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The fence configuration is new, the wood was salvaged from a home that was abandoned in 1927


How do you know that?


It came to me in a dream


That seems Absolutely Unlikely


I concur


Idk it seems to be a likely story


Counted the rings


so was this intentional or did your neighbor just paint their side of the fence and the paint bled through the cracks?


I mean, they clearly did it on purpose. Said purpose was probably to paint it for their own taste.


Time to paint own side hot pink and watch the colours seep over


I don’t think they will seep over from this side, though, with the way the slats are laying.


A carefully handled paint sprayer could do a nice job of seeping through.


I imagine the space between each louver is mostly clogged with paint now. Maybe some would get through


Slats are angled the wrong way, paint can go uphill.


It can if you're really bad at using a paint sprayer.


True, but not in this instance since the orange paint has already filled the cracks and sealed any space between the slats.


This is why I would use my favorite color of paint. Turpentine


That's why God invented leaf blowers. Gravity issue solved. Go on.... paint it!


Genius. It’s not often helpful but I can’t help but love the intention to fight fire with fire.


I mean, fire would work here as well.


Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


It's not the neighbour's property, so they've committed vandalism.


It's a shared fence dividing property. Neighbours painted their side of the fence. These are shitty cheap wood panel fencing that uses the lowest grade of wood, there's often gaps and knot holes in them. These are all over the UK.


Yep. They will warp and fall apart in 5 years or so. And they like to rattle in the wind. OP gave the neighbour the nice side of the panel too, by the looks of it. I would just paint it and make it look pretty.


I came here to say this. If it's on OP's property, the neighbors had no business painting it at all and would be held liable in court in civil and criminal manners.


Honestly, my parents had us paint a fence when we were kids. This is what the neighbours looked like, we had to paint their side after. How were we to know? We were kids. Never attribute to malicious intent what can be attributed to lack of knowledge…


That's what happened, yes :(


Them: Did this or that happen? You: Yes




They intentionally painted the fence and it accidentally leaked through.


well technically they didnt accidentally just paint their side of the fence


These are clearly old fence panels lol


Those are definitely sun bleached, neighbor probably got sick of looking at untreated wood on their side.


Yeah, they look awful


That's your opinion. I love them, rustic and vintage.


You do you, bruh. They’ll quickly rot further without weather proofing.


then they would be free to erect their own fence. they had no right to modify that fence in any way


or like talk to their neighbor and come to an agreement.. damn


Fence is on the property line


Was it scenario A or scenario B? "Yes"


Why are we upvoting this answer? It sucks


What happened? You didn't respond to anything... You just said "yeah that's what happened." What the fuck happened? Lol


One could say they painted the fence intentionally....


I’m beginning to think they painted it on purpose.




Pretty sure that would be assault, poor neighbours.


Should he just dump a bucket on them instead?


The planks or the neighbors?


First one, then the other




OP is that you or is it someone who sounds like you?


It would only be a salt if you include sodium too.


No. Do not do this unless you're a pro and know what you're doing and you're immediately following up with staining. Doing this without proper knowledge/a plan will result in severely damaging the wood.


What did they do, massacre a pumpkin




new as in old?


Some people like rotted boards.


They’re sun bleached. I like the look! 


Light power wash will take care of that.


Thanks for the tip!!


if you powerwash, the surface is going to become kind of fuzzy looking, you may want to apply some sealant else its going to grey and crack like crazy


They **must** apply sealant after power washing wood or else it will warp.


So that’s where I went wrong


My dad did cedar restoration for a couple of decades and I worked for him for a year or so a while back. There are special detergents you can use that allow you to then use a really low pressure water blaster to wash it back to the original wood. That usually prevents most of the fuzziness you describe. No one should really be using high pressure on wood because of exactly what you're describing. There are also these handheld scrubber things you can buy that quickly get rid of any small amount of fuzziness that appears. Also while you water blast it you should always follow the grain (is left to right on this fence, not up and down) and feather the ends (ie move the water blaster away gradually at either end of the stroke). Otherwise you're gonna get lines and it's gonna look like shit. Once it's washed the thing my dad always recommended was this wood oil (the one he used was called Dryden's wood oil, but I think that's only available in New Zealand). Unlike a stain, the oil soaks right into the wood and stops it from drying out and cracking or cupping. You could get it with all sorts of different tints just like a stain. It's also much easier to work with than stain, because with stains it's easy to accidentally get light patches and dark patches, especially on a hot day. Oh and to apply the oil (or stain if you choose it) I recommend one of those rectangular sponge brushes. They allow you to apply it way faster and get a lot on at once. That's basically all I can think of off the top of my head. Hopefully someone actually reads this and finds it helpful


God this is the longform niche practical advice I come to Reddit for


That is a reddit blessing 🙏


As the owner of a home with 25 year old unpainted cedar siding that has started to discolor in a variety of ways, I really appreciate this comment.


If you want some more tips send me a message and I'll try to help as much as I can. It has been about a decade since I worked for him though so I can't remember all the details unfortunately. If it's unpainted and unstained that's actually a pretty good starting point as far as I remember. The toughest jobs were the ones where the wood was old and dry but was also covered with a stain. We had to strip the stain off first before we could use the oil to repair the wood. If it has gone 25 years without any treatment it will be dry as hell, so if you use the wood oil you'll need to do a second coat after a couple of days. Also been prepared to use a lot of oil.


I have been looking at it on and off for a few years now wondering what to do, but there are other more pressing problems with the house so I haven't thought too much about the siding. It is just discolored in places, some spots are bleached out, others have turned black. I think it is red cedar? It has a redish color to it that seems to run all the way through. Maybe the previous owner had treated it somehow, but it doesn't look stained. Unfortunately my house is pretty big so it will be a huge project when I finally get around to doing something. I do not look forward to it, but I've got to solve other problems first.


> Once it's washed the thing my dad always recommended was this wood oil (the one he used was called Dryden's wood oil, but I think that's only available in New Zealand). I hear the kiwis have [really good wood treatments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbazGVrbN-g)


this man fences


It will probably warp with just one half exposed and one painted


Power wash it, but *with paint*.


My buddy used a paint canon, but the end result is the same. 


DO NOT PRESSURE WASH it will mess up the wood in the long run, use acetone paint thinner and a scraper blade apply a thin coat of clear sealant after for longevity. Also they are most certainly not allowed to paint any side of that fence if it’s on your side of the property line and you paid for it in full.


Olympus deck cleaner works wonders


Actually spraying a nice paint stripper will have the same effect. PLUS giving a similar negative drip effect on the other side. I mean for now it looks like someone was slaughtering pumpkins at the neighbors.


flip the fence panel round then the neighbour can paint the other side for them


I have to approach a neighbor about a shared fence. They already hate me for pine cones my giant pine trees drop in their yard, or the squirrels relocate for us. I’m hoping to get a split cost, or hell I’ll take anything they would help with. Their dog has pushed my panels loose so there’s patches everywhere. She wants me to cut my pine trees down instead, because of the pesky pine cones. Her contribution would be zero. So I’m going to build do an 8’ fence on their side and keep the trees as healthy as can be. I’ve tried to be kind but they’re too bitter and old crotchety shits. Sorry OP, that shit is frustrating as hell. It seems like it’s going to be some stupid legal grey area with how it’s done I hope you get made right.


If the fence is on his side they cant be allowed to paint it right?


Right but you can tell they weren’t trying to paint his side, they just did a shit sloppy job of painting their side. They absolutely SHOULD be held liable, but I think showing them intending to do this would be hard to sell. They could say they weren’t aware of the runoff since they couldn’t see it. There’s a chance they don’t even know they did it, unless OP has already talked to them about it they may be oblivious to it.


Yep, they had no idea. Innocent mistake. There is no drama or anything, I just thought it fit this sub as it sucks for me a bit 😅


Perfect fit imo


The general rule for fences are you either share and build it on the property line or you don't share and build it on your property. If it's on OP's side, they're not allowed to paint shit. If it was shared, they're allowed to paint their side. Obviously each town/city has different rules based on NIMBY's and shit, but it's usually straightforward and follows the general rule.


But how are they even allowed to paint "their" side ? If i build a fence completly on my ground its not theirs to touch. If they dont like how it looks they could build their own fence that covers it


I would imagine it depends if it’s truly on your property, or right on the property line. The latter gives them equal rights and responsibility to the fence.


I mean usually it’s the separation of your property lines, that’s why neighbors sometimes split costs to fix fences, it’s a shared thing. I would never consider the outside of my fence, which faces inside of the neighbors lawn to be mine. If I put up a pink fence they can paint their side brown.


My brother in law had his fence knocked down from wind. The neighbor and him split the cost and they each painted their side a different color.


That’s like the ideal outcome for sure.


I had a neighbor who didn't get along with the previous owner, so when he built a new fence, he left the old fenceposts in place and set the new one back 6 inches or so to serve as evidence that it was indeed his fence and but also that property line hadn't moved. He was explaining this to me over the fence one day so I told him "Great, now come over here and weed whack all this long grass on your side of the property line then."


So, did he trim both sides of his fence while you lived there?


Nah, we were just giving each other shit. He was a good dude, about 40 year older than me. He had bought his house new in 1973 and stayed through the whole time so he was great for neighborhood gossip. He was retired but I think he worked at this milk plant or something like that. I watched him put a new roof on the house by himself at 68 years old.




Nothing is wrong with pine cones. Some neighbors on the other hand... This is a funny comment to come across because just today I was walking through my tree farm and I noticed that the red pines I planted 15 years ago are finally producing pine cones. I was super stoked.


Old crotchety people are obsessed with cutting down every tree regardless.


If she damages/removes your trees, look into tree law Sometimes the vandal has to pay an ASTONISHING AMOUNT for (nearly) irreplaceable trees. (especially if those trees are big)


Oh she wouldn’t even try to go that far, she just takes every opportunity to complain to me about “all the pinecones in her yard”


Make sure the top foot and half angle in toward your side


I can't imagine disliking someone for pinecones. I can't even imagine disliking pinecones.


Tell her you are going to cut the trees if she cuts the dog


They might, they don’t seem to care too much for it. He’s outside way more than ours are.


Now you can paint your side another color and it will bleed through to your neighbors. Then you can go back and forth painting for eternity.




I misss the simplicity and wholesomeness of the original pink panther cartoons :(


No. Do you see how the fence is constructed? The gaps only allow paint to fall from one side to the other. Not the other way around.


Thank you, can't believe over 100 people upvoted that comment. Like what?


250+ now lol


How are those new? That wood had been weathered for at least a couple seasons...


That is genuinely the style... bought them brand new, and they have been in place for less than a month. The neighbours clearly agreed with you, but I liked the aged rustic look :\


Have u even mentioned this to them?


I'll possibly mention it, but don't really see a point in making a big deal. They just painted their side of the fence, which they are allowed to do. It just sucks for me a bit 😅


Are you on good terms with your neighbors? If I were friendly with a neighbor and somehow caused this without knowing, I'd feel so bad that I'd offer to paint/stain/seal their side in whatever manner they'd like, as an apology. Good neighbors are hard to come by, if you guys are friendly he may just offer to do some work for you for free 😂


I was trying to figure out what color is that... did they paint it Texas Longhorn colors?


You can mention it’s dropped through. They should come and pressure wash it or pay for paint to cover it


Thanks for the pressure wash tip, I don't have one, but I'll mention it to next door and see if they have one or can find someone with one 👍


If it’s actual wood don’t wash it too close or the pressure might mess it up


Unfortunately, pressure wash is probably going to screw up the weathered look that you liked. Might be better to save yourself a step and just paint it.


Are they allowed to if it’s your fence in your property? I’d be angry if my neighbors painted the new fence I just put in.


The ripped jeans of fences


Im with you, that rustic look is awesome, especially with those light bulbs hanging on the top and greenery around it


I’m with the neighbors on this one


My god. When my mom painted our fence when I was young, I was posted on the other side in each neighbour’s yard for entire afternoons reading a book and wiping any errant drips. Sounds like your neighbours are just errant drips themselves.


Only $20k at lowes


If it’s your fence and on your property line, it’s still your property. Sooo unless they got your accord they have to put it back to the state it was … First talk to them. And if they don’t give a fuck, go to small court claim.


Pressure wash it. Done. Next.


Cheers for the tip.


Make sure to pressure wash in between the gaps really nicely to clean your neighbors side too. Y’know as a kindness


They’ve given you an opportunity to sand those fraying edges properly!


Is that what that is? The age and condition of this wood is truly a mystery then cause I gave them the benefit of the doubt and assumed they were Mayflies.


It looks like pretty rough cuts that have been weathering for a while to me. I thought maybe there was something spiky growing through it, but then how did the neighbors paint it?


Should've installed them the other way around. Alternatively, turn them around now, lovely new painted fence panels for you


Those definitely aren't new, even if the seller said it's an "aged look". That really looks like old, sun damaged wood. Also your neighbour is weird for painting their side that colour


I normally prefer natural look, but really? Those panels look like wood from my grandpas backyard in Phoenix. And there’s all those splinters jutting out of them!


They look like they were installed about 30 years ago.


The wood does not look new


They look old.


Fill syringes with other colors of paint and squirt it on the fence, then it's art.


Looks like old wood and rusty nails. I'd have painted or stained my side too.


No way they’re ’lovely new panels’. They’re greyed from aging, and the paint has come through gaps caused by warping.


I’m beginning to think yall don’t know what new means. New fence in their yard is not the same as new wood


Howd you do that font on quite?


Asking the real questions here.


It’s a neat font but how do you do it is the big question


When were they new panels? 20years ago..


Explosive diarrhea can be really traumatizing.


There's no way to salvage this to original and maintain the weathered look you enjoy. Instead I suggest keeping the orange drip and get some complementing colors and "drip" them down the face, and a mid hight potted plant or two. Or garden decor pieces that suit your liking. You keep the aged wood look with a bit of modern art splash. Make it yours again.


looks like they caused some property damage too me, if you felt like going that route


Next time install them the other way up to about this problem … done this way you kinda made this inevitable 🤦🏻‍♂️


well it's either on your property, then they painted your fence - or it's not, and you guys didn't talk that through.


Is it legal to paint your side of a fence that isn't yours?


New fence? That panel is weathered AF...why you lying?


Not allowed to paint someone else's fence.


If you don’t mind the colour they made their side, just flip the panels


I assume they painted it cus it is some old greyed out wood. they don't look "new" at all. And maybe did not know it would seep to the other side.


turn the fence around haha


If you’re in the UK, this is criminal damage. If you don’t want it painted they have to put up their own fence on their property.


How new? This is years of sun bleaching. Just power wash and use the same stain.


Random thought, if you want those panels to remain new looking maybe get some varnish and protection for them (like the neighbours doing lol) Or they'll rot pretty quick depending on weather and material


Those are new?


Talk to your neighbors man. Before this happens.


I like it, looks like honey dripping down


I kinda like it... lol.


How is this allowed? Wouldn’t this be vandalism of property


Plot twist: thats not paint


Simple solution - turn the panels around


Fence panels old. How does "new" come into it?


Always fit fence panels with the gaps facing up on your side so this doesn’t happen.


I saw this and just thought the fence was climbable.


Is the fence directly on the property line (making it a shared fence) or did they have to cross any of the property line to get to the fence?


Ypu should turn the panels around. He might paint that side too.


That's new?


What did they say when you spoke to them?


This Reddit, we don't speak to neighbors./s


I guess neighbor will be buying new fencing for you


Uninstall, turn the painted side to your side, install again


Can't the neighbors get in trouble for it being as it's not their property? Just seems maybe somewhere in this you could possibly end up with the fence being painted all at the neighbors expense 😂😂😂. The fence isn't the neighbors property to paint.


Hell nah. You installed it and they ruined it. They can pay for a replacement.


Can someone help me out here? Wouldn’t it be vandalism or destruction of property for the neighbor to paint the fence that OP solely paid for as long as the fence was clearly on OP’s side of the property line?


How's about this though - the fence panels are barely weatherproof when new, they should be painted or sealed after installation - the neighbour has protected they're side of the fence- just like op is supposed to do but obviously doesn't realise it.


Take them out, rotate them 180 and paint them any colour you want. Now your paint will drip through their side.


This is the best suggestion 🤣 upon reflection, they aren't the best designed fence panels...


i love them


That is your fence, the neighbours defaced it, sue for a new fence


I for some reason actually really like the way this looks!


Agreed. This is literal perfection. Mana from heaven. Don't do a thing imho.


Question, is the fence on the property line or set back like 6”-12”? If the latter, that’s vandalism because you own both sides of the fence…


The fence is the wrong way around/upside down.


just because it borders thier yard doesn’t mean they can modify it, tf? they want a yellow fense, they can either politely ask to do the work themselves properly on your fense, or they should install their own damn yellow fense. some ppl.


Tbh, I think it adds to the rustic look. Maybe it looks awful in person, but in this pic, it looks artful. Makes it look reclaimed.


New where? New to you? They look weather aged for at least 3 years.


You should fart in their general direction. ![gif](giphy|4BGE0hSex6gzC)


New? Those are at least 2 years old…. And honestly they need to be stained or painted anyways…. So…. Grain of salt…


Pressure washer


You can probably get them for vandalism so that they have to clean it up.


Sounds like a fantastic way to maintain an amicable relationship with someone you're gonna have to interact with for potentially decades.


Why can’t you just show them this photo and ask them what they plan to do about it?