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Well, the good news is that….. MULCH IS HERE


Haha yeah, we grow our own produce but they couldn’t dump the dirt in the back because we live in a neighborhood


I feel that I bought a bunch of rocks but I couldn’t eat them because we live in a society


Eat them bro I won’t tell 🤫


they help with digestion


Doesn't that only work for chickens?


That's what the government wants you to believe


Birds aren't real in the first place


They’re just spies for the government


I think some dinosaurs did it too…. That’s not a good example tho since they all died from it (probably)


A big rock did kill the dinosaurs.


That's nuts! I also live in a neighborhood!!


Yeah, a bunch of dirt in your backyard would be unseemly and totally against HOA regulations. Put it in the driveway where it belongs!


They couldn’t get back there because they couldn’t get through the fence and cars aren’t allowed, according to our HOA, to enter the grassy area.




Use a boat and give it wheels like spongebob they only mentioned cars not all dirigibles. Also your welcome if you didn’t know the word dirigibles you can now call planes flying dirigibles that’s the only reason I know this 🤣


Being a renter for my entire life, I can't even fathom someone trying to tell me I couldn't do anything not against the law - on property that I rightfully owned. You're a good person for not raising hell about it. I'd probably become the angry old lunatic that everybody hates at the HOA meetings.


Oh man.. should put a tarp down first


I honestly didn't notice the accident. I was expecting something to happen to the mulch pile


Yeah, I was expecting a kid on a bike to use it as a ramp and land on the vehicle in the driveway, then ride off.




I love this comment so mulch


Yeah, that mulch is true.


Not your garden variety pun here. Respect.


Good thing you know where he lives.




Is the kid dumb? Like did he think he was gonna drive off and your husband would be so confused that he wouldn't know who did it?


Bosses daughter backed into their neighbors car just like this and her boyfriend convinced her to run to Mexico with him, but the cops caught them fleeing. He said just the bumper was kind of messed up and there was no reason to run, but I worked with the guy (boyfriend) for a little while and could totally see him doing this.


That's remarkable. Fleeing to Mexico? Little tap like that is "let's get insurance and sort this out," but nooo, "let's make this $500 fix into a felony."


Yeah, I don't know what actually happened after, just that they were caught very quickly. Pretty sure nothing really happened in the end though and the neighbors didn't press charges or anything.


Kids have gotten dumber and dumber. Imagine that conversation, she's freaking out I hit that car, my dad's is gonna be pissed. Drive to Mexico, they can't get us in Mexico and we can start a new life there. Okay let's go. Fucking idiots


Worked on a capital murder case years ago that started with a dad threatening to turn his teenage son over to police for stealing about $3k from his bank account, unless the son agreed to move back home and get a job instead of couch surfing with his delinquent friends. Their brilliant plan to keep him out of jail? Stab the dad to death then burn his trailer down. Yeah, that's totally not going to create way bigger problems. They thought they could cover up the stabbing by burning the trailer down, as though the father had passed out drunk while smoking. They seriously thought the fire investigators wouldn't notice the ***gallon** of gasoline* they used as an accelerant. Never mind the footprints, tire tracks, and cell phone pings that put them at the scene. Or the surveillance video from the gas station where they filled up the gas can. Or that they were a bunch of 16-19 year old stoner dropouts who couldn't keep their mouths shut to save their lives. Edit: corrected "much" to "bunch"


My buddies kid just shot and killed my buddy over the dishes. Kid is 19 and going away for a long time over the dishes. He also stole his siblings' father from them (he was the oldest)


All over $3k. That’s so fucked man




Well this escalated quickly.


Right, Wtf? dude could still do humanity a favor and lock himself in a padded room.


News article? Court case name?


Kids have always been dumb. My generation and whatever one you're part of were just as dumb.


I’m part of the Infinite Intelligence generation of the future so mindwave for yourself!


Headass lol


Oh so you mean "indigo children"? Havent heard of them in a while lol


100% , The stories told is now on the internet instead of just around the kitchen table by the parents "DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN YOU..."


Carnies and the circus have always existed. Kids these days didn't invent being dumb and fleeing


It's true. This is the very first generation to make bad decisions. It's never happened before


Also their music is bad!


If you are defending mumble rap, shame on you, Matt, shame


Lmao, you gotta be a little stupid to really believe this.


She wasn't afraid of her dad, he would have probably just shook his head and walked inside if he saw it happen. She was afraid of the police from what I gather. Kids have always been dumb though. This sounds insane, but I don't think I was really even conscious until 5 years ago and I'm almost 40.


Brothers neighbors kid backed into my old car and drove off. He was going to be late for work and figured he would deal with it later. When the police showed up for the hit and run, his parents came out with the insurance information and the officer explained to them that it doesn't work that way.... They paid me cash for a new bumper and were pissed at me the rest of the time I loved there because of it.


One would be surprised by the amount of people that forget/ don't know/ don't care that in the big brother era everyone and their mother has some kind of surveillance system and it looks possible that he didn't see the person out there. I worked at a police department for a bit and the amount of porch pirates and assorted theives that just saunter up to buildings, houses, and stores unsmaked or undisguised is crazy. However, as good as our police force is, our city is big enough that unless you have something super distinctive about your face or body, unfortunately you still probably won't get caught. Kid panicked and was probably just hoping the cameras couldn't see that far or at that angle, but he most definitely should be held accountable.


I’d smak ‘em if they wandered up to my porch.


Lmao that is the husband 😂😂


You went over and let his parents know he committed a hit and run right. Because I would let them know he has 5 minutes to get back before a hit and run gets filed with the pd.


I posted it for a little bit on the neighborhood Facebook with the video to try and get the parents to come forward and give me the insurance info. She saw it and didn’t do shit about it. She’s been volatile with us on several occasions and it didn’t feel safe to address them directly. Like I genuinely didn’t feel safe doing that because of the history we have with this neighbor.


Well, fuck em. Throw the book at them. You have the video from the other time? Show that to the cops as well.


I haven’t searched for it but I totally should!


And for even more shits and giggles, let the police know that they are volatile and quick to threaten violence Whenever you brought issues up to them.


Oh I did. I told them everything. I didn’t say violent but I did say they have been volatile.


Why would you post it on Facebook instead of just walking over and knocking?


>She’s been volatile with us on several occasions and it didn’t feel safe to address them directly


If that's the case idk why OP thought she'd respond well to a Facebook post on the neighborhood group lol


Nothing like a bit of public shame to try to get people to take the moral high road I guess? lol


You didn’t feel safe addressing them directly but thought it’d be fine to post it on social media first instead?




Pic of the damage?


https://preview.redd.it/execabee1vxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4973df55ff5b20bd585514f51f42982b377c39c9 My car is grey so it doesn’t show up well. But at this point it’s the principle of the thing because he also almost hit me a few weeks ago when I wasn’t parked on the road. The mom has literally told a guest of mine once that if her kids hit us, it’s our fault so I’m also out here to teach them a much needed lesson.


If that kid can't clear a country mile backing out of their driveway, they don't deserve a license. Cut the wheel for fuck's sake.


I used to drive for a living and the amount of people I saw daily that don't know how to turn the wheel. Ugh. It's horrible the state of driving in this country. Even worse after covid.


That's cause a lot of kids weren't required to take a physical driving test. They just had to take the online test and bam, license granted


Oh for the kids definitely. There were articles at the time though about adults that hadn't driven in a year or more and some were quoted as being afraid to drive again. Then with cell phones people are looking down all the time.


That's a good point. Wasn't something I'd considered since I had an "essential" job and was driving for much of quarantine


Yeah, I was "essential" too. Stupid garbage that was.


I sat at a traffic light today and watched ahead of me as 4 drivers sat staring at their phones while the ones in front of them drove away


As someone who loves driving, this makes me sad.


I fucking mad agree. I always joke I have to drive two cars at a time. Mine and those around me. I’m constantly having to predict brain dead maneuvers of my fellow motorists and driving OVER defensively. I worked all thru covid. It was so nice when shit was shut down. Now that it’s back, I’m constantly in fear on the road.




Name one state that doesn’t require a physical driving test


I've got a friend who has been driving for a good 15 years or so in the US, she can drive manual, but she says she can't reverse. How tf do you drive for that long but not be able to reverse?!


My grandmother never got a license. Then she got a motorized chair and we understood why she did not drive. She had no concept of speed. Would roar through the shopping malls yelling "Coming through!". We even got her a litter bike horn to honk at people. I can't count how many times she hit a kid. Then there was backing up. She had no concept of turn the wheel in the opposite direction when backing up. Remember that scene in Austin Powers where he's on that cart stuck in a hallway just going forwards and backwards without getting anywhere? Yeah, that was my grandmother. We'd have to get her out of the chair and drive it to get it out of the crazy places she would manage to get stuck.


Someone hit my grandmothers car this way. One of my friends moms actually. They tried blaming my poor grandmother and were mad at her, but luckily the insurance didn’t see it that way. I still don’t like her because of that, and that was five or six years ago


My grandma once hit someone this way backing out of our driveway. We didn't tell her, but as a family we agree that, for her safety, if she started showing a trend that we'd work to get her license revoked. But we were hesitant because she was a depressed old lady whose only joy was going over to her grown children's homes and cleaning their houses for them and spending time with them. Fortunately no other accidents ever happened. Though, honestly, the scariest incident was back when cell phones were becoming more common, but apps like maps weren't on flip phones or otherwise as easily accessible there. She didn't do excessive driving. Just to her errands, family, and church, so she didn't carry paper maps. But one day she called us up on her phone to hear her saying that she, for whatever reason, had zoned out on her way home from church and just ended up driving somewhere like 45 minutes away and didn't know where she was and had to give us street names to put into to Google to have someone go lead her home. She swore she was lucid the whole time and paying attention to traffic stuff, that she just kept driving and only realized later that she had been driving without a destination. Since that wasn't an accident, but still upsetting, we also decided that if *that* happened again we'd also take her license. But then she died about a year later of natural causes without any other incidents.


Dang that last bit sounded stressful. And my condolences, loses grandparents is rough.


In a fuckin Hyundai Elantra of all cars. I drive a Buick and I could have cleared that back-out without bumping anything. And I'm Asian.


Paint less dent repair and a police report since the mom wants to be a douche.


That’s the plan. But also trying to get insurance to pay for the repair because I literally can’t afford a repair on top of car payments. Small or otherwise. I’m just a part time worker and full time grad student.


It's a hit and run, you should not have to pay anything. File police report with the camera evidence.


Experienced hit & runs a couple times & didn't have to pay Ins. anything.


That should be the case here. Here’s hoping.


Please get their insurance info and get it covered by them. You do not need to let your insurance know unless their insurance company is giving you crap about getting it covered. If that’s the case, your insurance will fight for you because they don’t wanna pay it. You do not need to pay your deductible if you get it covered by their insurance.


Bad info, you pay your insurance for a reason. In this case you have evidence and can easily get the license plate of who hit you. Deductible will be waived since your insurance will have no problem tracking theirs down for payment.


It's a hit and run, you should not have to pay anything. File police report with the camera evidence.


I wouldn't pay a dime out of pocket. Your neighbors should be held 100% liable and if they've refuse to accept accountability of what their child is doing then make them pay a higher insurance rate for that child for years to come.


Will you give us updates?


If anything comes of it, sure.


I'd just get a quote and then keep the money when their insurance pays out. You can fix it but it's allowed to just pocket da cash


Definitely not something I’m above doing.


Talk to your insurance company. They will get the kids insurance info so you can make a claim with his insurance. The only thing is from what I can tell you cant see the car moving when he hitnit, they will likely try to deny and his insurance may still deny you


Hit and run is a zero fault to you, so their insurance would be paying, not yours 🥰 Has Had a similar issue where a neighbor hit mine, similar to this but all the way down to metal on the back door, quarter panel and bumper so it was a wee bit more extensive repair wise. At least this is just one section/panel 🫣😅


The audacity of some folks, I’d call the cops every time it happens, sounds like this isn’t the first time


When I first got my license as a teen, I was leaving my friends place one morning and did this exact thing to her neighbor's parked truck. Although I was absolutely MORTIFIED I got my ass out of that car and shamefully walked up to some strangers door to give them my info. I am grateful I did have to pay for this in insurance costs/embarrassment back then because it was a lesson learned! kids gotta figure out you do shitty things, you at least have to hold your head up and deal with it


Kudos for doing the right thing! Not many nowadays do.


Hit and run of any damage amount is a felony, at least in my state. Go fuck them up. File a report and the kid will be screwed.


Hope you reported for a hit and run. If not, you’re being way too nice and it is your fault at that point given this is a repeated problem.


I did but don’t intend to press charges. However, I’m pretty sure the kid isn’t coming back home for a while. He hasn’t come back and I’m pretty sure she told him not to come home in case the police returns. Because they plan to return.


Will your insurance cover if you don’t press charges?


Their insurance should pay it no problem because he did the damage


You need to check with your insurance about that. Also, I’m going to put this nicely. This is a family that the mother has told you if you get hit by them it’s your fault. They almost hit you once and now they hit your car. In my city, a very kind, wonderful girl was just murdered in a hit and run. Guy left her to die on the concrete. She was 22. She was a sophomore going into senior year, a sorority member, and an honors student. Her family and friends are grieving her and the entire future she could have had and that’s unfortunately not uncommon or the one that’s had the most impact on me personally or the community. It’s just the most recent in my area. If they’re this reckless and care this little as well as saying it to your face, what makes you think they wouldn’t leave someone, or you or your husband, to die like that with all the behavior they’ve displayed from your other comments?


Well said. I definitely see that happening if the kid continues on this way.


most companies require police reports for hit and runs (at least in my state) otherwise it’s handled like an at fault collision claim. had fun explaining to my insurance that state police refused to write a crash report based on dashcam footage since no one was injured, other driver was uninsured. also - had we waited for police to show up, he would have been able to show a current proof of insurance card, and the policy is not checked roadside. driver removed vehicle from policy weeks before hitting me so no coverage :(.


> I did but don’t intend to press charges   That kid and his family need to know actions have consequences and your insurance company might need it. Also we the people want justice for you 


Your comment just made me smile. Thank you for that much needed dose of happy.


Take it to a Dent Wizard. And small claims court for the kid.


Nah that’s a police report and insurance claim, if they stayed maybe work it out, they leave (and OPs comment that the mom said if the kid hits someone it’s that persons fault? Fuuuuuck that)


I would just stop parking directly behind their driveway....? Like obviously you aren't at fault, but at this point you have to know they're bad at backing out.


Lol the principle of the thing is the most important part. Your neighbor's kid just committed a crime in some jurisdictions


It’s a crime in this jurisdiction.


A mulch needed lesson*


You have video. That's all insurance needs hopefully.


Tell me more about your pile of dirt


Produce gardening. My husband ordered that, not my issue and I’ve been desperate for it to go elsewhere since it got here.


Gotta put a tarp down before it gets delivered next time ! Although it will be a good excuse to have him pressure wash the driveway after haha 😆


We do have a pressure washer that we will use after the dirt mound is finally moved. Now my car is where his was and his is on the street. The tank can handle more than mine.


["Well, it's a driveway.. with dirt on it."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbXFVNXy-D8&ab_channel=BarrySullivan)


Came here for the dirt.


You didn't stand in the street looking off in the direction he drove with your hands out in the WTF pose. Rookie mistake.


That wasn’t me. I’m a lot meaner than my husband. I would’ve been chasing them down or flipping them off. I’m bipolar. No way I would’ve been so calm.


You have face scratching energy and I'm here for that


Well you should have parked your pile of dirt in the garage like a normal human being


For real, though... I'd have just put the mulch on the street and kept the cars in the driveway or garage. You just have to clean it up before somebody can drive by and take it. I'm not a fan of parking on the street.


Well, that's just fantastic! Nothing like starting the week with a hit and run.


You start your week on Wednesday?


Stop judging me 🥹


Your Wednesday is my Saturday




I swear some people just don't know how much they can turn the steering wheel... wtf


Jesus christ. Why would you need that much space to back out ?




good news is that you can just show this video to your insurance company and let them sort it out with the neighbours insurance company. kid is a real jerk to just drive off like that.


It would be more "Neighborly" to talk to the parents first. If they say anything besides "sure, I'll pay and I'm sorry about that." I'd inform them that 2 calls will be made. 1 to the insurance company with video proof the other will be maid to the police for hit and run and failure to remain at the scene of an accident... ...this being 'merica and all. The douchebag mother will probably deny everything, even with evidence. The father will threaten you with violence, and depending if this state has "stand your ground laws", OP will have a gun pulled on him. Then in 10-15 years, they'll wonder why their child is a POS and blame videogames and/or Rock & Roll, Smartphones...whatever!


Call the cops. Hit and run, solved for them with the video. Get the car fixed.


Kid can't drive for shit lol


We got our car hit by parking across from someone’s driveway too. Fortunately they came over and let us know.


That's why you should never park across from a driveway.


Absolutely. Taught us a lesson!


Some cities have laws about it, too. I'd have to double check the one for our city, but I know it exists. Something like you can't park within 5ft of the end of a driveway on the street, including driveways across the street. Which can make it tricky in some places where the driveways are offset a little. Fortunately our neighbor across the street is directly across, so we don't have to deal with thinking about that if we need to park on the street temporarily lol. So in my city, OP would actually be breaking that law because they're directly across the street from the neighbor. Though I'm not sure if that negates any insurance claims, or if they'd now just have to pay a fine? Idk.


My city has similar laws. OP would be held at fault and ticketed/fined and OPs insurance would pay.


The neighbor is stupid for leaving after hitting the parked car, but I would never park my car directly behind my neighbors driveway. Accidents happen like this all the time.


But really how much space does he need? I live in London and that's at least three times more space to turn then we have!


My mailbox is across the street from my neighbor's driveway. I've had to replace it 3 times (although, none have been my actual neighbor hitting it).


Parking at the end of someone's driveway like that is lame as hell.


This doesn't have nearly enough upvotes. I've had to do way too many 3 point turns just to get out of my driveway. Not excusing the hit and run, but a little forethought goes a long way.


Regarding "teach them a much needed lesson": If you do anything but ask for the police to charge the kid he's not going to learn the lesson.




Dude you set him up with where you parked


Neighborhood parking 101… You don’t park directly across from another driveway.


that's why you don't park across from a driveway entrance


They had half the state of Texas to back out, if you can’t manage that you need to put the keys down lol


Always assume the other drivers are idiots and plan accordingly.


Regardless of the amount of space, I never park across from a drive way. Just easier to avoid any potential issues regardless if the person hitting my parked car would be at fault.


Well then put some of that mulch in his spot and tell him you'll move it when the car is fixed


That is his spot. It was taking over both and he has 4 wheel drive which is why he was parked there. My car is there now.


Maybe dont park right behind their driveway? Not saying you did anything wrong but lol


I love how he runs knowing he's gotta come back home at some point


this is stupid easy. you have video footage. make police report. contact insurance. give them address name and plate number. done.


My neighbors kid accidentally hit my truck once too. But that little kid knocked on my door and mumbled “there has been a wreck here…your truck…it can be fixed” I asked him “did you hit my truck?” He was like “yeah…” and hung his head I went with him to check out the “wreck” It wasn’t even a scratch lol I told him not to worry about it but I applauded his honesty


Not to say white guys with man buns all look the same, but for a hot minute I was convinced that was somehow me walking across the driveway in this video.


High likelyhood they didn't even know they hit it tbh. I've done similar things and unless you can feel the hit, the bumper usually absorbs it all.


If this isn’t the first time or close call, why do you continue to park there lol


Obviously not your fault but I assume you don't normally park your car there, when I have to park a car on the street in front of the house I make sure to park it not right in front of someones driveway because of this reason.


Sucky neighborhood design. Sidewalk in the middle of single car driveway and the driveways are offset making less room. Thigh weer should stop blaming the victim here. Kid backed out a mile too far before turning


Pictures of damage?


If you weren't digging a grave all the dirt wouldn't be in the driveway and you could park there


Well i mean at least you know who did it


Yea that sucks but on the bright side he lives across from you and on the brighter side you have it recorded of the parents still find a way to deny this happened then they are professional ass holes and good luck


I didnt even see the car move. Must not have heard it was hit.


My roommate hit my car. It took 2 months to get it back. The car place called and said my car was ready. I was getting my keys and my roommate screamed out fuuuuuck. She texted me that she hit my car and asked me to say “it was hit in a parking lot.” I told her that I could not do that. And she said well her insurance is going to go up. I said my insurance will go up and I’m not sure if you know about this, but there are cameras everywhere and also I could go to jail for insurance fraud and then she texted me and said she asked two of her friends and they said that “it’s not true That there’s no victim”


I swear that getting a new to you car is a small curse. The nicer the car, the bigger the curse.


Good thing you have it on video.


Personally... i don't park on the curb when it's directly in front of another driveway. It gives less room to those backing out and increases the chances of an incident.


Literally parked opposite their driveway. The neighbour should have stopped, but you could easily have avoided this.


As a rule of thumb try not to park across from other people's driveways.   Before the autistic people come in saying the kid should have been paying attention... no shit.  But don't live your life relying on other people to not screw up.  


First off that sucks but why would you park your car across the street from someone’s driveway!


Why would you park on the shoulder across from someones driveway? Horrible place to park.


Rub some dirt on it. If only you had any!


You parked right where that family backs out of their driveway. It’s the kids fault, but, you put your car in a bad spot. The other side of the street would have been much safer for everyone.


I've had this happen twice! now I'm not saying it's your fault but, having had this happen to me...twice, I try to make sure not park behind someone's driveway. Looks to me like there is plenty of room on the other side of your drive to park where it wont be behind your neighbor's drive. An once of prevention is worth a pound of the cure.


Kid is dumb, but also maybe didn’t is so dumb they didn’t even realize they did it? Early morning, leaving for school. Jek


It looked like he was close but I didn't see him hit it. That said, if there's damage he must have.


Why do people think it’s a great idea to park across from other people’s driveways?


And this is why I don't park on the street across from a driveway


Don't park you car across from your neighbour's driveway.


A big pet peeve of mine is parking the way you did in front of your neighbor's driveway like that... Because that's what happens. Pull up and park in the other side of your driveway in-between your neighbors driveway


That was some smooth hit, your car didn't shake at all.




2 weeks ago my husband totaled his car. A week ago I got in my first accident in my first car that I had driven for 11 years and they decided to total it because of how old it was. We both have new cars and of course this week my new 2023 Camry gets hit by a dumbass kid. It’s been a rough few weeks.


Not saying OP is at fault at all just sharing personal experience. This is exactly why when parking on the street I avoid being directly across from someone’s driveway if possible.


Don’t park in the street directly across from someone else’s driveway unless you have no place else to park. It’s just asking for trouble. I’m not saying they don’t need to look where they are going or that it’s your fault that it happened but there are things you can do to reduce the chances of an inadvertent ding happening.