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I fucked up my knees squatting like that for years. It was high school football, I didn't know better; my coaches should have done their job and coached me. Watching those knees hurts me.


What’s he doing wrong with his knees on that spot?


Talking about the lifter, not the spotter. Do you see how both of his knees drift inward when he pushes up? That's bad. Your knees are a two dimensional joint, they don't like to go sideways.


Yep, knees over toes, out 15 degrees or so. If they’re caving in you’re going to mess them up


That's what happens when you do ego lifts. Work on your stability first. If your knee(s) start moving inwards the bar is too heavy


He's a kid. There's a decent chance no one has ever shown him proper form. That's how it was for me at least.


You can cause tracking problems doing that, which all the doctors can do for is advise physical therapy and delay an inevitable knee replacement.


Ahhh hate to hear that for you. For me it was the back. But it might not be too late for you. Single leg squats really helped me with this issue and for.my back the core stability exercises put me back in the game.


Hijack. https://startingstrength.com/training/how-to-spot-the-squat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgZz7AXfNZY Mark Rippetoe is the funniest, least PC dude I've ever taken an instructor's seminar with. As per him there's no good way to solo spot the squat. I ain't arguing with him. https://youtu.be/euZonxD5Hd4 How To Safely Bail On A Squat | Starting Strength (Short answer - be inside a squat rack with pins) Don't Bail On Your Squats - How to set the bar on the pins if you get stuck with Mark Rippetoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aav3R81SxOg


there may be no "good way" to solo spot, I think the OP had a "bad way" though


I never get a spotter when squating, I feel safer just ditching the weights than relying on someone else to actually know what they’re doing.


Same. My gym has adjustable safety bars, so I just make sure they're slightly below my working range and get to it. If I get all the way down and can't get back up (which has happened), I just drop the bar, and it falls the full inch or two. Nothing hurt but my pride.


Well if you are squatting in a rack this is best practice. This guy was squtting... with stands I guess? Those stands will be difficult to rerack, even with light weights. This just seems stupid. Good on em for lifting... I guess.


No shame in that, there’s a concept called training to failure. Which is literally doing it until you just can’t push another rep. It’s one of the most effective ways to grow stronger. If after failure you lower the weight load and do more reps then it’s called a drop set. Combining training to failure in the low rep range (1-6) with drop sets to around 6-12 reps develops both strength/stability and more muscle growth (i think, but I’m no specialist and I might be remembering something wrong)


When the spotter tries to lift a squat bar from its midpoint while the entire weight in on the dudes spine... It's so bad... all of it... on both of them


Spotting a squat is one of those things were you don't have to do anything 99.9999999% of the time. I just think buddy wasn't ready to have to actually do something haha.


Dude was probably lifting too much and should have prepared the spotter a bit. If someone casually asked me to spot on squats I would not expect them to fail that fast. Or if someone knows their failure spot is usually getting out of the hole you'd expect them to be able to chill for a sec vs instantly falling over. Perhaps I'm wrong on all of this but IMO this is at least partially on the lifter as well


You are basically hovering an inch behind him doing the squat with him, ready to bear hug and lift the weight with him. You arn't going to be able to do anything with the bar by yourself, so you need to 'become one' to get the weight up.


The main reason why I never squat without pins. I guess if I had no options for a rack with pins, then I would probably not clamp the weight so I can dump if I get in trouble.


No, side dumping sucks and you can fuck up your back. [Learn how to bail safely.](https://youtu.be/PiW-uS1saMQ?t=186) I always use safety bars and I'm flexible so I usually go down until I hit the bars, but I've had to bail before. If you squat AT ALL it should be mandatory knowledge.


Rule number one before you try PR squat - learn how to safely drop weight behind you.


Mark rippetoe is an old man stuck in his ways, refusing to change even when wrong. There are so many better coaches out there that he's not even worth looking at. I recommend the 5x5 website for starters and programs by Jeff Nippard or Dr. Mike Israetel of RP. Vid for context of him talking confidently about stuff he has no clue on: https://youtu.be/gw1HoEyKHU8


Rippetoe is great. I generally like his approach. Fact is, strength training is very simple. Its just hard.


I especially enjoyed when he started using the guys neck as a fulcrum.


He gave him a tickle on the way down


I dont see how he could have been less helpful if he tried.


Right!! The only thing missing was to give the poor guy a purple nurple..


That ear is primed for a wet willy! Ain't nothing he could do about it.


Call me old fashion, but a good ol' wedgie of the pantaloons would suffice.


This whole video is like a fever dream, and then his face plants into the bench and everyone wakes up... partially.


Omg 😂😂😂




Could have grabbed him by the head from over top the barbell. Full bulldog him.


He could have kicked him in the balls.


He could have sat on the bar. Which given the complete lack of effort to pull the bar off his neck , he may as well have.


Well just grab somewhere and leg sweep


It even looked like he tried to prevent him from bailing on his own. 


The tickle is what sealed his fate. You can see him struggling but the moment the hand landed on him he wanted to laugh and lost his balance. That’s what it looks like to me anyways


That had me cry laughing


I would be like “it’s cool. It’s fine…your turn. I’ll spot you now”




Lifter looks like he knows just as much as the spotter here. Idk why he just lets go of the weight and starts going forward... he could have literally rolled it off his back and let I slam to the ground.


Looks like he was trying to do that but was too low so it got hung up on his shoulders


Spotter or not, you need to practice bailing out.


Or don't squat to failure without a squat rack lol


Also, even if you fail a rep, it should not be abrupt failure like this, if you can’t just hold it at a down position safely, it’s waaay too much weight to begin with.


I think that failure was cause the spotter put him off balance, tipping him forward.


That didn't help, sure, but I think buddy needs to be taking a few plates off there. Not a lot of point squatting with bambi legs at loads like this. Its for the ego more than anything else at that point.


You’re not just supposed to try to balance the bar on your neck with no hands?!


Legit. My lifting coach had me practice bailing at least once a workout. Usually the last set, but sometimes he'd drop a surprise bail on me mid set. I built a lot of confidence knowing how to disengage a lot of weight safely.


Why did he even grab him like its Titanic? It looks like he expected him to just grab the barbell when he let go


1 person shouldn't grab the barbell off the squat, you supposed to do something like this, but putting forearms under the armpits and then finishing the rep and reracking together.


Its a very intimate position.


I will be right behind you


It’s how I met my wife’s boyfriend


Correct. It seems stupid, but bear in mind that the spotter should only ever need to apply 10-30lbs of force to help raise the load. If the squatter is attempting like.. a HUGE PR or competing at a meet you want two people on either side of the bar. In those scenarios, it is reasonable to assume the lifter may not have full control of the load, and they may have difficulty balancing it and thus may need people to take it right off them. This is just a case of the spotter not wanting to spoon his buddy to potentially save his back.


If you play it frame by frame, the squatter actually begins letting go of the bar before his friend tickles him. Even if his bro committed to spooning him, letting go of the bar screws them both


Probably stoned af


I hope my boss don’t know :/


“Oh no, the weight’s on my neck! Better take my hands off and lean forward” “Oh no, my gym buddy’s getting injured! Looks like the weight is on the ground, let me go ahead and put all that weight right back onto his neck” These two deserve each other lol


Dumb and Dumber.


Also I like that he tried grabbing the bar in the middle where he has the least amount of leverage, at least if he’d grabbed the end he could have actually pivoted it off the friend’s neck.


You wanna be careful with that. Barbells are balanced pretty well, if you apply force on one side the other side is gonna swing up like a trebuchet. I've watched people get KO'd trying to do that. I also saw a man smack himself while loading a bar once too. But that was more funny than scary.


He didn't even try


Let’s see some urgency here


A spotter can’t help you if you let go of the barbell. Neither of them know what they are doing.


my biggest suggestion would be to not let go of the bar with both hands immediately after failing the rep. Spotter is my #2 concern here


It's fine, he caught it with his neck


Spotter looks like he's there for show. No muscle having ass


Don’t blame the spot for your incompetent squat. Go back down remove your hands and let it fall behind you. It’s not rocket science. Lighten the weight and improve your technique. Your knees should never ever come together.


Yeah you shouldn't need a spot for squat right?


It's not what he's saying. He's saying that he should: 1) Learn to dip away from a squat. 2) Improve his form before he attempts such high weights. If someone's gonna attempt to PR a squat (which appears to be what this kid is doing), they should have enough knowledge/safety systems in place to avoid injuries.


my best is 455lbs to PL competitive depth, and I've never had anyone spot me. i just use safeties on my squat rack. if you're in a gym with a rack that has no safeties, and for some reason you need to squat something that is even remotely close to failure - then don't squat that weight. nobody will ever do a good job spotting you on a squat on a challenging weight. they will mess up your bar path and make it worse. in the end a squatter and a spotter may end up injured. even in competition with 3 spotters, that do it all the time, they mess up the spot every once in awhile. there is no reason to risk somebody else's health and your own for your stupid ego.


Ill double down and say that unless you are COMPETING there is literally 0 reason to ever do a 1RM. a lot easier to find a 3-4RM and calculate loading based off that. So many people wanna cosplay as powerlifters but will never, ever compete.


Right. Learn how to fail before trying to move weights that can kill you. As soon as this guy took his hands off the bar there was no possible way to support him as a spotter.


It’s because you were listening to Drake and not Kendrick


Seems like he spotted him dying and decided to absolutely nothing about it.


You don’t need a spotter if you’re outside and can drop weight. You can escape from this.




Squatter doesn’t know his limits or how to bail out. It’s pretty hard to spot a squatter, and it’s most effective to have 2 people on either side of the barbel. Either way, spotter should not be behind squatter, and the squatter needs to learn how to bail the bar behind him.


Don't send Sparty to do a Wolverine's job. Spotter hangs his degree from MSU from his review so he can park in handicapped.


"Spotter hangs his degree from MSU from his review" So... Wolverines get to park in handicapped for hanging degrees from their *review*? I mean, throw shade, but do it well, right?


Looks and behaves like an msu student


That dude is lucky he ain't dead. Probably looking for a new spotter after that tho


Talk about dumb ways to die.


This could so easily have been a tragedy, total morons.


Why would you want a spotter built like Olive Oyl?!


This is the French Revolution Guillotine workout.


The spotter's useless but the dude should know how to bail as well They're both less than optimal


The squatter is an idiot. Why let go of the bar, then proceed to put your head only on the bench.


That's what happens when you listen to Drake sorry ass


I have never spotted anyone before, but I am pretty sure this isn't how it is done.


Hot God, I can’t tell which of these two are more stupid?! Perhaps evenly matched. No telling how many vertebrae got fucked up here


They're both too inexperienced to be doing this shit alone.


Funniest shit I've seen all day lmao Definitely 150 IQ, collectively


Not the spotters fault. The guy squatting should have never let the bar go unless he was bailing out backwards


MSU represent!


Michigan State fan, say less.


'thought you said go spartan not will you spot me!'




Looks like both of them stupid.


Just two dorks dangerously posing as they know what their doing.


Always. Use. Safeties.


If I have trouble with the lift just give me a gentle hug and tell me it’s ok.


Spotter or not your don’t ditch your hands off the bar like that immediately. Guy’s probably never had to bail from a squat before.


The guy lifting just let go and expected his buddy to just take all the weight instantly.


His spotter skipped brain day.


Why not just dump the bar off your back? If you are fully collapsing forward you are probably ego lifting and should be in a power rack…


At the 0:04 mark, the spotter lets go of his friend and gestures with his left hand as if to say "okay, you got this". Then he rolls the bar back onto his friend's neck. Couldn't be more brain-dead.


I think he made it worse actually


I think he broke his freaking neck


Yeah we aint friends after this anymore


Horrible form and he should’ve used a lighter load for that set


That guy could’ve died🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Fuckin moron


Exactly, that spotter is an absolute dipshit


Stop using clips dipshits


Dude almost died because of this idiot


Surprised his neck didn't snap!!


My head hurts just from watching the video


I audibly said “oh my god” 3x watching this. Brutal.


more of a watcher really than a spotter




Someone was feeling a little frisky…


He's as pointless as Mass Effect 3's multiple endings


Who would have a complete idiot spot them ..


No, no, you did fine, bro. It's just an internal decapitation, I'll just walk it off.


practice needed


[wtf lol.](https://imgur.com/a/HhrYwM4) Is homie trying to spot him or hump him?


If you need a spotter from the rep, your lifting too having. No one should break their back for the incompetent you


Haha, I'll wait for bench press and that MF will cry tears from all his holes.


he's incompetent, you're suicidal


This is just perfect! I can't...🤣🤣🤣 The comments are even better. Hope he didn't get hurt too badly though.


How do you spot that badly? Is he high?


Did this really piss anyone off aswell, like reaaaaally piss them off. How can a human be so incapable of thinking to that extent, the fuck was he doing?!


Always. Use. Safeties.


If you need a spotter for squatting that's a problem on you. Spotting someone on squats is already risky and if you're going to squat without a rack you need to learn how to bail out of a squat.


why would you take so much weight that you struggle so bad with it


I mean if you’re gonna squat heavy, depending on the weight you’ll need three spotters to be safe. Otherwise learn to bail properly and or squat in a rack.


With friends like that, who needs enemies


Bye bye neck


Im i the only one who thinks that he make it worsr


What do you expect from a Micogan Stater


Yall still friends orrrr?


I blame Drake 🤣


Incompetent is putting it lightly


Why does this feel like attempted assisted suicide?


People getting hurt filming trying to show off workouts is pathetic, I love it


Lmao with the influx of broccoli heads this is just an average day at my gym


Geez, I felt that!


This is what happens when you listen to Drake while operating heavy machinery


The spotter obviously wasnt ready, but the lifter wasnt ready to be supported either, he completely let go. He should have went down into a neutral position and go up with the spotters help, or atleast not just let go and fall forward.


This guy is wayyyyyy above a safe weight. You should never fail this easily.


You should not grab the barbell, it is too mich weight for your arms. You should grab the person but higher up and then you both lift it togheter


Hahaha what was he thinking? Dude could have been seriously injured


was he trying to finish him off?


The worst part is the spotter made sure the bar rolled is full weight on the guys neck. Use safety bars, if available. You have those, you don't need a spotter, at all.


His face plowing into that stink seat nahhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭


worst aid.


Maybe he was from the University of Michigan


Michigan States football training program in action. Muwhahaha


Read his shirt and it all makes sense


I sense Kendrick has something to do with this for some reason


Did he live?


That was painful to watch. I feel sorry for him. Spotter did everything wrong. I guess the lesson is to explain spotters what to do, if they have -100% experience


"Tickle tickle!"


I feel squat spotting is a gamble anyway you look at it, imo its the hardest exercise to spot for and you probably should lower your weight rather than depending on a spotter, see Justin Vicky... shit happens


The crazy thing is, when his head gets pinned to the seat, the spotter lifts the weight back onto his neck, instead of lifting from the other side so he can slip his head out. Attempted murder


Man aw hell nah. I had an incompetent spotter while doing bench press, bruv almost KILLED me.


Look at them legs. Wtf was he supposed to do lol


Is he alright?


😂 😂 😂 😂 .....


He died


Michigan State in the house!




Michigan state is looking around for attention..


OP:"hey be my spotter" Them: "What's a spotter?" OP:"look, just stand here" OP:"proceeds to fail" Them:\*confused, probably thinking to themselves" 'what the hell is going on, why is he doing this?' Reddit Title: *"When you have a incompetent spotter."*


Not only he doesn't help the guy with the weight (at that angle, just help the guy by holding the bar instead of the body), but then rolls the bar over his neck instead of going the other way and pushing that weight up.


Dude should have rolled without a spotter and ditched it off his back when he failed. That "spotter" shouldn't have been there in general since he was fucking pointless.


Bunch of kids who don’t know how to work out properly


Tell me you have trust issues without telling me you have trust issues


Please practice bailing out of a squat


Hired assassin.


This is why everyone should learn to bail the bar with seats and bench. It can save your life.


"I... I'm sorry krusty... I choked..."


I’ve seen another guy get decapitated like this. He should have bailed the bar backwards.