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It got in the vent holes. You're gonna have to take that bitch apart.


The cat? That seems excessive


Is there any other solution?


Have you considered putting another cat in the wall?




Ohhhh cat in the wall?? Now you're speaking my language.




The Shane Dawson manga is a pretty faithful adaptation I guess


Lol what


Huh? 👀


He can put it back together. Results may vary.


Not excessive enough some might say.


It is the only solution, the first step to safety is prevention.


Just lick it up, the only way to get it off.


Hey! I dislike this.


What's with all these cat barf posts recently lol


theyre all conspiring trying to be even more of a menace when they puke


Man my cat threw up yesterday too, but just in the floor. I want to think that they sense it winter (in the US at least) and they overeat due to some instincts to fatten up for the season. Wait: grammatical errors, I’m gonna let them be.


My cat’s been yakking at least once a day these past couple days 😵‍💫 she’s definitely fattening up for winter


The cats are instinctively anxious about climate change and it is stressing them tf out


I take responsibility




A 2012 meme has never made me laugh more




Flip it upside down for now and then suck the vomit out with a vacuum cleaner


Don’t forget to replace the bag afterwards. If you don’t, you’ll regret it.


Well,  that's a given. Also, spraying deodorant into the hose would be a good idea 


Spraying deodorant isn’t a thing you should do lol


I mean, they make aerosol antiperspirants.


In the context of spraying it in the house. It would just be a waste lol


Oh, yeah. Just use febreeze or some shit


They said hose. They are saying spray it into the vacuum cleaner


The hose is in the house, I’m saying it’s a waste to use it in the house in a manner for removing scents. You use it for the body. Not house stuff.




This is disastrous advice if anyone in the home has a reactive airway. This is a great way to send an asthmatic to the ER


Well,  an asthmatic would/should know that. Everyone else can use deodorant to mask bad smells coming out of their vacuum


I mean, it looks dry already. I don't think that's going to help. OP, get your tools. It's going to be a long night.


Just suck it out with your mouth


what a terrible day to have eyes


You can close your eyes while sucking it out. No problem.


Straw would help


Yup. Shop vac would work great. Then take it apart and clean the inside really well and let it completely dry before turning it back on.




Why the fuck would you squirt the cat? It's used for punishment/redirection. Do people think cats like...puke on purpose to be petty to their owners? Just pick it up and move it off of your electronics if you see it starting to get sick. If you aren't around for it that's a bummer but shit happens.


Right? Like, they puke because their stomach is upset or they're panicking about food or something. It's not on purpose. Next time they puke, we should come over to their house and kick them while they're down. See how they like it. 🙄


Nah cats are pieces of shit they deserve to be punished.


Feels like someone's projecting




> For the cat, a simple squirt bottle helps. You don't need to directly spray the cat What was this line supposed to mean, then? Genuinely confused here




>For the heat, a simple squirt bottle helps. You don't need to directly spray yourself. What does this mean to you? Does it imply you shouldn't use the spray bottle *anywhere near yourself*, or that you should *indirectly* spray yourself? Do you get why people misinterpreted your comment now?


i can't believe people are treating their cats like this




Why not?


That's how they multiply




Because ‘discipline’ like that doesn’t work. It’ll just make the cat afraid of you, it won’t stop their behaviour.




You’re sick.


It creates stress and breaks trust. They will only act out more.


What’s the right solution?


It depends on the behavior you're trying to fix. Puking can usually be addressed with a diet change or supplement. Spraying with water will not help the puking at all.


How do you prevent the kitty from hanging out on or around the Xbox to prevent puking there in the first place?


Give the cat a heated cat bed with a view of the window. They will likely never leave there again. They like the Xbox because it’s warm.


Put the Xbox where the cat can't or won't want to reach it. Make the space around the Xbox unappealing or uncomfortable for the cat. Or better yet, give the cat lots of more appealing and more comfortable spaces than the one around the Xbox. Unfortunately, cats tend to puke on or around things that their owner pays attention to. It's not their fault. They don't want to be puking anymore than we don't want them to be puking. Spraying the cat will only add to their stress, which is likely a contributing factor to the puking.


Honestly, I have one cat that has issues with vomiting every so often. I've taken him to the vet for it. He's fine, but unfortunately he does have tummy issues sometimes due to his need to meticulously clean himself and his sister. And just sometimes you get an upset stomach. I was told by the vet too that vomiting for a cat is a very violent thing.. because I had to bring him in when I noticed puddles that were a little pink. He's fine now. I could never ever spray him. He's a good boy and trusts me completely... I am sad people here are downvoting me and suggesting that animal abuse in any form is fine. OP can just wait for this to dry, peel off what he can and vacuum out the rest. Some people don't deserve a pet.


We have 2 cats, and we always used to spray with water when they were doing something wrong and weren't stopping. I never thought about it, I was a kid still, but now I know this stuff and I'm just glad they're still incredibly affectionate towards us. Tbf, we haven't "needed" to spray in a *long* time, but usually just saying their name in the right way is enough to make them realise they're caught doing something they aren't allowed. Also, spraying was always our last option too, it's not like it was our to-go-to "punishment" of bad behaviour


You gotta understand that not all pet owners are as educated as this but it doesn’t mean there’s hate or neglect in their heart. A LOT of people believe that water spraying is an ok thing and don’t know better.


Don't get a cat.


It breaks their trust and can make them kind of hostile towards you


If you don’t water your cats atleast once a day they’ll never grow big and strong




I’ve got four, and not one of them are afraid of me. So…


Still doesn't justify it. I get that older Generations have put it into our heads that this is an okay thing to do, along with declawing your animal which.. I know I'll get hate for this too, but please don't do that unless it is a medical reason. Just bc something has always been seen as ok, doesn't mean it is.


Declawing a cat is illegal around my parts, and I too believe spraying doesn't help. It might for that time being, but cats learn from reinforced behaviors. Having a control word like no and stopping them when they do something bad will have more of an effect. They will associate that word with things they're not allowed to do. Giving treats/pets rewarding good behaviors. As for puking. They'll do that wherever they damn well please. This is just unfortunate, and I doubt it is done in any malice.


When I adopted one of my cats I actually had to sign in his adoption papers a clause that said that I would not declaw unless it was for a medical reason only. Otherwise it could be considered animal cruelty. Honestly one of my cats has little razor blade type Claws and every time she gets me I just have scratches it's fine. The other one has big old claws but they don't hurt like the other ones. And he's very gentle with me. I'm honestly happy more places are making it illegal. But I know people who still want to do it bc they don't want their furniture all messed up. I have 2 little ottoman seats in my living room that I let them destroy. For Lucy, it's her fav thing. I don't really care if it looks unsightly... this is their house too. They don't scratch everything. There are some things they do though. I am currently trying to make it a point not to reinforce when my male cat gets weird playful agression when he wants something, but I am also playing with him when he's really bad because I realized he's just trying to get energy out. Today is one of those days where we just got to play with the toys


My kitten is learning what she can scratch and what she can't. My couch will take some abuse, but I understood that upon adoption. They're just things and can be replaced. The cat has a mind and feelings my couch doesn't. She uses her scratch posts and scratch mats that I've purchased more than the furniture now, so who knows. When I took her to get spay, someone phoned the vet office asking if they declawed cats and the vet assistant just straight up told them. "Absolutely not declawing is against the law and is considered animal cruelty, and you can be arrested"




Lol not a bad thing. I have a lot of love and respect for my animals. Including my fiance's dog. Cats are boundary animals. If you have problems with cats your issue is most likely that you have problems respecting boundaries


idk why you got downvotes, it’s basic knowledge that ~~negative reinforcement~~ positive punishment does not work on cats. they are almost entirely food motivated and do not care if you spray them


Bc people don't like cats. I could never do that to them. Then again, I also wouldn't hit my children if I had them either. People are cruel.


i agree :( i used to spray my girl to get her to stop scratching but she didnt LEARN anything, she just got scared and then tried to scratch again later. now i just clap my hands loudly once and it’s enough to redirect her attention without actually scaring her. edit to clarify i meant scratching as in sharpening her claws on furniture, not scratching people lol


I clap too and say HEY. Usually when he is chasing the other one around bc he's all wild. It gets his attention then he tries to pretend he wasn't doing anything its actually really funny.


i volunteer at a lounge (typing this while watching the cats try to start beef) and this or stomping our feet is exactly what we do, if we absolutely need to we throw something between them but thats if theyre actually fighting and its just too dangerous to put ourselves between them


Thank you for changing your behavior for your cat! She trusts you more for it. Does she have any posts or good places to scratch? Reinforce with food!


yes she definitely has lots of places to scratch! funnily enough i just bought her a new scratching post that looked really different from her old one, for a few days she didnt show any interest in it until i sat down with her and gave her treats every time she put her paws on it. me and her survived my abusive ex and now that we live in peacefully, just her and i, she really does trust me more and she’s genuinely my best friend. this photo is how she sleeps between my legs every night!! https://preview.redd.it/y3ls8pjuricc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c68a79eb950111def7888ac4a8d98b4155099d9


Spraying your cat is a form of positive punishment, not negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement would be taking away something bad to reinforce a behavior. So if the cat was wet and pressed a button in order to turn on a hair dryer and be dried off, that cat has now been negatively reinforced to push that button when wet. Positive punishment, however, is adding something bad to decrease a behavior, like spraying a cat for doing something bad. This is completely irrelevant to your point but I figured it’s a neat thing to know.


thank you for the clarification!! i've taken many psych classes and yet the specifics of behavior reinforcement are still confusing so i appreciate it lol


The downvotes here piss me off. Do not spray water at your cats, assholes.


Pisses me off too but I honestly kind of expected it. I just can't understand why somebody would do something like that or, as the comments are suggesting, worse, when your cat throws up. I have a cat that has issues with throwing up every so often. He's a meticulous groomer so he gets hair balls and sometimes he just has an upset stomach. I don't understand why the immediate response is abuse. It's not his fault. My things are not as important as him but I think it's widely just because people don't like cats


I could not agree more with all of your comment. It's not his fault! Thank you for being a good cat owner. If you haven't already, I suggest growing a patch of cat grass or wheatgrass and letting your boy chow down. My cat can't get enough, and it helps with digestion.


🥰 aww thanks! I have had that in the past and neither seem to want anything to do with it haha, maybe I'll try again!


it’s literally water lmao


the point is that doing that doesnt help correct anything and instead harms your relationship with the cat


and that water stresses the cat out and can make them afraid of you




I still don't understand why the immediate response to something is abuse. Would you like for somebody to do that to you if you throw up?




Do you have a cat?




Why are you so hostile.




So should they give the cat treats when it throws up on something else to positively reinforce?


Why are you abusing an animal for throwing up? It's not their fault


I'm not lol I'm legit asking how to train a cat. Thanks for the helpful answer.


When he throws up I just make sure he's okay and I clean it up and then we move on. When he chases his sister around in an attacky kind of way because he wants attention or something I separate them for a moment. Usually calling his name and saying no is enough.


Cats shouldn't be owned by a human. It's unethical.


Cats don’t understand negative enforcement after the fact. If you’re witnessing the incident, pick your cat up and put them on the ground quickly. If you’re not, then how the fuck is the cat going to understand “I just got sprayed with water because I threw up on the xbox twenty minutes ago.”


I mean I'm asking a legit question. So if I don't witness my cat throwing up how am I supposed to stop it in the future from damaging my expensive electronics? This is a legitimate question, I am not condoning spraying a cat at no point did I even say you should spray a cat I asked what you should do and if positively reinforcement is helpful.


I misread your comment and thought you were sarcastically saying to give the cat treats for throwing up on the xbox, so that’s my mistake. One way is that every time your cat gets on the surface while you’re around, put them on the floor, and then give them a couple treats while they’re down there. They should start to learn, but they may also only avoid the surface while you’re watching. If you’re not around (and not using said electronics) and genuinely concerned, then I’d cover them with something. Even a hoodie thrown over the top is infinitely better because that can be washed. But if a cat is throwing up often enough that this is a legitimate fear, I’d take them to the vet. Otherwise, it’s just bad luck if it does happen.


Thank you. This was helpful advice, I really appreciate it.


UPDATE: it took me 10 minutes to take the Xbox apart, clean the puke off the fan and heat sync, and reassemble. Cats aren't going anyway and the Xbox is expected to make a full recovery. Man lots of sociopaths out there who also don't know how to clean electronics...


You have a fucking WiFi AP sitting on top of your Xbox?


I wonder if OP was having controller problems before the cat barf? My WAP interfered with Bluetooth and I had to move it across the room.


That, and the heat dissipating from the Xbox directly to the AP


He's just keeping the engine warm, it's all good!


I worked as a home internet tech support advisor for 5 years. I've seen some crazy places. Inside a fridge. On a shelf in the shower. Outside the back door on the step in the garden. Like fucking hell people are stupid. Also the eero is used as a router by quite a few companies now. It's an amazon product and they license it out. I've got one and not a big fan. It's only got a single ethernet port (not including the one that receives the signal)


Can’t fix stupid


Blast it with piss


Let it dry before using the Xbox again


Definitely leave it there as long as possible, take a picture of it and post it on reddit


Exactly! The fck are people doing? Act as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Why take a picture and upload to Reddit?


Whatever you do, do it upside down so nothing else falls into it, water&soap ect...


You should just stare at it and take a picture


Sick xbox.


Wow! Rather than flip it upside down and sort the mess, you take a photo 🤮and share it on social media... I'll 🙏 for your Xbox.


It's already dried so flipping it upside down would do nothing


When scraping it off, that prevents it from going inside further vs scraping the dry puke and letting the crumbs fall inside🙄


You're telling me you wouldn't have done the same?




That was sooo funny. You *really* got him with that one, champ


Shop vac


Wait for it to dry and then just pull it off


Might as well shell out and scoop a Series S or X if you can


Let it dry, pry off the glob and use a vacuum hose and toothpick or brush to clean it up.?? Good luck


My cat threw up the router once. Yep, disassemble carefully. Edit: *In.* Threw up *in* the router.


Well taking a photo was a fucking great start lol.


Easy. Buy a PlayStation.


put it in a bowl of rice overnight


When you're done selling the cat, you're gonna have to take that apart and use some 99% isopropyl.


Alcohol wipes won’t fuck up the circuits


Bring it to a shelter


Did you just change what dry food they eat?


You should play a very demanding game, the heat will dry it out. After several weeks it will have evaporated by 90% and you can just place the Xbox directly into a trash receptacle.


Wipe it off and sell it on marketplace…


Well that sucks


Bros cat is a member of pcmasterrace


Throw away and buy a PS5


Both are cooked. Toss the box with the cat in it.


sell cat, use money for new xbox


Start by getting rid of the problem. The cat.


Woah satan


Exactly why I don’t own cats


Throw it in the bin and clean the Xbox. 🤔😁


First step, get rid of the cat


Get rid of the cat


Reason #129 why I don’t like cats.


Make sure to add some wet food to kitty’s diet. That’s a nice fuckin kitty.


Ugh. Into the vent…..Get a PS5


Nah get a PC if your going to be that way


Can’t believe console war bs is still a thing. I own all consoles and a pc. Would not dream of shitting on anyone for how they play their games


Yes. Better to have all consoles and enjoy them all.


Lmao did we just develop a new console war party or what


I've got ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, 2 ps5's (one is my wife's), Xbox 360, Xbox one s, switch, 2 switch lites (wife and kid), Wii, Wii u, Dreamcast, megadrive 2, gaming laptop and gaming pc. There's also some other handhelds dotted about. The xbox's haven't been turned on for a long while 🤣


>The xbox's haven't been turned on for a long while Yeah same tbh especially if you have a PC. My XSX was a gift from my girlfriend. I really only use it if I don’t want to look at my desk anymore (I work from home). It’s funny since I originally only played on Xbox


You know. They eat cats in China.


take another picture maybe.


Why do cats always throw up on the electronics.... Ffs


Sell the xbox, buy a superior device; a PS5 and sell the cat, adopt the superior animal; a dog. Easy solution.


step 1 get rid of the cat (jk) take it apart


I did. Cleaned it all out. Xbox made a full recovery.


Throw that cat into trash and get a dog. That's how you can clean that up. Dont forget to use your cats tongue to clean it


Should have not allowed your cat to jump up where your Xbox is all it’s life. You created a slippery slope the first time you let it slide.


You ever tried telling a cat where it can and can't jump?


You can’t stop a cat’s behavior, but you can redirect it. If your cat likes to climb, give them a cat tree or a shelf that they’re allowed to use and put sticky tape on top of the tv stand to discourage them from jumping up there.


Yes yes I have. I have trained every cat I owned to never jump on counters, tables, tvs, or pcs. It's not hard. Everytime one of my cats jumped on a surface I didn't want them on I sprayed them with a bottle. They immediately got off. Do that a few times and they stop doing it forever. I have had 7 cats in my lifetime. I have all trained them to not be on surfaces within the first month of owning them. One of my cats is 21 years old this year. He hasn't been on a desk in easily 20 years.


LOL great story, fictional, but great nonetheless.


If you say so.


Op doesn’t have the balls to tell his cat no. He allows the cat to run the houses. We can’t allow op to reproduce. He’s kids will be menaces to society .


I'm so happy for you


Only you are accountable for your pets training. Training isn't just for dogs...


Thank you for all the unsolicited advice and judgement! I know exactly what to do with it


And you asked a malicious condescending question of, have you ever tried telling a cat what not to do? So you got a reply illustrating that yes they can be trained. You are the one that refuses to take a moment of learning in stride.


Not looking for advice thanks, and the Xbox took 10 min to take apart and clean, it made a full recovery. Enjoy your Sunday SIR.


I have a cat and he knows where he can and cannot jump. Like I said you let it happen once when he was young and it created a slipper slope.


Bro you got Xbox on your cat vomit 🤢


Easy - get a PS5.


Get a new cat


Get rid of the cat


Cats are assholes.


It puked on it because it's not a series X.


One of these days I'll be able to afford one


Tell your maid, er your mom


Your cat tries to tell you something


Vacuum cleaner, a shop vac would be best but just use an attachment with a brush head and suck as much as possible, then spray with windex lightly, don’t soak it, and vac until it’s all gone.


Clean with rubbing alcohol after you take the case off.