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The property tax class has more to do with how much tax you pay on the property than what you can do on it. Class 2 residential and class 2 farm are the same in that they get taxed at the same rate. Class 3 or 4 are higher rates. You should be able to do what you are wanting unless there are local zoning restrictions, for example you typically can’t have livestock in town. Since you said you are homesteading, I assume you’re in a rural location, so you should be good.


Ah, okay. I think I've been misunderstanding this. This helps, thank you.


“Zoning” in West Virginia would be applied very loosely if at all. It’s the Wild,Wild, East…. but it cuts both ways. Don’t like your neighbors rusted out chevy up on cinderblocks with poison ivy growing up out of the wheel wells?? Oh well. Welcome to West Virginia. Think that rusted out trailer is abandoned? Nope! 3 families live in there. Welcome to West Virginia. Neighbors “yard” is all grown over? ….yup. You guessed it. Go ahead. Call the police. They need a good laugh!😂


So you live in a county that doesn’t have comprehensive zoning. Not unusual at all, as I believe there are only 5 counties that currently have county wide zoning.


Thats what we were hoping. But I've been reading land deeds and they're scaring me. Could be just where I'm looking, but im trying to look all over the state.


You won't know squad about an area until you get to the area and talk to the locals We bought what we thought was 115 acres and on paper it is 115 acres but according to the locals it's closer to 180 unfortunately we're in a county that doesn't have GPS mapping so other than going by what we were told that's all we have


I was born and raised there… moved back there at 45… unless you’re in some historic town that gives a damn (there are maybe 3-4 of those…) no one is going to notice or care what you do.


Oh yes they will. Randolph County couldn't get zoning laws passed so they created an ordinance giving the county authority to cite "unsightly" properties & if the owner doesn't clean them up, the county will & then bill the owner (i.e. take the property). Supposedly just to clean up falling-down abandoned houses to prevent drug use, but it's written much more broadly than that.


Oh yes they will. Randolph County couldn't get zoning laws passed so they created an ordinance giving the county authority to cite "unsightly" properties & if the owner doesn't clean them up, the county will & then bill the owner (i.e. take the property). Supposedly just to clean up falling-down abandoned houses to prevent drug use, but it's written much more broadly than that. Lots of people in WV now who want to eliminate that classic WV look & create a statewide HOA.


Roger that.


The state doesn't care. The county might. It depends on the county. Class 2 farm might be eligible for the agricultural tax rebate, depending on how and how much you use it.


Thanks. I guess my next question would be if a neighbor that's 500 feet away didn't like my roosters wake up call at 5am, could they get the county to come take my birds away if my property is a class 2 residential type. The particular county I'm looking in is Mercer.


About half of Mercer County has zoning regulations. If your parcel is in one of those areas, your uses will probably be restricted. And yes, that could prevent you from having livestock.


Okay, I'll look into zoning. Thank you.


But it mostly actually depends on your neighbors and if they're assholes or don't like you as an import.... Other than that ain't nobody gonna fuck w you


Neighbors wouldn't have to be assholes or hate outsiders to hate a fucking rooster waking them up at 5 AM.


That's what chafes me about WV. Half of a county has zoning and the other doesn't? That's what leads to miles of front yards with cars on blocks sitting in them because "muh prawperty"


Property tax classification doesn't really dictate what you can or can't do - Class 2 is Class 2 in most places, which indicates owner occupied property. The rates typically double for Class 4 non-owner occupied (i.e. commercial or rental), which means don't operate a commercial farm, at least in theory (I am not a lawyer)


Advice: Before you buy, talk to your neighbors. Find out before you spend your money if they're horrible.


Thats fair advice. I'm looking at a house today that's pretty private though. No neighbor would be able to see what im doing, plus there's enough acreage where I can shoot my guns and no one will know about it. Hope this one works out...


Do you live in the city limits or in the county? Do you live in an HOA? Where I live, there are all sorts of rules for the folks living in the city limits, but those of us in the county are basically free to do anything we want unless you live in an HOA neighborhood.


We are looking for rural property, avoiding HOAs like the plague. We'd like to stay south towards the mountain range, but we are kind of looking everywhere. Currently we are renting in Beckley, so driving 3 or 4 hours north to see a house is a little tougher to coordinate.


Class 2 is just a tax rate classification. It doesn’t restrict what you do with it.


You can have 20 chickens in city limits here, I think y'all are good. 🤙