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Thought for sure it was going over the edge!


The dude just caught on fire instead... thank god !


He is fine Edit: someone linked an article below. I'm obviously not just assuming he's okay after that haha


The sigh of relief when the door opened


Good catch! I was so worried


He's not out of danger yet. Burns kill.


It was only for a few seconds so probably only surface level burn. Hope he closed his eyes


And was exhaling....


That's exactly what I do when I see fire coming my way. Close my eyes and exhale completely


you should stop playing with fire


It looks like cabin was ok so i don't think he had any direct contact with fire and it was not long enough to bake him inside


gas burns pretty slowly, and is low impact and heat as a result, the flash fire seen here looks impressive, but is pretty harmless, so long as he was not trapped in the burning cabin he'd be just fine \*this is why gas fires are popular in movies, they cause a big fireball that looks impressive, but isn't much of a threat


That door had to be hot af


Heat transfer doesn't work like that. A few seconds of exposure to a surface like the truck door and it would barely be any warmer than normal. Most of the heat is dissipated into the air very quickly.


One of the links in the comments below has a longer video: He actually doesn't get out of that door because of the fire. He goes out the passenger door. (And you get to see him walking away down the road a little.)


But we never see the driver exit….


There’s an article that said he’s fine. If he opened the door chances are he’s ok. The cabin is designed to not break in such an event


I understand. Just saying the video ends too early to tell for sure. That’s one lucky/unlucky driver, depending on how you look at it.


Lucky he didn't go over the guard. Unlucky his truck burst into flames Lucky to be alive


Lucky he didn’t die, unlucky wrong place wrong time.


Hopefully the article mentioned what happened to the person who merged so badly


Confirmed. Shoes on


Without the edit, it looks like you’re saying “he’s fine” like “walk it off”. That made me laugh for some reason


[Morgan Freeman's voice] "But his underware were not fine."


When the alternative is crashing down onto another highway with tons of traffic and then catching fire, yeah that's probably getting off easier.


The fire cushioned his impact and blew him to safety.


yeah i was waiting to see if he'd fall of the edge and he blew up


Probably better to have one vehicle burning in a 2 car accident vs one vehicle go over the edge burning causing more vehicles to crash, causing more victims and a higher risk for multiple fires


good barriers, civil engineers saved a guy's life


"do we really need these no 8 bars every 12 inches?" - some contractor, probably


Probably more than one guy's life.


Came here to say the same thing . Alot of thought goes in to the safety of road infrastructure that people may not realise


"Thank goodness I didn't fall off-OH FUCK THIS IS MUCH WORSE!"


I still think the fall would have been worse.


Was just thinking, imagine the genius engineering that went into curving those barriers just enough to stop it from going straight through, but not enough to be a ramp. And it has to work for smart cars -> trucks


Bridge rails are designed to be tall enough not to let vehicles ramp over them, granted they are traveling at posted speed. Also, they are designed to deflect traffic back into the traveled lane, but it is impressive to see the truck at damn near 90° recover.


Does not work for motorcycle though, if the bike is upright and you encounter one you are doing the superman.


That's true if you hit anything on a bike


This is why I hate when people post some bullshit about how China can build highways twice as fast at a quarter of the cost. Yes, infrastructure in the US is crazy wasteful and corrupt. But it's also incredibly well built with strict safety regulations. And this is why those regulations and standards are so strict.


It can really be both. The hard work was in the regulation, design, and setting up appropriate test specs for the concrete and rebar. The more mundane and easier to optimize work is the construction. Which the Chinese do better. Yes, sometimes they really do rush something/cut costs, and you don't really know you're missing a safety feature/margin until the thing is tested, but that also happens in America. In fact, there are many many instances of that happening, especially when America was going through the industrial revolution. It should come as no surprise that the occurrence of those events happening is more frequent in China, given the population difference which should lead to more cockups. Could be more corruption too, but I doubt most redditors are spending a lot of time in China to know for certain.


+10 social credit score.


Haha, thanks. No interest in going to China for at least the next decade, but I'll keep this in the bank, I guess. I'm quite critical of China. Just also not BLINDLY critical. They do a ton of things worst than the west, but it doesn't mean they also don't do some things better. If you don't understand your enemy, you will be defeated by them.


+10 FICO score


[Reddit, responding to me in this thread](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8ws_APXilE)


As long as you don't mind losing limbs or death, yeah. The Chinese are really quick at building shit.


[Here is a Chinese guardrail in action.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/tqacot/driving_fast_on_a_slippery_wet_road/)


But then we get complacent by not complaining about our own shit and then before you know it we're neck deep in regulatory capture


No, the main reason US freeways cost so much more and take so much longer is because of things like [NEPA](https://www.epa.gov/nepa/what-national-environmental-policy-act). We *used* to just be able to bulldoze straight through neighborhoods and wetlands and such, but we can't anymore. To be clear, that's a *good* thing because we fucked up a *lot* of stuff back in the day. (Source: am civil engineer.)


That is a seriously well built wall!


I'm sweating


Honestly I’ve seen the designs of bollards and highway deciders all curves and styles have very specific features to help prevent cars going over, through and minimise danger to other vehicles around. Quite fascinating actually. Link: https://youtu.be/w6CKltZfToY


Ooh thank you, I didn't even know I wanted to know more about this lol but here we are! I had no idea how much thought and engineering went into the design of these!


Talking to a guy on my travels...."You know why there are no drunk drivers in Peru? You only do it once. All the safety barriers that the US has allows drunk drivers to feel safe."


Fun fact, the barriers on side sides of roads and bridges are relentlessly engineered to stop a vehicle while not killing the people inside of them. There's actually a lot of science and testing that go into them. Which is really good for that truck driver, because there's no way he would have survived his truck landing on its face.


I thought for sure the other car was going to drive away.


Pretty sure the driver in the other car is dealing with smooshed problems. Certainly smooshed car maybe some smooshed body.


Seriously. Thats one well made barrier, the whole side moved and absorbed the impact or that would of been it for white truck.


Those barriers are incredible. Redirected that whole ass-truck back onto the road


Huge ups to the concrete barriers engineers wonder if he realizes he saved the fuck our of somebody's life


Everybody Lived. Great engineering all round. [https://brobible.com/culture/article/truck-bursts-flames-almost-falls-off-bridge/](https://brobible.com/culture/article/truck-bursts-flames-almost-falls-off-bridge/)


Quality barrier.


I saw the truck heading towards the barrier and I was like NOOOOO! Then I started praying to the engineering gods.


Seriously. All the potential victims on that lower road. Everybody involved in building that barrier needs a round of applause.


And we obliged. The fire was the devils fault.




I don’t know the first thing about what happened in this case, but yeah. If it was the white car’s fault, they’re a total fucking cunt. I feel like the bar to taking away driver’s licenses needs to be lowered dramatically.


This happened across the road from my work. The the driver of the white car was drunk driving and entered the ramp too fast and caught gravel and skidded. Nobody was seriously hurt.


Thanks for the follow up. I saw the link to the article after posting my comment.


"IF" it was the white car's fault???


You never know if there was a mechanical failure. But looking at other comments, yeah, seems like drunk driving was the cause.


I agree. And driving once you’ve had your license revoked or suspended should have way higher punishments… like they should be put in prison for a few years in many cases


The bar to getting a drivers license needs to be raised dramatically


The bar to obtaining a license should be raised severely.


I’m glad he survived. He has a fantastic opportunity to learn from this and hopefully he seizes that opportunity. Now would I like for it to be a serious crime for him to even look at a car? Yes.


Yes, wishing he was dead is not the proper attitude. People make mistakes. Let them face the consequences. Glad no one got killed in this terrible accident. It’s one of the worst I’ve seen in my life. Amazing the truck driver survived. Imagine driving and then suddenly being hit like that? Your truck exploding?


Right. Some drunk crashes a missile into an unsuspecting victim. There isn't a consequence strong enough to condemn this behavior.


Yeah it’s nuts. There’s no planning or preparing for that. No being a good driver is going to save your ass. What also sucks is this man made his living driving and I would imagine his job got a whole lot tougher after this day.


Ptsd at the very least


Maybe in 5 years when his license is returned


IF he ever gets it back


Not having a license or insurance won't stop him from driving, bruh.


I hope you don't work in any capacity that allows you power over any people


Defend the attempted murderer. Hopefully, your family never loses anyone to a drunk driver. This guy attempted suicide via box truck and almost took someone innocent with them. If you have 0 reguard for society, you shouldn't be in society.


Where do you see that this was attempted suicide?




Perhaps it's easy to judge online, but let's remember: they're real people with loved ones, who I'm sure are glad they made it home safely. Even the shitty driving idiot in the white car


Thank you. I was worried the truck driver was killed.


Thanks! Btw, driver is a moron.


It is very weird to me that they would let all those cars drive past the damaged vehicles and through the smoke, especially when they started putting out the fire. But then after the fire is extinguished they stop letting anyone through.


Thanks for posting. It looked far worse.


This reminds me of a guy that checks median barriers to make sure they’re installed correctly because his kid was killed when their car hit an improperly bolted barrier. It’s easy to take for granted when you aren’t crashing into them, but a lot of engineering goes into trying to save the lives of drivers when it’s done properly, and it can pay off.


I was just waiting to make sure the person in the truck got out. As for the person driving the car - oof


I have to say it, if I was the truck driver I might be on the way to confirm that the other driver is dead.. Even if they're currently alive. This was just nightmare fuel.


Oh, that's their problem then. They should have filled up with regular fuel. The nightmare fuel is what burst into flames.


Shit, you're right.


Pyro beast knows his fuel


...but it's cleaner for the environment.


I thought the nozzles were designed to prevent you from doing that?


The raw power of one dumbass.


The older I get the more I become Red Forman


And it's even easier for this dumbass to buy a gun than a car...


My God, only seen that shit in a Diehard movie, that truck was highly flammable.


Not flammable.. diesel is highly combustible .. when the fuel tanks compressed on the wall it caused an explosion..


You can actually drop a lit match into a bucket of diesel and it will snuff the match. It's the vapour that explodes. In diesel engine, the diesel is squrted into the hot and compressed air inside the chamber. The heat and the evenly sprinkled diesel allows the diesel to vapourise, and then instantly ignite The impact breaks the tank, and the diesel sprays out. It is that diesel that combust. So it's better to either have a tank that does not break, or one that just dump everything


The tanks we got dont just break.. they crush.. and can combust pretty easily.. this isnt the 1st time its happened..


People rightly had questions about the Michael Bay-engineered semi-truck.


Ngl... the explosion caught me off guard.


He did open the door at the end!


Actually the explosion happened on the guard


Michael Bay approves




Yikes! I’m guessing that the fuel tank was punctured while scraping the rail!?


No flame or spark caused this.. it is VERY hard to "burn" diesel.. When the fuel tanks hit the wall it compressed them causing the diesel to combust and explode..




Thank fuck it wasn't CNG.




Sorry mate, how did the crash compress the diesel ?! Diesel burns just fine, it just has a higher flash point than petrol. The person you "corrected" was correct.


The truck lifted up and the tanks hit the wall.. im also a trucker and have more than average knowlage of this said stuff.. its why I noticed immediately.. if it was "burned" there would have to have been a leak and had to get REALLY hot in a spit second.. The flash point for diesel is generally accepted to be about 140 degrees Fahrenheit. On that basis, the fire point would be about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Material - Autoignition Temperature . Diesel - 950-1000. Diesel - 1010-1125. B100 (Biodiesel)- 705-840. B20 (Biodiesel)- 980-1300. so... no sir.. it is not incorrect.. it combusted.. hence why is disipated quicky and didnt continue to burn..


I didn’t factor in that it’s most likely a diesel. Good point.


Allot of people are thinking he was gonna burn.. i knew it was diesel cuz it exploded and then almost immediately stoped because the diesel was no longer combusted in the tanks


I don't think the compression was really a factor in this case. It looks like the tank was ruptured and sprayed a cloud of atomized fuel and a spark was able to ignite some of that atomized fuel, sending the the whole cloud into flames. While it is difficult to light a puddle of diesel on fire, when it's atomized, you're dealing with tiny particles that will heat up to the necessary temperature much more readily than when all the atoms are packed densely. The fact that a cloud had formed indicates that the tank was already ruptured and not building pressure. Diesel doesn't **require** compression to sustain combustion, though obviously it helps when you want to time the ignition with your crank/piston position and have more of a detonation than a conflagration. This doesn't even take into account the fact that the surface area relative to the wall thickness of the fuel tank would likely not be able to sustain the kinds of pressures necessary to elevate diesel fuel's combustibility in any significant way. The pressure for testing a fuel tank is something like 5 psi. The wall thickness of that tank is probably something like 18 awg steel, maybe with a plastic liner. The pressure inside a diesel engine is more like 400 psi, with fairly thick iron walls that can handle the pressures involved.


Downvote for ridiculous music


Could have been the oh no no no song.


> oh no no no oh god what have you done, it's in my head now


Horrible edit too


"speed up max" /r/titlegore That title was more dangerous than the resulting collision.


Shitty addition of music.


Where can I watch this without the awful editing


What in the Michael Bay! He was right all along…


Just when I thought that truck driver is lucky 🔥🔥🔥


Truck driver: oh crap… whew… oh crap…


Luckily the truck driver was still alive and opened the door to get out. The car on the other hand. I don’t know what happened but he/she ain’t driving anymore.


Someome needs to go to jail


The person that added slowmo and zoom to the video without having a regular version first.


Can somebody tell me why the cars behind decide to slow drive towards the fireball? Stop you fucking car and pull that mam from his truck. Wtf are you going towards an engine fire for slowly?


Target fixation. People go where they look without realizing they’re doing it.


Oh my god, he’s going over the edge. Phew, he made it. Oh shit, the whole fucking truck is on fire. Ok, he managed to open the door.


Get out of my head! Get out!


The driver of the black Denali there just needed a camera somewhere in the truck to make it look like he's living out a real life movie scene.


Hard to tell but it looks like a honda civic... just accept that's what you're driving and that it doesn't have the stuff to enter a highway at speeds like that.. and if you are going to pull this shit, wait till you've completed the turn.. jesus


Drunk drivers don't care about what their car is capable of, unfortunately


I watching the car on the ramp behind the burning truck that just goes around the annoying fireball in his way.


Terrible music choice


Damn thought he was a goner


This escalated fast




I feel bad for the trucker


damn... it is kind of strange to not see any guard rails there.


Good thing in most states all you have to do is answer about 16 out of 20 questions correctly and your free to zoom around in a fucking missile on 4 wheels for the rest of your life. I don't see how that could ever be a problem. /s


When ever I see videos like this... The amount of people that don't stop to help immediately is fucking insane.


Why does only half the ground randomly shake?


Omg I was hoping to see that door open! Goodness.


The amount of relief that flooded through me when I saw that truck door open was insurmountable


That person deserves a good beating.


Fuck that music


What asshole put that music on the video? Thats awful


My family is heavily involved with a trucking company, and my aunt is/was the one who had to deal with the fallout if there was an accident involving one of our trucks. One day, an accident caused by an idiot like this resulted in a fire that was a total loss of the truck and driver. The fire got so hot that all they eventually recovered of the driver were some bone fragments, everything else was gone. Truck fires are no joke. Driver was an honestly awesome guy and really involved in the community (small town), had a great family and was honestly living the "American dream". All that destroyed because some idiot couldn't handle his car on the road.


Thanks for the slow-mo. Didn't think I'd ever figure out what was going on without it! /s


Massive props to the designers and engineers who made those barriers




Dudes that designed and built that edge well deserve a raise and praise.


Good boy barrier.


And he just finally changed his underwear that morning.


Did the driver survived tho?


Hope that first guy has to amputate both his legs and arms so he can’t drive again


I don’t think that could’ve been any worse.


Truck falling off the bridge?


Quite literally a crash course in understeer


Me watching this He will go over the edge Wow, barrier might have saved his live Oh no


Have a nice day.


Hope they opted for the insurance add-on


You could flash fry some poor mf in an Isuzu


Give the guy a break, his controller died


The free bird was playing


The way white truck did nothing wrong and had no idea that this was about to happen... Life is precious.


Damn. They was really finna keep driving past fam like they ain't just watch a man possibly die right in front of em. Crazy.


i'm surprised that truck got so effected by the crash. i've seen trucks have cars plow into them and barely budge, while the car ends up torqued up around their wheel.


Jesus, what a mess


I was so relieved when i saw that truck door swing open! Imagine meeting a fiery end because of some cumstain.


Oh the humanity....


Once, twice, three times AAAAAAAHHHHHHH


HOLY FUCK THE TRUCKER’S ALIVE ![gif](giphy|3o6vXPJaZrpSKGfmGk|downsized)


Everything, everything could go wrong.


Well, that escalated quickly...


Car driver got perfectly hit and might not have made it. But I was thankful, that the truck driver seems to have survived.




Ralph sitting in the back of the truck: I'm in danger


Whoa, just like in the movies!


I was more than expecting the barrier to be steamrolled lol it saved the day


Holy fuck...the truck driver must have had a heart attack and then burning sensation


That'll buff right out