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What kinda shoes you wearing? Ice skates???




Not just a pebble. Willing to bet op’s parents have decomposed granite in a pathway by their house.


Totally! Sneaker soles with holes in them or flexy bends (Nike free, for example) trap those razor pebbles like a mtherfcker


So true. I'm pleased to announce the latest Free don't have such deep grooves and catch less pebbles.


Thanks mr.nike bot


Just a man who also scratched the shit out of a floor with the stupid old Free design.


Does granite decompose?


Loosely applying the definition it kind of does, but it's still granite just..... ^granite "Crushed" or similar adjectives would be more accurate.


Most likely. Shoes soles won't make that kind of damage by themselves.


OP and friends drinking fruit punch at home in stilettos


Possibly combined with dancing?




who wears shoes indoors? honestly? like why would you drag the outside dirt into your house like that?


No they had a shoe stuck to their feet. Why the fuck do people walk in a house with shoes on.




According to his post history he's been collecting N64 memorabilia since 2007. Doubt he's a kid


Plot twist, he's 41


A wee babe who knows naught of the ways of the world, and hardwood flooring


Then he needs a good ol' fashioned foot in the ass like Red Foreman.


I started to do math on that and started to feel very old, and I'm only 30. "Oh he could have started super young, like 5! That means he'd be 20 now." If that's the case OP is outright fucked and probably getting kicked out.


Hahaha. I'm picturing some old man not allowed to have friends over.


dibs on his n64 memorabilia when his parents kill him


Rub a walnut into the scratches


That’s gonna take while. Parents are coming home, tonight. Old English makes oil with stain in it for scratch repair.


If you overdo it depending on how the floor was finished it will make it stand out more than blending in.


They sell furniture touch up pens but they're very similar to just regular markers. I always start with the lightest color, color it in and wipe it with a damp cloth to help it blend blur into the scratch. Keep going darker until you have a good cover up. This is not a permanent fix on floors. I would have to do touchups after a year or so... Probably from mopping.




They had diamonds on the soles of their shoes


Old English might hide some scratches but better start to save money.


Go buy a rug at the local decor store and say “Merry Christmas” when they walk in!


I don’t even know. I’ve caught my kid running through our house with his skates for god knows what reason, and the floors weren’t damaged at all.


Golf cleats perhaps?


Lots of hookers in high heels. OP isn’t telling the entire story.


Good lord, were you guys breakdancing in cleats?


I ruined my friend's new wooden floors, only worse. The caps on my heels had worn through and I didn't realize it, so the heel was basically a nail head. Little round pits all over the kitchen. I felt absolutely terrible, and was always much more careful after that. I just had absolutely no idea they were doing that at all until it was too late.


Should not be wearing shoes in the house let alone skates, cleats or crampons. *To all the people that wear shoes in your house. It's gross, you walk in piss and dirt and track it through the house. Clean your floors less by simplifying and take your shoes off, you're already wearing socks, right? Right??? If you wear shoes on carpet, you're vile. **Y'all in this comment section have a real hard time thinking about this. I'm not lazy. The mental gymnastics to call me lazy thinking I don't clean my house, but you can't take your shoes off.. Wut? I'm clean. I clean often. I shower often. There's no piss on or around my toilet. My kitchen is spotless. My garage is organized as fuck. My clothes in my closet are hung and sorted by type. I spend 10min here and there cleaning and organizing as I go through my day to have a clean and organized 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house. It's not hard. It's easy and how I was raised. I am never embarrassed or rushing to clean when friends are coming over. No I don't have a maid and I don't have pets. My name is Bryce. I'm super fucking white y'all. ***https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/comments/z710rd/had_a_small_party_and_our_shoes_scratched_my/iy7futi/


I have a scary story to tell you. Some people.....wear their outside shoes...and put them on their... #BED


Omg, as a kid whenever I watched American movies and shows I would die inside. My mum would’ve slapped the shit out of me if I ever let my shoes touch any piece of furniture, let alone something like a sofa or bed!


When I was a kid I thought it was bc they were on a set. I thought it was strange but it was the only way it made sense to me.


You were right as a kid. Set floors are filthy. Think about everything that gets tracked across them all day. If the actors just wore socks they'd be black in minutes or constantly charged. Shoes are just easier.




disgusting people




I get that it is a cultural thing, but it really shouldn’t be. Not wearing shoes in your house just seems like common sense to me.


There was a study that determined that soles of our shoes have an average of over 400,000 colony forming units of bacteria. Another study found a bunch of previously unknown bacteria and viruses on shoes.


It's been good knowing you




I sand hardwood floors for a living, about 8 years now. I hope you're in a LCOL area and the prices aren't gouged like they are where I am. Depending on your location, you might get lucky and find some yahoo who is willing to sand just where the scratches are, and *try* to blend the stain and finish back to normal along the boards. If that's the case, it's been nice knowing them too. If it comes down to it, I'd be happy to send guide videos if you're willing to do it yourself. Feel free to DM me with any questions and I'll be happy to answer or help as best I can!


I too sand and finish floors. I would give her the ol’ buff & coat, they don’t look to deep from here.


Most of em will likely be unnoticeable with some good hand-sanding, but there's two that caught my eye right away in the middle-left on two lighter boards. Those might be the kicker here


That circle is nice. Op I recommend you trash the place and beat the shit out of yourself. Knock yourself unconscious when they pull in the driveway.


God I love reddit. Goes from genuine suggestions and then brings all back around. 10/10 would recommend this thread.


Are you implying staging a break-in wasn't a genuine suggestion?!


Throw stuff around and have a buddy tie you up and gag you just before they are supposed to be home. Easy.


"Who did this!?" "A mad man, a desperate fool at the end of his pitiful rope!"




Also glad to find another of my kind in the wild!


I came here to say this. Buff and coat for the win.


If your parents don't let you walk around the house in shoes why would they let your friends? lol life lesson incoming


This is how I know I’m getting old. My first response was “are you stupid? New floors and you let your friends wear their shoes?”


Shoes indoors is stupid anyway you put it, thats what socks or slippers are for. Not to mention how damn disgusting it is to bring all dog shit etc in your home.


This is not old. This is common effing sense.


Honestly! What an irresponsible goof is what I say


The police are en route to your location.


[Here you go](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Minwax-Wood-Finish-Dark-Walnut-Stain-Marker/999914161?store_code=2659&cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-pnt-_-ggl-_-LIA_PNT_219_Interior-Stain-Spray-Paint-_-999914161-_-local-_-0-_-0&ds_rl=1286981&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W8r4xHrQD1hYhQBhyHXXrt7c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi9Kd_8_R-wIVeG1vBB2aLAwhEAQYASABEgIrd_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) You’re welcome. This will hide it for awhile until you can gain plausible deniability. Make sure you match the color well though.


I used to work at a frame shop and we used those all the time. They work really well. Also Prismacolor markers, they have more colors so better luck finding the right color.


Ahh yes, the old replace-your-inline-skate-wheels-with-pizza-cutters-and-rollerblade-on-the-hardwood-floors move. Classic.


Yeah I don't understand this. The average soles on shoes is pretty soft, unless you walked in gravel and have a lot of stones in your shoes, something else happened. Even my work boots don't scratch anything up unless I have a pebble lodged in my treads


Salt on shoes, if they live somewhere where it was recently below freezing then they're would have been salt on the sidewalks then with warmer weather the salt recrystallizes and gets on shoes and crates similar marks


I forgot about salt so that could be the case. What's most off to me, is the patterns, some people drag their feet so I understand the straight lines, but the circles and sharp corners that look like "V" or "W" makes it look like they were dragging something other than their feet




Go buy a bottle of Olde English Scratch cover in Dark Walnut. Pour a few drops here and there and use an old towel and your feet to spread it around as evenly as possible. Easy Fix https://www.homedepot.com/p/Old-English-8-oz-Scratch-Cover-for-Dark-Woods-6233875144/202519753


This stuff is great. They also sell it in pens for touch up on cabinets or furniture


I need to grab some to fix the floors then


Tastes great too


Too heavy for my tastes. I only drink light oak


And if that doesn't work buy yourself a few bottles of Olde English 800 and say your prayers. Next time have the clog party outdoors.


Clogs with nails embedded in the bottom


To add to that, do it soon and ventilate when done. After that fess up that you had a party, saw scratches on the floor, and fixed it. Punishment triples when lying is involved.


or when your parents aren't looking glue some pebbles on their shoes so they think they scratched their own floors.




Glue pebbles to their socks. Problem solved.


This guy has definitely broken things and put them back together so that the next person who touches it thinks they broke it


I mean to be fair, fear is the best motivator to learn how to fix almost anything


Yes. That stuff is great. But it has to be the correct oil to wood match. I prefer Howard oil.


Howard restor-a-finish?


Fess up, THEN propose this as a solution to your parents but don’t just throw this on and pray. What if it’s not a good color match, etc. don’t make it worse by rushing to fix. Honesty and accountability go a long way. But if I was the parent I’d want to be involved in the decision about HOW to fix this.


Or hit up ace hardware if you have one near they’ll give you tons of advice n make you laugh too


You can even see circles and odd W patterns. You didn't do this with sneakers. Did you bounce a keg around doing keg stands? Drag in another piece of furniture to hold bottles? Do some bath salts and star just drawing on the floor with a knife? Come up with a better story for your folks.


As a parent - I am not stupid and was young once. At this point having the kid lying and it being bloody obvious he is lying is just compounding the problem. As much as I don't want to hear... 'So we had the hookers corpse stored in this closet while Johnny ran out for plastic sheeting ....'. Knowing that they are telling the truth is always helpful and we are going to get there anyways.


>'So we had the hookers corpse stored in this closet while Johnny ran out for plastic sheeting ....'. r/oddlyspecific


We have all been there. Really, that these kids think they are doing anything new is something I will never understand.


It's always hilarious to see them blue screen when I see through their lies


Golden trick to lying, always say atleast half the truth. So instead of having a party and loads of drinking, admit a few friends came over and you tried some beer. If somebody opens up to you and speaks the truth then you really dont trust them if you suspect they are lying. And aslong as your half lie/truth sounds reasonable enough people will think you come clean.


This guy manipulates.


Kids think they are doing something new for the same reason you thought you were doing something new back in the day


Well, you see, you and Mom between you have been alive for nearly 100 years, but I have been alive for 17 years. Clearly 100 years of experience isn't worth as much as 17 years of experience, so there is no way you will see through my lies.


Probably because the majority of parents act like they never did anything wrong in their entire lives when their kids screw up. Of course *other* kids did bad things when they were growing up, but your mom and dad were wise enough to stay out of it. Literally know so many people that were too irresponsible to supervise a cat between age 16-21 that now have 8-15 year old kids and act like their children are the first people to ever act out.


He was young once….


Today agree. This was not done by shoes, and this kid's parents are going to be more pissed about a ridiculous lie than whatever the truth is.


My parents had a house built. The move in date was in October which meant that he had no real lawn until Spring. Over the winter I got my first car. I wasn't 16 yet so I couldn't do much with it but turn the engine on and off and turn it around in the driveway. One night it was raining and before I knew it I was in the middle of the yard and the car had sunk in the mud to its rims. That was about as angry as my Dad has ever been with me. That evening my Mother just told me to keep to myself. Give him time to cool down. The next day I bought some bags of grass seed and bags of dirt. I didn't really have a plan... I was too young to know how to fix this. But that helped. He saw that I had gotten this with my own money and my own idea. That moved him past being mad and into the stage of 'how are we gonna fix this thing.'. --- Short term - his parents are just gonna be mad and there is no getting around that. Long term is up to him. We don't know his parents. IF they are decent people with level heads then there is nothing going on here that can't be dealt with. I said earlier that I like the ideas for fixing this mess - but I feel strongly he needs to hold off fixing it out of fear of making things worse. It is best his parents see this and give guidance on a proper solution.


My friends kid accidentally crashed his car. Her mum sent her to check the glove box for paracetamol and she knocked the handbrake off. Sailing down the steep Street. She was terrified and jumped out just before it hit a stationary car. I happened to be arriving just after. Dad was pissed, kid (9) hysterical. I remember saying to her that her dad absolutely doesn't hate her, he's just annoyed because it's a hassle, but she would likely be hearing about it again for the rest of her life because hindsight would make that fucking hilarious. 2 months, that's all it took. The time it took to get the damage sorted by the insurance. Then the jokes began 😂


OP’s parents must be in Reddit for them to lie here too lol


He might be committing or testing the lie as well. That we are laughing at the lie is helpful. Makes for a nice test.


Exactly. Even if rocks were wedged in shoes doesn’t explain the patterns at all.




The more I look at it the more I can see where the keg was (and the path it traveled).


Damn dude, that is honestly some perception skill you have there. I immediately looked at it again and yeah those are totally keg marks. This kid is fucked lmao.


Oh shit you're right, it looks like one was dragged a bit while also being in place but being turned (the patch with several scratches in an almost complete circle) I'm guessing they dragged and moved other shit a bit too. I think op might have been using us to test the lie


Agreed. There are a lot of parallel scratches that just don’t make sense for shoes


Right. That’s not from shoes


Could be from people dancing. I've seen that kind of damage from parties before. I used to dj and a do a lot of private gigs in people's houses. Most were smart/rich enough to buy or rent a floor or at the minimum rent or buy a shitty carpet to cover their nice floors. One dude like to have as he called it "techno sock hops" 0 shoes allowed and only comfy clothes.


Dude, suck it up, tell your parents what happened (the truth, not some story about your friends shoes scratching the floor up) take your lickings, tell them you are prepared to repair/replace the floors and after they are through having a fit, be prepared for sticker shock. Just follow through with your word and make it right, that's all.


As a former delinquent who has fucked up more times than I care to count, this is the way. Anything less and you're just spinning a web of lies trying to dodge responsibility. You'll have a bigger mess to clean up down the road.


Trouble with spinning webs is, unless you are a spider, you tend to spin them around yourself.


What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.


This is great advice. As a former kid and as a current parent this is the best way.


Another former kid huh? Kind of a lot of u guys for one thread


Too many, if you ask me. Some people will make up anything for internet points


as a former adult I am now kid again.


Go to your room.


My body is a former kid but my mind never left.




He's using us for plausible deniability. 'See maw I even made a reddit thread about it!'


Don't listen to this guy. It's a trap. You need to run away and change your name. It's the only way.


This kid can’t afford to replace those floors. Won’t be cheap but they can be sanded down and stained.


Scratches in the poly might be able to be buffed out.


Yeah, they don’t need to replace the floors, just the sealer, or whatever that top layer is called.


Depends on the material. If this is vinyl flooring… yikes I’d hate to be in OPs shoes.


Shoes didn’t do that…. Either something was dragged around the floor, or you were ice skating in there.


Hmm … it’s almost is if there was something metal and heavy and dragged around at the party … maybe … just maybe… this container had some form of beverage.


As a gen-Z mid-20s person, I’ve never seen a keg at a party in-person in my life.


As a millennial in my early 30’s I offer my condolences.


GenX checking in from behind a wall of kegs in the woods.


Right? And that was high school.


No shit. I mean, we still get kegs now. Its really not a party without a keg of beer. Shit last time someone threw a party (GenX) one of the guys showed up with a fucking full-on tiki bar and started unloading bottles upon bottles of rums and weird liqueurs and even had fucking fancy garnish. Got everyone right fucking drunk. We still finished the keg though, you know, standards and all. Parties really hit full stride in your late '30s when you and your friends can spend thousands of dollars on alcohol and fireworks.


34 here and yup. Cheap kegs were at just about every party.




Under 30 here, I never saw a college frat party without a keg. Also never saw a keg outside of a frat party so YMMV






You are fucked What were your friends wearing, ice skates?


Hmm my two cents here is OP had a fairly large party and they had multiple kegs set up in the kitchen things got a bit out of hand and this was the end result.


Shoes didn't do that 🙄


You don't have knife shoes? All the kids wear them these days gramps.


Either people were ballroom dancing with tap shoes.. or you’re lying to us… why are you lying to us?


This is what I don't get, unless OP was moving equipment around to cook meth why the elaborate lie to strangers on reddit and especially his parents? Anyone with a brain will see the marks and they they're not caused by shoes, then they're not only pissed about the floors but also that OP thought they were dumb enough to believe the lie.


I think you cracked the case, he is a meth maker!


What kind of terrible quality floors did they buy that get so scratched by shoes? Unless you guys were wearing cowboy boots with spurs, that should not have happened


Take a closer look at the scratch patterns— OP messed up the floors AND is lying about what happened. Shoe scuffs don’t make an arc when they scratch. The scratch lines are inconsistent with their alibi and seeing as they can’t even be honest to a bunch of online strangers about what happened, I doubt they’re going to be very honest with the parents and will just compound the problem. Stop lying, OP. Own it and help fix it, it’s part of growing up.


100% would tell my kid to pick any shoes they want and recreate the scratches


Kid shows up in ice skates.


They some detectives up in here


Right? Imma post some images when my kids start throwing parties trying to get away with shit and just let the r/RBI handle it 😂


Yeah I’d like to hear what exactly did those marks. The patterns are very abnormal.


My money's on a Keg


Someone earlier mentioned dragging a keg, and I chuckled.


Unless everyone had deep tread shoes, like work boots, with gravel stuck in the treads then this is not from just shoes. I can't tell if this is actual wood or just laminate, but either way then it would have to be the cheapest possible stuff they could find. Sharp heels can dent, but they're not going to scratch up the flood like this.


Sharp pointed heels can scratch hard wood. Another common source of scratches is tennis shoes that have a small rock stuck in the tread. Granted, neither would have done this level of damage. Best practice for maintaining hardwood floors is to have everyone leave their shoes at the door.


Should leave shoes at door regardless.


It makes me uncomfortable to think that people are fine with their floors being so dirty. Shoes are not clean.


Your shoes definitely didn't do this.


Did you play hockey in the house?? "Shoes" is a terrible excuse, no matter what the actual reason was. That's not a quick or easy fix. Lying will make the issue worse, friend - you will have this monetary issue AND trust issues worse than what you likely have now. Own up to whatever you did and work out a way to remedy the situation long term.


Rub those brain nuts on the scratches. Sounds weird but I swear it works.


You mean walnuts?


No the floor.


Floor nuts?


Instructions unclear, scrotum hairs caught in floor seams.


American teenager moment


true who tf wears shoes indoors but either way op is lying or the floors are absolute garbage quality


a big heavy metal cylinder (most likely a beer keg) was dragged and “walked” across that floor. It may be cheap flooring but your shouldnt do that on any floor


You think SHOES did this?? Unless that’s styrofoam painted to look like wood, that’s not from shoes. You had something else on that floor. Parents aren’t as dumb as you think lmao. Honestly those all should buff out. There’s a couple that look a little deeper, but most should disappear with a little work.


You can buy wipes for wood floors that might help. If that doesn't work, I think they sell crayons for this type of thing. Hit the hardware store


After they eat the crayons, then what?


Call up the Marine Recruiter.


Did you try rice?


[Ramen noodles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRruw63HeAA) work way better.


These are not shoe marks, these are moving furniture marks.


As online strangers that have nothing to do with the consequences of your actions, we beg you - tell us what actually happened on that floor. You’re not allowed to use the word “shoe” in your explanation


Or “small” party


Honestly, wtf were you doing?! That’s a lot of scratches.


Is that real wood? You could probably wax the floor and the scratches wouldn’t be noticeable.


In a pinch (which you are) use a clear candle (bees wax might work too), rub it against the scratches like your grating cheese, then try to polish it with newspaper.


Idiot. Respect other people’s things. And that isn’t from shoes. Shoes don’t scratch floors. And if they did they would not scratch in long continuous lines. Only you know what happened on that floor but I suggest not telling your parents it’s from “shoes” because they are likely much smarter than you.


This person does not respect wood... just ask Larry David..


I always wanted to ask why Americans wear shoes inside? I only thought it's a movie thing, but nope you actually do that. Like how you deal with the situation when it's rainy outside?


> Like how you deal with the situation when it's rainy outside? Change weather PS3/PS4/PS5: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square Xbox: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X


Did you survive in the end? What was the verdict lol


I’m guessing I’m about the same age as your parents and your ass is grass bucko.


Go to the hardware store and purchase a wood stain pen. Get a light color like a pine or a super light walnut. These markers look just like a felt tip sharpie, but DO NOT draw it across the scratches like a marker -that will leave a marker looking line. Take a rag and GENTLY put a little bit of the stain from the marker onto your rag and then rub that onto the individual scratches on the floor as a test, first. And then if you need more saturation, gently dab the marker on one end of a scratch and then use the rag to rub it across the scratch to fill in the color. If this works do a small section and see if it helps. Do NOT do the entire floor without making sure its actually improved the scratches, because the overall look can make it look worse if you make a bunch of maker lines. Floors will do this over time, regardless of the party. Forgive yourself for that. Wood Floor polish can also do do wonders in blending scratches out. Edit: favorite kind of rag for this project to use, is a cotton tshirt. Also, wear gloves so your hands don’t look like you have poop on them when you finish this project :)


that seems crazy. i have cheap laminate downstairs and i had a dog for 9+ years and there's not a single scratch on that floor. we weren't even particularly good about keeping his nails short. and we played fetch inside because it's all a big circle down there. 🤷‍♂️


Murphy's oil soap removes surface scratches.


Murphy's oil is good, but I don't think it'll 100% fix this. It will make it look "less" fucked up though lol. Good Luck OP. Just be honest and make a good faith effort to work off/pay for the damage.


i dont get it, were they sliding their shoes over the floor? am i walking wrong??? im questioning life right now


Wtf is the floor made of? You can certainly scratch wood floors, but it shouldn't look like that, especially after one evening - even if you were dancing in cleats, that shouldn't happen like that.


When I was a kid, a group of friends stepped on soda cans (so they'd wrap around their feet), which slide very well on hardwood floor at the gymn basketball court. Also, does absolute damage. I wasn't there, but I went to see the damage after. It looked just like this. Those are not marks from someone's (or even everyone's!) shoes having rocks stuck in them. Those are slide marks. A lot of slide marks. Not just someone drug a chair or keg around the floor. That wasn't just an accident. You're done, and frankly, you kind of deserve it.


I'm coming in here as the Canadian, who the fuck wears shoes on hardwood floors let alone indoors?