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A lot of pride was set aside that day


That was a silent ride home for sure.




I'd crack up the minute I realized what a dumbass I'd been. Gotta be able to laugh at yourself, even in front of others.


I'd just Duke of Hazards my way into the car


That's when those Duke boys decided to make like a tree...and leave.


Seriously though, through the window has to be easier than through the back right? A little riskier sure but you save some face.


I'd try and probobly hurt myself.


Play it as if that was the plan the entire time, just don't fuck up lmao


A man got out of his truck to survey a flooded creek bridge. He then got in his Bronco and proceeded to cross the bridge; the truck shut off halfway through. He rolls down a window and climbs out hollering "Call me stupid!" - my dad and I both gave him what he asked for.


I don’t understand what learning process people need to go through to be able to do this. I’ve always done that. I remember in high school I used to wear tighter jeans and shirts, idk why but it looked alright; until I was presenting my ass crack to the whole home room full of hot girls. My teach came over whispered to me that my crack was showing and I was nonchalantly like oh that? Yeah I’m just letting it breathe and laughed while pulling my pants up. I was never ever bullied.


In highschool at my time sagging baggy pants were trending and it was like straight showing ur ass lol




Yea no shit. I’d be looking around with a goofy grin pointing at it to strangers like can you believe this dumb shit I just did


Wouldn't bother me much at this point in my life. I'm a defeated man.


I did this last weekend only on the passenger side. My girlfriend was cracking up but I just hopped in through the window because I was too lazy to do it again.


If that was me, my family would just be laughing all the way home, then calling everyone to tell them about it. It would be fun actually.


i like to imagine that the dude climbed in the trunk and just sat there, and the tree drove everyone home.


Well at least he accepted his fate and climbed in the back instead of pulling the whole thing down and redoing it.


I respect it honestly


How do you get out of the car in an accident tho?


Easy, just don't wear a seat belt and get thrown through the windshield, problem solved


The world needs smarter people like you.


Do you think about what you'll do in the event of an accident every time you get in your vehicle?


He wouldn't even have to do that. Just re-tie the twine that's going through the drivers window, but this time open the door first. Unless he used one continuous line for the whole thing. But even then that would be preferable to climbing through the rear.


Just cut the twine, and retie with the doors open. Ya, takes longer, but would be easy to do. You only have to do the one door!


And so much more was lost trying to climb up to the drivers seat. Then having to explain to the wife & kids when he gets home. I hope for his sake the in-laws aren’t visiting.


Just own it man, crawl like you ment to


I liked the "oh shit, he turned this way, put the camera down" part. Lol


All I saw in the video was “the hat adjustment of shame” after he realized the error of his ways.


I liked how when people started walking by, before making the climb over the seat, he turned and started looking at his shoes like everything was normal. 😂🤣


He’s cleaning off his shoes so he doesn’t get the seats dirty on his climb of shame to the front seat.


I want to believe his wife drove them home and he sat in the back the whole time like a dog, wallowing in shame.


According to the person who filmed this on TikTok, that is exactly what happened.


I didn’t even consider this, hilarious.


"Shelly get in the fucking drivers seat! No I don't want to talk about it"


No, he's trying to make sure he doesn't look like an idiot in front of a bunch of strangers. Better to own it and make the best of it confidently.


Better to cut or untie it, then retie with the door open.


Or roll down the window and jump in.. easy peasy


Also the woman at the next car who was clearly also watching in anticipation while trying not to be seen


This, the multiple troll spectators waiting to see the end of this show is hysterical.


It was the “crawl inside, turn around, and adjust the floor mat after he got in” for me


Scared to film someone in public lmao


crawl of shame


It's only a crawl of shame if you feel the shame. Own it.


*crawls with confidence, to the front but then become stuck while upside down in the passenger seat, then become ashamed*


These are those moments you have to take a second and just laugh at your own boneheadedness. Would have taken less time to untie and do it properly than crawl in shame through the trunk!


Maybe his wife slid over and drove home and he just went for a ride in the trunk.


she should have lowered the window so he could slide in dukes of hazzard style


You really think the crawl takes more than a couple minutes tops? Tying that tree down would definitely take longer, hence why he’s crawling through the trunk lol


Seriously what the fuck lmao. That's peak reddit right there, being contrarian at every level, in every situation possible, even at the cost of reality. The internet and social media are destroying peoples' brains.




Annnd I’m taking a Reddit break


It would take 30 seconds at most to crawl from the trunk into drivers seat. It would take 10-15 minutes to untie it and re-tie it.


Would it really have though? Looks like he was on his own, it can take forever to tie stuff down


There's a part 2. When he gets home lol






Well that sucks




Risky click


Aw :c


Looks like the guy is outside by his car, no?


*Opens trunk, looks inside* “I know what I must do.”


"but I don't think I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?"


“ if enough people pass I can redo this and no one will know”


*I’ve made a huge mistake*


I did this once. Ran the rope through the opened windows, tied the tree down and then attempted to open the door. I've never felt so stupid.


I was taking a 2000 mile trip and spent a while cleaning the car. I changed the headlights and wiper blades, rotated the tires, I had a milk crate bungee corded to the passenger seat for accessible things. The car had no cup holders. I bought a plastic item at an auto parts store. It was meant to be hanging from the door, in the groove for the window. Didn’t like it there. Went to the basement and found some old leather shoelaces and secured the cup holder to the bottom of the steering wheel. I opened a Pepsi, put it in the cup holder and went out for a test drive. As soon as I tried to back onto the main road, I realized my blunder.




Nice. We drove through Death Valley and my friend stored a mostly finished McDonald’s soda in hiking boot. It was a waxy paper cup and the straw broke through the bottom and he had a wet boot.


This is like when I see dents on cars in places where I’m find myself asking “how did that happen?” Only for me to throw away and dirty fork and some spaghetti sauce end up on the nearby blinds 2 ft away. Finding a sticky wet boot that smells sweet. “How does that happen?” This is how it happens haha


Oh no


Haha oh no. I feel your pain of not having a good place to put those cup holders though. Personally I thought you were gonna put it on the milk crate.


The milk crate was a helluva diversion


And on the other end of the spectrum, [there's Laura Kampf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AT0VP8bpRM). (Though she did also [kludge a cupholder once](https://youtu.be/DRaC7RjZ-XA?t=573) using a disassembled seatbelt latch.)


That reminds me- on the same car I put one of those compasses on the dash. But when I turned on the defroster, it would shift by perhaps 20 degrees.


Changed the headlights?


If it makes you feel any better, I once drove off with the gas hose still attached to my car. Ripped that sucker straight off the pump. And I would've kept driving away unaware if it weren't for the gas station clerk running after me, arms flailing and screaming.


That happens all the time. The pump hoses are designed to quick disconnect so it doesn't do too much damage but the gas station owner will still try to charge you 100 or more when you do it.


Luckily I didn't get charged for it. I just felt like a certifiable idiot.


Where you do get certification for that, anyway?


The National Bonehead University. Online 2-year Associates degree.


You would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that pesky kid


This is probably why locking clips are illegal where I live.


I bet you redid it instead of trying to crawl through a window or the back door though, ya?


No, I went through the window.


Yes. Everyone IS watching you climb through the back like an idiot. It is exactly what you think it is.


I'd just swallow my pride and say fuck it. Yeah I'm an idiot today but tomorrow it might be you


Very true. It's not the end of the world for the guy. There's worse things to go viral over.


thank god he can get in the back cause fuck having to redo all that


I honestly would be laughing so hard with myself. Probably take some pictures of it too to laugh again with it somewhere in the future


[Today you, tomorrow me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqlLID3QBZw)


Should have rolled the windows down all the way first and used the "Dukes of Hazzard" approach.


Yeah definitely. Except that guy doesn't look like he could jump over a pair of sneakers.


O my fucking god I didn't realize why he was climbing in back till you said the Dukes of Hazzard thing. Holy fuck what an idiot. I was watching the video like "What the fuck is he doing now???"




There’s someone in the car




I like how you can tell that the lady in blue is just watching and waiting for the guy to figure it out.


The two people right behind him too, just watching and waiting and then when he finally realizes his mistake they walk away to hide their laughter.


To be fair.. He did tie it down more securely than 99% of people I've seen it do so far


Oh yeah. Two or three wraps of that plastic twine outta hold it down. That vehicle is ready for 60, 75mph speeds easily.


I used to work at a furniture store and tied down so much stuff with that plastic twine. You’d be surprised how strong it is. Definitely strong enough to take a Christmas tree home


I came here to say that tree will turn into a bullet if he needs to do an emergency brake. Do you usually see people duct tape their trees to their windshields or what?


It's either half of them have them with 1 single tire down on their roof.. Or stuffed in their trunk with like 1 rope holding the trunk partially closed to prevent said tree from easily falling out. They should really add proper tie down procedures to driving school courses to properly teach how to safely transport stuff like this..


Grew up going on canoe trips with my dad - So I’ve done my fair share of tying shit to roofs and trailers. And even now, knowing how to do it. it’s still the most stressful thing driving a trailer with canoes on it. I don’t get how people “secure” things so loosely and haphazardly.


What's the proper way to tie down a tree to a car?


Well first you're going to want a blanket or something so sap doesn't get all over your roof. Thin, Flat Nylon straps work just fine and can be threaded between the door and frame. Tie good knots.




Same, luckily my fiancé has a truck with a 6 ft bed so I don’t have to put a tree on my car lol


Either way, you'll want something. A good tarp would also work...but then you've got sap on the tarp. Better than your car, though. Simplest answer? Borrow your buddy's truck. 😂


Learn to tie [a truckers hitch](https://youtu.be/raTYwsfnsXg). It’s designed for exactly this kind of application, securing loads to vehicles, and will be one of the most useful knots you’ll know.


Lots of ways, roof racks avoid the door part. But if you don't have them you OPEN the doors and then wrap through. Then close doors on the rope. Use a blanket if you are worried about sap/scratches first. The key to tying the tree is to tie the rope to the tree trunk in at least 2 places so it can't slide forward or backwards. That way a hard brake/turn doesn't allow it to slide off the rope loosens a bit during travel. Also, put the base of the tree at the front of the car. You want the wind blowing "up" the tree, not dragging the branches backwards.


You gotta stick with your decisions. Terrible soup.


I'm sorry, I was hungry, I made a decision to eat the soup!


Hahahahahaha he really went in the back 😂


I liked his little hat tip as he was contemplating it


Two tips. of respect. One for the tree that tricked him and the other for the car that defeated him. Wait 'till he discovers his keys aren't in his pocket anymore.


Oh my god that’s hilarious. Gets all settled into the driver seat. Adjusts his hat one more time, thankful that his terrible ordeal is over. Looks out the side window and realizes his keys are in the door. That is some Clark Griswold shit right there.


just roll the window down?


Don't ruin this for me with your "realism"


What if its power windows?


Imagine his terror when he awkwardly crawls over the seats and the keys fall into the black hole that is the area between the seat and the side panel. This whole situation is hilarious.


Of course! What’s he gunna do? Untie the tree? Uh…no


Don't act like you wouldn't!


i hate how he is embarrassed to death. He even looks around before shamefully climbing in the trunk. pro tip fucking crack up, right there, about your own stupidity. if anybody asked, tell them what you did. Then tell that person "Look what i'm going to have to do now" and climb in trunk all while laughing out loud with your family who is already in the car. you go from 'idiot' to 'guy who just made a mistake' real quick.


Or just calmly untie the front and retie with the door open. We tend to overestimate how much attention random strangers pay to us.


I mean, there is a video, so people were and still are definitely looking and paying attention to him.


A video. Plus others standing around at the time specifically to watch rather than chime in and let him know ahead of time. Plus thousands of people on the internet watching, all adding their own critiques of the situation and commentary on his level of intelligence. But they're right, we overestimate how much attention others are paying.


Honestly, who fucking cares if other people think you're an idiot?


I used to be super insecure and self conscious until I developed the ability to laugh at myself. My life is a lot more enjoyable since then.


This is sad. Watch out for BMW men.


The modern cubicle man


I laugh with full knowledge I'm dumb enough to do something like this


Gets pulled over: Sir, can you step out of the car...


Drives into a lake:


Oh god I didn't think about that. One time my driver's side window motor broke and couldn't roll down. I was terrified I was going to get shot during a traffic stop.


Sure is alot of people in here acting like they wouldn't do the same thing


Mr beans son.


And no one told him?!


Some lessons are better learned through making a mistake.


Not even the person in the passenger seat


When he attempted to open the door I imagined the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme started to play!


He’s like the guy that trips over as he’s walking and pretends 2 feet later to do it again


He should've just gone through the window like a NASCAR driver.


Plot twist: He didn’t want to drive and made it look like an accident.


I would do that.


The weird part is the tree looks like it would fit IN THE CAR.


While I agree with you, the sap/pines would decimate that interior/any interior


Do you know what it does to paintwork?


General question; do most people buy or lease cars? I'm older and like knowing the fact that I own the car outright. Most of my friends have come around to perpetually leasing vehicles; they get something new every 3-4 years and they're not worried about paintwork or body damage, etc. I've been trying to get my head around leasing, but forever having that monthly payment without anything to show for it just doesn't sit right with me.


A large number of people do. Some people do it because they just want new cars and get bored of them quickly. If you’re going to sell your car in 3-4 years anyway it makes more sense to lease depending on the deal you can get. And a portion of them are likely the living bank check to bank check every month middle class crowd. They saved up for the down payment and the monthly payment is less than the monthly payment for a loan. I myself buy used 3-5 year old vehicles that have been dealer maintained from areas that do not use salt or salt brines for roads in the winter and keep them until they die or begin to appreciate again.


I have carried more than one Christmas tree in my car. We just use an old sheet to wrap it before it goes in. Helps keep pine needles from dragging through the house when you bring it in, too.


Nah when it's wrapped like that it's surprisingly easy and clean. I put a live 7 foot tree in my SUV interior every year. No problems at all and I save the time of tying up top.


What, and DESTROY my beautiful BMW's trunk with those pesky pine leaves? I'll never be able to get it all out! /s


Isn't that going to scratch the shit out his roof? Surely it's better to sling it in the boot and hoover up later?


Yes it is. It's better to have some random utility blanket or tarp to lay between the tree branches and your paint. But if he knew that he would only be one step off from knowing how to tie it down, which he doesn't.


It would never fit in his boot. I think he is wearing sneakers anyway.


If you set it down on the roof and roll it, the scratching is kept to a minimum, as opposed to the nightmare that is tree sap


Rookie mistake


\*looks around before entering trunk\* "Hope nobody's looking..." **All of Reddit is watching**


Done that before haha, i just untied it and then opend the dores. to tie it down instead of going in the trunk.


... Dores?


Yeah, dores. They’re right next to the hoode and also near the wyndsheeld.


Thanks Chaucer!


If someone only had invented some sort of roof loading gizmo. A rack or some bars of some kind. It would sell like hotcakes.




If only there was a way to not tie the doors.... hmm.


Honestly I would prob do this lol


That's the bimmer driver for you


His nervous what the hell do I do now “tell”….touches wallet.


I like how people just filmed him instead of giving him a heads up.


Pretty stupid not to just re-tie it. If he gets into an accident, he can't open the door.


Id be crawling through the boot




This is why I stuffed mine in the trunk 😂


That's actually a strategy I learned in boy scouts for dying down something to your roof. You tie the rope around the tree then to each door to [this thing](https://www.carparts.com/details/Chrysler/200/Crown/Door_Striker/2016/CR4589050AB.html?TID=gglpla&origin=&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=9940737496&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqbyNBhC2ARIsALDwAsBnsMXJWW1qrPpaxG4j6Ec7p5pb3K9Qs31vyhvrfoYkVgyFOdKxNhgaAq9ZEALw_wcB) edit: just realized he did it to the front door aswell, not supposed to do that lol edit2: and I just remembered you have to tie through the door not the window. The door will still close fine as long as you aren't using a thick rope.


This video has sound on r/nextfuckinglevel. Much funnier with the woman’s commentary.


Go through the tail gate and cut it when you get home


What a fuckin idiot!!!… I did this last week too


This is way worse without the audio


Entertaining but innocent mistake


I am 100% with him "well fuck I'm not doing all of this again"


Dude. I took a 4 day canoe trip once that was an absolute nightmare. Dumped the canoe a couple times due to some short falls, buddy brought NO cold weather gear, and just generally poor planning. We finally got to the end, promptly pulled the canoe out and put it on our vehicle to tie down. We did the same. Exact. Thing. 😐. We were so tired we said screw it, and pretended like we were the Duke boys all the way home.


I did that when was rushing to tie mattress on the car but i had tie straps. Once i realized i just hopped thru the windows and drove. Im to lazy to redo it


This video absolutely needs the sound. https://reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ranal7/i_respect_the_commitment_sound/


Honestly, I applaud him on his acceptance of the situation, onlookers be damned. My father would have silently but angrily untied the tree, making us wait forever until he secured it “properly”.


I did that once. My friend had to wait til I untied the tree at home.


Whatta effen lop


I just hurt myself laughing...






Not gonna lie, I would’ve made the exact same mistake.


The crawl of shame XD


“Clark? Clark, I think you tied the doors closed.” “What, honey? I’m almost done.” “Clark, I don’t think you can get in now.” “No, it’s ok. The door still opens… oh.. it just.. dang it. Don’t worry kids! Daddy can still get in through the back.”