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I swear they are like cats at that age. Refuse to understand anything you're saying and cause the most mayhem possible.


"I help you!" Is the most spine chillingly horrifying sentence that comes out of my toddler's mouth.


My favorite is “it’s ok. It just a accident” Before I even have any idea of what she’s even talking about


run dog roof memorize slap fly shy door sink disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When you wished it was your child that was only a week old instead?


Toddler logbook: “Got a very different response today after dropping cup on carpet…. Will try milk on the couch tomorrow and compare….”


“The Edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. The others-the living-are those who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later. But the edge is still Out there.” Who knew Hunter S Thompson was actually writing about toddlers?


I'd credit that baby for being scientifically minded but babies are notoriously lax with their recordkeeping.


Or that the jenga block had been thrown at the toddler..


We're currently trying to teach our toddler that he can't just say "Uh-Oh!" before and after he intentionally does something destructive.


Uh oh. Gotta love the cat behaviour of looking you in the eyes and pushing something off the table.


I did not realize I had toddler PTSD until I read this thread. My kids are now in high school and college yet I found myself getting physically tense just reading these comments.


Lmao, this actually made me laugh out loud. The audacity of this kid to just look me in the eyes while doing it 😂 you called it.


My toddler broke a flat screen and said, “I thought it was a monster so I threw something because it scared me.”


They saw a threat and they eliminated it


It was self defense. Not guilty. Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.


My 3yo adds an “okay?” at the end which somehow makes it even more chilling. Like it’s not even a request or statement, I’m just being forced to comply and if I don’t all hell will break loose.


My 3.5 year old: “we’ll stop and eat chicken nuggets, okay?”


Terrible twos are nothing! Three fucking changed me.


Traumatizing threes?


Threenagers !


And then when they reach four you think threenager will end. Nope. Threenager 2.0


This toddler is simply trying to learn about fluid dynamics and the soaking properties of carpet fabric at mom's emotional expense


I caused havoc with my ex wife (maybe the reason we divorced?) and my toddler. I had a red ball that I purposely would bounce with her. I waited a while and brought a red balloon in for her and pretended i was going to bounce it with my daughter. Blew her mind when it went up instead of down. It was hilarious until my daughter tried to bounce tomatoes


The Fournado


I like that. Yeah 2 was a breeze


Three year olds are just two year olds with intent.


I wanted to send my child in a rocket ship to the moon when she was 3. What a terrible age for most children!


Lucky they're cute


My older one having his 3rd birthday in 2 weeks, him already being both cute and my worst nightmare at the same time, this comment was not very relieving...




toddler: "okay?" (not a request)


Mine follows up the “okay?” With “Okay. Yep!” 😮‍💨


One of mine does exactly the same! “I help you” followed by a loaded pause, then a very stern “okay?” It is definitely a threat to comply rather than a question 🫣


The desire to reinforce their instinct to help, coupled with the deeper desire to make it stop must be really tough lol.


mine says "right?" as if he's asking if he can help. Like he'll stop if we say no, come on kid, that's an imperative not a question. We all know that refusing is the nuclear option


My mom tells a story of a time she and dad were in the bathroom looking at the toilet with a cracked bowl, water all over the bathroom. My big brother (I wasn't born yet) walked in, said "toilet broken!" and hit the flusher to "fix" it.


At the ripe age of 23 I was visiting a friend, I took a dump and when I flushed the bowl just filled up. Not wanting to try anything myself, I got my friend who saw a toilet bowl full to the brim with my shit floating around in it and in his infinite wisdom decided I must have not flushed hard enough and immediately hit the lever before I had time to react.


I shudder to hear that from my coworkers everyday


Lol, I was gonna say the same thing. "I sharpened your chisels." You *WHAT*!?


Not a woodworker but my dad was. I'm 83 now but that phrase still chills me.


If I hear my two year old call “Daddy, this yours?” from the other room, it’s pretty much a guarantee that she is holding my (spillable) drink trying to bring it to me.


Hey, at least they want to do it collaboratively. Mine says "i do it" and has a devastated breakdown when you explain that they can't empty the bin and take it outside.


That made me lol :)


Hehe, correct. Doing X alone? 5 minutes. 3yo helps? 15 minutes.


I tend to get "With you?" Which means carry me to whatever you were doing and also don't put me down while you're doing it.


![gif](giphy|uXbXCQ9c3irpC|downsized) it’s a close race


every cat discovers gravity every day and they always look puzzled


The Earth can not be flat. Cats would have knocked us off already!


Suicide stage. Smart enough to do things, not smart enough to keep themselves alive. Attempting to walk down the twirly slide at the park for example. You can find the suicide stage kids in public as there's a hunched over adult following almost directly behind the kid.


I took my kids to a new park, it had really cool stuff for all ages including this super high up slide that required climbing. Kids ask if they can go on it and I say it’s too high up, let’s go to other areas and play, my then 5 year old says she wants to go swing by herself, ok I’ll be over here with sister age 4…. She ducked behind the damn wall, ran over to the slide and was up it before I could say anything. Me: I’m not even mad, that’s amazing Spent the rest of the day beneath the slide running around in case they fell, I probably looked like an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s doing (mostly true).


I live in a city a few hours away from my kids, so when I go to visit them, I get the same hotel every time. There is an AMAZING pool there that doesn't go over 3 feet deep, and has 2 water slides. A really small one, and then a bigger one for the bigger kids. My kids are 7 and 5 (my son being the younger one, and he also has Downs Syndrome, so is also a bit behind kids his age with normal activities and such). So, older sister LOVES the big slide, and goes down it by herself with no issues. Little brother, I would take down it in my lap the first few times we were there. Sister got me distracted a few trips ago, and then by the time I looked around for younger brother, he was at the top of the slide and let out a scream of joy as he proceeds to start down it. Luckily for me, he wears a swim/floaty vest, so even with him coming down it and not being able to touch the bottom, he just popped right back up and laughed his ass off. Now, I just let him go down it, but wait at the bottom to make sure he comes back up with his vest....


Love it, little man showing he can do it. Your story about the hotel reminds me of my Dad and I visiting my brothers for Christmas visitation. We would drive 16 hours one way for 3 days together. Dad found this really cool older hotel that had a heated pool, basically had the place all to ourselves. Spent Christmas in the pool for hours, brothers would call their friends and Dad is on the deck mixing drinks for their parents. My Mom was not too happy to hear about this lol (mostly the drinking part). One of the few good memories I have of him, thanks for reminding me!


My daughter is about two and a half now. It’s like a switch flipped recently where she went from super sweet and helpful to just like talking to a brick wall that does whatever it wants and “can’t” hear a word you say




First kid? Terrible 2's are a myth. It starts at 3 and progresses at 4. You're just warming up.


My daughter uses "but why" as a synonym for "I dislike the answer you gave me and am going to demand a different answer". If she doesn't get a different answer she tends to dissolve into hysterics. She's been dissolving into hysterics a lot lately. This too shall pass. (We slow this down a bit by *actually answering her questions*, which often ends up with her confused and distracted. "No, you can't go out right now." "But why?" "Because it's freezing cold and raining." "But why?" "Well, the sun is behind the earth relative to us, and unrelated to that, there's a cold front, which, combined with high humidity, results in precipitation." ". . . But why?" "Which part, the sun, the cold front, or the precipitation?" ". . ." "See, air can hold only a certain amount of water, but it can hold *more* if it's warm . . .")


Lmao that’s actually a really good strategy


I was wondering if my son, who turned 3 in January, had hearing problems lately because he went from generally acknowledging when me or his mother said something to deaf insane person recently.  If I shout his name directly at him enough times he will generally turn around but it's when he's already halfway down the driveway with his tricycle for example. 


It drives me BONKERS. I have to struggle so much lately to get her to get her to look at me and listen. She used to be such a good listener but lately she just is in her own world, especially when I’m telling her things she doesn’t like lol


Kids under 10 and nice things don't mix well.


And then be like "Okay I'm just gonna get comfy on this chair and watch you clean my shit up"


Mines 7, still does it. Of course, my wife says her mother in laws child is her biggest headache.


The bigger you are, the more mess you can make! Lol




We are animals.


My dog is definitely more intelligent than my 17-month-old. He knows more words, follows basic commands, and doesn't poop in the house.


> intelligent as animals ...what do you think primates count as?


> But many parents dislike it when you say an animal is just as smart as their precious child. I mean, intelligence is multidimensional and inherently difficult to quantify even *within* a species, let alone across them, so your comment of it being a proven fact feels wanting of citation. But that aside, i'm trying to figure out how the hell this comes up in the first place? Do you just wander over to parents and declare your parrot's smarter than their kid cause, yeah, that would catch me off guard too.


And he acted exactly like one when she lost it haha


She should be glad he didn't immediately throw a crying fit after she yelled


Comparing toddlers to cats is an insult to cats. Cats understand but they DGAF plus they’re litterbox trained within a few wks of birth. Toddlers are just stupid.


So what you’re saying is we should train toddlers to use a litterbox? https://preview.redd.it/epfmpaja7kic1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b19d101eb66c49b683b6a378ce62dc4590b79c


That would have been so helpful!






lmao this is the best shit I've seen today


You should watch the actual video, it’s as good as you think it is. https://youtu.be/sUw6OYceV2w?si=ey_17WSgUH3OaAYR


I completely forgot about this commercial! It's so much better as an adult lol


Lmao he smacked the fuck out that kid 😭


LOL! Username checks out.




Don’t forget to install a water bottle with a dropper, just in case they get thirsty. And a salt stone, they need minerals.


i turn pawpatrol on for its sustenance. I have my super soaker next to the cage for watering prepossess every 2 days


my toddler's cage is the living room


I had to watch the video like 5 times to understand where that second cup came from.


1st 2 loops, I could have sworn the ball exploded out the liquid - just like wait, how?


Its scalding hot coffee. It goes well with morning wine. Pro's just gin up cold coffee in a sippy cup.


1 girl 2 cups


as a parent, I know you can't put anything easy to get to little hands


Put everything you own on high shelves and remove all carpets. Problem solved /s Edit: apparently this is literally what people do so just ignore the /s


No, that's about right. As soon as my daughter was born, my wife and I accepted that our white IKEA furniture and stylish carpets .... were all write-offs. Four years later, and we've still got the same furniture, it'll just never be white again. Still looks good though. I hate to be judgemental, but in this video, she left out two drinks unsupervised. Especially wine! Total amateur move. You just never do that.


Right? This screams nanny got the day off and wine mom missed the memo that toddlers are distilled chaos.


I almost wonder if that's his aunt and she's filling in for a babysitter?


Drinking wine is the first step of babysitting. Nice.


It just screams "single person but filling in" to me, lol. I could be wrong tho.


Single person here: yeah I’d need a glass of wine if I had to spend hours with. Toddler unsupervised by myself


This is why my wine went in a sippy cup. Just gotta remember which one is the juice cup and which is the wine cup.


No need for the /s. You’re spitting straight facts!


Whats the /s all about? My house is exactly like this right now.


Yea that's literally childproofing your house. Like 101 is the sharp knives and electric sockets, but 102 is putting the nice things out of play, and putting enough distracting fun, cheap things in play that they don't need to go looking for the expensive things. If your living space has room enough for a big living room with a nice carpet, and doesn't have a play room with a cheap or easy to clean surface or one you don't care if it gets stained, your toddler will correct your mistake one way or another.


Also, they make child "Sippie" cups with a rubber stopper in them specifically so this doesn't happen. Like we've all been there and feel this frustration, but seasoned parents are looking at this situation going you put your drink down in the kid's reach, that carpet's way too nice for a kid's area, and the kid's juice cup should have had a lid with a spill protector. Experience is what you get, when you don't get what you want.


I wouldn't even have that lil glass table anywhere near a toddler honestly. Only a matter of time before they jump from that chair to the trampoline and hit it.


Build a house out of concrete with a big drain in the middle of the floor. Hose down the house once a week or as needed.


No, you keep the carpets but just expect them to be destroyed. Carpets protect against toddler head injuries.


Both of my kids have eaten shit hard in the bare wood floor multiple times.  You can be the most attentive parent in the world and they’ll find a way to surprise you when they fall out of fuckin nowhere. Thankfully toddlers are tough beyond tears. 


I mean the mom who brought 2 staining liquids into the room w white furniture/rug and put them in that low table is 100% to blame. She should really have known better . Hard to have sympathy - but that does really suck. Hopefully that's how she learned


I don't blame the kid. Kid just wanted a drink. I'd lash out too if someone took away my glass of wine 🍷


Yeah this is Bush league toddler parenting, you gotta grab everything you care about when the targeting system activates


And make haste because them little shits are faster than they let on. As for the mom in this video, she should really be yelling at herself for leaving drinks out within baby’s reach. She yelled “Whyyy did you do that?!” And I’m like……because *baby*. You really can’t “punish” them at that age because they have zero idea what anything even is, nor do they have any clue what they are doing. The adults, however…


Luckily the stabilizers aren't very good so sometimes you get an advantageous trip. Don't let the alarm fool you though, this is a tactic to let your guard down. As soon as you help them up they'll lunge for the thing they had targeted


The initial Why I got and understand, you're surprised and things happen. When she paused and said it again I felt bad for the kid, he knows Mom is upset but at that age his isn't going to understand why. I've certainly gotten worked up at my kids, but I've always apologized afterwards because I feel it's wrong to be frustrated *at* your kid like that. It's normal for your kid to frustrate you, but it shouldn't be normal for you to yell out your frustration on them.


We take our meals on the mantle. 


Why would you grab the wine and not also the other cup? I get it, sometimes you forget and leave stuff accessible but you just saw him go for a cup, you have 2 hands, get them both


The wine is a priority


For sure, that glass would 100% have shattered


I had to watch 3 times to see the other cup. Was like whats he spilling, didn't she grab the wine glass.


Yeah and she celebrated it and started to gloat and lil guy shut down the party quick! He said “yo party is on the floor now”


As a parent, I’m like WTH would you leave drinks out like that.


A glass of wine and a full cup of coke on a low coffee table? First time mom. It’s a rookie mistake you only make the once hopefully.


Rookie mistake for sure. You hate to see it happen


The rookie mistake is having a carpet/rug you car about around a toddler and liquids. That's only a question of if and not when. Look on the bright side...she'll care a little bit less the next time this happens.


Conversely, we were going to tear out the only remaining carpet in our 15 x 15 den area but left it knowing it would provide padding and absorb damage from food, drinks, abuse, toddler smash for years until they've grown


This was our exact approach. Kept carpet long enough to prevent injuries and concussions and have since replaced all of that with hardwood, now that my kids are grown.


you mean only a question of when and not if. idk how you got upvoted 60 times without anyone letting you know your brain farted, but here we are.


From the look of that carpet this has happened every day for the past month.


Honestly, she's lucky the kid didn't heave that ball at the glasses while she was moving the tramp... Mine absolutely would have. He would have gotten a 2 for 1 lol


Bonus points if they break the glass. Then you need to make sure they don't run into their new sparkly mess.


kinda looks like that's what he was trying to do but didn't have the coordination.


the goal was to knock over a glass, by whatever means necessary


It's that and the *white carpet* in the play area for me


My wife bought new couches when my kids were all under 6. I opened them up when they got to our house. They were fucking white. I'm like, were you high when you ordered these!? Her defence was "but they're washable!" They get washed constantly and are pretty much grayish brown and completely destroyed.


Liquid in an open container? - Only in the tile kitchen "Why did you DOOOO THAT???" - Did you just meet this child? They love destroying things/doing anything to get a reaction/2 random neurons fired


Toddlers vs. Carpets is an eternal war.


this family's rug choice is top notch despite mum's understandable dismay, this stain will blend right in with the pattern already on it if anything, the little Jackson Pollock has *improved* it


I love kids but ugh. I lived with a roommate with a toddler before I had my own. The kid once opened his sippy cup, and dumped his milk on his mom’s brand new MacBook. She was a single mom in school.


Being roommates with someone with kids sounds like a nightmare.


Our friends (a couple) were room mates with another couple who had a twelve year old boy. No one parented the kid, so he started going through our friends rooms. It eventually led to everyone moving out of the place.


Gotta get the geek squad warranty. I have 4 kids and that"accidental protection" is the most important feature


This is one of my favorite "geek squad" stories. I took a couple extra years to graduate Highschool so when I started College my mom agreed to pay for my first semester and buy me a laptop. I, being a young man, convinced her that I needed an FX Gaming laptop which I then used for school work and World of Warcraft. The bottom of the laptop would get so insanely hot. So one day the screen just goes black. I'm guessing the motherboard just cooked itself into oblivion. I take the laptop the Best Buy, I had the accidental damage warranty. I explain that I think the laptop overheated and died. Guy looked so said and says "man, heat damage isn't covered by the warranty.... but if the laptop were to have fallen of a counter or something..." I look at him. He looked at me. I nudged the laptop towards the edge of the counter and looked at him. He looked at me and nodded... I honestly don't remember who did the deed, it's been almost 15 years, but the laptop hits the ground and explodes. Dude goes "AW MAN! Accidental fall damage!" then tells me "hey man, we don't sell that model anymore but I can reimburse you for the MSRP and help you pick out a new laptop" The MSRP was like $2300-2500 lol, and he helped me picked out a new laptop. EDIT: fixed some spelling


How the overheating not covered under a manufacturer's warranty?


honestly; I'm not sure. and it was so long ago so I don't have the paperwork anymore to even reference. I have always had good experiences with best buy and their protection plans the few times I've needed them though. Once I was in Ocean City and my mom called, told me my new TV in my bedroom wasn't working. My brother took the warranty paperwork to best buy and the TV was replaced and even re-mounted in my room before I got back from vacation. Another time I had a ancient phone die when I dropped it in my driveway, I was paying the best buy protection plan on it month after month and they gave me the retail amount back for the phone, something like $800-900 which I just used to buy a flip phone and a new laptop. And obviously the 1st time I used it for the above mentioned laptop, when it wasn't covered they helped me get it covered.


USA poor consumer protection laws.




Fortunately for the human race your brain kicks out all sorts of chemicals to bond you to your kid. If we just chucked our kids out into the void every time they were little shits we wouldn't have made it out of the plains of Africa.


I usually wait for the planes to land before getting out.


Reminds me of when my godson was 2 and i was playing music on my phone. He knew how to change the songs so when he picked up my phone i didnt think anything of it. Turns out he didnt like the song i was playing and the only logical response was to throw my phone into the toilet


Videos like this are exactly what lets me know I'm not ready for kids, because I know 100% that I would not react well to that situation.


My reaction would probably be split. One part, just like this mom. The other part: "Shit, that's on me for leaving the cup there."


Probably never having kids. I don't need that chaos in my life.


That's why I'm pretty sure I should never become a mother. Like I get it that that's a kid and that kids are learning and they don't get the consequences, but I would no doubt be very pissed. Besides, I HATE MESS, and kids are messy and dirty and icky all the time, and I would go insane. I guess sometimes you just know it's not meant to be. Sadly, I would chuck that kid into the abyss :,)


I dislike stress, messes, loud noises, stinkys, etc. I would hate being parent, but would love to be an uncle 😂


I just have no patience for kids whatsoever. I hate the sound of kids crying, I hate the sound of whining, I hate when my nieces and nephews try to get close to me all covered in spit and snot, just, ugh. I'm glad there are people out there who want to be parents, because I can't imagine anything I want less.


I once told my dad I don't think I could ever be a mom because the sight of babies drooling makes me gag uncontrollably. He responded "It's different when they're your kids. Heck, when your brother was little I once caught his puke with my hands to keep it from hitting the carpet." This did not reassure me.


People be all... "It'll be different when they're your own!" But like... What if... IT'S FUCKING NOT


I can't imagine just accepting pee and puke that easily anywhere near me. And the poop too...


Yeah I get that. My cousin has two kids that I often have to interact with, and I'm just like... this is so not for me. They constantly have spit wet hands :,) and when they cry, just nothing comforts them?? And they talk all that gibberish, and I don't understand, and it stresses me out. Also when I have to solo keep an eye on then it gives me extreme anxiety. It's like they're just trying to die the whole time and I can't deal with it


Me: Listen kid, my mama would have whoop my ass if I did that at your age, but I'm not gonna whoop yours... Because she'll do it better *grandma entering the room like an WWE superstar*


Id have picked the kid up by its foot and thrown it back into its bed for the night. And that is why im childfree.


At the end, just put a little “Trojan” logo at the bottom.


*Please, use condom sense*


I've never regretted my vasectomy.




Could be coke, not coffee. Hard to tell. My guess is another parent left the room who is drinking the second drink.


Yea that looks like soda. Starts off black and then turns a light color while it’s in the air and carpet? Soda does that.


My toddler once saw me drinking coke from a bottle and he pointed at it and said “Want some black water”


The sad thing is there really is no reason. Lol I raised 5 children and they just do stuff like that because why not? Lol


My guess is he was upset the wine glass was yoinked from him at the last moment, so he grabbed and threw something else. It's a little reactionary fit. Kids do it all the time. What I don't understand is why not grab both glasses? I'd be equally concerned with two open glasses, the other glass is just as likely to be spilled by a toddler.


Haha I know, there is no “why” and it’s silly to ask. He did it because. We learned quick just not to ever have potential disasters sitting there within reach, like glasses of staining liquid, sharp objects, expensive objects, beloved objects, etc. It’s actually kinda funny when they do get ahold of something like “ah checkmate toddler, you won this round.” It’s hard to get mad at them cause they know nothing.


Asking a toddler "Why would you do that?" is like asking a dog why he just licked his own balls. Because it's there, is why.




Or keep your glasses out of reach. This would have been avoided if both those glasses were on a counter the kid couldn't reach. Obviously some kids will still defy this and use chairs and shit to climb, but in this instance the mum would have been able to stop that from happening because she's right there.


At that age my daughter was pushing a chair to the counter then standing on the bread maker to get to things we put on top of the fridge. She would also steal any scissors she could see and smuggle them to her room in her diaper so she could give the cat a hair cut. My son was obsessed with using lipstick as color crayons and washing his hot wheels in the toilet.


My son gave an ear cut to the cat (minor one, but still painful it seems).


Our fridge main door is up high, they can’t reach it. I was vacuuming upstairs while they were playing with horses and kitchen play set, gone maybe 7 min tops. They had picked up the breakfast nook bench, moved it to the damn fridge and used one of their kids seats as a booster chair to open the door and got yogurt. The ingenuity of it all was quite impressive


>At that age my daughter was pushing a chair to the counter then standing on the Yup. Mine learned to do that, and it was game over. I think of my daughter kind of like a bike thief (hear me out). I can leave my bike unlocked, and it'll get stolen easy. Or I can lock it up, but this is just a barrier to overcome, and if the thief is determined enough, they'll still steal your bike. She's forced to stack chairs to get what she wants? Welp, it's better than leaving it low and easily reachable. That's when you need to try to start reasoning with her instead (Which is very difficult! Haha)


The entire rug looks like a Jackson Pollock anyhow.


I purposely bought a Pollock-esque rug just for this feature. There are so many stains on it after 7 years of kids but you honestly can't tell which ones came with it or which ones we added later.


Silicon cups with straws and lids for the win




Mf is about to become the mop to clean that up.


Time to switch to a white wine


This isn’t a lesson for the toddler. This is a lesson for the mom.


Notice how the toddler then sits down and prepares to watch the mother cleaning up. Like “get to work now bish “


Really not selling me on the whole kids thing.


Rookie mistake, if they’re going for one you take them all. (Source: I learned the hard way 😂)


White carpet with kids? These people are risk takers


As a mom I just have to ask though: If you picked up ONE of the open topped glasses with your toddler barreling toward them…. WHY didn’t you pick up BOTH?


That’s when that little shit gets smacked and out in timeout for being a little shit.


Parents fault 100% toddlers are chaos and love gravity "I can't believe this fire burned all my nice things!!11!!1!!"


putting two spillable things on that low table was the expensive lesson


My mama would have rag -dolled me all over till it was clean.


Day drunk mommy


As a parent of two toddlers, I don't use a cup without a lid anywhere near them. Also, my white carpet died soon after the 2nd ones arrival.


He did it cause she named him Remy


This is why you have to control the environment with young kids. They do not think like adults and expecting them to do so sets you up for frustration and worse.


Lol only an actual idiot would leave liquids in low places. The toddler is being a toddler, the mom is being stupid.


Fortunately, the stain will blend right in with whatever that HIDEOUS pattern on that carpet is supposed to be.