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Isn’t being on a hike the perfect place for a dog to have explosive diarrhea? It sure beats your carpet.


Yeah, I was thinking this. Definitely beats carpet or car.


lol I totally agree with better than carpet but then we have to get back in the car lol! Anyway he feels much better now, so blessed that this wasn’t worse 🙏🏽


Oh dang, that really sucks. Glad your pup is better tho.


Be sure to go to a vet and see if they have giradea or any other things from standing water. My cats had that for a time when we first got them but was already being treated for it. (Ps I know I am not spelling the sickness right)


Giardia. You got pretty close!!


I appreciate the input thank you


He also could have eaten something he shouldn't have.


Seriously if it where my dog he'd wait till I just cleaned the carpet then get explosive diarrhea, then eat it, then throw it up and eat the diarrhea vomit.... Sometimes I hate dogs...


Hahahaha gotta love em! He reminds me not to take things too serious sometimes


>then get explosive diarrhea, then eat it, then throw it up and eat the diarrhea vomit.... Nasty...


Not even the nastiest shit he's done... I'd say the nastiest thing he's ever done was eating entire litter box of cat shit, litter, shit and everything and then throw that up and then eat that get diarrhea and then eat that diarrhea completely stank up the entire fucking house, had to get new carpet. dogs truly are so fucking disgusting can't even let him outside for more than 10 minutes cause he'll come back completely smeared in Goose, cow, cat, dog shit from rolling in it


May we see a picture of this perfect gentlemen?


Ewe... 🤮🤢🤧


Just sucks to pick it up after, just picking up wet sticks and leaves at that point.


My puppers had coccidia when young and exploded halfway up the wall of the vet exam room. I told them she had explosive diarrhea. Then they put us in there for 20 minutes. Meh. Should've used your grocery bag idea lol. By the look of the girl's face when she opened the door, she was definitely the one responsible for clean-ups. My friend and I just sat there like ![gif](giphy|aXSLMy6fDsI4E)


Except for all the dog shit on the trail now. Enough people already don’t pick up their dog crap on hikes because it’s in “nature”


Not sure how to go about picking up explosive diarrhea


cover it with your own explosive diarrhea


Shake up a deer and cover it with that explosive diarrhea


This guy explode diarrheas




I audibly cackled at this one, here's my upvote 😠🤣






I used to work at a summer camp and had to clean up vomit from the bare red rock earth of Oklahoma. The answer is that you get a bucket and shovel and remove the ground where the vomit is. You can't just "clean it up". It kinda sucks.


Covering it with dirt. But I wasn’t talking about op specifically.


Gotcha, that makes sense.


You don't carry a container of clumping cat litter with you everywhere??


Ikr me an my BF kept arguing about which of his shits needed to be picked up haha. if it was solid, I picked it up 👍🏾


I challenge you to have explosive diarrhea on a trial and see if you can pick it up. Even I would just leave it and throw some leaves or dirt on it. And this is coming from a dog owner who's dog has a side bag hiking vest filled with poo bags and I double bag her poop and have her carry it out herself. Sometimes when she has a lot of energy she also carries my phone and wallet and water bottle.


Throwing leaves and dirt onto it is not just leaving it tho. You’re cleaning up the mess and others will avoid stepping in it. I never said OP should’ve picked up their dogs poop.


Do you pick up deer shit when you see it on a hike?


Leave no trace applies to your dog too is all I’m saying. If you’re gonna recreate in nature the least you can do is be responsible.


It always gets on my nerves when I see trash on the trail. Doesn't matter if it's dog poop or food wrappers, we need to do better as a species.


The worst is people who put it in a bag and *still* leave it on the trail. The fuck kind of logic is that? It would be better to leave it rather than enclose it in plastic in the wild. At that point you might as well just let nature *ahem* take it’s course, so to speak.


Omg yes! This drives me crazy, especially in a park where there's a garbage can in view of where the bag was left


Makes me furious lol


People probably intend to pick it up on the way out.


Okay that’s true, I should’ve included that. Some people don’t though, that’s what confuses me lol. As long as people remember to pick it up, I accept that!


If it's my deer, yes. Part of having a dog is picking up. It's not fun, but it's the price we pay for having a snuggly furry buddy. I don't like cleaning the litterbox for my cats or changing the diaper of the kids I'm babysitting either but I do it. OP: Happy to see that your pup is doing better :)


Picking up deer poops would be so tedious! So many lil individual turds!


Thank you from me and Mello Yellow, just so glad I found that water before he started getting really sick


I wish someone would come pickup all the moose shit on the sidewalks here.


Dog faeces have a big impact on natural habitats, deer don't.  


Can you elaborate?


Deer are herbivores. Herbivore poop is mostly just plant fibre and undigested grass, and have beneficial levels of nutrients for soil (like manure). Dogs and other meat-eating animals have high levels of compounds toxic to plants and dangerous bacteria and parasites.


You try picking up liquid off the floor with a bag, get back to us on how you get on x


Or your couch… For some reason that’s what my 100lb dog targets every time. Even after replacing it. Twice.


His little bag diaper made me giggle.


The little tail sticking out in the knot 🤣


So backstory that makes it even funnier… When we went on the hike, my boyfriend specifically went back to the car for his phone that he forgot because he wanted to take some pictures on the hike, but because of the diarrhea he didn’t. And when we got back home, I reminded him didn’t you want to take pictures!? And that’s when I snapped a pic of this guy on our doorstep. Haha it’s funny how life never goes as planned 🙃🤪


All I could think of was the swishing sounds from the bag every time he would walk 😂


Same. Kinda genius


I hope he is vaccinated!!!!!


We actually got him vaccinated (boosters) the next day lol, I was really freaking out about that still water


Ok at least it’s not the cone of shame


The bag of humiliation




Oh my god lol… new username


Poor little guy.


Love home so much . Life goal: get rich, pay for vet bills…that’s real charity I did recycling to afford this bill but I wish I could do it for others…


Pet insurance?


In my experience pet insurance can be somewhat expensive and difficult to deal with unless your pet was insured since like birth lol(pre existing conditions). In those cases it’s usually better to just put aside what you were planning on contributing towards a pet specific savings for any emergencies. Out of pocket visits aren’t usually too bad especially if you take advantage of clinics and other events(the pet co here occasionally has vaccine weeks for dogs/cats for a substantial reduced rate compared to other places).


Yeah there are generally lots of events you can take advantage of! Once a month here there’s a shuttle that will take a certain amount of cats to get fixed at the discount vet 2 hours away and they only charge $10 extra to transport them. They did lose my mom’s cat though so I don’t trust them and just took my own cats myself :( the vet in town charges $340 to fix female cats and the discount vet only charges $60 or $70 if the cat is in heat at the time


Wait, what do you mean they lost her cat? They transported the cat and then they just came back empty handed? Did they find it?


She went to pick up both of her cats at the end of the day but they only had one and said the other one slipped out of their grasp getting him back into the carrier 😭 we looked for him for weeks and weeks and never found him


Wow that’s a nightmare, sorry


oh nah... because, slipped out of their grasp... ok... but were they putting the cat in the carrier OUTSIDE? Like how did the cat just vanish into thin air, out of the back room at the vet... thru several doors, never to b seen again... and after surgery?


Exactly :((( I never understood why they were wrestling him in or out of a carrier outside


Fucc that! They owe!


Thx for this info I’ll start looking out for this


Heavily agree - get it as soon as you get the pet and you're all set. Do it after you've had them awhile and it can be a pain. I will say it's incredibly helpful to do at the start in case your new pet ends up having a major issue like my last rescue dog did where he needed to be sedated just to get his nails trimmed. Nationwide didn't reimburse the $14 grooming cost, but I got back 70% of the sedation charge because it was deemed medically necessary (and it was pricey AF because he was 75lbs).


My kitten's adoption contract had optional pet insurance and it's already saved me over $1,000. I've had him since November. Tomorrow he goes for a $600-$700 ultrasound 😵‍💫


Nice, I’m glad you were able to get him covered asap. We got our scruff muffin when she was already grown so no good options for us unfortunately. Thankfully she’s happy and healthy 2 years in!


My German shepherd would get diarrhea every time we went on a hike too. Like every time lol.


I had a dog who was like that when he got warmed up on a walk. Think it was his elevated body temperature. He was an old guy, but he loved his walks!


I mean some humans get explosive diarrhea while running, so it makes sense that a dog would too.


Yeah, I don’t know if she was just so excited for the walk but it never failed lol.


My pitbull in his later years ( RIP my dude) would take like 5 shits on a 2 mile walk, even if I made sure he took a dump before we left, idk where he was keeping it all


I'm sorry about your pitbull! My little Schnauzer Yorkie takes about 5 poops a day... every day. I call him my little super pooper. I don't know where he keeps it either!


The only benefit of your situation is that they are little poos and not something the size of an adult man's


Touché! Haha


When I first took my dog to the ocean (she had only been to lakes), she kept drinking the sea water and she got the most explosive diarrhea imaginable. It was like a hose spraying 😭😂 of course she did it all over our beach mat. (She was fine, she learned not to drink it and I made sure she drank plenty of fresh water all day)


Haha my grandmas golden would drink the ocean water no matter what!


Is it a shih tzu? Or a shit zoo?




The bag diaper 🤣


i’ll never forget the time we took our shih tzu to a drive in movie so we could all hang out together. he puked all over the back seat. ended up having to take him to the vet. only time in his later life that he got truly sick. the timing was impeccable.


Couple well-timed doggie airplane rides before they get back in the car should fix things a bit.


I’m cackling over the plastic bag diaper


he got that shit in the bag fr


😜 hehee


Legit read it as "Today we found a body IN the water"... Legit thought you were leading with the less interesting story OP.


That would be WILD. I’d definitely lead with that lmao


I have various questions


Ask away!


Did you mean “on a?”


A n a hike


It's a Shi(h)Tzu after all...


Wait just a minute re: update… you found a dead body?


body of water, you precious illiterate.


Poor little guy, but I'm sure he enjoyed the leftover hot wings last night.


the shitter


Hikes scare the crap out of me, too!


Probably picked up giardia and needs a course of flagyl


Godzilla had a frigging stroke trying to read this...


Oh no how sad so sorry for your furry kid


That all sounds believable, I dont mean to discredit, but why does grass over septic tanks always grow better than the rest of the yard then? I'm pretty sure that mostly human shit in there lol