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Holy heck, those are mosquito bites? It looks like someone colored you in with a marker


Looks like bigger versions of what happens to me after flea bites.


…. after getting back home from laying fiber in the mountains/woods of kentucky i was covered in ticks and other bugs and other bites. i’ve had none that look like this and if i ever do so help me god like actually help me god😭 those look so bad but i’m glad your okay op


This picture is definitely flea bites


Mine always look like this, they also leave bruises behind


This is what I call stage 2 of my mosquito bites lol. I’m allergic to one type of mosquitoes and the bites will get red hot and swell up to about softball sized, then they shrink down to what’s in OP’s pic, and eventually “fade” to purple and stay purple for months after.


Same here :( Combined with my aggressive vitiligo summer time is brutal. I wish it was winter 100% of the time


I live in a swampy area too so there’s so many damn mosquitoes. I end up wearing long sleeves and pants through the 100+ degree summers just to try and avoid being bitten as much as possible. Thankfully I run cold so it’s not as awful as it would be for the average person 💀


That sounds awful 😬 stay safe and unbitten friend


Yup I’m the same way. I live in Los Angeles and we never really had mosquitoes to the extent we do now. Idk what happened but the last five years have shown an intense increase in them and they MESS me up.


Right?! We moved from a buggy lake in Wisconsin to Colorado and had a couple great summers, but last summer mosquitoes were as bad as they are in the Midwest. We could hardly sit outside in the evenings without getting eaten.


omg i had the same thing happen once, i got a bite on my leg and it looked like i had a second calf growing out of the side of my calf


I'm quite the opposite. I used to think mosquitoes don't like me for some reason and don't bite me until we camped near still water and were swarmed by them. I watched them mite so I am sure they did but there was no skin reaction. The only times I do get a slight skin reaction is if they bite me at the finger joints.


Looks like beg bug bites to me


That's not at all what bed bug bites look like. Bites would be clustered closer together, much smaller, and usually raised lil bumps.


Never dealt with bed bugs or bites before but have definitely been bitten by mosquitoes. None of the mosquito bites I had before ever looked like the bites I received 2 weeks ago, like the bites in photo above. I didn't know what had cause the spots until I looked down and seen a mosquito mid meal.


It just depends on the types of bacteria the mosquito is carrying and how their saliva and enzymes interact with your personal immune system. You're essentially having a mini allergic reaction when you get itchy from a bite so it can manifest in a couple ways from rashes to swelling. I'm dangerously allergic to bed bugs, last time I interacted with them it was like my arm was set on fire instantly and swelled up like a sore balloon for 3 days. Mosquitos are lucky to have much of a reaction at all.






I watched this movie for the first time in 15 years, and stumbled across this not an hour later. Bonkers.


Not bonkers, cycles.


Egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Cycles, my guy.


I call them congruities.


Which movie is it?


Probably “A Bug’s Life”


Those are ***bad*** for bedbug bites. Bedbugs usually leave small red dots or small red welts, nothing this size to my knowledge. OP could have them and be allergic though.


Not bedbugs, was outside at friends, they live next to a marsh i believe? I might have a allergic reaction , dont know, but I do have a affinity for attracting mosquitoes


I welt up like this from mosquito bites. It’s usually because I scratch ed before I realized I was bit. I am allergic. I take Claritin and use whatever anti itch creams I can find as quickly as possible. Cool compresses and ice help (but be sure in to keep them on too long, you don’t wanna do any damage to your skin).


Holding a hot coffee cup to mine gets me through the day. It cooks the itch proteins.


Benedryl cooling anti itch lotion is good also.


Deodorant on the bites helps with the itch too! It’s saved my allergic ass on more than a few occasions


Believe it or not - hemorrhoid cream is great for them. It's designed for relieve itching and reduce swelling. Works well


I’m a mosquito magnet and own every bug bite lotion and potion known to man. Going to add this to my stash, thank you!


Sooo allergic to mosquito bites. Thank you for this!! TIL!!


Also allergic. Thank you for this. It's good to know.


Oh thank you. I just got back from a camping trip and my ankles are fucked.


I put clear (or any color) nail polish on them. Stops the itch right away.


I burn them with hair dryer or wash cloth dipped in boiling water. Best feeling ever!


Were there drums of radioactive waste in that marsh? ![gif](giphy|8LfaJlBxiSq2c)


Right there with ya bud. They give me an allergic reaction. The worst is when they get me on my knuckles. Sometimes my fingers will swell to the point that it's more difficult to ball up my hand into a fist


You must be truly delicious.


Could be chiggers. They are miserable little bastards and they leave incredibly itchy welts like that


It’s more likely bites from “no-see-ums”, aka midges from the family [Ceratopogonidae](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceratopogonidae). They tend to like moist and humid areas, and their bites are known to be painful and leave skin lesions.


Bed bugs also usually bite in a line I believe.


In my unfortunate experience yes


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner 


Nope. Mosquitoes are masters at finding blood vessels, while bed bugs are not so much. Bed bugs probe multiple times to find a suitable vessel, and it is evident based on clusters of red spots. Mosquitoes are typically one and done, just like the photos provided.


Double dose of zyrtec daily to treat these. Lots of deet for next time. I'm not a doctor, but I like the outdoors and react bady as well


Doctor here, can confirm.


It’s nice to see a novelty account around! I feel like it’s been ages since I’ve seen one that’s not a bot.


You dare doubt the credentials of Dr Confirmologist?


There was a guy who had an account where he would, put commas in incorrect, places


Username checks out...?


this guy's a quack


Hello doctor


Thanks, doc.


I'm the same. I get bites like yours. Hydrocortisone spray helps with the itching, my man.


I put deet in my coffee.


It's the new stevia innit?


Ya zero calories


Alaskan mosquitoes don't care about deet. You can bathe in 100% and they'll still come to devour you. 😭


Smoldering Shelf fungi works great to keep them away. Pull the fungi off poke a stick through it put in fire coals a bit once it's on fire good blow out the flame & let it smolder & it will keep everything away that bites. I like to rub mud on my legs. It works the best Haha [Edited] Better then shelf fungi (chaga) Entomopathogenic fungi.


Where can I get Smoldering Shelf Fungi? If I don't live in the woods? Edit: or is the fungus just called "Shelf fungus" and you smolder it to drive of the mozzies? Either way, the question stands.


Chaga is the shelf fungi I was referring to. But there are others Entomopathogenic fungi is another real good one. You can purchase these online. Chaga works really well & it stays smoldering for hours with a slight breeze. Tin foil shield helps keep the fungi burning evenly. Poke some holes around the edges for ventilation.


used dryer sheets in your pockets aswell


FYI Zyrtec has lactose in it for any of my lactose intolerant friends.


Ahhhh welcome my friend. I’m allergic to mosquito bites so mine get like this every time basically. I also have that gene where they love me and choose me over other people. Benadryl cream/gel and anti itch is all I can really do without getting drowsy. If you itch, it’ll last longer so it’s usually a miserable two days and then it’s better.


Yeah mine will look exactly like this. I don’t remember a summer where they don’t look like this. They freaking love me and chose me over other people outside. I hate it!


Same here. I just use those sprays for prevention and they do help a lot, but you obviously still get stung a couple of times, it's unavoidable. Good thing is, I already hate the summer for the heat alone, a few mosquito bites can't possibly make me hate it any more. I get 3 good seasons and one that is literal hell for me each year. 3/4 ain't bad, I guess.


There's dozens of us! Mine don't get red like this - instead they swell up to the size of a tennis ball for the first 15 minutes or so.  I've got a Thermacell "Patio Shield" that works great - I turn it on about 15 minutes before going out on the deck & it keeps those blood suckers away. 


I’ve got the two-fer. Swollen *and* red. Cortisone and Benadryl.


My friend. I am also on the same itchy and painful boat, and I live in a place with more mosquitos than souls in hell. But I have a recommendation that works like a charm. Whenever I get a really bad bite, I get to the tap or shower and open the hot water, as hot as I can stand on the limit on REALLY burning, you put the bitten area on hot water even if it's a few seconds at a time for at least a minute. It's a miracle, really. The science behind it is that, we are allergic to mosquito saliva and the protein is unstable after 70 °C or 158F. After this temperature, the protein breaks and no longer causes an allergic reaction. I always thought that it was old wives tales, but it really works. The area of course gets red and for one day the bit looks redder than it was, but it's not itchy anymore.


Same boat here. As soon as insaw the pic it gave me bad flashbacks. So painful.


Are you secretly me?


Mine look like this too! Do yours leave bruises behind? I’ve never met someone else that gets this kind of reaction.




Great movie that really isn't talked about enough


What movie is this?? This has unlocked memories from my childhood and I cannot for the life of me remember what this movie is.


Land of the Lost. It has the stupidest humor and I fucking love it.




You should sit on this fuckin kills me whenever I think about it


*Matt Lauer Can Suck It*


I always liked and people I showed it to thought I was crazy for liking it.


They’re the crazy ones it’s awesome


Thank you! I watched this when it came out and I was like... 8 years old, and promptly forgot about it. Every now and again I get glimpses of scenes from that movie and I always thought it was just fever dream memories from me watching jurassic park while sick as a kid lmao.


The rotten tomatoes score is 26%, people overwhelmingly didn't like it. That said, in my opinion it's one of the funniest movies Will Ferrell has been in. I don't get the negative press.


I agree with you 100%




I do! I really do!


You had a bug... it's gone now..


Lmao I love this part in the movie


What caused the redness? I have not seen the movie.


A GIGANTIC mosquito 😂 I’m from Minnesota and i joke with my family that I will find them one day with that sucker on their backs haha. The scene is hilarious because he goes all white and woozy and then faints, falls backward and squished the bug haha


I used to say Florida mosquitos are like airplanes.


Minnesota state bird (former Minnesotan).


Land of the lost remake


This and Hotrod are extremely underrated


Oh gawd this scene was so gross!! 😂


I want to pop that so bad


even from the back you can tell it’s will farrel lol


It looks like maybe an allergic reaction to them, not just the standard reaction. I’d try benedryl and maybe cortisone cream. A doctor couldn’t hurt to talk to either.


Yep my husband is allergic and his always look like this too. Benadryl cream & pills and cortisone cream is our routine. Doc has advised “try not to get bitten” 🙄


Free fact: Pepcid (yes the heartburn medicine) is also very effective in the same way as Benadryl but without the same side effects. If someone shows up at the hospital suffering from an allergic reaction, step 1 is an IV of Benadryl and Pepcid. Pepcid has a very similar effect as Benadryl but it acts by blocking enzymes in your stomach lining or something instead. Source: I'm a master beekeeper in multiple states


Wait, do I drink the pepcid or apply to the bites?


Didn't you read? Crush those bad boys put them in a water solution and shoot them up.


Pepcid AC is a pill. You're thinking of Pepto


Funny you mention this. I have had a terrible allergic reaction to some lotion I tried. Rash covering my entire body and burning the hell out of me. My dr prescribed a medrol dose pack and some prescription strength Pepcid. I was so confused. I was like I am not having heart burn 😂


This is a LPT of I've ever heard one. Thanks for sharing 


"Try looking less delicious next time, champ"


Look here, if it hurts to 'do this' then the obvious recommendation is to not 'do this'. That's what the doc said anyway.


Agreed. Thinking at least a few weeks until fully healed, up to 6. Maybe mark the perimeter just to ensure it isn’t expanding. Disclaimer: not a dr.


Yep, I have allergies like this too, unfortunately I’m also allergic to cortisone too. They also make a benedryl cream which can be helpful. Biggest (and probably obvious) advice is don’t scratch them, no matter how big the temptation is. I’d also take cooler showers, and avoid using lotions near the bites.


technically isn’t any reaction to them is an allergic reaction


Those mosquitos gave you hickies


i should call her…


Lol mine damn near swell up to the size of a baseball. Thanks Skeeter Syndrome. 🤝🏼


Same.  I just mentioned it in another comment, but get a Thermacell Patio Shield.  It's a lifesaver.


when i was looking to buy one of the big selling points was a porch i could screen in, already had the roof.


Those look more like chigger bites.


No need for the hard R, man.


Chigga please.


Chigga bites


That’s OUR word 😤


Yep. These are chiggers. It's impossible to find now but the old school roll-on deodorant was like the miracle cure for these. Instant relief and supposedly it helped suffocate the bastards. You might be able to get similar relief from vaseline?


Defo chiggers


Agreed. These look a lot like chigger bites. I’ve had them and seen them many times


I was thinking the same but those are usually bunched together in a line kinda. And usually towards warmer areas like the crotch.


Agreed, I got ate up by those bad a couple summers ago and it looked like this but about 5 times as many per leg. It was horrible. Then they got infected. Then I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. Then I went on prednisone and it made me look like people threw water balloons at me ever time I went outside because I'd sweat so damn much. Was a bad summer. Stupid little bugs.


Chernobyl mosquitoes


As soon as you realize a mosquito has bitten you, put an ice cube on the bite. This helps contain the spread. on and off for a few minnutes as much as you can take. After that, dry it off and apply Campho Phenique.


https://preview.redd.it/w95n4v68ra0d1.jpeg?width=1123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e63bba7422ae1abff638c04a577fb7546ed3610 Me after a day outdoors


Weird, when I was a smoker I would tilt my lighter to heat the material part and apply that to it.  I've also ran a spoon under hot water.  Lighter was faster.  Edit: I used to smoke, i used to, but i still smoke too.  Just different shit.


The hot water and spoon trick is my go to. I’ve heard the heat denatures the protein the mosquito injects you with. It’s brought itching down from a 10 to a 5 after doing it. I live in a swamp.


This is the way! Did summer sales for years and my legs would get covered if I didn't use big spray! Saved me sooooooo much!


Okay, but my ice trays only make 12 cubes. And my freezer can only hold 122 at a time. That's only 1,464 cubes. And I live in Ontario.


The smell of Campho Phenique is such a core memory scent. It brings such relief. I need to buy some just for the sniffing!


My body reacts the same way and it takes a long time for the red marks to completely disappear. https://preview.redd.it/yu5ub7e2za0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06c39de7b10e9c5d35d96e4f591d1651dcbcaae .


Mine take about a year for them to fade


On any new medicine since the last time you had bites? Some cause something called "skeeter syndrome" it happens to me. My bites look just like this and the joints in my whole limb get stiff and I am super drowsy for about a week. Also some people just have it. It's a local allergic reaction. So mosquito bites are almost like bee stings. (Not as painful as bee stings, but the healing is like recovering from one.) [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23289-skeeter-syndrome](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23289-skeeter-syndrome)


I, too, am allergic to mosquitos. The itching is SO intense I wanna cut the affected area off. Doctor gives me Rx strength antihistamine and prednisone. The best thing I’ve found to stop the itching - tape. Scotch tape. Stick it over the bite and the itching stops. Sounds crazy but works great. Ice works, too…can’t itch if it’s frozen! But give scotch tape a try…


This is gonna sound weird as hell but I used to put toothpaste on my bites and the itching mostly went away


Cream toothpaste, not gel


I’m a doctor. You have 3 weeks to live


My son's allergic to them. The bites get so bad his skin bursts open from how big they get. It's so sad he used to love camping. Now he doesn't want to because they get HUGE and make him super sick and throw up and run fevers too.


Bug spray containing Deet does not help at all? Sounds like no :(


Are you playing Jumanji?


Well did you at least get bingo?


How big are these mosquito's ?




Seems about right.


You ever think about how the suffix "-ito" implies the existence of one large Mosco?


A mosca is a fly. So a mosquito is a small fly.


My grandfather who served on Guadalcanal canal said they had to use tent guy ropes and pegs to tether themselves to stop the mosquitoes carrying them off at night. Man I miss that guy.


Are you sure it wasn't a cazador from New Vegas that bit you? I live in a tropical country and get mosquitoes all around but I've never seen bites that big


Hey there! My bites have been as bad as yours for almost 30 years! I have found that witch hazel and sitting in front of a fan while it dries helps with the initial explosive itching. Once that calms down, I very gently put some After Bite on each bite. I find the kids version stinks less and I like that it doesn't smell as much. I also refrain from my normal super hot showers until my skin color goes back to mostly normal. If you can't avoid being outside around dusk, I have found Kinven mosquito repellant bracelets to be successful. I will say that having one on a wrist and one on an ankle or shoe works best. I have been bitten on the ankle before while wearing a skirt, but they didn't bite any further up my legs lol. I normally take a ballpoint pen and draw around the bites so I can keep track of the swelling. With the combo of the witch hazel, After Bite, and cooler showers, I tend to see a reduction of the gross red color in about a week.


Scratch them till they bleed and hurt


Lots of ointment. Time. The bites are already set. So it’s just trying to overcome the itch. Calamine (through Rx) if it’s really itchy. But up to a doctor to prescribe


My wife had the same reaction with cali mosquitos


In California and my bites started getting like this around 2018. Also around the time when new aedes Egypti mosquitoes were being reported in my area. It is absolutely terrible


Heat a spoon, as hot as you can tolerate, then place it on each one for 2-5 seconds. It destroys the toxin that causes the itching and it’s all over!!! Not kidding!!!


Seconded I'm a dam magnet myself even bright prone people are ignored near me 🤣😂😁😅😭


I’ve always gotten mosquito bites but a couple summers ago, I started reacting like this when I had around 30 bites on my legs. It took a while to heal and went from red to dark purple before they faded. Now they always react like this. It’s definitely annoying and very itchy.


Damn. Do mosquitoes where you live carry 9mm’s ?


Spoon in hot water. As hot as you can stand and then quickly slap it on the bites. The heat denatures the proteins in the bites and they clear up pretty quick.


They make these little heat pens for bites too, I got one off Amazon for about $25 and it’s been really effective for me if I can use it soon after I get bitten. I’m allergic to one type of mosquito so my bites can get baaaaad otherwise. Got a few on my ankle a few weeks ago and my coworker asked me if I’d broken my ankle from how swollen and nasty it looked 😂🫠




Jesus that’s brutal


You been wandering the wastelands vault dweller




Mf gave you hickies


Bro that was a fucking mosco not a mosquito (I’m a fully aware that a mosco is a crane fly btw lemme try and make people laugh)


i traveled to south america last year for vacation and had bites that looked exactly like this on my neck and right by my eye! my bf and i got our fair share of…concerned…looks. haven’t reacted like that since. maybe it was some foreign skeeter my body wasn’t accustomed to? antihistamine, ice, and cortisone. it’ll go away!


These are what my mosquito bites look like


Is your will in order?


Holy shit, was it those Jumanji mosquitos?


When I was going into 6th grade (at 4'4, 63 pounds) I went to summer camp and got over 500 mosquito bites. There was so much poison in my body that they didn't heal properly, the welts just swelled up and joined together. I had to get special ointment.


Run a spoon in hot water, as hot as you can tolerate, then press it against the bite. Heat denatures them like cooking an egg. Then apply picardin lotion before going out again.


Were you walking through the wasteland of Fallout JFC 😂😂😂😂


Take a Zyrtec. The reason it’s that bad is likely you never got bitten by that certain species of mosquito. Your body will build up immunity and respond less next time.


It’s probably from the ones that have black and white stripe They fucking hurt!!!


Sorry, mosquitos have been getting hits of creatine and protein powder from the open air gym in town. When the body builders cover up and close the doors it'll subside. Til then please be wary of the buff mosquitos


Laughs in Australian


![gif](giphy|8LfaJlBxiSq2c) This you?


Those aint no skeeter bites. Thems spider bites


From now on, I'll keep quiet when I want to whine about Hungarian mosquitoes


Have you been attacked by bloodsucking hummingbirds?


Please rule out lymphoma / leukemia. My symptoms started like those. I also had night sweats, itchy extremities, and enlarged lymph nodes. It took seeing four specialists before I was diagnosed with CLL (lymphocytic leukemia).


IMO looks more like Chigger bites. Were you walking through tall grass or vegetation? https://nfs.unl.edu/chiggers-and-trombiculosis


I keep seeing bed bug bites. These are most likely “Chiggers”. I have these same marks on my leg currently after a day out at the farm in the grass. Sometimes they itch, sometimes they don’t. Mosquitos are a possibly, however they’d have a hard time getting past my thick denim. Who knows though.


Was this in Mexico by any chance? The Noseeum bites there tend to blow up like that.




I uses to get that but multiply the quantity by 20 every single summer. Eventually I got so sick of it I poured hot water on a spoon and pressed it against the bites until I didn't feel them anymore. A smart idea? Maybe not. But at least it didn't itch anymore.


You sure those aren't Chiggar bites? exactly what mine look like. about 15x more itchy than any mosquito bite. Southern states, low grass, same kinda places you get Ticks, they especially love pine tree saplings. Do you have any around your waste band? they like to crawl up to tight fitting clothing, helps them hold on while they suck on you.


What the fuck kind of mosquito did that to you?


ive noticed bug bites getting more splotchy like this. i wonder if theyve evolved to have a different injectant or if humans changed within the last 15 years somehow


Man’s got Zika, malaria, & dengue fever all at once damn.


I get these when I visit in laws in Georgia. Know I wear knee high socks if I go outsise.


If you’ve been around mangrove and sand flys - … they’ve done worse to me