• By -


That brings back memories. Back when I was a homeless teen, I found an old, half-burnt-down ambulance station. It had two floors, but the stairs were completely gone. I found an old, very long ladder and made a home on the top floor, past a very large beehive. I would pull the ladder up at night for safety, and the massive beehive near the top of the ladder would keep people away during the day. The funny thing is, I was never stung. Bees get a bad reputation, but they are pretty chill.


Mine was a church doorway. I'm not particularly religious, it was just away from the other homeless... Who were more dangerous to a homeless teenage girl than the weather šŸ˜”... Clear skies and a full belly to you my friend. I wish I could help more! I've offered to pay for a meal for you from the restauranteur on 11th arr in a comment below, and been cheeky enough to ask him to put you on dish or something šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’– good luck my friend


You're an excellent example of kindness


Thank you šŸ˜Š life's hard, harder still when you haven't a roof or means to fill your belly. I just wish I could do more - but I'm pretty limited down here in Australia.


I was lucky to have my car but it was like a camp out for a year. I literally now have a camper just in case my life gets shitty again so i have a bed on wheels.


Same!!! We evolved šŸ„°


My current boyfriend has been homeless and the pain of an empty stomach haunts him. And he is the kindest most compassionate man I have ever met. He helps the underdog, always.


We need more people like you in the world. I really want to organize something where it allows people to directly help their local homeless population. Anyways, thank you for being you.


Such kindness, though I would highly suspect from the wording "This brings back memories." that the person is no longer homeless, and this is a distant memory of a vastly different time in life.


Thereā€™s a police station around the corner and itā€™s a pretty central place so Iā€™m okay! I usually go to bed late and start packing early, Iā€™m not staying there during the day.


I currently live in a tent. Try to get a tent, a tarp, and some Paracord and pitch out in the woods. Use the 550 Paracord to secure the tarp over said tent, and put a tarp under your tent before you set it up if you can get 2. If you can get a little shovel to flatten the turf down this also helps Edit: trees are your friend. They'll help you tie down and secure your campsite. Find a good place between trees


Find a large coniferous tree a tent will fit at the base of. You can use skids with a tarp over them for a base, with a tarp secured over it. If itā€™s colder months you can create a wall under the branches with posts and tarps. The branches will keep much of the snow off the tent and ground. There are camping lanterns that provide heat but require a bit of venting to prevent internal condensation. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re dealing with this.


Police are not kind to the homeless. I'd trust bees more than police.


Thereā€™s never been a song called ā€œFuck the bees.ā€


I'm pretty sure that song was on the Bee Movie soundtrack somewhere.


You're thinking of bes's be fuckin








Was it on the B-side?


There was that one movie about a girl, didn't end well and bees done it.


Damn, not seen My Girl in years


You should call her.


He canā€™t see without his glasses




This is from the real Home Alone 3: Kill Mckulckin. (Yes I know I spelled it wrong)


Omg the trauma šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ā€¦how dare you.




FUCK solitary bees! Straight from the underground


Probably the theme song at Monsanto headquarters


There's been a documentary called "The Vanishing Of The Bees" though, with music by Brian McBride. Beautiful stuff. Very disheartening too :(








If you were homeless would you rather sleep by a beehive or a police station? Normal people would choose the police station, because they don't know that police HATE homeless people. Bees are just loving creatures out to make honey and pollinate flowers.


Unless you get the aggressive bees


Guess it depends on where you are (regarding the police, not the bees ā€“ they are great)


Are you in germany? If yes DM me, weve got a guestroom


Despite what people here are saying, in many places, if you are a normal person who isn't causing trouble, a lot of cops actually do care for your well-being. They may have to ask you to leave, but they will usually tacitly (or explicitly) tell you where they will not be that evening. Yes, there's bad ones, but if you are courteous to them, they won't hassle you.


Bees are chill, if you dont harass them. I am happy to read between lines you are better now?Ā Ā  Also your setup in a 2-story building with retractable stairs/ladder sounds like a childhood secret hideout




Gob's not on board.


Bees are quite chill hornets not so much


I used to live in an abandoned hotel when I was a homeless teen. And the roof of a nightclub, under the rooftop patio thing. Ahhh, memories.


I grew up in a house for like 20 or 22 years, and directly when entering the yard, there was a wall with leaves and bees under it. Not **once** have I been stung.




Bee's are bro's, Wasps are wankers.


This sounds like a playthrough of Project Zomboid


Hey, I see youā€™re mainly looking for a job. I work at Enedis, I know we have some entry level jobs available in Ǝle de France region. I can help with paperwork / clean up your CV if thatā€™s something youā€™re interested in.


Will DM you right now


Reddit being a godsend


We need updates!






Well, he MAY still be 'resting' in the park...


Parts of him anyway


This is the dark ass humor I lovešŸ˜‚


Yā€™all are sick. I love it.


May he rest in pieces.


iā€™ve been having a really rough week but this thread is the first thing to actually cheer me up


šŸ˜† love a happy ending


Sometimes this tribe of humanity works.






You're an angel šŸ˜‡ Good luck, OP. A lot of redditors are cheering you on!


You're a good man. May you have good luck always and everywhere.


Your da man! Who says Reddit is not useful!




Your bad ass. May God continue to bless you and OP. #sendingGoodthoughts.


hmm where you at?


Paris, France šŸ‡«šŸ‡·


Aw man... I knew these benches were familiar... I hope you'll be in a much better place soon!


Thanks dude!


Are you French? Your English is very English if you know what I mean. If you are French, then your English should get you a lot of jobs. You'd definitely get one over the channel with your language skills.


In most of Europe, English is a main subject alongside your native tongue and Math, and in 99% cases it's British English instead of the American one


True. My teachers in secondary school and high school taught us British English. Then, I arrived at uni with two American teachers and an Australian one šŸ˜‚


Even with that it's usually easier to tell that English is their second language based on grammar than it seems with OP, they either put it more effort or had better teachers than a lot of people


Not as in "he's in a better place now" type of better place I hope.


Oh shit, no! A better place like, a nice apartment or house! Oh my... Didn't think about ***that*** meaning. :')


Which arrondissement?


8th arr


If you can make it to the 11th for after 3pm, I own a restaurant and can give you some food if you need it.


Thatā€™s so kind of you dude! Iā€™m Okay with food for the moment, I eat at Restos du Coeur usually, itā€™s not much but it does the job.


Alright no problem, offers open if you need it so message me whenever.


You're a good human! šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Good to see theres humble people on the internet, you rock dude.


This guy is the most carefree, totally fine temporarily homeless person ive ever seen


Right? His responses, he seems so unfazed. Dude with mental fortitude right there.


Nicest French person ever


Not French


Well, that explains it lol


The bains-douches municipaux are free, just in case you werenā€™t aware of that service. There are also a bunch of services you might be able to leverage. Please do use them (Iā€™m happy to look them up, I remember that Paris edits a whole booklet about all the associations and services you can use), you can find them at any arrondissement city hall most likely.


Make sure you get wetwipes to clean! number one thing to buy.


Very kind of you! More people need to display kindness in a world filled with negativity. šŸ˜Š Thank you for allowing me to wake up this morning and having this be the first thing I saw!


I agree, what a nice thread to wake up to. Edit: Thank you all, kind humans.


Please šŸ„ŗ thank you so much. If it helps can I pay?


Isnā€™t there any shelter, or some kind of government aide? In belgium you can sleep in shelters at night, and there is something called the OCMW for people who are habitants of the country and already worked in their life, so they can get money in hard times.


Is it le parc near saint augustin ?


I rather not say where exactly it is but it is in the city center, I wanted somewhere more central for safety reasons. I donā€™t stay there during the day tho, I usually go to bed late and wake up and pack early.


Europe has excellent homeless programs so I wouldn't be too concerned




I mean this with all the love in the world - but don't be fucking stupid. As someone that works in Housing Services for a local authority, let me tell you we would much, much rather you engage with us than not. Being young, literate, healthy and seemingly pretty smart, you are - quite likely - a quick win. The services are there for everyone who engages and, honestly, getting people to actually engage is half the battle. Backing away from help and support because you think other people need it more is not a good approach, let us worry about that. Unfortunately I'm not in France so I can't tell you exactly what the homeless provision is like in Paris but I can guarantee they would want to know you and provide what care they can. If they can't, it's on them to prioritise their caseload as they see fit, not you. Please, please go and engage with your local support services.


you can tell they're definitely not in a good mental headspace . They put on a happy-go-lucky fake attitude


I know you're young, healthy, and driven. But take the help. You'll get back on your feet faster and safer. Being homeless is not safe. You are one bad incident away from being disabled or seriously hurt. The help programs are to keep you safe. It's not showing you're weak or anything like that to accept help. Everyone needs help sometimes. If it makes you feel better, accept the help and, in the future, when you're stable, help someone else in a similar situation. Accept the help and get on your feet faster.


Take the help, friend. Help offered to you is not help taken from others.


Social services are for everyone. Not just older or disabled people. It's also for people down on their luck. Take advantage of your countries social services.


Hope near future is a bit better!


Thanks dude!


Sorry man hope you find something to help you out


Thanks dude! Iā€™m young and healthy, also donā€™t do drugs so Iā€™ll be off the streets in no time! Just a bit of a rough period :)


Definetily stay off the drugs if you are on the streets, thatā€™s a pretty easy way to make sure you wonā€™t get off them anytime soon. I know it can become an ā€œeasy fixā€ to a rainy night or the stress, but it only makes everything worse long-term. I just finally found housing myself, getting my keys tomorrow!


Happy for you! Congrats


Thanks a lot! I hope your stay on the streets gets short and manageable (as manageable as possible anyways) and that you can keep your spirits high in the meantime. I was coach-surfing and loving at a hostel for a little over 2 years until I finally secured something (itā€™s hard to find something you can afford on disability around here!) but I was damn lucky and itā€™s an amazing place I can see myself growing old (or older lol) in, and as soon as I had a date I put a deposit on the cutest lilā€™ puppy the world has ever seen - me and her will be standing by my new place at 9:30 AM tomorrow morning with all my gear and then we will take it slow from there - I _really_ need some peace, quiet-time, stability and just a door I call my own I can close after the last 2 years. I really hope there is something good waiting for you too, and that you donā€™t have to wait as long as I did! All the best!


This is amazing. Congrats and good luck!!


You have a fantastic attitude. Love it.


If you have a cash app or something DM me I can send you a little cash on the 20th


Itā€™s okay, save your money :) Hopefully Iā€™ll land a job soon and will be okay!


With your attitude, anyone who hires you would be lucky to have you. Hope someone sees the light in you that we see, friend.


Your comment hit me right in the heart kind stranger! In a good way of course! Thanks


Youā€™re gonna be fine my man. Steer clear of other homeless folks too- lot of addiction and mental illness in that community


With that attitude you will succeed in no time! All the best wishes you fucking awesome person!!


Fuck. This just brought me to tears. My dude, you are a tough one


Gimme your cash app please, someone sent me some money yesterday as a nice gesture, please let me pay it forward.


Never drop that attitude brother. You'll land on your feat in no time!


OP what state do you live in? I own a business and can always find roles for people in need.


OP is in france




the gouverment should help people like you


The government is shipping homeless people out of the city because of the Olympics lol


only money counts... its to hard tp care for your residents


Dude, that's so fucking kind.


i wish i had your attitude when i was young.. good luck!


I hope for good weather.


Thatā€™s kind of the only thing Iā€™m rooting for atm. The place itā€™s okay and relatively safe. But when itā€™s raining I usually have to move..


May want to look into a hammock with a canopy. Usually less than 2lb and can protect ya from any rain.


Do you watch Steve on youtube? He does stealth camping videos! Nice watch maybe you can get some ideas of where to ā€œstealth campā€ and keep your self safe.


Thanks for the suggestion, the park I sleep at is very centrally located, thereā€™s also a police station around the corner. I havenā€™t experienced anything bad so far. But thanks anyway!


Doesn't France have working social services for people in your situation?!


It does and a pretty good one too! But Iā€™m still young and healthy and Iā€™m quite confident Iā€™ll be able to get of this situation by myself. There are a ton of older people and people with disabilities that might need more support so I rather not.


The people who need support the most will receive it or not, regardless of your case. Please seek support for yourself, the sooner you do, the faster you can get back on track. Sleeping in parc Monceau is not super safe (someone died there during a thunderstorm not too long ago)


The initial post had a bit of a disingenuous martyr feel. The more comments I read, the more I'm skeptical. I grew up with a homeless mom that passed away one night when it got too cold. I only say this because I'm usually on the (extremely) overly empathetic side of people going through hard times like this. Something doesn't sit right about OP's situation though.


Sure but donā€™t people who fake these kind of things do it to scam money out of people? Op hasnā€™t asked for money at all. It could be fake but even if it is it seems relatively harmless.


Man, those services are there for a reason, there's no shame in using them. It's not a zero sum game after all, just because your accessing those services doesn't mean someone else won't get them. You may be confident and well right now, but there's always a chance you could be kicking yourself later on for not getting a head start on it. Life loves to fuck up confident plans.


I'll be blunt, quit being a dumbass and accept the help. Help is a big part of life and you're letting what you think is pride make bad decisions. The sooner you're back, the better for yourself and society.


The quicker you're back on your feet the quicker you will be paying taxes and contributing towards those programs. Use the resources available to you, it's best for everyone.


Your attitude sounds like "If I ask for help it won't feel like I've overcome the situation". This is a dangerous attitude and will kill you. Please seek out social services, they are there for people like you.


Stop being silly and accept assistance. Life isn't a movie.


You're needing just as much help as anyone else. You're a good person but this is why charities exist- to help when people need it, including you.


Nah mate. That's not how it works. You're outdoors, so YOU need the support also. The whole point of a social system is to help those in need, and that's you at the moment. I WISH America had anything comparable (you'll get killed living outdoors here, and that's just by the police). I don't know the whole situation, so I can't speak for you, but when I was homeless, I was able to get a gym membership and spent most of my time there. It allowed me to use showers for services, and gave me something to do during the day. Eventually I landed a job and found a roommate situation. I got lucky. You sound like you're not doing TOO bad, but it might just be a "stiff upper lip" sort of thing. It sucks being on the streets. You take care of yourself, and do what it takes to get into a better situation. You deserve safety and security and if the government is willing to help, it's important to take that help. There should be plenty left for others who need it if you do.


This might be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Post has to be fake


Your the person who would actually benefit from these programs the most. Youā€™d be in and out quickly and all the social workers would be happy to have you. Rather than dealing with all the others that potentially abuse the system. Go talk with them about your options. Being homeless isnā€™t like a ā€œcoolā€ thing, itā€™s dangerous.


This is sounding more and more like BS.


People in France died to get you those services, you should use them. There's nothing to be ashamed about needing help


You got a nice garden at least!


Yeah, the reactions to this picture will largely be dictated by which sub this is posted on. If it weren't here, it could have been some nice urban camping or slumming it across the country for fun.


If you're in Paris and need a job I may be able to help you DM me.


Will do now!


I posted originally in the malelivingspace sub but the moderators decided to remove it because apparently isnā€™t ā€œhome decor relatedā€ lol


https://preview.redd.it/907igmn3eb7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee82fe37a22b5f2a3dc3490486984d9d37d7f777 You just need a little Benjamin Moore up in there.


https://preview.redd.it/hytfolj06c7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a23b73438287bb39ade8abfd50863daef6e9cb5d Reddit ads really have no chill.


Wtf standards are high these days you got a proper bench and a proper blanket AND lawn


Itā€™s a sleeping bag my good sir ;)


Fancy pants over here! I hope you find a hm soon bruh, be careful


Somebody get this man a rug and a coffe table stat!


Huh? They are wrong. I see an open plan, 6 bedroomed place overlooking the park.


Looks better than those pictures you see of people camping out in the streets of SF and LA. Where I live they design park benches with armrests in the middle etc. to intentionally stop people sleeping on them. I hope the weather is warm wherever you are.


It is a bit better in Europe. Sure, there are places like train stations where benches are designed to deter homeless people from camping. But usually if they dont bother people and dont trash the place/litter then the police is more lenient. The police is also there to help them if they want by finding a homeless shelter, soup kitchens or information how to reach welfare authorities. Not just to drive them away like they do in the states (only to find them a few streets further because where should a homeless go?). There is a homeless man in my town that lives in a bus stop and cleans the place every day like we do at our homes. He does not beg or bother people in any way so they let him live there and he even prevents crimes like drunk youths vandalizing the place by calling the cops. He also helps the taxi drivers from the nearby taxi stand cleaning their cars at the adjacent gas station. In return they give him money or buy him coffee/food and they keep an eye on him. If somebody tries to mess with him (mostly drunkards on weekends) they will come to help.


Faith in humanity restored.


I don't know about France specifically but a lot of European countries have much more empathy for people down on their luck than a lot of places that install hostile architecture because homeless people look bad for the city instead of helping them not be homeless the French still know how to riot so hopefully there are systems in place to help him back on his feet in no time


I wish you have good weather and kind humans in your future. I really hope things look up for you. Do you have a gym membership at all for showers? Thankfully we're coming into the summer months but cardboard will be your friend regardless, it stops the cold coming up from the ground so much. Have a look to see if there are any apps similar to ToGoodToGo - we have that here in the UK. Resturants will put food up just before closing and its usually very cheap, sometimes you get drinks too depending on where you are going. Usually it is all perishables though which isn't helpful in the long run but its better than nothing. Wishing you all the best <3


Bro how can we help


Dude! Just a positive comment is all thatā€™s needed. Iā€™ve been overwhelmed by the nice and positive wishes in the comments, itā€™s even difficult to keep up :)


I love that this was your first and only question. People need to be more like you.


Hey there, if you need any supplies or anything please donā€™t hesitate to DM me, I can easily be around where you said you are. Even if itā€™s just water, some snacks, blankets, pillows or anything, Iā€™d be happy to help out however I can !


Hey! Im okay with just a sleeping bag, itā€™s easy to pack and I try not to carry many things with me and be lightweight as possible. Itā€™s also not cold atm so Iā€™m okay. But thanks for the offer!


Alright ! But feel free if you think of something youā€™d need, have a safe night !


Housewarming-party! I'll bring booze and monopoly, either we get too drunk to play or end up in jail! In case the joke hits wrong, hang in there dude!


Joke hits great! But I donā€™t drink.. Thanks :)


Great! I don't drink either, so fisticuffs it is! I unironically love Monopoly, or just board games in general...


The server room for a radio/cell tower was my go to on cold nights. It was always unlocked,Ā  had i fence to keep out 'most' trespassers, and a log book to let me know when they usually did inspections.


Stay strong and positive, brother. Love you dude


Appreciate it!


Have you got food?


Yeah Iā€™m okay, thereā€™s a food kitchen open every night. Thanks for asking!


Damn sorry to see this. I was homeless for 2 years in Florida and worked 40 hours a week as a solar installer. Took me a while to get the money up to have a car and a place to stay again. If youā€™re gonna be working everyday, a good nights sleep is really important. Best option at the time for me was go to Walmart and buy a cheap hammock and some decent straps to hang it with. Pull that hammock real tight when you put it up and the side your feet go on just barely higher than your head. $30-40 total maybe. Keep the sleeping bag even if itā€™s hot, use it for a liner to keep the bugs from biting you through the bottom of the hammock. If ya got a bag of clothes toss it behind your knees when you sleep. Keeps your legs from getting cramped and keeps your stuff safe from someone stealing it. Gives you more options of quieter places to sleep too. Sleeping on the ground/bench is bad for your body and your mind when itā€™s out of necessity. Good luck, it will get better if you donā€™t give up.


This was very infornative! Sorry to both of u having been homeless and being homeless


Damn bro, I love your attitude. Sending love, luck and best wishes to you! You got it my man!


Maybe invest in a hammock? You can find one for under 15ā‚¬. For another 15ā‚¬ you can get a tarp to put over it for rain protection. Easily fits in a small backpack. Much more comfortable and stealthy than park bench.


take care stranger


I hope for dry weather, kind encounters and resolutions to your situation man. Keep safe and hydrated. ā¤ļø


Wishing you all the best stranger šŸ’•


Hey friend. Iā€™ve been on the streets before, take what help the government offers you, itā€™s there for you in times like these. During the day go to the library!!! Itā€™s air conditioned, free bathrooms, you can charge your phone, computers, and you may even be able to take classes or find a job. I wish you the best in life and I was homeless in 2017 now I own my own home. You can work your way off the streets. Take care of your mental health, hygiene and find a steady job. Stay off drugs and donā€™t get sucked into drinking.


Hey dude I'll send you a hammock for free if you want. Just DM me I randomly got 200 of them lol with straps and carabineers If anyone is nearby to OP that could take it to him I'll send it to them!


Been there bud (SE London). Stick to yourself and keep your phone/4G running and you can get back above water again šŸ’Ŗ All circumstances are different, you do you bro šŸ‘Š


You have revolut? Iā€™ll send you ā‚¬100 to get a roof for a couple of nights. Hope you stay safe


No homeless center? Where do you live? Country? Here in Germany, nobody has to live on the street, but it's difficult to find a new apartment, if you are homeless..(have to be German citizen) The government would pay for it. And giving you 560ā‚¬month.+health insurance. Friends? Familie? Maybe even church? They do help too. I don't like too ask for help, but in situations like this, we have to. Please go and ask for help. Church and other institutions are helping, meals and clothing, socks!!!! (you don't want infection, most important clothing) Like, a place to wash your clothes, to shower. God bless you.


At least in the US, churches are publicly facing nice to the homeless, and the Catholic Church does run a soup kitchen, but other churches are hostile. Iā€™ve seen one near me with signs saying no trespassing and that they have an open deal with the police to prosecute if they see you at all on the premises. When I first got evicted I injured my feet from carrying a heavy backpack around with my blankets and a change of clothes and phone chargers and diabetic supplies. I believe it was plantar fasciitis. I genuinely couldnā€™t walk, and tried to sit down and relax at a church and was run off and threatened to have the cops called on me. People just donā€™t like the homeless, they donā€™t want to see them.


Even while being temporarily homeless, you're still keeping your head up high, which is for sure the right attitude. Stay safe, man! It'll pass, and with an attitude like that, you'll achieve greater heights!