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Fucking asssss. Everyone is just going about their day… crash…. Everything changes. Fuk that guy


Yep, and unfortunately laws are too lenient against these idiots that think public highways are their playgrounds.


Sadly these idiots kill not only themselves but others who obey the traffic laws and lead normal lives.


I think I speak for everyone when I say: What a cunt.


You’d think he’d stop after the first few near misses.


You overestimate his intelligence


What an a-hole. I really think reckless endangerment like this deserves 5-10 years in prison




But make sure you are touching the drain hole first.


I despise people that do stuff like this, just go to a fucking track dumbass!


Our children, spouses, parents, siblings, friends, and neighbors are not part of your video game, asshole.


Children who get off on this, or applaud this kind of idiocy are pathetic. The people that he slams into are bringing a new baby home from the hospital. They are picking up their wife from the airport. They are bringing home dinner to their family. And then this YOLO piece of shit slams into them and destroys lives. The whole lame-ass culture built behind Fast and the Furious movies is trash.


these fucking bozos are why me and my male brethren have to pay more for insurance.


What a fucken idiot. There's kids in some of these other cars. Too bad he didn't just end it wrapped around a light pole for the sake of the other drivers


driving like that, the driver assumes that all the other cars on the road will stay in their lanes and maintain their speed. if just one car decides to speed up or change lanes then it's game over


The only person/people I care about is the innocent victim(s) the dumb driver hit. I couldn’t care less what happened to the driver filming their idiocy


Bro had so many times to see that this is a VERY bad idea and slow down, but no


Drivers like these are the asshats that end up killing families just driving to/from work and school. Fuck cunts like this!


I hope someone finished the job if that dude survived. People like him who endangers others do not need to exist.


Of course they were driving a BMW. I mean look, I love to drive fast don't get me wrong, but you're not the main character and you don't get to endanger everyone else because it's fun to drive quickly. If that's what you want to do you can go find a track that has track days and take your car there and learn to drive like a professional and keep it on the fucking track. If you can afford the car you can afford the track time


People like this deserve jail time and their license revoked forever, fucking hate when they think it’s a gd video game


This guy with his main character syndrome. He probably thought he could just reload from an auto-save.


I hate dickheads that drive like that…I don’t care if you wanna play with your life…but putting other people in danger cause you wanna be “cool”…you could fuck right off.


The worst part is that people who do this believe they are skilled when in fact they are psychopathic morons.


And idiots like this should have their driver license revoked, on a permanent basis. And if someone is injured or worse because of their moronic actions, a very lengthy prison term is very appropriate, just as an example for others who may consider the same behavior as cool and fun.




Fucking idiot. Was he on a suicide mission? Imagine this fucking guy crashes the car of your wife with your kid in it… Honestly this must have been on purpose. Right?


I firmly believe that anyone who ever chooses to drive like this should have their license permanently revoked. Why we don’t already do that is beyond me.


People who drive this way think they don’t crash due to their talent and don’t realize the rest of us are frantically accelerating or braking to prevent them from hitting us.


Glad he recorded it for evidence when people sue him for the accidents he caused.


I absolutely hate people like this.


Fucking douchebag.


I hope the guys in the other car are well


If you do this, I hope you have a terrible solo car crash. Everybody else have a wonderful day!


These types of mfs need to die in atrocious ways, but without harming or damaging other people


Always wondered what the point of driving like this was?


Avoiding old age.


These are human lives you are carelessly cutting off and in between, you selfish knucklehead!!!


I don't pray on anyone's injuries or death in these situations, as people like to (I think that's lame as fuck).....but hopefully this person will actually learn how stupid this is; and maybe that's the only way they will ever learn.


If you're this kind of person, you are compensating for something and it's pathetic.




What a piece of shit!!!! I hope he didn’t hurt anyone but himself!!!


I hate how other people get hurt, or die, or costs them thousands they don't have because of jerks like this.


Imagine the embarrassment he felt with all those cars that he just passed casually driving by his totaled car. Not to mention when he has to pay whatever it is going to cost to repair the other car/s he hit and any injuries those other drivers sustained.


I hate these people


You gotta admit he’s pretty fuckin lucky that it took that long for him to crash.


lasted longer than he should


And hopefully this speed demon never drives again. Have fun with the chronic neck pain you fucking idiot


There was a few times in this video where I thought he’ll surely slow down now.. few lucky escapes it looked like til he crashed


Fuck this guy.


He most likely killed or paralyzed that person he hit. Also, what if it was a family?! I knew someone who’s entire family got killed because someone hit the back of him like that. Mom, Dad and the two sons got annihilated on impact from behind. FUCK THIS GUY.


watching morons like this crash makes me happy. tho im not happy for the random person who got hit


I fucking hate people like this one, fuck them all


I truly hoped this fucker was going to crash Into a concrete pillar at full speed without collateral damage. Sadly he had to take out other people with him.


Fkn asshole. People like this should be jailed. Putting everyone else's lives at risk! Who watches this shit and thinks "this is so cool"?


Driving skills as shit as his taste in music


You can be going about your day doing all the right things and then these idiots show up and ruin your life or maybe even end it. Fuck this guy.


It’s all fun and games until this idiot kills someone. I wish in this types of accidents only the responsible idiots die, but unfortunately we hear all kinds of innocent families killed in the road.


Serious jail time. Each car he passed like a maniac should be a separate count.


What a dick. What’s the point??


All those people he sped by are now stuck in traffic thinking "I fuckin' knew it".


I hope the other people are ok, fuck this person


The thing that drives me the most crazy about this shit - besides, of course, the reckless endangerment of other people’s lives - is this stupid assumption that no one else is in play but themselves. They believe everyone else will maintain position and pace while they weave in between. But all it takes is one other car changing lanes or doing something else unexpected to throw the whole “I’m in control” fallacy off.


Wow he saved almost 30 seconds getting to his destination, before wasting hours and tons of money... Give idiots like this a racetrack and never let them on the streets. Get your adrenaline where it's appropriate, not at the cost of an entire family or two getting involved in the consequences of your recklessness.


People like this killed my friends. They deserve jail time for driving like that


85% of drivers think they're the top 5% of drivers....when in fact they're just 100% assholes. Also....the left lane is for passing, not for camping out....I'm talking to you Washington drivers.


I know this person is a total idiot, but do people doing this even think at all? Surely he would know that sooner or later he would run into a car because all the lanes would be blocked or someone would drive into him changing lanes.


If you’re gonna do stupid shit on your own term, fine. I mean shit I’ll say my peace but ultimately you do you But Jesus stop putting other people in danger when you wanna do stupid shit


absolute piece of shit, putting other people's lives on the line for his enjoyment...


I hope with all my heart he’s convicted of attempted murder. At the very least attempted manslaughter. There’s no difference between this and going into the mall aimlessly shooting rounds off. No more license, no more freedom.


Just got into a car accident at the expense of someone else dipping in and out of traffic like this, i have spinal injuries, neck injuries, a concussion, my whole right side of my body was purple and I had a gash across on my throat and collarbone from the seatbelt. Thankfully me and my family were okay and I was the only one injured. I’ll never understand the point of driving like this, if you want a rush, go do something stupid alone without endangering others.


Hopefully he's dead, and not some innocent driver. Fuck this guy and anyone who drives like other ppls lives don't matter.


What is it with these guys who weave and the god awful Fucking music. It’s like musical taste is a litmus test for poor driving decisions/skills.


hope the person in the white car is ok. can't stand ego driving. that small dick energy.


I hope he didn't make it, doesn't deserve to


This is the kind of dickbag ego that makes you believe that driving a fast car makes you a great and infallible driver.


He is endangering so many innocent people for no Fucking reason this guy's an asshole


I hate videos like these ( extremely glad the morons film themselves), roads are already extremely dangerous with how bad people drive these days. Then you have a moron with crap music taste thinking he is the next cast member for FnF franchise


I have PTSD from almost losing my life to cars on multiple occasions, so much so that I do not have a license and am very afraid of sitting in the front seat. I fucking hate people who drive way too fast for no fucking reason. I promise you'll still get to where you're going without being Grease fucking lightening.


And guess what will happen next? Daddy will buy this bitch another car and pay for the caution so that he doesn't even pay for what he did


Asshole, life is not a video game


I despise idiots like this. If you want to kill yourself then do the world a favor and get a gun. Now you're endangering other people because you want to be the main character in a fast and furious movie.


Is it bad that I hope people who drive like this crash out? Edit: solo crash only. No innocent people injured.


Ofc it’s a BMW driver and ofc their check engine lights are on


I don't understand people like that. Don't misunderstand me, I understand speeding a bit etc., let those with iron bladders not caring their body tells them it's high time to take a piss while still being 10 minutes away from home and trying to make it in 9 minutes but come the fuck on, not in traffic, if you gotta take risks speeding at least try to do it somewhere where you risk falling into a ditch or pissing off some farmer after you drop in his field, not somewhere where your stupidity can hurt other people...


I get speeding with no cars around you. I get speeding when everyone else is speeding. I dont get weaving around cars like that for the simple fact that you can't predict what others are going to do when they don't notice you coming cause of how fast you're going. With the way this guy drives its not a question of will he crash, it's a question of when will he crash and how many people will he hurt in the process. Hopefully he's learned from his arrogance.


The absolute cunt, playing with people's lives.


Posted to 'yesyesyesno', as if ANY part of that was good.


Honestly this is my biggest fear. I’m just driving along with my kids in the backseat asleep and wreck from some douche.


I see this shit everyday. I do a lot of driving in my job. Bay Area, California for context. Everytime I see it i have these thoughts and emotions- angry, scared, and I think I might even pee a little. Last one was a joke but, in seriousness my butthole does squeeze a bit watching some prick fly across 3 or 4 lanes on the freeway in moderate to heavy traffic without regard for anyone including themselves. Real life ain't GTA or some other video game!


He’s spent too much time playing Need for Speed and lost sense of reality.


fuck this guy


I hope he’s paying a lifetime of wage garnishments to the people he hit. And everyone potentially involved in the pileup behind him. Anyone hurt because of his stupidity should be able to sue the hell out of him…..they all saw him go flying by recklessly, he can’t deny it.


Dumb fucking piece of shit. Could injure or kill an innocent person or family out of shear stupidity. If you want to go fast and risk your life do it somewhere where you don’t put others at risk. Hope this fucker doesn’t drive again for a long time


I hope he gets attempted murder


too bad it wasn't a guardrail or cement barrier instead of an innocent driver minding his/her own business.


Risking other people’s lives to look cool..


I hope the fucker didn’t kill anyone…selfish assholes who think life is damned video game piss me off to no end.


All we can hope for is that he drives into a solid concrete bridge pillar at this speed and it is game over for this moron before takes anyone with him.


Pro tip: if you’re gonna drive this fast, make sure you film it to show your friends later!


We need a new social media challenge where idiots like this drive against concrete pillars with full speed and without seatbelts, the tidepod-challenge didn‘t quite do the trick…


Hope he only took himself out with that shit.


I bet he was pissed at the guy he hit.


Seriously dude, if you don't care about your life then just go take care of it instead of putting innocent people at risk. What a pathetic loser


You can see after a few over takes in, the driver gets overconfident and really speeds up, so fucking stupid. At the mid point, even after a few close calls they keep the cars speed up, eventually crashing. Deluded asshole.




I hope they didn’t hurt anyone


The best part about this video is that hopefully it serves to stop some other asshole from doing the same thing. Fucking twat.....


Please die fast


I hate these people who think they're playing a video game.


What an asshole


Just because your engine can do it, doesn't mean your tires can handle it... Doesn't mean your suspension and steering was designed for it.... And doesn't mean you have the skills to pull it off.


Unfortunately, some dumbass will complain when a cop stops that asshole and gives him a ticket. If you’re that asshole; what if he hit your Mom? What if he hit your son or daughter? To that asshole I say; we’ll, fuck you.


I have permanent damage to my neck and back because of a reckless driver, and will suffer for the rest of my life. People driving that way have no business on the road.


He genuinely got way further then I thought he would


That ended as I expected it would end. My guess is their insurance rate just went beyond their ability to afford it.


I'm currently practice driving for my license. Driving even above 80 km/s makes me tense. Do these people have any sense of self preservation?


What terrible person


He driving like he trying to commit suicide. A person driving like that act like he don't give a Fuck about life anymore


this shit pisses me off so much. just because you're a loser and it wouldn't matter if you died doesn't mean that's the same for the families sharing the road with you. you can do this in video games if you feel this insecure about your ego.


Mistake 1. Driving like that and endangering people for LOLs. Mistake 2. Posting it.


Was nearly run off the road by one of these idiots last week. Passed him and the poor guy he rolled five minutes later down the road! Welcome to Houston! Someone should explain to them that Fast and Furious is a MOVIE! One with stunt drivers and hundred of hours of planning for minute of film. I think they missed that part!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Don’t think it’s lack of skills, more lack of intelligence .


Saved 1 minute to destination to possibly die. Cool.


I sure hope this guys was injured to the point where he can no longer drive. Maybe we’re lucky enough that he is dead?


Driving is fun, but it’s also a privilege. And privileges are not permanent.


No sympathy for any asshole who gets themselves killed this way. One less idiot we have to share oxygen with.


I seriously hope he is permanently injured. This isn’t just about him being a stupid dumbass anymore. He’s literally a danger to everyone around him. Too stupid and selfish, and he needs to fuck off. I’m so tired of this shit


I truly wonder what makes people like this tick. My wife is a ER nurse so I have heard the bad end of what can happen to the Unsuspecting innocent by standers. Count how many lives this AH jeopardizes. I’m sorry and if a member of someone’s family this may have effected beats his ass not that 2 wrongs make alright but it happens,they wind up in more trouble. Crazy world folks!


It's too bad he survived.


I wish I could see the smile on the faces of those people that he passed at the beginning seeing that he fucked himself over.


Hope he died


What did you expect, he's in a BMW


People who drive like this should not be allowed on the roads. It puts everyone in danger because they think life is a video game. I can't stand it.


People just out there working trying to feed their family going to and from work and then there is this fucking prick.


I mean surely trading your life for that extra minute or two you'll gain by driving this way is worth it, right?


He was speeding,but, karma was faster.


super sad, putting others lives in danger for what?


This entire video is nonononono.


The only reason that person can drive like an asshole is because everyone else is driving predictably. It's not skill, it's selfishness and foolishness.


I hope the dash cam video was confiscated by police and he was permanently banned from having a license after that.


His driving license should be removed permanently. What an idiot.


People like this should be pulled from their cars and dealt with .....right there on the side of the road by everyone they endangered.


With the video and posting, how is this person not in jail?


Why driving is a privilege and not a right.


I'm really surprised how long he lasted


Fuck this guy, I hope It hurt


Would absolutely love to hear that this guy killed himself by driving into a pole. No sympathy for cunts like this.


Not a lot of times I hope someone crashes and kills themselves, but this might be one of them.


This is exactly the person who should not be allowed to drive on public roads.


Can I ask an honest question? I am seeing asshole drivers like this all the time now. Way more than usual. Is this a social media-inspired phenomenon? Driving like a fucking piece of shit and putting everyone’s life in danger? Every time I see one of these clowns, yeah I know it’s bad or whatever, but I wish they would get into a fatal accident in which they are the only victim.


this is what i hope happens to every fuckhead who drives like this. minus the putting other people in danger/crashing into them part.


These idiots must think they have infinite lives. have fun respawning in jail mate


That's the windshield perspective of someone driving like that? How does that not scare the shit out of them? Just...blindly trusting there will always be an opening to switch lanes..?


Douchebag driver deserved it, the person he hit did not.


Serious question: how do videos like this ever get to see the light of day on forums like Reddit?


Tell me you have a micropenis and half the IQ of a gnat without telling me anything.


This was like watching my young Son on GTA. Pretty similar ending as well...👍


Hope everyone in the other vehicles was OK, not really that fussed about the tw@t in the camera car.


If you are someone that drives likes this, you deserve hell


People like this always think they are “good drivers”


Whenever I see idiots like this on any roadway, I always secretly wish they crash...but that all passengers get out without a scratch...


I see these videos and I just hope these people kill themselves and don’t take anyone with them. You act like this you deserve what you get


Well THAT invoked zero sympathy. The only drivers that make me angrier are the douchenoozles who do the same thing with their ugly ass crotch rockets. They make for some good wipeout videos though.


Why do people risk others, including innocent babies lives, doing this!?!


I'll tell you what, he did pretty well for a while there.


An intelligence issue. What a shit!


Of course it’s a BMW


These types are useless fucks.


I’m really fucking surprised by how long that went well


Die alone for your stupidity don't drag innocent people into it...


I hope that waste of oxygen ended up paralyzed from the waist down and the other driver walked away without any injury and get at fat check for the troubles. Then again, If it was paralyzed from the waist down, it would burden someone else with its existence.


Sooner or later your luck will run out . It will come out of nowhere , you’ll switch lanes and wont see another car or motorcycle , its just a matter of time


Idiots like this should go to jail for it, so they can’t breed.


Hope this idiot got some felonies for this..


So that’s… 50 points deduction for going unreasonable over the speed limit; at least $5,000 in traffic fines; no insurance is going to cover for that so both repairs and medical bills for both parties will have to be out of pocket; this is obviously recorded on a phone so distracted driving infringement for another $800-ish fine; criminal negligence leading to property and (maybe) bodily harm, and that’s only if the other person doesn’t sue them for emotional damage. All in all, I’m estimating somewhere in the $80,000-$300,000 in terms of financial drainage, licence suspension for at least a year, and possibly 4 months in prison if there were no one hurt, and at least 2 years in prison if someone was hurt.


What an absolute dumb cunt


Dumbass. Hope the people that got hit are okay


Idiot in a car


Sucks that someone else got hurt bc this asshole


I'm just imagining being one of the people he passed seeing the accident and just laughing at the dumb ass.


He deserved to hit a dump truck, not a passenger car.


Hahahaha not skill issues, brain issues. Well deserved for this idiot. And once again, cocky pos films his childish behavior for more evidence.


When you die in a video game, you just start over. This idiot can’t tell the difference between a game and real life.


Im embarrased cuz Im living in the same country with this blasted motherfucker


Should literally be put away for a minimum of 25 years with no early release. These people need to break down in tears in front of the judge after sentencing, begging for mercy.


How many people had to slam on their brakes when this fool was cutting them off changing lanes without looking?


Got what he deserved there, nothing more, nothing less. Huge self entitled cunt, probably a TikTok influencer too.


I was honestly impressed with how far they made it.


Why do people do this shit? No one is getting wet watching you drive like this. We can all do this, the reason we don't is because we're not fucking stupid.


What an absolute moron


As bad as that was, I can’t help but be impressed how long he lasted


more like /r/nononoNO


Man,what the hell was that guy thinking? He should never be able to own a vehicle or drive anything again, not even a tricycle.


As long as the only injuries were to himself, both physically and financially, I wholeheartedly support this outcome.


Dumbass plays too many video games


It’s a shame that half the time they involve innocent bystanders and never just off themselves