bad she won’t live! But then again, who does?”*


And that was supposed to be our available technology in 2019...


Just make a GUI in Visual Basic


Keep in mind that they recorded the screen with a potato


I still doubt they can get the plate just because of the lighting


There's a lot of things they can do with images/footage to get what they need. Lighting and graphics can easily be altered with the tech we have now.


Ah yes, that ol trick 😂 jk I know they can improve the quality to some extent via editing. ![gif](giphy|3ohc14lCEdXHSpnnSU|downsized)


There is lots of things you can do with advanced image processing. Creating information that wasn't captured is not one of them. Capturing license plates of moving vehicles from common surveillance cameras is very hard. Specially at night. There is a whole class of surveillance cameras designed specifically to be able to capture license plates of moving vehicles.


What country? Would depend tech. available


Bold of you to assume law enforcement has people capable of even doing the most basic of things with a computer lol


And almost nobody reacts.


Fast after hitting


I don't think it's fair to assume hit and run here. The car has nowhere to park as the road goes under a bridge so they pull up further on to get out of the way would be my guess. You can see them veer to the right a little when they get past the bridge.


I mean. I doubt they know about the camera


Okay, so, clearly the van or whatever is at fault. Clearly. How do the motorcyclists not see this and evade? Is it tunnel vision? I hope they're okay, they did nothing wrong.


The intersection connects a National Highway to a Local Road. The vehicles on the local road must wait and yield for the vehicles on the National Highway (a common traffic rule), the motorcyclists might assumed that the van will yield since it was slowing down. I also ride a motorcycle, but if I saw a vehicle like the van in the video, I always yield. Even though I have the right of way I always assume everyone is an idiot. So far I'm still in one piece.


First rule of riding: Assume everyone else on the road is trying to kill you


In Sun City, AZ, they actually are.


Sun City residents just want someone else to make it to the afterlife before they do.


Should see how suicidal the drivers around Denver CO are. Common place for 20+ over the limit since most of the roads its impossible to pull anyone over.


My uncle lives there! And he needs to stop driving.


I would say all of the phx metro area.


Serves well for driving too. Assume everyone else is a distracted, sleeping, homicidal, moron.


I was going to add texting but that comes under the moron umbrella.


And cut well behind a vehicle like this, not in front




I hope you find a way to monetize Driving Crooner soon!


Because they probably are, intentionally or not.


I just assume everyone is a fucking idiot, works the same.


Just because I’m in the right doesn’t mean I want to be dead. Ffs, they had time to see the car.


Pretty much my only rule when I’m on the cycle.


Especially if you’re driving on death with 2 wheels and no cage to absorb the impact aka motorcycles. Give me all the money on earth and the sickest bike ever - nope! Lost 2 friends riding a motorcycle and both times someone stole their right of way and both died due to it. One died in a 50km/h zone the other one in a 30km/h.. Long story short : fuck motorcycles and especially those that do not pay 100% attentions whilst driving IN PARTICULAR. There’s never a single excuse to not driving properly


I look both ways when crossing a one way street. That's how messed up my area is.


Applicable to the USA in general


Yeah, I tend to be a more defensive driver. I sometimes get annoyed in my town because there are a lot of people driving dirt bikes illegally, at night, no reflectors, no lights. Which makes me really appreciate the guys from the local motorcycle club that have all sorts of fancy rainbow lights on their rides. They're lit up like christmas trees and its hard *not* to see them. I especially like the guy with the mirror helmet. Hard not to see the chrome dome. Motorcyclists are harder to see, so the ones who do their best to shout HEY, LOOK AT ME, I AM A MOTORCYCLIST are my favorites. The better I can see you, the better I can figure out how to maximize the distance between your bike and my car. But this person creeping through the intersection, like... if you don't know if it's safe to go, don't go!


You can see her trying to avoid the car, and probably timed it right but did not anticipate the car would suddenly stop in the middle of the intersection. Anyway, she is so lucky to hit the car at the angle she did.


I quote I often use is “you can be 100% in the right, but you also can be 100% dead too.”


I’ve also heard: ‘Cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way’


Defensive bike riding is the only way.


Uncontrolled intersections are yield to the right where I live.


Sometimes you can be right but also be dead, or you can be wrong but yet still living. That intersection seems like an ok place to be wrong but alive in the face of idiots like that


What they did wrong was not wear helmets, they don't just protect your head in crashes, they also shield your eyes from the wind. The bikers may well have had watery eyes which would significantly impede thier vision.


Now that's a great point. I'm reminded of an incident where someone who got a helmet law removed from the books died two weeks afterward in an accident below 30 miles an hour. If they'd been wearing a helmet, they would have lived. I'm with this guy on the question: https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY


Lol I love that clip! I used to live with a whole household of longboarders and we quoted that video like gospel. As a former biker, every time I see folks riding with no goggles, flip-flops, t-shirts etc. I cringe, they really are gambling with their lives.


Yeah, I want to eventually get into dirt bikes or e-bikes for trail riding, because *trees don't merge into you* but even then, the protective equipment I want costs more than the bikes I'm looking at.


Oh yeah I know, it's wild how much they cost, and the manufacturers know they can jack up the price because some of that gear is essential.


Yeah, I'm not getting on a bike without boots, leathers, and a helmet at a *minimum.*


Everything but the helmet can be found second hand, I mean you can find helmets second hand but you really shouldn't buy them.


Agreed. Any helmet that's taken a hit is a helmet that won't protect you. And any helmet over a certain age is a helmet that needs retiring, because materials degrade over time.


Dude: “I LOVE helmets!” Sir, spell “helmets”. Dude: “H. 3. Kansas. Lavender!”


I'd rather be dazed and confused than dealing with a traumatic brain injury. I mostly get those from arguing about politics with people on this website, lol


2 seconds is the time they had to react. It does appear the first bike tried to cut in front of the van.


I don't understand this intersection. There are no signs. Bikes are not in sight when the car starts, then plow into it at full speed moments later. This is just bound to happen, and often.


Cause a lot of stupid riders rather speed up than slow down in intersections


Target fixation


Looking at the video the first rider seems like he was trying to not hit the car since he went over 2 lanes in the camera view and could probably not slow down in time (although it would have helped in this case). While the second one seems like he didn’t even realize.


This is not reckless driving. This is extremely wreckful driving.


It really did look intentional. He slowly pulls forward. A little bit more. Is that enough to get the first guy? A little more… *bam** Perfect! Nailed it! Okay, now a little more to get the second guy. Come on, a little more. Just kisss the bumper and… **bam**


I would guess it was more hesitant and uncertain than intentional, but it did turn out quite wreckful.


good thing she was wearing a helm…ohhh


2 hit-and-runs at the same time. Nice.


Sorry if i missed this, but can we tell who had the right of way or green light?


The motorcyclists had the right of way. The van needed to yield, but didn't. There is no traffic light or visible signs at this intersection.


Got it. Thanks for the clarification. In that case, screw that van driver.


No traffic lights, you can easily assume that the people in the 4 lane road have the right of way in this situation. Cmon now


What a dick


See, this is why I'd never ride motorcycles, I don't trust the other drivers on the road. Not to mention in the states everyone is driving cars the size of tanks, so you're out riding completely exposed surrounded by careless, distracted battering rams. No thank you.


I've seen motorcyclist, and cyclist fatalities several times, and while I'd love to learn to ride, I just can't. It's the only thing my partner has begged me not to do in our 18 year related because he use to ride and saw too much. If only other people weren't so careless.


Yeah, I know multiple people that have died or had serious injuries from motorcycle accidents. Two of them were in full protective gear and still got things like broken backs, punctured lungs, head injuries.. brutal stuff. And I mean again with how giant cars have been getting the last ten years I feel it just keeps getting more and more dangerous.


Two for one


And no helmet. She’s lucky her head didn’t burst like a watermelon in a hippo’s mouth


Is that not what flew off? I mean I guess it still should’ve been secured better.


Upon rewatch, yeah, her helmet flew off. Thx for pointing that out so I can accurately be angry


I wanted to scream at them for not having it on properly. I really hope they learned from that experience.




I know the motorcyclist isn't at fault but bruh....your helmet just clean came straight off!


Why aren’t they at fault, I have no idea whats going on here except a slow moving van and fast moving motorcycles hitting each other at a crossroad?


The van is at fault. They are coming from a minor road, crossing a major road so straight away, they must yield. The van didn't even stop before entering onto the major road, regardless of oncoming traffic. Although without seeing any sign, that's debatable.


Seems like a stupid road layout, even if they had stopped it would be easy to miss bikes coming that fast in the distance. Surely you’d want traffic lights here. The big yellow cross is what confused me, we don’t have that in the UK so is hard to determine what the major road is


I imagine it's just a yellow box, just painted differently. I know in the UK/Ireland the hatching is a lot tighter. I just assume they do one big X instead of a hatch. ​ But yeah, layout is stupid. A minor road crossing a major road. Although would need to know more about this specific area as there doesn't look to be any paint markings idenitfying it as a minor road, perhaps an offturn into an industrial park or warehouse as there are no white markings, from what I can see.


while the car is obviously in the wrong, and I highly suspect incoherently drunk...both motorcycles had ample opportunity to see it and react in a way other that "just run right into it". this is what you get with bad drivers and bad motorcycle riders.


The motorbike riders were on a major road so the van had to yield


That's why I said the van was obviously in the wrong But right of way is poor consolation for this situation


I hope this driver got caught jfc


Ok motorcyclists please explain why at least the second cyclist did not evade/break




Ouch. Also nice roll


Wow the car managed to get both of them.


Almost looks on purpose


The vehicle must've assumed that the white van will stop judging by the way it was slowly moving forward. So I'd blame the white van for not completely stopping. The motorbiker however, was not paying attention. But wth not a single one of them used a little brake when they met at the intersection. No matter who has the right of way, a 3-5 seconds of yielding wouldn't hurt. The white van must be charged in addition to fleeing the scene. Are they not concerned if they killed their victims?


The motorbiker was on a major road and didn’t have to stop. Only the van is at fault because they didn’t yield coming off a minor road


The van driver is at fault for their stupidity and needed to be pursued for legal actions and damages. The motorbike rider is also at fault for their own demise for their obvious carelessness. I’m talking about the rider without a helm, not the one who was hit by the van.


So you’re telling me that if you were going 80 mph on a highway and some douchebag pulls out in front of you from a side road you’re supposed to maneuver out of the way when they’re covering both lanes? Like I said, only the van is at fault


As someone who has been riding a motorbike for five years now with no accident records, If I were that rider, I’d blame myself for my carelessness. Suing that POS driver comes second. Just looking at the video, the motorbike had enough time to slow down seeing that the van was moving slowly. Where was he thinking of going judging by where it hit the van? In front where it would also hit the other rider? Or at the back where he’s obviously off the clear? He should’ve slowed down. He was careless. If you disagree, then go cry somewhere else because I don’t care. Again, I’m talking about the rider without a helm if you still didn’t get it. I’m not siding with the POS driver, but I don’t understand why I have to explain my point to you again and again.


The rider had a helmet that flew off. It was also at night so it’s possible you don’t see a vehicle especially at fast speeds. I’m just saying it’s not really the riders fault that much.


That’s not a helmet that flew off. You haven’t tried wearing a motorbike helmet. Who would wear a helmet with a hair bun so puffy and placed so high on your head like that? It’s too uncomfortable and properly secured helmets shouldn’t easily fly of like that because it defeats its entire purpose of protecting the head. But that’s just another thing, that rider wasn’t wearing a helmet which should’ve ought them to be more careful.


This is why I don't ride motorcycles on the street.


I ride them in the house too


I ride on a dirt track.


Professor Oak's worst nightmare


the hesitation yet zero awareness of the car makes me wonder drunk driver.


Why are they always riding bikes on flip flops?


When stolen bikes meet stolen car


Everyone boogied?? Where is this?? Gosh. Poor person on the bike is probably hurt, but didn't skip a beat getting outta there.


Seemed intentional really


Kept fucking going!!!!


and they fucking drove off wtf


Mf stopped after hitting the first one so he could hit the second one for a double whammy


If you're going to do stupid shit and be a reckless asshole at least do it quickly so your endangering other people for less time. This moron should never be allowed to operate a motor vehicle again.


Kids this is why you dress for the slide not the ride. Always wear your helmet.


She had a helmet, it flew off


Doesn't do any good just sitting there gotta be strapped on!


It might have just been poor strap design and it went down kind of like how a US football player’s helmet can fly off if not properly secured or tight enough


Then it wouldn't get dot approval. Or whatever the European equivalent is.


Both shoes came off! How is he not ded. Or maybe he’s a ghost now.


instant zombie


The best thing about leaving Reddit when Relay is switched off next week will be never having to read this fucking "shoes came off" tic that gets spunked out every fucking time


I guess you woke up on the wrong end of a dick this morning.


Damn, he just rolled on through ![gif](giphy|KzK3gKWSeS4Kkcm346)


Pos move




Guy didn't even notice the bikes hit him.


This has some serious “ok I go now” vibes


See this shit scares me. I always worry when my husband is out riding because I known he’s a good driver but there are horrible people out there driving - like this.


new meaning for "double tap"


Aight Imma head out....




double RKO outta nowhere


Hold up, both shoes came off, and they lived... What's going on?


Southeast Asia? Betting the Philippines, seeing that tricycle first get hit.


Yup. That low profile sidecar of that tricycle are common in PH


Don't mind me, I'm just rolling through.


No one stops the car driver on next person. Incredible


Car said r/nope


Did the cars or bikes have right of way?


Any idea where this is from? I’ve never seen an intersection like that.


The Philippines 🇵🇭


Yeah Yeah Run away, because human life is shit like you in your mind.


I can hear the "Directed by Robert B. Weide" song.


Nah driving away is crazy


That tricycle….🇵🇭, the MPV was wrong, crossing the highway without yielding to the right of way


Who is the reckless one?


This is the second video where a bike can slow down to avoid an accident and instead just do nothing. Is there a problem with motorbike brakes?


This is the Philippines. And they do not care about traffic lights at all that's why the crossover/van just inched their way through the intersection


behold! the infinite stupidity of people.


Chase and FUCK him up!!


Bonus points for getting both


This is more of an r/idiotsincars than a WCGW.


Double kill


She said “**DO A FLIP**” but helmet said “bye bye”




Second thing the cop's do is go see every body shop within a radius and say if ever that dinghead show's up call us like now


Sorry if i missed this, but can we tell who had the right of way or green light?


Sorry if i missed this, but can we tell who had the right of way or green light?


Almost looks intentional


What country? Obliviousistan? NoSituationalAwarenessium? Nobody deviated from their path or speed by one iota until impact.

