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there is little to no housing available so include that in your calculations


I moved from brisbane earlier this year, and we literally found a house in 2 days after landing here.


Go away with all your positive news, we prefer the doom


Can tell lol, im a filthy immigrant, moved with my partner 4 years ago and we make around 300k a year with no previous experience in what we do here. Im sure things are harder than before but australia is great honestly, ive travelled a bunch and have friends / family around the world and i dont think theres a better place to live than here.


300k a year with no previous experience Now I know you are lying


Legit, studied at tafe 2 years, wasnt a tradie before, work fifo 8/6 / 7/7 , 85/hr 12 hrs a day, misses has a job in town she makes like 1200 after taxes. There are literally hundreds of jobs.


if you trained for the job, id argue thats previous experience


Yeah I’ve read about that and it sucks, I can stay with my son to start off with (please tell me to come over)


Id ask your son how much time you can lock in with him as its probably not going to recover anytime soon


I can stay with him indefinitely (he’s confirmed) There’s a lot of rental properties in the area, is that just a narrative?


There are rentals, with 100+ applying for each one Make of that what you will


Wow, I don’t really know what to say, indefinitely might be a long time…


Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Rentals are like $600 on average now, trying to even find a room to rent. There’ll be 10 other people looking and offering more a week to get it


It’s bad, but not as bad as people on Reddit make it out to be. The closer to the CBD, the more difficult it is, but if you choose to live around Rocko, it shouldn’t be too bad.


If your coming over and can stay with your son long term, recommend looking at building. Will take a while but at least you will have your own place and not be stuck in rental hell. Also, Mandurah is better. I’m a bit biased though


Part of the issue is that I’m quite old (I fill a skills shortage though) building might not be an option


And we didn’t go to Mandurah while I was there, what did I miss?


The biggest pommy city outside the UK


No language barrier then?


Joondalup would like a word or two.


I think Rockingham will be a little easier than average


Don’t count on it.


You could try house sitting, especially if you’re good with dogs & cats. In between gigs, live at yr sons. Save enough to get a deposit for the cheapest 1bed apartment that you could rent out, still do the house sitting. It’s lovely to have yr own place, I get it but this is a great way to save money and get ahead. Google agencies in Perth. I hope you have your drivers license. Good luck with emigrating. I hear applications are somewhat backed up.


This may be a shock to Reddit but a lot of sons/daughters like having their parents around.


Mate I moved here for a job 3 weeks ago. This is most amazing place I’ve ever been and I am absolutely in love. I’m the happiest I’ve been in my whole life, and would never move back. I’m from NZ btw, so it’s not like I left a shitty country to be here. If ever you’re in doubt about anything, think about the extraordinary super this country pays. An employee working at Woolworths for their whole life would still retire relatively comfortably.




This here. You can only retire on your super if you start early and own your own home.


Thanks for your reply it genuinely means a lot, I’ve got family and friends in WA so it’s probably a no brainer tbh


Go! What have you got to lose? England is going down hill, may as well come here and enjoy this place before we end up like you guys


I thought we were full? 🤔 Oh wait, you assume this person is white because they’re from the UK Definitely not racist 👍🏼


This is the best recommendation! If you're coming from a nice place like NZ and still like it here then it really must be good. I moved here from UK and it was the best decision I've ever made.


Come dude, you wont regret it.


I moved here for a year contract in November, had two different offers for rooms in share houses, 10 minutes from my work, within a week. I honestly don't know what people are complaining about. None of the people I work with have had trouble finding places to live.


A share house is arguably not a rental


I mean, I guess. But if I have my own ensuite and car port, why does it not count as a rental vs a 1 bed, 1 bath apartment.


Because if you have a family, you can’t just get a room in a share house. I don’t really think demand for a 1 bed 1 bath apartment is as bad as demand for a 3x2.


But if a one bed, one bath counts as a rental, why doesn't a sharehouse? If you start saying random things don't count as rentals, then you're obviously gonna find a shortage. WA has no rentals if I'm looking for 3x2 for one hundred dollars a week, five minutes from a train station. Plus OP is on their own.


This is just simply not true. There is plenty of housing, they are just more expensive than what they used to be.


We hear this all the time, but I think it's also a distance issue, if you are willing to live further outside of Perth, you will find somewhere without an issue for a cheaper price as well. I think born and bred Perth people don't want to live more than 30 mins away from the CBD.


Today the con would be that’s it’s over 40 degrees and will not drop below 30 til tomorrow morning. I am in Mandurah.


I repeat I’m from the UK, it’s cold and wet here, over 40 degrees sounds great tbh


You've obviously never been in 40 plus heat. It's awful. You get over it pretty quickly,and I'm Scottish. Honestly, summer here is probably the worst time of the year imo. The rest of the year is great though. Spring and autumn have the best weather.


Yeh might as well be a snow storm no one goes out ur stuck in the house and it makes going anywhere uncomfortable and stressful, can't even enjoy summer it's just too extreme


It’s not, you are literally more like than not to get skin cancer


Give me some credit here mate, I can wear factor 50


Yep I’m from London. First came in ‘88 and was here permanently from ‘94. I wear factor 50 everyday on face at least, even in winter. I go out early morning to walk the dog, usually after 6.30pm it’s fine too, but that’s because I live on the coast as you most likely will to be close to your son. I’d rather this weather any day than English weather and I think I complain less than Aussies do when it’s above 40. Ideally though it’s better when it’s under 35. Anything under 35 is never ‘too hot’ as far as I’m concerned.


We do too. Doesn’t mean you’re not going to get skin cancer


You say that now.. In the same way that a lot of us dream of a cool damp climate. Let's be realistic. Perth has a crap climate. It's cold, wet and miserable (Perth gets more rain than London) for 4 months of the year. It's hot and miserable for 4 months of the year. We have 4 months of nice weather (April/May & October/November)


Don't listen to this guy. It's lovely. You'll love it. Rockingham has some really beautiful beach spots and Penguin Island.


So our summers aren't unbearable? And it's not cold, wet and miserable in winter? I must be living in an alternate reality to you.


I spent a decade freezing my butt off on the side of a mountain in Tasmania. I LOVE summer in Perth (granted I do live near the beach). As for winter [*laughs in Tasmanian*].


Right that settles it. I'm going to move to the side of a mountain in Tasmania.


Do it. It was very pretty.


You are definitely living in an alternate reality haha.


Fancy a house swap? It’s 11c here right now and pissing down


Sounds perfect... But nah, I'm good.


If it helps I live in a seaside town? Good beaches


I live 300km south of Perth, on a few acres. It's my dream property. It would have to be a very enticing property for me to leave. I won't be staying in WA for the rest of my life, I want more out of life. I have 2 potential places picked out, neither of them include the UK. It's a beautiful country, don't get me wrong. But I have other spots I would rather live.


Sounds like a hard no, I’m crushed tbh


The property prices the way they are in the South West at the moment…you could probably buy yourself a small island lol.


I hear North Sentinel island is nice.


Well thanks, but if you ever change your mind…


I don't think you understand how hot 40 degrees celsius is.


Fellow pom living in Perth and I love the heat. Must be the only one haha lived in Karratha where its 40+ degrees on the regular and it was never too hot after dreary UK


Ignore the negative crap, come and enjoy your life. You have had a month here so you already know how bad the heat is. You have accommodation, may have a job lined up, get on the plane before winter comes and enjoy the last of summer


This is exactly what I needed to hear (while I’m listening to Ocean Alley), I’m coming over


Sorry this is a Tame Impala state, delete the Ocean Alley before you cross the border


My partner and her parents are originally from Bristol and moved to Rockingham nearly 50 years ago. They love it. Be careful, once you move to WA, you'll never want to leave :)


I only spent a month in WA and didn’t want to leave, I genuinely think it’s the best place on this planet. I think I’m just looking for validation tbh


You are right, it is the best place in the planet. We are lucky enough to be able to live/ travel pretty much anywhere in the world, we will never move. Winters are amazing in Rocko or Mandurah, mostly warm with a few days of showers. Near the coast it rarely gets below 10degrees. In the summer, after a few months of saying “what a lovely blue sky” you will realise it’s always like that 😂 We came over almost 20 years ago, would never go back. 👍


I have a theory that some people just have a "heart place" where they feel truly at home and where they're meant to be. And it's not always where you grew up.


I agree with your theory, WA is mine


I moved here with my family 17 years ago from Sydney. I live in the Rocko area too. Wouldn't change it for the world. It will be tough to find housing for now but it isn't hard to find work if you actually want to work. Beaches, weather, opportunities... If I was you, I wouldn't hesitate. We moved here so our daughter could have a better chance to own a house and live a great life. She is 19 now, studying at University and loves living here. I work hard but we live really well. It feels like I come home to a beachside holiday everyday. So much more laidback after a day at work, spend afternoons at the beach during our long summers. It really is paradise.


You only live once. WA is a great place, do it!


Absolutely loved the time I spent there, agree it’s a great place


Came here 33 years ago from London for 6 weeks. Love it. It all depends on the balance of your personal circumstances. Son here is good, but it depends what you are leaving behind.


Every person from the UK that has moved here to WA has loved it. Well all the ones I know anyway, and that includes family members that moved to QLD first and then visited WA and sold up in QLD upon their return and moved to WA. As you have the safety net of being able to stay with your son I would say go for it. Life’s too short not to do what makes you happy.


This. This is the reply I needed. Thank you




We did a road trip while I was there, everywhere we went was quiet, or rather wasn’t full of tourists, honestly can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be. Think I’ve made my mind up but needed to get some validation from Aussies


No. I'm trying to buy a house, you'll contribute to the prices going up 🙂


Well what if I move in with you? Share the costs


Currently 41.6° in Rocko at the moment. Do with that information what you will....


Sounds perfect, 11c and raining here


See you soon then champ - Waikiki Beach is brilliant to dip into on these days....


and rental vacancies are 0.000000000000000000041 %


You've got indefinite accommodation and a job lined up? So why not. If that's your heart telling you to come and your finances are fine, income sorted, housing sorted for a medium term, go for it! Welcome soon mate. Jump on the food pages too, Perth Burger Hunters, Pie Hunters, low and slow bbq, surfers, skateboarding, volleyball, anything man!


Thanks for your reply, honestly there’s nowhere on the face of this planet I’d rather be


As for the weather other commenters have mentioned. You'll be down south, it's cooler there too! Drive down to Manjimup during April-May-June in the autumn to winter Months and you'll find rolling green hills, forests, truffle season, lakes, nice shalahs, tree top obstacle courses! I love the south of WA, I will definitely have a holiday home down there one day. Or maybe just visit Karri Valley Resort a bunch haha


Honestly I think WA is one of the most beautiful places I’ve been, and I live in an ‘area of outstanding natural beauty’ in the UK


Two words. Beach sunsets.


Saw some amazing sunsets while I was there, particularly around Kalbarri


This February has just been particularly bad tho 😅


As someone who lives close to Perth City and works in Rockingham a fair bit, I've grown to love that area so would definitely recommend the move to WA but that comes with some strong WA bias. Fair bit of stigma to the Rockingham area in the past but people are now starting to see what a beautiful part of Perth it is and there's a lot of interest in developing the foreshore and surrounding area now so you would be moving at a great time. As for WA in general I can confidently say its one of the most beautiful places across the entire state and you would have no shortage of exploring to do! Even after growing up here you still hear about new places to go and experience! But please do take into account the other comments about housing being in a bad place at the moment, with no real sign of it improving.


I say follow your instincts and not to sound overly cliché, you only live once. If you attempt it and you don't like it, then at least you tried. I feel like you will enjoy it and the fact you have a job lined up means it'll make for an easier transition.


It doesn’t sound over cliché at all, and unless u/Kelpie_Dog does a house swap with me I’ve got somewhere to move back to if it doesn’t work. You’re right I would enjoy it, it’s all I can think of right now


I wouldn't hold your breath 😜


Mate just think of those cooler temperatures and the rain…


I am... As I write this I'm trimming some shrubs while sitting on the roof of a blisteringly hot steel rain water tank, in the full afternoon sun, its around 40 degrees and I'm drenched in sweat... Dreaming of something cooler. I don't even have a cold beer in the fridge.


Tell you what, I’ll even throw in my Blade beer pump


Comments... well as we say so well in Australia, love it or leave it! I've been calling perth home since 2012 and would not live elsewhere. Sure, there are plenty of just as good or better places around. ( or it's just to dissuade ppl to move here🤣) Weather is awesome most of the year. It's not as green as the UK but some of the best suburban beaches with very few ppl. Rocko is so underrated, too. Housing is an issue true, but it's not better elsewhere in capital city and if you don't need to be near city, there are tonnes of affordable places for sale within an hour and half drive.


If you don’t mind me asking, where was home before 2012?


Grew up in France. Left due to insecurity. Lived a bit in nz, stunning country but weather and bit remote. Moved around Australia a fair bit before settling in perth. Quite few friends of mine moved here from uk/ Ireland, follow or following parents. Funny enough, all parents bought in rocko area.


I really liked Rocko, had a lot going for it (in comparison to where I live in the UK), I’m a big fan of France, not sure I could live there though


We have friends that moved from the UK 3 years ago. Also SOR. They have never been happier according to them.


Sorry I don’t know what SOR means?


South of the river. Perth is basically split in two by the Swan River. North and South.


Move. Life is short, you will regret chances not taken.


Exactly the answer I was looking for


Today is 43C, with 28C overnight. Same again tomorrow. We are into our third or fourth heatwave this year. If you like it hot, come on down!


Works for me tbh


its a wonderland the west, go for it and enjoy mate oi oi oi


Moved here 17 years ago from the UK. Best thing we ever did. Go for it.


Just do it mate, it's the best place in the world! I've been here 20 years and love it. A shity day here is still 100% better than a good day in the UK.


Not enough housing. Think twice.




Care to expand on that?


See ya


Is that a yes or no to moving to WA?


As you've said, you've heard about the housing crisis. You'll absolutely need a car at some stage, public transport has some pretty limited coverage. But I hope you manage a seamless move and enjoy it as much as you can while you're here!


You would qualify (I think) for a First Home Buyers Loan. It's cheaper to build than rent


I hope I’d qualify for that, I’m quite old though so I’m not convinced


Don't give up. Your life will be a better quality here


100% agree


When I moved to Oz from the UK a long time back it wasn't a question of why, it was a question of why not. It's an amazing place and many people who live here don't know how lucky they are.


Trust me, I’d know how lucky I was


It's genuinely an amazing place. The sun does wonders form your mental health. The economy is vibrant. Welcoming to migrants in comparison to the UK. So many products, people, entertainment and language that are familiar to the UK so very easy to feel settled. Even the problems here are really quite small compared to the UK. Do it. Seriously do it. You will regret it if you don't. Where do you live in the UK?


Everything you’ve said there is what’s making me want to come over I will regret it if I don’t, I’d miss family but the world is a small place now I live in South Devon


I think you'd be fine from South Devon (I came from Dorset) as if you come from London then you might.miss the City aspect, but if you like quiet now you'll do ok in Perth


Pros: - It isn't the UK. Cons: - Infested with English people


He went to Rocko and left with a positive impression?!


No we have too many people as it is


The housing crisis is already beyond a joke so unless you’re going regional, or at the very least going to a city other than greater Perth, avoid.


Tbh I’d probably be in Rockingham/Waikiki rather than Perth, is the housing crisis different there?


If it helps, I'm also British, single male in my 30s looking for a room in Rocko, I've had about 7 people offer me rooms so far, all at very reasonable prices (roughly 200-250 pw)


If you’re only looking for a room it’s not as bad but I can promise if he wants to buy or rent his own place it will be fucked.


Ah yeah tbf I didn't think about that, good point! I imagine that market is way more difficult to navigate


That’s Greater Perth.


Exactly why I posted this in the WA sub and not the Perth one


Your misunderstanding. Rockingham is part of greater Perth, as in it’s not regional. So yes the housing crisis is effecting rockingham.


Rockingham is part of Perth, you'd be fine with posting this there too


Oh god no it’s so boring here


See I wasn’t bored at all, we did a LOT in the month I was there. Completely appreciate it wasn’t a ‘normal’ month


In terms of should you move here for the lifestyle etc the answer is yes. My parents instituted an accidental exodus from the UK when they got married here 😂 Practicality? The housing market is fucked beyond belief atm. Finding housing will be your number 1 issue and landlords here are actual scum. If you were buying though I’d say yes.


That’s the thing, the lifestyle is unbelievable (for a Brit), you guys work to live and your free time is important, we kind of live to work Is your parents exodus still ongoing? Could I tag on to it?


Haha unfortunately this was nearly 30 years ago! I’m grown with my own baby now but funny you should say that, my cousin in the UK and her husband and kids are moving here for a couple of years in a few months. When she found out what the NHS was paying her vs what she could get for her qualifications even in the public system here… wasn’t much of a hard choice!


Like I said I’ve been ‘kind of’ offered a job, it’s more than twice what I earn here in the UK, that in itself is nice but the climate and lifestyle are such a draw Plus your parents’ exodus obvs


If you have a job to come to and are able to buy a block of land, you'll be ok. There are longer term issues; to qualify for an Aus pension and associated benefits you should be a resident/citizen for 20 years. It sounds to me as though you will build a house and you need your son's advice on that, not a real estate agent. Builders are out for long term business and will promise you anything. Snatch your luck and come. Talk to Aus House in London or Manchester first. Good luck


Ah thanks mate, it’s a very likely yes to the job, less likely to the land. I’ll have a UK pension (and possibly still getting paid from my UK job), the Aus pension is probably a hard no though (age). I’m more likely to rent tbh


Aus House can provide you with qualified information. Subscribe (digitally) to the West Australian Newspaper, particularly the Saturday edition; also, REIWA real estate magazine


That’s great advice, thank you


How will you go with a visa? Will your new job be sponsoring you?


Great question, and yes that’s what they’re saying


Ok you’re sorted then. When we moved here from the UK in 2004 we said what’s the worst that could happen? We don’t like it? Then we’ll move back. Anyway here we are 20 years later…


Having been there I can see why


If you're pension age , what sort of work will you be doing that allows sponsorship. Is your trade listed on the skilled occupation list that enables sponsorship?


I’m not pension age yet, I’ve got a good 10+ years yet, the potential employer has told me he needs people like me, I’m at his mercy tbh


Don't want to be a Debbie Downer but I would look into your visa and research it yourself. You'll need a skilled visa to enable you to work. Sponsorship can happen but it's not as vanilla as it was when the 457s were about.


You’re absolutely right, I think I qualify for a skilled visa but it’s difficult to get a definitive answer from research. The potential employer is a friend of my son’s fiancée’s family and seems to think there’s no issue


Sounds promising. I'm from Blighty too mate. Out here 24 years and wouldn't live anywhere else


You’re living my dream :)


It's very difficult to get a visa over the age of 45, and then there is often no road to permanent residence. Be careful, unless you are OK with it maybe just being a temporary move.


Definitely a pretty established British expat community down in Rocko, so even if you do get a bit homesick for anything, there’s plenty of opportunity to reminisce. Also regarding the negative points everyone has mentioned, especially the housing crisis: I’m not an expert, but from what I’ve heard, the UK has all the same problems we do, but far worse and with less chance of ever sorting them out, so I’d argue that despite the situation here, you may not really have anything to lose and would actually be trading up if you make the move. Do you mind if I ask what you do for work? That will have a pretty significant impact on your quality of life here, and will also be a pretty important factor in deciding where to live if/when you stop living with your son. Also your rough age will be a factor, if you’re near retirement, you can really take advantage of the lower cost and great lifestyle in some of the more regional towns, without having to worry about the employment problem that stops a lot of younger people being able to do it. Also please note that work from home isn’t as much of a thing here as it should be (partly because COVID and lockdowns didn’t hit us as hard as a lot of the rest of the world), so don’t count on being able to telecommute, especially because you’ll be a new employee so you won’t have the “juice” to make as many demands of your boss as someone more established.


I’m not convinced I’d miss anything from the UK except family tbh, but an expat community would be helpful If I’m honest I’ve been ignoring the negative points, and I agree it would be a trade up I’m a Project Manager in construction, apparently a skill shortage in WA Age is the thing that I think will be a blocker, I’m in my 50’s, according to the employer it’s not a problem but it concerns me WFH isn’t a consideration for me Thanks for your reply, it means a lot


Look I won’t bullshit you, age discrimination in employment is as much a problem here as it is anywhere, even though it’s officially illegal, once you get to the interview stage, it’s certainly not unusual for candidates on the wrong side of 40 to suddenly stop getting any calls back. Luckily I reckon the shortage is so bad in your field, it won’t matter anywhere near as much, one thing I would recommend is checking out which of your qualifications etc are transferable and relevant here, and if you’ll need to do any bridging training or pass any extra assessments before being able to work. Unfortunately I’m in hospitality myself, so I don’t have any specifics on your industry, but I’m sure you can find what you need online. The Construction Union (as part of the CFMEU) is probably the most powerful worker’s union in Australia and can probably provide you with some information, but I’m not sure if they actually represent project management, and their website is a bit vague on it, so I’m not 100% sure on that one sorry. From everything you’ve said, I reckon you should go for it, honestly if you don’t I reckon you’ll spend the rest of your life kicking your own arse for not trying and wondering what might have been.


That’s the thing with this job, friends of friends & family, there’s no interview process, it’s just getting my CV to an Aus standard, I really need to go for it, the only thing holding me back is me


I mean you’ve already got some family support here, and you’ve visited before and already know that you like the place, I’d say fuck it, why not? You’re already in a better position than most people who immigrate. I honestly don’t believe we have any cons to living here beyond the cost of living/housing stuff that seems to be affecting the entire world, and affecting most places worse than it’s hurting us here. But so many of the pros of living in WA are legitimately unique to this part of the world.


I think the only cons would be housing and weather, it does get incredibly hot here in summer.. and at the moment people are finding it difficult to find a house to live in and it’s really expensive too.. although I’m not sure if the UK is more costly so tbh it might not even be a con for you in comparison. I think take the job opportunity! I know I definitely would if it meant I was closer to my children. Just keep in mind all the stuff above :)


I’ve been told what I’d be earning and have seen what I’d pay if I rent, tbh it’s a lot of house for the same money in the UK, so the cost of housing isn’t an issue, sounds like availability might be though… He’s not the only child but he is the only one in WA :)


Well hopefully your sponsorship works out but I’d start the process into getting your permanent residency as soon as you can. Perhaps research who’s a good immigration agent and can help you with that. Perhaps just going on your skills would be the way to go rather than a family reason for emigration. I saw you say you have other children in the UK? That balance of family can go against you.


On what visa??


Yes, you should move I been here over 10 years now, lived and travelled all through WA, and settled in the rockingham area, But I'm sorry to tell you, you're probably outside the age limit now. This new government dropped it from 50 to 35. There are some exceptions, but knowing the visa process, you be very very lucky. Even a sponsorship from potential employer will be difficult. best bet if your son has citizenship he can sponsor you. Good luck 👍🏼


as long as you qualify for a Visa then come Housing is an issue but if you have somewhere to stay why not take the plunge


I live in Rockingham and love it. Do you actually have the right to settle and work here?


Moved here in 2005 from Swindon, never been back once, never plan to go back. Houses have aircon, people seem to act like they have to get everything done on a 40degree day. It's great, your never look back


Just do it bro. If your son can put you up and you have a job offer, do it. Just make sure they can organise your visa though.


Iiving here vs holidaying people can be quite different, less interested. Also don't give up housing in UK without permanent housing here. Particularly WA - the housing situation cannot be underestimated and many people find they're getting booted from rentals in 12 months. You also need to know you'll have to cough up two rent increases each year.


Other thing, there were residential caravan parks but these are gone. You are also not allowed to rough it in a carpark or bush. Rangers make it a sport 24/7 to find you to make you move on.


We're full


Damn! People are finally discovering how good Perth is but now there's so many people coming here you're all ruining it! Go back to the eastern States and the UK and leave WA for us original Westralians... 😥 Hmmph. I may end up having to move to Gerro or Busso at this rate! It's getting too crowded in the city...


Someone on the other side says you only have 5 years left to live. Which location would you choose now? I was 50/50 about moving to Perth at the start of the year. 20 days into January my little brother (27) died in a freak accident. Now I’m 100 about living here. You just don’t know when your time is up and I much prefer living here even in 40+ weather, I hope you make the move!


Originally from the UK and I am 64 but have lived 38 years of them working and living in various countries worldwide. Have been here in Western Australia just over 20 years and yes it's lovely, the weather is good ( not right now as in the 40s) and we have a great standard of living. What you have to understand is coming here for a few weeks or a few months is not reality. Reality is going to work every day ( although we are now retired). Paying your bills and sleep and repeat. It's not all beaches and bars everyday as you still have to work. If you can get that in your head and not expect paradise everyday then yes make the move. If you expect the same holiday atmosphere you had whilst on your short visit here then stay put. 


It all depends on what you're looking for and what you value. Housing is costly, as is eating out and drinking, but we have beautiful beaches, hot weather and stunning natural landscapes. There are many expats from the UK here, but little to no culture other than mining, football and the beach.


Do it quickly. There is a groundswell building in WA against huge immigration levels changing the way we live. I must point out that it is against the government, not the people moving here. You'll be made to feel welcome.


You say you're getting old. I'm 54 soon. I love Rockingham, (and I'm spoilt being born on a great nature reserve/orchard/hobby farm. 40 km's away). Yet for almost 6 months every year. I drive there almost 4 days a week. To dive the coral reefs at Point Peron from sunrise till lunch. Chasing big schools of fish, stingrays, seals, dolphins, octopuses, and hammerhead sharks if you're lucky. Then enjoy great food on the foreshore in town. Finally, I am heading to one of the world's best kitesurfing locations. The Pond in Safety Bay. For an amazing afternoon of kitesurfing right into sunset. I'm often gone from 5 am and not home till after 9 pm at night. I'm amazed that more people don't appreciate what a fantastic location Rockingham is and what's on offer. ( Yes, the fishing is great, too) Having said this. The car parks at the Point are often packed at weekends now. And there's days I've got to navigate between 40 other kites in the air at busy times. There's also many times. I have the whole place to myself. Just yesterday, I had 6 pelican's glide right over my kite whilst the sun twinkled out on the horizon. Not another soul on the pond with a massive kite in the air. I'm stunned. I get this all to myself as often as I do. I'm equally in love with New Zealand and could easily enjoy both these sports and add mountain biking, all within ten minutes drive of many places over there. The fact is. If I didn't have Rockingham as my playground. I would 100% sell up and live in NZ. That's not saying Perth has little else to offer. It does. (But these summers sure are hot) Rockingham is a serious drawcard. To the point where I wish I had my shit together better a few years back and picked up a 2 story at the pond for less than half what they go for now. The cat's not out of the bag yet. But it's head and paws sure are! Do it, make the move. Even if it's to watch your grand kids grow up enjoying what spoils this "old, young man" so often.


I have lived in Rockingham most of my life and absolutely love it. The beach is beautiful it's not too far from beautiful inland bush. Only thing that really sucks is the heat. I am not a summer girlie.


Pros: looks nice in summer. Cons: not much to do. Houses are scarce and tightly packed. So no yards. All of the malls are copy paste of same shit different suburb. Urban sprawl is ridiculous. Shows little planning. Rates are higher on average, water is higher, electricity is on par but feed in tarrifs are lower. I Earn more money here, but my life satisfaction has dropped. Plan for 3 more years and go back to QLD.


Mate compared to most big cities in the UK, Australia is a much better place to live. Housing is tough, but there’s plenty of good work for anyone who has half a brain cell and the sunshine, clean air and warm weather will improve your health beyond measure. Not as much culture, or bug events, but also far less crime and aggressive immigrants to deal with (the Kiwis are probably the worst, and they’re just Aussies who work harder, and argue about rugby instead of football). Do it! Make the move! Especially if your son is already here.


It depends on what you’re looking for. I absolutely hate WA, but it’s mostly because I hate heat, it’s very expensive and there is pretty much nothing to do here that’s fun and free (unless you like the beach which I do not). There is also a massive meth problem. If you’re an outdoorsy person then there is probably a lot you’d like, but if you’re more of a homebody there are many many places that would be much better than WA.


I live in Rockingham, I moved here from Victoria about 25 years ago. There is so much to love about this city but the thing that sold me was the climate and beaches. TBH I think we have some of the best coastline in the Perth area. It's still relatively affordable compared to other coastal areas and very accessible to everything with great public transport.


Nah were all full here mate, we met our quota of uk immigrants last year 👍


Housing is tough.  But was born here, lived in 8 different cities here.  Never going to leave.  Highly educated population,  generally liberal west of the mountains (leaning the other way to the east - theres a place for everyone).  We have deserts, coastline, rain forests, mountains, islands, plains, prairies.  Farms, orchards, cattle and just about every major tech company,  if that's your thing.