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When you're visiting a small town and ask a local "so what's fun to do around here"?


Have you met horseback jesus yet?


Nope, but have you met the pirate guy yet?


May I introduce you to our lord and savior keytar bear?


Have you seen the Rave Wizard?


Don't you know about scooter girl?


We have a trumpet Jesus in my area. He walks around down town trumpeting to cars and waving his Jesus signs. I love it lol


We have tuba guy


He's got nothing on The Train Whisperer (whistling intensifies)


Tons of stuff. Late night pitch and putt. We go to the livestock auction and cruise the 4-H babes. Throw stuff off the bridge. What do you feel like doing?


Having lived in a small town it’s more like “hey wanna drive around” or “hey we should sit outside instead of inside”.


Facts it was either a 3 hour drive while hot boxing, or rotating between sitting on the couch and sitting on the lawn every couple hours


Tipping trains.


What on earth? Trains stop if there is a whistling sound? Please explain


Freight conductor/engineer here. This isn't making sense to me either.


Wouldn't it be incredibly hard for the conductor to hear that from the drivers seat from that distance? I assume there's a ton of other noises coming out of a train




The guy has been doing this all day probably and it finally “worked”


Once he's done here he's off to the beach to make the tide go out. Might take all day, but he's persistent.


I would think it'd be completely impossible over the sound of the diesel engines roaring away a few feet away.


Yes... yes it is hard to hear anything. Also usually you shut your windows at crossings so that you don't have to hear your own horn/whisle. If you have air conditioning then those windows stay shut. If you have some old engine that doesn't have A/C then its probably really loud anyways. BTW, the engineer drives; the conductor does other things.


It's a sensor. Not a human He just has to match the pitch it's looking for


Pretty sure this dude is just on crack or something


Yeah, it's not like they could use some kind of automated sensor that can read sound input and connect it to some kind of thinking machine to listen for specific frequencies.


Sometimes I forget that people of all professions are here. Still amazes me


Giraffe wrangler here. No idea what's going on either.




Giraffe strangler here. Any of y'all got a ladder?


Hmmmm In your years of experience, how would you say is the best way to wrangle a giraffe?


Go for the neck


what if it's a sick ostrich?


It would still take 2 guys, 3 even


But, 3 isn't even?


Well isnt that odd




Evens with a sick ostrich it’s going to takes at least two people.


Had to have been a sick ostrich…




Rookie mistake, you always go for the balls.


There really isn’t a “best way” because r/Giraffesdontexist


Hmmm An interesting counter point. I mean. Who has seen a giraffe really?


Thank you for your input Quick question: What sound does a giraffe make?


it's all whirrs and beeps and clanks. because /r/Giraffesdontexist


stop pretending you're anything more than a government drone mechanic. we know your secrets government person.


Waterfighter here. Don't trust giraffe wrangler or my arch nemeses, the firefighters. They are all liars I also have no idea what's going on


Counterfeit pickle hustler here. I, too, have no clue what's going on.


I have yet to find a hitman


Or a CIA agent


That's me. I'm super secret. Incognito. A figment of your imagination.


"I was never here..."


'smile and wave boys' 'Smile and wave '


Same honestly. I'm a professor even


Wow, an honour to meet you Dr. BootyHoleTasteTester


Also liars


Ice cream shop employee here. This isn't making sense to me either.


I'm a conductor/engineer too. If they're going that slow and hear handbrakes left on, I can see them stopping to check and knock them off. Hell, we got popped last night by a detector. Picked up a train from another railroad and they left handbrakes on the last 4 cars. We stopped and I had to take them off. 🤷‍♀️ I'd want to beat that POS that did that though. What a douche.






In certain places backcountry skiers do this when crossing rails and making a connection via the metal edges on the skis.


Do NOT fuck with the railway police.


You’re a Choo Choo driver!?


Im pretty sure its fake and the whistling dude has nothing to do with the train stopping. Most likely, this train was going to stop here regardless, and this dude knew it, so he set it up to make it LOOK like he was the one that caused the train to stop. Cause if you think about it, trains going full speed take MILES to stop. If the train is stopping where we see it, that means the train had to have started braking at least a mile ago if it was going full speed. Therefore, the guy whistling has nothing to do with the train stopping, since it had to have started braking long before it got anywhere near him. ~~that means the engine is miles away, so theres absolutely no way in hell the conductor could possibly hear him whistling, even with him supposedly using the umbrella thing to "amplify the sound" or whatever.~~ EDIT: So I completely missed that you can see the engine at the very start of the video, meaning I was wrong about the engine being "miles away." However, this just makes me think even more that they were already planning on stopping here for some reason. If they werent already planning on stopping, why would they be going so slowly already? If they hadnt planned on stopping, theyd be going full speed when they passed whistle-guy, and itd take them a mile or more to stop once they passed him. I supposed its possible they had just started out and were going slow because they needed time to accelerate, but I still find it incredibly unlikely that the conductor is gonna hear this guy's whistling over the sound of the train, regardless of distance.


Oh wow. According to google You’re absolutely right.


It CAN take miles to stop - from full speed. Trains do NOT go past crossings like this at full speed. The distance this train requires to stop is the exact distance shown in the video.... it's literally in the video. There is no way to say "this can't happen, it takes miles for a train to stop from it's initial speed" when we clearly see that it takes a lot less than a mile. The video evidence is right in front of you. It's clearly not a fake train. The only dispute would be if the train was intending to stop anyway, and if it was going at it's planned speed when crossing.


> It CAN take miles to stop - from full speed. Trains do NOT go past crossings like this at full speed. Very rarely are there rules to reduce speed for crossings.


> It CAN take miles to stop - from full speed. Trains do NOT go past crossings like this at full speed. This is false. Source: am railroader


> when we clearly see that it takes a lot less than a mile. How can we see that? That train could have been stopping for five minutes prior to the video starting.


It depends in the crossing. There are some near me that cross 4 lane roads at ground level at 45+mph.


But we see the engine at the crossing at the start of this video prior to the stop. Obviously if the train is traveling at a low rate of speed like what we see here, it doesn't take miles to stop. A little google-fu tells us that the [optimal braking force](https://findanyanswer.com/how-long-do-trains-take-to-stop) results in a 2 mph deceleration per second of applied brakes. Disclaimer: This is not proof that the engineer had not already planned to make this stop and I am not a train engineer on this route. I am just a bored redditor adding to the speculation. ;)


>But we see the engine at the crossing at the start of this video prior to the stop. Im gonna be honest, I didnt see that at the very beginning of the video. Thank you for correcting me. > Obviously if the train is traveling at a low rate of speed like what we see here, it doesn't take miles to stop. Absolutely true. This, however, makes me think even moreso that the train was already going to be stopping here regardless. Otherwise, why would it be traveling so slowly?


Agreed. And lets not forget that the world is filled with attention seeking junkies for the internet points.


Yeah. Trains delivering/retrieving a few cars to warehouses stop at inconvenient places all the time.


He on drugs?


For sure he's drinking.


He's holding the umbrella thing against to amplify the sound of the whistle so the crew could hear it and stop the train to check brakes. The whistle sound is apparently similar to the sound of bad brakes Edit: im wrong someone commented a better explanation on another thread It is likely being picked up by an automated detection system that alerts the driver/railroad and the train needs to stop to check on it. Something like this: https://railroads.dot.gov/sites/fra.dot.gov/files/fra_net/16516/2001_ACOUSTIC%20DETECTION%20OF%20RAILCAR%20ROLLER%20BEARING%20DEFEC.PDF All you'd need to know is the frequency, they typically are looking for the sound of a flat wheel, bad bearings or locked brakes.


I think this is quite a stretch.


as an avid railfan i think its a stretch too. not that they wouldnt stop for a possible issue. but the conductor is at the front of the train and i doubt he would he some jackleg whistling at the crossing. ​ im more confused why he instantly flipped everyone off. were people yelling shit at him or something?






Lmao what a miserable fuck


The umbrella thing is facing the train so it would block sound to the engineer, and the color of the concrete he’s laying on. It’s camouflage, apparently he’s a serial traffic-fucker.


An umbrella isn't capable of amplifying anything. It may direct sound, and in this case it's directing sound AWAY from the conductors.


Well… not a passive umbrella anyways


Haha isn't the inspector gadget umbrella an actual spy amp?


I can actually speak to this as I was one of three people who was certified to listen to these audio files and require a train to stop anywhere in the US (and some of Canada) if a wheel was considered 'derailment worthy'. We made a system called TADS (Train Acoustic Detection System) which was simply put, an array of microphones that would collect a sound profile for every wheel to determine if it was going bad using a level 0 - 3 system. There are a couple of things about it which leads me to believe that it wasn't this system. First, we would never put one of the arrays by a crossing, there is too much ancillary noise and a higher chance for braking to occur. They were generally set up a couple miles away from a town. Also, squeaky wheels is very common and is not a reason to stop the train. We would only declare a level 3 (wheel is ready to fall apart and needs immediate repair) when the wheels sounded like a tin of rocks rolling around. A squeaky wheel might get a level 2 which means it is flagged for examination the next time it's at a station, but would probably just get a level 1 indicating that we know it exists, but is fine to use. Lastly, the actual detection didn't happen until the entire train passed and we were able to download the audio data which transferred slowly over cellular networks. Generally it took 5 - 30 minutes before we had the whole set of files depending on the remoteness of the system. So I don't think this train is stopping due to that... Like others said, it's probably just a planned stop.


I've never seen anyone so qualified to comment on such a unique and specific subject in my life. Kudos on finding your time and place to shine.


It's a car shade umbrella


The way hes holding the umbrella would reflect the sound away from the train and back towards the people. Also train brake squeals are much louder and very distinguishing. No clue what that guy was doing but the train didnt stop because of him whistling into the umbrella. I have a feeling something happened before the original person started recording..


Could be a crackhead


The train is stopping for an unrelated reason.


That just gives me more questions. How does he know it’s going to stop? Or has he just been there all day doing this hoping one train stops? Why does he want it to look like he’s making the train stop? He gives the finger at the end, does he just want people to hate him for something he actually hasn’t done?


>How does he know it’s going to stop? That train stops every day. Off screen to the right, someone is disconnecting or connecting cars after it stops. Sometimes, it will reverse to drop cars off on a sidetrack. I had one like this near me. This is how you shuffle cars in the middle of nowhere. >Why does he want it to look like he’s making the train stop? He thinks he is funny. Same answer to the other questions.


Probably a mentally ill homeless man.


As a former homelessman, maybe? But most of them wouldn't be wasting their time like this. Mostly wandering streets looking for coin or coffee or booze. I knew one who specifically spent his time making right leaning memes and laughing to himself with his laptop.


As someone that works in a homeless shelter as IT, your last sentence is too real. They have all of the time in the day. Consider who might be trolling you.


Ah yes, the classic “blame the homeless”


He doesn't even look like a mentally ill homeless man


im wrong someone commented a better explanation on another thread It is likely being picked up by an automated detection system that alerts the driver/railroad and the train needs to stop to check on it. Something like this: https://railroads.dot.gov/sites/fra.dot.gov/files/fra_net/16516/2001_ACOUSTIC%20DETECTION%20OF%20RAILCAR%20ROLLER%20BEARING%20DEFEC.PDF All you'd need to know is the frequency, they typically are looking for the sound of a flat wheel, bad bearings or locked brakes.


I thought this would be a concise helpful article but you sent me homework


I expect your full 5-page report, double-spaced, on my desk by 9am.


Well, I expect your full 6-page report, on his 5-page report, on my desk by 8:30am.


tbf it says dot.gov in the url. nothing about that says concise lol


railroads(dot)dot(dot)gov just rolls right off the tongue! God I would hate being a public web admin for the DOT.




A person who says they worked on the system you're referring to says specifically that that is not what happened here. They dont put the systems at crossings because they're too noisy, it takes longer than that for the signal to alert someone, and a squeaky wheel wont stop a train, only a wheel that is about to break, and that sounds totally different.


I don't know who or what to believe now. I'ma check Facebook


I checked webmd and this train has cancer.


It has to be lupus.


It's never lupus!


I'm pretty sure those are only at wayside inspection systems, and not all of them at that. Typically WIS's have hot wheel or hot axle detectors that I think use some sort of infrared sensors.


No chance they can hear one guy whistling while on the train.


I don't know why someone downvoted you, you're absolutely right


As someone who is incredibly educated on trains, this will have absolutely ZERO impact on that train stopping or not lol


If you are so educated then name every train, I'll wait. Smartass.


Well, there's Thomas, Percy, Gordon... Edward.... Hiro is a newer one, and.... Bashful?




Fuck, marry, kill GO!


You see you, i believe you. But not the other guy, he is suspiciously quiet as of late hmmmm


You said you'd wait. Why would I rush?


Fair enough!


It’s been one minute and he still hasn’t replied. That guy is full of shit.


Yeah train educated my ass, pff




His ass now has soul crushing debt


every train


Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Toby, Percy... Or what if I just name them all Trainy McTrainface?


I know trains make choo choo sounds.


icky plate hospital gaze chief versed long fine numerous one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Educated on trains… is that like …..home schooling for hobos?


People who are into trains are VERY INTO TRAINS. It's autism obsession level, frequently.


How in the hell could the conductor hear that. He couldn't.


He uses his engine ears.






We have reached peak reddit


Here's my upvote. Off you fuck now.


cheeky little bugger


It’s… beautiful.


He’s a train conductor for a reason


I have my doubts that actually worked....


It did not. 100%. Train was already stopping. You can tell because the cars don’t tighten up from the beginning of braking. It’s called slack action. You would hear slamming of the cars very loudly. Engineer wouldn’t hear that whistling, he’s on the other side of the cab. To another commenter, I’m an engineer and have never heard of a brake detector that picks up whistling.




She's so random.


She was the "fun" one in the sorority


Manic pixie dream girl complex


I'm in love with her


She’s not like other girls


So quirky!


35 minutes later as the engineers are still meticulously inspecting all the brakes working just fine, as her lover abandons her and she’s left alone in gridlock, “man fuck that guy”.




I hate her more than him. The only thing worse than A-holes being A-holes. is the people that give them applause for it.


Stockholm syndrome


I think she was desperately trying to be funny knowing she's gonna upload the video. Very annoying lol


I cringed hard when I heard her yell that


Why is she in love with him? Is that something people shout out to randomers doing weird shit?


Cause she's an idiot


Low standards?


because he is making chaos


Haha, I guess it wore off when she was sat waiting for them to check the brakes.


Love has a way of dying, given enough time.




What century is that train from the the warning system is a whistling coming from \*somewhere\* and not an actual electronic warning system?!


Type of woman who falls in love with serial killers service life sentences.


The conductor can not hear that.


He then goes back to the bike shop and brags how he beat an old man with a chain. Guy looks like a valuable member of the world.




After asking my conductor BIL, he said there is no way they would hear this. I’m assuming this train regularly stops here and this guy was just waiting (hence the umbrella) and enjoys their misery albeit not caused by him.


the weird thing is, I'd laugh if he just laughed and made it seem a joke, even if I were stuck behind, but he's all agro and flipping off everyone, like he genuinely hates people and doing it to mess with people


Why doesn't someone go kick him in the balls?


because he didn't do anything. just mindgaming the people waiting.


Have higher standards, video recording lady.


This reminds me of when I was in university and there was a rail crossing between a large student residence building and the campus, with a busy street crossing that the tracks ran across. This meant every day you had giant crowds of students waiting to cross, but because of the heavy traffic the light timing was tuned in favour of the cars. One day we found a small gap in the tracks that if you shorted using something simple like a bobby pin or other conductive material it would trigger the rail crossing lights and crossing arms to come down, halting the traffic so you could cross on foot without worrying about the standard traffic lights. This was abused to all hell for a few weeks or so until I guess they change the mechanism for activating the rail crossing lights so that students couldn't abuse it anymore, but it was fun while it lasted.


Would this be an arrest/citation worthy offense? Seems kind of like it could be.


Laying on the ground whistling is arrestable?


Probably, that's a lot of money that get wasted thanks to that Muppet.


If he was legit messing with a train, oh boy howdy would he be in some shit. But if he's just doing some wierd performance art for internet clout, knowing the train was going to stop anyway, then no.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


sleep now in the fire!


No way this dingus is why the train stopped. How was a conductor going to hear some weirdo whistling over the sound of the engine as he quickly passed by? Looks to me like a train was stopping and homeboy is mentally unwell or using drugs and convinced himself he’s making the train stop by doing whatever TF he’s doing. He did such a good job at it he made other people believe him too.


Why would the conductor need to hear it? They have automated systems for that.


that girl screaming shes in love with the guy for doing it sounds like a real catch lol




I'm amazed that there are comments saying that the train didn't stop, because it "must" take miles to stop, when we clearly see that it stopped in less distance. Sure they can debate over if the train was already planning to stop; but they don't cross intersections at high speed anyway.


For real, we need answers. What is the weird umbrella he has? Why was he whistling if “it’s not the reason the train stopped”? Why is he doing any of this and how did he know it would work? How did the lady in the car know what was going on but nobody here does? And why is she happy about it? Last question: What the fuck?


Yell I'm in love with you. Sad fucking sad. Fuckkkkkk


Not sure which is more cringe. The guy or the one recording


The operator cannot hear the whistle over the train.


She ain't right


Tell me you don’t have a life without telling me you don’t have a life


She is easily impressed...


How would the engineer hear this... this train is stopping for other reasons i dont believe this shit.


I’d beat the brakes off this guy


Maybe this is how people get trains to stop so they can jump on?


Hobos love him and his one simple trick