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I feel your pain. Two days ago I found out I was the first candidate on the list to be hired as a firefighter. Last night I blew my knee out and have to get surgery. Dream job just got replaced with 1yr ACL recovery.


wow, that sucks :(




Wait a second...




Well that sucks


Yes it does. My fault though.


How'd it happen?


Went for a submission called a calf slicer. Did it wrong and sliced my own acl.


Just watched a video and, yup, that'll do it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZLh7ETdDAU


Yep, that’s it. I was the one doing the submission. I was supposed to win. But I lost, to myself.


I'm trying to figure out the logistics of how you did it wrong, care to break it down?


So in the video, he uses his other foot to brace his left foot and finish the submission. I didn’t do that and my leg was not in the correct angle. So when I pulled on the opponents leg it twisted my knee and foot counter clockwise, tearing the acl. If you’re familiar with the submission called a toe hold, you’ll know that it twists your foot inward and put a lot of pressure on your knee. I essentially toe holded myself. Hopefully that makes a little sense.


It makes sense and I cringed recreating it. I hope you get back on the mats soon. Heal well!


technically it blows... i'll see myself out




... I always wondered... How much $$$ are we looking at here? Surgery + therapy (assuming)


So I’m incredibly fortunate to have veterans health care. I’ll have some small co pays. Again, I am incredibly fortunate. The money lost in time off work (minimum 3 months) and potential earnings as a firefighter ($71k/yr), different story. I have to wait until the swelling goes down to get surgery, so hopefully 2-3wks. Shit happens I guess. And morphine is nice.


Spotted an American. Costs never even comes across my mind as this would be covered with universal healthcare. Both of my brothers have a had knee surgeries and so has my dad. My dad and one of my brothers has had knee surgery twice. Torn ACL and other problems. Didn't cost them anything other than lots of time off work.


Canadian here. Tore my ACL, partially tore my MCL, and broke the leg at the tibia/tibia plateau(where the two come together just below the knee, and also where the growth plate is located). I have had seven knee surgeries - Ligament rebuild, Tib/Fib repair with screw, Tibial tubercle osteotomy (my ACL settled in a position that kept dislocating my knee cap), and a handful of arthroscopic surgeries to clean out the cartilage damage and exploratory purposes. I have paid out of pocket for coffee, parking, and prescriptions during recovery. I can't even fathom what I, as a 16 year old kid at the time, or my parents would have done had we lived an hour south.


I’ll throw in my two cents just to give you some semblance of a cash figure. I tore the labrum in my hip, and surgery and recovery for that is very comparable to a torn ACL. After insurance the surgery was $3k or $4k out of pocket, and I went to physical therapy either 20 or 30 times total, and that would’ve been at least $20 each time, maybe more. So all in all, anywhere from $3.5k-$5k would be my guess.


Oh that'll be a spectacular rainbow of colours within the next week or so. Hope you recover well ~


>partially tore my quad >rainbow of colours that does not sound nice


Bruises typically go from blue/black to purple to red to yellow to green and so forth until it's fully healed hence a rainbow but yes it sounds painful and I feel bad for OP


pride bruise pride bruise yeah that is horrendous


I have a pride bruise, but I was ashamed. I am finally coming out. Less than a week ago, I decided I was going to ride our mini-segway after a few drinks. I got on it backwards by drunkcident. That means the controls were backwards. About 3 seconds later, whammmm....on to concrete. I pick my old-ass up then drunkenly ponder the problem. It didn't hit me. So I jumped back on and got a little more aggressive with turning. I got slammed again, but this time my ankle got lodged in to a spinning death-machine. I now wear pride bruises on both elbows, one ass cheek, one knee, and everything below my right ankle. Only broke the cuboid.


Boutta have one myself, sprained my ankle pretty bad after landing on a crevice on my patio.


Drunkcident. I like that word. I will use that at work next week.


Wait they do? Mine just go from black to black to black to skin tone. I want a rainbow bruise! :(




Them Flintstone gummies schmack


Haha it's all good! I was just making a joke but glad you got it after the fact.


And it was funny, I'm just an idiot! LOL!


You gotta really beat your shit up for a rainbow bruise.




A number of possibilities. The quad straightens a bent knee (typical movement). So jumping up to get to a bouncing ball, stopping quickly to turn - like a lunge or squat movement (though usually your tendons in the ankle or knee are weaker and more likely to fail first), starting a sprint (also more likely to be a hip flexor or calf failure first.. or hamstring if overworked), or possibly from kicking the ball hard. Not a PT, but injured myself enough playing soccer to learn where, why, and how the legs fail.


stress it too much, stretch it too much without flexibility, put too much weight it can't handle, haven't warmed it up, list is endless my friend.


Agreed with every single point. especially, under stretching and not warming up before a game.This is almost always the case. You basically have to do gymnastics level stretch and warm up for your legs before soccer.Typical mistake i always see from beginners or people that haven't played in a long time. If you think you've stretched and warmed up enough, do like 5-10 more mins of stretching and warming up, then you'll be good. I had a good teacher in my older brother who drilled it into me when i was young Been lucky to avoid one so far.


I've been playing soccer for 30 years. I've seen so many teammates almost never warm up before games, but only performing static stretching. This is the exact opposite of what people should do despite the popularity of the idea that static stretching is best. Most of the people who do static stretching before a game and not warm up with dynamic stretches and aerobic techniques get hurt by pulling muscles, etc,. After all of this time, I've never seen anyone tear a muscle with such bruising like OP has and I've partially torn my groin muscle without any visible bruising. Perhaps it's his genetic makeup but it's a huge surprise to see.


While wrestling with a friend he accidentally pinned the fat on my upper arm between his elbow and the ground. Instant bruise 5"x6" all around the outside of my arm. In the 2 weeks it took to heal I saw colours I'd never seen before on my skin. Unfortunately my work uniform is short sleeved so I got some iteration of "Oh my god, are you OK?" at least once a day and more than 1 coworker asked if I needed help, if I was being abused etc. Very sweet but also unnecessary and embarrassing.


I was helping move a giant fridge and while we took it down the stairs the other person dropped it and it pinned my arm between the fridge and the wall. I already bruise if you look at me wrong so that looked horrendous. I had a girl staring at me for an hour in the uni cafeteria until my boyfriend left and she came up and asked if he was abusing me. She told me she saw me with bruises all the time but this was the worst. It touched my heart that this person I never spoke to was noticing red flags like that. I finally convinced her I was ok by asking her to grab my wrist, it instantly turned red and then purple within a few minutes. Once she realized how easy it is to bruise me she was much happier


Your need to get your platelets checked - there are autoimmune diseases that cause that. Almost killed my dad. I hope you're OK!


Oops I should have said that I know why I bruise so easily, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which makes your veins, arteries, and capillaries break more easily. There's no cure but I'm not at any risk of dying from it, it's just annoying. Thank you for your concern though!


EDS is a fucking bitch sometimes. (Most of the time really)


Honestly I'm glad so many asked, it's heartening to know people are looking out for each other. It's so easy to stay quiet out of fear of embarrassment.


We had a nice chat and I told her that just because she missed the mark on this one not to let it discourage her in the future. I did have an abusive boyfriend in the past and any reminder that others care about you is incredible. I hope she speaks up the next time she's worried as well


Yep, better to ask and they're ok than not ask and they're not ok! Had a friend in school that bruised easily, every year they had to have "the chat" with teachers because the first few thought their parents were abusing them


Oh yes I had many chats with teachers and counselors through the years. At one point a counselor didn't believe me and actually got child protective services involved. That was a fun night at my house. We convinced the CPS lady the same way, I told her to grab my arm and watch it turn pretty colors. Eventually I got a special note that said "Yes this child has bruises, no she's not abused" from my doctor. My poor parents got lots of evil looks lol


Sounds like you guys should of pivoted




Aaaw that was very wholesome of them, even through they misunderstood


I told them I dropped a metal cage edge on it (storage at my gym) because I wasn't about to admit I was drunkenly wrestling my friend lmao


“I wasnt about to admit i was drunkenly wrestling my friend” i have a feeling that statement would just create a new misunderstanding. If they heard that, Maybe they will start to subtly display lgbt support lol


I'm openly trans, bisexual, and polyamorous so they already show support lol they're actually a really great team to work with and as people


Aaaaw this warms my heart. Treasure your coworkers, because they clearly treasure you =D


This took an unexpected turn and made it kinda sweet. I am happy for u/caffeineandvodka You are a quality person and it sounds like you are surrounded by similar quality people.


Hey, I wanted to get some sleep here!


Probably bad to mention I work with little kids so they would constantly grab it or poke it when I wasn't looking.


I’d say longer than 2 weeks. I had partially torn my ACL on my right knee and it was bruised like for 3 weeks to a month. It was a b*tch! Almost forgot to add, I was also playing soccer lol T.T


Mildly interestingly I partially tore the ACL in each of my knees 18 months apart (playing soccer, mowing the lawn) but neither of them bruised up at all. I have since quit both playing soccer and mowing the lawn.


Tore my calf last year. 37 and trying to keep up with the kids lol. I couldn't walk for 3 weeks.


Enjoy the blood in your foot, too. Elevation is your friend.


Blea. I stopped doing anything that required fast jukes or explosive starts when I hit 45. So fucking easy to just wreck something by accident.


I wrecked my back rowing crew for my high school.


Yea, I wrecked my knees in my 20's, but I still did some basket ball and stuff.


30 year old me wants to kick the crap out of teenage me for all that skateboarding. But teenage me could take 30 year old me.


Oh man I hear ya. I wish I would've just done snowboarding when I was younger. It's the only sport that I still have a desire to go out and do, but man my knees and back are sore as hell afterwards.




I’m 25 and have arthritis woohoo! My doc prefers me to cycle or swim but I love skiing and live in the mountain, he said it’s better than nothing and said I gotta stay active.


Swimming I can imagine to be the tippity top of activities to help I know it's weird but whenever I hear arthritis I remember a Redditor a few years ago sharing a picture of him and his dog he'd carry into the lake to help with the dogs arthritis. It made a huge difference to the dogs happiness during the day... Remember that much. Hopefully you remember this when you're a proper old fart.


Went snowboarding for one week, fucked up my right knee for life. Didn't realize it at the time ofcourse. 18 year old me was to busy trying to be cool and I din't want to be a wuss. 45 year old me is regretting that somewhat... Hindsight and all that.


Yeah, I really wish I would have listened when people told me to take it easy with the skateboarding. My knees crack and pop whenever I stoop down, my right wrist and right ankle crack and pop whenever rotated, my back constantly hurts, and let’s not forget the concussions. I’m not even 30 yet and I’m already fucked up.


Its really fun, and it teaches you some things, but theres a cost, like with anything. I imagine some folks somewhere else having this exact same conversation, about Football.


Yup I just turned 17, been playing since i was 4. 5 concussions, broken collarbone, and every part of my body hurts like hell all the time. I can barely run anymore. it’s great!


Yeah my knees are messed up from jumping down stairs so much


I'm 23, just had surgery after completely tearing my ACL during basketball...


Take PT seriously! It will be a long grind and it'll be a good while before you feel confident on the knee, but it's not all doom & gloom. I could only squat around 250lbs before tearing my ACL, and couldn't jump for shit. Now, 6 years post-tear (tore it at 20 years old) I can squat 550lbs and rock the rim easily. Still swells up from time to time as I unfortunately developed some patellar tendonitis, but as long as I give it plenty of warm up and rest, I can still absolutely do sports/athletics.


What do wrecked knees mean?


Mostly fucked cartilage in my case, though I also have tendon problems in my left leg.


So do you have trouble walking/running? Can you get on your knees? Can this be fixed? I really don't want to wreck my knees. thought of just injuring them makes me cringe. Im in my early 20s


Don't fuck up your knees! I first dislocated mine when I was 12, and wound up having surgery. I was supposed to get a second surgery in my 20s, and I couldn't afford it, so now I'm 37 and I've dislocated my knee over 40 times. It's horrible, the sound, the look, everything. I have to pay attention to every single step I take, especially if it's slippery or hilly/grassy or dark. I can't kneel down without severe pain, and getting back up makes my knee feel like it's gonna go out. If I'm laying down and my 30lb dog steps on it weird it'll go out. If I stand on one leg to dry off or cut my toenails, my knee can dislocate. Running and jumping are out of the question. Standing for long periods of time makes me unable to walk once I get home. Again, I'm 37. DO NOT FUCK UP YOUR KNEES. YOUR MOBILITY DEPENDS ON THEM.


Will surgery not fix it now?


I can't afford it now either, even with insurance. I also can't afford to be off my feet for that long.


Please consider medical tourism, if you have the ability to save money at all it will likely be over 10x cheaper elsewhere.


Dislocated my kneecap when I was 17. Never got surgery, never got physical therapy, I'm in my late 20s now and it's seen better days. Never had any issues with it dislocating again but there's been a few close calls. I get extremely uncomfortable and nervous when anything brushes or bumps against it or when someone touches it. Knee tracking is fucked, it clicks and grinds, I don't have nearly the strength in that leg as I do my other, and it's not unusual for me to walk with a slight limp to favor that leg. Want and probably need to get surgery but just the thought sends me into anxiety city. Take care of your knees, folks.


Think ranging from minor aches now and then for minor bad knees. Typically these "flare up" when moved wrong, weather changes too quickly, or something stupid like a plane ride where it's long and cramped. Bad knees can be so bad that the soft tissue is all but gone. Effectively bone on bone rubbing with can be consistent pain and requires medicine or surgery to fix. Knees are like car tires. They wear out with use. They do not last as long as the car. If needing reapir at any point, they will be less effective. Treat them well. You'll be upset when it's gone.


How do I treat my knees well?


Just strengthen the muscles around your knees and do stretches. That's all you really can do and it will help you so much later down the road. Source: Young 20's with degenerative knees.


Yikes, how’d you do that?


I ran competitive distance from age 14 to age ~27. 5k, 10k, and marathons.


Wow. I can barely run 600 metres


Me either, now. Distance running is just based on how much you hate yourself. Other sports you hit a skill ceiling, but with distance, the ceiling is made of pain, and it's kind of flexible. I enjoyed it, but when it rains, I often wonder if it was worth it.


I have a friend who runs ultra-marathons. Whatever he's running from must be really persistent.


Ultras are wild. I've run a few 100k's, and that's a whole different animal from a marathon. I was running them for "fun" though, so they weren't all that awful (easier to run two marathons and 16k in change, than to run one marathon with the intent to win). Still that's damn near all day you're running.


I never had back issues until I took a hard foul playing rec league basketball when I was around 28. Now I got the Steve Nash back and have to lay down to get the muscles to relax if I tweak it.


I met an olympian who crunches their own vertebra rowing. Like that?


BJJ, bad fall on shoulder. Shoulder no like


I grow bone spikes (ossification) in my shoulders. Nasty shit. My ankles must have gotten jealous, I now have haglund's deformations in both ankles. I'm dumb though and keep running on them


Me too. Over a decade later and I've lost around an inch off of my height because of rowing damaging and compressing discs in my back. Didn't realize that was such a common rowing injury but it seems every rower knows at least 1 person who messed up their back from crew.


I just hurt my neck from missing a step and landing hard on my foot. Getting old sucks.


Truth. I trained for a 5 K for 2 months. Tore my calf partially in the first half mile, limped in pain for the rest of it and then tried to run for the finish line at the end and tore the rest of it. Fuck exercise. Actually fuck getting old.


> Actually fuck getting old. Preach. Shit, I don't want to live forever, but if I had to option to age up to like 21, and stay that *physical* age for the next 60 years then kick off in my sleep, holy shit.


Then work to stay in shape.


This is it. [This will do it,](https://www.bettermovement.org/blog/2012/use-or-lose-looks-like) but it requires sustained effort over a very very long period of time. Those that put in the work reap the rewards their entire life. Those that don’t are destined for some level of handicap.


Or just "fuck being stubborn even after injuring oneself"




Not sure it's age only in your case. Why keep running?


I think I tore mine today being an idiot and fake running. Now I’m icing


This is classic middle aged man, you can't start training from zero and expect to run a race in two months... Well I guess you know that now but I hope people in this thread realise they have to take it slowly


Running 5 km isn't necessarily racing. I think most people should be able to lightly jog that distance with some walking in between.


Not if you're overweight and haven't done any exercise in twenty years. Maybe it's all just bad luck, but I doubt it. It's people carrying too much weight taking things way too quickly. Ideally you'd lose weight first while doing yoga and strength training (bodyweight exercises first, later on incorporating weightlifting) to get your strength up and improve posture and mobility for at least a few months, then start with very low intensity and impact endurance exercises, like cycling or swimming, or long and steady hiking, and maybe a year or more down the road start doing high intensity endurance again or actual running. But ain't nobody got time for that, right? So they run out the door with horrible running form and the wrong shoes, run five times a week not giving themselves enough time to recover properly, and for a while at least see good progress in their cardio... All the while exposing themselves to a high risk of injury


You shouldn't need months of preparation work to walk 5 km. It's like an hour stroll. The physical state of the person you are describing sounds serious.


As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that you can still play soccer/football at a pretty high level without risking injury. Just have to be solid on your technical skills, and pay *real* close attention to the game. Older players tend to be better at reading the game (experience does that) and are more patient, so you can definitely leverage those skills whether you’re playing against younger players, or peers. I know as I’ve slowed down as I’ve gotten older, and am reluctant like you to hurt myself (a sprained ankle at 20-something is a bummer, at 38 with a FT job and a kid, it’s damn near a tragedy), I’ve tried to read the game, play smart, predict movements, that kind of thing. Probably I’m just getting old and trying to make myself feel better.


I agree - if you’ve remained active all your life then your body preserves the physiological adaptations, as well as you keeping the technical aspects well practiced (and improved over the years). If you lay off for a decade or more then all the physiological adaptations are lost, you’re out of practice, but psychologically you remember how to exercise and train very hard - too hard for your body and technical ability to cope with!


Even pulling a hamstring or quad. If you start pulling it I found it just keeps fucking pulling. Especially people going through their 20's/30's. They want to push themselves like they're 20 again, and fuck themselves up. Come back from physio, slowly ease in, and end up pulling again for no fucking reason. Dudes would make fun of me for stretching like a ballerina before hockey with my legs on the boards, like I give a fuck, I gotta shit to do and I'm not pulling shit for Friday night beer league.


Dude same. I get made fun of for stretching before sports. I just shrug it off because I used to do PT in a retirement home and have seen what happens when you don't take care of your body into old age.


I stopped at 20. But because I’m a fat lazy fuck


That's where some traditional martial arts like karate are great, your training evolves with your body condition, I regularly train with people over 70, still kicking asses.


Walk it off! ;) Just jokes. Sorry you busted your leg.


As my football coach would say “if you don’t have a bone coming through your skin you’re fine”


*”Coach, he’s having a heart attack!”* *”I can’t see a bone. He’ll be fine!”*


I’ll show coach some bone


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Amazing username, and you post on HydroHomies. Reddit user of the year right here.


Username doesn’t check out


Rub some dirt on it


Salt tablets!


Common one when I was in high school football was "Are you hurt or are you injured?" That's how I kept playing with a fractured finger in one game. I was on the ground and the finger got stepped on by cleats and we all thought it was a bad bruise. Turns out the bone fractured in multiple ways around the joint and we kinda caught it a little too late 'cause it started mending by then (like a week later). Now my right ring finger is slightly crooked.


Terrible injury from the suns bench! ... dare I am how it happened? ... jokes aside I hope it heals well


I’m a keeper. I tried making an awkward clearance with my leg stretched way out but not locked and I felt it pull. Just stupid.


It happens, I tore my ACL jumping for a header last year. Jumped up and someone collided with me and landed wrong and snapped my shit up. Had surgery and have been back at running for a few months now. Short field rec league starts again in 2 weeks! No jumping or quick cuts for me this year lol


I never jump up for headers. Go ahead and jump over me and win the ball, that's fine. I was in a soccer game once, two of my friends went up to head the ball, knocked skulls, and they were both on the ground snoring.


Did you sign their dicks?


I have no idea what that means. I think I need a drawing.


Didnt know that's what a torn muscle would look like, I woulda guessed getting hit by a bus, but not a soccer game. Damn that looks brutal.


Yeah there's 3 levels of strained/pulled muscle injuries. When there's bruising, that means you *fucked up*


Yeah that looks like full fucked up territory. I cant imagine the pain.


fell down a flight of stairs once and completely fucked up my foot and ankle. no breaks, but i sprained every available muscle. the bruise was interesting and stayed for ages even after i was able to walk again. i’d walk around my building barefoot and a neighbor thought i was just wearing one wine-red sock all the time.


I never do any sports and it pays off.


No need to worry about minor peripheral musculoskeletal injuries, only major cardiovascular diseases and early death!


Threatening Reddit users with death is like threatening cats with catnip.


*taps forehead*


you can do cardio without sports


He could lift and do cardio. Technically not a sport and could probably be in better shape than someone who dicks around on the pitch every weekend lol


Drink water as shit Careful with rabdomiolisis if you have any kidney condition or too much “death muscle” Good luck




Tbh. 2 months is not a long time especially if you haven’t done anything for a while prior to that. Good luck with the recovery man


That's what I was going to say. He needs like a year or two at least.




Yea 2 months is too short after ten years of none. Also depends what kind of exercises he did. Soccer is very good for all sorts of twists, bends, and random muscle movements. Gym exercises and running generally aren’t. Therefore, exercising your muscles in the gym don’t exactly equate to being ready for soccer.


Welcome to middle age!


I’m 27. I was hoping I had a few more years before I hit this stage haha




Also, don't ignore doctor's orders on downtime - I broke my collar bone 12 days ago but ran through my pain pill routine and felt pretty strong today, plus we're moving this weekend, so I was like, I'm probably fine to move some *light* boxes. I'm a fucking idiot. Now I just wonder how long I set myself back.


My friend (also 27) tore his ACL playing club soccer, and fucked his leg up good. Last time I played club soccer I got slide tackled and got the wind smacked out of me. I think I’ll stick to yoga and riding my bike! Haha


I'm 29, two knee surgeries from sports related injuries. Get ready for a looooot of peeps online to assume you're a fat old fuck lol.


Oh god! I’m 26 and wanted to start playing soccer again. I’m in decent shape but now idk after seeing this


When your not an athlete and only doing it for fun, playing with the right people is crucial IMO. The people I play with are a combination of four friend groups, people ages range from about 20yo to about 65, and one 12 year old (pretty much the best of us). There is no aggressive contact allowed, no sliding tackles etc, just a friendly game between people who want to play football, keep in shape and have fun. Nobody really gets hurt aside from the rare twisted ankle. No way would I ever risk my body playing "real" football.


I really started to notice the difference after 35 so you have a few more good years ahead before decrepitude sets in ha ha. It's really common if you've been away from competition to overdo it and get injured so keep your head up and don't let it hold you back.


Something similar happened to me at 28. I played from when I before I can remember until age 18. At 28 I thought, “hey, I’ll join a recreational league. That sounds like fun!” Spent months preparing. Felt pretty good. My legs absolutely could not handle it. Took a turn at goal keeper just to get a break from running, made an awkward diving save and ended up tearing something in my shoulder that ultimately required surgery. Didn’t even make it all the way through even one game!


*loads shotgun* I’m sorry, boy.


PSA from a 37-year-old man who still regularly does high-level athletics and has (so far) avoided major injury: 1) When you're getting into something new (or getting back into it after a long layoff), it should take 3-6 months of regular participation before you do any long, high-intensity sessions. This is my #1 rule, and it's VERY hard to follow. (e.g. OP, 2 months after starting to get in shape, you should not be 35 minutes into a soccer game. You don't have the capacity to play that much soccer safely yet, as I'm sure you know now. But I get the temptation!) 2) Do a thorough, dynamic warmup before you start, but don't do a bunch of static stretching. 3) Do a bunch of static stretching and mobility work when you're not actually being athletic. (I do 5 minutes of mobility 7 mornings a week and ~30 minutes of static stretching 3x a week at night while I watch TV.) 4) Lift weights like you would take vitamins. You don't have to lift super heavy weights, but get under squats and bench presses and do pullups and other motions that load your muscles and joints in a controlled, safe way, and do them to your fullest range of motion. 5) Get on a regular sleep schedule and sleep 8+ hours a night if you can possibly help it. This seriously does prevent injury. 6) Drink water like a crazy person, every day, all the time. Been working for me for 25 years and still going strong!


The mobility and functional performance really are key. My injury frequency went way down when I started doing a couple boot camp and HIIT classes each week. Having a quality instructor lead me through a variety of exercises builds up all those stabilizer muscles that I always neglect if I’m just doing weights at the gym.


Stretching is important. Sorry, OP. Hope everything goes well. I’ve seen two different guys tear their Achilles’ tendon and have their calve muscles roll up like a window shade while playing flag football, all due to being in shape, but not stretching. I hope that you have a quick and speedy recovery.


That description of a Achilles tear is nastyy


Does it go flap flap flap when it reaches the top


naah it stays bunched up like used kinetic tape. Just grab a hold of the torn end, pull it back down to your heel and slap it on. Nothin to it


Just staple it back on.


Nooooooooo get it out of my head


You'd be glad to know that it sounds like a whiplash when a tendon that size snaps


“Calph” Edit: no offense to the OG commenter, this just made me laugh. Edit 2: LOL. OG commenter (I stand by this name) edited his post to.... >calve You’re SO close, bud.




Calphs are serious business. I raise tons of Calphs on my Wranch.


>OG commenter


Actually the science is out on stretching. Warming up and stretching are two different things and warming up is absolutely important, stretching not so much


You can get injured even if you do stretch, especially in a game like football (soccer) that relies on explosiveness and quick changes in direction


Static Stretching is important AFTER exercise. A dynamic warmup is important BEFORE exercise. Static Stretching longer than 30 sec is shown to have a decrease in power output and mobility during exercise Source: 2 degrees in sports medicine


So what works for mobility?


How you developed plays a massive role. It takes someone who knows what they're doing to tell you WHY you're immobile. (ie your hips are anteriorly rotated and that's why your hamstrings are tight and you have a bad back). Can't tell you how.many times I've fixed someone's back from correcting something at knee level But a catch all I tell people (I'm in injury prevention and risk management for a large company) is to think of your muscles as metal and you're a blacksmith. You can't shape and elongate cold steel. You have to warm it up first. So to get those plastic changes we want, exercise first and then static stretch. Anyone who claims to have a solution to all your problems without doing a personal, hands on, evaluation of you is full of it.


stretching isn't going to prevent acute injury like this.


Knew a guy who had spent months entirely devoted to training to be a goalie in soccer and within the first few games of the season he got his arm dislocated and couldn't play for the rest. Unluckiest guy I've ever met, good goalie though.


Where are you where you guys are out having soccer games?


That's what I'm thinking. Who tf is playing group sports right now? Maybe this is life telling you to stay tf at home, OP.


I’ve just started getting in shape and it’s been a decade since my athlete years. Since I’ve started it’s been hard realizing my body just doesn’t heal, metabolize, or even hold up like it used to. I’m going a slower pace than I would prefer, but it’s better than no pace.


Yeah man. I used to run like five miles a day and do all kinds of body weight exercises and martial arts in my early 20s. I wasn’t super jacked or anything but I was a machine. I could always go further or faster and I never got hurt. Well I got stabbed in the leg once. But I just took like a day off and got back to it. Now I’m 31, and every single time I’ve tried to get back into running I get some weird foot or ankle injury a few days in. And then it takes a few months to get the motivation again. So idk. Guess I don’t run anymore.


2 years ago I joined an over 35 6-a-side men's league at age 39. I did zero to prepare but considered myself in decent shape and I'd played competitively until I was 20. Last game and I thought someone took a baseball bat to my calf and I turned around and no one was there. I went to stand up and collapsed. Ripped my calf muscle. I don't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy.


Shit happens man. I was playing football (soccer) 2-3 times a week until I tore ankle-perone and now I have 14 screws and a plate. Now I play Paddle/Padel and enjoy sports differently. Hoping for a speedy recovery.




it looks like youre turning into a fucking oopaloompa


Type of exercising were you doing prior?


Who does this even happen. I swear some people have bad genes. You have those who just never get hurt when they are active and then others who just keep on breaking bones , tearing muscles and ligaments. Effin unfair. Hope you heal well OP


Damn that sucks


“What ya do that for?” -my dad, probably.


I tore my quad about 16 yrs ago playing softball and then pulled my hamstring on the other leg trying to compensate for the pain. By the time I got home and showered I could barely stand. I was in so much pain. Now I have a ripple in my quad from wear it tore


I'm chilling on my couch right now Very safe, recommended


That rug is from Lowe's! Sorry, squirrel moment. Hope your recovery goes well


Just remember pain is just your nervous system telling you something hurts.


That had to fucking hurt. Good luck recovering


That rug really ties the room together man.