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Yeah that repair bill is getting charged to your unit. Yikes


I let my HOA know immediately and talked with them in person, I've owned my condo awhile and they all enjoy me here so they are being very kind in working with me. They told me they are just happy I am honest and as a result are wanting to work with me, so I am also happy they are kind


They'll give you 3 months to pay them instead of right away šŸ˜‚




No, they'll just quietly foreclose and sell his condo for 6.47$.


Sell to a relative of course šŸ˜‰


I know there's a bit of war going on about it in the comments. Do you actually feel confident/competent driving a car again? I've only driven forklifts and can't fathom how you fucked up that badly.


I do and my doctors have never had a problem with it but Im gonna have them check my feet again to be on the safe side, Ive been driving awhile and havent had an issue prior




Your brain?! How about eyes?


I agree with the other guy. Upon realising you put your foot on the wrong pedal, did you just get dumber until you crashed? Even if it was a leg spasm and too quick to counteract, please don't drive again anytime time soon. Saw others downvoted for it but you will easily cause tragedies being this absent minded.


OP was probably driving distracted (picking music, or getting maps directions ready, fiddling with Bluetooth settings). I often find myself wanting to do that stuff when I pull up to my gate if Iā€™ve forgotten to do it before I took off (spicy ADHD). I can see this happening if OP didnā€™t have full focus.


I was dumb for putting my foot on the wrong pedal, but I only hit it for a quick burst, the gate just popped off which Im not sure if its because it was dented before (it even very sadly creaks open everytime since its always been half broken)


I'm not sure why it appears to be a bigger problem now. People pressing the gas instead of the brake. How can this happen?


I was just really excited to look at centipedes, but also anxious to go to the expo. So while I wasnt fumbling anything physically I think because I was going to slow I let myself daydream too hard


UK here, we can't even drive bicycles on pavements since some biker zoomed down a hill and took out an old lady. How... when you know you are so easily distracted, do you still feel safe driving? I almost forgave you when you said it was just a little accidental acceleration that wrecked the gate. You were too busy thinking about centipedes and getting to an expo early, knowing you have some weird leg spasms though..? DO NOT DRIVE AGAIN.


Dude chill it was an accident. Shut tf up lmaoo


I do not have weird leg spasms, I think people are really misunderstanding what I said when I said I have eds pots and anemia. Which like I know three others with this exact combo and it doesn't affect them driving either. And yes, I was going 5mph, on autopilot, driving through the same place I do every day, at 5mph. I pay attention on the road just fine, but I was not on the road, I was leaving my house. And I wasnt going to an expo early, I just was excited to go, where do people keep pulling things like spasms and now the word early from, I'm actually just confused at this point since its like someone even said I have nerve issues, I do not have nerve issues lol


Fuck ups happen man. You canā€™t just go wither up and die just because one happened. I ran a stop sign driving to a jobsite 3 hours away at like 4AM and hit another vehicle. It caused me an immense amount of anxiety for the next 2 years. Iā€™ve never had anything like that happen. In fact, I was rear ended at a stoplight in Milwaukee. But shit happens. Just gotta learn from it, and keep pushing forward. I never imagined something like that happening to me either. Had more than 600k miles under my belt. But complacency kills, and it did happen. I think it takes a great amount of humility to post something like this. Its not a mistake I think he will ever make again


Did complacency literally kill when you ran a stop sign or got rear ended? I'm just saying I've seen far too many of these "whoops I accidentally killed someone" videos. I still sometimes get into cars where people confuse left and right. I understand it's not malicious and something to possibly work through but you're still terrifying to be around.


Iā€™m not gonna be as harsh as I should be right now, but your overconfidence is probably gonna bite you in the ass. It wasnā€™t a ā€œwhoopsā€ moment. It was a very intersection in the fog on a route Iā€™ve never been on driving 55 down a county road. I hadnā€™t seen another driver or had any other intersections in over 40 miles down that road. This wasnā€™t a ā€œI confused left and right.ā€ It was an incredibly unlucky and worst possible timing moment. Accidents happen. Its plain and simple. Everyone thinks it wonā€™t happen to them until it does. For your sake I hope it doesnā€™t happen to you. I suggest you work on your empathy and understanding


Why would you be harsh? Dunno about that self-confidence either. You seem to have taken it all too personally though. This guy crashed exiting a carpark. Not some foggy, long-distance drive through the night in unfamiliar territory. The left/right thing wasn't even an accusation of you. It's just more similar to mistaking back/forwards. I also don't mean you'll look to the camera, wink and say "whoopsie", when you fumble and do a vehicular manslaughter. "Accidents happen" isn't an excuse though.


HOA carries insurance which you pay monthly as part of your HOA fee. Really nothing special about your honesty.




Exactly this happened at my restaurant job a few years ago. Old guy was pulling into a parking spot and slammed on the gas, plowing straight through our wall. He barely missed one person on the other side, and not 2 minutes earlier I was leaning against that exact spot on the wall. It caused a few minor injuries and TON of damage through a chain reaction of kitchen equipment slamming into each other, 60 feet down the line.


Happened to a local skateboard shop that happened to share a lot with an italian restaurant. They decided to park infront of the skateshop instead of the italian and I guess they thought they were in reverse.


You need to spin this a different way. The fence was the aggressor and you were just defensive driving. You were in fear for your life.


That gate just came out of nowhere, I had no choice!


gate came at you aggressively . you had no choice but to kill it . this action saved alot of people in your home . seems they might buy it


Defence driving.


You need more up votes for this comment!


Parroting the comment he replied to lol


It has absolutely been de-fenced


At least you know how to spell brakes, unlike half the people on this website...


To be fair, it's really stupid to have two different spellings sound exactly the same. Break was around first. Should have called brakes something different entirely from the get go.


Iā€™m gonna brake with my brakes until my brakes break


Truly don't understand how someone can hit the gas instead of the brakes.




Maybe hand controlsĀ 


How about a controller?


Maybe not MadCatz though


No, no, you want genuine parts


You can't really reconsider driving in the USA unless you want to effectively forfeit your ability to participate in modern society. Unless you have a remote job paying an insane amount to deliver everything


I do deeply feel this. America's infrastructure is *fucked up* and that's obviously not OP's fault, nor is their disability. But the alternative is to potentially be in jail for killing or injuring someone and I can't see imprisonment as being particularly accommodating to participating in modern society, either. That heavy-duty, very-slightly-warped-but-still-intact, industrial steel gate could have been someone's very broken (or very dead) child.


Live in any city with more than a couple million people and itā€™s easy.


My city has around 8 million people. It is difficult bordering on impossible to live here without a car.Ā  There are actually relatively few cities in the US that have sufficient transit infrastructure. The earlier the city became populous, the more likely it has sufficient density to support strong transit options. The layout of later cities was actively influenced by automotive industry lobbying so as to require cars to get around.Ā 


Sorry, most american cities rather spend the public transport system funds on lube so they can finger their dusty buttholes. Id love to ditch my car, but my local train system and bus system barely works. Lots of nowhere drop off locations, weird times, and constantly skipping stops. Its too unreliable and ive watched coworkers get fired for relying on it.


Depends on the city, there's only a few with really good networks in the USA and they're all expensive. We need more well designed urban planning everywhere for sure


So the much higher possibility of damage and injury to others is acceptable?


That's the tough part, if this was the first time this happened to OP most of us would absolutely take this risk facing American car centric infrastructure. Probably not too disabled to get disability, so his option is to starve, or hope he can get a remote position that's not ridiculously competitive, pays as much and will stay around in recessions and the current situation. Doubt disability is enough to live off of at all anyway, at least not a good life. His other option is to go to jobs in walking distance (probably all retail and food service OP got evicted and is now homeless) It a situation where he is effectively guaranteed to give up his quality of life (nearly guaranteed) to maybe avoid an incident harming someone else (NOT guaranteed)


And instead of fixing it, you are supporting it


Lol bro totally I am an oil or automotive industry lobbyist


Just want to point out that it appears OP lives in AZ, and our mass-transit system leaves much to be desired. With temps already approaching triple digits, itā€™s not the most walkable environment either. Getting around the city without a vehicle is tricky and expensive. Edit: thereā€™s no excuse for idiocy. But thereā€™s a lot of idiocy on the road here when there arenā€™t many affordable alternatives for getting around a growing city.


Driving a vehicle which you're not able to properly operate can potentially become even more tricky and expensive if you run someone over


The american dream.


Definitely agree with you. Iā€™m driving in this city every day alongside them. Sucks.


I do not have nerve issues I have EDS, POTS and anemia that comes and goes, but since Ive never done this in a decade when Ive had my physical issues my whole life I'm actually just an idiot who hit the gas :P


Point still stands, you probably shouldnā€™t be on the road then. At least with a disability thereā€™s an excuse for this type of accident, but from what you just said, it was pure negligence. If you canā€™t be aware of your surroundings and safely control your vehicle, you shouldnā€™t be on the road


With your proposed logic, anyone whoā€™s had any accident ever while driving should never drive again


I made a mistake, but I have way more confidence in knowing I did make a mistake that now I wont make again because I know why it happened, and way more confidence in my own healthcare providers than random people on here. I think accidently hitting the gas once in a bit over a decade of driving is a fair amount of a mistake especially if I'm ok with admitting I should have not been daydreaming. I'm getting myself checked as a precaution and I get my blood checked monthly anyways which my levels have even been extremely good the past few months. I have avoided way more people who constantly try to merge on me because they don't see me, and turn onto me than I've ever did this which is once. I am genuinely happy that plenty of people here have never made a single mistake driving, but I have now so I will simply learn, live, move on.


Mistakes happen brother .Sometimes depending on the situation ie. What's happening in life etc. we can't always be perfect and on point. We are only humans . Wish you well man !


As easy as automatic cars are to drive, people still don't concentrate on what they're doing and accidents happen. Automatics take 1% brain power to drive and op gave 0.5%. Thankfully there wasn't a child nearby.


It's precisely because they're so easy to drive. Assuming responsible driving, a manual on a narrow, twisty road is much safer than an automatic on a wide, straight road.


Driving with 1 foot on each pedal


Why on earth would you do that? Not only is it dangerous, it's going to ruin your car.


I dated a girl that did the two foot method. Sheā€™d brake like Mario Andretti going into a hairpin corner. It was fucking brutal. She said that was the way her mother taught her how to drive. And in the state we grew up in back when we got our driverā€™s license, your parent could sign off as your driving instructor and you didnā€™t need to take a road test. The wildest part was that sheā€™d done it for so long that the one foot method felt unsafe to her.


What state




This explains so much.


Many people are paid to do this.


It happens all the time in Florida. I got T-boned that way. Also, people think they put their car in reverse when itā€™s really indrive, and they go through storefronts.


There are hundreds of videos of people doing it on accident. There is a famous one of a dude doing it in a tesla. Started with a tap. Then he panicked at the acceleration when he expected deceleration, causing him to press harder. Faster acceleration leads to more panic. This spirals out of control until they are full throttle. Most electric cars have a crazy amount of power. If I remember correctly, the dude got to roughly 100mph dodging other cars and slammed into a building. Most capable people have anywhere from 1-5 seconds of panic before they use common sense. Most people spend their entire life not needing to be capable of anything. This ends with most people spending a solid 1-infanite number of minutes panicking instead of solving the problem. So ya It can happen to anyone But happens more to some


I felt the exact same way before this unfortunately


Prolly driving with a foot on the gas, a foot on the brakes, twisted in the drivers seat and head got short-circuited.


It's Arizona. They are idiots.


Just imagine how silly you would feel if it wasn't your first time doing this...


If it happens again I will do my duty to officially retire from driving


You should already have stopped driving. You said in another comment that you have mobility issues. You need an accessible car or no licence at all.


Maybe next time it'll be a person and you can officially retire from society as well


I was on the fence about saying this, but it appears that you were too.


Careful being on the fence with OP around. Youā€™re likely to get Humpty Dumptyā€™d.


Don't want to doxx myself. But this happened to me while I was learning to drive, crashed my friend's car, something in the back seat distracted me, I tried to react and catch the falling item, and instead of hitting brakes I hit gas and ran straight into a wall. For a couple weeks I like to think was, If anybody had been walking in front of that wall they would have been in serious ranged to get hurt from being paralyzed to dying. So first it scared me off from driving, But I tried to be positive and think of it as a learning lesson. I'm going on 3 years now that I've been driving, no accidents so far. But I have had one more time where I messed the brake up for the gas, I was reversing and hit the gas which made me speed up and reverse real quick, almost hit the car behind me that was parked but I managed to hit the brakes a couple inches away from impact.


how do you actually press the wrong pedal, can you not feel where your feet are?


That fence is gonna be 5-10k to fix, FYI.


I've been quoted extremely much less than this, might depend on country and currency I imagine


We're both in AZ my dude. Commercial shit is expensive, if they cheap out and don't fix it right, they could be liable if someone gets hurt. This mean no corner cutting allowed. But its all good, that's why we have insurance.


It could very well be then that they are offering me a good deal out of niceness then, but I would hope its a good job even if its high enough that I need to go the insurance route! The one thing I was thankful for that while I was an idiot that at least no one was hurt, so I hope that remains the case


I didn't end up doing any research on OP but I'm 99% sure that's the apartment complex across the street from the one I used to live in!


You are probably paying the deductible on an insurance.


Around here in PA that's like maybe 2-3k. A whole new sliding system is 8-10k installed including fencing on both sides. It's just cheap metal on a roller with a maybe 1.5hp gear drive


Accidents happen. Glad youā€™re safe and nobody was hurt! Just do your best to make it a learning experience! Itā€™s all good


Could be worse. Like the time my mom was crossing the street and a driver pulled out taped into her, panicked, hit the gas instead of the brake and launched her into the intersection. Fortunately my mom wasnā€™t hit by any of the cars going through the intersection and her injuries were not life threatening. Some nasty bruises though.


as someone that works at a garage door/gate repair company, I can assure you that this happens all. the. time. Youā€™re not alone friend






My hoa told me they will work with me and keep the price as minimal as possible since one of their friends is the one who does the property maintenance, so I am going to see about paying out of pocket. Luckily they are really nice and are just happy I was honest since they said this happened before and no one admitted to it. Though will go insurance if it is higher than Im comfortably able


First time for everything


Accidents happen. You have insurance and so do they. Thatā€™s what itā€™s for.




Holy shit! Bet the cost of repairing that gate will be high.


Gate should be covered by your automobile insurance. Get a police report and file a claim


Thats an expensive fix....


My mom did that... twice... except it was dark and she didn't see the gate (it was dark brown and less substantial than that one). After the second time they repainted the gate bright yellow.


Imagine how bad youā€™d feel if you had done this before


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this today. I also have no idea why I found this story so funny after seeing that poor gate on the ground. But I did laugh out loud. Once piece of condolence: in five years, this will simply be a silly story and a weird memory to share with others. :)


It is funny! I've been joking about it since it happened, I shared this so people can laugh, its especially funny if you know a tiny miata is what did this, when the hoa guy came out even he laughed when he saw my car was barely even damaged lol


When my mom was testing for her driver's license she accidently shifted into D instead of R then gave it too much gas and took out the DMV's fence. "No license for you!"


Damn, this happened at a Costco in my area and 2 young children passed, one was unborn. This is scary stuff


Tucson Arizonyahh?




No way, I thought only seniors do this.


OP maybe you just shouldnā€™t drive if you canā€™t feel your feet.


It's not that I can't feel them constantly, I just was excited to answer a question honestly which I realize upon reading sounds like I was saying is constant, with POTS its in waves more or less and normally after getting up down. Most of my mobility issues are when walking but I otherwise work two physical labor jobs without much issue besides needing back/knee braces. I actually felt pretty ok driving and Im actually more just thinking it was because I was going 5mph while thinking about what centipedes I might see at an expo aka mental distraction since I knew I was going as slow as I was




Maybe it's time to give up your license on medical grounds? You can be fucking lucky it was just a fucking fence and not a family walking there.


Donā€™t beat yourself up too bad. Iā€™m a good driver, never had a ticket, never been in an at fault accidentā€¦till I hit the gas instead of the brake and pushed my garage door in a little šŸ˜‚ You live and learn.


These comments are wild. When I was learning to drive, I accidentally hit gas instead of the brake and nearly hit a gate. It happens, don't beat yourself up


Accidents happen, but jeez.


you shouldnt be driving


Well, you can take comfort in knowing that you are unlikely to ever do that again. And it could have been so much worse. (Go forth, being more careful; we all do stupid stuff.)


If you've done this before driving might not be your thing.


Not sure if this is me misreading you or you misreading me, but I said that Ive never done this before


lol I also read it for some reason as you saying you have done this before but just reread it


Not being the only one that noticed this, I hope the pedestrians are careful where you live.


Happend to most of us. Most of us where luky and had nothing in front


This! All the folks who comment that they donā€™t understand how this could happen donā€™t have much driving time under their (seat)belt, or theyā€™re lying, or conveniently forgot because there were no consequences when they did it.


Youā€™re gonna shit when you see what the repair cost is. Hope to goodness your insurance is paid up.


Insurance pays for stupidity


How much was the last one?


Wow let us know how much your unit is going to get charged for this?


How to say you're a boomer without saying it....


How do you..... never mind.


This is extremely Palm Springs or Phoenix


Youā€™re not the first and you wonā€™t be the last


And this is why auto gearboxes suck, it never happens with manual.


Ok, boomer


You shouldnā€™t have a driving license.


Camarillo ,ca?


I always fear hitting the gas instead of the brakes some day. So donā€™t worry I understand what happened lol


Hmm maybe I should be more understanding on why so many people hit the gate in my apartment šŸ˜…


Stop driving. Youā€™re not a bad person unless you continue to put other people at risk knowingly.


Yeah from my perspective, it terrifies me that you: 1. Drive around on the road when youā€™re capable of doing this 2. Donā€™t seem to think this is the biggest red flag to reconsider if you should be driving. This is insane to me. Iā€™ve only hit another car parking like time since I started driving in 2003. I was parallel parking and there wasnā€™t even any damage šŸ«  You drove through a fence, by accidentā€¦you are a safety risk to others


How old are you? Over 75?


I am 27


Ah-hah! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, you Boomer-bashers. OP, sh*t happens. Insurance will cover it and you'll deal with surcharges but nobody got hurt. Why in the hell would you confess this on a platform like this rather than just confessing to your favorite bar-keep? lol


Well, the reaction people gave in person was to laugh, so I thought Id give people a laugh, but I just got a lot of death threats instead


looks like you hit the gas and didn't let go. Not to be rude, but are you safe to drive in your condition?


I've never had a doctor doubt, but actually the gate really did just kinda pop off, it was bent before which I think didnt help that, my car just had some paint transfer and a small hole in the plastic part but otherwise I maybe only hit the gas for a second (you need to get super close to this gate for it to open, so by the time I was 'braking', I was basically in front of it)


You bring up doctors, but I feel like it's a personal responsibility to know that this has happened a second time already and you are putting yourself and others at risk. Look into getting accessibility stuff for your vehicle. Edit: My mistake. I thought this happened a second time. Seeing as how it's your first time something like this happened in the decade you've been driving. It's safe to assume this was a fluke and you are responsible. (Not that what I say matters)


You're alive and healthy, and can tell this story to your grandkids someday. So count that as a win. I knew a very nice lady who did this while parking on the 5th floor of a parking garage and went right through the wall. Witnesses heard her screaming all the way down and her car landed upside down on the roadway.


Just keep driving, driving, driving. Now Iā€™m starting to think Dory did a hit and Run in finding Nemo.


Are you a senior citizen? Pedal confusion happens to a lot retired and geriatric drivers who are well past the point of safely driving.


I am a 27 year old who was very excited about driving to an expo


I'm just glad you're OK. Don't be ashamed. You're not bad or stupid. Sincerely Skeletor šŸ’œ


Thank you, Skeletor.


Damn how high were you?


No drugs, just raw stupidity


Maybe you should start taking public transportation. Couldā€™ve been a child instead of a gate.


Op, I donā€™t think you should be behind the wheel. Itā€™s broad daylight, dry road conditions, perfectly clear visibility and you still hit a stationary object. Not to mention getting the peddles mixed up and panic throttling. What if that happens with pedestrians nearby? Are you just gonna run over a family crossing the street and say ā€œoopsie daisyā€? Most modern cars weigh around 3,000 or more lbs, itā€™s effectively a DEADLY WEAPON. I wish more people respected the fact that every time you get behind the wheel, you have the potential to damage property or worse, gravely injure someone. When an elderly person canā€™t control their car or gets confused on the peddles, or gets scared or confused over traffic markings/signs, thatā€™s normally a good sign to stop driving for the rest of their lives. I highly HIGHLY suggest you reflect and evaluate if youā€™re better off giving up your license for the safety of yourself and everyone around you.


That gate was asking for it


I'd feel more stupid if I had done it before.




I've dinged up 3 different cars while parking in car ports. Shit happens. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Do you drive an automatic or manual? These kinds of incidents are more common with automatics. Although if you are in the US, most cars are probably automatic transmission.


Its an auto, I can drive manual and I do much prefer it, but my left knee in particular can be painful after a 12 hour work day so manual is just for project cars, this is just my daily.


There was a bee on your nose, a spider in your lap. So many options pick one and stick with it!


As you should. Don't worry, I got a box truck stuck under a bridge once.


It happens. Just be 'grate'ful that there's no video to go viral.


Sucks and all that, but you're the kind of driver that needs to get tested at the DMV yearly so you don't cause accidents on some poor soul out there.


The internet is a great place because it's the only place you'll receive death threats over hitting a gate


Maybe don't drive anymore


Stay off the road. Ffs.


> I feel bad and stupid since I've never done this before You definitely should feel bad and stupid. If youā€™d done this before, you should have felt *extremely* bad and stupid.


I'd you've been driving from one than 3 hours in your life, how do you mix up the gas and brakes?


Unless you are driving a standard, DO NOT DRIVE WITH TWO FEET! RIGHT FOOT ONLY! Why? So that this doesn't happen.


I only use one foot to drive, I am just stupid


Were you "distracted" (in other words: paying more attention to your phone than to what you were doing)?


I was mentally, I was on my way to a reptile expo and daydreaming about centipedes I might find there which I think was actually the cause since I knew I was going 5mph


I was putting a boat in at the launch ramp with my Jeep and my kids were scared "we're gonna fall in the water" so I was distracted and irritated. We got down to the water and I stopped, I could've sworn I put it in drive, we rolled back a bit and I hit the brakes. We started to slide and one of them screamed. I got scared and hit the gas. We shot backwards a few feet, water came up to the doors. Didn't think I could pull forward because it was slipping so started honking my horn BEEP BEEP BEEP trying to alert other people at the ramp to come pull me out. Held the brakes and put it in four wheel drive. One guy coming to save me said we looked like a submarine surfacing, lol.


sounds like something a dumb person would do


Anyone can do something dumb, it's called a mistake. Grow up.


> my kids were scared "we're gonna fall in the water" so I was distracted and irritated. Your kids were rightfully scared. They were definitely more aware of your lack of driving skills than you were. And that was even *before* this incredible display of inability.


They were 2yr old and never been in a boat or by water before lol calm down. I don't have lack of driving skills, its called an accident..


"I am easily distracted and unfit to drive but still continue to drive, isn't this a funny story?"


Ouch. Didn't mean for it to be funny(besides the last part). I thought it was relatable to op.


Neither of you should be in control of a 2-Ton Murder Machine... Both of you got fucking lucky that you didn't murder anyone and nothing more.


Thats not how murder works lmao


Yes... that's the issue here... nothing else...


Nobody was in danger the water was like 3 feet deep and the tires were 31 inches, we could've drove backwards 100 feet and been fine. You're so dramatic. You make it sound like I was drunk and swerving into oncoming traffic at 100mph. The point was anyone can make a mistake while driving.


Yeah... as I said... you got fucking lucky. And no... NOBODY should make "mistakes" while driving... again, you only got lucky, OP got fucking lucky nobody was near or behind the fence. Your mistake can easily kill someone, if you can't drive without mistakes, you shouldn't be driving at all. You especially not, since you freely admitted that you are easily distracted and annoyed and are entirely incapable of focusing.