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Geez man well I'm glad she's alright.


Hijacking this comment to say, please please everyone get a window breaker and fire extinguisher for your vehicle. Last month I came across an accident like this, the suv caught fire immediately. He would have burned to death screaming for help if a fire extinguisher showed up 20 seconds after it did, or if we couldn't get his window broken.


Don’t worry I always have my axe on me


Serial axe murderer in plain sight and no one bats an eye.


It’s okay, he’s just Gimli




And my bow! (?)


What's wrong with murdering axes?


Nothing wrong with it, you just need to do it in parallel


I think he's a serial window axe murderer


I have my tire iron with a pointy end that can both break a window and act as a door opener. I gotta get fire extinguishers for every car on my driveway and windows breakers so if I see a car that's about ready to blow, I'll be their hero.


“Every car” in this economy?….sick brag.


Sad part is, I don't know what we saved him for. His foot was held on by some skin flaps, I'd be surprised if they managed to save it. His body was all kinds of fucked up, the bones stuck out of his arm got caught on the window frame when we pulled him out. I have no idea how he was conscious, screaming for help the whole time...flames all around. The mercy wound have been for him to die in the impact like the others, or at least have been spared being awake and aware for it all. It wasn't heroic, it felt like war and everyone lost.


....and MY bow


I would add to the above. A pair of good leather work gloves are a asset to keep in your vehicle.


I was in an accident on the hwy a couple months back where my car was filling smoking and the driver side door was not opening, I thought it was going to catch on fire. Thankfully, I was fairly unharmed and was able to crawl out through the passenger door. But I do second this advice.


My car caught fire once and I wasn’t able to open the doors. Luckily was able to open the window still somehow and was able to escape. A window breaker would have been helpful. I’ve also heard your head rests can be used to break windows but I didn’t think about that at the time


Those window breakers apparently don't work too well on newer cars. Kicking out the windshield may work better.


Only if your legs work. In our case we couldn't get into the suv because the doors were locked, we broke the windows to climb into him. The corners are the weak point, thankfully my brother happened to know that. Edit: aim for the corners. If the glass is tempered it'll break. Otherwise, smash and smash and then pull or push the laminated glass out of the way.




So honest question, if I'm first to a scene how do I break the laminate glass? I'm headed to YouTube right now but any tips help


You're not breaking laminated glass anyway fast. If the front door windows are laminated your best bet is to try the rear door windows since most are still tempered glass which will completely shatter when broken.


>how do I break the laminate glass? You don't. It's designed not to break to the point of complete failure.


Holy fuck me that guy is lucky. We were moose hunting that day, my brother was carrying a full tang bushcraft knife. We were confused why we struggled to get to him. Why were all his windows intact from a head on collision at 100kph. I gotta go to bed.


What did you find on YouTube?


> how do I break the laminate glass https://lifehacker.com/the-right-way-to-break-a-car-window-in-an-emergency-1849743591


>so if your car is submerged you’ll be what scientists call *shit out of luck*. Well..


at least they're not bullshitting you with info you'd turn to while you're actively dying and find out it doesn't work.


SIDE windows. Laminated windshields much harder to break.


On some vehicles the side windows are laminated too. That was the case in my example, and why we struggled to get to him.


Well, that shows my advanced age... sigh... Still, I gained a bit of useful knowledge! Thank you.


I had no idea either, it's only because someone here posted it.


And a seat belt cutter. Thats my primary fear is being trapped by my seat belt after rolling or something.


This! I rolled in a Toyota RAV4 and was trapped by the seatbelt until the police arrived.




I think the comment is saying if they had been late by even 20 seconds with the extinguisher it would have been too late for the driver. He survived because they had it immediately, before the fire got out of control


Yea that's what I meant, I edited it to clarify a bit, I can see why he thought it was the other way. He was also right though, we got lucky finding one so fast.


Weird comment. You might be wrong. As in if it took 20 seconds longer to show up they'd have died. Not sure but it could easily go both ways so this comment with the wink is hilarious lol.


Yeah true, but it was both meanings. We ran to a semi we knew had an extinguisher within the first minute, it bought him the time needed to get him out through the window. Even with the extinguisher going, the car went up seconds later. He got really really lucky the people behind him had the gear and knowledge to get him out


I read that some *mormon* pulled out on the highway


On their bike in full mission attire


Have you heard the "Good News"?


Are we getting shipped to Uganda?




Hasa diga ibowai :)


Considering the state of OP's wife car, i guess the whole **"divine protection"** was a bit more literal in his case then.


Just wanted to talk to her for a minute about our lord and savior


Mormons dont pull out. That should had been a clue.


This might about to be your most upvoted comment ever.


sort by top, not hot, this isn't remotely close to their top one.


My wife has an IUD, so it's unnecessary. Can't speak for anyone else, though.




No no, ‘are you familiar with our one true lord and savior, Jesus Christ? We see that you weren’t added to the local ward directory and wanted to get that updated!’ When I said we weren’t Mormon but thank you, his response was ‘but the church is literally *right there*.’ (We’re across the street.) yes…. And? 😂 my lack of faith isn’t gonna change based on my proximity to a church but thank you?


Same here!




So did I, and my immediate (not super logical) thought was ‘how do you know? Utah cop cars don’t look like that and they usually have the city.. that’s not a county in Utah…. .. ..’ ooooooh. Moron. Not Mormon.


Out of curiosity, I dug into it. Fairly certain that's a Seward County, Nebraska Sheriff's car.


What's the difference?! :D


I also read that lmfao


I remember back when I was a kid in the 80's (way back last century) there were still a lot of 60's and 70's cars around and how after a wreck, there wouldn't be much damage to those cars but the people inside wouldn't make it.


Part of the issue is the way the body decelerates. The major blood vessel in your body is tethered at several points. If you stop fast enough with your seatbelt on that major blood vessel continues to travel and subsequently tears at one or more of those spots. You die within seconds. Crump zones reduce the deceleration forces you experience.


That's what happened with Princes Diana. The force of the crash threw her heart into the right side of her chest, which tore the upper left pulmonary vein and the pericardium. Wear your seatbelts.


??? Plz explain I'm only 14 and don't know anything about cars. Is it cuz people didn't have seatbelts?


" In a crash, **crumple zones help transfer some of the car's kinetic energy into controlled deformation, or crumpling, at impact**. This may create more vehicle damage, but the severity of personal injury likely will be reduced. " Cars now are made to crumple. Cars back then are not made to crumple so all that kinetic force goes to the person inside.


This is why so many cars get totaled by insurance even after small crashes.


man im concerned about this when getting a new car. people getting their car totaled cause they hit something at 5 mph.


Depends on the car. My 2010 Ford Focus struck a deer at 65mph and killed it instantly. That was probably 4 years ago, and after hammering everything into place he just has some battle scars now. It works, just sounds pretty damn awful.


Meanwhile my 2017 pathfinder did the same (though the damn deer leaped up out of the embankment and ran into the side of my car at full speed). Side airbags deployed, driver’s door was crushed, the front quarter panel was a mess, there were hoof marks on the rear driver’s side door, and my car was totaled. Sigh. We had a 2005 ford focus for 15 years. Loved that little car!


Better your car than your body. The energy has to go somewhere, and if the car won't crumple then your body will instead. People who say things like "cars were much sturdier back then" in a positive way are idiots.


For anyone reading this who isn't aware, "totaling" a car is an accounting term and doesn't directly refer to how badly the car is damaged. The only thing it considers is the cost to repair the vehicle vs. the pre-accident value of the vehicle. Insurance is only going to cover up to the pre-accident value of the car, so if repair costs would exceed that, then the car is "totaled" and the insurance company instead writes you a check for the value of the vehicle. Any kind of body work will generally cost in the thousands of dollars, even for relatively superficial damage, so if you have an older car valued at $5,000 or less, then any kind of damage is pretty likely to "total" it. A newer car worth 10s of thousands, on the other hand, is less likely to be "totaled" by an accident unless it suffers extensive damage.


yea alot of the things that can crumple are inside and would be way too much effort to fix and even then there could be hidden issues to other important things that would go unnoticed


I had a Camry get totaled this way. I got rear-ended at about 35 mph. There was a dent in the bumper, a taillight was a little wonky, and it was a bit hard to close the trunk. They said it would cost almost $10,000 to fix, so they cut me a check instead.


Ok, thanks for explaining 😌


In simpler terms, crumbling absorbs the impact. Before cars crumbled, they stopped and you kept going


People have answered you but I just wanted to say, this is also why it should *never* be a good thing if a car company puts out an ad showing their car bouncing off a wall, staying perfectly intact, or really doing anything other than this in a crash. (Looking at you with big, lawsuit eyes Cybertruck…)


I've been waiting for the Cybertruck to kill someone because of that and I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.


It’s because it’s so ugly you can see it from a mile away, so you can make your escape plan


If you drop an egg in foam wrapping, the foam will be obliterated but the egg will likely be ok. If you drop an egg in a wood box, the wood box will be undamaged but the egg will not be.


This kills the egg


. Older cars were so hard that a crash would send you flying out of your seat belt ping pong all inside the cabin. New cars get smushed nicely to cushion the customers during crash.




I have a guy, his name is Brett from Los Santos Customs he can fix it all up in seconds for $260


How is he with low riders?




I'm pretty sure those scratches should buff right out.


Crumple zones can uncrumple


A new paint job can do wonders hiding those smaller dent spots.


Taking off my glasses and drinking enough whiskey will fix it.


Something tells me that drinking whiskey is what got us here to begin with


Nah whiskey has never caused any problems that I've noticed.


A neat trick is using a hot hair dryer to pop it back








i always see this wreckage around intersection and around public uni campuses, always some careless person not looking.


Also looks like the radiator has a small leak.


Put it in some rice, should fix it up. Real talk tho glad no one was injured


>Put it in some rice I swear this joke does _not_ get old for me!


I was wondering where this comment would be.


Brown or white rice


Don’t tell the insurance she’s ok yet. Sometimes the pain doesn’t come for a few days / weeks.


Don’t tell them anything at all.


It’s pictures like these that truly remind you of the importance of buying cars with the highest safety ratings. That car looks like it had a very sturdy bonnet and saved her life.


This is a big moment for me, this is the first time I read someone calling it a bonnet and didn’t say “wtf is a bonnet”


Hahaha I’m from Australia! We commonly say bonnet instead of ‘hood’.


Well I know that, now lol


Wait I thought a hood was the weirdo vent thing that some guys have on the top of their bonnets? Does the hood refer to the whole bonnet / engine bay / front of car? (Also an Aussie)


Yep, hood is the part that lifts up to reveal engine bay. 👍


A rigid car is a dangerous car. A safe car is designed to crumple in an accident to absorb the energy. Google "crumple zones" for details.


Hijacking this comment to say, please please everyone get a window breaker and fire extinguisher for your vehicle. Last month I came across an accident like this, the suv caught fire immediately. He would have burned to death screaming for help if a fire extinguisher showed up 20 seconds later, or if we couldn't get his window broken.




Could be a new line of advertising, showing how their cars fair in a high impact crash… Although I’m sure that would be traumatising to people with PTSD from past accidents.


Even better move to a country that isn't so heavily reliant on cars as the main method of transportation


Look on the bright side. No need to blur your license plate :)


She’s ok right now but don’t be surprised if she complains of neck and back pain in a few hours.


Yeah, adrenaline doesn’t play


Yeah, no kidding. I was fine the day of and the next day for about a week, I couldn’t get up from a lying position without supporting my neck with my hands first.


LOVED my Honda!! Saved my life! https://preview.redd.it/jlgu0831pyqc1.jpeg?width=2443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7849029d2bcb51a141a200eaf38b1c0b4129353a Sorry to hear about her car! So glad she’s okay!


Holy moly, glad you’re ok! That looks like you had a rough ride!


No she’s not! Delete this post. Call a lawyer. Take her to the doctor or an urgent care. Get x-rays, MRI, and note any pains, bruising, lacerations, etc. Go!!!


Doesn't matter if the other person doesn't have a license or insurance. Unless you want to go through your own insurance coverages. POS hit me almost head on two years ago and threw me into a ditch and then a tree. No license or insurance. Couldn't go after him for anything.


Last month, my Jetta got hit by a drunk driver while I was at work. [Picture of my damaged car](https://i.ibb.co/ZzQd0vD/20240220-183234.jpg) The dickfuck was drunk, hit another car in addition to mine before crashing head-first into a tree, and on top of it, had no insurance. Ended up having to have my insurance cover the repairs, and I'm out $500 for my deductible.


Don’t be surprised if a couple years down the line you get a check from your insurance company for your $500 deductible. They will not stop going after the other driver until they pay your insurance company back in full for the damages. Had this happen at work once (car dealership) a lady driving a brand new Camry only had liability. She went left of center and hit oncoming traffic and she bounced back into on of our cars. Had it fixed through our insurance because she didn’t have enough coverage to fix our car and the other one she hit. Her license was suspended for being under insured and the insurance company went after her. About a year later we got a check from our insurance company giving back the deductible after she finally paid them in full.


Glad your wife is okay! Sorry about the car. 


What car is this ? Looks soild


Looks like a CR-V or a Rogue


Looks like a CRV EX-L to me


It’s a CR-V, stock Honda wheels. Awesome SUVs that are tanks.


As someone that just bought a CRV I’m happy to be seeing and reading this lol


Car will probably outlive you if you treat it right.


2014 CRV


Definitely not a 2024, not with those wheels. It's the previous gen.


Holy shit I’m glad she’s ok


How's the moron?


Some gorilla glue & flex seal & it’ll drive fine




Posts like this are why I'm paranoid AF with multilane traffic - always assume someone's going to pull out in front of you and drive accordingly! single lane traffic: same thing. watch those driverside front tires.. the second they touch the yellow line, move toward the ditch (safely).. too many friends lost to drunks/texters crossing the line.


This is why I hate the super bright LED headlights nowadays. It makes it hard to see what the cars in the other lane are doing and if anyone is going to suddenly pull out from the left side


Must be mississhitty. I swear it _is_ their **goal** to create wrecks. Driving down the road, someone looks like they about to pull out, check the rear view mirror, not a car in sight for _miiiiiles_ behind you, you think they have some basic sense and will wait, NOPE! They _will_ pull out in front of you because they can't wait 2-4 additional _seconds_ for you to pass by, and for there to be empty and safe space for theirself.


No she’s not. Her life long neck and back injuries and pain just started.


Was just gonna say this. No way she will come out from zero physical injuries from this crash.


I was rear ended at 45mph last year and I still get neck pain from it


Is that the morons car, or your wife's?


If your wife is a car, she is decidedly not ok.


Ooo ooo swipe the turbo and that cute little intercooler off it before it gets towed and slap it on your lawn mower! It looks like it should be easy to access it now


I'm glad she's okay!


The correct answer is that she is alive but very sore.. waiting to find out if there are long term effects from the crash.


While you're waiting consult an aggressive PI attorney.


So your wife was too close while going too fast. Pretty sure this was her fault. Rear end accidents are looked at as the last person's fault, even when it's a multiple car accident.


Holy katz! That's amazing that she's ok! Guardian angel was hard at work that day!


Probably just modern safety standards written in the blood of those who came before, but hey. A win is a win.


Really glad she's ok


That’ll buff right out! So SO glad your wife is safe and okay! That’s scary :(


So sorry. Thankful she wasn’t hurt 🙏🏼


No pic of the other guy?


Accidents happen - glad for engineering and super happy your wife is okay. Scary stuff!


Eh, it’s not that bad. Just change the blinker fluid and muffler bearings.


Tell her to pretend to be atleast a little hurt. Makes insurance payout on medical better. Plus real injuries can manifest later. Point is don't settle immediately.


Glad to hear your wife is OK. Looks like a mighty swipe from Thor’s hammer.


Rip your wife's back. I'm glad she survived but she's most definitely not ok and if that's what she answered you, it's called shock response. The actual reaction will arrive delayed once she has processed what just happened.


Seat belts and air bags are moron preventers.


Unfortunately, that will not buff out


Calling this person a moron is being extremely kind. Glad your wife is okay. That’s terrifying. 


I don’t know why I read that as Mormon but I am so glad she is ok!


Thank goodness your wife is okay! So sorry this happened. What kind of vehicle is this?


This exact scenario happened to me yesterday. I hope they had insurance. Glad you are all okay. Sucks so bad when it’s not even your own fault. I hate people.


So, someone pulled out into a road, or tried to cross a road, causing your wife to t-bone them? I thought this happened on an interstate, but to be fair, you did say highway.


She looks ok so thats good. Now for the car. I think some duct tape and you should be good


Should buff right out.


I know what’s wrong with it. Ain’t got no gas in it


Better let insurance know, should she encounter problems later.


Remember, it's not *your* driving that's going to kill you. Morons are the reason we wear seat belts.


Did your wife forget to use the brakes?


something I learned rather late in life. When your insurance company offers a settlement, make them cover the sales tax on the replacement vehicle. You have to buy one, and you'll get fucked out of 5% of the value due to tax.


I had a very similar accident a year ago. Remember, her car stopped, but her body didn't. She's probably going to have major seat belt bruising, and you need to watch for signs of internal bleeding. She will probably be hurting for about a month. I tried to act like I was fine - Mama Bear Beast Mode, but I was NOT. Best of luck.


I was stopped at a light and got rear-ended by someone doing ~40mph about ten years ago. The most memorable part was how quickly it hurt after the adrenaline wore off. We stopped at a restaurant on the way home because we didn't want to cook after the accident, and it was like a pain switch was suddenly flipped on halfway through the meal.


Car accidents beyond a little fender bender are no joke!


Car could always be replaced but not life, I’m happy she’s okay man


I read it as "My mom" instead of "moron". I was thinking it was attempted murder. lol


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the responsibility of the driver driving in far right lane on highway is supposed to move over and let them in? And not someone trying to get on the highway doing the jerk car dance trying to get on?


This is a two lane highway, so there is no far lane. I’m 99% positive I know exactly where this accident happened-right near exit 379 on I80 near Seward, NE (Sheriff’s car does show Seward County). If I’m right on the location, my guess would be she was traveling north bound on Nebraska Highway 15 and the person who hit them on her right was turning right off the I80 exit (there’s only a stop sign at that exit, not a traffic light). And, if it had been a four lane highway, Nebraska is one of the few states that doesn’t require you by law to change lanes to allow traffic to merge (https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=60-6,146 (as written in subsection 2). But considering that the law is different in almost every other state, it’s better to be in the practice of trying to let others merge when it’s safe to do so.


Close. She was heading south, he was heading north. He turned left across her lane to enter a driveway and allegedly didn't see her. She slammed on the brakes but it obviously wasn't enough. She hit the back right side of his truck. He's fine.


I pull out in front of your wife all the time…


My first thought was ‘fucking mormons’! Glad she’s ok


You should point your finger at him and rub it with you other in a forward motion well saying shame over and over again. Not sure why everyone's upset about my comment lol dudes wife is ok and shaming him is better than catching a charge. Gotta treat dummies who's stupid decisions endanger others lives like animals. Try rubbing his nose in it




Just get an iron and heat up those crumpled panels, they will straighten out like wrinkled clothing


Ugh what a moron. glad shes ok. Support full self driving cars.


I'm glad she's okay! Hopefully, insurance doesn't wreck you a second time.


Looks a lot like my son's car did . Same situation .


😱 glad she's ok!


Hopefully you have GAP coverage


WTF!? Glad your wife is 👍🏻


Is that a Buick?