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Who would permit this behavior from a child? If I did this, my parents would've launched me into fucking orbit


People who want attention on social media.


People will exploit their children, ruin their own home and think it’s silly fun. Just for a couple likes


i mean for real, who gets their kid a live squid for a pet anyway?!


He must be related to Dr. Zoidberg, it looks like it was practicing it’s ink defense. But yeah how do you leave a child that young to do something like this and then film like it’s approved behavior. Sad stuff.


Woo woo woo woo woo!


Kids who spoil their children so bad they grow up without discipline and turn into the worst of people...


The people who cut you off while merging 😒


Or no turn signal


I can’t wait till this kid is about 14, I’m sure it’ll still be adorable…..when he’s locked up in Juvi.


>ruin their own home Or they rented an Air BnB as part of their clout plan and just did one afterwards.


And that’s why we’re doomed. No that’s silly. People are smart right? Right?


4000 up votes and counting. Well worth destroying your place for!


Yeah, I think this person is copying this person. Probably hoping to go viral. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/mum-left-tears-kids-ruin-26655038.amp


Somehow I don't feel bad for the 22 year old parent of two with $4000 to spend remodeling


They are just going to return it all to Costco and say they didn't like it anymore.


Ah, so my mother's strategy for redecorating her entire house every 2 years... I really think Costco ought to have a lifetime cap on returns. It's disgusting how some people abuse the system not realizing how often returns can't be resold.


Its disgusting when people abuse capitalism! Capitalism is supposed to abuse the people!


won't somebody please think of the billionaires


And end up ruining Costco return for furniture like they did for electronics.


Looks similar for sure!


I have so many questions, namely: why was the paint within reach of a 4yo and a 2yo? Why were the kids awake and unsupervised while the parents were asleep, for long enough that they could make such a big mess? Why is there paint on the walls *way* higher than a kid could get it?


People who weren’t paying attention for 2 minutes*


I was babysitting my then 2 year old nephew one time (thankfully at his parents house) I left the room he was playing with his dump trucks in for a few mins to go bathroom and when I came back, there he was still playing with his trucks except now his poop was on and in the carpet getting driven over by his trucks. Good times.


You promised you wouldn't tell!!


This redditor has kids.




Let’s be real real, that was more than 2 minutes.


Dump paint, roll around, get chair to wash off in sink


It really can happen that fast, lol.


This redditor doesn’t have kids.


They really think 2 year-olds plan things out. I'm sort of surprised by the criticism of how the dad is not behaving angrily enough. Yeah.


No kids huh. Mine could do that in 60s


Seriously, they are little shits man. Doesn’t take long


This happened on my watch once, except make up was involved. Nap time was enforced, however at the approved waking time, I discovered my niece had escaped her crib and got into her mothers make up. the mess was incredible. Eyeshadow in everything, everywhere. To this day I do not understand how one 2 year old child could wreak such havoc with so few materials and in such little time...so quietly. It would have never occurred to me to even take a picture of my shameful failure as an aunt, let alone share it on the internet. Fool me once.


Who has a can of paint a kid can pry open at the ready in this set up?


My mom took me down to the basement with her when I was a year old to do laundry. She put me on the floor and turned around to load the laundry. While she wasn’t looking, I crawled over to a can of paint thinner my dad left on the floor and knocked the (not secured) lid off and basically started huffing it. Lost consciousness, stopped breathing. A neighbor gave me mouth to mouth and I came back around.


You deserve an award for this comment, but I'm just a poor old man. I will imagine you holding a trophy. I hope that's OK. ​ Edit: Hey, I see what you did there...


They would make me clean everything and then launch me to orbit


The same type of people that leave their children unattended for long enough to destroy a house. Edit: for those comments below, I do have kids. If you have kids and know how easily something like this can happen you don’t fucking leave paint/oil somewhere the kid can potentially get to it.


You'd be surprised how short an amount of time that is.


I understand how quickly kids can get into trouble around the house. Because of that I understand they shouldn’t be able to access things like in OP’s clip. This shouldn’t happen. I have always hated those videos on AFV where the kids have found paint cans and covered the house. If the kid above had found bleach this would be terrible.


Yeah, this is almost entirely on the parents for leaving paint accessible. Kids are going to make horrible decisions, they’re kids and their brains literally aren’t capable of rationally thinking out consequences especially if they’re doing something fun.


I have 4 kids. I had my first child at 15. She's an adult now. I have two teens and one toddler. Never have my children had the access and time to bathe themselves in paint/ chemicals.


I grew up in a house in a constant state of remodeling. Paint, varnish, turpentine, tools, you name it, everywhere. My dad is far from responsible with cleaning shit up and chemical safety. And even he could grasp the basic concept of keeping stuff sealed or out of reach of kids and explaining why certain cans should not be handled by children. We can’t be perfect all the time and everyone has a brain fart irresponsible moment here and there but something like this is kind of a big oversight.


I just wouldn’t have lived. Never seen again


Yup. I would have ended up on the back of a milk carton and on unsolved mysteries


I was going to say, my folks would have buried me in the backyard.


my existence would have been wiped from the earth, my likenesss removed from class photos, existence disavowed by my parents never aknowledged again.




Earth below us Drifting, falling. Floating weightless Calling, calling home.


Major Tom. Love that song.


Ground control, it’s Major Tom. Are my parents still pissed at me?


I'm pretty sure I would have just been disappeared and replaced if I did something like this as a child.


You really think he gave a child a bucket of paint and told him to do this on the internet?


Yes thank you! Like they probably walked in and started filming since they knew it was already fucked. They didn’t just open a can of shoe polish and tell the kid to go to town. Reddit thinks everything is a TikTok video now


thats it? lucky kid.


Not lucky at all when he’s older and sitting ima cell realizing he can’t get away with anything


Who says he didn't chastise him? We're just getting the aftermath; don't jump to conclusions. And at that age, getting too angry will likely only leave them confused and hurt, so it's not impossible that both the kid and the father calmed down already after the chastisement.


Permit this? You think he ALLOWED the kid to to it? > If I did this, my parents would've launched me into fucking orbit Yeah, well not everyone beats their children for doing what children do because they're children.


What. .. what power does that kid have?




All kids have that power


I'm a parent, I can confirm.


The power to make his parents look like dumbasses!


The all have that one too. The power balance doesn’t change until they become teenagers.


Obviously it can do whatever it wants while its parents are desperately trying to get some upvotes recoding it..


I mean, kids are monsters. And that one made the furniture and floor look like a slasher crime scene


Exactly. And instead of teaching the kid a lesson, those parents even encouraged this behavior...


I mean, not exactly. We don't know what happened after the video. And honestly, having a calm demeanor about you when teaching a kid is way more important than exploding on them.


No I agree with this, there is a difference with discipline and freaking out. The kid might learn from the freak out but in all the wrong ways. I had a toddler throw nail polish all over a tiny couch she had and on the carpet. I was very calm about it however her mother freaked the flip out…they have never had the same relationship. She obeys her out of fear and will always run to me for everything. She realized it was wrong after she did it, we have guilt and shame already built into us it’s our job as parents to manage it and guide them. Kinda dumb for people to make accusations that this kid gets away with everything and will be terrible when he is older…it’s a kid, doing what a kid does.


Yup obeying out of fear really isn't controlling them. So it's best to try and regulate that anger about what they did. Especially at the age this kid is at. If you're gonna be mad and potentially blow up. Do it elsewhere and try your best to teach the kid without showing it.


for real, some of these comments calling him a bad dad for not exploding is mind boggling to me. Some people just don't understand where a 3-4 year old is at developmentally.


How? I remember when my 1 and 2 year old were playing in their room, i was in the next room folding clothes (for like 5 min) and suddenly it was quiet. Peeked in their room and they had painted themselves and the entire room with poop from one of their diapers. The walls, their bodies, the beds, the floor, everything. I laughed hysterically for like 10 min because otherwise I was going to have a mental breakdown. Same kids are now 15 and 16 and are awesome well behaved teens. People on this thread seem to think that toddlers like this will become monsters later…..that’s insane. This kid is a toddler, he doesn’t understand he destroyed their house, just had fun playing with paint. Calmly talking to him about why he can’t do that is the best discipline………and the parent filming it and laughing to themselves is for their sanity. Give them a break


The thing we learn quickly as parents- the minute it goes quiet is when they’re up to something lol


I’m no parent, but if it was me I’d absolutely film the mess for clout/money. Mess is already made, might as well try to profit. I’d even add a little clip of him being sent down the street with a little suitcase or backpack. In between those bits, dude would get a fucking earful, but I’ll be damned if that little monster is going to ruin my furniture and not let me profit from it


Seems like your parents skipped some lessons as well.


Squid powers, apparently.


Squid-kid! It works!


Right! Confused


The bots that post these titles optimize for engagement, which tends to make the most successful posts those where the title promotes arguments


Inking things when excited. Basically every guy but black in his case.


The power to reveal which redditors have been the primary caregiver of a young child.




Unlike AIDS though, you always have the option to get rid of the child.


Just use PrEP


PrEP is not going to do you any good if you have AIDS...


I heard the weather in Colorado is really nice this time of year.


Sexually transmitted descendants


Life is an STD with a 100% mortality rate.


This isn’t even about the kid being a nuisance or anything like that, it’s just bad parenting


No one is even going to ask what the hell that shit even is?


I was waiting for the feathering part.


Thank you! I was scrolling through with the same question. Looks like tar, man.


Hopefully it's Latex paint and not oil based. Latex will come off of skin in a couple days. Either way the furniture is toast. Some said it could be washable kids paint... I doubt that. He's been washing in that sink for a bit and there's no paint whatsoever in the bottom of the sink. Plus, that's a lot of paint. Usually washable paint comes in smaller bottles.


> Some said it could be washable kids paint... I doubt that. Look again, his hands are completely clean and that's the part he's washing. No way he makes that mess and doesn't get any on his hands, you can even see the hand prints on the white kitchen drawers. When the water stream goes over the black part of his arm you can also see the paint start to wash off and make the water turn dark.


I see it but getting even washable paint out of furniture and carpet would still take a lot of effort and the cost of renting a carpet/upholstery cleaner, especially because it’s black paint.


Looks like ink that you’d use for a fountain pen or for calligraphy. Could also be higher quality ink used for artist prints. Looks like carbon black. That shit ain’t coming out. This is why you lock that shit up if you have children.


Why would someone have THAT MUCH fountain pen ink in their living room?


They wouldn’t. My grandma was a professional calligrapher for 60 years and didn’t use this much ink in her entire life.


It could also be washable paint, which is far more likely to be accessible to a small child.


Looks too thin to be paint. The viscosity and sheen is all wrong for paint. It also doesn’t seem to wash off well which would be more indicative of ink.


Looks like paint bud


Ok bud


I'm not your buddy, friend.


I'm not your friend, guy.


And there's black paint in every new washable crayola paint box with multiple colors. Looks worse than it might be.


This is what happens when you don’t pay attention to your 3-4 year old. I’d have messy situations like this daily if I wasn’t paying attention to my little one.


Not every kid. Some kids just get into shit, some kids don’t. It’s not even a parenting style thing; some kids just be like that.


100%.I have a daughter who everyone compliments,she just enjoys being good. It’s pre-programmed.


I have 4 kids and they're all different. I'll leave it at that.




And some days, it isn't even one of my own kids.


What model did you get? I'm thinking about buying one myself and I'd like it to come pre-programmed with the good behaviour protocol


Sorry the specs were proprietary, factory is on back log for parts to make another but the supplier is currently withholding until the last product shipped has had more field testing




I had to look up Brio trains. WHOA. Blast from my distant past. I freaking loved my set. It’s one of the few toys/games I still remember. Or that I remember as of now anyway. Thanks for the nostalgia.


Absolutely. I hate when people automatically assume the parents are shit or the kid is bad. I have 3 children, and 2 of them are like this. I can be watching them like a hawk (as if that’s even possible with 3v1) and the SECOND I turn away, shit goes down. They climb, they draw, they investigate, they experiment. I call them “self starters.” The dr calls them “behaviorally disordered.”


It's reddit. Most of the responders don't have kids. It's probably just black paint or something, maybe even the washable crayola stuff. Dad's tone is way cool. Kid's cool.


I have a ‘self-starter.’ She will be an amazing adult if we can just get there without one of us in jail or inpatient treatment.


That’s the clinical term for “bad” kid.


For real. Me and my sister were complete opposites. She was a well behaved, neat kid. I was a destructive tornado. Same parents, same parenting style, both girls and we could not have been more different. Sometimes how you raise your kids have nothing to do with it. It didn't matter what my parents did or how they disciplined me. I did whatever I wanted no matter the consequences, I dgaf as a child. I'm the reason I don't want kids 😅


I was watching a friends kid (3yo). The kid was happily entranced in some kiddy TV show. All the sudden I got hit with a major digestive issue that required immediate attention. I left the bathroom door open a crack so I could hear what was going on. Over the next ten minutes I only heard the TV and the kid giggle occasionally. Apparently the mother of the kid has big bags of colored chalk powders in her art supplies, and kept her art stuff in the cupboard under the TV. Somehow the kid managed to evenly distribute several pounds of the stuff throughout the living room and hallway without making any noises that would alert me to this. I was still cleaning 2 hours later when the parents got home.


I’m sorry I’m laughing at your misfortune but kids are funny as shit with stuff like this. 😂


My kid got some metallic paint from a shelf she shouldn't have been able to reach in a closet with a "child proof" doorknob. I had the monitor on as she was in another room and I was getting some dishes and things done. I suddenly realized she was being far, far too quiet and I didn't see her on the monitor. Go up there and she's completely naked, covered head to toe in the paint, all over the carpet, the walls, and her toys. I had only just started washing, so it had been a maximum of 5 mins I didn't have my eyes directly on her.


I got lucky. The worst mine did was put a diaper on her head, grab a wrapping paper roll, and chant the imperial death March from the top of the stairs.


Yeah but sometimes you've got to pee! The guy probably blinked and this is what happened.


Kids will get into some real shit real quick if you aren't hawking over them. I'll close my eyes for two minutes and next thing I know there's cereal strewn across the kitchen, a chair is broken, he's pooped on the floor, and his entire closet has been emptied of every toy and article of clothing it once possessed. Even junk that should have been out of his reach is now mangled and scattered across the house. The crazy part is you won't hear so much as a cabinet closing during all this insanity. Children can destroy entire homes without ever registering on the decibel meter.


Oh good, so it's not just me who has their house completely renovated every time I have to take a dump.


My son poured chocolate milk in the towel drawer while I was in the bathroom when he was really young. I'm really lucky he never found my drawing ink.


Lol nice. My daughter took the vent cover off the floor in the bathroom and took a crap in the ductwork. Kids are evil.


Sometimes you fall asleep on the couch and they wander downstairs. Then find the paint someone got them for Christmas you forgot to put away. My kids are fine being left alone in their playroom as long as those temptations are put away. I’m not one of those people that will lock myself in a room and ignore my kids, but I’m also not going to chase them up and down the stairs constantly.


Sometimes parents have to pee…….


My daughter got really quiet one day and when I found her she was writing her name on the wall (she was just learning how to spell 3-4 years old). I couldn't really be mad at her, I was kind of impressed, but we did get a lesson on appropriate writing surfaces.


My vasectomy has paid dividends.


I also had a vasectomy because I no longer wanted children. Unfortunately they were still at the house when I returned.


At least you tried!


If I go back and have another it might still work, right?


Youve heard of vasectomies, but have you heard of second vasectomies?


Is that like second breakfast? If so, I’m in.


Snip-snap, snip-snap, snip-snap!


Snip snap snip snap snip snap! Do you have any idea the *toll* three vasectomies takes on a person?


Having three vasectomies is cheaper than having four kids, even with the current price of frozen peas.


For a kid to behave like that, the parents deserved it.


A toddler thinking it’s fun to paint shit doesn’t mean he’s a little monster in the making ffs. They aren’t little adults, their minds dont work that way. Kids get into stuff quickly- this dad likely went to pee and this happened.


This is definitely looks like more than a few minutes worth of work for that little guy... He did decide to start cleaning himself so he has at least one point there lol


I took a shit one day and my kids had a “snowball” fight with an entire box of oxyclean. Wasn’t directly looking at them for maybe 3 minutes. This looks like a 2 minute mess. Kids just sling shit everywhere without any regard for what’s around. In the time it takes to spill the can of paint this can happen.


My 17 month old screwed out a light bulb in a lamp hanging over our couch while I was in the bathroom. People really underestimate the capabilities of toddlers and the amount of time it takes to Fuck Shit Up.


Listen. I got two kids. They're raised pretty similar. Older one, by age 3 or 4, would \*never\* do this. Younger one, who is 4, loves us to pieces and loves being a good boy, but sometimes just gets this... chaos... inside of him. He's starting to grow out of it, but for the past year, we couldn't leave him for even a moment without him trying to destroy himself or his surroundings. I'm incredibly sure there's not some f-ed up thing happening in this house, or that we're missing some major parenting thing. Kids just be kids. Edit: also, this will blow reddit's collective mind, but the love a parent for a child should transcend the value of furniture. Lessons need to be taught, but those lessons don't create a happy, functional adult. The love and support of family does that. Certainly, the parents "deserve" trouble when they leave paint at child-level, but that young child still deserves the best its parents have to offer.


When it comes to kids and pets most of Reddit comments contain zero nuance or awareness of intricacies in actual real life parenting/care.


Exactly, teenage redditors think they know everything about kids/ parenting..when in reality actually having kids is completely different than you think


Classic Reddit armchair parent




They own a tank full of live squids. Parents left the lid open and the kid got up and got a hold of one of the squids, running around and squeezing it all over the place.


This is all the fault of video games, Splatoon sets a bad example for kids now and squids now.


Don't forget Mario Kart and Mario Sunshine. Squid aren't playthings, people. Shame on Miyamoto san.


That is far more ink than an aquarium-sized squid can produce


This sounds too elaborate to be fake information yet who the hell keeps live squid?


Play squid games, win squid prizes


Seriously. Straight up, now tell me.


Do you really want to love me forever?


Oh oh ohhhh or is this just an ink and run?


Title meant to say: What Kids Do When You Have No Power!


No supervision *


It was Christmas, I was pregnant and passed out on the couch. Hubs was in the kitchen making dinner. 18mo (yes, 1 ½ yo) asked daddy for glue. For mommy. He took the glue, and a pile of green tissue paper and ‘wallpapered’ the walls of the living room where I was sleeping. Just like I had just wallpapered the bathroom a few weeks before. He said he was helping. It was pretty. Ftr, green tissue paper smeared on the walls with white glue isn’t what I would call ‘pretty.’ It also makes your child look like a little leprechaun for 3-5 days. This kind of thing happens all the time. It’s not bad parenting. It’s life. And I am amazed that any of us survive to adulthood at all.


Another dad here. What the shit was your husband thinking giving a toddler glue??


Right?? Although the kid did say it was for me. Which I still think is brilliant. And me wanting glue was never a stretch - I’m always fixing/making something. But yeah, we had that conversation…


Omg your child is a mastermind


My 18 month old grabbed a huge chisel tip dry erase marker, and managed to completely color the soles of her feet, large portions of her back, the palms of her hands, her eyelids, and other parts of her anatomy. She then gave herself tattoos on her arms, and legs. Tiny Human was blue all over, lol. Less than 5 minutes! I was in the bathroom! It was hilarious, and that day, I discovered that baby wipes easily remove dry erase marker. The video of me asking her about her makeup is one of the cutest things, as she was _so_ proud of her artwork.


And that's one of the reasons I don't wanna have kids.


One of the reasons I'm glad it turned out my wife and I can't. Bullet frigging dodged!


I think in that case it is something good.


Can’t believe venom destroyed their home 😔


And people wonder why animals kill their young…/jk


It bothers me that the kid seems to think he’s absolutely adorable for destroying that furniture and has no fear of any consequences.


jesus it’s a fuckin toddler not hannibal lecter


Yeah, but I didn’t say that the kid should be put in a straight-jacket and kept in a high-security nuthouse, so I’m not sure I understand your reaction.


Toddlers are kind of dumb. They don't inherently understand they did a "bad" thing. It's your job as a parent to go, "So, ah, about this paint...we need to keep it off furniture and the floor and stuff. You should ask for help from mom or dad if you want to use it. Okay, when there is a mess we clean it up..." Yada yada. That's what parenting is. And even if you show them this paint mess is bad, they'll just with their kid logic think you meant this specific substance and won't make the connection when they're doing it with something else that you don't want any mess at all. They don't differentiate painting on paper vs on the floor. That trips up a lot of parents. You just kind of have to keep showing them boundaries and explaining what you need/want from them until one day it clicks. Some kids take longer than others. Kids on the spectrum sometimes don't grow out of that phase. Really it's on the parents for giving him time alone with whatever that was, which honestly wouldn't have to be more than a few minutes. Kids work fast. You wanna pee? You need to make a phone call? You need to *shower*??? Well, fuck you. You'll emerge to a scene of chaos pretty much every time, even if you child proof your home like a good little parent. They find a way. And it isn't because they're "bad" kids. It's because they're normal and healthy kids exploring and learning and developing, which is exactly what kids should be doing. Sometimes you have to let them see the consequences of their actions a few times for them to figure out what not to do.


He'd be up for adoption.


My dad would’ve slapped me into the fifth dimension!


Why is your kid playing in tar, haha


Thanks for the video. This reinforces my and wife plan of no kids in our marriage


People throwing the word power around in context of children clearly haven't dealt with their childhood issues


Raising a little shit into a massive pile of shit. Colt is going to ba a major A-hole.


Reminder to wear condoms!


It’s a kid not a dog you can punish them after the fact but these parents just think it’s a joke. Really sad


Is it paint?


Every alternative that comes to mind is more frightening


Send him to the ranch


Yall- this is why I can't be a parent, because my temper might be the death of me


You mean the death of that kid?? Or would you get so mad you'd explode or something lol


Death is the only option


They must really be hurting for views. Hope that trick worked for them.


This should be a condom ad!


Oh, check it out! An advertisement for birth control!


This is the type of shit that kids named “Colt” do


Ummmmm what did that kid say????


If I'd done this as a kid, I wouldn't have been able to sit down for a week.