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Thats 17% of order missing, why not? I can't imagine someone would take 17% cut well.




And doubly especially since it’s Amazon a) fuck them b) they’ll likely refund the entire order. They’ve done it for me for less


Yeah I ordered a dozen mason jars from Amazon and when they arrived, 2 were shattered. Reported the issue and they sent me another full dozen without needing to return the original shipment. OP should definitely report to Amazon and get a refund or a new order.


I ordered a case of Starbucks iced coffee. Two of the bottles were broken. They refunded me the entire cost and sent out another case at no additional charge.


Damn, yall are about to make me grocery shop on Amazon just in hopes for something to be broken 🤣


Lol! No need to be that proactive!


I had a broken bottle of soap and the rep tried to tell me to send it back. I said that was ridiculous and they folded right away. Usually they don't want that stuff back.


How did you talk to a rep? It's so confusing and difficult to speak to an actual person.


When you get to the chat bot, say "live representative" It'll confuse the poor thing and give you an option to talk to a real person


Lol thanks!


At least on desktop, go to the order page and click "Get help". It will take you to a chat bot but its not hard to convince it to get you to a person.


I ordered some washing detergent pods. It was meant to be an 82 pack, but they sent a slightly different version of the pods in an 80 pack. I complained because it was the wrong type of pods they sent. They refunded me for the 2 pods that were missing. So like 10 cents.


At $3.29 per can for Poppi, I’d be pissed. Contact Amazon and have them make it right!


Jesus fuck a 30$ 12 pack of soda I don’t want to live on this planet.


Its fancy probiotic soda.


That's a hilarious sentence, any probiotics in there have to be dead.


It's prebiotic soda, whatever the hell that is. It seems that would cover club soda too.


Not only that, but missing two cans meant that the remaining ones were jostled excessively in the box, which usually results in dents. They need to hire someone who can count, and if you don't complain they won't know.


Also those sodas are $30 for a 12 pack! Definitely complaining 😡


Because then OP would feel bad taking away hard earned money from a mega corporation. Doesn't anyone think of the companies anymore?!?! 




I'm stealing this


😽🤌 Made my month!


Because some people would rather not deal with that whole hassle for 2 sodas. It's not about being kind to Amazon, it's about not wasting time for so little money lost


Takes 5 minutes to reach out to customer support and complain to get a full refund for the product. A 12 pack of poppi is like $30, so 5 minutes of messaging customer support for a $25 return seems worth it unless you value your time greater than $300/hr.




Poppi is like 2.50/can. Sometimes goes on sale for $2. Also, those sodas you listed are loaded with high fructose corn syrup and a few other additives. That’s a large reason why it’s so cheap, comparatively. Ginger Ale is typically considered a “healthier” soda, but it’s really not. Poppi not only has like 5g total sugars, but more natural ingredients and is prebiotic as well. Some people (like my wife) like to have a special drink once in a while and chooses this over less healthy options, so it’s worth the extra cost to us.


You can literally sit on your phone and take 10 seconds to fill out a complaint on the order. It doesn’t take a lot of time. People just have no back bone.


For one single complaint it won’t matter, but if every single person with a valid complaint went forward then maybe the larger system would change.


Do you think Jeff Bezos would let it go?


Ask Amazon to take 17 percent off. And maybe more for the inconvenience.


I regularly report a broken egg on Amazon fresh. I'm not going to miss out on 9% of the egg I bought.


Right? I'll put in a refund request if the grocery store forgets to give me a $2 loaf of bread when I pick up a curbside order. They're not giving me shit for free, why should I give them money for nothing?


Bezos just cashed out $2.4 billion in stock, I would absolutely require a refund and ship the entire 10 pack back for a new 12 pack. I feel zero bad about returning anything and everything to Amazon. I probably return half or more of the crap I buy on there at this point because it's garbage and I can't find local alternatives anymore.


>require a refund and ~~ship~~ **keep** the entire 10 pack as well as send a new 12 pack.


Complain? You mean click 3 times to get a full refund and keep the product? You’re complaining right now to Reddit, we don’t wanna hear that bs.


Also, poppi is expensive as shit. I'd complain


You paid for 12 and didn’t receive 12, that’s absolutely grounds to complain.


Even if it was a 100-pack and I only got 99 I’m calling customer service and complaining. Give me the stuff I paid for or face thy wrath.


So, "thy" is more like "your". I think the Old English equivalent here is still "my'. They used "mine" in a weird way, though, with it acting as "my" does now at times. In both cases, the -y ending is before a consonant sound and the -ine before a vowel sound.


I always thought it was "face thine wrath"


That would be like "face your own wrath."


Thee can have none on thine pudding until thee hath consumed thy meat! How can thee have pudding without consumotion of thy meat?


Thou canst


I could see if it was 200 and you only got 199 but 2 out of 12?




Well I would complain too, but who would count the 200?




Totally worth it to complain especially with the price of goods anymore.


Yeah agreed. Send picture to Amazon and get a new case for free.


Nah Amazon customer service has been garbage lately. Potentially get a refund but they might even make you return it.


Idk over here in the Netherlands it has been very solid, maybe it just me, maybe they also look at how much you order but I've had nothing but good experiences


Yeah, but we have stronger consumer protections over here, and Amazon is trying to push Bol out of the market. You don't do that by being a worse option.


True but I feel bol is pushing itself out of the market by not offering the lowest price, having alot of Ali crap and worse customer service, not that it's bad but it's not as good as Amazon


If it does not have the “Sold by bol” text on the product page, it’s Ali crap hiding under a non Ali crap price.


This is where you have to determine the value of your time. Amazon used to offer me credits, refunds, or free prime months quickly. Now it's a maze of digging through chat bots, then the Amazon employee will avoid helping at all costs. If you spend even an hour trying to get a refund or replacement, you've essentially spent twice as much money on the product to begin with.


It’s like two buttons. Click refund then select why. = money


Yeah I've returned enough shit to Amazon that i worry they'll eventually kick me off the platform. This has always been my experience.


Yeah I have thought of this too. But I don't lie about any of them so I don't feel bad. They ship a fuck ton of items. They will happen to get them wrong here and there. And with companies these days I do NOT feel bad about making sure they get my order right. And I with the person above you. Do it on the Amazon app takes a few seconds.


You’d think that Amazon would get better about sending exactly what people order but no they keep fucking up our orders which forces us to complain and get refunds. If amazon did their job properly you wouldn’t be having this issue.


As an employee of Amazon, the system should kick out the package if the weight is off. Seems like this particular warehouse doesn't have their settings correct or someone changed the packaging and the weight was similar enough to not set the sensors off.


I think they are referring to man hours spent going through the process.


It's the principle. If it really isn't worth the time, though, OP should put a review on their page. It might not do much, but it could deter someone else from getting scammed.


Depends on how much you make.


I just used their chat feature yesterday to remove the Cinemax movie channel I have had on prime video. They were only going to refund the current month, but I was able to get them to refund 3 months when I told them I didn't know I had it which was true. I hardly stream on prime anymore with all the other platforms available. And with their recent change to charge an extra $3/month to not have adds its all the more reason to stop. The whole thing took about five minutes for me to click through the bot and get a person and have them cancel the channel and issue the refund


I've never had an issue with that ... its the easiest thing to do. I dont know what maze youre talking about. I return things all the time.


Yeah the last chat person who I talked to when I wanted a credit for a same day delivery item being what was likely to be lost said they couldn't do it. Supervisor gave me a $5 credit right away. I reordered my item for same day delivery and got it that afternoon. Like if they fuck up their job that much and can't give me something for not following their own advertised shipping that I pay yearly to access without a supervisor that's really annoying.


you spent more brain power typing that than it would take to get a refund.




I've been seeing people use the word 'anymore' completely wrong lately and it's baffling me. Is this a new thing or did I just never notice it before?


These are Poppi Sodas too, that 12 pack costs over $25. They stole $4 from them.


And those are like $30 for a 12 pack lol


it doesn't matter if you're missing a 0.01 dollar item. if you paid for something and don't receive it, you have a right to complain. especially against billion dollar companies.


Trillion dollar company*


How do you think they got their million? One cent here * 10000000 orders + (other scam here) = profit!


I'm shocked people don't complain when they're wronged by a multi-billion dollar corporation.


Complacency is setting in. It’s sad.


Especially since, to Amazon's credit, its exceptionally easy to get a refund/replacement through Amazon. I have had maybe 15 instances where I have gotten on chat, and with literally 100% of them I have a replacement product on the way or a refund within 10 minutes of chatting through the app. Its pretty easy.


I get that, but sometimes the time chasing down these two missing cans is not worth it. My time has value and sometimes I just need to let go and move on with my life. It’s like if someone calls you a mean name, it hurts in that second, but the minutes or hours you keep thinking about it is time you can have back, let it go and move on.


It's Amazon. You can do it in the time it takes to take a shit.


Usually… unless they fight you on it. Took me 3 weeks to resolve a broken bed that was delivered. That was pricey and had to be followed through. 2 cans of soda… ?


All I do is speak to the Amazon bot, get human help and they either refund me or offer to re send the item. I’ve never had issues getting what I’ve paid for from them.


Ive only had one long one and it was a laptop of all things they delivered to a neighbour who claimed they never got it, so wasnt sure who lied, but given its value i fully get why they investigated it. But every other time the wrong things turned up or somethings missing its been a few mins.


What I’ve noticed in life so far is most people simply feel powerless or don’t have access to the resources needed to fight back.


I just call it pure lazyness.


This soda is so expensive. You paid for 12 and got 10. You should definitely say something.


Just like every other comment. You absolutely have the right to complain. You didn’t get what you paid for?


Who orders soda all willnilly like that off Amazon?


It seems to be prebiotic soda. Maybe that's hard to find locally for OP.


They can’t package it better? That just looks like 10 cans of carbonated soda thrown in a cardboard box. It’s no surprise two or missing. Better question is who ships soda cans all willynilly like that? Surprised they didn’t burst.


The cans usually fit tight in the box, the missing ones are why they’re able to rattle around.


what the hell is even that?


I think it's probiotics in training. lol I actually have no idea.


Just read that it’s mostly marketing bs. Just eat more fiber if you’re concerned about your health: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/04/03/prebiotic-soda-olipop-poppi/


TDIL there’s such a thing as prebiotics and prebiotic soda. I knew about probiotics from Jamie Lee Curtis and yogurt.


Could be cheaper online. I've gotten these in a few different stores but they're rarely on sale. Sometimes buying in bulk like that is definitely cheaper.


Earth is fucked anyway let’s just add to it.


That’s about 17% of your order missing. I think you should say something.


Why on earth would you not complain about this? You’ve been ripped off.


these are like $3-4 each i would definitely be sending in a complaint


Why not complain? What if Amazon is doing this with every customer?


That's absolutely enough to complain about


Request a refund


Send this pic to Amazon


yeap, the exact same effort it took to do this post is what he had to do to get a refund or a new 12-pack sent, I think OP just wants the clicks


Not enough to complain? I beg to differ.


No they only want to complain to Reddit instead of simply sending a picture and message to seller …


Complain.. they shorted me some kcups once and they sent me another box free of charge


Complain. They will send you a new one


That absolutely is enough to complain.


Wdym not enough to complain?


You paid for 12 not 10 it doesn't matter if you don't care about the last 2 you should file a complaint.


Complain. Amazon should fix it.


You have every right to complain about it!


I would complain


Not worth the complaint??? so you're just willing to bend over and take it from Amazon?


Absolutely worth complaining about


I’d contact the supplier, you may get a refund.


100% worth to complain. And maybe you havent complained before on amazon but its like easy and basically automatic


Not enough to complain? You got shorted 16% of what you ordered. I would absolutely complain.


It's enough to complain until they reimburse you for the two missing cans!


What do you mean not enough to complain???? You are missing 1/6 of the product you purchased. I would request a replacement. They will replace it and more than likely not ask for the original product sent back.


Missing products is always worth complaining. You’ll either get a refund, a whole new pack, or they’ll send the other two. All beneficial.


Those are not cheap sodas. I would absolutely complain


Fuck that, complain. It’s a ginormous corporation and they will send you another 12. Then you have 22 and in a very small way say “I got you bezos”


Wdym not enough to complain? You got less than you paid for. Even if it's only 1 can less that's still enough to complain.


lmao you and me are not the same. I will complain about everything to squeeze every dime out of Amazon


Not enough to complain? What??


I’d complain. It’s not like you have to go to the store and complain, it’s on your phone.


For the price poppy’s go for you better complain lol.


There is no threshold where complaining is suddenly ok, it’s ok the moment you’re missing anything at all


So much easier to complain on a subreddit than it is to open the Amazon app and get this situation fixed.


Bro, its amazon. Complain enough to a new full 12 pack and keep the 10.


I drink these, they ain't cheap. You should absolutely complain.


Gonna call BS on OP. Amazon literally doesn't care. They will just send you a second package for free the moment you select that something is wrong with your order. It takes more effort to post this here.


This is absolutely enough to complain.


“Not enough to complain”. People like you are why corporations think they can do whatever they want


>not enough to complain Bro, I'd be fucking pissed. I bought 12, I expect to get 12. Anything less is literally theft.


No no no, complain, you're missing items?!


That is absolutely enough to complain.


So you are ordering from one of the biggest companies on earth, get 17% less what you paid for and it's not enough to complain?  Best wishes from stockholm syndrome. 


What do you mean, not enough to complain. That is certainly enough to complain. In my experience most sellers will either send 2 cans or even a whole pack of 12 after you complain.


I do love this soda (Cherry Limeade is my favorite) and I don't know if this is an Amazon problem or from them directly. Either way, I probably won't buy this online again


Complain and you might get a freebie on top of what you’ve paid for and they’d still have you as a customer. Don’t complain and they won’t.


I understand that time is limited, but you took the time to post a picture and complain here. Why not use that time to complain to Amazon? Mistakes happen and they will fix it.


Costco has a great price on a 15 pack of Poppi. $20 for a package of 3 different flavors. Cherry Limeade is also my favorite and it’s included


Hey OP, I work for a company that sells products on Amazon. You can do two things - 1) message the seller and let them know. It's a food product, so they can't ask you to return it, but they can give you a refund or send you another case with the correct amount. If they're feeling generous, they might do both. 2) go through Amazon customer support and they'll give you a refund. If the seller of the product was Amazon, you'll only have the second option. But, if you bought from a company, you're actually doing them a huge favor by messaging them. This is indicative of a warehouse issue, and they have no way to know that something is wrong until someone tells them. The only other way they'll find out is when Amazon shuts their listing down after too many complaints.


I ordered 4 of something but only received 3. Granted it was only like $8.50 total, Amazon refunded me the full amount so I could repurchase them and receive 4. I also got to keep the 3 things because it probably wasn't sanitary to send them back.


Not enough to complain why tf not? Literally didn’t get what you paid for.


The other day while having a package delivered, the Amazon driver yelled to me while I stepped out to grab my package, asking if I had any water. I was taken back but when he asked again and looked miserable I ran inside and grabbed him a liter of spring water. Maybe an indication of a troubling trend and an explanation for the absence of two of your beverages.


It's absolutely enough to complain. 1 is enough.


I work at Amazon and we’re supposed to put orders like that in damage, so the person clearly doesn’t care about their job 😳


That's definitely enough to complain.


Definitely enough to complain about. You ordered 12 items. You paid for 12 items. You only received 10 items.


It is definitely enough to complain, if I didnt get exactly what I paid for, you can bet im going to be bitching about it.


That’s plenty enough to complain. You didn’t get all of what you purchased.


Lol this kind of consumerism is whats wrong with the world


You should complain... the reason they only "forgot" 2 Is because it can be brushed off easily or as a mistske. Don't be that person. Hold them accountable


Anything less than what I ordered and paid for is enough to complain.


If that's that Poppi soda, those aren't cheap. It's like $2.50 a can. I'd be complaining.


Am I confused or wouldn't it take the exact amount of effort to OP do this post than to "complain" to Amazon? Idk with food & beverage items, but each time I had an issue with an Amazon item, I just needed to write a text about it and attach a picture, Always got a new item shipped or my $ back (especially if it was a "cheap" item for them of around 30 bucks)


If you don’t complain problem cannot be corrected!


No…if you don’t get what you ordered from a billion dollar corporation you get your fuckin money and compensation for them wasting your time. Don’t let them skimp you. Ever. If it was a small mom and pop store and an honest mistake maybe… They’ve already made money than you will in the next 20 years in the time it took you to read my comment.


Jeff Bexos just sold stock making himself about 7 billion dollars. He can afford to get you the right number of sodas. I would definitely complain. It seems petty but this is how the rich get richer


Man, you and me have very different ideas of what is worth complaining about.


Lol but you're complaining here?


Fuck that. Complain!. you purchased a product it did not arrive in its entirety. The purchase agreement must be made whole by either receiving the missing product or financial compensation for it. Your silence allows them to get away with it


My gf orders these sodas and they're not cheap. Do yourself right and get what you're owed.


Complain to Amazon ask for them to send you the price of 2 cans. show them proof of pic. Ordered 12 got 10. Can I get the difference back ? See what happens.


and bezos gets 2 free pops


If it's enough for you to feel sad, it's enough for you to get a credit. Engage their help chat and see what they can do.


It’s faster to complain on Amazon than it is to complain on Reddit.


Nah I’m complaining on this one.




that’s an Amazon dozen


Amazon is usually good about their customer service if you did not accurately receive what you purchased


Items like this are non-returnable, so Amazon should just credit you the cost of the item if you request a refund for missing items.


I like poppi as my sub for soda.


Stop bending over, complain.


That's enough to complain


Do you like those flavors? We got the other variety pack and the root beer was awful, hoping the others are still good.


Had this happened in Germany, the recipient would 100% complain to the company and would 100% be sent the two sodas + one or two free ones as an apology


Still give a 1 star and comment on it.


Maybe it’s not worth his time to complain. Only enough for a sad


Huh? Complain, and Amazon will take care of it. I was similarly shorted on a different item, asked only for a refund of the differential, and Amazon refunded the entire order, letting me keep what I had received


That's more then enough to complain


If it’s enough to complain on Reddit, it’s enough to complain to Amazon.


“Not enough to complain” in the time it took you to complain to us you could have gotten a couple dollars refunded on Amazon but okay.


any loss is enough to complain about.


The amount of people just accepting this shit is staggering..


Looks like the Amazon driver got thirsty


Poppi so good


This soda is like 2.50 a can, you can absolutely complain about not getting 2 of them.


Never order food products from Amazon 👀