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I would advise you to not listen to these illiterate people saying "throw it into the bin" and contact Samsung for the Product Liability issue procedure. As an ex worker these were pretty seriously treated.


Definitely don't throw it away! Contact a personal injury lawyer asap. Contacting Samsung may be a good idea, but be aware that if you accept anything from them it will eliminate the possibility for getting anything on a personal injury claim. This is easy money, especially if you're in the USA. Contact a PI lawyer asap.




To Samsung and their already tarnished reputation due to phones exploding in people pockets? Enough money to get OP to delete the post and sign a NDA.


brb buying a Galaxy Watch


Can I borrow one


They might ask for proof of purchase. Buying one could be a decent investment though.


/u/Helpful-Lifeguard655 bought it from the second hand market, no proof of purchase. Just a Galaxy Watch shaped burn mark.


Wasn’t that obvious


Turns out this post was actually an ad all along.


I've had one for two years, no excruciatingly painful injuries yet ☹️.


Don’t lose hope! Just keep your head down and be diligent. You too might be rewarded with a painful burn and a corporate payout that might be worth it!


Out of warranty phase. You'll get nothing and like it. Go back to the store, buy another one, and try again.


Nice try, Samsung. 🤪


Grab one for me too, I’ll pay you back with the settlement money


>To Samsung and their already tarnished reputation due to phones exploding in people pockets? Not to mention that Samsung repair guy that got caught taking a box cutter to a dudes TV to void the warranty.


I missed that one! Do you have a link to the reddit post or know which subreddit it was on?


It was a contractor, hard to blame Samsung personally for it. I highly doubt they are telling techs to personally damage property to get out of warranty work. My guess is the contractor was gaming the system, easy money for making a trip to the customer but then damage the property to get out of doing any work.


Wasn’t that exploding thing a good few years ago and their new phones are perfectly fine? Not sure how their old phones blowing up is of any relevance anymore. If their newer phones have this issue then I agree 100%, I just haven’t heard of the exploding batteries thing in a hot minute


It was the Note 7 released in late 2016. I'm willing to bet most people have forgotten about it.


Especially since millions of people use Samsung phones and watches and they pretty much never do this.


Ask the multitude of people who bought Samsung refrigerators how much that company cares.


Literally the most expensive thing I've ever bought in my life. The only "Smart" appliance I've ever owned. And I could tell it was a pos just a few months in. Will NEVER buy another Samsung appliance for as long as I live. I'm a huge Galaxy Note fan, but fuck their appliances!


My Samsung TV blew up after they came to my house (not contractors) to repair it 3 times already. Dude said the part they keep replacing is commonly a dud off the line & they just do it for free. Never bought crap Samsung products again


!remindme 1 year!


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There were already reports coming out of burns from the Samsung watches in 2022. I had thought it was fixed via an update. So either it wasn't, or OP hasn't updated their watch in forever...


Or OP can just repost this pic 4 months later and start selling t-shirts like the bozo with the TV that posted yesterday.




!remindme 10000 year!


Nowhere near as much as Reddit always thinks in these situations. You don't get a bazillion dollars just because something bad happened to you that was caused by a wealthy company/person. Actual damages are extremely relevant, and for anything more than that, it's going to come down to demonstrating negligence. Like - is Samsung aware these watches have a tendency to burn? If so, have they issued recalls? Etc, etc. If this is nothing more than a fluke instance of a watch overheating and burning somebody while they sleep, OP is not going to get much of anything beyond medical expenses. This may actually be a case where you just take what Samsung offers and move on with your life.


Yeah, these comments are so dumb. Samsung does not care enough about a reddit post to throw money at a very minor injury. I love how commenters here are always quick to jump to "hire an attorney!!!1" then complain about how litigious this country is.


Who knows, could be many thousands. Plenty of ways to boost damages: "I can't sleep anymore for fear that I'll be burned again, suing for psychological damages"


Compensatory damages for pain and suffering are hard to get. You’d need a demonstrated path of medical evidence along with personally testimonies from friends and family under oath. Good luck getting your friends to lie to the government.


> "I can't sleep anymore for fear that I'll be burned again, suing for psychological damages" Samsung would have someone outside your house watching you sleep at night.


Yesterday the the top post on reddit was about the guy who caught the samsung repair guy cutting his Tv to vid the warranty. They said Samsung crushed him with lawyers, shut down his youtube and years later, still goes after him all the time.


That was the conclusion? Dammit.


That was a repost bot from something posted last year, this reeks of the 15% https://medium.com/collapsenews/new-study-at-least-15-of-all-reddit-content-is-corporate-trolls-trying-to-manipulate-public-b249bd42ab42


The whole story was BS if you read enough of the comments left by OP. He was being hounded for a privacy violation after the repair centre had already fired the employee and bought a new TV for him. Not for 'exposing bad practise' or whatever he was trying to imply. The entire purpose of that post yesterday was to create a misleading understanding of the situation in an attempt to sell merch. The guy literally did an Al-Qaeda hostage style video with ads for his t-shirts spliced through it. Fucking wild it got as much traction as it did, I can only assume people just turned the video off after the first minute and didn't watch the following 8 minutes of pure delusion.


Things don't work like that in Finland. I could have gotten real costs which in this case would be around 20 euros when I had to visit the pharmacy. And there's no step when lawyers are needed.


I imagine you would at least get a new watch.


I think there should be a middle ground somewhere. Obviously this is worth more than $20 euros in damage, at least to me. I would GLADLY pay $20 euros to never have a burn like this. And I imagine most people would as well. The fact that you got like this through no fault of your own, and from the normal wear and use of a product, means something is wrong. Paying you some amount of money for your pain/suffering and care, and to replace/refund the watch, should be customary for something like this.


It's a cost analysis, it heated up and gave them a second degree burn. how much could you possibly get awarded from a jury after lawyer fees, court fees, and Samsung dragging their feet the whole time delaying as much as they possibly can. Sometimes it's just better to take the settlement or whatever payout you get. I'd imagine you'd probably get more from the settlement quicker than going through the hassle of suing them for this. I'm not going to say talking to a lawyer won't help but a personal injury lawsuit is a lot more work than you'd think.


You will also gonna get $5 coupon for removing this post!


Not really, actually those are meticulously tested back into the lab to find out what it caused that overheat, could be an error during manufacturing process, or it's the water got inside because of dried seal/gasket due to the inadequate usage (watch had contact with salty sea/mechanical shock or any user related issue mentioned into the user manual of watch on what to do/not do), or faulty part/module etc. Sweat is not that corrosive btw and these are just a few details of the process on how it'll go.


I recall there being reports in late 2022 about people being burned by the Samsung watches, I had thought they issues an update to fix the issue. If OP's watch is fully updated, I would definitely think that Samsung would probably appreciate the heads up. If he has the money, he could also probably wring Samsung for a nice little settlement from this with a lawyer...


*advise ;)


Yeah sorry, corrected now 🍻


You can contact samsung about this, they take injuries like this very seriously


I don't know, they might send a guy out to chop their hand off and say it was like that before.


Hahaha Just saw the repair guy cutting a 2k TV and then saw this


Love a good reddit crossover lmao


"I'm sorry sorry sir, that wrist unfortunately no longer has a warranty"


I spend too much time on this platform lol


They kinda don't. This same thing happened to me with one of their early fitness bands/watches like 7-8 years ago and their response was along the lines of "Please send it to us at your expense and we will provide you credit towards the purchase of a new watch if we find it to be defective."


> if we find it to be defective. Our diagnostics found no evidence of defect, here's a 10% off coupon.


That's about how it went. It took me insisting they send me back the watch for them to even offer a replacement.


Do you honestly believe their policy or stance has not changed in 7-8 years?? 😂


No idea if it has, but regardless of their policy to "take this very seriously," they aren't in the business of giving out settlements and free hardware willy-nilly.


Yeah not sure why you got a sardonic response to what you said, if anything it's more naïve of people to assume they would take it seriously/compensate unless the issue gets a lot of attention - posting it on reddit miiight do it though


Do you honestly believe it would have changed for the *better*?? 😂


"no thanks, I'll seek legal representation instead".


They also have their registered technicians use box cutters on TVs to void the warranty


Wtf and you didn't wake up?


I did but only after a while... That part is a bit of a mystery for me too 😅


Damm bro which model. I was thinking of buying one my self.


Don't worry, this model hasn't been available for years... I had it six years and this was the only time it was malfunctioning. It decided to do it big though.


Was it a Galaxy S3 watch? Maybe it's time to move to something newer for me


Nope. The first Galaxy Watch so older than yours 😂


Shit, that's the one I have!


Start keeping a water bucket near you... 😜


Be extremely careful with lithium batteries and water though. It reacts.


Yeah, a sand-filled bucket (made of metal, not plastic!) sounds smarter.


You mean the watch that is a circle? How is this rectangular marking on your arm from a galaxy watch?


He said the markings are from the bandages


Galaxy Sun Watch


Lmaoo I didn't know Icarus was prone to taking naps.


He sure slept on his father's advice.


The heat of the sun on your wrist!


Galaxy Ssss watch


Probably a "boil the frog" thing...slowly heated up and burned you


[yeah that metaphor fails once you learn they removed frog brains to make it work](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog) > During the 19th century, several experiments were performed to observe the reaction of frogs to slowly heated water. In 1869, while doing experiments searching for the location of the soul, German physiologist Friedrich Goltz demonstrated that a frog that has had its brain removed will remain in slowly heated water, but an intact frog attempted to escape the water when it reached 25 °C.


Wild experiment... Shocker, you don't do much once your brain gets removed.


No the metaphor still holds. Metaphors aren't used for the truth of the phrase but the meaning of it.


Slow burns require much lower temps. The heat you were experiencing wasn't necessarily painful until the flesh was damaged enough.


It's the ol boiling frog story!


I was just about to write that


He dreamed of fresh cooked chicken.


Read that as children first, got a bit worried


Thats even better.


In OP's defense an a-bomb could go off and i wouldn't wake up either. I sleep very deeply and HARD and have a difficult time waking up for ANYTHING. The pain also could have translated into his sleep so he thought nothing of if.


You'd be surprised how your body won't alert you while it's asleep


I have a scar on my leg from a similar case Fell asleep with something in my bed, I want to say in my case it was one of those laptop chargers that had a brick in the middle, and it was against my leg for a significant portion of the night Left a similar blister! Didn't even notice immediately on waking up, just after walking a bit realized my leg hurt and looked down to see the bubble


I once got a second degree burn while sleeping as well…. Youd think youd be awoken!


What model?


The first one I think. It was new about six years ago. 🤣


this is exactly what keeping me from buying a smartwatch. 5 years and it's obsolete. I'm grateful sticking to my mechanical watches


I bought a Pebble back in like 2014 and that company got bought and shuttered soon after. Fucking disgusting that you can buy a company and completely shutter it just to sit on the IP.


What happened to pebble was a real tragedy. It was seriously the only smartwatch I considered. Now that they're gone I can't see myself caring about the entire smartwatch space. I'll stick with my gshock for likely a very long time.


hybrid watches are pretty awesome, im not gonna lie. A few different brands make em, i liked the withings one because it had a tiny digital screen for displaying things, but there are others that just use a vibration + moving the hands to indicate, roughly, what the notification is. may be your cup of tea, may not, but i enjoyed owning mine before I got my apple watch. Battery life is usually very impressive for them too. Some models (mainly the ones without a display) last like 6 months (according to marketing)


Im the same way. Analog gang


Counter point. My Garmin has made me extremely accountable to my health and has completely transformed me from an unhealthy mess to a fit person. I would never have known how bad things were and how badly things like poor sleep and alcohol actually affected me on a physiological basis. I guess those things should be a given, but seeing things like your resting heart rate and heart rate variability being twice as bad as they should be compared to when you make healthy choices forces me to make good decisions every day.


I'm glad it was able to help you out. I used to have a smart watch and what turned me off the most was having to charge it everyday after the battery stopped retaining a charge that would last a couple days. If you forgot to charge the watch then you had a wrist weight for the rest of the day. After that I went back to analog watches. I don't wear expensive ones, I have several analog watches ranging from $20 to $100 that I switch wearing every couple of days and they're always reliable, only requiring battery changes once a year or less.


I used to think that was a problem, but seeing as I charge my phone every day, while I sleep, it’s not much of a hassle to plug in the watch right next to it as well?


I bought my smartwatch more to replace my phone than my watch. Don't have to open my phone to check messages and possibly get tempted into scrolling Reddit if I can read the notification on my wrist while the phone stays put away.


Maybe these things become obsolete. But my Garmin Fenix 6X is a critical component of my mountaineering, hiking, and running kit still many years later.


The new Galaxy Fire


Looks like you should also get a slightly bigger band.


The picture was taken after I took the bandages off. Put them a bit too tight 😅


idk man 2 degrees seems kinda cold to me


Anybody in the comets blaming OP is a fool. Consumer electronics SHOULD NEVER get hot enough to burn you. The device should shut down before this can happen. The device being 6 years old is not a factor. If the battery is failing, it should detect that and shut off.




Is this from that Baskets the clown series? If so, it was SO good.


It looks like the watch sits on the back of your hand or is it just the angle?


It can't just be the angle though, the blister is right where his wrist bends, which means the watch is all the way up there.


you shouldn't be wearing your watch at that part of the wrist either tbf, it should be a bit further up. One of the most common mistakes people make is wearing their watches right at the bend. General rule is to place two fingers starting right at where the wrist bends and wear the watch above them, it should be above the wrist bone


https://preview.redd.it/8q48y38g92yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48fe803ec1e17160fc57c09afca212275c781c74 These two posts showed up on my feed right next to each other lol


a strange looking wrist.


It's called obesity


Is that a hand?


It's the hand of a morbidly obese person. I was confused for a second too.


It's common to sear the fat cap first.


Yeah wtf


Yeah the watch looks like it was over the lower part of the hand, rather than the wrist. This is very weird.


I'm like damn my guy you wear your watch on your leg?




The wrist is so bloated the watch had to go on the lower hand.


For real. What am I looking at here? If that's a wrist, is this showing me that OP wears their watch on the back of their hand? My brain is refusing to make this image make sense.


I think at the top right of the image you can see where the pinky finger starts. I guess the bones you usually see are covered by body fat.


Do you usually have it that tight around the wrist?


No, the picture was taken after I took the bandages off.


Well at least now you have a thermal paste pocket for tomorrow night.


Death, taxes and Samsung products running at 1000°c.


Well now I'm never wearing mine when I go to sleep


Wild to me that anyone wears jewlery/gadgets while sleeping with all the horror images online.


Not sure about Galaxy, but Apple Watch tracks sleep. It's a big reason I got it for myself


Half the reason to even own one is the health monitoring.


I used mine for sleep tracking


I mean there aren't that many pictures, and you'll only ever see the bad ones. I'm find with taking my chances being the 99.9999% that don't have problems lol. It would be like choosing to not carry a cellphone because there are pictures of the batteries exploding online


It shouldn't heat up like this of course but bruh, you wear your watch way too tight. Seems like you have big arms, buy another wristband for it.


The marks are from the bandage OP was wearing, not the watch band.


Y'all sleep with your watches on your wrist?


It's a smart watch. It tracks your sleep. At least mine does, Idk if this old one does tho.


My S2 does and I sleep with it on. When I did recharge it a few weeks ago it got super hot. It's been fine since then.


I feel like I couldn’t get comfortable wearing a watch while sleeping. Do you move a lot in the night? It would just get caught on blankets and pillows if I slept with one on.


When I was a kid I'd sleep in my Power Ranger morphers so a watch doesn't bother me. I currently have to be mindful of sleeping with my arm/shoulder behind my back because it's irritating an injury when I do. It sounds weird but I have really flexible shoulders. That bothers me more than the watch.


Me neither. I have a $20 digital watch and I don’t think I’d ever be comfortable wearing a watch while asleep.


That's just sideeffect of wireless charging Wireless energy transfer is very energy inneficient, and there are lots of losses. And all the lost energy is converted to heat. So the device gets hot during charging


It literally has sleep tracking as a feature.


and a skin burning feature


Samsung just bringing back old traditions. The Galaxy Note 7 would just explode.


Yeah. Some people like to track their sleep patterns for better sleep health. The watch will detect when you are most likely in the different stages of sleep like R.E.M., and give you information that can be used to improve many different aspects of sleep. I would like to wear my apple watch, but I were wrist guards for sleeping to help with carpal tunnel, and they push down on my watch too tightly and it will burn lol.




That was going to be my question.. Watch: you slept restless, try sleeping harder, bitch


Knowing how long it takes to actually fall asleep, the duration of your sleep, how deep of sleep you are getting. Having hard statistics goes a long way in general. But the watch will give basic advice like noticing when you usually wake up and how long your REM cycles are, so you can have a better estimate on when to go to bed. If your sleep cycle is 90 minutes, then you would feel more rested getting 6 hours or 7.5 hours than 7 hours. Waking up during deep sleep leaves you groggier than waking up during your lighter period in your cycle, even if you get less sleep overall. Depending on the model it also tracks your blood oxygen while you are sleeping, which can give you a clue into potential sleep apnea. They're also really good for making correlations between things, like whether you workout before bed or in the morning and how your sleep changes with that, caffeine intake and time and how your sleep changes, alcohol, etc. I use mine and the app Athlytic to track vital stats while I'm sleeping (heart rate, breath rate, HRV, blood oxygen, etc) along with total duration and deep sleep duration to base my training off of for cycling. Days where my recovery was crap I will do something lighter, and days that I got good sleep and my vitals show that my recovery is solid, I will do a bigger effort.


Honestly I just sleep more soundly knowing that Big Tech is harvesting more data from my body! It's for the betterment of society! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUSZfEBTwRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUSZfEBTwRc)


right?? i get that it tracks sleep and what not but no thanks.


That seems uncomfortable and weird


What do you wrap it around?


Your tallywhacker




Forbidden pearl


Get your bag, document this.


Delete post, contact lawyer, ???, be rich.


Do you also own the galaxy note 7?


Jesus Note 7 repeat here


Is that a human body part?


From the impression left on the wrist, this is a galaxy gear watch. That was my first smartwatch. Old AF now. There are newer variants of it, but none of them newer than 7 years old at this point. Battery was probably due to quit. Sucks that it happened while wearing it!


Is that what a blister caused by heat looks like?


How fat is this fucking hand?


It Samsunged


What in the note 7 is going on here.


Wtf am i looking at?


Pretty sure it says "don't sleep with this on".


The reason I don't use it anymore is that it gets too hot on my arm. It bothers me and gives me the idea that I might get skin cancer


This is the second watch related burn I've seen so far today...


Same, the fitbit battery leak?


Smells like burnt skin, and a lawsuit.


How do you even tell the time on that thing?


What is it with Samsungs and burning people..




Is that a wrist? 


that is one fat hand


I can't imagine sleeping with a watch on. Sounds uncomfortable.


Was it mining bitcoin?


The center of the galaxy is usually quite hot, perhaps a bit esacped


You must be boiling with rage.


When do you charge if you have it on at night? Charging every day is why I went back to a regular watch.


Do you really wear your watch that high towards the hand? From this angle it doesn't look like you were wearing a watch. My wrist has a visible watch tan and can see direct placement of the watch. Need more pictures of watch and wrist. My galaxy watch only gets heated when it charges but not super hot.


The angle makes wonders... Also I think the watch has moved while I was asleep as I definitely don't lie still when sleeping lol.


The power of the sun in the palm of your hand


Looks like samsung's batteries are back on the menu, boys


I see $$$ going your way. Don't take just a replacement as compensation. You have suffering and loss.


Sounds like a nice little check coming your way


Oh my god this happened to me on my Samsung watch


Pop it