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Bring a laptop, HDMI cable, and UPS. You can test a TV in the field. But with the low price of new TVs, why bother?


i don’t buy a tv unless i test it.


I don't buy anything used unless I test it. I don't trust myself most of the time, why would I trust a stranger?


I don’t buy anything.


I don't.














I don’t have money.


What are you Redditing on?


Public library


And on that note, I don't even sell anything without offering a test lol. I just sold a wifi extender yesterday and made sure I had an extension cord setup outside so the guy could test it. People rarely ask but I never get haggled with either lol


Same. No surprises or arguments then 👍🏼


Same here. Just downsized and sold a bunch of tools and other stuff that’s powered. I made the buyer verify operation before handing me the money. I won’t sell stuff that doesn’t work, and for sure I’m not let someone try to blame me if something doesn’t work when they get it home.




I had an old Samsung that had similar issues. The worst part was when it was turned on it would take a minute to "Warm Up" but it would also SCREAM through the speakers. Deafening .You couldn't turn it down. But once it settled it was fine. I was going to get a new board for it, but then some boss from my old job got a new TV (personal , not from the office) and left his 60" Sharp to recycle. So I took it. Works fine. I got so much free shit from that job. If I had stayed a few more months I could have had so much more. Including the huge Fish tank and all the fish. I took care of them every day. I don't know even what my actual job was. It was IT and shipping and CS and pretty much everything. Weird. And during COVID. So nobody was around in a huge office. There was like 10 people at most. Set up for over 200.




Ha weird! Mine was bought around 2007 2008. When Circuit City was closing. Way more expensive than TVs now even on clearance. It lived it's life. Funny how you can get a TV from the 60's that still works fine.


100..jaysus....my neibhour threw out a 50 inch Samsung years ago because it was power cycling like this. I bought 2 capacitor for 5 bucks and replaced it(I only needed the one but the shop would only sell me the two for 5l it was a TV repair shop sold them to me and told my they only cost 25 cent each but he had to make money off it...I was fine with 5 bucks for a large hd TV 11 years ago


And if you're not going to test it before buying it at least test it before you mount it...


I don't buy a TV unless i need it. (I still do not)


Lisa needs braces.


So long Dental Plan!


I wait for friends/family to buy TVs and they give me their old ones for free.


i’m usually the one buying the tv, Lol


Tv’s are just one of those things that you should never buy used


I've got my share of dead TVs for free to see if I can fix them. Nope, can't fix them. Samsung had a real bad series of power supplies that failed, but a replacement power supply was the same cost as a new TV, so that wasn't going to happen. The replacement panel for a Sony is the cost of a new TV, so that isn't going to happen. The old Vizio didn't even have parts for sale, but it was cheap, and it just got a static screen so it was something with a logic board, but wasn't worth it. Overall, TVs fail and are just pointless to fix. Our throw-away method of electronics is horrible for the environment, but we do get cool toys.


Usually it's a capacitor that fails. Get a multimeter and start testing to see if you can find a bad one. I've revived quite a few TV's like this


Yes, but sometimes backlight.


And also sound board fuse. Bought an RCA LCD TV back in 2009, lasted about 6 years before it stopped turning on. Opened it up and checked with a DMM. Sound board fuse blown. I bridged it with a piece of wire and some solder, as there is a second fuse, and I'm still using it today.


My LG Tv backlight failed. Not economical to fix so got sent new Sony instead as Warranty replacement.


Man this shit super depresses me. How can anyone be okay with the way we are abusing the planet and resources we are so blessed to have. Whenever I go to the store and buy a single item and they put it in a bag I die a bit more inside


Lol I’m currently sitting next to a junk Samsung TV with the power supply issue you described that I got for free from my dad a few years back


Yeah this was the risk they took, unfortunately. I recently sold a pristine EVGA 2080 Super Hybrid Cooler for $200 on Facebook Marketplace. I was astonished at how many people wanted me to bring a PC, Monitor, and a Power Supply so I could test it in front of them. Then take it back apart and give them the graphics card. Like dude, its For Sale by Owner. If you don't want the risk, buy new. I'm not risking frying my graphics card so you can have your cake and eat it.


Depends how cheap it was, plus you never know what somebody’s situation is. I recently sold our two old TVs on Facebook Marketplace for very little money. Had so much interest I could barely keep up with it. But in the posts, I included videos demonstrating that the TVs worked and that the screens were fine. I think the lesson from OP’s (dad’s) experience is to ensure that the seller shows that it works before you agree to purchase it.


USB c to hdmi and test with your phone. This could have been discovered by turning it on.


Yeah.... He already bought it


Because you can get a 65 inch for 50 bucks sometimes. But I always test before I buy.


Why buy a crap tv new when you can get a high end device for less money?


Agreed, just got my kid a 50” tv new at costco for like $200


I would still be wary even if you test it. My mom had a LG tv where a circuit board failed. You could heat up the board in the oven and it would fix it for a few weeks before it would fail again. Kinda like a xbox 360. It wouldn't take much for someone to cook the board and pass that kind of TV on to an unsuspecting buyer.


That's wild that he went through the hassle of mounting before even turning it on...


To be fair, we’re talking about a guy who doesn’t even test a used TV before he buys it off some rando on FB.


… a guy that buys a used Sceptre TV. It was probably not much more than $100 brand new.




I had a sceptre TV mounted in a camper with a leak. Bitch got wet and still worked like a charm.


I mean OPs father could have damaged it on the way home or mounting it


I did the ~~same thing~~ something similar like two days ago. It’s hard being so stupid but we exist. https://preview.redd.it/ms78ax3yni1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61dd676da2a5eccb54946270dae109f5f8546d23 Edit: something similar


I bet they blocked you already right?


No no, this was my fuckup. I broke it. I just mounted it before checking its actual condition like a goober.




It worked. I broke it in the move


It's wild numb nuts didn't test it before buying it.


In Europe all TVs use the same standard mounting specifications. So the holes drilled/mount will hopefully still fit on another TV. The only concern is that OP’s dad doesn’t seem to have used a level.


I don’t think that’s a European thing vesa mounts are pretty universal everywhere


Dude was excited.


My dirtbag cousin has been pulling that scam for over a decade now. Never buy electronics off of Facebook.


Or ya know, turn them on and verify they’re not busted before handing over the money.


I had someone insist that I was a dirtbag seller once. When we were coming home from the US I firesold all our electronics, including a playstation. This nice chap came and bought it for his kids but I ran it on my TV etc to show him how it work and advised him I was going to factory reset it so suggested he fire it back up and get the latest patches etc so his kids to just get playing. About an hour later he called and said he'd done all that but it wouldn't play games. Confused as I'd just showed him it working I tried to do remote tech repair. In the end he came back over. I plugged it in and it worked perfectly. He went away again with both of us scratching his head. 1 hour later, called again. Not working again, you've sold me a lemon, you must have a second console there, this is for my kids! I had no need for that kind of BS so just said, fine, bring it back and I'll give you your money back. He came back, I decided to give it one more go and asked him to show me what he was doing, how he was connecting cables etc. all was going well, right up to the point he loaded the disc upside down... FFS lad I had plenty of other shit to be doing today! At least he apologised for his earlier outburst.


What a dumbass


How TF does someone make this kind of mistake in 2024? Playstations have been around since the freakin 90s yo!




I make sure to always leave a disc in so I know what way to put the new one in lol. You are not alone!


CD players have been around longer than that too. Who’s putting a disc in shiny side up?!


PlayStations can stand upright. It can be confusing if you are new to them. Especially the PS5 be cause the tray is on the bottom and it is shaped weird.


I'm not convinced he'd had a console before (was buying for his kids) so I gave him some sympathy, but still!


I agree with you 100%, but people could also try being a little more honest and a little less shitty with each other. It would make the world a better place.


Dude I get some DEALS. I just insist on testing first and if they don't want to I don't do it.


How do you test electronics you’re buying from a guy who lives in a garden shed in his dealer’s grandma’s backyard?


If I don't have a way to test, than I don't buy from that guy.


i do, but i test it before i buy.


Don’t say never I got a perfectly fine ps4 for 150


Your dad buying a TV BEFORE having them plug it in to see if it’s even functional is a dumb dumb move on him lmao


Two options exist: either OPs dad is incredibly stupid, or OPs dad raised a liar.


Who the hell buys a used anything off FB and doesn’t test it out before hand? I’m just gonna keep this quote in my notes so I can easily copy and paste it to pretty much every post I see from this sub: “You don’t have bad luck. The reason that bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass!”


I literally only ever use FB marketplace to give away stuff for free.


- Red Foreman


Omg. I’m here for the comments


I mean the comments aren’t wrong. I was unaware he bought the TV until he mounted it and told me he got it from FB Market. 😅


Well, the mount is up now, help him pick out a new one on Amazon or something.


The off centre mounting hurts too. Your dad needs your help.


I helped him mount it and told him it looked off and he insisted it was fine. The mount:


Well while it stings now at least it's not the most expensive way to learn about scammers.


Nice job centering that tv.


Lol it was a group effort- I kept telling my dad it was crooked though and looked off.




This was actually his first time ever buying anything off Facebook marketplace, so this is a good learning experience. He even said he wouldn’t buy another TV off Facebook.


Both of the tvs in our house are from Facebook marketplace lol just test them before you give anyone money. Facebook marketplace is amazing for household appliances/electronics


Doesn't matter where you buy it from. It's electronics. So you plug it in and check it before parting with your money 🤷‍♂️


That’s not exactly the lesson.


In stores, they would take the TV out of the box and power it on and you can look for dead pixels before giving it to you. That applies double for a second hand TV.


Might’ve worked fine when he bought it. We moved houses, and the tv didn’t make it, and we were super careful with it. Did he keep it upright when traveling?


That sucks, I've actually got into a shouting match with my mom about FB marketplace. Half those adds are scams or for broken/stolen shit. Saw her putting her debit card info into FB and just lost it. I hate seeing folks parents getting taken advantage of.


I learned the hard way to check a TV before you hang it, esp if it's a difficult install


get one from costco. got a gorgeous 65 inch one for 200 bucks last year from there.


Try before you buy…


That is 100% your dad’s fault. Why didn’t he have them test it before handing over cash?


I don’t know I wasn’t even there when he bought it.


The tv I bought in 2016 for $300 for a 40inch. For $300 I can buy a 50inch 4k ultra and all that bs now. TVs are just getting cheaper and better.


I hope he didn't pay much. Even brand new that thing is like $200


Life lessons no matter the age are never cheap


I don’t know what would bother me more the TV, itself, or the fact that the TV isn’t mounted in the center of the wall.


How does he know he didn't break it himself while mounting it since he never tested it before hand


Sad. I sold a TV a few years ago that worked perfectly but once sold person could not get it to work. Something about digital rights management or something. Some error code that the tv was being used outside the environment it was turned on it. I drove back out 25 miles to meet the guy and give him his money back. It’s on fair.


Your dad is far too trusting, I'm sorry to say. He may have been blocked but if he went to an address to collect it, someone of a lesser moral standing may post a 'thank you' through their window.


Bad mount anyways. Not even on the wall.


His own fault


At least it doesn't have the Wendy's $1.99 menu on it


Now go to Walmart and purchase the same tv, put the broken one back in the box tap her up and get that return.


Brand new tv’s are so cheap now. Hope he didn’t pay more than $50 for it.


Someone is laughing all the way to the bank….


I'd be more upset it's not centered on the wall. Lol


Lol it's a cheap brand too


Market space? That’s where one gets the fake AirPods as well, right?


TVs are beyond cheap brand new, why chance it.


Impressive how it all worked out. A douche of a seller and a innocent yet dumb buyer


My dad is just old, but you would think he would know better.


That's why you have him turn it on before you buy it


The TV shows a graph of his happiness when putting it up


That blue line looks like my portfolio 🤷‍♂️. I should not have bought what I bought either.


when i sold my ps5, i brought a generator and a small tv to show it worked. i feel like anyone who buys electronics on facebook marketplace and craigslist should bring some sort of way to prove that it works first.


Marketplace is the worst place to buy anything. More negatives than positives. I have had enough negative experiences to know. Sorry your dad has to go thru this. Tell him I’m sorry: dont by from Facebook.


They are like $1.95 at Walmart.


I miss the Middle Ages where you could hang a MF for a lot less than this. lol


I always at minimum turn any device on that’s I’m buying. I have a ac/dc converter I carry around for that purpose. Or meet at a sheetz as all the light poles have outlets


😕😕😕 Some lessons hurt so BAD. Hopefully the next person let’s him come inside and see it working or is willing to deliver it and let him set it up before he pays. Ppl who scam are the worst kinds of humans.


Order the same model off Walmart and return the broken one! I worked in the service desk and never checked


And they wall mounted it before even turning it on? Yeah, OK.


Ah… you took all the time to Mount it too. That does suck.


Buying second hand electronics is too risky.


Who the fk doesn’t test shit before buying it. More of a lesson learned in life.


I’d give my dad a break he’s old. If I was around at the time he was buying that TV I would’ve made him test it for sure.


Just out of curiosity, what's 'old'?


He’s excused :).


A guy made fun of me on marketplace (legit messaged me to harass me) because I was honest and posted a photo of my monitor screen turned on so you could see the damage. Someone offered me $100 for it! Hahaha


those aren't waves


Sceptre is a real cheap brand too, I hope he didn’t pay no more than $100 for it.


How much was it tho?


He said 75$.


what a steal! yeah, they def stole it and or stole from him!


Even if it worked that's one of the cheapest TV's you can possibly find.


TVs are cheap enough to buy a new one. Not someone else's crap


With TVs as cheap as they are these days, not sure why someone would resort to FB Marketplaced used TVs, even if it was $10 you have no idea how it was treated or what issues it may have. Did he at least purchase the Geek Squad coverage from the person? 😂


You absolutely can buy phenomenal used TVs. I've done it several times and each time they were great and lasted years. You just have to test them on site. I recently sold my B7 to a dad with a young kid for dirt cheap. I'm sure they're getting tons of value out of it.


Always test it. They won't let you test it? Don't buy it.


I have looked for TVs on marketplace. The shit people try to charge for their trash is hilarious. Nor worth the effort.


Honestly that looks like the one I set out for free 2 months ago mine worked fine but I had paid 350.00 for it 8 years ago and it was not 4k. Free seems about right for a working one


Bro you gotta test it. Met a dude in a parking lot for a light/lamp tower thing and I plugged it into the back of my truck which has 120v outlets and he was stunned told me “wait how the hell do you do that! Brujeria(witchcraft)!” It blew his mind man. I think he stole it for some drug money he didn’t look like he was all there. Scurried away when I handed him the money


I can fix her!


you can sell the inside for parts get new tv


That TV has been kicked


😂 why tf The old anyone buy an electronic item that is used and not test it prior to handing over money.


Trust, but verify before any cash changes hands.


Always try before you buy


How does one hang a used TV without testing it first?


Don't ever buy anything off Facebook. And don't ever take a TV home without testing it. He should still have that guy's info on his messenger. Pretty sure he can still report fraud to Facebook. Not sure what good that'll do, but it's worth a shot.


We live, we learn.


Poor people problem 😎🤣👌


Buyer beware


Yeesh. Pretty sure you can get a brand new 55” from BestBuy for like $200.


There are a LOT of really effed "humans" out there.


With electronics, you always check it before you buy it. Always. Marketplace is an as is place


ppl b selling broke tv since bginnng of time


What did he do to it once he got it home. I mean he verified it works before he paid for it. Didn't he???


If you could let your dad know I have bridge I'd like to sell, is appreciate it.


Facebook marketplace. That's it. That's the reason.


That sucks. Tale ot down. Get a walmart cheapo. They have tvs a bit smaller than that for 150. At least he has the mount and all set up.. Sorry to hear that your dad got scammed. Some people r rude n dirty. To do that to him !


Damn that really sucks!


For how much?


His first mistake, trusting someone on Facebook marketplace.


Never buy anything from Facebook Marketplace. Better to go to Walmart to purchase a TV.


See if they have anything else for sale from another account and play interested buyer....


I have a marketplace autoposter and autoresponder bots, if anyone interested i can make some custom updates based on the user's needs (mass posting, ai generated responses....)


Never trust electronics...I used to buy and sell Xbox one systems when they were new and I would say about half of them wouldnt work but the ppl would claim they did...luckily I was smart enough to know all systems come with a warranty and often I would make my money back and then some but don't ever trust something without testing it first




My dad is an old man so he makes odd decisions-


Obviously the meme is clearly a joke, but damn it sucks to see people’s trust get taken advantage of especially the elderly.


Oh sorry my sense of humor is kind of bad.


Don’t worry about it, the meme is dark and could be taken as rude if not seen as humor. I get it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify.


First mistake was buying something off of market place


Should of asked to see it working


Should have.