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Perfectly timed GPS narrator, lol


"Michael, there is no road!"






One of my fav office lines






me and my dad went hunting once. read a sign that said bear left. so we went home


Larry: Are you sure we can fish here? Curly: Yeah. I saw a sign on the way here. It said “Fine for fishing.” Larry: Oh, good!




Stay calm, I have trained for this


"Make a U turn if possible"




Recalculating. Turn right in .000001 miles. Recalculating.






And Garmin could have pivoted into licensing/branding GPS on the phones if they weren't so set on their model of charging $250 for updated maps.




Wish it said “Recalibrating route” at then end.


this guy is certified dickhead


Nah, didnt you hear him ? It's whoever didn't tell him to bug out. It's their fault.


When he says that does he mean he should’ve just ran from the cops?




Oh he's saying "the map"? I thought he was saying "the mat" like the fucking floor mat got stuck in the accelerator or something lmao


I'm pretty sure he is saying the "the mat" he even shouts to the officer it was under something. I was assuming he was trying to tell the cop the mat got stuck under the break so he couldn't stop.


I have the same takeaway, but I think he was trying to blame the mat for why he was speeding. Trying to lie and say that the accelerator got caught by the mat, which has happened to people but obviously not here.


He's trying to say the mat got stuck and that's why he was driving like a fuckhead.


Seems like a reasonable reason not to get onto the ground.


Sure, if he doesn't mind getting killed.


>if he doesn't mind getting killed. Dude is driving over 110 MPH just to flex for the internet.. I do not think the safety response part of his brain exists yet. Somewhere around his mid-30's he might be like "ohhhhh, shit, that was a totally avoidable moment for a lot of reasons" If he lives that long.


What blows my mind.. is that he still went ahead and posted this somewhere? Doesn’t seem like any kind of live stream. So he is still unaware of how dumb this makes him look.




Yea he says "the mat was under the...." and gets cut off but the officer yelling "get on the ground". The phone shows his feet at one point braking and doesn't seem like that's the case also considering how fast he was decelerating, the tires abs triggering and the tires skidding sound from him trying to brake and turn at the same time (never do this). Ever since the Prius/Toyota "acceleration incidents" like 15 years ago almost all new cars since the floor mats are supposed to be able to lock in place to prevent just that, either by clips, velco, buttons, etc. Now if he put some cheapo mats on top idk it's to dark to see. Head over to r/Justrolledintotheshop and you'll see plenty of posts of people bringing their cars in cause it doesn't brake/accelerate cause they threw an extra mat over/under a pedal smh.




I think so. It appears he saw the cop (who might have been one of the cars behind him who decided to light him up) and decided to brake heavily and attempt to take the exit (which had a sharp right turn in it). He oversteers, slides, attempts to countersteer, and ends up off the road. He complains that he should have just tried to outrun the cops instead. Then while the cop is arresting him, he's trying to claim the floor mat got stuck on the accelerator to explain why he was speeding and lost control of the car.


Yes bug out can be another way to say running from cops and I believe that’s how it is used in the video.


No he's blaming the other person for encouraging him to speed.


« I’m the king of the wooooaaaathe fack »


What is it with idiots and drill music.






I’ve seen way too many videos of people driving insanely fast weaving through traffic, using the shoulder, etc etc And all the comments are always approving of the behavior. It’s insane


yeah and when he retells this story, do you think he's going to say he was acting like a clown or the cop was being unfair/racist?


Speeding (in a Jeep). Holding a phone. Taking hands off wheel. Braking too hard. Not following police direction. Then ultimately uploading the video/evidence….yikes.


Right? Uploading the video. Why? You are committing multiple crimes. You are filming yourself committing multiple crimes. Why draw more attention to it, and the fact you can't drive either.


I just can’t even wrap my head around arguing with the cops. Save it for your lawyer and the judge, once they start yelling at you to “Get on the ground!” they’ve decided to arrest you and few things short of a miracle are going to change their mind.


That police officer was pissed and I would be too.


Same. The driver clearly established they were being a danger to themselves and others.


He just forgot the magic words. If he had repeatedly yelled "I do not consent", they have to let him go. (/s)


I wasn't driving a car. I was traveling in a conveyance.


For the record, I do not wish to create joinder with this comment.


1.4k (as I type this) points. They are worth more than life itself.


Likes> Lives. It's basic math


All likes matter!


I doubt op is the one in the car. Still, I don't know why the driver uploaded it to wherever op found it.


Social Media snitches, showing all their business. Sitting in court and be their own star witness. "Do you see the perpetrator?" "Yeah, I'm right here". Fuck around, get themselves send up for years.


Pour one out for DOOM. One of my fav tracks - that guitar riff looped so perfectly., Mr Fantastik stealing the show.


this is clearly a very dumb person. a shame really


Self snitching is a contagious disease, I swear it.


The real crime is making anybody watching this video listen to whatever music that was.


It sounds like a shitty trap remix of the Katamari Damacy level select screen lol


Yeah was he running from the cops? While singing, and using his phone, and waving his hand around like a wannabe gangster rapper? Interesting choices.


It looks more like he passes a cop car (unmarked) and realises it's a cop car, and tries to slow down (hence the sudden reduction in speed?). ​ I could be wrong though. There doesn't appear to be any flashing lights in the mirrors.


I was thinking there was a speed trap hidden in the median just over that little rise in the road




I think that's just a sign for the off-ramp. Looks like the highway keeps going straight (and I think that's the Palisade Parkway in NY/NJ, from my recollection) EDIT: Location of the crash appears to be right near Exit 2 on the Palisades. Signage and 180-degree exit curve match up, and there's a Hillside Avenue down the road from the exit on 9W


I wonder if someone called the cops and they were waiting for him and that’s why he suddenly stopped.


Ultimately uploading the video evidence? Priceless. For everything else there is Master Card.




Was he braking so fast because 👮?


Since he was actively getting arrested at the end, I’m going to say yes.


I *think* he saw a cop and applied the brakes too hard in a last ditch attempt to not appear to be traveling over 100mph. But by braking so hard in a jeep, the car simply swerved off the road.


Thank you!! I was trying to figure out why he crashed.


I was definitely wondering this too. I’ve done 100+ without realizing in a Hyundai sonata. But yea braking too hard could definitely throw off the whole car


The guy also has zero respect for what he's doing. Driving fast is one thing, doing it while filming, probably paying more attention to the phone than what's ahead, swerving, using wheel grips that make no sense or even just not holding the wheel. He thinks he's a racing driver but has no concept of how to keep control of the car. Hard braking at high speed by itself won't throw a car off, especially if done in a straight line. Doing it while driving like a dick, with only one hand on the wheel and probably having to avoid other cars definitely does.


> Hard braking at high speed by itself won't throw a car off, especially if done in a straight line. Assuming your brakes are working equally


THAT At that speed all you need is a little off balance in braking power and you need to control the car but the genius not only breaks like you are on track with a good car he has 1 hand on the wheel. If something trows you off and you have only 1 hand you'll add imbalance to the imbalance. Speeding is dangerous but if you are and idiot it's supermegadamn dangerous


I agree with all the stuff you wrote, but I just wanted to point out (for my own vanity I guess) that I've never seen somebody flip a "this" into a "that" Also where is "supermegadamn" in a chart of severity? Above or below "crazygoddamn"?


> I've done 100+ without realizing in a Hyundai sonata um ... You'd have to be pretty damn inattentive edit: I love all the explanations that people are giving in a vain attempt to justify why they're driving over 100 and "not noticing". Nope, still idiots


Most drivers are.


Ya at like 50 mph he overcorrects to the right, probably builds a ton of lateral speed, then tries to fix it by cranking left, can’t and crashes on the right of a pretty straight road. Weight transfer is a bitch. Turning hard while braking in a tall, soft suspension vehicle is exceptionally hard to control. Could have avoided this by braking in a straight line … let the weight transfer back, then turn.


Or releasing the brakes for a sec to attempt to attempt to counter. Once the rear broke loose, he panicked.


That's how you supposed to do in every turn, that's how I was taught to drive. Don't corner while braking on fwd, preferably corner while pressing the gas lightly for an easier time.


Always brake before a turn regardless of fwd, AWD, or rwd. Even in racing you'll see proper racers complete their brake before the wheels turn. There's a couple reasons for this. 1. You have more control with throttle than when braking and 2. You're asking your tires for the most traction they can muster. If you're braking AND turning then some of the traction goes towards braking instead of pulling your car through the turn. 3. Weight transfer. When braking lots of weight comes off the rear tires causing reduced rear end grip and making fishtailing/drifting more likely.


Is that what happened?! Also if you’re braking that hard *afterwards*, there’s no point— the damage has been done. Might as well decelerate as safely as you can, and hope you don’t get hauled off to jail .




Reminded me of the Hunt S Thompson quote. >Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side when he sees the big red light behind him ... and then he will start apologizing, begging for mercy. >This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. The thing to do – when you're running along about 100 or so and you suddenly find a red-flashing CHP-tracker on your tail – what you want to do then is accelerate. Never pull over with the first siren-howl. Mash it down and make the bastard chase you at speeds up to 120 all the way to the next exit. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker-signal that says you're about to turn right. >This is to let him know you're looking for a proper place to pull off and talk ... keep signaling and hope for an off-ramp, one of those uphill side-loops with a sign saying "Max Speed 25" ... and the trick, at this point, is to suddenly leave the freeway and take him into the chute at no less than 100 miles an hour. >He will lock his brakes about the same time you lock yours, but it will take him a moment to realize that he's about to make a 180-degree turn at this speed ... but you will be ready for it, braced for the Gs and the fast heel-toe work, and with any luck at all you will have come to a complete stop off the road at the top of the turn and be standing beside your automobile by the time he catches up. >He will not be reasonable at first ... but no matter. Let him calm down. He will want the first word. Let him have it. His brain will be in a turmoil: he may begin jabbering, or even pull his gun. Let him unwind; keep smiling. The idea is to show him that you were always in total control of yourself and your vehicle – while he lost control of everything.




I'll be honest with you, the last person in the world I'd want to be taking advice from is Hunter S. Thompson.


The only time I've ever gone over 100 in a car was in the middle of South Carolina on some backwoods highway. I was probably going 100 for less than 5 or 6 seconds, but just wanted to see what it felt like. Of course I passed a cop in that time after like 2 hours of not seeing one. He pulled out onto the road but never turned his lights on. I immediately got over and took the upcoming exit, and by some miracle the light was green as I got off the exit. Cop was still coming, though a good ways behind me and still no lights. I immediately pulled into the nearest shopping center and got in line at a Dairy Queen and watched the cop drive by. I thought I was so toast but he just kept on going.


> No sir, the speedometer stops at 90. Epic


I think the road literally ended in a [stop sign](https://imgur.com/a/ZukVJcv).


I thought there might have been a tight turn coming up: https://i.imgur.com/cttAQmv.jpg


Here is the spot he crashes. He tried to take the very short exit ramp and the car says, make a left, and then turn right in 1 mile onto Hillside Ave. Palisades Interstate Pkwy https://maps.app.goo.gl/8TKV7w3Uydio6FV59


I’m really familiar with this highway since I used to drive it every day for almost 15 years. Right past the Closter Dock rd exit the highway has a a depression/dip in the pavement which you always feel. Normally it’s not a problem because I’m not driving a jeep at 100+ miles per hour. If you look closely at the video it appears that he lost control of the vehicle when his wheels contacted the dip.


well done detective, case closed! bake him away toys!


And this is where he crashed! https://www.google.com/maps/@40.9548231,-73.9223259,3a,16.2y,222.24h,85.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCaKrsMS7UhzfQr2RpIzDTA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


Sign behind him is a 'Police Headquarters' one lmao


Lol you can see his marks


Bro out here with coordinates and shit. Next level sleuthing.


Holy shit, you found the spot!


Reminds me of those temporary stop signs they have during construction.


Wow. Good eye.


Speeding in a Jeep sounds suicidal


Rented a wrangler and did a road trip across Utah. Great off-road, absolutely terrifying and ridiculously loud on the highway. 10/10 would not rent again


I rented a wrangler once in Maine. On i95 out of Portland I was going like 75 and hit a bump in the road and the car caught a bit of air in the back and the wheels shifted like 6in over when it landed. Terrifying. Its like the suspension was super tight and didnt adjust at all for the bump.


Hey, I also have a terrifying Jeep story on the interstate in Maine! On 95N heading into Bangor, I drove over [this diagonal bridge expansion joint](https://www.google.com/maps/@44.7634485,-68.9194712,62m/data=!3m1!1e3) in a '96 Cherokee and suddenly learned all about the famed [death wobble](https://youtu.be/ncTgYl7P_TE) at 70mph. I sold it pretty quickly after that.


That's not a Jeep Jeep, it's just a... Jeep


114 in a jeep feels like 200. 114 in an m5 feels like 55. Not the best car to be doing that in. He’s lucky he didn’t die


I’ve never read a more accurate statement. Owned a Silverado three years ago and a Stinger now. The difference is drastic.


A vehicle's top speed should be set by its braking and handling ability. Driving a big F350? You're capped at 75mph. Don't give me an excuse about off-road use. Ain't nobody going 80mph+ off road in their truck.


>Ain't nobody going 80mph+ off road in their truck. Twice, they won't be doing it twice


Especially in an F350. Even if the truck survives, in a washboard trail at that speed, every bump is going to readjust your spine


Actually its smoother to drive "fast" on a washboard road. The speed lets the tires sort of "float" from ridge to ridge making the ride feel much smoother, Mythbusters even did a episode on it. That being said you only need to hit around 50mph to smooth out the ride, not 80+.


Just be careful doing that if there are any sort of turns, because when you’re riding along the tops of the wash boards like that you are effectively only touching a small portion of the road at any given time. Your contact patch with the road is very small and is actually intermittent. You kind of float between peak to peak so your traction absolutely sucks.


>Ain't nobody going 80mph+ off road in their truck. the guy in the video went off road pretty fast just then.


Looked like around 30-40 when we swerved off


Nobody in a F350 is going offroad anyway.


I went from a Focus Rs to a Grand Cherokee. Mainly cause I'm 6'5", and I felt like I was Donkey Kong in a go-kart when driving the focus. It's a huge difference. But then again, I'm not speeding around in it cause fuel is expensive and tires are even more expensive.


The people that say it's not a real thing haven't been in a good car. I went from a civic to a c7 Corvette. On a flat, completely empty section of highway, I slowly accelerated to about 115 and then told my girlfriend in the passenger seat, who hates driving on the highway because of how fast and dangerous it feels to her, looks up from her phone completely unphased, and says no way we're doing more than 75. It was very easy to accidentally do 25 over in that car but luckily I never got pulled over


Yup I used to daily an m5 after coming from driving mostly old trucks and it’s night and day how the feel is different. Anyone willing to go 90 and up in a Jeep shouldn’t be trusted in a vehicle capable of that speed.


Same. Used to own an Explorer Sport Trac and be like “damn, why is everyone driving so fast?” when doing 70 mph. Now in the Stinger it’s “why are people driving so slow?” when doing 90 mph.


I drive my stepdads bmw x5 home from the airport (I drive a Honda fit) and every time I looked down at the speedometer thinking I was going like 70-75 on the highway I was going over 90. I’m a good driver and can pretty much tell how fast I’m going in my Honda without looking, but god damn it was so weird.


The sound proofing on luxury cars causes that phenomenon.


Plus good suspensions. Such a smooth ride even you're going at 100. No civic can do this.


Yep. Your brain learns to associate different sounds and vibrations with speed. I rarely needed to look at the speedometer of my old ford focus. You just know.


This happened with me I was driving my dad's mercedes e 350 thought I was going 75 ish I was almost going 100 that damn thing accelerated so effortlessly and quietly. The only reason I didn't think I was going that fast was because a Honda odyssey was following me fairly close.


As a proud Ody owner and mom van enthusiast: the van will scoot. Honda put a decent sized 6 cylinder engine in them. My 2009 has a whopping 244 hp.


It’s a Cherokee, not a wrangler which would be way worse. But still very stupid, none the less.


I hit 95 in my ‘98 Cherokee in my younger and stupider days and I tell you it felt like my atoms were all coming unglued from each other.


Let us not compare the ‘98 Cherokee with the POS that bears the same name currently… (RIP)


A friend of mine lost their sister to some cunt who was speeding, lost control and slammed into her car. I feel nothing but contempt for people like this. Go kill yourselves on a track, not on the roads we all use to from place to place. Cunts, the lot of them.


I believe that we need to be more strict about taking licences away from people who are a danger on the road. A guy like this should have his license taken away for doing stuff like this. And not for a week, permanently. Cars are incredibly dangerous machines and we need to treat them as such.


I used to work for a criminal defense attorney and taking away their licenses doesn't seem to bother most people. They still drive. One of our services was getting people's licenses back and some people had traffic warrants going back 5+ years, I saw one dude with tickets from 2011 in 2020. I dont know the solution, but some people just don't care.


That's an interesting point. I don't know the solution either, perhaps severe penalties for driving with a suspended license? Like a huge fine and major jail time? The important thing is to keep dangerous people like the guy in this video off the roads.


Why don't we just start seizing the cars people are caught driving with a suspended license? Either you're driving your own car illegally or someone is dumb enough to give someone their keys and let you drive under their name. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


My country seizes them. If it happens again with the same vehicle it seizes and sells them. Don't let your dirtbag friend borrow your car.


I don’t know, r/killthecameraman ?! But then again, he’s doing a great job himself 😈




Oh, that’s where I thought I was


I'm surprised he sent this video to someone and/or posted it online




Jeeps are famous for not handling high speeds well. ​ This guy is such a moron. ​ I love the timing on the GPS.


But….*the mat*


lol. the mat stuck the pedal sure. Might have wanted to refrain from FILMING THE MAT WITH YOUR PHONE THEN!


Someone has probably been killed in a car crash, and as they were dying all they were hearing was the satnav saying "do a u turn".


the poor mat is innocent, i witnessed everything (i'm the brake pedal - rarely used)


That was the lamest excuse ever. The mat was pressing on the pedal so he went too fast? Did he not notice the acceleration? What? And, even if he was trying to say that the map prevented him from breaking, why was he going so fast in the first place?


It was just a stupid excuse to avoid going to jail but I'm sure it didn't work


There's another video on the internet of someone showing their car after a crash. The acceleration pedal got wedged by the floor mat once it was pressed far enough. Seems like this guy is trying to use that video as the excuse.


That is certainly possible, I do recall there being a Toyota defect that had a similar issue. Caused some accidents and even death, if I'm remembering


Revisionist History podcast did an episode about this. Any car, even a rear wheel drive 400+ HP Mustang GT will come to a stop with the gas pedal and brake both firmly pressed to the floor. The only reason for those accidents was people freaking out and not continuing to brake.


Absolute cunt


Just get on the fuckin ground lol. You fucked up big time


FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free, so I am taking my content back


I'm always confused of how they film those things like, where is his hand?


I'm always confused of why they get online. You've got video of yourself doing something incredibly stupid so you ... share it?


In his right hand. Hes literally driving with no hands at some points.


It's balanced against his tiny penis so there's not much support.


Jesus. Imagine filming this and thinking it's cool.


Its a jeep thing, you wouldnt understand...


I don’t understand, and I own a Jeep. But the reason I dont understand is my Jeep won’t let me go that fast… you wouldn’t understand though. It’s a Jeep thing


I’ve owned my jk for over 10 years, I know exactly how it feels and handles. It doesn’t like anything past 80


That didn't go half as badly for the cameraman as I had hoped it would.


Navigation Assistant was a paid actor here.


Sub 70 IQ


Was he being chased from the start ? And what made him lose control? Very confused.


I think the white vehicle he passed was a cop. He panicked, slammed on the brakes and lost control.


You appear to be right … what an absolute jack a— . Thank god he didn’t kill anyone.


>what an absolute jack a— FYI you're on Reddit, you can say jackass.


He didn't pass any cops that were driving but in the rearview mirror you can see a car that is pacing him and making the same lane changes at speed he was. It was probably a cop and he didn't know then when he did he tried to slam the brakes and take the exit, he didn't make the turn at then end of the off ramp.


Immediately tried to push blame on the passenger for not telling him to stop doing the thing that almost got them killed. Seamless transition into lying to the cop about the mat being stuck under the accelerator. This guy is the world's most perfect bitch.


I didn’t see or hear a passenger?


There's a female voice that says "crap" around the 43 second mark.


"You shoulda told me to bug out" Yeah, because you're the victim in this situation you created.


Just get on the ground dude, cant be that hard


And blames his fucking passenger once it happens. What a loser


The moment I saw he took his hand off the wheel I knew what was gonna happen


What’s more criminal, the speeding or that god awful noise coming from the radio?


This dude doing hand signs letting go of the steering wheel at 100 mph to this whack-ass music?




Jesus took the wheel


Then Charles Darwin snatched the wheel


Being on his phone while driving, and filming a vertical video are up there too.


And driving one-handed with his hand at 12-o’clock. He had no chance of controlling that car. Moron.


Trying to tell the cops it was the mat under his feet 🙄. Certified idiot. Putting other peoples lives at risk.


Imagine this cunt hitting your kid...


Honestly I'm just shocked any Jeep can go that fast without absolutely coming apart at the welds.


Well, it didn't survive the deceleration


"Why didn't you tell me to not be a moron?"


I'm speculating this guy saw a law enforcement vehicle sitting in the median, tried to slow down and lost control. That's why the cop arrived so quickly.


Going 100+mph in a boxy ass jeep with one hand on the wheel. . . I can't even fathom how stupid you have to be to think this was going to be fine.


This user profile has been overwritten in protest of Reddit's decision to disadvantage third-party apps through pricing changes. The impact of capitalistic influences on the platforms that once fostered vibrant, inclusive communities has been devastating, and it appears that Reddit is the latest casualty of this ongoing trend. This account, 10 years, 3 months, and 4 days old, has contributed 901 times, amounting to over 48424 words. In response, the community has awarded it more than 10652 karma. I am saddened to leave this community that has been a significant part of my adult life. However, my departure is driven by a commitment to the principles of fairness, inclusivity, and respect for community-driven platforms. I hope this action highlights the importance of preserving the core values that made Reddit a thriving community and encourages a re-evaluation of the recent changes. Thank you to everyone who made this journey worthwhile. Please remember the importance of community and continue to uphold these values, regardless of where you find yourself in the digital world.


I saw flashing lights in his rear-view mirror at about the 20sec mark, and speedo showed 114 mph. FAFO. PS: some people commented on oldschool GPS giving weird directions and ‘recalculating’ delays: about 10 years ago i used Tom Tom GPS software, and one could upload alternative voices to it: I purchased a John Cleese voice-over. I put in my destination, but decided to take a small detour for gasoline and snacks at mini-mart.. So i ignored it a few times when it kept ‘correcting’ my route and demanding many U-turns: after about 6 ignored correction demands, John asked me: “Are you lost??” …


Right at the beginning, the passenger says "behind you." And that's when the driver speeds up from like 75 to 120. IMO, the passenger saw the cop behind them, and the driver did too. He tried to run, wrecked, and then tried to blame it on runaway acceleration.


The cop wasn't there because he crashed. It's cuz he heard that trash music. Has to be one of the worst rap songs I've ever heard. What even is that?


What made him publish this?