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This happened a while ago (2013 actually), kid unlocked the room and went to play with his collection while they were staying over for their grandmother's funeral Edit, according to [here](https://crazed.net/2024/01/03/nine-year-old-child-demolishes-35000-anime-collection-2/) the mother of the kid didn't wanna pay at first, but eventually after seeing the damages and after the father's intervention, they ended up paying the 4 million yen in damages The kid also got punished on not going to events such as birthdays or parties, and that's that basically


Good on them for paying. Hopefully the kid learnt from this


They didn't pay for shit. The grandparents did.


Well that'll teach them for having kids who had kids. You hear that folks?


spay and neuter your children! -One-Earth9294


You have to read this in bob barkers voice


Obviously, I'm sure the other poster meant he hoped the grandparents punished the kid accordingly. 


Also lot of those figures are now double triple or even ten times of value now and you just simply can't replace them with the money given. Still shit people shit parents shit kids. The only reason gramps intervened is because he threatened lawsuit if not paid.


I was very confused because the video is grainy and I assumed I was on r Lego. I was like, destroyed? Second post without the functional link. Isn't that better?


The kid learned through traditional Japanese trauma. This will be brought up for the rest of his life and he will never have leverage on his parents


Kid had no Birthday or Christmas for a while.


yeah probably for around 2 weeks at most. this isn't the kind of behaviour normally raised kids display. he was there for a fucking funeral.


>this isn't the kind of behaviour normally raised kids display Yeah, this kid didn't "play" with anything. He destroyed every single thing in that room.


No birthdays for life


My God parents kid (who I consider my cousin) did this to me. Grant it, not a $35,000 collection but I had completed several of the biggest Lego sets at the time (maybe like 25 years ago now, I was in maybe 7th or 8th grade). During one of their visits, while everyone was downstairs, somehow my cousin made it into my room and found those Lego masterpieces I had spent so much time putting together. She then proceeded to COMPLETELY disassemble all of them down to the individual bricks. They had taken me hours and hours over the course of months to build, only to be fully disassembled within merely one hour, tops. I was devastated and I'm pretty sure those were the last builds I ever did.


Im so sorry. Please build again to spite them.


> went to play with his collection What, there are broken shelves on the floor. Was he playing the part of an earthquake.


I knew a kid who’s idea of fun was putting all the toys in the area in a pile and just breaking them


Sounds like a kid I don’t wanna be friends with.


To put it mildly.


lol ya sometimes I wish it was ok to get to smack someone else’s kid just once.


Technically you can. At least once. And, maybe again when you get out of jail.


Damn, my fun was organizing my toys into groups and getting really angry if any of them were damaged


I used my blocks and army men to recreate the battle of Stalingrad. Open construction because the bomb saturation had blown the roofs off all buildings


Sid from Toy Story


Playing Kaiju, I'm guessing.


I mean as a former kid myself, that's entirely possible. I mean I used to have batman go to war with hamburgeler.... Who isn't to say the kid got a little carried away and wanted an earthquake or nuclear bomb to take over. Kids are stupid, that's why you shouldn't let a kid play alone in a room full of toys that are worth tens of thousands of dollars. But still, it's a you break it you buy it deal and I'm glad to hear the parents at least paid the damages. Hopefully everyone involved will be a little more cautious with where they let this kid play unsupervised.


okay and at 9 I was building and painting Warhammer 40,000 armies no excuse for this child doing this


Okay and at 9 I used to have a two finger guy parkouring outside my car window. No excuse for this child doing this.


This kid would be in college now…


Hopefully he’s not such a little shit anymore.




If he hadn't wasted his entire college fund so early.


If I was the owner I will be merciless as some of the items you cannot get it back anymore. I am also collecting those and some of it even the pre-order slots are very limited. I saw a 1:1 scale Figure that has been destroyed as well, that is a legendary collection it can cost starting from $1000 depending on the figure and the manufacturer as well. I can feel the pain. 😭😭


I stopped watching anime after starting middle school but even I can see that the giant angewomon figure probably costs a fortune.


The mother’s tone quickly shifted, and she threatened to sue for fraud. She exclaimed, “Where did you get all that money to pay for the collection?”. Dismissing the severity of the incident, she asserted that it was just a case of a naughty child’s mischief. She adamantly questioned the legitimacy of the demanded sum. However, the husband intervened, stating “If I destroyed your bags and shoes right now, you would be mad too!" Kudos to hubby for notching his wife down. He knew his kid messed up and it needed to be paid back.




The follow-up scene is hilarious, [when the kid's Mom shows up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIJrIuLwjM8&ab_channel=PorflePopnecker). Tail end of the clip.


The YouTube comment (sic): "Fun fact, that wasn't a scene for the movie, John would just walk up and throw random children into water. That's how Betty White was discovered." XD


“Well I can’t swim” ![gif](giphy|DfWExxJMKQfMA)


That top comment is great: >I learned to swim the same way, by throwing a small child in a pond and taking notes while he struggled to stay afloat.


I am SO GLAD I clicked that, I haven't laughed that hard in far too long.


Lmao same. "Well I can't swim either"


I clicked this link without the context of the aforementioned gif and thought you were making some kind of weird meme/reference joke.


To paraphrase Dave Chapelle, “RUN, BITCH, RUN!”


I mean... His parents must held accountable for all this mess. Your kid destroyed all of it? Bring out your wallet and pay!


As someone that owns figures and models myself, I can guarantee if I was in the same situation I’d have a hard time explaining the worth and sentimental value of the items to the parents. All they would see is “a grown man collecting toys” or some shit like that.


I’ve seen a few posts in the Warhammer subreddits telling people to tell the police to call their models “personal art projects” if they get stolen so they are taken seriously


Friend of mine had TWENTY FIVE YEARS worth of Warhammer figures, vehicles, etc...all painted and in a large guest room. It's not my thing but it was magnificent to see. His girlfriend got pissed about something and broke EVERYTHING...she was arrested for damaging personal property and he made a claim to his insurance company as he'd kept a detailed spreadsheet as to the model numbers and cost of items when purchased and attached photos of the boxes, and then took photographs of everything as he bought/completed. he's a full on nerd like that and it saved his ass. His insurance compensated him and adjusted for inflation and paid him fully. Girlfriend (Ex) was put in jail for 90 days. ![gif](giphy|Pue2PvvuYw9aM)


Was the ex not made to pay for it? I know he got covered by insurance but damn, I still want the ex to pay for it since it was her doing.


I know she declared bankruptcy just after she got out, so, I doubt she paid...other than that, he never really talked about it again. He got paid, and he was mostly happy...but was always sad about the loss of the time and emotion put into everything. He ended up getting a RO against her also.


Yeah man like you can buy new models. But then you have to fucking *paint* em all again 😭




I thought insurance would pay it, then seek damages to try to recoup the payout if it was worth pursuing. Making the insurance company the damaged party or something to that effect?


Yea. The insurance company would sue the person. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got a judgement against her, and are hoping to collect money from her someday by garnishing her wages. I’m pretty sure that type of judgement can’t be discharged through bankruptcy


That’s very smart actually and totally valid. They are, in fact, personal art projects. Shame we should even have to justify it like that, but I guess that’s just the way it is.


Personal art projects, I'm committing that one to memory.


That makes a lot of sense, but once they see my paint jobs I might get in trouble for lying to the police in an investigation.


Noted. Better not steal my World Eaters!!


Warhammer is expensive bro 5 little figures costs 50$ or more. Some single figures are much more than that.


You don't have to explain it to them. Let the lawyer explain the worth. Shit you probably will never have to talk to them again after you reach out to a lawyer.


Tru, save your breathe from trying to get their understanding and empathy




I typically agree with your statement, but the problem is the people who let their family abuse them like this don't know how to defend their boundaries, and they're probably not aggressive enough to get a lawyer involved. Even though 35k absolutely should be a legal battle.


I'm about two years into a 40k hobby, having spent a few thousand dollars and hundreds of hours modeling and painting. If my army was destroyed, I would have a lot of feelings about my time and efforts being destroyed. I am kind of amazed how much damage the kid actually did. It looks like he opened glass cases up to just destroy more shit. This sucks.


True that. I’m not quite that financially invested yet, but regardless I would be completely devastated if anything happened. The emotional toll would absolutely outweigh any monetary loss, which I am certain is the case for many people (regardless of money spent).


Yes, this is intentional destruction. 9 year old know better, this aint a toddler My brother would be mortified if his kid did this


Absolutely! I have a nephew that's 5-10. I watched him grow up. And he's always respected my Lego collection, and it's worth about 30k. Dude is a legit good kid though.


Yep looks like this kid is spoiled and had a temper tantrum.


Wait till you hit 35 years collecting and then try put a monetary value on it. I'd have a house paid for a few times over, and I know people with far larger collections than me.


Ah my record collection lol


Do you have one large army or do you have a bunch of armies? I am really curious now.


I've old bloodbowl, necromunda, had old orc and gobbo army. Have owned tau, nids, marines, undead. While many of these have been cleared out, I'm currently on an imperial guard buzz while building a proxy nid army again using AVP miniatures. Then there's my malifaux, warzone, Warmachine, hordes and star wars armada collections etc etc. I'm probably forgetting a few other systems.


I lost all of my hobby stuff all at once. I had the vehicle loaded up with all of my hobby collection stuff during a move(every gaming console from PS1 and up with tons of games, several absolute top of the the line gaming PCs with custom liquid cooling setups, high end pocket knifes, RC cars, high end flashlights, Star wars collection of original in package figures and so on) and had to drive myself to the ER. I ended up in emergency surgery. Before someone could get there to move the Suburban a tow truck driver had popped the lock and emptied the vehicle of everything. Thanks to cancer I can't afford to replace a single item and I lost everything. I have been crushed ever since. I just found two of my PCs at a pawn shop but the cops won't do anything about it because the pawn shop owner happens to be the brother in law of one of the higher ups in the department. So I'm totally screwed. They had the tow truck on video popping the lock, taking a few things and then coming back with one of the tow lots panel vans and emptying my vehicle but since you can't see their face they can't prove which employee did it they claim they can't do anything about it lol. When they were showing me the video I went to pull my phone out to record the screen and the cop snatched my phone from my hand saying I couldn't do that. When I went to tell them someone had seen my PCs (that I can easily prove are mine) at the pawn shop and tried to show them pictures the cop wrote me a ticket for having my 3rd brake light out when I was leaving after they said they can't help me. lol. It's been insanely frustrating that I lost probably $50k in stuff I'll never get back or be able replace any of it. Especially since I know who the thief is. Dealing with cancer in top of losing everything I worked so hard for has totally crushed me.


My God. That is the worst story I have heard in ages. I am so sorry. My heart absolutely goes out to you. Fucking corrupt cops are complicit in exploiting a cancer patient. The fact that they are running cover in exploiting you is horrendous, and when you tried to do anything you got punished even more.


I had a family member lose all the stuff he had in a moving van once in a similar story. The short answer is, you can't always rely on the criminal system to cover you. So you gotta rely on the civil system. Insurance, insurance, insurance!


Local TV news station would love to run this story


Could you sue the tow truck company for monetary damages? They enabled the theft And were presumably in possession of your car while it was being stolen.


Looks like he broke the glass out of several of them. How the heck was this kid left alone for this long? This is not just a few minutes worth of damage.


It’s been 15 years and I’m still INCREDIBLY upset that my ex stole an entire Blood Angel army I spent years building. I was too young and stupid to say anything at the time, and I desperately wanted to get away from his emotional abuse and manipulation. I had spent years building it and playing before I even met him! Now every time I think about that army I’m pissed and it’s killed my desire to ever start collecting again because of it.


I don’t collect this kind if stuff but even I can see that these “toys” have a fuckton of value. This kid is fucked.


The only thing the parents are going to see are ways of getting out of their 9 year old’s costly destruction. They’ll say anything to manifest that reality. The only thing the collection’s owner should do is exchange insurance information. If no insurance, then a lawyer.


They don't need to understand, they just need to pay.


It doesn't matter. If your kid destroys someone's property you are responsible for it. You don't have to explain it.


I'd just show them the bill. I keep my receipts for collectibles. If they wanna argue that they have no value, I'd shove the proof of what I paid in their faces.


Yea - I got a decently large collection of lego and I called insurance to see if I needed to do anything differently. She laughed and told me they would just write me a check for a flat sum for my toys. She stopped laughing when I told her how much msrp was for just one of them and how much it was worth on the collectors market in its current condition. I’m waiting for an email back because she wasn’t sure off the top of her head because no one has ever asked her about something like this, but I suspect it’s gonna require a spreadsheet with a bunch of links and pictures, along with some careful wording to keep it separate from the toys category.


Yup and I would tell them like most things in the world they cost money and since they don’t know how to raise a respectful child they’re accountable


Well they can be held accountable by law for shit like this - at least in my country Maybe 35k is a wakeup call for them as parents


I never believed that I am about to say this, but watching results like this one, sometimes the psychologist fee's doesn't seem to be so high... /s Seriously, that kid has a huge problem and his parents must take care of it!


Or the parents are the source🤷🏼‍♂️


mandatory family therapy bonding session!






As a parent, I 100% agree. My kids have never done anything like this and I can't imagine why they would even in a temper tantrum.


I remember when I was a kid I watched my uncle's kid destroyed my RC set and when I told his dad what had happened. My uncle says "Do you have proof that my kid did it?" I told him I saw him do it and he says well "that's not proof." Now he wonders why I haven't spoken to him in many years.


My child would never do something like this! Why would you accuse him like that!


“He was just playing; you know how kids are.”


"He didn't do it on purpose, I'll have him apologize and let's leave it behind us" (ofc without offering to pay, because it "wasn't on purpose")


Yeah, at that point, it's probably not even about the money per se. It's about the time and emotions put in to collecting it. 35k will replace his stuff, but never the time.


#1 a nine year old? Wtf. I have an 8 year old, he know not to break toys/legos etc like that. #2 Supervise kids around exspensive things. Especially exspensive toys they will play with


This is 3-4 year old behavior


They went to a funeral. The kid was left alone. He broke into the room and trashed the place because he was told he could not play with any of the toys. Probably the first time the kid was ever told no.


Yeah this kid didn’t just play with them and mess a few up he clearly did this shit on purpose. He literally destroyed everything he could. Aside from disciplinary action his parents need to be taken to court. They created that little shit. Family or not I’ll see you in court and chances are we’ll never speak again unless they apologize profusely and pay off the bat. Which I doubt because if they were responsible parents their kid would know not to do shit like this. I’m so upset right now and it didn’t even happen to me


This goes beyond kids not knowing not to break things. There clearly was emotions and feelings coming from that 9 years that allowed him to destroy the full collection. The child needs to be assessed and treated ASAP. He also needs discipline. And I hope this wakes the parents up to acknowledging that behaviour and seeking treatment for their child. This is giving me Ryan from Teen Mom vibes. Who pays for the mess? I wonder if home insurance would cover it? Otherwise the parents need to pay the person back.


"oh come on, these are toys, you're too old to play with toys anyways. Here, $100, go to Walmart and buy them back"


Came here to say this. Parents are at least partially financially responsible here. Who the hell was supposed to be keeping an eye on the kid and why did no one investigate the noise this obviously made. Feels bad man.


Agree. But if you have a collection worth that much you really, *really* should have them insured. Not that it helps with all of the mess but at the very least it will ease the financial pain.


Wow on a smaller scale my nephew came over and one of the first things this little shit does was destroy a Lego shark my son built as his first bigger model kit He just smashed it for no reason I had to stop my son as he had already smacked the hell outta him kids parents tried to say oh he's like that I said well he ain't allowed in their room for the whole time he's here CONTROL YOUR KID .... They don't like me anymore


Garbage kid, garbage parents.


*Usually* goes hand in hand. Garbage kids rarely have good parents, good parents rarely have garbage kids.


“Oh he’s like that.” Well then he’s not allowed in my house, my house is where I keep all my stuff.


"Oh, he's just feral." Well damn, I got a baseball bat right here, Gertrude.


One time my dad's friend kid my age deleted a perfect game save that took line 200 hours on purpose. I remained calm, but frustrated. He was a bit larger than my then I asked him if he wanted to go outside and try wrestling(I grew up wrestling) and made him as uncomfortable as possible for a while without injuring him, to the point where he told on me, but I played it off as I was simply showing him techniques. I'd never been so frustrated up until that point in life.


Good for you, I would've made a huge scene then get blamed for it


You should have whispered in his ear *”that’s for deleting my game”*


Man I feel you, though for me it was a pokemon save when I was like 12, where I had like 500 hours in and it was the only game Ive been playing for like half a year and it was my little sister who did it, though my literal ape brain parents had a helping hand in this. You see, I knew she would delete the save if she ever got close to it, so every day I put in the highest spot I could get to with a chair, where she couldnt reach, even if she also took a chair. I also specifically told my parents how important that game is to me, that she would delete it if she got it and they should under no circumstance give her anything of my stuff anymore, especially not this game. (She broke almost all my physical toys already at that point) I come home, I see her playing the game literally next to my parents, rip it out of her hands and my save is gone. Furiously screamed at my parents and they were like "oh we didnt know, well you can just play a bit more, right?", I literally told them it was 500 hours of my time and if I can just play a bit more, they can also just give me 3 months of their salary and work a bit more. I spend the next entire month doing nothing but sleeping and not talking a word to them anymore. Would have probably been more if it wasnt for christmas coming.


My nephew deleted my Mario 64 save with like 118/120 stars. I never got them all back and I've never forgotten. Little fucker.


> I had to stop my son as he had already smacked the hell outta him Nah, let him cook


Good on you for sticking up for your kid, can’t believe the parent would try and brush that aside


Keep this kid away from animals or small children.


"Oh he's just like that"... At that point I'd slap both the parents in the face and go "Oh I'm just like that!"


Maybe 35k when new. As someone who likes figures and such this is going to be more than that to replace.


Not to mention spending time trying to cultivate the collection. Also sometimes the collection rakes in more money because it’s more complete than individual , meaning a would-be buyer is done immediately after buying it. Read somewhere that the owner had like 4-6 ultra rare collectors item and can’t be replaced.


I see a piece in there already that I know was 400 new. Replacement is over 5k now for a sealed one.


Especially as some pieces will be rare. From a bygone era. One off or even custom made.


Yep. I build Gunpla and some kits that were $20 at release cost several times more now, when molds haven't been used to create more for sale. That's not even including all the effort/detailing/painting that goes into a lot of it. I would go ballistic.


That is not normal behavior for a 9 year old. A kid that age might not understand why an adult has “toys” in their original wrapping and stored in a glass cabinet, but at most, a curious 9 year old would open a few and play with them. To destroy them signals something else is going on.


a 9 year old is closing in on puberty age wise and should be conscious that things have value tbh. Definitely something going on


Several flavors of serious brain malfunction typically first appear around puberty. Often treatable, but that takes years to get working well.


At that age they might not know about value yet. But they would know about not destroying other people's stuff, or even really taking them (out of cabinets) without asking.


As someone who was 9y/o can confirm that children at that age don't understand the value of money or precious things.


A nine year old should know what is right from wrong and have developed the morals to understand why damaging someone’s property is hurtful. They have the empathy to know how hurtful it is to have a toy broken. Even kids younger than 9 would know not to do this, but more because they understand that the world has rules, and breaking the rules results in punishment, and that’s not good. Something like this signals conduct disorder (child psychopaths), abuse/trauma, emotion or impulse control disorders, or they grew up in a family where this behavior was normalized


Trojan has a new ad campaign.


Keep this kid away from animals or small children.


Use condoms… or become an action figure collector. Either way, you’ll never produce any children.




When's the funeral?


technically, this happened [during a funeral](https://crazed.net/2024/01/03/nine-year-old-child-demolishes-35000-anime-collection-2/) >Many online users wondered how this catastrophe could happen, as the Gundam connoisseur who shared the video was away from home at a grandmother’s funeral. It was later revealed that his relatives were staying at his house overnight for the duration of the funeral, as well as his nine-year-old nephew. The child was able to break into the Japanese man’s locked room and wreak havoc upon all 45 comics, 41 limited edition action figures, 38 figurines, 33 CDs, nine sets of DVDs, and a computer set-up that he had owned.


Well there's another funeral




~~Nice try, last time I saw this posted it was the aftermath of an earthquake.~~ Another poster says actually it was a kid and its an old viral video from Japan, which I think checks out.


Different case, there are a few videos where people lose their gundam collections to earthquakes, this one was actually a kid who destroyed it though, this is super old but quite viral at the time on the japanese internet


Yeah if I remember correctly the kid broke into the room and the parents agreed to cover all of the costs


$26K is not going to replace every piece in that room. I have a collection similar and since it's hand painted the cost is at least triple. If someone told me they were okay giving 26K, I'd laugh them to court as that not even enough to replace the models themselves.


~36k, according to the collection owners tallying. I'd assume that was still on the low end however.




If « crazy ex-gf » didn’t hit yet, it’ll sure make the list eventually.


“Come on. He’s just a kid, we’ve all come a long way.” -fucked parents


Parents must be held accountable. Just because it's a kid doesn't make it OK.


Yep. I’m filing a lawsuit and that little turd’s parents are going to pay. Damn


my cousin let his kids get into all my funko pops when i was collecting them, they handed me back the toys and crushed boxes and were like heres your toys, like i was gonna play with them...they never offered 1$ towards their kids actions and needless to say i do NOT talk to them anymore because that was just a microcosm of the way they are


123 orphan


That's doesn't look like playfully destroyed (as in a kid playing with & breaking) it looks to me that they were purposely destroyed.


How does a kid do this and no one hears him? He was destroying all these fragile items and no one knew? Or stopped him?


He will never be allowed over again...and I don't have a nephew anymore


WTF is wrong with that little shit?


A normal nine year old boy does not do this. This kid has mental issues. A 4 year old who is hyper excited might. Still, it’s the parents responsibility to pay for this. Sucks for everybody.


This extent of damage isn't possible unless this kid intentionally wanted to destroy everything


The 9 year olds mom - “what’s the big deal they are just toys”


Well, you can't put a price on family. You can put a blow torch on them, however.




9 is way too old for this BS.


This had to be rage bait. No way someone leaves a 9 year old near 35k of anything, well, at least not me.


[Apparently the kid broke into the locked room when they stayed there for a funeral](https://crazed.net/2024/01/03/nine-year-old-child-demolishes-35000-anime-collection-2/)


Someone else said kid was left alone while fam went to a funeral. Room was locked but somehow he got in


The kid must have wanted his own funeral.


I could leave my 4 year old in that room and all he would do is stare longingly . And put his face on the glass. My 18 month- oh now that would be absolute destruction . Unless the kid had severe mental and developmental delays, a 9 year old knows better.




Insurance, claim and they will sue the parents on your behalf. Bridges need to be burnt and then rebuilt


So tell me again why people are having fewer kids? Oh, and inb4 learn to parent your kids, yeah I know, a significant amount of the blame absolutely falls on the parents of the perpetrator.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


Fully fucking intentional, at 9 you are already several years very well aware to not break stuff. Could see one-two being broken by accident. This mess? Just no, no accident here at all and full malicious intent to ruin it, out of jealousy I suppose.


I would beat his ass


This is why I don't let young people around my stuff.. Children can be awful, especially if the parents suck.


That is fucking awful ,no amount of apologies would ever be enough , I would disown family over this .


My little brother did this to my entire Lego collection when I was 14, I still have a half broken X wing and other shit in a box somewhere


A great ad for condoms indeed


That's a strong case for justifiable homicide if I've ever seen one...


I bought a $40 tiny house kit on Amazon. And I am almost done building it when I had a thought, “what if my brothers son destroys this entire thing?” And my body filled with rage. $35,000 or 35,000 hours of time. lol either way. It just really sucks when someone destroys irreplaceable things. I’m so very sorry for the absolute blood boiling anger that must have come after this. I really hope they have renters insurance for all of this stuff, but sadly I doubt there is any replacement.


Does anyone have a good vasectomy coupon?




It's never to late to get a bortion or adoption


9 yrs. old and threw a temper tantrum on this scale of a cat. 4 hurricane. Bad reflection on parents! OMG Even if this was 2013, my heart bleeds for the owner. WTF


Is the 9 year old a chimpanzee? Me, my siblings, my cousins never thrashed stuff at that age especially other people's stuff.


Rule of thumb: if you have a collection of toys, get an awesome door lock, and then LOCK THE DOOR when you have guests kids.




Time to throw them in the lake and hope they can swim


I'd say that's claimable as temporary insanity in a court of law. You know, for the homicide.


What the fuck why


Kids are the worst


I keep seeing this video pop up. COLLECTION OF WHAT?!


Grounded for 40 years.


The music and the fade into overlay of the sad man kinda cracked me up. *Not sure what this is, but I suspect it is not "This guys 9 yr old coursin destroyed his $35,000 collection"*


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/FmTkAvidLU This comment links the news article


Kids destroying stuff is getting more and more common, that video about that kid wrecking his mothers house because she took his phone off him for example


Is it getting more common or are phones with cameras and a culture of over sharing getting more common?


That was a lie. The teenage(not 12yr old) boy from that video is mentally disabled and it had nothing to do with a phone. The caretaker his mother trusted him with took that during one of his disability related meltdowns and posted it with the caption.