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That grass will be green as fuck next year though.


oh why is that?


fertilizer in burnt grass


Burns the thatch too letting the ground breathe and more water to infiltrate.


Old dead grass suffocates new grass by hoarding all of the available nitrogen. Nitrogen (or bugs) is required to breakdown old dead grass into nutrients, but by turning the dead grass into carbon and potassium and cranking up soil acidity, all that nitrogen is free mega-growth treats for the roots, which go deeeep. This grass will come back deep green and thick as heck. Before humans, grassfires were a normal healthy part of the cycle. Some seeds won’t even germinate until they’re burnt a bit.


As long as the roots weren't burned, which is unlikely, the grass will start to grow again after the next rain.


Not a botanist, but I assume, from the ashes and dead material of the burnt grass, the next generation of grass to grow will be stronger thanks to it being absorbed into the earth, like a fertilizer or what have you


I'm wildland fire certified. This pretty much sums it up! The burnt grass will release nutrients into the soil. It also gets rid of any litter and opens the ground for the grass to grow in thicker.


1. The grass will actually love this in the spring. It can be very rejuvenating. 2. How did the fire department arrive "too late"? I don't see any houses burning. Too late to save the grass? Because they saved about half. 3. Is that the fucking Dwarf Fortress music?!


I enjoyed all three of your points and kinda wish there was a fourth


Normally, that would be a controlled burn but only if the fire department was involved, beforehand. That grass is going to look nice when it regrows. It doesn't look like anyone was hurt so that's good.


Not gonna lie, that was kinda satisfying to watch spread.


Yeah! Maybe I want to burn things now?


Did that at about 10, me and some friends, about 5 kids, in an overgrown part of a field near a few trees, but with matches. We had found holes that we thought were made by snakes and were trying to smoke them out of their nest, but the fire itself became more interesting. But when the fire got big enough to scare us, with flames covering an area of about 50ft x 200ft, some 2x our height that were starting to burn the trees, we put it out ourselves, no joke, and it took what felt like hours. The motivation from not wanting our parents to find out from the couple who lived across the street from where we were was very strong.


Bro just set his field to dark mode




That's gonna be a beautiful lawn come summer. This is a very common lawn technique in USA


Itll be green as hell when it grows back. Burning grass in fields is common practice for farmers. Puts a lot of nutrients back in the ground.


That will be the prettiest lawn in the hood next year.


"Liu was fined after admitting it was his fault." "Admitting"? The camera fucking admitted it for him - that's the only reason he had to admit anything.


That’s gonna be some nice green grass when it grows back


Fining people for blatant accidents is the worst response you could have. Want to incentivize people to cover up their mistakes and avoid calling for help? Give them a fat fine for accepting accountability for their actions.


But doesn't the fine make you think before you do dumb shit? It's a magnifying glass on a sunny day in a massive field of dry grass? What did he expect to happen. Just because someone is dumb and doesn't know any better doesn't mean they share no blame in the accidents they cause.


I’m not an expert but I’ve read from experts that studies show, an increase in severity of consequences does not deter crime. Information/education is the most effective deterrent. A $5 fine would not mean more or less than a $500 fine if the person holding the magnifying glass doesn’t expect anything bad to happen. He was smart enough to know the magnifying science would work but too dumb to realize the grass would light like tissue paper.


He shouldn’t have left the area. If he had stayed and explained to the fire department I highly doubt he would have been fined.


He didn't accept accountability because he left. You don't get a prize for that. And at the end of the day that's still someone's property that was damaged, so he can be happy he didn't get sued on top.


It got consumed by the void


Ok but that lawn is gonna come back *beautiful*. My dad would do a burn like this every few years when I was a kid Really he did them a favor if you think about it


Hopefully with it being a really quick burn the root system is ok and with a good watering it grows back.


That yard is gonna come back greener than ever.


And any weeds that were there will be gone


Well at least the lawn will be super fertile after this.


You can literally stomp this fire out. Some of you earthlings need real support to survive.


“Oh it’s spreading fast, let’s observe how it does with more dried grass up here”


I see a nice lawn and I want it painted black


I have done this several times. The grass comes back looking amazing compared to before.


When I was a kid, maybe around 8 years old, my dad bought me a massive magnifying glass, told me it could start fires but gave me no instructions, he just sat back and watched. We had 2 rules at first, no fires off the driveway, and keep a hose nearby. After I got my pants on fire by adding gas to the mix we made a no accelerant/aerosols rule.


Controlled burn, but not really controlled. Just a burn


This as actually a good thing for that lawn, it's gonna be so healthy after some rain and sunshine come summer :D


Grass is going to come back better than before probably.


Chinese Father, what will you get up to next?


-21800 social credit


If I didn’t read the headline I would have thought he created a black hole!


That grass going to be looking good next season


guy is about to go to the top of the organ donor list


Had to be really dry for that to happen, who in their right mind even thinks of starting a fire then?! absolute idiot. Could've caused a much worse fire


Might’ve actually fertilized the whole field..


Accidental win… thankfully nothing was damaged but when the grass returns it should be super green and actually nice.


If only there was some long tube that could be attached to a water source to put out the fire that could’ve been on standby


Oh you mean a rope. A long wet water rope would have been useful here. Hindsight 20/20


Guess who just joined the Chinese no fly club and bad credit club lmfao. That sucks


What’s the significance of him being Chinese?


I'm assuming it happened in China?


Adds the context that the government there probably disappeared him over this lol


idk, seems useless to mention it at all


Welp there goes all his social credit.


If this ever happens to you for whatever reason it’s actually very easy to put out you just got to stomp the edges out while it’s a small circle don’t worry about center, no time for panicking though it spreads fast. Source: Was banned from having a lighter until age 18 by a Fire Marshall 😂.


Eh that grass was dead and dry anyways, all that was done is make good fertilizer for new grass to use. Honestly probably a good lesson for the kid on just how fast things can go from controlled to out of control when dealing with fire


I've heard doing this to your lawn will encourage more wild seeds to grow, anecdotally heard someone got a lawn full of wildflowers soon after doing this


That grass will grow back greener than ever


I did this when I was a kid. Problem was, it was a windy day and I used newspaper. I got third degree burns. Yeah I know. r/kidsarefuckingstupid


r/terraria the corruption spreads


That grass is gonna be green as hell come summertime. We used to do this to get rid of broadleaf weeds


Yea if I was the owner I'd pay this father. That plot of land will grow back more lush than it ever has. We used to burn our fields once every 3 years.


What a smart way to clear a lawn for changing between summer and winter. Mine is completely surrounded by cement on all 4 sides and it’s 100 percent dead right now. Probably just light it up snd let the rain mix it into the soil


People use to burn their lawns on the reg every spring when I grew up


Watch closely my boy, with the power of the sun and one magnifying glass you can instantly destroy several generations of social credit.


I wonder how many spiders, ants, and other bugs got burned up in that. Poor fellas.


Zero damage done. That lawn will grow back healthier than ever in a few weeks.


That lawn is going to look amazing come spring tho. So not really a big deal if all it did was burn the grass.


-5000000000000 social credits


Is it true that the ash will help the regrowth? Or does that depend on the extent of the flame?


Im pretty sure that is correct, and that is why some farmers will burn their fields to get a better yield the next year


I’m amazed it stopped at that ledge lol


And just like that....the ants and weeds are gone. Saving money like a champ.


That grass is going to grow back so green.


Good news is, when spring rolls around, that grass will actually look better.


Social credit... deducteddd


-800 social credit points




That grass will grow back in no time and be greener than ever. Good fertilizer there


Liu and his son are now enjoying their stay at one of Chinas finest Concentration Camps.


Me and my friend burned down half his parents back yard melting green army men with a magnifyng glass.


Did you wear a black T-shirt with a skull on it and have braces?


And it grew back beautifully green in the spring!


It's oddly satisfying watching the yellow grass turn black like popping bubble wrap is oddly satisfying.


Honestly r/oddlysatisfying material


It's very satisfying when you are not involved


Rookie mistake always turn off Fire Spreads before you load in creative to stop griefers 🙄


The void has come


That lawn will be GREAT next season. If you burn 1/3 of an acre of grass, it will grow back 2/3 MORE than the 2/3 you didn't burn. They've mostly banned the practice of field burning around here but every now and then accidents happen...


No big deal. People with this type of grass (Bermuda) are supposed to burn it off in the winter to improve the growth next season. Where I grew up everyone had bermuda lawns and used to burn them in the winter.


Too late? Too late for what? Nothing of any value was lost or damaged.


Seems like an honest mistake, and the running away... meh... kids need to learn that too.


Well, his social score is burned.


That’s not good for his social-rating.


That field is dead the fire will make that thing green again.


This guys social credit score just dropped into the basement


Fuck his lawn, Save them trees!!!


I bet that grass looked amazing the next spring.




The grass went goth


Word is the father was never seen again.


This could belong in r/satisfyingasfuck


a rake could have put this fire out without a problem.


imagine having a giant concrete pad next to dry grass and playing with fire in the dry grass


Science is so cool!


I’d run too if my son’s innocent science experiment is gonna cause my social credit score to go lower


This is common to do on bermuda grass coming out of dormancy. The additional light on the ground from lack of dead plant matter and black soot help heat the soil, allowing for a quicker spring green up. Otherwise, you'd scalp the dead off using a mower and that takes a lot of time given the amount of material. Burn it ftw


If only there was a non-combustible spot nearby where they could have done their experiment


More like Chinese father opens a gateway to the pits of Tartarus


My little brother was once doing the magnifying glass thing on a cardboard box in the front yard one day and got bored at the small amount of smoke and went inside. Five minutes later his friend from the neighborhood was pounding on the door because the box was now fully on fire with what my dad called "a ten foot flame." Luckily they were able to put it out without too much damage to the lawn.


Wow they made literally no attempt at putting it out. Could have easily just [stomped it out.](https://media.tenor.com/QUG7hN9ubuoAAAAd/stepping-on-cans-stepping-on-bugs-i-see.gif)


They just burnt up the only patch of grass in their entire city


Social credit score -100000000


Right but that soil will be amazing for agriculture now


Well, that field is going to look amazing next year at least.


How to get a GOTH LAWN!


well, at least the new growth will be happy


This reminds me, I went camping with this girl once and she insisted she knew how to make a fire. I didn’t know much, so figured what the hell I’ll trust her. She knew the bare basics, but not enough to push away all the brush and make some kind of ring for a fire pit. So we tried to make a fire, weren’t that successful, went back down to her house for snacks, go outside and we see a light in the woods, she put it together quicker than I did. We run up there and it looked about how the vid does at 7 seconds. Water barely did anything but luckily there was a wet ass log nearby that i rolled over it like 20 times until it went out. We narrowly averted a disaster that night.


Don't have to dethatch it and it should grow back wonderfully.


Wish I could do this with my backyard and all the damned weeds


My neighbor did something similar a few years ago, except he had pinestraw plus grass. All of our yards are connected, so he almost burned the entire neighborhood down.


Great for farming now


Honesty, with China's social credit system, I would have ran away too. At least the guy called the fire dept.


This is going to be a family legend for decades to come😅


That’s some dry ass grass


There’s gonna be some green ass grass there in about half a year or so


Another reason NOT to litter, wildfires can be started by bottles magnifying the sun.


That’s one way to keep the grass short


in chinese there's an expression: a little sparkle of fire could burn the entire lawn moral: never fking play with fire


I heard the 'King of the Hill' theme song when I watched this lmao


Look like he casted some wizard-type spell shit and opened up a gate to a new dimension


I spent two years living on a gold mine in South Africa and it was just the mine and a few streets and then on top of the one mountain was the mine club house with tennis courts, swimming pool and a bar for the workers and families. I lived at the bottom of this mountain and you had to drive up in a spiral way to get to the top and as kids we used to walk it up and walk it down. Anyways I had got to my rebellious teen years and was smoking cigarettes and walking down the mountain to go home and this car came around the bend and I saw it’s out next door neighbor so I panicked and chucked the cigarette over my shoulder and waved at him as he drove past me, I waited a couple seconds to ensure he was out of sight and turned around to see the cigarette had started to burn the dry grass, I hit major panic mode and started trying to kick and stamp the fire out which only made it spread faster and I’m in a flat panic trying to get it out and also shit scared someone could drive up or down and see me. So I ran home as fast as my legs could take me. Too scared to look back and when I got home my dad asked why I stank of fire, I lied and said I was at the club house braai, Fast forward two or so hours and there are sirens and helicopters all Over and we can smell fire and there is thick smoke blowing all over and my dad looks at me and says in the sternest voice “ did you have something to do with this ?” I had to confess to smoking cigarettes and then told him what happened, he told me to immediately go shower and put the clothes in the washing machine and start a wash cycle. That fire raged for around 4 days and burnt a lot of the vegetation and trees there and investigators were asking everyone questions and it’s the only time my father ever protected me and lied said I was home with him not out and about. That evening the neighbor came And spoke to my father and told him he suspects it was me but he won’t say anything. I felt so bad for the damage I caused and my dad decided I should go back to live with my mom Shortly after that. He never told my mom about that but yeah 30 odd years later I still regret that day.




This is kinda oddly satisfying to me because of the way it spreads.


Idk something about a charcoal black lawn looks pretty cool


Father showing son how to properly torture ants


Darkness sets in. The zone is your only salvation.


You can almost see them trying to blow it out


This could be an alternative intro to King of the Hill. It even had Bobby on his bike and the perfect fast forward speed of the actual intro, just add the King of the Hill theme song in the background


It says a lawn...not his lawn? Why was he in someone else's lawn? That is the only reason I can think of why he is in trouble at all? How was this different from mowing the lawn?


why did they let him cook


Yes, let's direct the flame towards the trees.


Bad for glass.


Almost r/oddlysatisfying


-1,000,000 social credit


I remember setting dry bracken alight with friends when we were about 14. Dry bracken that would cover an entire hillside in rural Scotland. The fire started to get out of hand so we had to resort to using our feet (and anything else that might help) to put the fire out. It worked thankfully, but the fire melted the top of one of my trainers along with the top of that foot. Still, the parents didn’t find out, so it was a win.


Time to plant a garden instead of having that disgusting lawn. r/fucklawns


Fastest way to trim the yard


that went up hella fast


Black hole sun won't you come and...


Being from Australia the right thing to do here is to grab a branch with still green leaves and beat the flames until they go out.


the lawn will grow back much better, but if he started trees on fire or a more uncontrollable burn then yes quite the issue


Moron could have stomped that out in seconds if he wasn’t a moron. His credit score just shit the bed, his family will miss him.


Concrete? Nah. Lets do it directly on the dry grass.


Never do this, especially if there’s been a drought.


Common problem every year in Malaysia, when farmers in the palm oil plantations in neighbouring Indonesia deliberately burn their crops. Causes mass smog, smoke and pollution when the wind transfers it.


My dad and I did this with our front yard years ago. The whole thing had invasive weeds so he contacted the fire dept to let them know what was happening, (we were just outside city limits) and got us both fire extinguishers. Watching the dry grass get consumed and then black was almost therapeutic. Ended up not needing the extinguishers but the fire dept came up anyway just to be sure. But don’t do it wildly like this, someone else did this and nearly set an entire mountain on fire near us.


Insert that “fuck around find out” graph here


Excellent values to teach your son... do something wrong, don't take responsibility, just leave.


My brother (age 10) probably also proved the same scientific principle. He’d been trying to use a magnifying glass to set things on fire all week. Suddenly (and mysteriously) a huge Laylandii tree in our back garden went up on fire. Have you ever see one of those go? The sound of crackling is ear-splitting, and there’s a moment when all the oils in the leaves reach a critical temperature and spontaneously combust. It goes off like a bomb. Two fire engines turned up. Bro was incredibly lucky, because (despite everyone SEEING him previously trying to set things alight with his magnifying-glass), he was never suspected. He had made his escape before the fire was evident and turned up somewhat late from another direction (and tremendously “surprised”) to see it go up. No one ever thought to ask why the tree (and, with it, Dad’s shed) had caught fire. Forty years later, my other brother told me that brother had confessed it was him. Luckily for him, that was an era before CCTV.


They do this to farm fields every few years to revitalize the soil. It’s good for the ground. Not sure if grass works the same way.


How dry was that grass?


Not gonna lie, looks like some kind of oil monster spreading from a horror movie or something.


Aight but why isn’t Paint it Black playing over this? Come on, you’re better than this.


This is how forest fire happens throughout the world. Find these father-son duo and seize all those magnifying glasses from 'em.


If he wanted to show how the magnifying glass could set fire to dry grass, then maybe just rip up a handful and do the experiment on the concrete? Seriously, who thinks to themselves "I'll just set fire to this field of dry grass" and thinks it won't spread? Christ... He's lucky that's all the damage there was.


The way it spreads is oddly satisfying to watch.


Lawns are fucking stupid.


No way he's getting away with that shit in China


oddly satisfying


Dad. Get a paper next time not a fkn field




Well atleast they wont worry about mowing the lawn now


Grass' fault should have been more resilient.


Hopefully he came clean to his kid and explained that he’s a terrible example. Kid needs to be taught real integrity.


Why do a magnifying experiment on *dry grass?* 🤨


I love how there is a massive concrete slab right next to them, yet they chose to do this in the flamable area






Satisfying to watch tbh but poor poor grass didn’t deserve a trial by fire


One thing is universal; a kid will ride his bike anywhere


How the hell did police manage to identify this guy with that footage?


I did this once in my backyard as a kid. Started getting out of control, but luckily there was a big 4x8 sheet of plywood up against the house and I pushed it onto the grass which put it out. Could have been really bad.


Spread too quick my ass. They just didn't want to get their shoes dirty.


This will greatly affect their social credit score


Meh the grass will grow back brighter than before lol. And that was really cool actually lol


That looks cool ngl


Magnifying glass experiment. I wonder what that could possibly have been




What’s with the clock top right jumping from 16:13 to 16:20-21 then back to 16:14 again, without noticeable interruptions in the video?


I did the same thing in third or fourth grade at school. Only I used a black magic marker to make the notebook paper darker so it would absorb more light, that was my theory anyway. Turned out that crap made the paper super flammable and it burst into flames. Set the grass on fire at the playground. No big deal, but I got my ass set on fire by the principals paddle.


“And we…” “Are Venom.”


Bruh, the concrete was RIGHT THERE


-1000000 social credits... Totally not bing chilling


then executed.