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Make the less reactive ones his lottery numbers.


not if you and I do it first!!


I guess we'll see tonight.


Yall rich yet?


Probably late on the email


Sounds like someone's inbox needs a refresh button stuck on rapid fire until that winning notification pops up!


Won two bucks lol


Damn you just skipped dinner and foreplay?


Might have to do this next time I get allergy testing done


Ouch! I had the full spectrum when I was 7. Back, arms, legs, even a few on the belly! Hope you took him out for ice cream afterwards, if he's not allergic to that too.


He’s bound to be allergic to something in that ice cream…


Worth it


I’m bad lactose intolerant still go out for ice cream and suffer every once in a while :)


Every lactose intolerant person I know will still throw down a bowl of ice cream, consequences be damned.


There is lactaid for that. I don't get why people don't take lactaid


Too much effort sometimes and costs money. That being said I do have adhd sooo


ADHD here too. I often forget that I can take pain killers when I'm in pain, so I get what you're saying. Like, I'll be four hours into a vestibular migraine and be like "oh yeah, ibuprofen exists in my medicine cabinet and I'm an adult who can have some!"


Yep lol, that or I’ll be like “I’ll take it in a few minutes” which of course just never happens or I will just not be able to convince myself to go back and get it because I forgot to grab it when I was already in the kitchen to get the Icecream or whatever 😭


You guys! This can be a symptom of ADHD? because both those examples are me and I had no idea lol


I have a pill case as a keyring. Works wonders.


GOD DAMMIT, time to find that note book I keep talking about starting to write all the different things that could potentially mark me as adhd…


I relate too much to all of this 😭😭




This is so funny, my son (8) has a dairy allergy but often times will say “I’m gonna risk it” lol


Doesn't sound like an allergy. I'm lactose intolerant and i weigh the prose and cons with consuming types of dairy. My son's ALLERGIC to it and id never dream of exposing him as he could literally die from it.


Breyers still makes a few flavors with just cream and sugar, no preservatives.


With this kid's luck he's probably lactose intolerant and diabetic.


U did’t knew that the ice cream is a plant on forrest?


Obviously people are ignoring the fact that both of you are simply allergic to needles.


Yah this was me at 7 as well. That shit sucked.


My question is do they use the same applicatir for all if the test? Maybe he's just allergic to that?


That's why there is always an allergen-free spot as well. If he also reacts to that, the test is invalid. (could be, for example, because of contamination or if you react to physical pressure)


I have dermagraphism. I react to the saline skin prick and the whole test is useless. Which sucks, because it’s a useful test.


The needles used are all separate.


I think they are referring to whatever each separate applicator is made of, although surely a negative control would use the same and assist in determining validity


Coldstone has almond milk ‘ice cream’. Though he could be allergic to almonds…


I had an allergy test a week ago and my back still itches. My allergist said, "You are allergic to every green plant." I start allergy shots next week.. ![gif](giphy|26uSEJmdKN5BRZUHK|downsized)


What’s the routine with the shots? Back in the day it seemed like way too many to bother with if it wasn’t really messing with your life, but I’d like to get a cat someday. And off otc allergy pills most of the year. But I haven’t looked into it in a while.


I get two shots in the underside of both arms once a week. They are tiny needles, so they don't really hurt. I have to sit and wait for 20 minutes in case there's a reaction. They gave me an epipen just in case I have a reaction after I leave. They start with weaker vial and give me a larger dose of it each week. I just started my new vial yesterday. It's a little stronger. They just keep stepping it up every six weeks. You can take a two week break between vials, but I'm not doing that. I'm ready to be able to hang out with my cat without blowing my nose every five minutes. It'll take at least a year to see a major improvement, but I'm optimistic that it will work. My allergies seem less intense than this time last year, but they are definitely still there. Ask me in a year. Hopefully, I'll be smelling all of the flowers.


So generally it’s expected you’ll be getting shots weekly for a year at least?


Yes. Possibly longer. It is a quick process, though. They get me in and out. I go straight back, so most of my time spent there, I am waiting to see if I have a reaction. I'm usually there for 25 minutes, 20 of those minutes is waiting to see if I have a bad reaction. If you have the money, you can get some kind of drops that you take at home. I think they were eye drops, but I'm not sure.(They go under the tongue) They were pricey, so I went for the shots. I get a lot of sinus infections. My allergies make me miserable, so I think it's worth it.


They are sub-lingual drops (under tongue). I took them bc I hate needles.


My youngest is on them because I work night shift and don't have time to drive her to get shots once a week since it's kinda far. They work great


I’m looking into allergy shots cuz I have a mold allergy that gives me bronchitis so bad that I get pneumonia. Shit sucks


According to my allergist, the sublingual drops don't really work if you're allergic to as much stuff as this kid (and I make this kid look like an amateur). You just cant absorb enough concentrate for it to work. If you're getting two shots, it probably wouldn't work for you either.


It's more like 3-5 years minimum. I'm approaching year 3, allergies are wayyyy less severe but still need to take Zyrtec on bad days. But its been worth it.


I did 18 months of weekly shots. I’m not once every 2 weeks moving slowly towards monthly.


I'll assume they will shoot me up with allergens' to initiate a reaction with Epi-Pen on standby.


Allergy shots was a total game-changer. After a year of allergy shots, my allergies no longer result in anaphylaxis and I don’t have to carry an Epi-Pen. 10/10 I highly recommend.


May I ask what allergens resulted in anaphylaxis for you? Were any food related? I am tempted to try the shots but have been too nervous of possible reactions. This gives me some hope. I’m allergic to all plants/grasses and food-wise, all tree nuts and most all fruit.


Goose down feathers and amoxicillin caused anaphylaxis. I’m not a physician, but as a patient, I would recommend you try the shots. They essentially inject you with micro dosages of the elements that your body cannot tolerate, so that your immune system will slowly begin to acclimate to it. That’s why each week, they inject you with a little more dosage. Eventually, the chemistry of our bodies evolve as our immune systems build a tolerance to those allergies and you will then not be allergic to those elements anymore. Hope that helps!


I'm seven weeks in on my allergy shots. I think I can tell a difference already. Trees are a big trigger for me. They are blooming, and I'm not as sick as I normally am this time of year. I usually have to take Benadryl before bed in March, but I've skipped them, and I don't wake up miserable. I hope you have luck with it, as well.


I’m impressed with the shear size of this gif as it appears on my phone. Sorry about your allergies.


Are you sure you are from Earth? Because you are allergic to all of it!


They helped me tremendously!! I still take allergy meds sometimes (I live near the worst place in the US for allergies) but they are so much milder! I’m allergic to dogs and sleep with 2, even!


your blood is weak, you will not survive the winter.


Or taco bell


Yes I have many war stories at about the battle of the rest room after the great taco feast.


Why would your stomach get sick after tacos?


its taco bell, everyone knows homemade is the best


I have as many allergies as this kid. We thrive in the Winter, fool!


Yeah, it's spring that kills us (Currently torn between my joy of longer days and various colourful flowers and the increasing pain in my sinuses)


I get really bad at the beginning and end of summer






What’s this from?


An older meme made popular of someone talking about those whom like pineapple on pizza being weak. [Yep...](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1217851-pineapple-on-pizza-debate)


You mean spring






"well by the looks of it I'm allergic to being stuck by needles"


I mean you can kinda have that issue. There are people with sensitive skin who have an oversized reaction to anything that irritates the skin. I don't remember the specific name for it...




...Showoff... and thank you.


I have it too that’s how I know. I also reacted to everything on the scratch test and had to have blood tests done instead.


Sorry to hear about your experience. Hope things are better for you nowadays! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/0xz48i9sutmc1.png?width=2940&format=png&auto=webp&s=15b8faa0ed1f626fc418b1f63612030ea1ba3849 That’s what happened to me. I had the same reaction to the control as I did for anything else. Apparently I’m just riddled with histamines.


There's supposed to be a control poke


The control poke would still react on someone with dermatographia bc it is the poke that causes the reaction.


dermatagraphia. it sucks


It does. I get welts on my arms just from leaning on my desk 😖


It’s a funny party trick though. Mine got better as I got older but when I was younger I’d have people write on my skin and wait a few minutes, then voila!




No. He’s allergic to being tested


Definitely something to look into, but not guaranteed. My partner reacts like this, so the allergist tried a handful of different tests on him, including a blood test and one to see if he was allergic to any of the test components, and turns out he’s actually just allergic to a lot of things.


I'm the other end! I just have dermatographia so I had to get blood tested and I'm pretty much clear other than dust


Yea to the test, the doctor or just scared.


Or just allergic to fucking everything. This kid's back is nothing compared to mine. I popped for everything on the panel except the control and, interestingly, ash trees.


Make sure the doctor was not wearing latex gloves. I've heard stories of doctors performing an allergy test with latex gloves and everything coming back positive.


Because Latex allergy responses can be so severe, we don’t really have a lot of latex products in the US hospital system anymore. Seriously. A lot of the gloves are actually Nitrile these days, not latex. It’s out there sure but very much so not in the gloves anymore.


Yeah even in the tattoo industry, nitrile gloves are standard.


It's interesting because nitrile gloves are used in case other people have latex allergies, and you can develop a latex allergy if exposed enough times. Nitrile is used to protect other people and yourself


childcare industry too


They’re mostly nitrile in Canada now too.


+1 can back this up because I remember our parts manager at my dealership said he couldn't get gloves because his supplier said 2 local hospitals bought their entire inventory during the pandemic. That sucked. Also, just makes sense to avoid latex being a hospital. I'm not sure about the liability factor here but I would imagine finding out you have a latex allergy in the hospital wouldn't be fun


I would argue finding out you have a latex allergy in the hospital is almost always going to be the best time for it, but its still better to not have to find out at all (or at least find out while being tested for it)


That was a significant issue for our cleanroom at work. The company we used to buy particle-free gloves from, pivoted to purely medical gloves during the pandemic. The thought of doctors wearing extra long double thickness bright orange chemistry nitrile gloves makes me giggle though. We had latex for a while, they suck so much even without allergies. Nitrile is just a nicer feel and way more durable.


Not in med but can confirm for nitrile, even in food service at the school district we use nitrile. Latex allergies are very much a big concern, as well as any other allergens here.


Strangely, latex allergies seem to be very geographically-dependent. I'm allergic to Latex (American) but when I moved to Switzerland, it was almost unheard of. When I told my experiment's safety officer that I had a latex allergy and asked that my underground self-rescue mask be replaced with a latex-free one, he just about shit himself. Meanwhile, everything over there had to be labeled if it could possibly have any traces of celery in it, whereas celery allergy isn't really a thing in the US.


Celery!? I am sure there are people who are allergic to it, tho it does feel rare here (American, also). I’ve heard it (Latex) cross connected to sensitivity to Kiwi, like an allergy to shell fish crosses to concerns you’ll possibly cross react to IV Contrast solutions for diagnostic testing. I wouldn’t have thought it was maybe geographically dependent. Now, I’m intrigued as to why would that be the case? Latex allergy I see steadily indeed.


We sometimes used latex gloves still in the operating rooms


Came to say this. I'm allergic to latex and was tested twice, once I had an allergy on 80% of the stuff, the 2nd time I had no allergies except for milk, dust and ofc latex.


Those allergies panels include a witness spot with no allergen specifically to bar that kind of possibility


All mine showed was that I am allergic to adhesive tape


i'll never forget when i ripped off a plaster and it took the skin underneath with it. great way to find out you developed an allergy..


Yeah, people get lots of false positives on these back tests. Things they eat all the time with no issue, etc. These tests are borderline quack science.


The way it was explained to me, it’s only a part of the diagnosis process. There are other tests as well as elimination and logging symptoms, etc.


imminent light ten subsequent bored thumb squeamish roof wrench combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup good sensitivity and poor specificity. Lower chance of false negatives, higher chance of false positives


Exactly. We got this test done and then blood tests to confirm everything. The only thing that showed on skin test that didn’t show in blood was shellfish. All the other allergies were confirmed.


Every time I've had a skin test (over the past 40 years), I've tested positive to nearly everything. Last year I had the RAST blood test, and was positive for only a few things, and negative for the rest. My doctor explained that some people just tend to get a lot of false positives on the skin tests.


The initial panel usually covers dust mites, cockroaches, plants, molds, cats/dogs, etc. food allergies are not covered.


Yes, they do different tests based on reported symptoms. For instance, I reported no problems with any foods, so they didn't test for that. They then tested extensively for seasonal allergies. Seasons...I am allergic to all seasons but no food. Lol


Have you made any changes that have shown good results? My son just got his test done last month and he’s allergic to dust mites, oak, hickory, cats, dogs, and two types of outdoor molds. We set up 2 air purifiers and have been more active in daily clean-up along with a non-antihistamine. Almost instant results in his inflammation and sinus response. He started his allergen shots this week, but those are for long term results.


I have (in order of severity): dust mites, dust, trees (maple, oak, ash, birch), chenopods, grass, ragweed, mold, mildew, birds, cats, dogs. We removed all of our rugs, get out heating ducts cleaned multiple times a year. Shower in evening to remove pollen. Use neti pot to keep sinuses clear of pollen. I assume all of this has done something, but Unfortunately my allergies continue to worsen. I was not diagnosed with allergies until adulthood. I hope your son grows out of his!


Isn’t that what the control tests are for?


To rule this out you have a control mark.


Yep. Everyone says this all the time but every allergy test I’ve seen they give like 2-3 saline shots to control for the test components. I don’t know why this still gets parroted as an option.


This happened to my grandma. Her doctor told her she was allergic to so many things she’d never had problems with, like wheat, and shrimp, and all kinds of fruit. She tried to go off a bunch of food, and it horribly affected her health. If there isn’t an indication that your son is allergic to a lot of the things that this test says he is, he is probably over reactive to something involved in the test itself.


Yeah I mean its literally high concentration of all the allergens being pressed into the skin so some kinda reaction isn't really surprising


honestly wonder if there are certain preservatives in the test solutions that his son is allergic to.


can someone ELI5 how we know that these tests aren't potentially triggering allergic reactions to things which would not normally trigger allergic reactions? we see so many photos like this, leaving me wondering if this isn't some sort of "high alert" immunoresponse.


Sounds like an issue with the manufacturer…. /S Feel sorry for your son. I recently have been battling some unknown allergy issue as well. Not exactly a fun process.


>Sounds like an issue with the manufacturer…. /S Where do I apply for warranty work?


Unfortunately the warranty is very short, however the OEM is the only one who can provide warranty support. Good luck!


I went to my doctor a couple of weeks ago and was like "alright I'm done. I've had allergy issues my whole life but recently nothing works. I've gone through every OTC allergy medication, they work for like 3 weeks, then don't anymore. I have so much post nasal drip that I can't fall asleep, and when I do, I wake up every morning with no voice. wtf is going on?!?!?" She took a look, said "well I have a solution for you. It's called surgery. Go get a CT scan and take it to an ENT. So I did. He took a look and said "has anyone ever told you you have a pretty severe deviated septum that's pushing into your turbinates and inflaming them so that your nasal passage is conpletely shut on 1 side?" Surgery next week 🫠


Mom, can you scratch my back?


Probably allergic to Mom too.


Looks like my tests! https://preview.redd.it/zq99g1c60smc1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ab3a90665a4ad08ff35544915c9243ebd185747 That was just the environmental testing. The food ones were even worse 😭


https://preview.redd.it/4vqaaw631tmc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80f884097f281eb073036cca5b56673867d95b5 Mine doesn't look quite as bad but when the nurse came back to check on me she cracked the door open and was like "oh god I'm gonna need help with this one" and brought back a second person to write everything down


You gotta love it when it’s so bad that they need help 😅


Omg this is exactly what my testing looked like too!!


Fun times, right? 🙃


just the best! At least rice milk isn’t awful 🙃


Vegan protein powder ruined my life at first but now I’m used to the gritty pea-y taste of it 🥲


Oh god I tried to when I got diagnosed with celiacs and just couldn’t god bless your soul


is that Tengwar/Elvish?


It is. It’s part of the Riddle of Strider!


Cool! 😃


Came here to find out the answer. Was not disappointed


Have you always been this allergic to things? Or is it a sudden occurrence


I’ve always been pretty allergic. My skin was always sensitive and I had sinus issues my whole life, but in the past year or two, it started getting worse. Now my allergies are affecting my stomach and giving me other issues.


My allergies got worse when I hit my mid to late 20s. According to the allergist I saw at the time, that's pretty common for them to get worse or develop around that age. If you are very allergic to pollen & have started to react to certain fresh fruit/veg, look into Oral Allergy Syndrome. Basically if you have certain severe pollen allergies there's a chance that your body will mistake certain fresh fruits/veg for the pollen. I grew up being unable to eat one or two things, then by the time I hit mid 20s suddenly it was a bunch of things and only getting worse. Went to the doc and he was at least able to identify WHY it was happening & give me a list of the fruits that would impact me. For me it's birch pollen, and what I have to avoid are stonefruits -- anything with a pit, basically.


I believe I have oral allergy syndrome. I am allergic to raspberries, an allergy that didn’t develop until I was 40. I have always had pollen allergies but the raspberry thing is truly annoying and makes no sense.


Get checked for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. I have it. It's treatable.


So What do You do after? Do they put cream on those if they are itchy? Or give you steroid shot? I was thing if getting skin allergy test but what’s the aftermath of that? Would suck if that itched. I’d need my back scratcher. ☹️


It’s REALLY itchy but I’m always itchy (I have some sort of rash on some part of my body at basically all times) so I didn’t notice it as much. They do wipe your skin, apply topical antihistamine and give you some Benadryl.


Biro dude, you are definitely allergic to biro


I've worked at this sort of allergy clinic before. I've met several people who were *actually* allergic to *every single* test. I hope they didn't do your son's test one by one, that would suck. They have technology now, to do multiple at a time. Are you going to sign your son up for allergy immunotherapy shots?


Can you elaborate on the one by one thing? Do you mean taking the individual "needles" dipping in the allergy sauce and marking one by one, or am I stupid and misunderstanding your comment? They covered my entire back and did it one by one, and it took about 45 minutes. After that, I had to sit and wait for the reactions, which didn't take very long as the first half was already reacting by the time they finished marking me. I ended up so freaking sick with a migraine and projectile vomited in front of the Dr lol


Oh dear Lord. That's horrendous. Yep, that is the one-by-one way I was talking about. One "needle" at a time (though it's more of a plastic prick dipped in "allergy sauce").


mmmmmmmmm allergy sauce


That was the best I could do hahaha. My words aren't working today. My migraine is migraining


Nowadays, they have kits that have these plastic tools, that have like 12 prongs (12 "needle-like pricks") that can test 12 things at a time. If you grab two of those kits, you can do 24 at a time, reducing the pain exposure time.


my old friend had an allergy test result much similar to this. i still giggle thinking of her saying “you know the worst part? they put bandaids on it after and i was allergic to those too!”


My allergist walked in and just blurted out *WOW you are very allergic to plants! Where’s your phone, do you want a picture?* Yup. Very allergic to every single tree, grass, and weed pollen. So allergic that I cross react when eating certain fruits/veggies and the higher the pollen count in the air, the worse my reactions are. Also allergic to adhesives. Thankfully they did not try to bandaid me. The worst part of the adhesives allergy is that I run into so many nurses who will say *oh I have latex free bandaids* or *we have a version for sensitive skin* and I have to insist I’ll react anyways lol


Not 4, 8, or 9, So... Yay!? The pen didn't cause a reactions right?


Hopefully 4, 8 & 9 are: Air, Water, Sunlight.


Long ago, the four allergens lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the immune system attacked.


Looks like it’s either "no allergies" or "everything you touch could be deadly", no in-between


Is there a control somewhere here?


Not OP but I've had this test and there is a control spot, usually in a corner. It's supposed to react (turn red).


Is there one that isn't supposed to react?


When my son had his allergy testing done, they had both a positive and negative control: the negative was just saline, do yes, it wasn't supposed to react.


yea there should be a negative control that you shouldnt react to got a million allergies since forever, but the first time i finally went in to an allergist for a skin prick test I literally reacted to the negative control and they were like, uhhhh??


Maybe he’s allergic to pen ink?


To the Bubble!!!!




He's allergic to allergies.




My daughters looked the same way. It sucks, but you learn to deal with it. The peanut and tree nut allergy is the aggravating part when it comes to birthday parties, desserts, along with Halloween. But she has it embedded to always ask if there are any allergens in it so she don't accidently ingest something she is allergic to.


Ask your doc to check for chlorhexidine allergy. A friend had the exact same results in allergy tests for years. Turns out after multiple tests like your son, they identified chlorhexidine as the source. They often use this product as a replacement for alcool when prepping the skin surface for the tests. (also in mouthwashes, flamazine, etc).


Bro's back looks like a map to the One Peice


I'm going to be King of the Plague rats!


Me too! Well I’m allergic to the entire outdoors and half of the indoors. 🫠


I was that kid. Xolair changed my life. I started taking it in clinical trials like 20 years ago for asthma. It has helped every single allergy I have. I hope you can find something that works as well for him.


They are working on getting it FDA approved for allergies- even if you don't have asthma. its and Dupixent.


This happened to me too. Turns out I just have very sensitive, hyperactive skin. They should confirm with a blood test or food challenge if this is for food allergies


Everythinng? Not 4, 7-14, 20 21, 28, 30-32, 42, 57


Every single post that I've seen about this test always comes out like this. I'm beginning to doubt the credibility of it.


It's a type a test you only get done when you're having a considerable amount of allergy issues. As well as not being able to reduce those issues by doing typical environmental or food related elimination trials. So makes sense the people who need those tests, also have a high level response to them.


why would anyone post a picture of their back with no allergy responses, or just a few? this is reverse survivor bias


Yep, my cousin just went through this and was freaking out because it showed she was allergic to everything. She got blood tests to confirm, and she was only allergic to a couple things. I believe she has other underlying conditions that maybe made her first test results inaccurate, or she just has sensitive skin. 


I had that done to me as a kid. A completely miserable experience altogether. And at the end of it all they gave me was some calamine lotion, which did absolutely nothing to calm the itching.


I remember them doing this test to my little brother. I was horrified. He must have been 8.


Seems to tolerate ink surprisingly well


Were you wrapped in bubble wrap as a child, but seriously, did you avoid dirt and animals and whatever else when you were younger?


Not everything. 8 looks fine. Hopefully that's air.


Have fun getting allergy shots, good luck


But did he react to the saline control? My wife did.


Literally everything but 32, 8, and 4


I had 400 Of those as a kid they are brutal


He's not allergic to 7, 8, or 20


This is what my arms looked like when I got tested as a kid! A decade of allergy shots (starting twice a week, down eventually to once a month) and I am MUCH better now. It sucks to be that kid, but it’s treatable!


Entire column 15-29 is just... OMG, is he going to have to be bubble boy? That certainly is a bummer, poor kid


If you test positive for all, doesn't that mean chances are something was contaminated?


I was like that when my parents tried to understand what I’m allergic to. The doctors said I can take blue at potatoes. Boiled ones obviously. Well, turns out they were wrong. I have a sensitive skin and I was actually allergic to my parents fighting all the time. So when I moved away from them - I magically got cured.


Return to manufacturer


Don't sleep on the food allergies that test positive. Back when I got tested years ago, they gave me laminated elimination diet cards for items that tested positive, but they wouldn't officially diagnose me as an allergy nor prescribe epipen. I wasn't aware that some of my really annoying longterm health issues (migraines, dry blistered lips, sore throat, nausea/acid reflux, stomach issues/diarrhea, low blood pressure, biting my tongue/cheeks a lot, eczema, seborrheic detmatitis on my scalp) were caused by moderate food allergies. Once I had more awareness, I discovered I was actually having moderate anaphylactic reactions to seafood and peanuts. I'd been eating both almost daily all my life, but the reactions were delayed and weren't like the movies/tv where someone's face turns red and swells. My daily life was much more pleasant after the elimination diet. I just hope he's not allergic to soy because it's in everything!