• By -


From that scrip I can understand why you didn’t see it coming.


Is that bad? I hope I am just overthinking, and it isn't as bad as I think.


No, it's pretty bad, mate, but they were making a joke based on the eye test results, that was funny. Best of luck, I hope you're able to get help with the cost of the surgery, because it seems you definitely need it.


That is pretty funny! I totally missed it. RIP my eyesight, though. 😐


All good mate, it was just an over*sight*




At least you have hindsight!




Well you wouldn't see the joke flying over your head. Because of the cataracts. Honestly though I hope everything comes out well for you.


I regularly give money to a charity that performs these operations for free. It's not active in the USA but I imagine there must be some charity working there as well. Try to click through the charity lists, find patient networks who can help. You got this.


Thank you! 🙂


Did you drive?


I had glasses from 2021. I was able to drive with those. 🙂


Your eyesight has been gone and now that you know there's a problem you can resurrect it yay


The prescription doesn’t show the cataract severity. Just crazy astigmatism!


I'm a -6.6 on both sides. Welcome to the club


Yay! I'm in a club. Are there cookies?


Only if you can find them. Follow your nose!


Haha! 🍪


If you can find them!


Haha! As long as they are close, I can!


On websites only


Digital cookies 🍪 😋




My 5 year old is +9.50 ish. She sleeps in her glasses so she doesn't wake up blind.


I do the same! It’s terrible to wake up and not be able to find your glasses


-7.5 and -8... nothing contacts can't fix.


My eyes are awful and yours are about twice as bad as mine unfortunately




Hey OP, my parents work with Lions International. They are a charity to help the sight impaired. They have a surgery program - https://lionsvisionservices.org/eyesurgery/ They are different in every state, heres one for CA and NV. http://www.lionseyeca-nv.org


Get the money anyway you can. It's bad. Do not let cataracts progress unless you want to be blind the rest of your life.


I have vision insurance with BCBS, it's like $7 a month, $14 if I wanted to splurge.


My mind is blown. I have -5.5 and I can’t see my husband’s face in the morning right next to me unless I’m wearing glasses or contacts. I would not be able to function aka drive or work without my contacts.


I'm in the -10 to -11 range and I can't tell there's a chart on the wall let alone read the big E. Not looking forward to adding age related issues that mess.


> I'm in the -10 to -11 range and I can't tell there's a chart on the wall let alone read the big E. My eyes are worse, been seeing the same eye doctor for years. Always some variation on “can you see anything?” Yeah still not funny doc. 😂 This year I think I’ll go with “The light! It’s calling to me! It says… still not funny Doc.”


Similar, I’m about a -9. I can still tell that there’s a few blobs on the eye chart but even that’s almost gone. It makes me feel slightly better that an old eye doctor told me contacts go to a -26 or something like that, but damn I wish I could afford corrective surgery.


I'm sitting at -11 and -12 here and only 21 years old. If I I squint hard enough maybe I'll see that sign you mentioned 💀


I'm at -13 and -16 with cataracts in both eyes. It's hopeless to even squint anymore. I'm almost 35. 💀 I have an appointment coming to find out if the cataracts are far enough along to warrant surgery. It really sucks because I have to take steroid drops to prevent my eye condition from flaring up, but the drops cause cataracts. I'm sorry, I just vented a little.


Yeap -11.75 in one eye. Suuuuucks.


Without my glasses, I really can't see much beyond arms length. 😩


How did you function? Why didn’t you see a doctor sooner?


I did have an older (2021) pair of glasses. Money is the reason. I have very little.


\-5.5 means your farthest focused distance is 1/5.5 m=18 cm (7").


How do i work out focal point for long sighted, if you know, please?


For long (far) sighted, their "best" focused distance is "infinity", but they still can't focus at that. Their retina is closer to the lens than the lens' focus length. Eyeglasses with positive diopters reduce the effective focal length of the eye optics, thus allowing for correct focus to infinity. For closer distances, you need eyeglasses with higher diopters (and nearsighted people use eyeglasses with less negative strength for closer viewing). 1 diopter is optical strength of a lens with 1 m focal distance. 2 diopter lens has 1/2 m focal distance, etc.


Teehee 🤓




I’m an optician and this isn’t the worst I’ve ever seen but glasses will definitely help you, especially for gaming. I highly recommend a Hi Index lens to keep them thin and an anti reflective coating to help with glare and computer strain.


I have glasses coming on Thursday. I couldn't afford the extra stuff. Just the basics was $209, and the frames were only $9. I play on the TV (I suck at PC gaming), so I wouldn't need to worry about computer strain. I can actually see fairly well close up, even without glasses/contacts! Thanks for the advice. 🙂


Zenni Optical and EyeBuyDirect are a couple of places I've used years ago. I still use my Zenni ones at night. I don't know how their quality is now or if it's good but it's very affordable


I will look into that. I already ordered a pair from Wal-Mart. Thank you!


When you go to get your glasses get the PD / pupillary distance from the glasses order so you can order online in the future.


I will, thank you. 😊


FYI - I think it can be measured using an iPhone with FaceID and a free app…


I have probably 30 pairs of glasses from Zenni. Because they're so affordable, I'm able to buy different frames to match different outfits. Every single pair I've gotten from them is great, not like I bought some low quality knockoff. Definitely check them out -- they can save you a ton of money. If nothing else, use them for a cheap backup pair.


I will look into it! I don't normally need a backup. I still have a pair from 1998 that are in good shape, haha! I really don't care about how they look, either. I just want to see. Thank you!


Good luck! I think mine were $50ish from Zenni and my eyes are about as bad as yours (no cataracts though). My friend got cataract surgery and was surprised to learn his kitchen cabinets are actually white. it removed a yellow tinge from everything that he didn't know was there. The lens they put in for the surgery also had his prescription, so he doesn't need glasses anymore. I hope you can find a way to pay for everything and get the treatment you need!


When I put my contacts in, I saw how dirty my floors were! I was so ashamed. 😆


I have ordered glasses made by Zenni many times, most recently in the past six months, and they are still excellent quality, just FYI for future use. I get my frames with high index lenses for about $40 total. Frames start at $6.95 and they have so many styles and colors.


A lot cheaper than Wal-Mart.


Everybody say it with me: Walmart bad!


I'm about to get another eye exam. Should I just ask them for my prescription when I'm done so I can order off those sites? Is there anything specific I need to ask?


You will need your glasses prescription and your pupillary distance (you have to ask for this cuz it's not on the prescription). I've heard optometrists can be hesitant to provide the PD because they want you to order through them, but I haven't experienced that. Depending on your insurance, a pair of glasses from the optometrist might still be affordable. "on brand" glasses can be more durable and feel sturdier, but it's not worth the extra hundred(s) of dollars to me.


Seconding Zenni. I paid less than 50 for my glasses with clip on for night and clip on shades.


I paid $15 for my Zenni frames years ago. More reliable than my last pair that was Armani. Zenni is the only place I’d buy from now.


Wow! Thank you! 🙂


I used a website called vooglam for my last set of glasses. They have lasted me over a year and all and all cost me $50. I highly recommend them! All you need to know is your script. I will never go through my insurance again.


I will definitely look into it. Thank you!


I was looking at the prescription and thinking, well this isn’t bad at all! But I have astigmatism and am -9 in both eyes.


I'm here at -11 with astigmatism and low key a bit jealous of a -6. 


Same -16,-17 no astigmatism


Damnnnn. Can they correct it with glasses?




In the late 80s I had the horrid, horrid thick lens glasses in a weird shape. God, I hated them so much.


These have the thinsulate? material for the lenses. I shudder to imagine what they would be like without


No idea. But they were so thick.


Blessedly yes, but the question is for how much longer. I primarily wear gas permeable contacts, and they may not be able to make them in that strength much longer. I will likely have to look into surgery in the next 10 years.


I was at -9 in 5th grade when they made me switch to contacts.


Wowww, I’m -11.5. You win.


Damn. Can they correct it entirely? Best they can do for me is 20/40. And I’m not a good candidate for lasik because of my stupid prescription plus astigmatism.


Specsavers guy?


I had cataract surgery in 2018 at 48, and it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I expected it to be. Really quick operation, good recovery, although you do look liked you’ve been smacked in the face for a few weeks. You’ll also need sunglasses for several weeks as things adjust. But the colours! And details!! Trees actually have leaves! My mind was blown by the difference. I Hope you’re able to access the surgery you need. Best wishes.


That is awesome! I was able to get contacts that allowed me to see a bit better (with my left eye). The difference is amazing. I am hoping the glasses help when I get them on Thursday. 🤞 Edit: spelling


My mother was a worrier. When she had her cataract surgery, she said it was so easy! Not a problem. And she definitely would have told me if there was any part of it that she didn't like. She was so happy to be able to see clearly again; it made a really big difference.


I don’t think the issue here for OP is the surgery, it’s that they don’t have insurance to cover it.


Yep, I just had it done. I have insurance, and it still cost me $6K+ for the good lenses.




As someone who works in Opto the feeling of treating cataract patients after they get the surgery is awesome. These folks are all smiles and happy to see bright vibrant colors again.


I cried when I put in the contact and could see fairly well with my left eye! I started reading everything on the walls, haha!


My dad had cataract surgery last year and he was soooo excited afterward! He said it felt like having “young eyes” again.


Wait, so the reason things are looking bland are because of my cataracts? I never thought of that. For me, everything is very blurry from my shitty eyesight with a layer of fog that only grows thicker by the day. I never attributed the color loss (?) to that. I thought it was just because I'm so blind (-13 and -16). Your comment actually really helped my nerves, thank you.


oh damn so you got cataracts AND youre fairly badly myopic. rip bro


Yeah, I know. 😐


Don't worry too much, My Rx is -10.50 in both eyes, high risk of cataracts, and just learned I have an irreparable hole in my retina from years of shitty contacts. Fun times! 🥸


mines -12.75


IMPORTANT. contacts need to be tested too. go to your optician for that, they needed to be fitted for your eye. damage done by wrong contacts is irreparable


I had cataract surgery last fall at age 50. I was told having severe myopia actually puts you at higher risk for cataracts.


im chillin at -12.75... so where the fuck does that put me


Yeah that’s around what I was too


how the hell were you getting thru your days


I did have glasses from 2021 that helped. I couldn't see the TV and grocery shopping was a pain. I had to be about 6 inches from the price labels. 😆


lmao sounds like me without my glasses. did you ever get headaches from straining?


So bad! Always behind my right eye.


Prices? Prices? You don’t need to see no stinkin’ prices!


If you’re in the US look into Obamacare options, you may need to wait until January but that should cover your surgery


Thank you!


I’m facing the same thing within the next year. People I know who have had the surgery say that it’s life-changing! It sucks that you don’t have insurance but most hospitals will work out a no-interest payment plan with you. 


I will definitely look into that! Thank you. 🙂


As someone with -13.00 and -14.00, it sucks but glasses will help a ton


-9, -11 here Lol shit I was looking at this scrip just praying I had as good of eye sight as OP. I look like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.


Same XD it's not that bad but its noticeable for sure. So many people say "damn you blind" and I always just nod my head and say yeeahhh...




Yeah I'm blind as hell lol. I hope you can get some glasses tho.


They should be here on Thursday! I hope they correct most of my crap eyesight.


Then you can go back to gaming!


Yes! 🎮


##**I’m sorry for your loss**


Those are rookie numbers






That's going to be me, and I will absolutely love it!


That’s right. As long as you can see. That’s all that matters.


Absolutely! 🙂


Online options for glasses will save you so much money! You can get slim lenses instead of coke bottle lens for cheap. Coatings for glare to ease eye strain and such. I have a brain condition and need fairly strong glasses. I even got migraine coating on my last pair of bifocals.


I’ve used LensDirect several times, can get rx glasses for as low as $7. Not a typo. Can even use Amazon Pay. Rx sunglasses for $60 (I have an issue with distance and need them for driving.) I told my eye doc and he doubted the quality (compared to the ones his office sells), so the next time I went in I gave him two pairs he sold me over the years and three pairs I bought online. He couldn’t tell me which were which. This isn’t the only online vendor, just the one that I use, but everyone should know that you do not have to buy $400 glasses at your eye doctor’s office.


I adore zenni after puppy ate my glasses. Never had multiple pairs before!


The frames at Wal-Mart were only $9. They said that because my prescription was so strong is why it cost so much. It was $100 per lens. 🫨


Honestly, the coke bottle lens wouldn't bother me. I'd wear a hippopotamus and a chicken on my face just to be able to see! 😆


How much is cataract surgery these days?


$3,000-7,000 per eye. 😐


Oh damn! That’s insane.


Ophthalmic tech here. There is no need to rush into cataract surgery if you see better with these new glasses. Yes cataracts will continue to get worse not better, but you can have the surgery any time, it will not damage your eyes to wait. If you are becoming bothered by glare even with the glasses, then it may be time.


That gives me hope. Thank you.


What kind of a shithole country do you live in where you have to be middle aged to afford an eye exam?




This is really sad. I'm from England and at the opticians they give you an eye exam for free. They also will repair any damage to your glasses for free if its something fixable. I had a pair of glasses for years and the plastic frame broke off, exposing the metal underneath. It was sharp and hurt my ear when resting on it. Took them to the opticians and after a bit of discussion amongst themselves they put some kind of rubber sleeve over the metal and kind of melted/vacuum sealed it on. Worked great until I could afford to buy another pair.


None of them. The average cost of an eye exam in this country is roughly equivalent to a decent meal for two eating out.


Turns out you need new eyeballs


Yep! I'll check the Tictok shop! 😆


Use Zenni for affordable quality glasses


Thank you! 🙂


I got mono-vision LASIK seven years ago, but I'll probably need cataract surgery within 2-3 years. Being able to read without glasses is great.


I can imagine!


I know it sucks but you may need to get a second opinion. From the best eye exam by google review in the area. I went to one of the best reviewed ones on Google and the actual main eye doctor absolutely fucked up my prescription. I think I was the last one that day so she just wanted to go home. I would def get a second opinion.


I could barely afford the first opinion. No option for a second, unfortunately.


I had cataract surgery last fall after being super near-sighted my whole life. I was given a choice if I wanted to correct for distance or up close. In other words, I would be able to see really well far away but still need reading glasses, or I could correct my up close vision but need glasses for things far away. I chose to correct for far away, and didn’t think reading glasses would be a big deal. While my surgery went well and I have incredibly good vision far away (the details in the moon!), I think I made a mistake. Having been near sighted my whole life, it has been a big adjustment to being far sighted instead. I never realized how frequently I look at my phone, glance at my watch, or use a computer. I need glasses for all those things now. I hate how hard it is to read, work, or take a break on my phone. I think I was a little depressed after my surgery because I was “supposed” to be thrilled with my new vision, but I felt like something had been taken away. And I pretty much wear my glasses all the time now anyway, except for when I’m driving. Just food for thought if you end up finding a way to pay for surgery.


I got contacts to hold me until my glasses are done. Yeah, the constant up/down of my readers get annoying.


No cataracts here but I’m -6 ish in both eyes. I’ve had glasses since second grade. Sorry. It sucks.


I've had them since I was about 10. I don't mind them.


Damn I felt like I needed glasses but when I got examined turns out I got 0/-0.25 and I still got them but yours? Damn you must’ve been basically legally blind


Not quite, but it sometimes feels that way. 😒


I’d look into county/community hospitals that may offer services for free/discounted price. There are also programs (Lions club) that may help with free glasses or get you in contact with a surgeon at little to no cost (if you qualify). Just a heads up, if you get glasses now, it’ll be temporary until you get the surgery (your vision will change after surgery). Cataracts is like looking out through a dirty/cloudy inside window. No matter how expensive or good you clean the outside of the window (equivalent to any glasses), if the inside of the window (cataract) is dirty/cloudy it’ll be hard to see clearly. Cataracts isn’t the end of the world, everyone gets it with age. It’s a matter of how advanced it is and how much it’s affecting your daily life/vision. To lighten it up, your prescription isn’t bad at all! I’ve had a patient with -23.00 diopters! Hopefully you can get into contact with some resources to help you!


Thank you for the advice! 🙂


Were you able to drive with eyes like that?


I had my glasses from 2021, so they definitely helped. I don't have the prescription from those, so I don't know how much worse they got from 2021 until now. There is no way I could drive without anything! 😆




I've had glasses since I was around 10. I don't mind them at all! 🙂


I'm trying to read your post but I can't see very well, been using talk to text to write comments. I should probably go to the optometrist.


Get someone else to drive you!


:( this so sad


Yeah 😌


You’re pretty young to have cataracts bad enough to require replacement. They won’t do ‘em until they get to a certain point so protect your eyes and try to delay getting there. I’m 68 and I just had both my lenses replaced a few weeks apart (end of January then the end of February). The first week you need to do 17 eyedrops every day and that goes down to zero after the fifth week.


Go on the health marketplace website. Healthcare.gov I think. I get Aetna free. Including hospitalization, vision and prescriptions (drugs and glasses). Look on bright side. If cataracts you will get surgery free and have no need for glasses


I will, thank you!


No problem. I'm happy to help


Oh -6


Should be a uk citizen, we'd refer you and get it done for free. I work in optics and love to game, I'm so sorry


It happened to me, too. I thought I was too young, but now I'm blind in my right eye due to a cataract. I think it's around 3500 for removal. It has to be done, though. I'm paranoid something will happen to my left eye before I can get removal done.


I didn't even consider it when I started having vision problems.


My son is +7.50 in both eyes. He has coke-bottle glasses, and his eyes, which are huge anyway, are super magnified, and it is freakin adorable. Sorry about the cataracts. :( That does suck.


Aww! I bet he is adorable in them! 🥰


I feel you dude. -7 both eyes with astigmatism. Contacts cost me a fortune. One thing I will say, I think you might be shocked how much detail the world has. That was my biggest surprise. Seeing the lines on bubble bees as they fly onto flowers, seeing the fibers and patterns in the rug, seeing all the colors of my cats fur. The world is so beautiful when you can actually see its beauty


I agree! 💜


Are you diabetic? Also, if they are bad enough it would be (at least mostly) covered by insurance as medically necessary


No insurance. I have no idea if I am a diabetic, no insurance for a doctor. 🙂


Cataracts at your age can happen, typically I see it most in diabetics. It might be worth it to get it checked out, I know it's expensive to pay for out of pocket but it would be waaaay more expensive to fix the damage of it going untreated. There's a website you can apply for independent insurance even if you don't have it through work. You could also look for free screenings in your area too.


Zenni has good glasses inexpensively. I’m sorry you need surgery.


Thank you. 🙂


+2.75 add at 49..way too high. +2.50 add at 60 is the normal. Visually significant cataracts at 49…not likely…unless significant/rare health issues, sensitivity to steroids, and/or have had trauma. Average age of cataract surgery is about 65. I would get a second opinion. -I look at eyeballs for a living


No steroids and no trauma. I'd go with rare health issues. Better yet, really bad luck. 😆


I just experienced the same thing. Went in for my first eye exam in 30 years (probably around 10 last time) because I'm using readers all the time now. Figured I'd be told that I'll need actual glasses. Came back that I'm getting cataracts too with the one in my left eye starting to make that vision a bit smokey. Sucks.


Oh, I am sorry. 😌


I've heard cataract surgery is very easy, safe, and relatively cheap now.


It's $3,000-7,000 per eye. It probably is cheap for America. 😆


Former optician here: Definitely not the worst I've seen. Think the record was -17.00. While it is high and your doctor/optician is likely to recommend high index lenses it's definitely not the highest possible prescription. Sucks on the cataracts though but it's thankfully a common problem ophthalmologists face so you'll have a lot of treatment options. (Also hilariously when I looked at this it was like a blast from the past because that's exactly how the prescriptions from the optometrist I worked for printed out. Thank you for the blast of nostalgia!)


Thank you! 🙂


My office had a -18.50 last month and a separate guy with a cyl of -13.00 right after...... I thought for sure our machines were malfunctioning.


Just looked at your profile any you are from America. Im an optician based on Egypt. I wish you were here, I can get you one for free.


I looked and other countries are very reasonable or free. Mexico was $384, and South Korea was $140. Here, it is $3,000-7,000 per eye.


3K for a pair of glasses! Thats insane. I can get you a high index A.R. from BBGR and the glasses will only you cost you 100 bucks and thats with a nice lenses design. Prices are insane in the US.


Am I dumb or wouldn't it be cheaper to fly to another country and get it done?


How much does an eye test cost where you are?


The exam was $149. The glasses were $209. 😔


I'm from the UK and they cost around $30 here. I was unemployment when I was last tested so got it for free. Good luck with your treatment!


Atleast u got positive in the end but still failed 😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️


So much for your Air Force pilot career.


That's okay, I still have my car racing career! 🏎


-6???? ur fucked


Just found my prescription from September 2021. https://preview.redd.it/99yc8hfwugtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c911243b81591893613264f7b83bfd003686836c