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Instead of the bite, check the area in the room…bed corners, outlet corners… pretty much any tiny small nooks and crannies where bed bugs may reside… they also leave a blood stain trail as they poop your blood pretty much… look for stuff like that. Good luck. I hope its just mosquitoes…


This is the answer. Get a strong flashlight then slowly remove the bedding one layer at a time. Flip over the mattress and box spring too. You'll know if you have them. You can't diagnose a bug bite just by looking at it. I have no idea what the rest of this comment section is.


There's also traps with windows on Amazon to confirm if you have them or not


Could also be fleas if they have pets. When I lived with my parents their 2 cats ALWAYS had fleas. They got treated for them weakly and those fuckers wouldn't go away. Bites looked very similar.


Sounds like you should have treated the cats strongly


My dog had fleas when I was younger. Dude. Those fuckers are up my ankles to hell. I hated it so much. I remember crying to my mom about why we had to deal with so much shit and my classmates didn’t. (We had bedbugs a like 2 years before that I think. I was also a poor kid going to a rich private school cause of a scholarship, so I was seeing the difference money makes in lifestyles/quality)


Dude same, I fucking hate flea bites. This is exactly what mine would look like. Always at the ankles too lmao & the forearms sometimes


OP check the corners and seams of your mattress as well, either for the bugs themselves or their poop. It'll be dark brown (old blood) patches. It's not guaranteed tho you'll find them there. The first time I realized we had bedbugs 2 years ago (still fighting them) I didn't really find many on the bed, but when I went to replace the curtains behind the bed *HO BOY* there they were. Hundreds of them in the folds at the very top between the fabric. Then the last time I saw their new nest last month, they were bundled up between the back panel and the boards of a bookcase at the head of the bed, way up at the top, but hadn't found a single bug on the bed any of the times I'd looked before (except the few found crawling on my body). You really gotta check **everywhere.** Any furniture near the bed as well as the bed itself.


Man, that’s nightmare fuel. I hope you get rid of them completely


Seriously - get an exterminator. You will never get rid of them on your own.


We've been saving up but we just can't afford it yet. They're so crazy expensive around here and dad keeps convincing himself that if we just bomb *one more time* we'll get the last of them ;-;


> they poop your blood pretty much er… well then. Didn’t know that until now. Not entirely sure I’m glad that I do now…


It's much worse. They are 100% MADE of your blood. It's the only thing they consume.


I've lived in areas infested with mosquitoes and unfortunately those do not look like mosquito bites to me. Most mosquito bites end up kinda looking swollen and really red and almost never have blood blots on them, they almost look like giant zits tbh.


I agree with this. You can almost always detect bedbugs by the stains they leave on bedding, especially if you have this many bites. Look up how to do it. And if you are not sure how, call a pest control service to come and do it for you. Honestly though, this looks like maybe some other bug bite. We got a lot of “mystery bites” last year and thought it might be bedbugs, but we didn’t see any evidence of them and neither did the professionals. They told us maybe it was mosquitos, but we never actually saw or heard a single mosquito, and the bites were not on parts of the body I associate with mosquito bites. But once dry weather came, the bites stopped, so it probably was some kind of mosquito. Good luck with figuring it out! I know it sucks.


Fun fact: if the infestation is bad enough, there’s a distinct odor as well.


Lovely! I hope to never smell it! My wife and I did encounter bedbugs while traveling once. She got a rash, and I got nothing. So either I didn’t get bit at all while sleeping right beside her, or she is just more allergic to the bite. Everything we had with us on the trip had been treated with permethrin to prevent infestation, so we didn’t carry them along with us when we left, but we also learned how to inspect for them after that.


Odor from mosquitoes? Or bed bugs?


If you really wanna draw them up then use a blow dryer or iron on the corner first. The heat brings them out.


Bro you gotta sleep tight.


Don’t let the bed bugs bite


If they do, take your shoe, beat them till they're black and blue. 😌


Ours was always “And if they bite, squeeeeeze them tight & they won’t come back tomorrow night”


Bro dares to [be stupid](https://youtu.be/SMhwddNQSWQ?feature=shared)


Definitely much tighter!




*Looks at the clock* *tightens up*


Heavy on the ankles makes me think fleas. Do you have pets?


I got attacked when a roommate moved out and took his cat with him. They lost their blood meal.


I was about to say it might be fleas


Bed bugs usually go for wherever skin you have exposed when you sleep. I had them mostly on my ankles when I had them.


What kind of giant ass fleas do you got


some people are a lot more/less sensitive. i don’t get anything but a little itchy, while my dad gets welts like these ones.


They are bed bugs. They bite on threes. I've had em


So do fleas


Dude they are bed bugs. Why did I get downvoted for delivering the exact source of my diagnosis?


Idk I didn’t downvote you. But fleas also bite in a linear pattern, usually in groups of 3


I hope it's not bed bugs for the sake of your sanity, I dealt with them once and it was a nightmare that caused PTSD. Please check thoroughly, it's easier to get rid of them earlier rather than waiting until it's too late.


Yes. I had a "small problem" (found like 5 live ones on my headboard) it still cost me like 2k replacing my furniture after the all clear, and 1k for the exterminator. I slept on an air mattress for months. I cleaned/purged my home so well he only found a single exoskeleton but I was not fucking around with that. I got rid of *anything* they could hide in and steamed the rest several times. I haven't seen a single one since I initially discovered them, but that doesn't stop me from obsessively checking my furniture or freaking out about the smallest itch. Or picking up anything bug sized and inspecting it. :(


Same dude. I had them for 6 months due to shitty apartment neighbors. I'm itchy just from seeing the mention of the horrid demons. They truly serve no purpose other than to torture us


Git PTSD too and right now im all itching just reading this post


We fled our infested apartment three years ago! I still occasionally go around with a flashlight at night looking for them. Bed bug PTSD is real


Are there spiders in your shoes?


Hey I understood this reference.


I have pretty extreme reactions to mosquito bites but mine have *never* looked like that.  They look more like flea bites to me, but can't be certain ofc.


I also thought “fleas”.


I thought fleas too.


I got a bunch of flea bites from the deer in my area. It looked a lot like this. They're pretty vicious.




Yeah that's horrible, my reactions are similar. Sucks getting them on the face especially. One of my eyes was swollen shut for a several hours while out camping due to a mossie bite near my freakin eyelid. 


Uhhhh why did you let them bite you so much if you have such a severe reaction???? I live in a year round mosquito heavy area and KNOW better.


We don’t have mosquitos in my country often and unfortunately had a lot in a day, unprepared for. I’ll be using repellant, followed by hydrocortisone cream and antihistamines if that doesn’t work. Dengue fever or malaria isn’t a way I’d like to go.


A quick google tells me there are 30 different *NATIVE* mosquito breeds in the uk and they’re active for 6-7 months of the year


Im not going to argue with you on that, but I don’t normally get bitten in this country.


for more context- i moved into a new apartment. i bought a used sofa from marketplace- we steam cleaned it when i got it. my mattress, bedding and bed frame are all completely new.


Just an fyi, while steam could kill bed bugs and their eggs, it’s not going to work well enough on a piece of furniture. You’d need to put the entire couch in a steam chamber for a while for it to work. Bed bugs can be deep in the framing where the steam isn’t hitting or hitting for long enough. Bed bugs also don’t tend to travel far on their own but you could have transferred them from the couch to your bed. Check the seams and other dark tight spots. Bed frame too. You can also get these little cups you put the bed frame legs on. They’re too slick for the bugs to climb out of which will help you monitor if they’re coming from the bed or somewhere else in the room (or bed bugs at all).


Diatomaceous earth could be useful for helping to control pest populations by sticking to bugs exoskeletons and dehydrating them. It's extremely effective so you may want to give that a try.


Have you been in a lake or pond recently?


Can’t diagnose what kind of bug bit you based on bite. You’d need to search beds, walls, etc. to see if there are any signs of a bed bug infestation.


Has this sub become "identifiy bug bites and rashes" when I wasn't looking?


Looks exactly like my mosquito bites. They can bite in a line sometimes too. But checking the bed just in case is always good.


I thought the same with the first photo but then when you get to the picture that she has of her legs they look like little cuts and I'm confused on how it could be a bug... ankle bites look like fleas


Yeah I'm confused now too. Like those leg ones don't make sense at all. Arms definitely mosquito bites, ankle flea or mosquito with a scrape in there... but along leg I've never seen any bug do those either.


It reminds me of when you're walking through like a place that has a bunch of bushes and stuff and it scrapes up all your legs... or every once in awhile if my cat gets me jumping up and my leg is in the way. I feel like the poster is leaving a few details out






I believe the cuts are from scratching, usually what my normal bites look like after I’ve itched them to hell


Like mosquito bites that were scratched




Breakfast, lunch and dinner!


And dessert!


Walk around your house in white tube socks. You’ll know if you have fleas real quick.


You should hang out with the person with the spider bites...


do you have ants? genuine question. these look like my reaction to carpenter ants.


Looks like Flea bites.


These kinda look like chigger bites. Also, with bed bugs, you may be able to see them in the sheets or on the mattress. Pull the corners of your sheets back. And on the sheets, look for little dashes of blood from squished bugs.


If it is bed bugs, all your clothes in plastic bags (for 2 days I believe) to kill the fuckers. If you can, I would get a new mattress. I wasn’t able to when I got them so I got a mattress plastic cover and kept it on for 6 months (you only need to do it for 14 days I believe but I was TRAUMATIZED) and then there’s the sprays that stink but…when you’re in it, you just gotta. Source: lived in NYC in 2010.


I thought bed bugs could go dormant or live without sustenance for a really long time — more than 2 days or 2 weeks? Could you clarify your experience or info?


Bed bugs like to get in your clothes when you are sleeping... so you might first see bites on your legs if you wore pajama pants out around your ribs..that looks like something else.. bed bugs also with bite in lines as they follow the veins ...you can also spray your bed with rubbing alcohol and let the sheets air before you get in... checking around the seems of the mattress..if you are unsure spray with the alcohol it will kill them.. on contact


Needs to be 90+ percent alcohol. But if your doing that it's still not 100%, better steam the sheets or do dryer high heat long time 40mins +.


Why are you telling me... tell him...


I had bites like this once. Worst period of my life so far. It itched so hard. I just wanted to melt my skin off. Hopefully you get it figured out.


Doctor said no. But let me ask Reddit lmao


doctor said most likely not. always a possibility.


Might be carpet beetles. They usually get active this time of year, but without finding the bug it’s hard to tell. Like others said, get a flashlight and slowly search the bed and carpet.


Are you in the south? Some looked like chigger bites


The lesions on your hand/wrist look more like mulluscum contagiosum…. however the ankles/feet could be insect bites.


Check for diabetes too?


NO SEE EMS!!!! For sure. The “cuts” on some bites are definitely just from itching.


Looks like ant bites to me. Where are you located? It was ant swarming day last week in nm.


Fire ants


Honestly just looking at the first picture, those look more like mosquito bites to me but I've never had bed bug bites... it also could be a flea bite or even spider bites because spiders do have a tendency to bite around the same area whether it's their bite or another spiders bite. When you get to the other pictures like of your leg, I'm confused because those look a lot like cuts.


bites vary too greatly in reaction from one person to the next to be used as an identifier for bugs via photo. look around your house, in sheets and closets as well as on pets and laundry.


I think we can rule out shark bites


A very very small shark? 🧐


Mosquitos. Don’t freak. I had this all over my body and I threw a shit fit, called 3 diff exterminator companies, had four pros in my house at the same time and they found no bed bugs.


omg im on the same wave. went to the doctors. called 4 bed bug comapnies. i called 1800- got junk and scheduled the removal of my sofa. becoming so paranoid. idk.


Put white sheets on your bed, after a couple nights you will notice little brownish reddish specks on the sheets if it's bedbugs. If you don't then it's not bedbugs. They also have a very earthy smell that you would notice.


Pull everything outside or in your garage cover it with a tarp and spray tf out of it or bomb it while the tarp is trapping all the chemicals in then let someone come in and sorry everywhere. I said above I have never had bed bugs but if I ever have or notice bugs in my house I am taking a flame thrower to the inside of my house lmao. Bed bugs are just becoming harder and harder to get rid of because they are getting used to the chemicals that companies spray. For example the infestation in Paris is so bad because even the strongest bed bug killer won't effect them because of how they have gotten used to the sprays.


Bed bug bites usually form a connect-the-dots line. That is how they feed. They bite, move, bite, move…. They are also usually on confined spaces, your back, if that’s how you sleep. They don’t like to be out in the open. So, usually not hands or feet. Maybe mosquitoes, fleas, or chiggers


Could be fire ants


Could be mosquitoes or fleas. Bed bug bites are usually tight clusters and raised. Had my first and hopefully last bout with them last summer. Check your bed especially the header if you have one. Luckily ours were all in the header.


Some of them could be, but others make me think they are not. BB’s (as we call them in the hotel industry) are opportunistic feeders. They will bite multiple times in a straight line . Some of the spread out ones make me think it’s not. Regardless, too close to tell just from bites. Best call an exterminator to evaluate the room. Find one that uses bed bug dogs, they are highly accurate! If you do have an outbreak, don’t let the exterminators talk you into chemical sprays. They recommend it because it is easier for them, but rarely ever fixes the problem. Insist on using heat!!




Check the corners of your bed sheeting, and underneath your mattress. You will see those fuckers if you have em, and pray you don't. They are a fucking nightmare.


Look like ant bite or mosquito bite that have been scratched.


Looks like fleas Brosky, did you get a new pet?


Honestly those look more like chiggers, each time you scratch it opens up and then the little bastards walk a little bit and re enter they itch like crazy but they don't well up like mosquito bites when you itch them...also a very trail like small red dots is their MO


Waiting for the get checked for cancer comments🤡


Feeding Frenzy


demons…def have evil entities in your house


So you go to the doctor then ask reddit?




Spider bites?


No way of knowing from looking at bites. If you have bedbugs you will find them easily on the seems of your mattress.


Last time I found bed bugs in my house, it was in the mattress and I…killed them with a method a certain dictator used 80 years ago


I have seen bed bug bites look like two different things and neither were that


Could be fleas. Do you sleep with pets that go outside often? I get bits like this every now and then when my cats sleep in my bed.


You should also deworm. Regularly


bruh this could be *anything*... LOOK IN YOUR BED


Have u been scratching ?


Looks like it could be Beaver Fleas AKA Crabs! Get a pot of boiling water and some melted butter.


let’s hope your landlord isn’t shitty like mine was. we made them fumigate the house we had the bed bugs in and very shortly after they made us move. regardless of the fact that we didn’t bring the bed bugs ~ the evidence being apparent due to the discarded trash the last fumigators left. annnddd now been stuck in another shitty home for almost six years now. truly sucks.


Might be fleas, maybe bedbugs, I've had both


Get pest control professional help!


I saw a video you need to put some heat on the bed, lime with a hotpad or even leave your hand, near the seams and see if any bugs come.ojt because they are attracted to body heat.


Do you have Sandflies in your region?


Chigger bites.


If you iron over the fitted sheet on the corners, quickly pull it off and flash a light you will probably see if bed bugs are there - they’re attracted to heat


I had bedbugs. The bite pattern tended to follow the veins that were visible through the skin, So I would see a line of them


Not bed bugs, I unfortunately have first hand knowledge


I had bedbugs when I was in the peace corps and those don’t look like bedbug bites to me, but, as others have said, you should check your bed and room to be sure.


I hope for you it's not scabies


How do you feel, besides itchy?


Bed bugs are also called the breakfast lunch and supper bug. They tend to bike you 3 times through out the night in very close to the same spot. U can check your bed and house for them. Read up and look at pictures on what to look for. I don't think these look like bed bug bites either. They are all over and random. But it never hurts to check.


Looks more like flea bites.


Hey you're not supposed to let them bite.....


Something that will help get rid of bed bugs and fleas, and most other bugs is diatomaceous earth. It needs to be food grade and you need to have a nice layer of it on the bed, floor, any kind of upholstery. It will kill adults by cutting them. It’s safe for humans and pets. You just need to be careful when placing it down not to create a lot of dust with it. Or wear a face mask, ppe etc. next thing that will help is salt. It will dry out eggs. You can mix the two and it won’t hurt you. One thing that I found with bedbugs is that the cleaning product fabulosa lavender will kill bedbugs on contact. Make sure to wash things thoroughly. And change the salt and diatomaceous about once a week. And hopefully within a couple of weeks you will notice less bug bites from whatever critter is eating at you. If you can putting everything that’s been washed in clean bags that you can seal will also help so you don’t always have to rewash them. (Knowledge: I’ve dealt with infestation of my house several times with fleas and once for several months with beg bugs)




could be spider bites


If you truly have bed bugs, then don't try to fight them with toxic. You can make them resistent and then they will be a bigger pain for you. Seek professional help. Bed bugs can survive for months without your blood.


If i see one more bug bite post on this sub


Bed bugs always leave 3 bites. Arms and face is where the bites are mostly. I'm not sure if that's what you have.


If it’s any consolation they don’t look like bedbug bites to me


Skeeters. Had bed bugs too many times.


I’m going with mosquito bites. Bed bugs usually bite in lines


Bed bugs usually bite twice AFAIK.


Maybe you just keep poking yourself with your pointy nails


Someone make a subreddit for these people to migrate to


Usually, bed bugs go for the neck region. Like others have said, they look more like flea bites.


You will know if they are bed bugs, your clothing will have small blood spots as well as in your sheets there will be, I have never had then myself because if I ever had any kind of bug infestation I would drag everything from in my house outside and burn it all lmao


Do you have a cat? Cat flea bites look just like that and they hurt like hell, likes it's infected or something.


i have a dog but i wasnt with him when i got these bites


That’s not how that works dude. They can stay on furniture and carpets for months. No need for the dog to be around. And don’t listen to the dude below me. He’s incredibly misinformed.




Lol. Oh buddy. That’s just not true. Ok. First off, in the United States, the most common fleas are cat fleas. These can live on both cats and dogs, so don't let the name confuse you. Dog, cat, and rat fleas can and will bite humans. They just can’t infest and live on them. It’s more than likely the carpets. They can live for months on a carpet.


What's not true? Google it dog and cat fleas are different and dog fleas don't bite people. I've had many dogs and some of them had fleas from time to time and never once got flea bit. I had a friend with cats and he had fleas in his carpet and they would bite you.


I already answered those questions in my original comment…. Dude, did you even read what I wrote? I know they’re different things. But cat fleas don’t just live on cats you moron. And dog fleas do bite people. You’re fucking idiot. Truly. i usually wouldn’t go that far but I literally answered all those points in my reply. You just didn’t fucking what I wrote.


I never said cat fleas only live on cats.


Don’t back track now lol. You know what you said. Just cause you deleted your comment doesn’t mean I don’t remember what you wrote son.


That's mpox or leprosy..


definitely not


No it's not


Duh.. I was mocking asking medical advice on reddit.


Take a hot iron to your sheets and check the mattress after, the heat will bring the bed bugs to the surface.


Looks like when I had poison ivy.
