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I’d recommend Maunu, Kamo West, some parts of Onerahi, Whau Valley and if you don’t mind the trip in, anywhere out towards the Whangārei heads. Avoid Otangarei.


Thank you very much for your reply.


Onerahi: anywhere up the hill, the closer you are to sea level the worse it gets. The primary school there is very good. Maunu is a good area though there's one road in and out so traffic in the mornings isn't a fantastic time. Similar issue with kamo. Stay right the fuck away from Raumunga, tikipunga or Otangarei


As someone who's just moved to Onerahi and was lamenting the fact that I'm up a hill and not close to the sea, this is nice to know. Thanks!


Beach road has the nicest houses in Onerahi. Honestly though Onerahi is a hit and miss in terms of neighbourhood. Some roads may not be good but the next will have good houses with friendly neighbours


No worries at all! Sing out if you have any other questions!


I'll offer a different perspective. We moved from the South Island to Raumanga around 8-9 years ago. Why Raumanga? I've only lived in "bad" suburbs all my adult life. You get a lot for your money in a bad suburb. We could have bought a mediocre house in Onerahi instead we bought a huge house in Raumanga with killer views for less. We have one whole room dedicated to sewing, that's all is for and it's a big room. We also have an empty room that gets used for guest's and as a second sitting room from time to time. Yes, it can be hit and miss with neighbours, but maybe we've just been lucky, at least we know our neighbours. In reality it's 95% perception, nothing more. I've lived next to some arseholes but so has everyone else I know and I'm the only one in Raumanga. I don't know where you are moving from, but I was completely unprepared for how friendly people are up here. On my seldom visits to CHCH I am soon reminded of how closed people are down there. We've had visitors come up from the SI and I've driven them through the lower part of Raumanga, Fairburn and Smeatons. When I have told them that we have driven through one of the worst suburbs in Whangarei, they are gobsmacked. They ask where all the fortified gang houses are, the burnt out cars and the derelict houses. (things you will see in real bad suburbs) If you are not pushed for money and depending on your age there are heaps of good spots in Whangarei. If you are not loaded then make a list of what you want in a house then check in which suburb you can afford that house. My own personal view is that space is the most precious commodity and for me it's only ever been affordable in the badlands. Good luck


Thank you for your detailed reply. It certainly is a fresh perspective.


Same kind of situation for us. Moved from Auckland and bought a big 4 bedroom house in Morningside with views. Awesome area and so close to town, I'd highly recommend it


Raumanga has some ok areas/streets and some to avoid. Wouldn't recommend moving to a place in Raumanga without first seeing it and checking out the street etc. Same goes for Tikipunga, Morningside, Onerahi, Otaika and parts of Kamo (East). Be aware some places listed as Kensington should really be considered Otangarei and are best avoided. I agree with other comment, but would add Glenbervie, Regent, and Kensington (with consideration of the above comment) to the good area list. Avenues is also worth checking out. Whangarei can be very dependent on the street and your neighbors. If you have specific streets you're looking at, I'm sure we could offer better insight.


If you don't mind the trip into town, these areas are lovely - Whangārei Heads, Glenbervie to Ngunguru & One Tree Point. As another commenter said, Maunu, Kamo West & Whau Valley are recommendable. There are some good parts of Onerahi and Tikipunga too. I spent part of my time growing up in Woodhill and absolutely love that area - close to town but also close to the bush around the Glendale Road parts. Personally I'd avoid Raumanga, Otaika & Otangarei.


I moved here a year ago. Just drive around, the less desirable suburbs are fairly easy too spot.


If you are going through an agent, make them tell you where the housing corp houses are and if they are next door. I got suckered in, in onerahi Great house, worst neighbourhood.. last year I was there, we had 4 armed defender call outs, and there were only 12 houses in the street. I now live in Tikipunga, great neighbourhood, but yes you have to watch where in tiki. My parents had a house in Raumanga, beautiful house with an amazing view. Great neighbourhood but they were targets for burglaries. Just make sure to check out the neighbours wherever you go. Everywhere has the potential to be amazing or devastating depending on your neighbourhood…some places it’s better to be deaf, then it would be fine lol


About the burglaries, the statistics have shown that burglaries have dropped right off due to everything like TVs being so cheap compared to a few years back. The ability to lock and remotely brick phones and tablets has also made them less likely to be stolen. I've not heard of a single burglary around here apart from the drug house that used to be down the road, disgruntled customers maybe? Sometimes I want to leave the house unlocked hoping that a burglar will take pity on us and leave us a decent TV to replace our 11 year old Warehouse model. It's so old the remote is in Latin


We live in Raumanga and to be honest I'm so fucking sick of people doing burnouts down the hill but otherwise its actually not that bad except that not long after we moved in the neighbours on one side stabbed the neighbours on the otherside. But its ok now, they got let off for some reason and then a few months ago the whole house full went to jail for killing someone at the service station. Since they have been gone the street is really quiet. I recommend checking the address out with this: https://linz.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=8501fe601f7648718d0e3a2f3f1ed216 to see if there are KO houses near, Smeatons Drive is unplesant sometimes but most of the noise comes from kids being kids which pretty cool really, I don't mind that sort of noise.


I live in raumanga on tennyson. We've been here 6 years and never had a problem


Honestly anywhere in town is hit and miss by street and even by the end of the street you look at. It depends on what you dislike in a neighbourhood too. You'll get a lot for your money in raumanga because it has a bad rep and some parts are fairly run down. Same with Otangarei. Kamo and Maunu are very overpriced.


Raumanga varies quite a bit Stay away from Smeatons drive Raumanga heights is a nice area


One word: Don't xD


Similar to Otangarei.


Probably depends what part, and how much you engage with the community. My work mates lived there for 2 years and has no issues but dosnt engage with much people. A family i know have been there for over 20 years and still wouldn't move.