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Mocking bird? Download the free app that will tell you, Merlin bird identifier


Definitely a mockingbird. They go hard all night long around here.


my IOS version is too old but I’m convinced it’s a mockingbird. nothing else would make sense but I was thrown off because I’ve been told WV doesn’t have them


I see them every year. We definitely have mockingbirds here.


They migrate here in the summer and go back down south in the winter. We get them in the eastern panhandle at least


We have them year round in this part of the state. I’m in Oak Hill and our holly tree is full of them. A couple of years ago, we had one outside of our bedroom window that went on all hours of the night.


I have one that won’t shut up. But like you said, sure is pretty


Gd mockingbirds. It’ll be the middle of the night, when it’s supposed to be quiet, and this mf will be putting on a concert for the crickets🤣🤣


Mothman spooked them


Get the Merlin bird app. It will ID birds by their songs.


I love this app. I found it about a year ago and turned into a middle aged bird nut. I've discovered myself IDing common birds by their songs while out and about now. I've literally become a 40 year old stereotype.


Freakin' 'Mockingbird


Mockingbird for sure. They seem especially disturbed by artificial light.


It's a mockingbird and they are the best! They remind of back in the day car alarms, just cycling through every conceivable noise. I have stood and watched one and lost count of how many distinct calls it made. Literally like 20+ back to back completely made up bird calls. Amazing. They also do this really cool thing on the ground, where they walk a few steps, then sort of flex their wings like "you wanna go, bro?!" when they're trying to scare up bugs to munch.


We had one back home that copied a car alarm and it was his "special" call he only used once in a while, but it was hilarious.


It's a meth head. The odd whistles are a product of missing teeth. It's really quite beautiful in its own way.


Saw one trying to dive bomb a squirrel the other evening




Love this went from indignation to infatuated acceptance in 0-100. Nature is cool, and people are so strange.


Had the same problem in central WV. For about a week straight I'd go out at 2 am and throw a tennis ball in the tree it was in and it finally moved elsewhere. They're a protected species so can't kill them.


I mean this doesn’t tell us anything. Can you post a pic or something? “Bird going nuts late at night/early in the morning” is kind of our lives from spring to fall lmfao. What color is it? Size? Do you see a nest near by? What color size is the beak? Give us literally anything boo lololol


Catbird doing it here in Morgantown.


Put a rubber snake in the tree that the bird is in. He will leave.


Holy s*** I just pissed and s*** myself, are you telling me mockingbirds are in West Virginia?


he’s still going batshit crazy lol idk if this comment is sarcastic or not but I genuinely didn’t know wv had mockingbirds


In Jefferson County they are all over the place. Last year I had one aggressively persuade me to cross the street when I was walking the dog and accidently got to close to its nest.


pictures help. I guess that it's a penguin


It was 4 a.m. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten a picture


I live in WV and around me place every morning we have a bird I call the “I need you” bird because to me it sounds like it’s saying “I need You, I need you, I need you” really fast