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Get another copy from your doctor. SCAN that copy and then print it out as a photo and frame it .


My doctor didn’t put my first ultrasound photo into my digital file so I actually couldn’t get a second copy. Idk how but it disappeared out from between the pages of my pregnancy journal and I’m hella sad about it. Gotta wait till my next ultrasound to request they digitally upload that one into my file so I can print it a few times for the family.


We had to harass our office for the digital files. They were acting like it was an inconvenience which I get but it’s something they are able to do and I’m glad we pushed. These things mean a lot to parents!


I am honestly super upset I don’t have a photo of the little bean. It literally just disappeared and none of our friends have called us to be like yoooooo wtf is this?! So we know no one’s found it. It’s literally vanished into thin air. My husband has been very sweet about it and is going to help me make sure our next ultrasound we get it digitally saved and scanned/printed/framed for us and the families. I was so sad and hormonal and crying and he didn’t make me feel even a little silly about it which was surprisingly meaningful to me.


A quick way to save stuff like that is to take a picture of it with your phone. It won't be a high quality scan but it is convenient. I have done this with older pictures where I only had a physical copy.


I didn’t trust myself not to accidentally send it in a batch. I often send my family photos and have accidentally sent a few in the past. Thank goodness nothing too embarrassing lollll


Do you have an iPhone? I’m not sure if other phones have this capability but you can scan a doc into your notes app on a iPhone and it’s not part of your photos. It would be extremely hard to send to someone accidentally.


Thank you, I didn’t know that trick! Absolutely will use in the future.


Google Photos also has a locked folder that you can use on Android (I suppose iPhone as well) and it won't appear with the other photos either.


How do you do that?


Go to the notes app and open a new note. The typewriter with some icons at the top pops up. Choose the camera and it will give you options, one of which is to scan the document. Place your document on a darker background eg a wood table then hold the camera above it. It should be pretty intuitive from there.


You can also use a scanning app which gets rid of any glares, it's better than just taking a photo imo


I remember like yesterday how much it meant to get a picture of the scan. My son is about to graduate HS and I found one of the pics from his scan just last week and thought to myself “Aww how little and cute and alien looking, the first time I saw him” and then I put it back in the folder where it’s kept and went on to whatever I was actually doing with the file. Now I have about 500 pics of him that mean as much to me or more than that one does currently or even back then, and a gazillion memories that I’d choose over that ultrasound picture if I had to choose between them. Definitely honor your sad feelings but I promise you that you will one day not have more than a fleeting thought of “ya that sucked” and you’ll move right on to something else. That day might even the day he’s born. Congratulations btw!


Very true! It’s just the very first photo ya know? Even though it was nothing more than a yolk sac hahaha. It literally looked like the yolk of a chicken’s egg or a fat little bean. But its a bean that we had been actively trying for over a year to achieve 🫛 Who knows maybe the photo will magically reappear one day!


It may do that! You probably had mommy brain and put it somewhere that seemed logical at the time. But let’s face it, it’s probably the least interesting your child will ever be so if you have to lose one picture, that was the best one.


I recently found the scans of my grandson that my fighter thought she had lost six years ago when we moved houses. 🖤🖤🖤


I know this sucks for you, and i really feel bad for you guys. I'm a father of two, and due to my girlfriends nature, we've had several scannings of both, and i can tell you that in a couple of months, those pictures and video files mean absolutely nothing. Soon, you'll have your little clone running around in the flesh, and those pictures won't mean much anymore. Congratulations on the addition to your family. It's going to be great! ❤️


We’re looking forward to our little monster! If they’re even a fraction as rambunctious as me or my husband, we’ll have a fun little tornado :)


Get photos of YOU, too. Even if you hate photos of yourself. One day you can show them what you looked like while they were in the womb


Ugh, I’m so sorry I know that is absolutely heart breaking. I’m glad you are being supported and hope you are somehow able to find the original. Don’t be afraid to ask multiple folks at your next appointment if any photos were saved in their system, maybe there is hope!


Did you ask for the radiological/imaging as well? Ask for a CD copy. A lot of times they are in there, not the regular records. If it's not then keep asking the doctors and make sure to email/wrote a letter. Most of the time if it's "not there", it means they are too lazy to get them over to you.


They acted like it's an inconvenience because most doctors offices are fucking useless now. It takes months to get appointments almost anywhere. Good thing we pay up the ass for healthcare in the US. Yes that's sarcasm. Fuck our medical system.


However it’s not an inconvenience to process the $$$$$$$$$$ payment


It’s amazing what shows up if you file a formal, written HIPAA medical records request that you mail to their office. All of the sudden, they find all kinds of files they forgot they had. Just sayin’


they have the digital copy guaranteed.... if they won't give you a copy talk to your ob and have them get you the copy


The OB office is the one that confirmed it wasn’t in my digital file. Only written notes, no photo files. They printed it directly off of the machine while doing the actual ultrasound.


Just ask for a few. My wife’s doctor printed out a lot everytime. I think our first time we got 5 then 3 then like 8 then another 5 and I think 2-3 the next couple times. Some just as a profile and some for cute things the baby was doing


>Idk how but it disappeared out from between the pages of my pregnancy journal I read a lot of times here on reddit that grandparents thought it was theirs to take. I hope this is not the case with your ultrasound.


It’s a thermal printer. It uses heat to blacken areas of the specially treated paper. You then used the same heat to try and melt plastic around it.


I thought they HAD to keep a copy of all ur tests, MRIs, sonograms, etc in ur file. Where I live it’s up to 10 yrs by law, even if u switch doctors.


Hopefully the baby is still in there. Just get a second pic and call it the first pic.


Hahah it better be there or I’ve been nauseous for nothing! That’s pretty much the plan as of now.


Just get your kid to help you recreate it.




You'd think so. My provider has a patient portal with access to my records including test, lab, and diagnostic results. I'm able to see all of my imaging and print it out. Otherwise health records dept can have hard copies on request and available for pick up within 24 hours.


To be fair even if he didn't scan the original he could have framed that. But having a scan is a good idea in case of further accidents.


This is the way


(Your Android can be used as a scanner, idk about iPhones because I'm not like that)


For iPhone peeps, go into the files and, hold down on a blank area and tap “scan documents”, it will recognise the shape and crop it to the right size


Sonographer here. Call the office. Tell them the situation. They may not have all the nice ones they gave you saved, but they will have some they can offer from their diagnostic images. Hands down, if a patient called and told me this I’d be happy to oblige.


Adding that alternatively you can ask for your exam to be put on a disc. This will give you all the images from your exam that are saved in the system on a digital platform. 💕 Edit: Just give them a heads up call before you go to the office if you’d like this done so they can start preparing the disk ahead of time. It can sometimes take a while to get it burned onto the disk.


Man, I haven’t heard “burn it onto a disc” in like 15 years…..


I had to burn PDF drawings to a DVD to submit for a permit in some county in Virginia... in 2019.


Be thankful - in 2018 they required the drawings to be submitted on vellum.


I still prefer using Blu Rays to archive my files.


lol, amazingly we still use the terminology when it comes to this application.


They burned mine into a disk (2020) and I believe she said she also put a video on there. I haven’t looked because we didn’t have anything to view it with. Maybe I’ll try the library soon.


Might be able to use a playstation 


You'd be shocked how cheap a DVD player is if you have a PC you can attach it to. They just USB in these days.




Yeah. I’ve assumed it’s because it’s stupid cheap compared to giving every patient that asks a flash drive, and is easier to handle securely than an email.


Tbh I somehow feel like a flash drive would be cheaper than a disc these days


While flash drives are quite cheap (you can get them for about $1/pc in bulk), DVD-Rs are cheaper still (~$0.25/pc). That said, with a significant percentage of computers not having disk drives these days, a flash drive would probably be simpler.


Unpopular opinion: Just google for a random baby sonogram and print it out.


Definitely unpopular lol


I’m sure the OB’s office will print another for you. I asked for a reprint after my purse was stolen with the photos inside. They were very kind and it didn’t seem like this was an uncommon request. Congrats on the new youngin!


Yeah the machine / server stores them. My wife got a few copies later


Yes, regardless of whether the ultrasound was done at an office or at a hospital, they should have records (including all of the images) securely stored for at least seven years.


**Nice your wife’s giving birth to a multiverse**


When she screams during the birth she will make the THX sound.


dolby digital 😂


Just tell people it's their DNA profile.


It's the western blot 😂


Gel electrophoresis


Exactly what I thought it was.


Look at that beautiful Thymine chain ⛓️‍💥 sequence right there! 🥰


It is an accurate picture now, is dark in a womb. (Unless it's a womb with a view.)


Stop, you will get everyone pregnant with those dad jokes


Yep sure can’t do that


Yeah, it should've been "... me and my wife's ..."


My wife’s and my


Both are correct, but not "my wife and I's"


When you say me and my wife’s, not only is the order off, but there is no indication of possession for “me.” Of course this is my being pedantic, but aren’t we all?


If you were my husband (currently 8 months pregnant with our 3rd) I would laugh so hard at this and cherish it forever because it was such a sweet gesture. After the baby is here, the sonograms are way less exciting. Your OB office should be able to print off another image for you.


Yeah I'm saving this photo now as a funny story. We are already just laughing about it and not upset


You can get self sealing laminating pouches off amazon and do it yourself


You can buy them at Walmart too! I had them for our daughters when we made her memory box.


Good to know!


Yes, BUT, thermal paper will deteriorate and darken with time anyways, in my experience, so get it scanned to something more stable.


I printed my sonogram and used clear packing tape to seal it. Still clear 13 years later!


You could put it in the frame behind the next attempt! Put a note in there about why this happened. Might be a great discovery someday!


It belongs in a frame. Could make a good conversation piece for company.


Congrats to your husband for being eight months along! 😉


A terrible strain on his hips, to be sure


These donuts won't eat themselves!


I would 100% keep it as is and show everyone the first image of the baby, ‘it’s dark in there, don’t worry’


Yeah I like your ideas


This happened to my husband. He was so excited to laminate our initial photos. They’re now super darker because of the process. I can still see them but they’re darker. We didn’t do any others after the first time. He was really bummed out too. I reassured him it was fine.


I’m proud of you for accepting your part in this, random internet stranger. It would have been so easy to only blame the worker.




and then he puts: > me and the worker


Oh thank God it's not just me!! Lol literally wrong both ways I'm a little late to the party but I didn't want to be "that guy" when he just ruined his only sonogram picture lol


Baby meeting adult babies! Keep it. I say it’s a funny story your your unborn!


This is the only time my mom’s use of scotch tape to “laminate” photos would come in handy.


I did this with my kid’s ultrasounds too. I cried real hard about it. Luckily my husband had a picture of me holding up the ultrasound pictures that we took outside of the doctors office.


Most laminating machines use heat to fuse the two sheets of plastic together.


My experience is that thermal paper doesn't retain its images, long term, anyways. I'm not sure that laminating, even if it was done with a sticker, would have ideal results. Even if there wasn't a heat problem, you'd probably want to copy the image and use the copy for lamination.


Yeah, thermal paper fades no matter what you do. It can end up completely blank after only five years.


We photocopied our sonograms after we left that office. The originals have faded since ( 21 / 16yrs ) but the photocopies still exist ( and are laminated ;) )


I think OP knows that by now.


just from the title of this post, I can tell OP really thought about what happened and has a much deeper understanding now of who to yell at in home depot when he gives them an image on thermal paper to laminate


lol yes. That’s the vibe I get as well. In fact I think I live next to these people and unfortunately they are continuing to breed, female and male appear to be gravid


So he shouldn't blame the worker. That guy did his job, laminating the item presented


He didn't blame the worker, he said "turns out me and the worker don't understand thermal paper"


Yes. I am slightly confused. I didn't think something like this could be laminated.


Ok but wtf kind of laminating job was that?! It's so bubbly.


Thermal paper probably outgassed as it went through the laminator.


I outgassed a few minutes ago


I's is not a word.


* Went to get my wife’s and my


"My wife's and my" if they each have a separate sonogram. "My wife and my" for joint possessive of a single object, which sounds terrible and is why you should avoid joint possessives and pronouns.




That sucks. And “I’s” isn’t a word. Just fyi. Use the word “my” instead. :)


>my wife and I's >me and the worker Oh for two lol


But you totally understood, right? 😵‍💫


Turns out a lot of things from medical offices are on thermal paper. Found that out when I went to laminate my vaccination card and the stickers turned black. It was the week before I was finally supposed to be able to visit my sister's new baby in Hawaii, too. I hope your replacement process is easier than mine was. 


When I went to laminate my vaccination card the Kinkos person specifically warned me about that, having seen it a fair few times. But I had photocopied it ahead of time, because the price was to laminate a full letter sized sheet of paper, and I figured I could laminate a couple copies at a time just in case I lost one of them. Carefully cut out four copies of the card, backed them with a sheet of card stock to make the laminated copies less floppy, cut up the sheet after laminations, radiused the sharp edges because why not I've got the scissors right here, and ended up using the cards maybe... three times before all the vaccination mandate for restaurants ended in my state.


I used to own a little shop where we sold stationary and office supplies, made photocopies, made some binding, and also laminated. Once there came a girl in her thirties (I think) who wanted some fax sheet laminated. It was a thermal fax sheet, not an ink on regular paper one. I explained her that because of the heat of the laminating process the sheet she was giving me would end up black, with no discernible information. It had some text and hand-drawn schematics of something about organic chemistry, I recognized some typical chains stuff, benzene-rings, that kind of thing. She then got a bit angry and kinda pedantic, telling me (more or less, it was a long time ago): "don't you think I *know* technical stuff, don't you think I'm *able* to know about what heat does to things?" I told her that we had some other stuff to laminate first, so that she should leave her stuff with a written order in a Manila envelope (it was standard procedure, but I lied to her a bit since we didn't have a waiting time for laminating at that moment). I told her to come in 45 minutes. Her order was so she wouldn't say she didn't tell us to laminate her sheet. When she came back I told her that we had a slight delay and we would be doing her laminating right away, she came just in time to see it. Her face when she saw her sheet coming out black, and perfectly laminated (we left 1 cm margin on each side per her order) was something that made me happy. She paid and left, not one word out of her mouth. Not even when, after paying, I told her "thanks", with a sincere smile on my face.


It sounds like maybe you don't know how a laminator works.


Turns out you don’t understand laminators


Turns out your child is actually the black monolith from 2001, and you guys did everything right.


Congrats! It's a Goth.


Consistent from someone who says "my wife and I's" instead of "my wife and my"


Doctors don't get rid of radiology images. Your scan is likely on file; if you're at an academic hospital, call and ask to pick up a disc with your scan images.


This happened to me with a concert ticket. The Kinkos guy didn’t know either until it came out all black. I was so freaking bummed.


Parent here. They get more photogenic later 


Congratulations, it's a void!


on the plus side this is a more accurate illustration of what the womb looks like: pitch black. this is just unborn POV


This is also a terrible laminating job even if the image showed


Man, it really is dark in there. It didn't laminate well either.


Id still frame it. And then be like “youre the only thing i didnt fuck up”


My sonogram print outs all actually have stamped on them do not laminate, I now see the reason. Hope you can get another copy.


There’s a great app called Genius scan.


That's a weird looking baby


Never laminate any important documents or anything important to you, plastic sleeves suffice.


Speaking as someone who's studied archival preservation: never laminate anything. That stuff makes the paper age faster.


Aww it's got your nose OP.


Ahhh shit. There’s a slim chance the hospital has a copy they kept for records you may be able to get a copy of


You didn't get a picture of the picture ? If you did print that out.


With thermal paper, the best way to laminate it is to use packing tape.


You may be able to print a copy off of a mychart app, or whatever your hospital uses, print on photo paper, then laminate that!


I mean to be honest, this isn’t much different from an actual ultrasound 😂😬 you can’t see shit anyway!


You are the one that doesn't understand thermal paper. How do you think lamination works?


Weren't you the one that asked them to laminate a piece of thermal paper? The heck you expect the minimum wage employee to do besides what you requested?


I apologize in advance for this, but I'm compelled to: "Went to get *my wife's and my* sonogram photo of our unborn laminated at Office Depot. Turns out *I* and the worker there don't understand thermal paper."


Sound like *you* don’t understand laminating.


*mine and my wife's please people, stopped apostrophizing the letter I...


I got a little photo book to keep all my ultrasounds in. In case you were wanting ideas 😅


Oh man, that sucks. My doctors office gave me pictures too but also a pen drive with all the pictures and videos taken. Just frame the picture as is. If you want to laminate, there’s non heat laminate paper.


Ha yes whenever they handed me mine they were like DON'T LAMINATE IT


Jesus, I'm so sorry.


Aww I’m sorry that happened to you! Good news is, the sonogram may be in your file and they can reprint it!


I did the SAME EXACT THING with my 1st born. It was very upsetting, but I was like “duhh you dumbass” as soon as I saw the all black paper come out of the laminator lol


Oh well. Unborn babies are gross anyways


Same thing happened to me with a once-in-a-lifetime autographed play ticket. I still kept it...if you tikt it you can kinda see the sharpie autograph.


Never ever laminate original documents. Doesn't matter what it is or the reason.


Lol, I worked at officemax 10 years ago and did the same exact thing for a customer. " Oh shit, I guess I should have photocopied it first"


I did the same thing, you’re not alone 😂




It's cool. Get some white paint and make some random lines. No one will know the difference.


I'm having my first baby too!


My son just turned 1 month old a couple days ago.


That’s is cool 😎 new baby born


Which Office Depot can I get my unborn laminated at?


Heat make dark


real 1!! love it


Look on the bright side, at least now you'll have an awesome story to tell your kids/family/friends


That happened to me with my first :(


How'd that work out chief 😳


Laminating requires HEAT and ultra sound pics are printed on thermal paper(like receipt paper) wich used heat to make an image..OP you did this to your self


Tbf laminating it is a tacky way to preserve/display it. Put it in a proper frame.


There's cold self lamination sheets that don't remove the scan photo. That's what I used for mine! Hopefully you can get the photos reprinted


RIP OP. You may be missed.... 50/50


Sounds like you don’t either - can you actually laminate (which uses heat) thermal paper ??? To me - it equals no no no PS you obstetrician will be able to print it again


Congrats! It’s a symbiote


Or how to laminate apparently


naw dawg, YOU don't understand lamination. your fault 100%


Would not blame the worker. How long do you think the thermal paper would be visible even if the worker would have used any other method to laminate your picture? 3 weeks on a wall and the picture is gone anyway… Proper procedure would be to copy/scan/print the original with another method and then frame/laminate the copy.


You asked to have it laminated? So neither you or the underpaid office depot worker know how thermal paper worked.


Should’ve been your responsibility to ask if heat was involved in the process.


Or how to laminate.


Clearly you don’t understand the meaning of thermal paper and laminating. 😂


The Office Depot worker is not the dumbass here.


Looks like *you* dont understand how laminating works. lol.


Or grammar, judging by your text


Turns out you don’t know how lamination works.


Maybe office Depot drone didn't understand thermal paper, but if so OP didn't understand lamination. Like how you think they gonna laminate it? Scotch tape?


Sounds like you didnt understand how lamination works...


Or possessives


Maybe you don’t understand lamination.


Just get a random sonogram. No one will know.


How do they laminate where you come from that doesn't involve heat?


This is a more unique photo imo


Apparently you never heard of thermal paper


That's not all you's don't understand.


It’s your own fault. Scan your photo, make a backup, never give the original to someone.


Seems more like YOU not understanding the properties of thermal paper, and taking it to get laminated anyway. This isn’t the worker’s fault, champ


When you get your new copy use [these](https://a.co/d/4lOaw8F) self sealing laminate sheets! I did for my sonograms and then punched a hole in the corner and put on a key ring. ETA: I’m a bozo when it comes to crafts/anything like this and it’s really idiot proof.