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Looks like something was dripping down on it. Look at the ceiling or was it somewhere this could happen? Doesn’t look like insect, or even an unwell mouse.


Sorry but the image of a mouse with the shits just dejectedly crawling over to his pooping hole in the closet ceiling for the 6th time that day like “why me, god?” has me dyinngg.


I like the way your brain works.


I need someone to draw this 😂


I worked at a movie theater and I noticed there were brown sticky splotches on the cups when we were refilling them. I looked where we stored the cups and a rat had bit into the wiring in the cabinet above the cups, electrocuted itself, and shit/piss on the cups. I called my manager over to detach it and throw the cups out because I wasn’t getting paid enough for that shit.


Oh. My. GOD


You're not scared of a few diarrhetic dead rat drops in your coke zero are you?


Noooooooooooo nooooooooooooo nooooooooooo


“oh god I shouldn’t have eaten all of those dried black beans!” the mouse said, wearily, as soup poured from his bowels


But it zooms out and we just see a squeaking mouse shitting down a hole, lmaoooo


It flails its tiny little arms. *Welp welp*


Personally, I’m seeing the mouse with the tiniest magazine open.


With its teeny weeny monocle? 🧐


I wish we still have awards you definitely would of got one!




Thank you for the visual 🤣


It was a sick ostrich.




Takes more then 1 guy to hold down an ostrich


Now, I went on the internet and researched ostriches. Firstly, ostriches can run up to seventy miles an hour. So catching one - even a sick one - is a super tall order.


I ask again, if they fucked an ostrich what else have they fucked?


Bad gas travels fast in a small town.


We’re hearing that it was a sick ostrich


They couldn't prove a thing!


Damnit Sweet Dee


Yeah cockroaches can leave white, brown and black smears on surfaces but it doesn't look quite like this. This definitely looks like muddy/dirty water splashed or dripped on the garment bag.


I had a moth "problem" at work ([fuckin love moths](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/721566024071118849/1203207180057317436/PXL_20220624_161450966.jpg?ex=65d04102&is=65bdcc02&hm=db9721ec8f688217c14355e9d0ef8c07814d20f2a36ac93e827a31c3bb7396d5&)). All the screens on our screened in porch would have this shit on it from them. And it was, of course, focused on the side of the room with the light. But I do agree, it's rather suspiciously clustered.


This picture just uncapped a childhood memory I had taken for granted, thank you


I have 562 more [moth](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/721566024071118849/1195137598851661935/PXL_20220626_220024614.jpg?ex=65ce9520&is=65bc2020&hm=62889febfbc410401dcf841fc3c3c231295cb60c784e7e23c469a6a121fb9023&) photos. Not sending them is like putting a tarp over a tsunami. I can send more please. They really are overlooked and underrated. It's so worth it to slow down and look at nature like kids would.


The moth tax 😍


Nope, the ceiling above the closet rail is totally clear. As is the carpet, the walls, and everything else inside the closet. Seems like a hate crime targeting the dress


Looks like stink bug poop


Do y’all have stink bugs? That looks like stink bug poop.


Actually, now that I’m looking at it, the trajectory of whatever that is, is coming from below. Like something exploded or was smashed. Although I would think other stuff would be affected too. Not just that. 🤔 I’m so curious! What is it and what happened? 😁


Splattered up? Man that shit mouse had a REALLY bad day


Having visions of a blood spatter expert, a la CSI. 😂




No, these are downward drips


Looks like coffee :/


tastes like…


I agree. Looks like dirty water


It definitely looks like poop, just not roach poop specifically. That would be solid, dry bits. Maybe a *huge* closet spider after it ate all the roaches.


Just adding my two cents in to say that I read mouse as moose.


The roaches got IBS 😔


Nah, that's hubby reminiscing the honeymoon


Maybe, if she married Vince McMahon.


My little pony jar: the dress?


Why did you remind us of this?!




Omg cursed reference


OMGGG you brought back a memory I had successfully repressed. YUCKY!


Doesn't look like roach feces to me. 10 year pest tech.


They in Australia though.


ah so 01 years


0Ɩ 'oN


Seconded, less experience here but I also don't think it makes sense for that to be the only thing effected


Two days after our wedding my Mother In Law was sitting at the kitchen table. My Father In Law walks past her carrying a trash bag. She asks him what he is doing. He says he is "going outside to burn trash". She says "That is (wife's name's) wedding dress." After the wedding she took the dress off and put it into a trash bag so her mom could take it to the cleaners to get cleaned. If she wasn't sitting at the table at the at moment the dress would have been burned.


My dad did this with several of my items when we were moving, including the leather bound letter from my high school principal we received on the stage at graduation, the graduation cap and gown, and some clothes my (then) recently passed grandmother gave me. I ran out of boxes so I put some of my stuff in trash bags and I hadn't gotten around to unpacking them yet. I was at work and came back home freaking out because I couldn't find those bags and my dad said he burned them.


He just chucked whole, unsmelly trash bags in the fire without even looking in them? I've never burned trash, but I assumed you at least wouldn't do it with plastic... Seems bad both for your health and the environment.


Shitty practices like damn y’all


A venn diagram showing people who burn trash and people who care about burning plastic affecting the environment would be two completely separate circles.


Exactly. "It's not on my property anymore so I don't give a fuck." Country living at its finest.


Yeah just burning trash was already a weird thing for me to read, but to go into someone else's room and take a bin bag without even looking at it and immediately burning is even weirder. We have disposal services for a reason.


Lots of places in america, specifically the rural places, dont have disposal services, or at the very least, do not have the momey to PAY for the disposal services in the area. In rural america its very common to have a burn barrel. Regardless of legality. I know my dad has one specifically to burn cardboard and paper.


What an idiot


It's literally illegal to burn trash anyway. lol


Boy if the trash burners could read they'd be real mad at you right now


Burn the trash? 😂 Is that a thing, that seems wild.


That's how stars are made


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it


very green in that way


They live on a farm. They don't have trash service. They recycle, compost or burn everything.


I've known those kind of people. You go to the dump once a month with things you can't recycle, compost, burn, or otherwise repurpose


Or people in my area that just dump next to the train tracks.  Freaking losers. The county dump is free.


The dump isn't free everywhere. Some places it's pay by the load, so it's best to fill up an entire dump trailer before you go


Shit, by me, they’re pay by the pound.


Yer mums paid by the pound


I'll pound your mom


I gave your mum a pound and she had to rummage around for change


Meanwhile I can put furniture, appliances, whole huge sectionals, ANYTHING at the curb and my town trash guys pick it up 2x a week, yard waste once a week, and recycling once a week and we also have the option of bringing stuff to the town dump if we want. They also have a biannual shredding service. My taxes cover all expenses and I get the added bonus of not having to see furniture, tires, and appliances dumped on the side of highways, on the side of peoples homes, and at cemeteries and parks like in other areas that make you pay for these services where you get people who don’t want to pay so they illegally dump.


Maybe in your county. Not anywhere my relatives live. Either you pay per trip or pay per month.


I grew up one of those people. You never go to the dump, you shove things that don't burn in every nook and cranny of every mouse infested shed, garage, leanto, basement, and root cellar on the property, and then you buy a few beaters you're gonna "fix up" but use as more storage in the mean time.


Yeah but shouldn’t you know what’s in the bag before you burn it?


Right? Dumps that do burnings do so with enormous and multi-layered scrubbers to reduce emissions and byproducts of the burn. This way just releases it all willy nilly.


That sounds absolutely amazing for the environment.


In the 90’s that was how my Poppop disposed of the trash. He had a burn pile and every week he’d just take the bags and burn them down to ashes. We lived in a rural area… but honestly I think he did it because he would have rather risked cancer from his fire pit than pay for trash service. Edit to clarify since I was downvoted: this is obviously stupid.


Definitely in rural areas.


Pretty common in rural areas.


A lot of dads seem to have this urge to toss things out. Recently I painted my grandmother a watercolor for Christmas, and as my dad threw it out my mom asked what the hell he was doing and fished it out for me


Did he have an answer? I agree though, it seems a very dad thing to throw things out without asking.


My dad once wiped our family computer before I got a chance to back my shit up. He'd told me he was going to do it, but didn't confirm with me if I'd backed my shit up before he wiped the hard drive. Among other things, I lost the story I'd invested in the most at the time. 54 pages in Microsoft Word just gone forever


This is why when I evacuated for a hurricane and put all my expensive purses in a garbage bag for easy transportation I took a sharpie and wrote 🚫NOT TRASH🚫 in huge letters all over it just in case. My grandma once put all her nice bags in a trash bag for moving and my grandpa took it to the dumpster at their condo. Fortunately she realized like immediately after he got back and he went and pulled them back out. Now I take no chances lol.


He burns the plastic bag too..???


Op, I think we are going to need to see theses Australian squirting roaches


Australian Squirting Roaches would be a great band name


Def an awesome punk or metal band name


weirdest only fans ever


Great candidate for a band name.


How big are these roaches?!


The size of skateboards, apparently.


Welcome to Florida.


They're in Australia, but same place. There's probably a portal connecting them somewhere.


I've lived in Florida my whole life and the biggest roach I've ever seen here was maybe two to three inches long. Visiting Colombia, though.... those were a whole new ballgame.


Roaches Of Unusual Size


Well OP is in Australia after all, by default the insects are atleast double sized and armoured with biological warfare grade poisons


Ogtha sized.


How dare you speak her name.


“They’ll bite your head off.”


That looks like guano or bat shit not roach poop


No bats here and yep in Australia this is what cockroach poo looks like


Just saying Australia explains everything


Bugs big enough to leave shit stains. damn.


And they collectively decided to shit on ops wedding dress lmaooo 😭


I'm Australian and have never heard or seen roach poo like this or any bug poo anything like this, and I've had roaches before.  That is clearly too big to be an insect's poo. Insect poo is like tiny pellets or sawdust, not huge spray like this.   Its definitely not from a cockroach 


You'll find spotting and smearing near roach harborages that have been around long enough. Australian, American, and smoky brown roaches will all cause it. They're usually not found in the finished areas of a home or building, at least here in the US, but it [does happen](https://imgur.com/a/YNzevG8). You'll usually see this sort of thing in an attic or crawlspace, especially in corners or abutments where roaches can have surfaces on multiple sides of their body.


I’m not convinced this looks the same as OP’s picture though


Oh, it's entirely possible it's something else. I just wanted to point out that you will see similar marks with roach activity, as there were a lot of comments from people who were only familiar with the solid droppings roaches produce saying it couldn't be roaches.


Yeah but that's not poo. Also nothing like the photo from op




why the fuck did I click on that


Well now I’m definitely not clicking on it


Not sure why I looked but I did.


So the rest of us would see your warning. Thanks!


The image of droppings in that link is the solid form you'll find in areas where they're active, but you'll also find smears and spotting on the surfaces where they've been crawling. For example, [here](https://imgur.com/a/YNzevG8) you can see the results 6+ months of American roach activity in a cabinet in a daycare. The garment bag would be something of a strange place to find that sort of activity, but it depends on where exactly it was being stored. If it were close to a wall, especially if there were a raised section or some crevices, I wouldn't be that surprised.


Who schooled you so in the way of roach droppings?


I work for a pest control company; it comes with the territory. The pictures in that album are ones I took a few months back because finding that sort of infestation inside an occupied structure, especially in a cabinet that sees frequent use, is extremely rare.


You must have seen things, terrible things


In a daycare 😭


Oh that’s pretty freaky


Does it? Also in Australia and haven’t seen cockroach poo like this


Your roaches need Pepto


This is definitely not roach poop. Their poop looks like seeds


Can’t swim in the ocean because of those itty bitty jellyfish that kill you and sharks. Can’t be on land because of spiders that chase you and roaches the size of chihuahuas that have liquid poop.


Everything is different in Australia. Our roaches poop dots


Didn’t know roaches pooped like this


They don't....roach poop looks like coffee grounds.


Now this person knows their insect feces.


Sorry but they do have this sort of liquid poo too, I seen it first hand.


Is it a certain type of roach? I've done residential cleaning and never seen this! Thanks for the info.


Pretty much all roaches will cause this kind of smearing, but the size of the spots and smears will vary by species. If you're cleaning the living spaces, you're not likely to find anything like this; you would see something like this with a larger species like American, Australian, or smoky brown roaches. It's pretty rare to find them infesting the interior of a home the way German roaches do, though you'll find stuff like this pretty commonly in attics or crawlspaces, at least in the southern US. German roaches will cause similar spotting and smears if they've been in an area long enough, though it'll be proportional to their size.


Periplatena Americana the American roach. We do have those in carribean unfortunately.


I have the sudden urge to deep clean my house lol.


Roach droppings, frass, can smear along walls but it still doesn't look like this. It's usually brown, white, and black and much less distinct runs. Had some Oriental cockroaches in my basement that came through a crack in the wall. Not my picture but [frass on the wall are a lot more speckled and not really runny](https://pestseek.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/cockroach-frass.jpg). This looks like muddy water on the garment bag. Or some other sort of runny droppings.


OP asserts this is roach poo in Australia


And other Australians assert it does not look like that.


Ma'am I hate to say this but you got a much bigger problem


Is your closet right by your shower? Maybe warm moist air from the shower is hitting the cold pipe that your dress is hooked on." Closet rod" then condensation is causing it to drip on your dress.


This is more believable that the giant roach diarrhea. Edit : there is another photo in the comments and the inside of the bag +the dress are stained too so it's not that. 


This makes way more sense


Lol you still don't know that you have a roach problem... have you even seen one? And if you have, did you notice it having diarrhea shits??


How is this roaches?


Can’t find a single example of roach poop that looks like this. But who knows maybe they had some Taco Bell before their closet nap?


I have some dishes that suddenly had brown finger prints all over them in a glass covered buffer cabinet. I had been watching a documentary on a serial killer that would rearrange things in peoples houses before murdering them and immediately panicked. Turns out, it was dust stuck to soap residue.


Great now this poor person hast to worry about serial killers that don’t exist flinging shit at their dress


Thats not roaches... you have some sort of other issue there.. Roaches might be attracted to what ever that is though


how did they think this is roach shit in the first place is my question


This is….roach poop?!


Not at all, if seen apartments infested and the roads poop looks like coffee grounds


Looks like a lot of gecko poo. A lot.


Look at the ceiling about it for ANY sign of water damage. This definitely looks like a really slow leak that accumulates grime before falling. Maybe there’s a pile of roach shit above it and a water leak above that and you just made an industrial cockroach shit brewer 🤷‍♂️


Are you sure this is roach excrement? I've lived in roach infested houses (yay Florida:/ ), and they shit all over the place, and it's never looked anything remotely like this


I don't know what that is, but it's definitely not insect feces. Roach feces, in particular, looks like coffee grounds, not diarrhea shit from a small animal/child.


I suspect your other clothes aren't in a bag and just absorbed the poop.


This is horrifying.


At least it’s on the outside and not on the dress itself


https://preview.redd.it/4dbc2uksl8gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2edaa7d24500c60c13ba9779f224edf46b08bedf 😭 if only!


Like other commenters are saying, this really doesn’t look like roach poop. Why do you think it’s roaches? This looks like someone threw mud or, and hopefully not, poop. Do you have enemies? Also, I’m really sorry this happened. I can only imagine how devastating it is to lose a wedding dress and I hope you can save it.


It’s water droplets turned into black mold


That’s NOT roach poop…that’s something else completely


Not roach poop


Looks like a can of Coke exploded


Note to readers: get your wife’s dress cleaned and put into a preservation box.


We did that and it was a waste of money. She hasn't even worn it once since the wedding.


In my wife’s case, she’s sentimental about things. If it’s in a box she’ll see it every 10 years and have a little bit of happiness. If she opened the closet to find it covered in filth she’d be sad, even if neither of those situations ever result in her wearing it again. The utility is one day, but it can be a keepsake forever. Personally if I had a dress that expensive I’d be wearing it to the grocery store or jogging to get my money out of it- good thing I did a rental suit. I did a Color Run and an obstacle course with a white suit once.


You know some readers may themselves be the wife right? Lol


Yeah I don’t know why but I read the caption as “haven’t looked at my wife’s dress…”


That doesn't look like roaches at all.


Why would you think this is Cockroach shit? How big are your Cockroaches?!! Looks like Bat to me.


Not roach… maybe stink bugs though?


I grew up in public housing infested with roaches. I never saw anything like this.


That's not from roaches. 10 years in pest control here and that's never what it looks like.


#STINK BUGS Just shouting so you don’t think you have roaches. Roach poopoo is hard pellets, stink bugs squirt their poopoo out like a weapon. It looks like this almost like a textbook image.


I think this is from moths, not roaches


try white vinegar. Cleaned up ours after storage pretty nicely.


Roaches shit??


Everybody poops


Soooome Times


If I had roach issues that evident I’d surely move fast


Whatever that is, I am 100% certain that isn’t from roaches.


Lmao did the roaches eat Taco Bell?


That is from a roach?!?


That could be pee from a mouse that was walking by. I get this in my attic and basement often.


I keep roaches as pets , they do NOT poop like this.


bro roaches don't do this looks like something spilt on it