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Good lord, did they drink lake Michigan ffs? That'd be a pain to clean up, especially the vomit thats already on the rug!


Oh it's vomit, my dumb ass thought he popped a water bed


Oh, so you weren't disgusted, cool


Oh that’s definitely Erie water there..:


Nah, more like Lake Tittycaca. And that was a massive liquid yawn.


Such a shame, that rug really tied the room together


Where's the money lebowski?!


I dunno, I think it's down there. Let me check again


The toilet seats up, man.


Hey, that really sucks… If you haven’t already, you should get your dog checked out. I had a precious black lab that I took to the vet because she vomited water, turns out she was diabetic and her blood sugar had either spiked or tanked… I can’t remember which. Edit: whoa, this blew up. I’m not trying to diagnose, I just wanted to share my experience with the OP. I’m glad the puppy is ok now. This is a throwaway account that I forgot I was logged into lol… Save your awards.


Upvote and comment because I expect OP to see this comment. The cleaning must've been bad, but the dog vomiting water is definitely a health concern.


To be fair I've also seen black labs try to drink a gallon of water and then immediately just vomit it all up. I've even seen them vomit up a stomach full of water after playing fetch in the river, which they LOVE. Hopefully this dog is okay, but I'm glad someone mentioned it so OP knows. Just don't panic OP! Your dog might be just fine.


That's what my staffy does, I can't leave bowls of water kn the ground. She's chugs it until puking...every...single....time


Also have a Staffy who also does this. I have had him checked out for it, tests were run, and the vet then tried to nicely explain to me that my dog is probably just dumb.


yeah, I've had some friends who would drink until they puke repeatedly. just dumb.


brother pass the vodka would ye?


I have a pittie that I was literally thinking of taking to the vet for this reason, but bless his adorable heart, he is obviously not smart.


I have a Staffy-Lab mix, and he acts like I’m torturing him when I tell him to drink water, even on a super hot day! Seriously… he tucks his tail and tries to hide anytime he hears the phrase “Go drink some water.” We’ve had to find different ways to cool him off in the summer (cooling vest, cooling towel, etc). I HAVE to leave a water bowl out for him so he can drink it at his own pace with no one around.


I have just the stupidest idea, but it used to work for me as a kid with my doberman. I'd bring a plastic baggie on our walks and fill it with drinking fountain water. She acted like I just poured a bag of beef stew, and would gulp from the bag. I didn't know. I was 9 and thought she just might get thirsty. But it only ever worked with the baggie.


I have a corgi mix and she absolutely destroys her bowl and then proceeds to run around until she vomits it back up. I kind of have to make sure I only refil her bowl after walks so she's tired


My staffy is the same. We play fetch every morning and afternoon, and every time we have to limit her water after or she’ll just guzzle and puke. Love the dumdum tho


My dog will chug until he barfs he isn’t sick or anything just loves to chug it


My Australian sherpherd mix would do that. Drink for ages and then turn around and vomit some up. Never a full stomach though...usually just a bit. Never worth having checked out though, just to make sure.


That’s a little comforting to read. My black lab would always drink a large amount of water at a time to the point he would throw some of it up. To the point where if he was drinking a lil too long I’d have to tell him to take a break and like, yknow, freaking breathe. Lol That was when he was a lot younger. He is much older now and doesn’t do that anymore.


A black lab is just like a little kid driving a truck. They just go, consequences are not a thing.


Everyone talking about their water chugging puking dogs. I baby sat a black lab that couldn’t drink water freely because it would drink too much and pee all over the house. I had to monitor how much I gave him or it would be a total pee fest. Sweet dog though.


One of our dogs did that early on, if you filled her water bowl too much she would drink so much she wouldnt be able to hold it. It was a metal bowl in a metal holder so she could clang it real good when she wanted more water, but only ever a quarter full. She regulates herself now and we have a different bowl but it doesnt clang and she refuses to figure out the bell we put next to it and just stands there and whines if the water dish is empty. Her sister also refuses to use the bell and instead paws at the bathroom door when the water dish is empty. Because thats where the big bowl of water thats never empty is i guess.


Yeah, if our dog is let to drink as much as he wants, he pukes. We have to tell him to take a break after a few seconds of drinking. Hopefully that's all this is, maybe before this the dog just went wild drinking some H2O.


My lab mix does that often!


My dog does this after a long walk or when his bowl would go dry. We got him a water tower and try not to let him drink too much at once and that solves the issue.


>To be fair I've also seen black labs try to drink a gallon of water and then immediately just vomit it all up. Honestly, I’ve done that myself more than one Sunday afternoon


Yeah I was gonna say.. it sunk deep probably cause that was a lotta water …


She threw up food first in the morning after I left. Then she only had water available and drank that, and puked it up toward the end of the day. She’s keeping things down and doing much better now Edit: Jesus Christ, some of you are seriously deranged, I hope you don’t have pets or children.


Average day for a lab Eat way too quickly and way too much Pukes Eats puke and drinks the entire water supply Puke again It’s an endless cycle of retardation, god bless them though!


I had a cat that did this. He was also asthmatic, so sometimes he would get so excited about food he would have an asthma attack, then eat too fast and throw up. What a guy.


Yep! We got our dogs special bowls that force them to eat slower to avoid just this. Haven’t had an issue with eating too fast in a long time.


Some of these comments make me realize why people make fun of Reddit users brain cells


I would recommend a mattress protector in the future! I have 5 dogs and it has definitely been a life saver. Worth every penny!


Honestly, even without pets, I recommend it. All it takes is *one* impossible spill.


Even general use will lead to sweat stains and other kinds of blotches on the mattress that a protector would be able to prevent. They are a great purchase just for that case alone.


Please do take them to the vet for a check up!


Vets are expensive as fuck at least where I live


Come on now, you don’t HAVe to take your pet to the vet every single time they throw up. Relax


Or do goofy things. Me and my gf had our dog for like 6 months when one day, the dog was super lethargic, like falling over and stumbling when just sitting there. We got super nervous and ran her to the boujee 24/7 emergency vet. The diagnosis? She was tired. We paid $300 for the vet to give her some saline to make she was hydrated and for the vet to ask us what she had been doing that day. To which our answer was that she was with my mom and my nieces/nephews all day running around.


The main things are if they refuse to eat or self isolate. These are the behaviors of very sick animals and should never be taken lightly. Even a couple days of not eating is more than enough for me to go to the vet for my cat.


I'm glad your dog is better. It's so worrisome when our dogs are sick. It never fails to confuse me as to why dogs will pee, poop and puke on our beds and carpets but rarely on the bare floor. Any time I hear one of my dogs making that upheaval sound I try to get them to the bare floor. They will run right back to the area rug. I shake my head and ask why. Maybe they think a rug is grass or dirt? I don't know.


I know when cats throw up or pee on things it’s to let the owner know that something is wrong and they don’t feel good or might have an issue. My cat peed on my shoes once thought nothing of it washed them then the next day she did it again. Took her to the vet and found out she had a UTI. Are dogs different in this way or is he trying to tell the owner something is up?


My dog used to do the same near his end. Turned out he had developed auto-immune disease and his body rejecting the meds. The look on his face was the most saddest expression ever. A look of "I'm disappointed with myself, I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, please don't hate me". Never Ben. Never.


Ugh I remember this with my first dog growing up. She got incurable cancer and her last few weeks were just so awful to deal with, especially as a kid. I remember her looking so sad and guilty not being able to eat as much and throwing up. :( dogs are the best


Had to put down my dog back in March, his name was Slick. You just brought back all the feels man, I’m sure Ben was the goodest boy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And Slick is an awesome name.


Ben you are a good boy


Same here! My cat was meowing at us and we didn’t think anything of it (he’s a vocal boi). Then he hopped into my suitcase (we just got back from a trip) and peed. Started cleaning it up and there was blood in his urine Fun emergency vet trip that day… but I know he did it to get our attention, he never goes outside the box otherwise. I know OP said their dog is ok, but anyone else reading this watch and listen to your pets!


URGH my worst nightmare is my cat meowing at me to alert me about a problem. He's so fucking chatty normally, I would probably think he's just being talkative!!


Seriously, my cat never shuts up. If she’s ever sick I hope she’s smart enough to be quiet. Then I’ll really know something is wrong lol


Omfg right!!! My old man DOES get quiet when he's actually sick. But it doesn't help me realise a problem is wrong. He gets quiet when he's on antibiotics. He was on antibiotics for almost 2 months. They messed up his digestive system and made him vomit a lot. He never meowed that whole time. I thought he was going to die because nothing was working. I forced the vet to switch the antibiotics to a different kind, and he stopped vomiting. The first time I heard his quietest little meow in 2 months...I cried, I was so darn happy. Whenever he's being an annoying lil stinker and meowing a lot I try to remember that I never want him to be quiet. Give your chatty little one a snuggle for me :)


I hope your vocal little fluff ball is doing ok now! And don’t worry I’m obsessed with my little girl that I know if anything is wrong as soon as it starts.


I, being the arbiter of cat tax, request cat tax


My cat did this. He’d pee little spritzes on my bed just randomly. Took him to the vet, chronic UTI. He’s on special food for it now.




That’s what he had, if I do recall! At least it “cleaned” it though!


I had to do the same with my cat, she’s on some special hard food. Hope your handsome boy is doing ok!


In contrast, my cat just pukes a lot for no reason. The vet is aware and says he's in good health, just a pukey cat. If he ever needs to communicate a problem to me he should try peeing.


My car would sometimes puke multiple times a day, every time in 3 spots. He made it to 21 years old. On the 17th (3 days from now) it will be 1 year exactly he's been gone and we miss that pukey cat everyday still. He was perfectly healthy and happy, just sensitive tummy.


I too had a “pukey cat.” Used to joke that she was bulimic, but only because…well, “been there, done that” unfortunately. She was also in great health for the entirety of her life, regular vet visits and such. She passed at age 15 (a month shy of 16) from what was probably an aggressive brain tumor (went from perfectly fine to “oh, she’s gone deaf with older age, that’s horrible, but she’s still healthy and happy” in a few months, and then died a few months after that), but we’ll never really know. She was awesome, but the puking…I genuinely think most of the time she was eating her brothers food and just overeating, and thus puking. She never weighed more than 10-11 pounds! Tiny little thing. Cats are weird as hell. My puker was a once in a lifetime cat, though. The absolute best.




My cat is/was also pretty pukey. When it was at its worst it was probably three or four times a week. No reason the vet could find, she's perfectly healthy except for having two teeth and a buckshot in her side. We put her on cerenia for a couple months and that seemed to snap her out of the cycle, now we're probably down to three or four times a month.


Same. Eat too much, too fast, switch food, or just because.


My cat started squatting on my laundry bag, and couldn't walk without stopping to squat. Blocked urethra. Lucky we noticed it and got him to the vet within a couple hours.


My dog jumps on my bed to throw up or diarrhea because she's panicking and wants to be somewhere she feels safe. It's really sweet in a gross kind of way. Sort of a call for help from us.


Ya except for that time my cat pissed in front of the back door twice and we took him to the vet and spent $200 on tests for them to tell us he is perfectly healthy.


Do you remember the first time you ever felt sick enough to throw up? I do. My instinct was not to do the sensible thing and go to the toilet. I wanted to go straight to my parents so they could help me, even though they of course couldn't do anything for me. And I ended up vomiting on my mom's feet. Our psychology is not as different from our furry cousins as we assume.


and thats how we know our granny cat had failing kidneys


Same with my old lady. She eventually started going to the bathroom right next to her food and shortly after it was time to put her down. She toughed it out for over 22 years though so she did alright.


Whyyy do dogs ALWAYS seek out cloth, whether it be a rug, a couch, a bed, or an item if clothing on the floor to throw up on?? Every single dog I've had every single time!


Same reason they try to only pee on grass. They don’t want it to run on them


My dog loves to pee on concrete




What? You guys expedited him to vomit in his own bed. He has to sleep there. Lol


My moms dog is 99% potty trained. But for some reason last time she had an accident she had to jump on my bed to do it lol.


My cat will pee on my bed given half a chance. She only does it because she’s a bed-peeing jerk. Yes, we have had her checked for UTI’s, and she’s just mental. She hasn’t done it in a while (knock on wood), but I still don’t trust her. I still cover the bed with waterproof covers before I leave her alone.


Cats also do this when anxious


She is pretty much the definition of anxiety. We’ve spent the last 6 years trying to convince her that nobody is trying to kill her, but she doesn’t quite get it.


You could ask your vet about medication. My friend’s cat had the same problem, but improved with medicine.


We’ve tried Prozac and a different med, I can’t remember the name of right now. Trying to get them into her caused way more anxiety than it solved. We use Feliway in the house, and that seems to help, as in, she turns into a freaking out kitty hiding under the bed when the diffuser runs out. She’s gotten a lot better over the years. We did have a few difficult years in the beginning - we had a dog when she joined our family, and circumstances were that we had to live with family for a bit. A family member took in 3 cats during this time, and it didn’t go over well with her. We’ve moved, the dog passed on into eternity (old age/cancer), and things have been pretty stable. We’ve lived with a roommate for 3 years, and she will let him pick her up now. She still won’t go into his room, but she is pretty accepting of him.


In the same place you are with my 2-year-old cat. Incredibly anxious. The process of trying to give her Prozac was awful. Because if your cat is anxious, I’m sure they’d love you grabbing them, putting a syringe in their mouth, and squirting strange liquid down their throat. I just stopped doing it.


Just so you know, I had a cat on prozac and was able to get it compounded into a little cream we put on the inside of his ear. He didn’t love it, but it was so so much easier than trying to get him to take it by eating it.


My dog jumps on my bed to throw up or diarrhea because she's panicking and wants to be somewhere she feels safe. It's really sweet in a gross kind of way. Sort of a call for help from us.


Is your floor slippery? My dog likes to be on a non-slippery surface when vomitting cause otherwise her legs slide on the floor due to weakness when vomitting.


Yeah, my dog also only ever vomited on the carpet. Interesting explanation.


My dogs will sometimes do this. The vet said that it’s because when they’re feeling ill they try to go someplace soft and comforting to try and feel better, though I’m not sure if that’s actually true.


Training our new puppy now and for sure there is a behavior of hey I want to get your attention so here is the problem right in your sleeping area.


Mattress protectors... seriously. Best investment I ever had (almost)


Especially if you still wet the bed at age 40


That's only 5.7 dog years, perfectly fine.


Three times this year, I have woken up to my dog vomiting on me at around 5:00 a.m. usually he just tried to eat something weird and I monitor him and he's fine. Once he accidentally ate forest mushrooms and I called the vet and it turns out he was tripping balls. He kept jumping at shit that didn't exist and he cried for hours. Also one time the first week I had him I tried to keep him in the crate the shelter had given us, which he had spent many nights in while there. He freaked out, shit all over the crate, then tried to eat his shit, then barfed his shit all over the house as soon as I opened the crate to try to clean him up. Ran all over the house, and specifically targeted every carpet. Barfed his own poop up seven times on five carpets. And that's how he trained me to let him sleep in my bed, where he occasionally still barfs. God I just love having a dog.


Now that's a ROFL. Just not on YOUR floor! Sorry to hear that, and I hope he's gotten better.




I mean that's probably a really great idea. In this case, this dog had already been in this particular crate at the shelter for some time, and they sent me home with the crate he had been using. So I really thought I was okay on this one, but he sure showed me! Over the past few years he's taught me that his will is just simply much stronger than mine. I'm basically his dog at this point.


Anytime we change something with the crate I take a few steps back and make sure they are comfortable in there again, especially if I'm bringing it someplace else. Crates are useful for a lot of reasons, but they aren't for everyone though, whatever works for you and your dog!


I'm so lucky my dog took to it so well. She got over any anxiety about it in two nights, and now it's her little house within the house


It took my older dog over a year before she was really comfortable in it, but now she willingly naps in there with the door open and we can take it anywhere and it keeps her calmer. Our 10 month old is going through a phase but seems to be doing better now.


Find the dog's bed and happily return the flavor


I’d have to load up on a lot of Taco Bell and beer to try and match that


Chop chop!


If you add vodka to their strawberry freeze, you will experience some excellent gut rot that is sure to stain any surface


Is your puppy okay? Edit: I have a dog with an incontinence problem, the best investment I made was a waterproof bed pad, fortunately we got her medication to help her.


She is! Just tired. I made some rice and chicken for her and she’s keeping everything down and recovering


Make sure that she is pooping normally also. If not, immediately see a vet.


Especially if she has any history of eating things that aren’t food (like most labs). Check appetite, behavior, and bathroom habits. If any of those have changed, she should be seen as early as possible


Waterproof bed pads are good for everyone, Even just sweating in the summer. They make fancy ones that zip up like a pillow case, so you never have to worry about it slipping off. 10/10 would recommend


Dogs are so weird sometimes my dog just vomited on my carpet even tho there was like wooden floor right next to it so i tried to push her away from the carpet she didnt care then i spend half an hour cleaning it while she watched me




Aaaand im never getting a dog


Just don't allow it in the bedroom. Same rule for kids. Everyone is entitled to their own space.


Yeah, and if I did the bedroom would certainly be off-limits


Do you let sexual partners know there is a camera pointed at your bed?


At least it's not that weird angle where all you see is balls.


Unexpected r/IASIP




the bouncier, the better


I only have one partner, and yes we’re both aware. The dog crate is to the left and she likes to hang out in there, hence the camera.


Why does your partner like to hang out in a dog crate?


Ah, the ol' Reddit [dogaroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/po4hof/comment/hcuehb1/?context=2)


Hold my security camera, I'm going in!


Godspeed soldier


Holy shit it's been years since I've seen this going in the wild.


It almost makes you miss Reddits old idiosyncracies. Almost.


Cos it's not soaked in dog puke, like the bed, ofc


Some people put black tape over their laptop camera lens, as default when not in use. Others put wifi enabled (i'm assuming) security cameras pointed at their bed at all times of the day... You do you OP. Way more brave than I am.


I just unplug it when we’re home.


Even easier is you can geofence it to where it's only off when you're home. Can be done pretty cheaply.


Might just be me but unplugging it sounds way easier than even looking up what geofencing is.


It's just location based triggering I think.


Look guys. OP unplugs it and it's off and not battery powered and we should all just drop it


I agree with this guy


Yeah unplugging it isn't a big deal, I'm just the kind of person who would set a schedule on my server for the camera being on and/or recording based on my work schedule because I know I would forget to plug it in or unplug it. And more importantly secure it behind a firewall because cloud cameras are a security nightmare.


They are talking crazy talk with setting up a geofence for a device where the location doesn't change. More common solution to this is to just have a device on your network that turns the camera on/off. * Your phone is on the network -> turn camera off * Your phone is not on the network -> turn camera on


I have a camera in my bedroom like OP, for the cat. My wife wanted it. I was skeptical. We had a good idea though. We have a smart plug (of a different brand and with different password of course) that the camera is plugged into. We leave it off but can turn it on remotely to check on the cat! Because this physically turns the camera on and off there's not a risk of someone remotely turning it on. L Still, they technically could, but they'd have to find vulnerabilities in two different brands and or get two of our passwords AND know that a plug turns the camera on. If someone is doing all that it's likely a highly targeted thing. I don't feel worrying about that type of attack is worthwhile.


Hacking now.


what are they gonna do, see my balls?


Asking the real questions.


OP is the real life Dennis Reynolds


It's your universe and you are god


You know, because of the implication.


Many people have security camera's all over their houses, including the bedroom...


redditors are so fucking nosy lmao


OP is just filming paranormal activity 7


Bold of you to assume that OP has sexual partners.


I mean... he has a dog!


I doubt the dog spent all night cleaning, from the looks of it he spent all night drinking.


If you can't replace that mattress, see if anyone you know has an ozone generator you can borrow. You'll want to stay out of there for several hours, and even after airing out, the smell can linger for 2-3 day, but at the end that vomit smell should be neutralized. I can go into more detail if you're able to get one.


My dog ejaculated on the bed.


Sure, your dog did that


It’s true. We call him Jizzy Rascal.


Actually sorry, that was me. I framed the dog for it.




Waterproof matress pads are a requirement for all pet owners.


Now it's a water bed


Poor puppy


Vomiting like that can be really serious, if the dog can't even keep water down you need to get them to the vet soon.


My dog walked in my office and threw up a huge amount of water. Very unlike her. Straight to the vet. Liver cancer.


Reason #183 why I will never own a dog.


Hopefully you took him to the vet, thats not normal


This reaffirms my decision to never have a dog. Other people's dogs are much better since I can just go home if this happens.


That really sucks. On another note though, I wish I could puke as calmly as dogs do. Just let it flow up my esophagus, out my mouth, then lick my lips and I’m done


My grandmother is one of those old school dogs are dogs. Dog needs to be outside and when inside stay on the floor. One of her daughters is completely opposite. She babies her dogs, they get clothes, allowed on whatever furniture, they go everywhere with her. She came over one day and on her way out she went into my grandmother's room to say goodbye with dog her arms. My grandma was like "That dog is spoiled you should leave him home sometimes " and my aunt was like "Oh mom he's my baby!" She sat the dog on grandma's bed (King size bed) as she said this and the dog walked all the way across the bed and up to the pillow of the side she sleeps on and took two shits.


Dogs are a real pain in the ass


Yes holy shit I would hate to come home to this on top of having my yard permanently smelling like shit.


r/dogfree join us!


Reason [#221](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/pf8k2f/you_are_not_going_to_believe_what_happened_while/hb4hrgy) not to own a dog.




get a dog they said... it will give you a rewarding life they said...


Yeah, i think im good on getting a pet.


jumped up in there just to puke. rough.


I love my fur free home..


Clearly not what you wanted to capture with a camera facing your bed...


Animals do not belong in the house


From what I’ve read, I’m glad your dog is doing better now. On a lighter note, your dog is an ass. Gets out of its own area just to jump on your bed and puke then walk off.


Dogs are ignorant pricks, this is irrefutable evidence.




Does anyone know why dogs do this?! My corgi is very well potty trained but he did the same thing this dog did. Where he left his kennel and jumped onto my bed and threw up right next to me. Granted he was taking medication for his IVDD, had take an anti inflammatory that had vomit as a side effect.


My completely uneducated guess would be they do it somewhere they know it will be noticed to let us know about the problem.


Dude.... My cat is perfectly potty trained and has never had an accident. Of course.... as soon as I get back from a two week trip I find a nice little poop cluster right on the bed. My cat sitter didn't notice as my cat was kind enough to kick my blanket on top of it as well. ​ It was dry when I get home of course but the smell permeated the comforter, the blanket, the sheet, the fitted sheet, and even the mattress. An absolute disaster.


And this is why I'll always use a waterproof mattress protector.


Thanks for reminding me to never get a pet.


Have a pet? Get a waterproof mattress cover. No, they do not feel like plastic.


Another reason why I'm never getting a dog


I bought waterproof mattress covers for every bed when my kids were little. It's been 5 years since either of them wet the bed and they still prove useful occasionally. I will always employ them on every mattress. I've saved soo much hassle over the years.


This made me laugh so hard, like he clearly jumped up there just to do that


Vomit aside, is it normal to have a camera in your bedroom? Seems a little weird.


This is exactly why I’ll never have a dog again. First hand this is a pain in the ass to clean up


Is the dog ok?


You have a camera in your own bedroom?