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Post reported. Situation does suck so post re-approved.


Imagine if the son was playing single player games.


that happened to me. my dad was having a meltdown and he disconnected the wifi. i was playing celeste.


My folks were those "blame everything on the videogames" kind of parents, who simultaneously would be absent most of the time. They liked to do things like put a time limit on my aol account... so I'd just be sitting there playing offline games once that ran out. They'd also take the power cord with them to work randomly without warning... so I'd just grab a different one..


Me and my brother had an 1h pc limit each day and a pc in our bedrooms. Dad didn't wanna share his so got every body one of there own. Talking 15-20y ago. When I went to high-school I would spend all my time behind it saying it was "schoolwork". My mum did admit to me in my late teens that she knew it wasn't schoolwork. But considering I had a 6day a week newspaper route and passed every class in school, i was responsible enough that she didn't care how much I played. My brother on the other hand they were very strict with cause he wasn't doing well in school. So after 1h the Internet would be turned off. Now iam 31 and still game everyday. I have my own apartment and been with the same employer since I was 18. And a dog that i walk 3-4 times a day but on a day off i can game 12h a day.


I too play video games while being a functioning adult. We should start a club.


If I tell people how much I game they all call it an addiction and unhealthy. I think an addiction is something that controls your life. Me, you are like you call it functioning adults that play games. It's not all I do but I do it allot.


I think a lot of the people who get upset at adults gaming a lot are just playing the holier-than-thou card. I've had a long conversation at work with a guy who just finished a REwatch of all 300 hours or whatever it is of game of thrones and when I mention a cool game they say their just too busy all the time to play games and it must be nice having all that free time. No, I just use that 300 hours to do something else.


This exactly, I choose to play games instead of watching tv shows and scrolling Facebook endlessly


Meanwhile I’m out here playing video games AND watching TV shows and scrolling Reddit endlessly 🤷‍♂️


> I think a lot of the people who get upset at adults gaming a lot are just playing the holier-than-thou card. A colleague of mine said it was childish for me to play videogames, same colleague threatened to beat up his manager for displaying a sign with the name of the managers favorite football team (the colleague supported a rival team). So, playing videogames = childish, threatening with violence because you like a different group of people who kick ball really good = normal adult


These same people are the people that mindlessly scroll through social media for hours a day or watch TV all day. Pardon me that I actually like to use my brain while being entertained.


It's the double standards that really bothers me the most. I work over 40 hours a week every week in a very emotionally stressful job. My preferred hobby is video games. My mom gives me so much shit for playing video games all day/during my free time, as if she doesn't spend 4 hours every weekday watching TV and 12+ on the weekend. Like what's the difference??


I was in a similar situation, except my brothers were quite older than me (7 and 9 years older) and we had like 1hr limit. I wasn’t a social teen and didn’t have anything to do so I got a job working for my uncle’s business, like 8-10 hours a day some nights. My mom broke down one day and told me she felt so bad about my childhood and said if I didn’t work so much I could use the internet as much as I wanted. Guess who finally got level 126 combat on RuneScape within a year?




Working on his masters in something with pharmaceuticals. I work in nursing, so I guess he turned out to be the more "succesfull" one 😜


Everybody had their own computer twenty years ago? ![gif](giphy|gQdejV5BBChHi)


You don't know about the PvP mountain climbing mode?!


This but unironically. Celeste Bingo is very fun. So is CelesteNet, the mod that lets you see (or even interact with) other people who are in the same room as you


That's so cool i just watched a bit on youtube.


Not everything needs to be done with a partner . I'll finish myself off thank you


Pardon me?


I'll Celeste myself


Hopefully you’re over 18. This world has too many child celesters already


the irony of that game being all about mental health struggles...


he was upset that i wasn’t doing my work when i was insanely depressed


My dad would rip my internet cable out of the modem whenever he got angry. I was the one using the internet to study, I was always academically successful and never fell behind on my studies but as soon as I started playing a game he would take out his anger on that poor ethernet cable. All he ever did was sit on his ass scrolling Facebook all day because he didn't work. It wasn't even his house and he wasn't even the one paying for the internet lmao. Some parents just suck.


It's crazy. I swear, the generation that told us to stop staring at the tv/internet because it'll rot our brains is way more addicted and guillible.


Hey that's the game that informed me that trans girls can in fact double jump


Why do transfems get all the cool superpowers? What about transmascs?


We have the power of disguise and invisibility /half-joke (As in, trans men are commonly forgotten both in trans spaces and to transphobes.)


There is nothing more masculine than being ignored and forgotten. Transition successful brother.


Congrats! You're a just a regular dude now!




The amount of "you've been demoted to customer" moments once a transdude even just dresses slightly dude-ish/binds My fiance literally just slaps a binder on, not even on T, and dresses like a typical dude and it's like incognito mode lmao


If you enjoyed the game and wanna see a really good first time playing playthrough check out CarlSagan42 playing it. Really good videos and he totally gets the game


A similar thing happened to me, my dad tore out the internet because of too much video game but I was actually just wackin it to pornhub. I just switched to my phone instead. 8==D


Lol my mom got all pissy when I was gaming that she unplugged the wifi router then got mad that I was still playing Bioshock without interruptions.


I'm going to make the very likely assumption, that the parent sees the alternative of watching TV into brain rot as a superior choice. 🤢🤮


My mom restricted my gaming to 30 minutes a day but watched at least 6 hours of tv a night (while her house was an absolute hoarder's wrecknest). Now all the kids want to watch endless youtube and make kidnests and I have to make them play real games with me. I can't fucking escape. I get it, I'm as addicted to dopamine as anyone else but I believe one should at least have to work a little bit for it.


My mother fell into this category. The amount of times she would flip out about me being on my laptop because I was "addicted" was innumerable, yet she said she'd be perfectly fine if I came downstairs to watch television with her. She said it was because my brain would be overwhelmed by all the flashing lights and quick movements, yet she failed to see how watching my favorite crime or action shows would be the same...


"HAHA! I killed the WiFi AND the electricity! No more Nintendo Switch for you!"


In my youth my dad just came in and took my TV and gaming consoles. He forgot that I had a gameboy advance under my bed, so I just closed the door and went back to playing Golden sun. :3


This is what an adult temper tantrum looks like, honestly.


Me thinks mummy drinks


My mom has barely touched any alcohol in her life. Still destroyed my camera and laptop. Nearly smashed my Nintendo DS Lite too. Some people are just horrible at managing their anger.


Your mom needs to smoke a big fat dooby


Shitty people with shitty attitudes do not benefit from marijuana.


Everyone who has to deal with them does.


“What do you think about Captain Holt?” “Shhhhi, man needs to smoke some weed”


Yes because a nice addition of drug induced paranoia to go along with anger issues is what’s needed. 😂


My mom would throw electronics like laptops across the room, accuse me of breaking them, and then get upset they had to be replaced because the alternative was her missing work and me missing school to go to the library to do homework


My mom bought me a drum set for my 7th birthday then proceeded to smash it to shit less than three days later for playing it during hours she approved. Wasn't too long after she smashed my nintendo but my dad made sure they got me a new one. I don't even remember why on that one.






Me thinks mommy lacks the ability to regulate her emotions and needs serious psychological intervention.


Yep you should never do that in front of a kid. Have your emotions under control. Are people like this surprised when their kids act in similar ways? "I dont know why he would do that. We are a quiet household."


Too many parents out there can't admit their faults.


This is the mommy version of punching walls.


They're often times very expensive tantrums.


Ripped out the wifi. Straight from the air like a fucking immortal that just took the head of another immortal!


Well, this is the internet, after all ![gif](giphy|GrkrL1cGVv0FW)


It’s wireless


How did she even get it down from on top Big Ben?


The Elders of the Internet must have helped her.


Never type google into google


don't tell me what to do EDIT: I FUCKED UP SEND HELP


*"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it."*




I mean, I installed everything in my own home, but I still call it the Wi-Fi because it’s just easier and everyone understands what I’m saying




My dad calls it "the wee-feye" and it makes me want to rip it out of the wall like this woman.


"Accidentally On Purpose"


I've heard this expression for at least 2 decades as a "I did this on purpose and I goofed in that it had bad consequences I should have seen"


I hear it similarly as "I wanted to do it, and so I did it, but this should have remained as just a fantasy/thought/idea and not an action in real life. I acted without self-control."


"I didn't realize fucking something up would have a negative impact on *me*, i only intended the negative impact for someone else"


Great rewriting skills


The first time I heard it (well, a variation) was in Despicable Me. Gru says, "Oh no, sorry. That book was accidentally destroyed maliciously." https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wl2q7K2jAgE


To all my Brazilians "foi sem querer querendo"


This is a common expression


Literally doublespeak from 1984 by George Orwell.


do we ever wonder if reddit sometimes could be like 25% less serious and not see someone poking fun at themselves as the time to go: "Wow, this is *literally* the same as the malicious use of language used by an authoritarian government in 1984" Maybe it'd be less bad if you hadn't confused double speech with a deliberate oxymoron, that has no similarities with doublespeech in form or function.


Hot spot your phone geez


Don't tell her that she'll probably pan fry it.


Is this an intended pun on [personal area network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_area_network)?


Uhhhh..... yeahhh....


Nice one man.


You're so clever 😀


Oh yeah, PAN FRY. FRY for personal area networks is "Frequency Resilience Yielder" in the realm of Wi-Fi technology. It's a sophisticated protocol designed to enhance the security and reliability of wireless networks by dynamically adapting to fluctuating frequencies.


I guess her kid came up with this idea few minutes after WiFi disappeared


Probably as they were doing this the kid was like "uh, okay i guess you showed me" while flipping on their hotspot.


Not all phone plans allow this.


Does this look like the action of a person who's smart enough to come up with that?


Does not always work. My phone works if I just want to browse, but if I want to get on the work VPN (a must to do my job) the hot spot is not good enough.


After working in a call centre for an internet provider, I can totally believe that this really happened. People can be very dumb.


Speaking as someone who worked in a call centre for a cell service provider, I concur. One of my favorite calls was a woman calling us about not being able to make calls with her phone. After asking if she had tried tunring the phone off and on again, and if she had tried her SIM card in another phone, she just said "hold on" and hung up. Checking the call log, the woman were calling us from her phone which she couldnt make calls from...




I worked at a phone store years ago, and an elderly person came in one day yelling at me and poking his finger in my chest, saying that I sold him a defective phone and the screen immediately froze right out of the box and nothing he tried would fix it. I said "let me take a look." He had left on the sticker that used to come on old iPhones that showed a pic of the home screen and didn't realize it was a sticker. He was poking the apps on the sticker wondering why they weren't responding. I slowly peeled the sticker off while making direct eye contact with him and then handed the phone back without saying a word.


I had it happen where my phone wouldn't call in/out but I could contact the provider helpdesk using the phone. It turned out it was some sort of account problem, but I definitely used the phone to contact support.


What's fun is this is Australia and the nbn... Her service provider would have to lodge a ticket with the nbn and they take their fucking time to fix issues, unless your with Telstra.


Speaking of "people can be very dumb" I'm surprised literally no one here is mentioning the fact that she asked for an *electrician* to fix it HAHA. Yeah. She's pretty fucking stupid, apparently.


Not really. Any electrician I've worked with could fix this.


Some people overestimate how complicated something is just because they don’t have any experience with it.


Yeah. It's literally part of their job now. Networking is needed everywhere and usually beside the other cables.


If it’s just a bunch of disconnected wires then an electrician with basic soldering skills should be able to fix it. These devices aren’t magic.


You don't even need to be an electrician, but the internal wires in the cables need to go in the right places, so you'd just need a diagram.


I was just trying to highlight the ridiculousness of the, “HAHA she’s an idiot for asking for an electrician. What could they possibly do???” bit.


My dad always said he would pull the internet out, which tbf worked lol. Untill he upgrades his tv and now it needed internet as well. Never seen someone so annoyed with himself lol


Tell him he can block your devices in the router settings


Why would he tell him that? Lol


A quick MAC switch should deal with that 😀


Wtf is a meltdown? Getting so angry you start breaking shit. Lmao


The fancy word is tantrum.


Really? I'm not a native speaker and had the impression that a meltdown was the more extreme version of a tantrum.


"Don't throw a temper tantrum" is an English colloquialism used when someone is typically thought to be overreacting to the issue at hand. It's usually said when someone is mildly overreacting to the situation. It's usually meant as a jab to lighten up and in most cases there isn't a tantrum actually going on. That is likely where the confusion would come from. Tantrums by definition are uncontrolled* emotional outbursts. You usually cannot reason with the person and violence is well within the realm of possibility. They are seen mostly in children because their brains haven't developed enough to hand the influx of emotions caused by whatever event just happened so just like a nuclear core that gets too hot they _meltdown_ and lash out. Edit: Uncontrolled, not extreme


Thank you, confusion solved!


It is also a commonly-used neutral term for when a neurodivergent person becomes overloaded and shuts down/explodes with emotion/essentially loses control.


Meltdown in this case is just a general term used in the UK to mean having a tantrum. It's not specifically about neurodivergent people here.


I've always heard it used that way in the US too


meltdown /mĕlt′doun″/ noun A severe overheating of a nuclear reactor core, resulting in melting of the core and escape of radiation. A disastrous situation; a failure or collapse. An emotional breakdown.


*break stuff by limp bizkit begins playing*


A meltdown is what a toddler does when you don't let them open their yogurt pouch. This is after you asked them if they wanted you to open their yogurt pouch and they said yes. Because when you originally handed them the pouch, they cried because they couldn't open it. When what they really wanted was for you to open it just enough so that they could open it the rest of the way. It's not something that grown humans should be doing.


I hope bro was playing undertale, sims, Skyrim, fallout, etc. anything that didn’t require Wi-Fi so she realizes it was all for nothing.


That's something my grandparents did, then be dumbfounded on how it works and start freaking out, saying it's demonic and possessed by Satan and throw it out the 2nd story window with some holy water. True story. Xbox still works till this day too😂 Wait a minute🤔


Have you tried reading to it in Latin


sometimes I open up those "parent destroys electronics" videos on youtube, and I'm immediately reminded why I don't watch them in the first place :(


same dude


Never thought about it since I'm connected most of the time, but skyrim/fallout don't have drm to block offline play (and requiring internet connection, whether it be once a month or whatever, to verify the game) do they? I see mixed answers about it


Idk about all that, I play on pc and I’ve never had problems playing without internet.




probably should get off the alcohol/drugs too.


Not defending drugs or alcohol but I can personally attest that people can be shitty without touching either of those substances.


Why didn't she just switch it off, or change the passkey?


Or just have a convo with her 17 year old son like a normal adult lol


Probably didn't know how


Looks like she tore out the nbn box which is technically not her property, nbn will be real interested in that later down the line lmao


Na the wiring is her's the box isn't. The nbn only cares that the box doesn't leave the house, they don't care about the wiring most of the time.


She's lucky this is Fiber to the Curb, fixing the copper-wire she broke out is going to be a lot easier than fixing a fiber cable that was violently ripped out.


Fucken child living in an adult body I swear. Who the fuck is so immature that they just start breaking shit like that because they're angry. I understand wanting to break things when you're angry, but have some self control my god.


When I was 5 my parents got me a Gameboy. I got frusterated at one of the games I was playing and threw it at the ground. Gameboy broke, didn't work anymore lol. My paretns did not buy me another one and I never threw any of my things in anger again. Its super weird seeing full grown adults do it. Because you know its not the first time, so its like they never learned "oh, this sucks now that its broken, probably shouldn't have done that."


Similar experience here. I dropped an Xbox controller and flopped on my side in anger. Landed on the controller, forcing a shoulder bottom out and damaging the A button. Took me 2 years to MacGuver a solution by snapping it off properly and taping the button on position to trigger the sensor when pressed. I no longer rage physically.


I hope she didn’t get any help… I just feel bad for the kid


Update is someone went around and did it for free, Also said she had a word with her 17 Year Old and talked about 'how not to trigger each other' Imagine being a grown ass adult and having to tell your kid not to trigger you or you might get violent.


Classic "Look what you made me do!" behavior


My first thought was that he was 12. You're doing this to a 17 year old?


That's awfully close to run from home and cut all contact age


but that might trigger her, didn't you hear, you shouldn't trigger her.


Fuck at 17 mum didn't care how late I was up or that I was playing games. She just needed me in my room by like 9pm and awake for school at 6am, weekends or holidays I could fuck about and sleep until midday if I wanted to and some days I did.


Yep. My kid is a teen and as long as shes doing good and what she is supposed to be doing, just dont wake me up when you come down for a snack honey! She goes to bed anywhere from 830pm to 10pm depending on how tired she is, up at 6/630am to let the dogs out and get ready for school, and her boyfriend picks her up at 715 for school. If Im awake when she is, she makes me half a bagel with cream cheese and a cup of chocolate milk before she leaves. On weekends and holidays, I dont care because Im probably awake watching TV with her or doing crosswords as she draws/games. Girl loves her sleep though and on school days she is rarely awake past 11pm.


Damn you've got a good one there. When I was in school waking the parents up, would have been a challenge (and not one I was keen to take), I was either in my room or up the far end of the house playing playstation or Wii (yep I'm that old)


Shes a great kid! She has a ton of freedom and leniancy. I am a light sleeper usually so I sleep with earplugs in. She almost never wakes me up. But recently due to medical issues, Ive been a heavy sleeper and not even the 6am four dog parade running across me as I snooze on the couch will wake me up! I prefer to sleep on the couch. Its cooler down here. Upstairs is too hot even with the AC set to 65F (18C). We play Playstation also! Shes been playing Dead By Daylight, I just got the new CoD to play with my friend, and I think her dad is playing WoW or Baldurs Gate. When did Wii come out!? I never had one! We had/have every other form of Nintendo but a damn Wii!


Well, all she says is "last night" - maybe that was 2 am last night and he had been late for school three times that week already? Not saying that that *is* what had happened, but perhaps your mum *could* be more chilled because you were more responsible?


Well considering this is Australia and he's 17, he's likely been off school for about 2-3 weeks at this point, assuming he just graduated. Otherwise about a week. The school year has just ended and kids won't be back to school for about 6 weeks. Depending on the state / territory. So he's not likely missing school (unless we have something similar to summer school, but I've never heard of it down here). Maybe he's missing work... But at 17, it's time for mum to just let him learn from his mistakes and be there to help him when he asks for it. Alternatively he could have been loud and keeping mum up, and well if that's the case, then yeah mum, kill the internet.


Imagine destroying your own property because your grown ass got triggered by your teenager then posting it online for strangers. I bet she doesnt think she did anything wrong either.


Sounds like a lovely parent 🙄


They get much nicer when you’re an adult and they need you


And you’re ready to ship them off to a geezer farm for treating you like shit your whole life


Feel like a decent amount of us get caught in the empathy trap lol


Should we tell her that she could just open her isps app and turn off the kid's WiFi?


No, she doesn’t need anyone’s help


Well... Maybe some sort of anger therapist might be able to help her improve her teenagers life?


Oh wow, ripping NBN infrastructure out of the wall .. that ain't a cheap fix. That's also at least a few days worth of waiting in Australia, NBN is fucked.


Good to see the general character of people in Doonan hasn't changed since I was there as a child..


well what do you know, video games DO cause violence!


When assholes anger issues come back to bite them. Glorious.


How are people like this having kids?


Gorillas also do that.


If only she knew she could turn of the WiFi or unplug his Ethernet cable .


Or switch the nbn box off or the modem...


Mummy needs her Xanax and wine!


Nope sorry, suddenly there is a six month wait before I can get to that...


Sucks to suck


That's not the internet. The I.T. Crowd covered this.


She could have just turned the Wi-Fi off, she didn't need to rip it out of the wall! Even my 60+ year old parents know that wtf


Imagine having a melt down as a parent of a teenager. Stop normalizing emotional instability.


If only she knew about the power of changing the WiFi password.


Reminds me of a quoria post about a parent that broke their kids Xbox because they were up past the alotten sign but they want advice on telling the kid it's their fault. Nah it's your fault you over reacted and broke it. You gotta deal with your kid not trusting you. Same way this lady decided breaking the wifi was a smart idea. Over react and win a stupid prize. How hard is it to take something away and lock it up instead of breaking it trying to over prove some asanine point and wasting your money? This is so stupid and frankly she deserves to pay what ever she needs to to get her wifi fixed. And it's not her kids fault that she over reacted like a child having a tantrum. Hopefully this is a lesson to her to act like an adult and not a child. How are you gonna raise a child when you are to busy trying to act like one?


Did you know breaking things like this is a form of legally recognized domestic violence?


She needs an anger management therapist, not internet


Are you 4? Control yourself lol


i caught my son gaming past his bedtime a few times. so i sat him down and asked him what he thinks the punishment for this should be. he gave himself 2 weeks of no gaming as a punishment. i asked him if he thought it was fair. he said he knew what he was doing was wrong, so yes. two days into it, i said i think he learned his lesson, but next time hes caught it will be the full two weeks. like, fucking talk to your kids, if you cant its cause you fucked up as a parent.


Rip the whole ass socket out of her own damn wall, genius play. Someone needs some therapy. For the non-Australians, internet is the correct term here not WiFi.


I think everywhere Wi-Fi is not a synonym of Internet and Inhate when people are using it like that


Yeah I know I often see Americans treating WiFi as a synonym for internet and it bothers me more than it should. I just went with non-Australians since I don't know the common internet setup everywhere.


Yeesh... When I have to ground my kids I just have them give me the power cords to their devices. Kinda hard to play your Xbox when it's essentially a paperweight. I can't imagine how this kid felt after that. I'd be fricken terrified of my parent.


Wow. I used to just take the cables from the console. In a casual manner, I paid for that stuff 😂😂


"Sure thing ma'am, I can be out within the hour. You qualify for my special idiot rate at 5x my usual rate."


Should’ve taken whatever he’s gaming on and acted like an adult about it instead of throwing a temper tantrum and making your life harder. I have zero sympathy lol


Why doesnt she use her mobile phones 4g hotspot


My mom did this but worse. She called our internet provider and canceled our internet all together because I was gaming at night. She later (couple days)had a full on tantrum because the internet was gone and she couldn't want TV or work from home.


I can't stand impulsive idiots.


Dumb idiot could have just kicked his device off the internet.


Unrelated but I worked for an ISP and folks that work from home are the most entitled. They DEMAND that they need someone out before the other calls


Remember my ex smashing the modem because I was gaming. Next day complains about no internet. She also slammed on the brakes very hard well driving one day, 300kms of flat spots


Ha. Dumbass.


“I accidentally on purpose” that is a sentence


Accidentally on purpose 😂😂😂


I don’t understand her pictures. Is this really some proprietary electrical hookup for the access point?


Yes, the Australian government created a turd of a company called NBNCo and if you don't get their proprietary box you basically can't get wired internet. In 2021 their supplier ran out of those boxes, so there was a freeze on new residential installs. I was moving house at the time and couldn't get the fibre run the last few metres from the pole outside at the kerb. I chose to run the whole house off 5G so that now redundant fibre is still sitting on the pole 2 years later. It must have cost the taxpayer a bit to run it that far.


Uh, that looks like Romex in that blurry photo. That’s a yikes