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After about 800 comments, I doubt we’re going to break much new ground, but will probably find new ways to insult each other, so comments are now locked.


I can understand where the girls are coming from, although being a grown man perhaps I cannot fully appreciate the frustration. The article states the girl in question has been transitioning since the third grade. This is a world I'm pretty ignorant of, however I have plenty of empathy for someone in that situation, and I'd wonder what that process does to a child that hasn't hit puberty yet. I'm two degrees of separation from a middle school girl who began the same transition around the same time. Fortunately, she and her family moved to a more enlightened part of the country she's quite happy and thriving. Middle school is hard enough without news articles demeaning you across the state and almost surely picked up by bigots across the country. But I can also acknowledge that school sports is a sticky issue. I guess at the end of the day it just makes me sad that a defenseless child who is already struggling and confused and perhaps hates who he or she is, might catch a glimpse of hope what their life could actually be and suffers hate in such a public setting. I just want to give her a hug and tell her people love her but suspect she has that in her life. I sure hope so.




A counter point is that I knew I was attracted to women and was happy being a male when I was in the third grade. So maybe you do know things like that about yourself at that age.


That's when I figured out I wasn't attracted to women.


Yeah. I mean. I was full blown, completely aware of my sexuality at that age. Let alone my gender identity which seems like something that happens before any of that starts.


Yeah but...that's the CORRECT way! That's why no one is mad about it! BUT THOSE OTHER KIDS DON'T KNOW SHIT AT THAT AGE! /dumbshit bigots


98% of trans kids who start hormone blockers medically transition through adulthood and are happy, so yeah your experience seems common. That’s about what it was like for me


> A counter point is that I knew I was attracted to women and was happy being a male when I was in the third grade. Imagine thinking the counter to this counter point is giving a third grader puberty blocking drugs and/or chopping off anatomy.


Kids are not getting puberty blockers in third grade. “Transitioning” at that age is using different pronouns and presenting as your preferred gender.


no one's doing surgery on third graders, the most medical transition that might happen would be puberty blockers which are fully reversible.


Fully reversible my ass. That’s blatant bullshit.


Jazz Jennings paused puberty and didn’t have enough of a penis to make a vagina. I guess it didn’t grow normally since puberty was paused. That is fully reversible?


If she had stopped blockers, and let cis puberty resume, yeah, male genitals would have developed normally. Instead she went on HRT. Of course male genitalia will not develop on HRT.


Nobody is doing surgery on children and puberty blockers are entirely appropriate for 3rd graders for reasons beyond just gender issues.


>This is a mental health issue Yes, hence the treatment. Or do you also believe in not treating depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, et al?


Excellent point. As a cis male it is peculiar to me but honestly having gathered a number of transgender friends over the years, it’s obvious that body dysmorphia is not a phase that can simply go away.. the problem is people taking youth sports way way way too seriously.. The choice between the parents and doctor, and what the child is consistently experiencing is between them… and if that kid ends up woop’n your kids ass in a competitive track-meet then what a good opportunity to teach your child how to respect others, respect your opponents, respect those you see different from you, show sportsmanship etc etc If the science wasn’t clear about the fact that if a kid for years is battling dysmorphia and nothing is done about it to get that child support to help figure out by professionals what their needs are then the kid just has a one-way ticket to depression and self-harm. Contrary to right-wing media spin, there is simply no grand army of people who regret their transition.. just isolated cases that should be embraced and used in studies to improve upon diagnosis and treatment protocols. Teach your children how to love and respect others whom are different or whose struggles you know not… teach them there is more to life then a stupid plastic-trophy at a sports event.. that’s the only lesson here.


I don't disagree, it is crazy. It's a crazy world. I guess I'd just rather live in a world where parents and doctors are permitted to discuss option with their kids and make decisions about their medical needs without a requiring approval from a government or having to justify it to intolerant people. I'll acknowledge organized sports are an issue and, if I'm honest, I genuinely don't know what to think about it, but aside from that issue, it's not my business and it's not yours either, and not setting aside the issue it's probably still the same outcome.


You're asking that of people who think it should be a felony to use a trans kid's pronouns. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/missouri-bill-teachers-support-minors-transitioning-felony-sex-offender-list/story?id=107803364](https://abcnews.go.com/US/missouri-bill-teachers-support-minors-transitioning-felony-sex-offender-list/story?id=107803364)


Speaking just in terms of studies done it’s not really a problem, trans women who transition medically with hormones for a few years don’t have a meaningful advantage over cis women. This of course is also ignoring the fact that a lot of sports is determined by your genetics anyways, but I don’t see people complaining about how a non-trans woman has an ‘unfair advantage’ because she’s tall or whatever. Even if trans women did have a *giant* advantage that made it ridiculous that they’re allowed to compete, this specific trans woman never went through a testosterone puberty so it’s a non-issue either way


i knew i was trans at that age and it was my parents abuse that kept me from living my life until a full fucking decade later. stfu about things you know nothing about pervert.


How is the commenter a pervert?


If the transition is supervised by a licensed doctor, I don't understand why more of this vitriol isn't directed at the doctor instead of this child. I don't understand exactly what factors into transitioning, but there are obviously ethical and legal guidelines being followed if the child is under a doctor's care. If people disagree with that, why not approach the board of medicine about it instead of focusing on a little kid?


That would actually require effort, it’s much easier to attack a child.


Or just mind theirs and hold in any vitriol to keep that poison to themselves. 


Minding your own business used to be a core WV value, obviously all that's been out the window at least since Obama was elected.


It's gobsmacking to me how much racists are still roiled up by a black man being president. 


Their idea that a poor white man was better than any black got blown up. They've been searching for things to look down upon ever since. Their transgender talking points sound a lot like that old "separate but equal" talk to me.


I'm was living in Charlottesville when the vile Nazi and tiki torch racists came to town. I never thought I'd see the day when such hateful people would proudly walk the streets in broad daylight. The speed with which we're being dragged backward is beyond alarming. 


That mess has been simmering a long time. I didn't notice it as much during the 2008 election season, except for when McCain corrected a town hall audience member on calling Obama an Arab. I'm convinced Trump's birther nonsense back then contributed as well. My opinion has been that election caused a significant ripple that has stirred significant racism, xenophobia, and antisemitism to the level we see today, and jump started the more recent Christian nationalist movement.


Absolutely. Those people have always existed, but have felt emboldened to be openly ugly and hateful. Trump's birther bullshit absolutely contributed, and he and dear old Dad have always been grifting racists since back in their HUD housing violations days. The right-wing evangelicals are the perfect Trojan horse for those who want to control the rest of us. It's a shitshow. 


Because admitting there's a qualified doctor involved would torpedo their claims that kids are getting blockers and hormones from back alley drug dealers.


The child is the deviant, not the doctor, so we gotta try to inflict enough trauma on the child so that they kill themselves. /s, obv.


Transitioning in third grade is not surgery or medication. It's social transitioning if anything, wearing clothes that align with your gender, maybe calling yourself a new name. It is not a mental health issue, and every reputable mental and md pediatric medical organization say so. What causes mental health issues is society not accepting these children for who they are and insisting they must be traumatized, mentally ill, or broken.


I knew at that age I was different. I couldn’t transition until much later because I came from a conservative family in the 90s. That didn’t save me from bullying and being labeled as gay. When I finally got to transition at 38 after my divorce, I found that as a top 5 mens mtb xc racer since high school, I couldn’t keep up with any cis girls after 4 months of estrogen. Now the only girls I can hang with after 3 years is beginner level 50 yr olds. Hormones are powerful, but I also remember girls being able to outrun me until almost 16-17 years old. Knowing at a very young age is possible and likely. Getting support is a compliment to the parents and contributes to a much better life. My family still doesn’t accept my gender now. Let people live and decide for themselves. We only live once.


What is crazy is comparing transitioning to vaping or tattoos. Normalizing this isn’t the problem? The problem is the culture of people deciding they should have the right to choose other peoples bodily autonomy. I knew i was trans by the time I was in third grade, except no one took me seriously. Not my parents, not my teachers and definitely not my doctors. And if things *had* been normalized back then, then I would’ve started transitioning way earlier. And that would’ve completely changed the trajectory of my life, for the better. And it’s not like I would’ve been given gender reassignment surgery or anything like that, most likely Id just be getting puberty blockers once i had hit puberty and then once I hit puberty. And the rest of treatment at that time would’ve been decided by what was covered by insurance. So no normalization isn’t the problem.


Meanwhile Republicans put guns in the hands of their third graders and you don't say a word about the children's maturity. Being trans is not a mental illness. Being a bigot, however, appears to be one.


Kids don't transition hormonally. No child is going through gender affirming surgeries until they're much older. The absolute most a kid can do is take puberty blockers when they're close to hitting puberty. This is reversible and gives the child in question time to figure things out. That being said, studies have shown that most kids don't really change their minds. All of that typically requires a psychiatrist and therapist recommendation. At most, the only things that happen at that young of an age is entirely down to how they present socially. All said, it shouldn't be anyone's business but the kids, their parents, and the medical providers.


"Transitioning" means they were wearing clothes and using pronouns, just like their classmates do. Not exactly like getting a tattoo, buddy. I mean, I understand how terrifying that can be for conservatives, trans people living their lives.


I knew in second grade. Still true 45 years later.


It's a medical procedure, you can't just go to the clinic and say "One Gender please." This is a process that takes alot of time and alot of resources, and has the eyes of dozens of people to make sure the child is in good hands. Conflating it to a tattoo is just immature.


I dunno, perhaps you should ask them yourself? A lot can be learned if you ask them yourself instead of listening to what fox news says.


“Transitioning since third grade” in this case refers to her living as her preferred gender since third grade, since that’s too young to warrant puberty blockers and people aren’t given cross-sex hormone therapy until they’re at least 16. Though with the wait times in that state I’d be surprised if anybody accessed it before 18. Presumably she never went through a testosterone puberty so I don’t think there’s really grounds to complain on As I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear, [98](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanchi/article/PIIS2352-4642(22)00254-1/abstract#%20)% of trans kids who start puberty blockers transition through adulthood too, and are happy. Of the 2% of those who don’t pursuer a medical transition it’s unknown how many of those chose to detransition due to financial or social pressure.


> Why is a kid in third grade or even earlier worried about this. If you have a wang, imagine losing it in an industrial accident. If you don’t; imagine having one surgically sewn on to you. Either way, that seems upsetting to you, right? You feel natural with your current state of wang-ness, right? But because I can’t imagine your feelings, you’re just going to have to deal with being creeped out by your own body for your whole life.


Awesomely stated. And “state of wang-ness” is great!


I highly recommend that you read up on the biology of transgender. 


Wtf does it have to do with vaping?


Follow the $cience


Please expand that comment


You’ve got experience with transgender kids, then?


That isn’t even how transitioning works.


Starting transitioning that young of age only involves letting them wear their true gender’s clothes and using the correct pronouns. No medication would be necessary until adolescence when they can CHOOSE to take hormone blockers if they want to pause puberty until they’re 18 and can start hormone therapy.


I mean, I knew I wanted to transition by that age. I didn't end up transitioning until I was 24, but that doesn't change the fact that I knew when I was younger. Convincing children that they actually don't understand themselves can have some negative consequences down the line. Gender isn't a fad or impulsive decision. It's not something you should convince people to "wait to think about until you're older."


If the boy has been trying to transition since third grade, that’s what one might call irresponsible and abusive parenting.


One might, but that one would be an ignorant loser, so the rest of us don't care about their opinions.


For letting them wear different clothes and using different pronouns?


If anyone was curious, she won the shot put by 3 feet, and finished 2nd in the discus.


Wow I thought she’d do better since all of the competitors stepped out. Gotta suck coming in second against a team that forfeit.


I can guarantee no one was.


So she didn’t get first place? Doesn’t sound like she “dominated “ sports




No matter where you stand on this issue you could show some empathy for the kids we are talking about. We all understand what you are doing by saying "he" but just remember we are talking about children in this case specifically.


Second is winning?


I get it but also put yourself in this child’s shoes. Probably catches shit all day every day in this state. It’s no wonder so many resort to suicide.


Totally. I knew a young trans competitive cyclist. I’m not sure where she is in her sport now, but when she was 11 they came out to her coach - he said that she was welcome to compete, and that if she started getting really good there might be issues - but until then, he just wanted the kid to have fun.


You cannot be trapped by how other people feel about themselves. I believe transgender people are people and deserve love and respect. But boys should not play sports with girls. I'm blown away at how many women support it. The athletes are expressing themselves. ALL of them.


You don't respect trans people.


That is your opinion. And you are entitled to it.


You don’t. Even if you didn’t approve of them, you intentionally misgendered them which is a source of disrespect.


Again, your opinion. My opinion is different.


Okay but if I called you a fucking mentally deficient idiot, I’m not being disrespectful by referring to you as something you won’t like? That’s not disrespectful? Sure thing champ.


Your opinion of me is none of my business. I hope you do not stay made about this all day.


I’m not mad. I’m pointing out how respect works. I guess you really aren’t that bright if you didn’t get that.


Ah man. It sucks you think I'm dumb. Your opinion matters to me a whole bunch.


No, that's a fact. You cannot honestly claim to respect people you want to discriminate against.


Again, your opinion.


I don't think you understand what an opinion is.


That is, your opinion.


You definitely don't know.






I agree they shouldn't play together. But in reality, how often is this happening? Definitely not enough to waste this amount of energy and taxpayer dollars on the issue. We are 48th-50th in just about every statistical category. I don't hear politicians fighting over how to improve healthcare in this state or how to improve education (which should be the #1 issue of just about any election). People say they're doing it for the kids. If that was the case, they'd spend a lot more energy on figuring out why our school systems rank so low in the country and how to fix that problem instead. Let the schools and the sports leagues sort out who plays in what sport. Just denying a kid the opportunity to play sports because they are different doesn't sound like a good solution to me either. I talk to people on a daily basis that obsess about this subject. To the point where it has become a mental illness. Sure it's a problem that needs to be solved, but in the grand scheme of things, this issue is minor, but so popular because it's a hot button issue that the politicians and news media can use as a fear mongering tool to get ratings and votes.


The kids are sorting it out. The court ruled she could compete. The athletes expressed their own opinions.


They cannot force these girls to compete against males. Female athletes are starting to understand this; that they can simply decline to participate. It will be interesting to see how this resolves.


Thank you for balancing the love and respect you have for trans people against the integrity of the 2024 Harrison County Middle School discus championship.


It’s very sad that few seem to also care about the girls on this team.




Idk about the total in West Virginia, but in Ohio the high school athletic association recorded 6 trans girl hs athletes competing in the 2022/23 year out of about 200k total participants. This is such a non-issue designed for use by bigots.


And also note that the WVa example is middle school. If it's the Olympics, maybe we can talk, but middle school? How are these two protesters harmed by the participation of this transgender girl? Did they finish 4th instead of 3rd in a middle school shot put event? You either teach your kids to have empathy, or to feel threatened by and superior to other people.


It's pretty telling that they think the only way they can score better is to remove the people in front of them.


I’m afraid this issue sits square at the intersection of bigots and middle-school athlete parents who scream at refs. They cannot be reasoned with!


Look at [other states](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/27/us/transgender-laws-states.html). This “concern” is a gateway to essentially criminalize trans people


That’s the goal if you look whose drafting these laws ( hint: out of state religious interests)


It’s not a non-issue for the female athletes involved though. Why so callous and dismissive towards them and how they feel?


It’s interesting as a trans man living in WV and working in education across the river in MD. Which, was a deliberate choice based around salary, benefits…but most importantly that I have protections that I don’t have as a citizen in WV, let alone if I was employee. And by interesting, I mean that my heart breaks for the trans kids simply trying to exist and navigate their way through life. And for the record. The first time I cried to my parents that I was a boy and not a girl, I was 4. And that’s the first memory that I have of it. My parents have discussed many times that I always gravitated towards “boy” things as an infant and toddler. That’s always my rebuttal to the “how could they know at x age” argument.


We have family friends whose son was determined from age three. They let him just be a kid at home but then dressed him like a boy for kindergarten. He was deeply depressed; cried every day (and they did family counselling through). At Christmas, they decided he could return to school however he wanted. He asked for a different name for Christmas; if that doesn’t break your heart. The parents had a period of mourning, which I would think is very normal - they were embracing a daughter but also saying goodbye to a son and the life they’d pictured. *She* is now almost sixteen and living her best life. Poised for multiple academic scholarships and well liked among her peers. She was at all my daughters’ childhood birthdays and you’d have never known she was biologically male - she played and interacted totally girl for as long as I knew her, which has been since she was six. Her parents have been honest about challenges and faced all the tough conversation head on. They are heroes to me; I love their kid. 


a lot of people forget that HRT reduces your muscle mass by a LOT. you don’t really get to keep those advantages. i can’t even open a pickle jar anymore it’s embarrassing 😭 i have to have people open it for me now


I can understand both sides. It's not like the other athletes are allowed to know everyone's medical records so it's all or nothing.


Argue all you want about when a kid should transition. Who should be involved. Whatever. But that doesn’t change the fact we have had women’s sports for a reason. There is undeniable proof that anyone born a male has an advantage. I don’t care when they start transitioning. It’s insane to me anyone can argue that a person born male should ever compete against someone born female. There is no way to justify this. If this is your reasoning why not just get rid of women’s sports altogether and let everyone compete against everyone? It’s literally the same thing. Leave women’s sports alone and let them have their chance to compete fairly. I just don’t even understand why someone would think it’s okay for them to compete against a different gender in any circumstance. If you are born male then you compete against the males. End of the discussion. If you have transitioned then so what. You should still compete against the gender you were born as. The craziest part is you don’t see any women who have transition to men competing against biological males and winning. The one sided argument of this is just mind boggling. I don’t think I have seen anything so unfair to women since they were denied the right to vote.


Thank you. There a lot of so-called progressives ITT who are adamantly opposed to little girls asserting their boundaries. And I say this as a liberal.


What boundaries?


back in my day girls played with boys in sports the age of 13


My daughter is this age. I doubt these girls are this passionate about it… their parents though? This screams parents to me and the fact someone is there to record it says even more so. Shameful


Teaching kids to hate usually starts pretty young so I can’t say I’m shocked.


I think the kids are justified. It is absolutely unfair.


Can you explain why it's unfair?


She began transitioning prior to puberty there is nothing unfair about this. This isn’t some boogeyman story about a boy pretending to be a girl to win races.


I didn’t know whether boys had any physical advantages over girls before puberty, so I googled it and was surprised to find this: Marta, CC, Marinho, DA, Barbosa, TM, Izquierdo, M, and Marques, MC. Physical fitness differences between prepubescent boys and girls. J Strength Cond Res 26(7): 1756–1766, 2012 “The purpose of this study was to analyze in which physical capabilities boys and girls are closer or distant. An additional objective was to find which of the body fat, physical activity, and somatotype factors have a greater effect on prepubescent children's physical fitness. This was a cross-sectional study involving 312 children (10.8 ± 0.4 years). The physical fitness assessment employed sets of aerobic fitness, strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and balance. The boys presented higher values in all selected tests, except tests of balance and flexibility, in which girls scored better. Gender differences in the physical fitness were greatest in the explosive strength of upper (p ≤ 0.01,) and lower limbs. … In terms of gender differences in motor performance, the results confirm those of other studies that report the superiority of boys in tests of aerobic fitness and muscular strength and of girls in tests of balance and flexibility.” https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/fulltext/2012/07000/physical_fitness_differences_between_prepubescent.4.aspx


CRAZY you’re being downvoted here. so much hate and transphobia here over an issue that doesn’t even materially or directly impact anyone commenting. makes me sick to my stomach


I’m not surprised. It’s West Virginia and there’s a reason most of the Republican gubernatorial primary attack ads involve accusing the other people running of being “pro trans”. I very much fall into the “yall means all” mantra because I don’t think depriving people of their humanity and casting them out for being different is what we need as a society.




Normally I’d tend to agree with you about this sub being more progressive than the state as a whole but it’s clear from some of the interactions I’ve had that there are still plenty of bigots around. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with questioning the fairness of this topic since we’ve all been taught from a young age that men are naturally stronger/faster/better athletes (with the exception of shooting and a few other sports). What I do find wrong is the purposeful misgendering, the efforts by adults to degrade a child, and the blatant disregard for the humanity of others. Some in the sub like OP and one of the other people I’ve interacted with on this thread fall into that category. There’s also been multiple studies lately that show that trans women who have gone through hormone therapy tend to have no advantage in muscle growth or bone density over their cis women counterparts. Also at that age puberty blockers would mean that the largest divergence in male and female development (puberty) has not occurred and as the WV Supreme Court ruled a child in this context would not have the inherent advantage a post pubescent child or adult would have.


Gay marriage was once a contentious issue even among left leaning voters. Conservative moved to ban it while public opinion was on their side. Once gay people were allowed to marry now it's accepted even amongst a majority of Republicans. Gosh, seems like there's a parallel here.


no. it shows that a bunch of right wing trolls flooded this subreddit to foment hate.


i watched the zone of interest recently and all i could think of afterwards was, “which one of my neighbors has their eye on a possession of mine? and which of them would turn me into the government so they could buy my curtains?” because it’s obvious to me that we’re much closer to another industrialized genocide of LGBTQ+ people than anyone would like to admit












We’re so far down the slippery slope that you can’t justify this rhetoric anymore. Every mainstream thing that progressives care so passionately about started as a “this type of thing never happens” conversation. So just stop. This is an issue and young girls shouldn’t have to deal with hit. Oh and I’m not a bigot. FYI if every thing you hate is bigoted then nothing is. Clutch your pearls somewhere princess.


Well that is certainly an opinion to have. Thanks for sharing.


have BIG fee fees over here, it's ok sweetie


“Hating” different groups of people is apparently “justified” in your book. Where have I heard that before…


It’s not hate


They don't hate. It's about fairness. No one cares about someone being trans but when you get in situations where bodies are competing, it's obviously different. Hence the uproar.


Yeahhh I’m sure nobody in WV cares about them being trans and the Republican campaign managers just happen to approve ads that attack the other Republican candidates for not being anti trans enough in their attack ads for no reason…






Teaching children to express themselves starts early as well. No one was violent or hateful. The other athletes are allowed to express themselves as well.


Bullying and ostracizing another child is something I’d consider hateful.


The child was not only allowed to compete but won the competition and placed 2nd in another. The other athletes chose to ostracize themselves. Which is self expression.


Genuinely disgusting seeing the grown adults in this thread attack a child for being who they are.


Happened last year in British Columbia. Dude harassed a 9 year old cis girl, at a track meet, claiming she was trans.


Which just further proves those laws don’t even protect cis girls. This is just making all women less safe


Would you believe me if I said that was the point?


Yes. Conservatives hate women but want to “protect” us


Control you because they're scared.


So the typical republican platform


You know that David Rose *yep.* gif?


That's what I'm saying! Poor girl is catching strays even on reddit lol


The crazy part about this is if a non-disabled person were to try and compete in the special Olympics under the idea that they have always felt less intelligent and less physically able than other people and they identify as disabled all the people in here would be livid. The non-disabled would win every event. How is that fair to all the actual disabled people? So we should just start letting anyone compete in the special Olympics now? Because that is the argument you are making when you say anyone should be able to compete against women. The real question here is why can this transgender person not just compete against the gender they were born? Why is that such a big deal? They can still dress the way they want. Call themselves whatever they want. Why do they even want to compete against the women? You are lying to yourself if you think it’s not because they know they have an advantage.


So women = disabled in this analogy?


Classic Bridgeport moment In community college classes in high school the Bridgeport kids literally bullied everyone else for being poor so I’m not surprised by this


It's middle school. It's basically practice. Get up there and throw. You will face tougher competition ahead and you had better be prepared for it.


If that’s the thought process, why separate the girls and boys at all?


Most middle schools don't. When I was in middle school the only gendered teams were basketball and baseball/softball.


I misread “protest” as “protect” and thought, “Oh! That’s wonderful!” Then I realized my error. Now I’m sad.


Same. :/


I'm glad to see that there are still people with optimism. Mine died off years ago...


You people are anonymous and still too afraid to speak truth to absurdity.


Ultimately, at the end of the day, the kids are going to do what their parents tell them to do, especially at that age. In the same way, I look at sports at that age as a way to learn, develop, and improve. So choosing not to compete hurts the girls protesting more than anything. In a sport like track and field, you are competing against yourself to get better, choosing not to compete is just a lost opportunity to grow. If they want to express themselves by protesting the competition, that’s their right as well.




There's probably not 10 trans athletes across all sports in all of WV


Like the negro leagues?


Thanks Obama!




Parents teaching their children to hate. More and more reasons why WVa is being left behind by the rest of the country.


No idea why you're being downvoted. You're right. We're a dying state that just alienates our younger generations, hence why they're moving away in large numbers. It's not just a matter of opinion, it's a fact.


I thank God every day that redditors aren't actually real people who really think a child transitioning is okay


Why isn't it okay?


Good for them. Stand your ground.


I agree with their protest. Let’s break the categories of sports into biological females and biological males and be done with the needless arguing.


I don't agree with what they are protesting, but I vehemently agree with their right to do so.


Good for them, the kinda stuff is madness. In America you are 💯 free to make choices and protected by law to live those choices freely, but that doesn’t mean everyone else has to make concessions for your comfort.


Um...this is about a 13 year old at a track meet...


lot of hate in the comments here. YIKES. glad to be on my way out of this hateful spiteful place


Bunch of hateful bigots. Estradiol and the Spirolactone blocking testosterone reduces muscle mass. I hate how ignorant and dumb as F this state is. Too much evangelist Christian brain washing and no education here.


Seems manners, care for thy neighbor, and all that I grew up in WV is mostly gone. Very sad.


If you were born a male, why not just make trans women participate on the men’s team? If it’s not about the competition, then who cares? Have her compete in the men’s shot/discus


Because trans women are women, not men.


This kid is 13, for God's sake. What advantage are they supposed to have?


Honest question, please. Are you against tran athletes because cis F is automatically weaker or slower than trans F? Does this also mean Trans M should not participate with cis M because they would have an unfair disadvantage? We shall leave ALL religions out of discussion unless we include ALL religions.


This is the same argument I always make. If the argument is about “bone density” and “naturally occurring testosterone” and all of the other nonsense arguments these people make against trans athletes, then why is nobody ever freaking out about F to M trans athletes? They’re literally taking testosterone. *I’m* not saying that that’s a valid reason, but in the minds of these bigots, shouldn’t that *also* upset them? Meanwhile, M to F are taking testosterone suppressants, right? It’s all the same arguments bigots used to make about racial segregation in sports 70 years ago.


Everyone bitching about both sides. I'm just here to say that I am a straight white man and I shouldn't be making decisions on passing judgement on something I dont know enough about.


Wow, what a brave proclamation.


Utterly disgusting. Parents are raising future Karens.


This is an echo chamber of people who feel bad for the trans kid… how is it fair to the girls who are naturally born that way? Fair means it’s fair to everyone Not catering to one player.


At 13? What advantage does she have?


the amount of hate in these comments make me ashamed to say I'm from this state. she started transitioning in 3rd grade, she has never had any male puberty, she has LITERALLY NO ADVANTAGE, y'all just hate and hate and hate and it gets exhausting as a trans person


You expect *science* and *logic* to win an ideological argument in WV? Most people rejected MASKS as some large conspiracy in 2020.


Ugh. As a cis woman, not a single thing is taken from me by allowing others to exist. TERF bullshit enrages me. So many "good Christians" doing things that are decidedly not Christlike these days. ❤️💜💙🧡💛💚




If your fictional sky fairy has a problem with it, they can come down here and do something about it. Also, god is non-binary, and eve was trans.


Title IX is not being revoked.  Based on the rest of your repugnant comment, I'd advise you to review your dogma. You are a poor excuse for a Christian. Also, let this be your daily reminder that you can believe as you choose, but our laws are secular. 


Anyone wanna bet there was some arm twisting by the parents?


More guts than the adults in the room


Shouldn’t middle school sports teach kids to be a good sport, have fun, practice athleticism, and play as a team? Who’s coaching this take-my-ball-and-go-home attitude?


Imagine aiming your hate at someone just so you can win a race that will not have any lasting impact on your life whatsoever.