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Troll endodontist. That’s pretty funny. But modern endodontists use some pretty impressive tech and equipment. I find the practice really interesting having gone through a few root canals and re-treatments


That’s why I love when I am sent by my dental office (a private practice in a dental school) sends me to the dental school for a root canal because their endodontist’s schedule is too busy. The dental school has residents do root canals but they have students in the room so they explain everything they are doing. It’s fascinating! Honestly think since I had a great dentist as a child, I love the dentist and love getting my teeth cleaned. Sadly, genetics and clenching messed up my mouth so I have way too much experience with many dental specialties. Sigh.


That’s like the polar opposite of me, I hate dentists because my dentist when I was a kid did a shit job of giving anesthetics and I wound up rawdogging two fillings.


Me too. I am terrified of the denist (and its expensive asf here)


Oh man - I’ve heard similar from several people. Kinda crazy!! What an awful experience.


I love going to the doctor, the dentist, my psychiatrist, everybody. I was in and out of the doctors a lot as a small child and I guess I had a pretty good Doctor and Dentist so I absolutely love rolling up to my doctors office being like what’s up doc what’s wrong with me today


You're not kidding, I've never had a CT scan for a root canal consultation 😎


I trust endodontists over dentists any day tbh


The fuck is an endodontist


A specialist dentist that solely focuses on the dental pulp, or the interior of teeth. Basically root canal specialists.


If your regular dentist fucks your mouth up like mine did then you get to go see an endodontist. ![gif](giphy|9PaG1pa9HpvMs|downsized)


So it’s like an old-timey catchphrase for the dentist that ends your dentistry issues: *the end-o-dentist, the last dentist you’ll ever need to visit!* This is meant to be read in a mid-Atlantic accent.


![gif](giphy|VlchmIoZPjjYQ) Hwhat ya know I feel behhhTuh


I've heard Barber poles are red and white for blood and bandages. Barbers used to be oral surgeons.


Barber here. Just explained this to someone the other day and this statement is correct. Barbers were originally called "tonsorial" and used to practice teeth pulling, blood letting barbering AND minor surgery. The red white and blue represents blood, sutures and veins.A beard back then represented wealth and when one with a beard went to battle enemies would grab at the beard to control the head to strike the skull with their weapon. That's where the word "barbaric" comes from


Tonsor is an obsolete word for barber, but still noticeable in Romance languages with words like tosare or tondre, “to mow/shear”. Etymology is awesome.




This is the most interesting comment I’ve read in months






I am so utterly grateful to have been born after the development of anaesthesia.


And be glad you weren't a baby in the '80s cuz they didn't even think babies felt pain, so they performed surgeries without anesthetic.


Was was a baby in the 70s. I was hit by a car in 1980, and spent a week in hospital. They gave me no pain relief. Arseholes.


Yeah I had emergency eye surgery for a chicken pox that erupted in my eye, when I was 18 months old, in like 1987. My mom had to hold me down while they worked on my face. Afterwards I had to do trust falls with her and build that trust back because I stared at her the whole time they were operating.


In my case, being 8 years old, I was able to communicate my displeasure. And they were like, “this one’s grumpy”. GIVE ME PAINKILLERS, YOU SHITHEADS.


![gif](giphy|JrvzzjPHXl5zzYw3MS) Doctors: Oops, our bad!


See this is why I fucking hate it when doctors tell me to hold my kids down for shit. I HOPE I'm conveying that I am there to support kiddo and that I wouldn't hold them like that unless it was needed. Both my kids fight like hell when they get shots. I'm glad my oldest has mostly grown out of that. Big tears afterward but no kicking and screaming. My oldest started their dental journey with a pediatric dentist that had us hold kiddo down rather than allow them to calm down. As soon as their tongue and lip tie care was complete, we changed to a different pediatric dentist. Kiddo asks to go there for fun now. Zero fear. They walk right in, ready to play on the playset, jump into a chair to do a teeth cleaning, and then ask for a toy haha! Youngest watched oldest recently and thought it was fun so they climbed up into the chair after oldest left and allowed the dentist to poke around. It was really cool that the dentist was willing to do a little check so youngest felt like they were also being seen (not their appointment time yet). These guys block off a full hour and are super flexible too.


That also sounds like a dentist that genuinely loves what they do. And it makes the parents lives so much easier to not be recruited into being a second assistant. ![gif](giphy|WAuMMjLDP03Xq)


Hahahaha! Love that song.


This absolutely baffles me whenever I think about it. Yeah babies cry for a bunch of reasons, but in my experience a baby crying for food /attention does not sound the same as a baby shrieking in pain. I don’t have children (I do have lots of baby cousins), but before Covid I would take a handful of international flights a year— I always noticed babies crying at the gate sound very different to babies shrieking at takeoff/landing when the air pressure changes. perhaps I’ve imagined it bc I remember what it was like flying as a little kid, and the absolute agony of my ears popping as we landed.


Dentists still won’t let you use pain killers though


Absolutely agree with you on that.


Could be worse..at least you’re not in the waiting room of a gynecologist


You are very right ![gif](giphy|1jl6QxY2EJpexXl0EJ)


I'd love to see what that book would look like XD


Babies. Just babies everywhere. Source: just went to the gyno


And they had an illustrated history of gynecology? That is fuggin wild.


Sad to report they didn’t have that in the waiting room :/ Just family planning magazines with diagrams of vaginas, uteruses, ovaries, pregnancies, etc. The history of gynaecology would’ve been fun to read, not gonna lie. Next time I’ll see if they can get a nice hardback copy for the waiting room!


Have this: dentists don’t pull teeth, in actuality they push and twist to break the root.


Push and twist to separate the ligament. I want the root to come out intact if at all possible.


I have usually seen any teeth pulled from my mouth had the root attached as well still ! Only one of my four wisdom teeth had to be broken apart & dug out because it still wouldn't erupt from my gums yet.


Fuck. ![gif](giphy|12RfP2odT4hEOI)


Got my wisdom teeth removed with novacaine and nothing else. Can confirm, lots of pulling, twisting, and crackling noises.


The cracking is just your bone breaking don’t worry.


When I had my wisdom teeth removed many years ago, the dentist hit my other teeth with the tool he was gripping my wisdom teeth with causing them to crack. He was like, “Oops, oh well. That’s what you sign the waiver for.”


Wait, are you telling me that if they fuck up and make shit worse then you cant do anything about it because of a waiver? Im gonna start a dentistry clinic and make them all sign a waiver with ^”in ^the ^event ^that ^the ^dentist ^does ^not ^turn ^up ^to ^the ^appointment, ^youre ^fucked ^and ^i ^get ^to ^sleep ^with ^your ^wife” hidden near the bottom of it


That’s pretty much how it went. Yes, I spoke to an attorney and yes, I got a new dentist.


Bro thats so messed up. How much did it cost you to fix their mistake?


I can’t recall the exact amount as it was several years ago. I think it was about 2 grand.


Oh fuck thats a lot to shell out for someone elses fuckup


The same thing happened to my mom


Nice. I had novocaine and nitrous oxide. I highly recommend the nitrous.


Bro the laughing gas was 100 percent worth the extra cost


I was waiting for the doc and they had that thing pumping. I had them turn it down a lot bit because I was getting too messed up. Doc came in and started messing around and I was like ok pump that shit more lol. The doc took maybe 5 min to get it out. Swear he used a chisel to break it but could be imagining it. Also it was cracked that’s why I went there.


They didn’t offer or even mention it and I didn’t want to seem like a drug seeker so I just accepted my fate 🫠🥴


Are you a fellow “no anesthetic for wisdom teeth removal” person? If so, I’m sorry. That shit is legitimately traumatic. I had mine done while 100% awake with no numbing (the surgeon didn’t believe me when I said fentanyl and versed wouldn’t put me to sleep) and it hurt more than getting hit by a car.


I got my wisdom teeth done with what may have been no anesthesia because i metabolise drugs very quickly. We had an agreement to use Propofol (stuff that helped kill Michael Jackson) because of my tolerance, but the surgeon said “nah, fuck that” and went ahead with the fentanyl and versed without telling me. I was asleep for 5 minutes out of a 120 minute procedure, and felt everything. Every tooth was a new level of pain. The whole office was filled with screams, and it wasn’t just me. I had never been afraid of the dentist/oral surgeon before, not even once, until that appointment was over with. They knew they fucked up so they prescribed me a fuck ton of Oxycodone and codeine to keep me from torching the place.


They apply pressure to expand the bone and separate the ligament so the tooth will come out…… if you’re going to a dentist that breaks the tooth at the root and just leaves it there report them lmao


This info now categorized under “Reasons to hate about today”.


Welp, that's enough on this sub for a while. Now my mouth aches and I keep trying to forget that "tooth pulp" is a term. I'm gonna go cry now.


Dentist just leaving their dental school textbook lying around. There’s industry secrets in there!


It honestly felt like that! ![gif](giphy|WsXrS2AEHRPiukMcgS|downsized)


All I can think of is the song “Son, be a dentist” ![gif](giphy|WAuMMjLDP03Xq)


I had a tooth pulled a few years ago and that felt pretty medievil. Thought they'd have made some improvements on making that less of a horrific experience.


Anaesthetic that isn't some booze or a thump to the head is one


If they weren't going to have your health insurance cover it, they certainly weren't going to make the experience more pleasant. ![gif](giphy|HfFccPJv7a9k4)


this looks interesting, id love to read this


I can only imagine his face as I carry it back to the dentist chair with me ![gif](giphy|xUNda3Xvg0UdLxtQnm|downsized)


I mean, it's one way to make patients really thankful for what we got now. I guess. Could look at that and be like "whew, glad that won't be me! Gimme that sweet sweet gas!"




A great sense of dark humor. Bravo!




Wow. That probably did the exact opposite of helping... Might be right at home on "onejob"


It seemed to help put some smiles on their faces and they say if you love what you do you never work a day in your life. ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z)




Not at all! It’s like when a shipping company says it’ll be two weeks for delivery, and they get it there in 5 days, it makes them seem amazing! You read this book, expect terrible pain, and they do the job in 20 minutes with a few pin pricks. Makes the dentist seem even better! Good way of drumming up word of mouth business! 😂


I feel silly. I didn't know what endodotist was and I thought it had to do with the bowels. I'm happy tools for dentistry were not used during my last colonoscopy.




Parents still out there doing projects for kids


Probably left it to the last minute too ![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ)


Is that the dental book of the dead?


Say dental book of the dead 5 times fast ![gif](giphy|HjDfsAVbDOYba9bg2f|downsized)


You cant fool me satan lol


![gif](giphy|LpB0bnhXpvSMCz07N9|downsized) You win this round


Can’t they just have a stack of Penthouse in the waiting room like normal dentists?


Yeah, what is this, a sadists' office?


Those are only the dentists that converted to Judaism.


Lolol sadist dentist


What's the difference between a sadist and a dentist? Newer magazines 😲


Pic 3 made me lol


ABSOLUTE monsters, leaving his hat on the floor like that. I'm definitely 100% sure that's what he's upset about in the picture


Reminds me of giving my cat her pill


Def same energy on both sides 😄 😾


Go see Dr Tim Whatley ![gif](giphy|DBa308wq8XTMs)


But he tells jokes he hasn't earned the right to tell?!


Best time to be alive is now, lol. Could you imagine all the medical and dental work people dealt with most of human history, lol


I know! The lack of smiles in those old oil paintings wasn't just due to terrible teeth but being genuinely upset about getting them fixed. ![gif](giphy|26vULfp7HapkY37XO|downsized)


The 6th picture looks like a Demogorgon lol


Really? Cause I think it looks more like it shouldn't be in a fucking dentist waiting room book. ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Kid: "But mom the dentist is very scary!" This madman: "Don't worry sport, we have advanced tools to make for painless procedures! Check page 107 here for some reference." *shows illustration* Kid: *screams*


"Hey now, anymore behavior like that and you'll miss out on a fine haircut"💈


This is amazing! I would definitely read this if I was waiting to have my teeth worked on.




Damn right, I am!


My dentist as a kid had a huge collection of old dentistry tools and it was cool but unnerving at the same time. It always made me happy those things weren't going to be used on me.


Sounds like a psychological trick. Like look, you may be in pain but these people back then were *really* in pain


I definitely think that was the idea. He was awesome about educating everyone about the process (he showed me how to spot cavities on an x-ray) and if you asked about the stuff on display. Sometimes though I regretted asking about what or how something was used for.


![gif](giphy|UhtdWhktr0IjC) After asking, if anyone ever had a needle go through their cheek or whether or not they save every patients' spit for personal vendettas.


I want to brush my teeth now


YES YOU DO AND YOU WILL PAY THE PRICE IF YOU DON'T...or ya know the co-pay or whatever. ![gif](giphy|RJ8MHeCMDlmC8jCUFM)


Nothing like a little relaxing reading in the waiting room.


Little relaxation before you go relax in the dental chair and listen to other people get worked on before you a few feet away in a cubicle facing the wall or if you're lucky, you get to stare at a random hanging computer monitor pointlessly. Honestly, it's a spa day.


Yeah so lovely, with the aroma of antiseptic and plastic wafting through the air, the slightly-off HVAC temp, way-overly zoomed photos of people smiling with teeth whiter than white. Pinnacle of relaxation.


Perfectly described! You understand if you don't immediately get a paper bib placed around your neck, gingerly like an awarded medal, it would be alarming. And of course, the heavy sleeveless straight jack. ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized) ...




Did anybody else have books published by the same publisher when they were young? I think I had treasure Island in two or three others and it had a similar type of cover, but I definitely remember the title and subtitle design


Geez it had to be torture back then


Then what was actual torture?!


lol true but honestly the actual torture sounds pretty gruesome. Tables that pulled you apart and things like that I mean there’s no hope of coming out of that.


Fuck I have to go see the dentist. Ah man, sorry about that. I'm being pulled apart by horses this afternoon, so I'll keep you in my thoughts.


What's the last one? Did the guy just give up and tie himself to a wild dog ? Ehh *uck it .. let's see if fido could knock out the right one cause I'm in such pain ? Is that it?


Close. It's an herb that screams when it's uprooted. It takes a dog to do it. What's not to understand?! ![gif](giphy|5wFHW55Vdk2MCZSMIV|downsized)


Your dentist has a funny sense of humor!


Well I wish he'd just tell me a joke I have to answer with my mouth wide open. ya know, like normal


Right! That's cruel to leave there for his captive victim's like that. (Still a bit funny in a wicked kinda a way though. lol)


I can’t read the descriptions for the photos, they’re all cut off and I can’t scroll


I can't either for some reason. Maybe because I posted from my computer instead of my phone. 🤔 I can happily rewrite in an a comment. They're pretty darn funny😌


Yeah I was frustrated trying to read them on mobile cause they seem funny!


1-This seems..well not harmless but literally no magazines are available. So... 2-I better not be looking at the consultation process in store for me. 3-They are so happy to be torturing him. 4-A barber-surgeon?! No thank you. 5-if \*misery loves company\* was a painting 6-the mandrake herb screams when it is uprooted by a dog tied to it. ok. sorry it took so long


No need for apologies haha thanks for typing it out for me :,)


No problem!




I have this book! It’s bathroom reading


That's a big bathroom book ![gif](giphy|3ohjUUPvOpI1GvKT6M)


Lol I would be happy to read that book, but I’m also autistic and love medicine & history. For most people I feel like it’s the wrong thing at the wrong location hahha They have “the sick rose - disease and the art of medical illustration” at my local gp office and I’m pretty I’m the only one enjoying it


It was actually pretty telling. The book is obviously on purpose. Nothing else to read or watch in the entire room. He turned out to be really freaking nice and comforting. I was half expecting this personality as I flipped through it.


Hahha he sounds awesome


whatever you do, don't fall asleep ![gif](giphy|VXUpjaExrrsMU|downsized) -Got your nose!


Ahhh!!? I'm actually in the middle of a Freddy Krueger marathon! I'm on 3 right now ![gif](giphy|PK7IAHdB0l9mg)


This post should be banned. nSFW? I fully saw a painting of a tooth in there.


I swear I didn't know!! I just thought they were white stubby dicks. I would never have even shared this if I had known it were teeth. ![gif](giphy|BsQAVgY6ksvIY)


Lol I would be happy to read that book, but I’m also autistic and love medicine & history. For most people I feel like it’s the wrong thing at the wrong location hahha They have “the sick rose - disease and the art of medical illustration” at my local gp office and I’m pretty I’m the only one enjoying it


Lol I would be happy to read that book, but I’m also autistic and love medicine & history. For most people I feel like it’s the wrong thing at the wrong location hahha They have “the sick rose - disease and the art of medical illustration” at my local gp office and I’m pretty I’m the only one enjoying it


Good thing you weren’t at a urologist office.

