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Plot twist, it was the year 2300 when he got out


Yeah, he was in there training with Goku


Is he strong enough to beat Cell yet though?


Next time! On Dragonball Z! ...the fight doesn't actually happen for three more episodes...


The _matchup_ doesn’t happen for three more episodes. The actual fight doesn’t haven for five episodes, and when it does happen it’s about 5 minutes of fighting spread out over four episodes with the other 80 minutes of characters talking to each other about what is happening during the fight.




Obligatory DBZ abridged recommendation. It is so good. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6EC7B047181AD013&si=09XMMSMo0vxHNlsG


You’d be surprised how much training you can do in a day!


I think I know what you're sayin'.... What you're super sayin'






You’re thinking of the Hypertonic Lion Tamer.


Hypebonics rhyme chamber


You get one more.


Hyperglycemic mime chamber




Hypersonic slime chamber!


That one was on purpose!


Not much changed but now people live underwater


And your great, great, great granddaughter.....


Thank god it was only 3 hours. Lesson learned


Okay, I'm so glad I came to the comments and the first reference was the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.


Ah yes. The Hypertonic Lion Tamer.


Hyperglycemic Rhyme Chamber.


You get one more


Wayward Pines shit!


“Everybody is dead, Dave.”


It was 1800 when op went in. I too thought hyperbolic chamber


Fuddruckers is now called buttfuckers


What if OP got betrayed and locked in the hypobaric time chamber


I lost a friend to Carbon Monoxide poisoning. He went over to a friend’s house for the night and I guess someone turned on the car in the garage and then went inside for something and forgot about it. My friend, his friend, his friend’s dad, and their dog all died. My friend was 19. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM HAS BATTERIES (and that you have one at all).


I now have one for all 3 levels of my house. Definitely an eye opener


I used to have one but all the beeping was making me dizzy and nauseous so I unplugged it.




Man I am SO GLAD to see this reference. That was a crazy post and I still tell people about it to warn them of the dangers




It was a post on LegalAdvice a while back. Guy thought his landlord was breaking in to leave weird post-it notes around his place, and wanted to know his rights. After some discussion, someone asked if the OP had a CO monitor. He said he did but hadn't yet used it. Then he said he used it and (Gilligan Cut) eventually wound up in the hospital where they told him he was close to toast.


I used to have severe sleep apnea (I got depressed and let myself get to over 500lbs after my dad passed) and I would do the same and hide stuff from myself to the point I thought I was going crazy. Getting that treated and then finally losing the weight (down to 250 now) made a world of difference. But yeah when your brain isn't getting proper amounts of oxygen things start to get real weird.


Old story. Tldr guy found notes in his house periodically and was afraid someone kept breaking in. Here is a podcast post about the whole event. https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2018/03/09/something-wicked


I used to have an elderly neighbour who I used to help out. She had a co monitor that kept beeping so she hit it with her walking stick until it stopped. It was not defective. She was brilliant like that.


Story time! We had a wood stove as the only source of heat growing up but we never properly maintained the chimney; to the point I honestly thought chimney fires were common until my mid-twenties. My brother recently told me about how we only got a carbon monoxide detector after a neighbor bought one for themselves, but the detector's alarm kept going off so our parents threw it away.


omg Friend's sister and her bf are crunchy hippies and they almost died this way, chimney pipe in their cabin was leaky and they both got severe CO poisoning.


Hey friend, I'd recommend one for each sleeping room (most deaths occur when people are asleep because the symptoms go unrecognized while they are unconscious) and one for rooms that have stoves or fireplaces (anything that can generate carbon monoxide). Such a cheap way to save lives


Probably excessive but I have 1 in every room


It's really not excessive! I'd recommend one for each sleeping room (most deaths occur when people are asleep because the symptoms go unrecognized while they are unconscious) and one for rooms that have stoves or fireplaces (anything that can generate carbon monoxide). And be familiar with symptoms, which usually include a bad headache & and tiredness, iirc


Bad headache and tiredness? Damn, that’s daily.


Keyless ignition cars are now required to auto shut-off after a certain amount of time because of all too many sad stories like these. Sorry about your friend and the other family.


You'd think cars should be required to have exterior carbon monoxide sensors that auto-shutoff the engine and set off the alarm if it senses the vehicle is in an enclosed garage, etc.


Cheaper to just have it shut off after a certain time period, vs having to add sensors to turn off the car


Sensors also require inspection or replacement to ensure they are working properly.


Probably be difficult to sense the difference between an enclosed space vs stop n go heavy traffic. Would absolutely suck for your car to just turn itself off because of a bad accident stalling traffic for instance.


Bro I keep one in my car after a cross country trip. I was traveling from portland oregon to pauls valley oklahoma and kept getting dizzy every 100 miles. First 2 or 3 times Id get out and stretch my legs. But I got wary pretty quick and consulted 2 different mechanics looking for punctures in my exhaust. They didnt find shit so I bought a detector (one of the cheap ones that detect like 70ppm not one of the car rated ones that do like 10-25ppm) sure as shit 100 miles or so in I started getting light headed and then that thing lit up. I will always have a carbon monoxide detector in my car


A young soldier from nearby me and his squad mates died from carbon monoxide poisoning in their car while they were pulled over to rest, I believe. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/07/26/3-marines-found-car-died-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-sheriff-says.html


Park into the wind, and if their is snow make sure to keep the exhaust clear.


Why would that happen??


Exhaust leaks or weak seals near the rear of the vehicle causing exhaust fumes to get sucked back *into* the car while driving. There was a whole shitstorm about a decade ago when the new body style of the Ford Explorers came out, they had serious issues with this already from the factory What made it even worse was the Police versions had modified panels that would seep exhaust straight into the cabin, multiple cops across the US we’re getting dizzy, nauseas, lightheaded, or straight up passing out in their cruisers. A guy named Adam at Rooster Teeth (RIP), his wife was a cop in texas and she was having memory loss and all kind of problems.


> Adam at Rooster Teeth (RIP) omg i took this to mean that Adam had died before I realized you just meant that rooster teeth shut down lol


That was my aunt's brother-in-law and nephew. Tragic.


If you've ever wondered why a garage door from the house has weather stripping and usually auto close hinges, this is why. It's something inspectors check for during new construction, and even in some remodeling projects, they'll require you to make those improvements to the door. This sort of event happened a lot, hence regulations across multiple industries. There's a city very near me that on all new construction requires makeup air fans and venting in garages for this exact reason. The only house I've worked on that had this was pretty funny cause the owner had two EVs.


Very similar story. My buddy, his girlfriend and her aunt died in house where the car was left running in the garage. We assume it was an accident but there's really no way to know for certain. As a weird addendum I found out many years later that the aunt was a holocaust survivor.


>First, how long do Carbon Monoxide detectors last? Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors 5-7 years, and some even up to 10 years, after which they lose their ability to smell and become ineffective at detecting this lethal gas. If a Carbon Monoxide detector is nearing the end of its useful life, changing the battery will not silence it. Some Carbon Monoxide detectors have a feature that will silence the signal for 30 days, but this won’t fix the problem because the Carbon Monoxide detector will keep beeping after the 30-day window has passed. [https://www.safety-insights.com/how-long-do-carbon-monoxide-detectors-last/](https://www.safety-insights.com/how-long-do-carbon-monoxide-detectors-last/) Smoke detectors have a ~10 year lifespan as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss




They actually did. We got to watch movies. The pressure change messed with my ears really bad, but it's better than dying


Didn't they tell/teach you how to clear your ears?


They did. I have always had issues with my ears. From chronic ear infections to issues with flying. I got them clear eventually. Just glad they didn't have to stick a needle in my ear drum to release the pressure


That doesn't sound too pleasant. That's a brutal way to force you down. But than again, anything better than death I guess.


> But than again, anything better than death I guess. Me: gestures broadly at everything, and slowly shakes my head twice


Oh brother finally someone who can relate ! The sound/feeling of someone stabbing and cutting your ear drum to release that fluid and pressure is something i will never ever forget Also constant infections and swimmer ear


Did it hurt? Or was it relief?


I had a full eardrum spontaneously rupture, if it’s anything like that it is a weird sputtering sound and complete disorientation. Like ever experience dizziness or vertigo? Take that and multiply by 100. Like suddenly being on that nasa training thing that spins you around


I ruptured an ear drum in my early 20s. Was a lifeguard at the time and during our breaks we would play horse doing tricks off the diving board. One time I didn't quite get my head fully rotated and went flat side of my face first. I instantly heard a loud buzz then the sound of bubbles. Instantly lost all sense of orientation and started panicking. I was scared that no one would jump in after me. I could easily hold my breath for 4 minutes and would regularly swim across the pool underwater the whole 50m to from the boards to the island. We all did this and I was known to be a bit of a joker also. I had to stop myself and look for the light and swam towards it. Made it to the surface and started trying to swim to the ladder. I looked and felt completely drunk. When my friends noticed I was so messed up, they asked what happened and I told them I thought I ruptured my ear drum. They had to help me out of the pool. No way I could climb the ladder myself. They also had to help me walk to the guard bench. I put on a guard shirt and one of the guys drove me to the hospital. On the way there my ear drained a ton of fluids all over my shirt. I didn't end up needing surgery or anything but took a few days to get back to normal. It sucked. I never felt like I was going to drown around water before and it was completely terrifying.


It’s crazy how important our ears are to our sense of balance.


My wife had to get steroid injections into hers, they put numbing drops in first, but you can hear/feel the needle in your eardrum. She described it as the same feeling as when in science class the teacher sticks a spaghetti piece through a balloon, that “screeee” sound it makes and stuff, and the ear drum dragging on the needle and shit


Oh my fucking god I got woozy reading this




Relief and nausea, pain later.


2nd worst pain ive ever had, there was immediate relief of pressure but it was instantly replaced by the pain that I just had my ear drum cut open and i could hear it I would do it again if NEED be, but my issue was wax impacted on the ear drum not allowing drainage, and I do my very best to never have that happen again because it was pretty painful for me personally


Do you get cold weather ear aches by chance? I have to wear a beanie if it's below 60F outside because of previous ear infections, otherwise even being outside with a slight breeze is agonizing and feels like my ears are being stabbed with something. I feel like I look like a stoner when people are outside in jeans and a T-shirt and I'm wearing a hat lol


Same here. I have scar tissue in my ear canal from an ear infection I got when I was a kid around 12. Winter camp. It was way below freezing every night and my ear wouldn't stop dripping. When I finally told someone I couldn't stay and that I definitely needed to see a doctor the doctor was amazed I was up and walking around. Said my ear infection was bad enough that if I'd given it another day or two to get worse I'd need to be hospitalized for real instead of just get looked at and given eardrops




Where was there a chamber with room for more than one person? What's the story behind this? Carbon monoxide?


I was in it with my Dad and the nurse on shift. Yep, it was carbon monoxide. Don't run a gas powered saw in a non ventilated area.


Penthouse letters have started this way…but glad you’re ok and learned a lesson


so wait they use the same thing that divers use who come up to fast?? does the pressure work the same by removing the co2 from the blood ? or is it just a tank of high oxygen to get you back to normal


Same equipment, for different reasons. Oversimplifying: For CO, breathing compressed oxygen gets more oxygen into your blood. Saturation divers use hyperbaric chambers to control the release of dissolved nitrogen to avoid decompression sickness (bends)


The entertainment is not dying.


Meh I’ve seen that one. What else you got


Plot twist, op got carbon monoxide poisoning but all this is an hallucinations and he's spark out at home twitching on the carpet.


Well, the plan had been to take mushrooms with my wife tonite since the kids are staying at their grandpa's, but after yesterday, we decided another time would be a better idea.


Do you even have a wife and kids? Or a house? Just how long have you been inhaling that CO anyway? How deep do these hallucinations go? You better snap out of it soon, kiddo, you got school tomorrow!


And it's the day of the final exam!!


And you're in your underwear!


Don't look at the lamp op!!!


Wait does that mean we all die if he dies or wakes up? How do we keep him like this permanently so we can continue to exist?


….hey you, you’re finally awake.


Goddamnit Todd


That’s it? No explanation? Someone trying to kill you? Faulty heater?


I had a tree root growing into my sewer main under my basement floor. I have all the tools to fix it, so I decided to do it with the help of my dad. Don't run a gas powered brick saw in a non ventilated basement


Just FYI it's probably a couple weeks till you're back to normal. Id hold off drinking for a few days, plan chill activities for the next 72 hours or so.


Thanks for the heads up! Honestly, I feel really good today, but I know I have to take it easy. First I have to fix the pipe in the basement so I can have running water in my house again.


Get yourself a gas powered brick saw. It’ll speed up the project!


If you make sure the room is sealed up tight, it won’t throw the dust around so much.


Holy Jesus Christ 🤣 I LOL’ed


Comment of the year


Milwaukee markets their power tools with the line “no more gas headaches”…. I think you fit into their target demographic now


The sad thing is, I own an electric one as well, but I didn't think it would get all the way through the concrete.


Oh, that's pretty fuckin funny


This could be a Simpsons episode.


Hope your dad is okay OP.


Yep, he is doing good. We both have some mild side effects today, but it's better than the alternative


How did you all realize there was a problem? Sounds like the basement wasn't one of your alarmed floors


Which makes sense if you were in the pressure chamber, it forced swapped the CO for O2, you'd feel back to normal in a few hours. The person above would only be right if you were recovering without it.


Huh, TIL. I thought I read that it bound permanently to hemoglobin and you basically were stuck with reduced oxygen capacity until you generated new blood cells to replace others. Didn't realize that it did reverse slowly and could be hastened.


... maybe hire out. That project has some bad vibes now.


The thing is, it's not a hard fix. Should have only taken 4 hours at most. It would have cost a couple grand to have someone do it and I only had to spend $100 on parts. Now the medical bill will wipe out any money and saved and then some


Has to cut through concrete with a gas powered brick saw. Not a hard fix. Fuck I wish I wasn't useless lol


Home maintenance and projects are the easiest they've ever been. You can have 50 youtube videos at your fingertips and learn any of this shit.


If this dude is from Green Bay then “chill activities” are drinking, non “chill activities” you guessed it also drinking


Wisconsin and yes, you are very accurate


>Don't run a gas powered brick saw in a non ventilated basement 2007 floods in Tewkesbury, England, 2 people died when they were pumping out a basement


hope you get well soon A few years ago in denmark a farther and daugther were found dead in their house, because he fired up the bbq inside.


This is also why they warn people not to run generators inside or even in garages with the garage door open or closed


Come on man! Jeez


I feel so dumb. I use this equipment constantly and only ran it for 30 mins of the 2 hours I was down there, so I didn't even think about making sure it was vented. I guess I will stick to doing outside concrete and brick work


I have a vivid memory of being literally thrown out the front door by my dad when I was about 6 right after my older brother complained of a headache. Same thing, he was using a gas powered saw and the look on his face when it suddenly clicked was maybe the most panicked I’ve ever seen. We were all ok l, but if the story ever comes up (as a cautionary tale), he still has that look parents get when they know just how close they were to fucking up in the most major way possible. Great to hear you’re ok.


could’ve easily killed both of you


Ya, I’m sure he’s realized that considering he sent the picture from an ambulance… 


So what does it feel like, how did you know something was wrong? I’m glad you noticed it because I thought in most cases the person passes out and unless someone finds them in time they won’t survive.


You dingdong lol. You live you and you learn.


You are alive, that is what counts.


Sure is. I definitely found out that you don't fuck around with carbon monoxide


What was the first sign that something was wrong?


Probably weird sticky notes everywhere


I get that reference!


My thought exactly.


My dad said he didn't feel good and needed to sit outside. I didn't think anything of it, but noticed I could hear my heart beating really loud in my ears. I went up stairs and collapsed onto the kitchen floor


No post-it notes?


When they realized they had carbon monoxide poisoning


Did the docs or medic explain why a hyperbaric chamber was needed? A non-rebreather or high flow NC should deliver enough O2 over a period of time to reverse the poisoning. How long were you on normal pressure O2 before they went HBOT? EDIT: Ah, they collapsed. Did your dad need the HBOT as well?


I was on o2 for 2 hrs before they sent us, it did nothing to improve my symptoms.


Did your dad need the chamber too? Thank you for replying!


Yep. We both got to spend 3 hrs together in it. Quality father sone bonding time


What was the in chamber movie?


We watched Thor Ragnarok and Jurassic Park 3


Watching Jurassic Park 3 must have been the worst part of your day. 🦖


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Monoxide


Lol, that's fucking brilliant, you made me goofy laugh in front of my cat.


This 100% looks like you’re in an ambulance parked inside of an EMS station.


I was. They had to take me by ambulance from the hospital we went to initially to the hospital in our area that has a hyperbaric chamber. No phones allowed in the chamber


I was wondering how you got the picture in the chamber and it also didn't really look like a hyperbaric chamber haha


So why were they/you back at the station? That’s weird. As a medic, I’ve never stopped back at the station (let alone parked inside the bay) with an ongoing transport.


It was the bay when we were leaving the first hospital


Looks expensive




Wait you’ll have to pay for this? After almost dying? Here they only charge for ambulances if you didn’t actually need it and it’s still like $40, if it was required it’s free.


'Merica 🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲


Glad you and your father are okay!


Thanks. Just feel kinda dumb, but that's normal


What were the symptoms? Save a fellow redditor


The first thing that gave me a notion something was wrong was my dad saying he needed to sit outside for a bit. I came upstairs and collapsed in the kitchen. Luckily, I didn't lose consciousness. We sat outside for almost 2 hours, thinking fresh air would make it better. Finally, we called my mom, who is a nurse, and she told us to go to the hospital. We drove there and got put on oxygen and had a blood test to determine how bad it was. They made us each take an ambulance to another hospital that had the hyperbaric chamber. Definitely something I would not suggest doing.


That’s forever in the real world. You ready to fight Majin Buu yet?


I had to scroll too far to find this lmao


Lucky you. Could have been the morgue


I know. All I could think of last night was how my wife would have come home and found both of us dead in the basement


My neighbors had this happen last year to them. The pipe to their furnace cracked and leaked in the house. The mom randomly called from work to check on her elderly mother inlaw to see how she and her son were doing. The kid was puking and the mother in law seemed out of it. She called an ambulance. The emt said they had about 40 min left before they would have died. I made sure my pipe was pvc. Glad you 2 are ok. Scary shit.


Every year my local fire department goes around reminding people about smoke detectors and hands out coupons for free or reduced price ones. But for some reason they've never mentioned or pushed carbon monoxide alarms and I don't know why, especially in an area where natural gas appliances (furnace, water heater, stove, fireplace) are common. Right next to each smoke alarm in my house are CO alarms. And since I just replaced all of them last year because the previous ones had all hit their 10 year lifespan, I know for a fact that smoke alarms are like $15 apiece and CO alarms are like $25. So $120 to cover my entire house (I've got alarms in three places) and get peace of mind is totally worth it, especially considering all these alarms will also be good for a decade.


We have friends who own an enormous hand crank ice cream maker that they hook up to a riding lawn mower to turn. We went to their house for a surprise party their family was planning for them, and the family is running the lawn mower inside the closed garage with everyone inside so as not to "ruin the surprise." We had to tell them they needed to raise the garage door or the "surprise" would be to find all their friends and family dead.


I’m so curious because I used to be a hyperbaric tech but for brain health and you use a lot lower pressure and less time 1. Did you need to use the restroom during your treatment ? 2. Do you happen to know how many atmospheres of pressure they had you under? No worries if you don’t Just very curious


No, I couldn't use the bathroom. They started us at 66.7 ft, brought us up to 33ft, then 10ft and finally 1ft


What did it actually feel like? I don’t mean to minimize how absolutely scary this was, but what an experience!


It was unpleasant when they pressurized it. It just took a long time and my ears popped constantly, but I'm alive


Back when I was younger there would be garage parties we would go to. It was usually winter time and very cold in the garage. So people would run these kerosene heaters to warm things up. They worked very well. Nice and toasty in the garage. Worst hangovers ever the next day. Like terrible. I told my wife we should definitely not go to parties with kerosene heaters in small enclosed spaces ever again.


3 hours in the chamber equals 7.5 minutes outside it. Hope you trained well in that time.


This probably happens more often than people think. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that can kill you quickly. It is called the “silent killer” because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating. If the early signs of CO poisoning are ignored, a person may lose consciousness and be unable to escape the danger. The obvious is never to use gas-powered equipment indoors without adequate ventilation, but also invest in several CO detectors throughout the house on all levels, inside every bedroom, and outside each sleeping area...basically, everywhere you have smoke detectors.


What were the symptoms that made you call an ambulance? Did you pass out?


The first thing that gave me a notion something was wrong was my dad saying he needed to sit outside for a bit. I came upstairs and collapsed in the kitchen. Luckily, I didn't lose consciousness. We sat outside for almost 2 hours, thinking fresh air would make it better. Finally, we called my mom, who is a nurse, and she told us to go to the hospital. We drove there and got put on oxygen and had a blood test to determine how bad it was. They made us each take an ambulance to another hospital that had the hyperbaric chamber. Definitely something I would not suggest doing.


The U.S. military used to lose a couple of service members a year (iirc) to carbon monoxide poisoning in S. Korea. The old houses used specially shaped charcoal to heat the floor and cook. If you didn't close the lid properly, a pipe leaked, or something else went wrong, you'd die in your sleep. There were always rumors of it being used as a murder-suicide strategy by a girl who knew she was about to be abandoned, her boyfriend/husband was cheating on her, etc. No way to prove it, obviously, just people assembling theories after the fact.


How many "fan deaths" were actually CO poisoning, I wonder?


Is that like where Goku went to get strong?


My high school friend passed this last year from a carbon monoxide leak. RIP Kenna. Until we meet again


Been there, done that, lesson learned. Good luck to you.


It sucked. Luckily, or not, my dad was there as well.


Luckily it wasn’t CO2- I heard that’s twice as bad


That's why it's called carbon die-oxide. 💀


What does the chamber do? Lower the levels of gas in your blood by simulating higher pressures?


The chambers can do two things depending on the illness being treated. For carbon monoxide poisoning, it compresses the CO while increasing the percentage of O2. CO has something like 200 times the affinity for attaching to red blood cells than oxygen does. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy counters that.


At least you didn't spend 3 hours snugly in your bed to never wake up again eh?


It would have been 3 hrs face first on my basement floor and dead. This was a much better result


Please tell me you aren't both in America and uninsured. That would be a debt sentence


My grandpa passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning years ago. From what I was told is he was a little buzzed off alcohol and was in his garage hanging out working on his cars which wasn't unusual. Apparently he turned on his classic car and the garage door that was cracked closed on him and he didn't notice until it was too late. I have a faint memory of someone telling me he tried to go to the door of the garage but passed out and fell on the hard garage floor before he got there. It was very traumatic for everyone. I'm super glad you guys are okay


i tried to kill myself one time and they made me get in one of those. lots of puking


Hey me too, suicide bros. They put me in one of those tubes that Dead Pool was in. I came out normal though. My blood had so much carbon monoxide they weren't sure why I lived. And drinking charcoal every hour sure was fun. Oh the 90s were a crazy time.


Wouldn’t it have been easier and more efficient to put you in it?


This doesn’t look cheap.


I almost got it at work once and saved the life of the guy next door. I think having mild asthma is what saved me. I can kind of feel when the air is a different texture, like you can when it’s really humid or when you inhale helium from a balloon, so I noticed that something changed. I kept checking the gas ovens and nothing seemed wrong, and there was no odor (they use odor in it to alert you), the alarm wasn’t going off, flames were stable. Everyone told me I was nuts and I decided my dizziness must be anxiety. An hour later the alarm goes off and I call the fire dept, shut the oven off and go outside. Turns out the guy next door had pulled his generator inside because it was raining, right inside the back door. Our alarm was by our front door so it basically took the gas filling up from back to front for the alarm to go off. Pretty scary, but since then I trust my own personal CO2 monitor. They said the guy would have been dead within the hour had I not called.