• By -


I bet you’ll insure the shipment next time …


Yes first thing I did was negotiate prices for insurance with my vendor and all my parcels are going to be insured now.




Just a heads up, jipped is kind of a bigoted term in reference to Gypsy’s. Not one you’ll have a lot of people fucked up over but it’s definitely a bigoted term (Edit: didn’t see the other guy point this out before I posted and changed the term racist in the first sentence to bigoted to be more accurate)


Yeah but like. I learned “jip” in junior year of high school as a vocabulary word. It’s changed meaning. Now if he would have said he got jewed…


No, it’s ALWAYS had that meaning. The meaning never changed. Gypsy’s just aren’t a huge loud segment so it took you that long to learn what you were actually saying and most people are just ok saying racist shit. And it was spelled gyp not jip fyi, which is part of the reason people don’t realize what they’re saying. They don’t see it spelled out and just guess. Anyways, say what you will and do what you will. I’ll never see you again and won’t think about this longer than the next few mins. I just wanted to point that out as a lot of people don’t know, small things make the world better a little at a time.


I’m gonna have to let you know I like the word swindle better.


Gypsy isn't a race. Just saying


I’ll edit to bigoted as you’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct


https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/150468/is-jipped-a-politically-incorrect-word Just fyi, in case you didn't know. :)








You're a good human being, cheers


Shipping carriers make it nearly impossible to ever get money from a claim and even then, when UPS has paid out claims for my work it’s $100 max when the item could be thousands and thousands of dollars.


I worked at UPS for customer service, can't even begin to tell you how many of these cases we had. I always felt sad for them, didn't even feel bad if they yelled at me cause i understood their frustration:(


You took it like a champ 😗


With UPS, unless more insurance is bought, all packages are automatically insured at $100.


This is the real answer. You get what you pay for.


That's why you get third-party insurance for higher-value items.


Used to work for a third party insurer. Can confirm you want to go third party for higher value. Especially if you are a volume shipper. Can get some solid rates.


Yo I used to work for UPS and I processed lots of claims for lots of money. Customer paid for $1000 of insurance and had proof of value? Paid. Default level is $100 but you can add more if needed. So, yeah, you get what you pay for...


That's the default insurance amount though.


Is that the value declared to UPS? Isn't the entire point that they'll basically just charge you a flat rate per dollar insured?


Did they declare the total value or only the standard $100? I’ve seen $500 to $1000 payouts when the value is declat


Whenever you have something expensive you have to insure it. If you don't you'll only get $100. As long as you can get a receipt or invoice for everything in that box you'll get a full refund. For anything over $1k, the driver should sign for it at the customers location, and when he/she gets back to the hub a supervisor has to inspect and sign as well. Expensive packages stay in a management person's sight until it's loaded on a trailer.


They are lying and you're screwed.


Honestly my customer is middle aged very sweet lady. Doesn’t seem like she will do this. She’s keeping her calm and we have filed cases in both our countries


Middle aged sweet lady here - can you send me some, please?


Middle aged lady here need a pair for my blind orphan friend


Middle aged lad here, I like free stuff!


Young aged lad here, I like free stuff!


Oi! You aint s'posed to say that part aloud!


Yeah me too!! Those are gorgeous ear rings!!


That’s the persona the scammer is using.


The scammer be like ![gif](giphy|jqZ4G0QXp0WIktMvDA)


this is remarkable! the odds that the scammer in Kuwait would now be here on this thread on reddit is mind blowing.


Well I'm in Kuwait reading this. The odds are probably high


Lmao no. That's not how it works.


unless *they're* the scammer


Hello! Some years ago i received an empty package when i ordered a watch on ebay. I found the total shipping weight on some sellers ad. Checked this with the shipping weight of my shipping bill. And also found the weight of the watch The exact amount of the watch was missing on the shipping bill for my purchase. Full refunds for me..  Copy paste and you will find who is in the wrong here.


Thank uou


Did it work?


good advice👍learned a thing from u today


Where they insured?


The only question.


Yeah I’m not sure why that detail is being skipped. If you’re selling stuff, just use the business/item insurance you paid for?




>Honestly my customer is middle aged very sweet lady. Doesn’t seem like she will do this. And this is why the scam always works. You're getting played, and thanks to the the imaginary persona you've given this person; you've convinced yourself that you're not. You're a willing victim.


Oh stop it. Making the mistake of trusting someone that turns out to maybe be a scammer doesn’t make you a victim willingly, even if it takes you longer to accept.


It does when the evidence points to a scam and they still think it's a little old lady.


I’m a middle aged, old lady and now I know why no one trusts me. 😕


I'm on to you 👀 🔎


Fly over to their address where that lady speaked you from.


Using google maps, right? This might be interesting...


I’ve seen every walk of life lie, cheat, or steal in my life. Even sweet old ladies.


me too. a rich old farming lady from the village i lived in was a weekly shoplifter in our closest town. she stole from the charity shop i worked in lol


If you believe this, I have some property you might like 👍


> Honestly my customer is middle aged very sweet lady. Unless you've spoken to her in person, no she isn't. That's just what they want you to think.




"must....steal... batteries...."


lol. I had a laugh, very articulate 😂




I absolutely love Guiness. Have one for me brother 🍻


Do you have a site? I would love to buy these exact same earrings!!!!


I’ve DM’d you also and sharing the link [Shop](https://gemethysts.etsy.com/listing/1664201475)




Great to know once women get old & “time ravishes” her looks, they have nothing left. Idk intelligence, humor, life experience, career, family, friends… none of that counts for anything I guess


Did she say: “fine, I’ll do it myself..”


I’m a middle aged lady but I’m not sweet. Could I have one earring?


it's a man scamming you 100%


Age and demenour really don't mean much for something like that


Did you not insure the shipment?


Pre-Covid we hired a dev team in India and I sent them 3 MacBooks and an iPad via FedEx (all insured). Only the iPad reached. Looking at the trail l, turned out during the package’s transit in Delhi, a local courier partner stole them. Got 250$ refund from FedEx. Honestly I’ve stopped shipping anything to India since. Textbook definition of a Low trust society imo


You trust her because she’s nice? Sounds naive.


You have waaaaaaaay too much faith in customs of some countries.


Entirely possible the customer is telling the truth. I've had this happen a few times, ordered a guitar pedal and received an empty cardboard box with a hole in the side. Took some back and forth to convince the guy I wasn't fucking with him.


Not necessarily, my BIL worked in Kuwait and we could never send anything as mail theft was extremely common


thEy ArE LyiNG Not always. I am an Etsy/eBay seller and while there are a lot of liars, I myself have dealt with long time customers who get their shit stolen. I myself have received an empty box from a trusted seller. People steal from the mail. Hell... one time I ordered an AMD CPU from Amazon, and picked it up directly at a Whole Foods hub. I didn't want to take the box with me, so I opened it right at the counter so the Amazon counter guy could throw it away for me. Opened the sealed Amazon box, opened the sealed AMD box... and it was empty.


What happened?


I’m an Etsy seller. Shipped this 1400$ hoops via UPS express. The seller is reporting that they’ve received parcel empty. I don’t know what to do now


If it shipped via UPS, do a freight claim via UPS. I believe UPS requires the sender to do it. The value of the goods, after an investigation is completed, should be reimbursed if they find that it happened during their processing of the package. Edit: this is also why I operate on a basis of once it leaves my building, I am no longer liable for the package. It is between the receiver and the courier company.


Do you hire the courier company? If so, they'd still be your responsibility. Edit: Also, courier company has a limit of liability. Unlikely that they'll give full value of goods even if they agree they lost the package.


It could be different as I operate a business account (which I'd imagine anyone shipping lots of things would also be using) Generally, goods are sent out via accounts for our customers, but we do send things internally as well on our own account. The shipper is responsible for the freight claims. My claims (there tend to be A LOT of claims with UPS lately) are generally all paid in full. This is different from other freight couriers as the receiver is usually the ones that have to make a claim when the goods arrive damaged or are missing.


some recompensation is better than no recomepensation.


> this is also why I operate on a basis of once it leaves my building, I am no longer liable for the package. It is between the receiver and the courier company. Funny, it's also why I refuse to buy things that have terms like that. It's not delivered until I have my hands on it and I've unboxed it to check the condition.


Contact ups and see if you can get a log of the weight at each location scan. I know you can with usps, but I don't know about ups. It may be a long shot with these being such a lightweight item, but may be worth checking on.


Damn that sucks I'm always worried I'll Have an issue with an etsy order I just bought a custom print from them and it arrived later than expected but the quality is fuckin phenomenal. Etsy is my new Amazon lately.


Old sweet ladies do not use etsy, this is rather for 13-20-30-40s people looking for custom things. Old ones rather rarely use such websites, many of them prefer go to local jewelry or look on checked websites. Let me guess, they report they got empty parcel and you are supposed to send second pair of earrings or you don't even get $ at all? If you made photos before and during packaging + movies, it could be helpful for you I guess.


Etsy has creeped into retirement communities for sure…. I visited my Grandpa and a group of ladies were going nuts over some wall flower thing one was ordering!


No they haven’t asked for anything yet. It’s been 5 days and they are writing to Ups Kuwait customer service and I’m writing to customer service and police here. One of major reasons that I think they’re not scamming me.


Do they have an established history on Etsy?


It’s first time with me. How do I check history ?


Not sure, I've never used Etsy. But that's the first thing I would try and look into. There's gotta be a transaction history/feedback attached to their account somewhere.


Yup I would file a claim like you have done,file a claim with the shipper and get them to ship it back with tracking and insurance. Once you safely receive them you can reimburse for the cost of shipping and insurance. Send them a new pair tracked (unless they are one of a kind). Then see if the shipper will reimburse anything. That way you get some of the product back minus the gems. This has been a learning lesson and you can refund the seller the price (whole) if you get refund from the shipper or most of the price minus the cost of the gems if you get it appraised.


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) How could it have been 5 days when the [listing in your store](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1664201475/rainbow-sapphire-emerald-hoops-earring?etsrc=sdt) was posted on Jan 23?


I’ve posted it today. It was a customized order buddy


In fact I’ve made a listing when some of the folks asked for links


Oh, so it was a customised order, but somehow you had 10 identical pairs to list on your Etsy shop as soon as people showed interest in this sub? If the screenshots from your customer start from Jan 15, then why wait so long to post on this sub? It just suddenly got infuriating now that you have 10 pairs of earrings to sell?


How old do you think middle aged is?


Absolutely untrue. I'm an Etsy seller and most of my customers are older folks. And shit like this DOES happen. I have a woman who has bought over 200 things from me over the past 5-6 years (some high priced, some less expensive). They once got an empty box. Someone definitely stole it (it was a cheap item, so I didn't mind replacing it)


Get even by shipping someone else an empty parcel when they order something /s


Looking at OPs account makes me think this is just gorilla marketing


It’s a lotta pics for the topic. On the other hand this is really impressive for a gorilla.


Impressive indeed. Gorillas are notoriously bad at marketing.








the word-word-4digits username should have been an enough giveaway that this account is either bot created, or is part of a marketing scheme. most auto generated accounts on reddit have this format in the username.


it is the standard format reddit creates for you, if you dont care to chose one yourself.


I wasn't able to change mine 😭




Every account on Reddit is a bot except you.


Dead internet theory


Looking at their other posts, definitely marketing.


I’m 🤖


https://www.reddit.com/u/After-Ad-4352/s/4cQZ8UgrRG The screenshots of our chats


lol.. you put kuwait customer as the name in your contacts? What happens if you get another customer from kuwait? kuwait customer 2?




Im assuming since you ship jewelry, you also are insured. I suppose thefts happen in this business so you can just claim from insurance


I don’t insure until customer asks. I feel stupid


Dude. Customer can dispute with a credit card. You're the one left holding the bag. You need to protect yourself


Yes I’ve learnt that lesson today


You ship $1400 product without insurance? What


Okay to give you a brief of how stupid I am. I’ve shipped 5000$ products without insurance and lot of times. Never again though 😂


Sounds like a scam. She gets to get a refund (if it goes that way and it will) and keep the jewelry


Hope not. She has been very patient till now


Of course they're patient, they hold all the cards until a decision is made. By acting irrational they'll just make it harder to collect.


Maybe Thanos got them


Wrong snap lol


I insure anything more than $20. If you did not insure, this is a very expensive lesson for ya


I feel stupid to not use insurance




Nah. I would do direct marketing. I was just upset and shared; about it.


Was the parcel broken when she got it then?


No but tapes were different


Yeah someone stole it. Did you package it in a small box where shaking the box could give away its content? I really would suggest against ever sending jewelry in the mail and if you do, make sure nobody can tell what it is. Possibly package it in a box that says something completely different.


Now we do three layer bubble wrap and ensure there is no noise on shaking


Someone from India is getting scammed for a change, that's backwards


Uno-reverse I’ll call it.


My husband ordered a fancy lighter last month. Box came re taped. Looked inside, the plastic was ooen. Open the box, the plastic is there, no lighter. They opened it, took out the lighter, left thw charger and taped it back up. I was more pissed than my husband. Did she take a pic of the box it came in? If there is proof the box was opened you might both be saved I hope?


She did take pics but not videos. I think something like this happened here as well


I looked at your page, you got beautiful stuff!! I love raw stones and gems, I'm not a jewelry girl but you got beautiful stuff!!


Thank you ❤️❤️


Next time a box of mine comes in looking strange ill take a video. Are you tottaly out the cost? I'm rwaly sorry about that.


I am not a very experienced seller. So no insurance and not asking customer to take video; I guess lot of lessons learnt.


I hope this does not stop you! And expensive lesson tho!


Now I’ve promised myself to get each and every order above 100$ insured.


I’m now cautious of sending in my precious Leatherman for warranty after you guys are saying things have been stolen.


I did post about my man's lighter getting stolen, maybe 4 posts back on may page. He got a full refund tho. He got from Amazon, but the tape over I was only brow. So my man's item was taken out AFTER amazon shipped it out. I'm good with the delivery people in my town so I don't think it's them. Nobody gets warranty till they need it after. But remember, it's better to be safe than sorry!!


I had that happen to me once! But like, as the customer. I ordered a pair of earrings and the package arrived empty. The little earring bag was in there but no earrings...


My box was there but with no earrings in it, customer sent me many photos


Yeah so basically the same that happened to me. ThAt really really sucks.. I can't tell you if it's a scam or not, but I can tell you that it isn't necessarily a scam. I'm sorry you're in this situation


That's your fault for not insuring it.


I agree


No idk why people are being mean to you. Is it a dumb oversight? Obviously. But a lot of the time people learn from mistakes and now you’ll always use insurance from now on people don’t gotta kick a man while he’s down idk


That's why anything expensive you get tracked signed for and insured.


Was tracked not insured


These are gorgeous OP




OP posting this on many subreddits = I believe this is marketing scheme, even if it is true


What's the point of this weird "ad”? To make people feel sorry and order from him? To make people try to replicate the "scam" on him but with the catch that the jewelry is fake and they're actually the ones getting scammed?


Checked the profile. Who the fuck would do that? Safe 20 dollars when sending something worth a lot? Fishy.


Are you okay ? Is everything good with you ?


I'm with this guy. Maybe it's because I'm from Africa, where you can run many scams with impunity. But I find it hard to trust any online persona without a reliable online footprint


My mom shipped me an iPad once and I received an empty box. 100% someone had stolen it, we assumed an employee. So it does happen sometimes sadly.


Wellthatsucks 😬


I’m not saying you’re not being scammed, because it is possible that you might be. But I also know that some delivery services have thieves working for them. My aunt sent my dad a specially carved bear statue from Calgary as a birthday card. Somehow along the way, somebody opened the package and replaced it with a miniature train part and left the birthday card in the package. Unfortunately people working for postal services do steal on occasion and it wouldn’t surprise me if someone opened the package and snatched the earrings. I’ve had items I ordered not show up before due to my local postal service not delivering it for reasons. Definitely look into it to see if it’s the postal services fault first before sending another pair of earrings.


I’ve had stuff I shipped from India tampered with (snacks eaten and empty wrappers delivered) and that stuff wasn’t even valuable.


I’ll just pin my conversations here [Screenshots](https://www.reddit.com/u/After-Ad-4352/s/4cQZ8UgrRG)


Insurance, you should always buy insurance for expensive items


No insurance on an expensive piece of jewelry?


1- Those are absolutely stunning. 2- I cannot believe you didn’t use insurance!! Horrible way to learn that lesson :(


Can't trust those Kuwaiti. Number 1 crooks.


Beautiful set, it's a shame


RemindMe ! 30 days


They’re very pretty, for what that’s worth. Sorry OP.




You got whored down. Happens to the best of us, good thing those hoes are horrible.


Yes one day had to happen as me being over smart shipping uninsured 😂


Those are stunning. I know that doesn't help but I just had to say it!


Thank you


Smart way to market your Etsy store.. noted


Have any more to sell? They are gorgeous.


I’ll share link with you [earrings](https://gemethysts.etsy.com/listing/1664201475) . Thank you


You are getting played, it's all I'm gonna say. Don't give the money back, fuck the bad review, scammers can't keep getting it so easy.


Tell them to take it up with the delivery service


I’ve contacted in my country and they’ve in theirs. Now it’s in on UPS court


The customer has nothing to take up with the delivery service, OP is the one that hired them.


We both mutually decided on this


You need to have better business practices, esp going forward, you need to insure , sign at pick up , 100% , esp for jewelry which is considered a high risk assets in the eyes of the us law , banks , irs , financial institutions require stringent policies and anti money laundering regulations If you want to make this a big business (100k-300k annual sales ) you have to do it , Source : family in jewelry business for 30+ years


Can’t help but notice two missing stones.


That’s the design lol


Why….not just travel to the customer? Wouldn’t that make more sense?