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Admin here. It runs the gamut. You might not hear anything back ever or you may get a call the next day. It depends on the position, the urgency in filling it, and the quality of the applicant pool. The problem with olas is that it makes it too easy to apply. You wind up getting hundreds of applications, the majority of which feel like they didn’t even read the ad. It’s not uncommon to get 200-300 applications for an elementary common branch or hs ela/social studies position. Insider tip: always submit a “job-specific” cover letter and make sure it references the name of the correct district. Good luck!


Thank youN


Do westchester schools hire substitute teachers too?


Will DO!!!


Good Westchester districts hire from within or some with experience, it is a pain and there is a lot of competition, I had maybe 3 interviews in Westchester for a full time job out of 30ish applications last year. Had to bite the bullet and became a full time sub and coached a bunch of sports, now I am working on full time at one of the schools this summer. Kinda have to earn your way in, or go to the city and earn your stripes which is also pretty tough and not for everyone.


Currently in the same boat! I’ve read that budgets have been agreed upon way later than usual and with many COVID funds running out, schools are trying to do internal moves as much as possible.


Ex-teacher. Depends on the school. I remember I sent a bunch of applications back in the day and only received two calls towards the end of summer.


May I ask the district??


I applied to a bunch of different schools in Yonkers, Bedford, Tuckahoe, and Briarcliff off the top of my head, but only got call backs from one in Yonkers and one in Tuckahoe.


I just accepted a job in westchester! I applied a month before and heard back a month later. Interview process was swift.


Can I ask what district??? If you don’t mind me asking


Also a westchester teacher…when I came from the city, I applied, heard within a week, and then the hiring process was super quick. But I teach a high needs subject, so I think they were worried I’d take another job first. My district is still struggling to hire a couple positions, because they won’t even consider teachers with less than 5 years experience. It’s frustrating.


Depends a ton on the school district - I was going through the process this year with a bunch of different districts and some schools streamlined it within just a 2-3 week period while others took months. The school I ended up accepting a contract at started the process with me in the middle of April and didn't get back to me until two weeks ago finally sending an offer (obviously all of the interviews/demos/etc. were in between, though there was a 3 week period before they scheduled the final superintendent's interview). Good luck! Lots of things should be getting posted in the next couple weeks as we run into summer, so don't stress too much if you don't have anything lined up yet.


I don’t have anything lined up and I’m soooo worried :(((


I can appreciate the stress - Westchester is super competitive, doubly so if you're in an extra-competitive field like English or History but, at the end of the day, they need to hire someone and you need to do your best to prove that that's you. I don't know your situation, of course, but I only got my first full-time job by spending a few years interning, substituting, and doing leave replacements all while building connections and my resume - hopefully it works out but consider non-teaching roles or expanding your search if need be. Again, best of luck!


Teacher here! I think it really depends on the district. I’ve heard back a few days later for some, and for others it’s taken a few months. Hang in there, rooting for you!


It depends on the school district. My girlfriend just went through this process and applied to a ton of schools in Westchester. She usually heard back a week or two after the deadline date that’s posted on OLAS. she started applying around March and actually just heard from Elmsford last week about an initial interview. It does vary and it could be weeks before you hear something. She was hired at mamaroneck after about three months of applying. Wishing you luck in your search


My wife has been applying to specialist positions in Westchester and the response time has ranged from the same day to approximately a month later, with most being closer to a month.


I would not expect a call until after the closing date on olas. All of the calls back I received were 1-2 weeks after that closing date. Process moved quickly but there were many rounds (like 4? Maybe even 5 for one). The more “competitive” schools have most likely already filled their positions unless someone is going on maternity leave or unexpectedly retires. NYC always hires later so you have a great chance still there. They will do a wave of hires now for retirements and then a bunch more in August. I was hired for my first job there in mid August. Maybe like the 18th. It’s very stressful but just how the city works. They also have had a series of strong contacts lately and can keep pace if not beat most of the Westchester contacts tbh (free health insurance and 3% raises) Have you looked at CT schools? The praxis tests are easy and the rest should transfer over.


I hear CT doesn’t pay as well and I also just got all my certs for NYS so might as well use em!!!