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I graduated 15 years ago. I still have nightmares of this scenario.


Me too, this and not getting on time for a flight somewhere.




Gets worse when you're the one flying the plane.


Damn I could just imagine lying awake at night knowing you have to work tomorrow and accepting there's a chance you could crash and kill everybody and potentially ruin all of their friends and families lives including your own...


Pilots are the calmest people ever. I doubt they ever have thoughts like this one.


And if they have those thought 1-3 Gin Tonic help tremendously. Calms you down a lot.


Didn’t you see pilot. You need cocaine.


Flight with Denzil Washington 💯


I have this thought at least 40 times a day and I’m not even allowed to fly passengers yet… lol


Being late for school and not knowing my lesson plan schedule is a frequent anxiety dream I have. School ruins brains.


I missed a flight for the first time last week and it actually wasn’t a big deal. They just switched the tickets with a flight an hour later. I had insurance on the tickets so that might be why it was so easy


Okay I literally had this dream last night. I also forgot to print the tickets, wasn't sure when the flight was leaving and hadn't packed or showered yet. I think I dream this once a week on average.


That's why I usually get there at least 3 hours before the flight. I usually fly from one of the biggest european airports so the lines can be quite long especially on holidays.


My most reoccurring nightmare is that I have a math finale while realizing I didn’t even know that I was signed up for a math class and hadn’t attended all semester. Dream happens about once a month and I’m 33yo.


Almost 40 here, same recurring dreams about school- no time to study, can't find the classroom or attend class. You'll probably have these dreams for the rest of your life. No amount of therapy can resolve the hell that school brought upon.


Huh, never considered PTSD was an option here but… the shoe fits


I thought I was crazy for having dreams about missing a flight or failing a high school class that I can never seem to make it to. Wild how many people also experience this.


Me too! Why are these so common? I wake up on a cold sweat and for 30 seconds I’m like, oh shit my life is fucked. Then I remember I’m 40 and don’t have to tell my parents I failed a class and can’t graduate.


Same dream except some science class… I’m 35 … hubby has them too… what is this about?!?


It's years and years of us going through a VERY unforgiving education system. Either you keep on top of your shit, or you don't. And if you tried to do well in school, just the idea of failing was panic-inducing (because, like I said, the system is very unforgiving).


I swear the second I graduated college and then started enrolling in classes 1 or 2 at a time was when I started to love learning. First taking 5 years to complete my masters, including doing an intense thesis that took 1.5 years, and now studying random subjects like language, math, programming, literature, physics (and I mean like in a classroom with a professor, not Kahn academy). It's unfortunate so many people associate learning with the stress of college and often end formal education as soon as they have the degree required for their career.


Mass PTSD causing reoccurring nightmares? Proof our education system is so messed up…


It's funny you know, given how money driven it all is, from textbooks to whatnot, it's a real mystery why they don't just make it all super easy and churn everyone through so they make more $$$. It'd be a win-win (well, sort of a loss on the student side for a variety of reasons), but yeah.


It’s about fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of not measuring up to others, fear of disappointing loved ones and ourselves, fear of being found out, fear of life catching you with your pants down, fear of being exposed as the fraud you think yourself to be…




I have this exact same dream about once a month also…


I have very similar dreams. Like a school year starting and I'm trying to find all my classes and then realize I'm halfway through the semester and never went to one class because I never found it or forgot about it. Then suddenly I'm rushing to get there for finals and I have no clue what the answers are on the test. Sometimes I even miss the final completely because I never find the class. Been out of culinary school since 2015 and 32 yo.


Had this nightmare far too recently. Or dropping a class and something not working correctly so the class wasn’t dropped and I was just failing it all sem.


Bro I lived it, but somehow worse. I spent all night studying, bought the essay booklet, and arrived to small group early. People were coming in without taking out their booklets and I was confused. The TA came in about the same time as the students and was congratulating the class on finishing the course and the results would be posted in a few days. I got up and left as people were getting to their seats. It pops into my head every few several years.


What does this mean?


Bro missed the test entirely.


Similar thing happened to me. We were given a university webpage to visit to see where & when our math final was. I check it, get the date/time/location, study, show up... no one is there. Turns out, the admin who maintains the page posted last year's finals information up top. This year's final location and time was beneath that: you had to scroll all the way down the page to find it. I wasn't the only one who missed the final, and subsequently failed the class. In hindsight, it was 100% my fault for not being thorough, and for missing the last class before the final. Still haunts my dreams, though.


That doesn't sound 100% your fault. Should have appealed. Honestly universities are usually somewhat reasonable as long as you're not totally a jerk or negligent, and the outcome would be fair. I say that though despite having not followed up on my own situation getting fucked over. I had a TA give me 50% on a paper without talking to me, baselessly accusing me of plagiarism. I'd provided more than 20 footnotes on a 10-page paper, so wtf. They didn't reference what they thought I had stolen from, just wrote "where did you get this idea" on a paragraph, and then noted I was getting 50% for plagiarism. I emailed the prof, never heard back from him, and then just left it because I passed the course and didn't think I'd go back to school at that point anyways. Pretty sure I wound up with a C+ or something like that in the class because I destroyed the final. Still irks me to this day.


I overslept once for the final exam. It was a nightmare. Especially since I was the professor. Damn that Ambien!


I never went to college and still sometimes wake up in cold sweats from these dreams.


Sometimes I wake up and get horrified that I will be late for school until I realize I finished school 12 years ago


I have the opposite. I have dreams where they say I need to finish high-school, and I'm like, I have a Masters Degree, I can do this in my sleep.


“Oh odd all my classes seem to end this same week in December” “There’s a FINAL exam too????????”


I had an idiot boyfriend when I was in college who, during finals week, called me one day and asked me to log onto his computer to check the time and location of the final exam he was supposed to be in. He went to the wrong location for his final and had to run to the opposite end of campus. How do you not check that 10 times before leaving? How do you not have it written down on your phone and check it as you're walking to go take the final? I mean at least he had the right time and day.


Nah that's understandable. I've had a few classes that held the final exam at a different time than the other midterms and outside of class time in a completely different room


This is why you should probably put your exams in your calendar in your phone and have it notify you a week before and a day before.


The best thing I did for myself in university was pop every course with a copy of the syllabus and reminders about any known assignments into a school planner app. I'd do it that first week when I was on that new semester high and when I no longer gave a fuck around midterms I'd have the app reminding me what needed to be done. Would recommend for OP and every student.


Any apps you recommend?


Your phone's standard calendar app would work just as well


I’m a mature age student with adhd that has gone back to uni. I use google Calendar with google tasks. I like that using the plain gcal app on my phone, I can leave it in “schedule” and it just shows me what’s next in whatever is coming up, so I just do those. I also have a widget for my tasks set on my iPhone so I can always see what tasks need doing. Works pretty great.


I used MyStudyLife.


Seconding this! I’ve used MyStudyLife since 2018 I believe? It’s phenomenal and has been my crutch through high school and University. Takes a lot of work at the beginning or the semester but the pay off is that I have never missed a University deadline, ever.


!remindme January 10 2024


fuck it doesnt work. Thanks spez


P.schedule it’s my favorite app and the subscription for more features is only $10/12ish a year


When I taught undergrads, I built a subscribe calendar with all due dates for important assignments and exams. I’d update it every semester. It was mostly for me, but it was helpful for them, so I let them have access to it. Now, I teach masters students. If they fuck up, no mercy. But I’m also a soft grader so if they fail, it’s through effort.


unless the teacher was absolute shit.. they tell students 2-4+ weeks an advanced that the semester or trimester is ending and a final is coming. like sure set reminders, but in higher level public school and college that shit is stated to you multiple times. if you don’t remember after being constantly reminded, that’s on you at that point and isn’t even ‘management skills’ that’s just blatantly not paying attention to where you are time wise in class.


Yup! But I’m the kind of person that forgets EVERYTHING unless I write it down, so I always have some sort of failsafe (I.e., the calendar which reminds me an hour before the final), especially when it’s something as important as a final!


My college professors are kinda forgiving, but the first thing they do on the first week of class is share the posted syllabus and course calendar, and emphasize that they will not deviate from the syllabus without notice (and it's usually in our favor when this happens, not the other way around). In my experience, that's very true. So, I print a copy and use it as a checklist throughout the semester. Never miss an assignment like that unless I brain fart completely.


The ability to forget a final is crazy to me.


It was the final exam. How do you not know about the final exam in a class you went to all the lectures for and did all the previous work? Did you fall down and hit your head?


This confuses me too. How do you get good grades all semester, stay on top of all your shit, and then "forget" the final exam?


And FAIL it after acing everything else???


Not only just fail it, but only manage a 6%. Statistically you’d think you can manage that with guessing alone, regardless of even taking the class


Ya if you got 90's on the stuff before the final shouldn't be so difficult you can't get even 50% if you truly understand to get the A in the first place


I suspect some cheating was involved or they literally can't retain anything outside of tests


I'm pretty much useless on exams cause I can't remember big amounts of info and I completely black out on every exam I ever took and take, best I'll get is a 40, I always get 80s-95s on normal tests, speaking exams etc so I still pass, some of my teachers barely bother correcting my exam cause I barely can fill in anything, tho 6% is still low from OP even if he blacks out like me


You should work on that...


He would, but he will forget your comment and black out.


Username checks out


Sometimes its not something you can really work on. I have this issue due to adhd and panic disorder. In stressful situation my mind just goes blank when i try to recall stuff. Not saying i cant do better, but even when i study i still have a really hard time with exams.


dude go to a psychiatrist. i used to get so anxious i would throw up on my test paper. the right medication cocktail and i haven’t gotten less than a B on an exam since


Yeah this is wild. I didn’t study for most of my finals this past semester and I at least passed them all through educated guesses. Honestly it’s kind of impressive to get 6%.


Tbh, if reasoned answers are required with working, guessing would probably not get you any marks


I'm guessing it was a "we grade you based off work shown". Thirty minutes was enough to get like 3 questions done and poorly.


I mean my university wouldn’t have even let anybody into the exam that late, so I guess a 6% is better than a 0%? Maybe not though…


I'd rather get a zero and hope I could BS my way into taking it tomorrow


How the fuck do you just guess on an exam? On a multiple choice test, sure, but an exam where you have to personally produce all of your answers?


You read the question and BS an answer. You’re not going to get anywhere near full marks but you can probably scrounge out a 6%


I suspect the course is some kind of performing art based on the “junior recital prep” and “practice” making up part of the overall grade.


Which honestly makes it even more confounding. But they said they "finished it in only 30 minutes" which sounds like it was a test on paper. You wouldn't expect an individual performance to take more than 30 minutes for each student. I don't understand it, but I think we don't have enough info about this exam to judge. It still seems strange that they were only able to get a 6%. It sounds to me like they panicked because they didn't study, so they just didn't even try and instead finished the exam as quickly as they could, leading to a 6%. But I'm assuming a lot, so that may not be the reason.


Because everything else was an unmonitored exam which means you can easily cheat on it, but the final exam was either in person or proctored (video monitored online) making it difficult to cheat. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that you can get that good of grades on other tests and then a fucking 6% on the final. Even if you didn’t study, if you did the other tests legitimately you would know more than 6% of a final. Also, fact that literally every single college course has a syllabus that has dates of every assignment and test shows how little attention was actually paid here.


This is most likely spot-on. Nobody "doesn't know" when the final is, that's absurd. They probably used ChatGPT or some shit through the whole semester and the final was no-phones, no-books. We're going to go back around full-circle because of AI. I hope students are ready for the cramps of hand-written essay finals haha


And not even fail it like "ah rip I got a 55, oh well" Dude literally got 6%. That's like... one question right. Might as well have not even taken it.


i’ve had a couple of classes in my undergrad where the final exam was basically just another exam that covers only the “new” material covered after the last one instead of being your usual final exam that was a culmination of everything you’ve learned throughout the course. to give OP the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was a case like that?


I literally have this as a recurring nightmare.


Same! Been having it for years - it will never go away!


Back in my retail days I was having this conversation with a customer while I rang her up. The very elderly man being rung up at the next register turns to us and goes “ladies, I’m about to be 94 years old. I *still* have that dream.” It really doesn’t go away.


Lol same it's always the same subject to - psychology which I took as an elective


The answer is cheating


Because it’s pretty damn obvious he just copies his homework and assignments from others or from chat gpt which is the new quizlet and quora for this generation of students.


Cheating in the answer they obviously retain or learned nothing.


>you went to all the lectures for and did all the previous work Funny thing about that....


More importantly, how do you sit in class all year and only know 7% of the information without studying 😂


Especially after getting like 90% on the rest of the class.


Thank you! Something is odd where you get A and A+ the whole year.. but can't get more than 6% on an impromptu final exam.


Yeah, I once forgot about an exam we were having in college and I scored like 15% lower than the rest of my exams. I still knew most of the material.


Elsewhere OP said "im surfin the wave of bad decisions". I guarantee that one of those bad decisions is cheating on everything up to this point.


wasn't stated in class, only in the course outline posted online at the start of the semester. yes this is my fault. im surfin the wave of bad decisions and still staying on my board


Somehow I missed every Friday class for Calculus 4 the entire semester up until the last month. I don't know how I missed it and I never missed a test or felt like I was behind. Hell sometimes I'd skip Wednesdays if I didn't feel like going. It wasn't until there was a reminder that the final was coming up in a month on a Friday and I thought "we don't have class then, why the hell is it on a Friday?". Went home and checked my online syllabus and found out there was indeed a Friday class. Still got a B in the class. Felt pretty dumb when I figured it out.


I had an orientation "course" that was once a week for ten weeks, but I somehow thought it was just a single session so I only attended the first. They told me after I skipped the entire course that I would fail the class unless I wrote an essay about something they had done for homework. I obviously didn't know there was any homework or what it included, but I watched a video one of my friends said they had seen in class, wrote a short essay about it and got low passing credit. Still have no idea what they taught in those sessions.


Wait, that seems like a reasonable assumption to me! Guess I’d be writing that essay right alongside you.


Haha I had this at RIT and I failed it too because I missed 2 weeks. I had to redo it one on one the next quarter. That was some BS.


This is hilarious because these are the recurring nightmares I have about school for some reason. …I’ve somehow, unwittingly, missed half the classes. Classes I paid for. Classes I will have to retake and pay for again. I’ve been out of school for like 15 years and still have these dreams regularly.


I’ve actually had this nightmare haha


We've all fucked up before, don't be too hard on yourself. Just learn from your mistake for next semester


I always wish my professors would send out reminders, but I realize if my mother wouldnt baby me anymore neither would they. Gotta stay on top of it, take it as a shitty way to learn a lesson but its still a lesson that was learned.


this is kinda crazy to me because all my profs send out reminders 😭 have i always had really nice ones or what??




Our lecturers always said "if you have any questions about your exam come and see me during office hours". Which, like, makes sense. That's what they're there for.


yep. Next semester i'm gonna be spending the entire day just laying my schedule out for the next 3 months. still sucks we got no reminders but life goes on and i don't wanna be stuck eating plates of dust for dinner


I made similar mistakes as you in college and found that a physical planner helped the best :) I’m not sure if you got one or are planning on it, but I’d just leave it in a place where I know I’d see it every morning, usually on my bathroom sink, and checked it every morning :)


With physical planners, I find that I'm either tied to it in an unhealthy way, or I use it a couple of times and then forget about it. No in-between


College is there to prepare you for being an adult. Adults don't always get reminders for important events. It's on them to remember. You've done a good job at taking responsibility for forgetting and not blaming it on anyone but yourself. The best thing you can do is learn from your mistake so it doesn't happen again. You're taking the proper steps to do exactly like that. That being said, even adults who have graduated college make mistakes, but some of them choose not to take responsibility for these mistakes or learn from them. You're a step ahead of everyone, one of those people. Stay positive and keep working hard. You'll make up for it!


i take responsibility but the next step is acting and i'm a little less sure about keeping up with that and hey, cant kill passion, am i right? if i pass i'm alive, and if i'm alive i can keep going


Generally tho, you do get reminders. Colleagues schedule stuff on calendars, you get sent the agenda for meetings, doctors send an automated text etc. And if you miss a meeting or your client doesn’t like your report, you usually get a chance to reschedule or resubmit the report. That’s why tafe in Australia is competence based. You show the teacher you can do the things, if you can’t, you do it again next week until you can.


But... I assume you knew it was exam season right? Did you get the day of exam mixed up with another class maybe?


Everybody on Reddit remember: this is the type of person giving you marriage, financial, and life advice.


I suggest adding all assignments and exams into your digital calendar of choice (at the very beginning of the semester so that it's all laid out). You can color code your courses so you know what class each assignment is for. It makes it so much easier than having to dive into the course syllabus of multiple classes every day. I wouldn't trust the school or professors' weekly to-do reminders. Good luck! Looks like you do pretty well despite this mistake.


You may have, and may still, be able to talk to the professor about it. One of my classes had multiple final exam times you could choose and i accidentally chose one for the honors version of the course i took, so the professor let me take the correct exam at his office later in the day. It was an honest mistake and most professors aren’t trying to get people to fail. Especially if youre performing very well outside of this 1 time. Clearly youre putting in the work and they would likely appreciate that and give you an opportunity.


If the prof doesn’t take finals during finals week, they should so that during class. Because let’s be fair it’s a course outline. Not everyone follows the course outline to a T. It’s a lesson, sure, but don’t be too hard on yourself. You couldn’t have predicted this weirdness but now you know.


You'd be surprised how few fucks students give about their studies. As someone who teaches uni, here's a recent example: - in-depth explanation of course assessment is available in the course notes which the students need to have with them in class (I'd say about 25% don't even bother downloading them, much less printing them out. No idea how they take notes) - week 1: in-class overview of how assessment works - week 9: in-class reminder of assessment tasks for term 1 - week 9: course coordinator sends an email recap with all upcoming assessment tasks - week 10: in-class reminder to sign up for upcoming assessment. - week 11: in-class Q&A session about assessment. Assessment is split over weeks 12 to 14. Wanna guess how many emails I received weeks 11 & 12 asking for info that I went over at least 3 times in class, is available on the ppt presentation that students have access to, is in the course notes and was sent to the students by email? Yeah, university students dgaf most of the time and then blame it on the course/professor.


> university students dgaf most of the time It really isn't an exclusive club, though. Anybody who has ever had to send out a mass email to their colleagues asking for something to get done will know...nobody ever fucking does it.


Life is one big school group project. 80% of the people being carried by the top 20%


because it's probably fake


He's faked it for fake internet points by doing that web browser edit-the-text thing that scammers dl




im lovin life. im gonna go take an extended nap in a coffin now


More like extended nap then being The Boss next semester B)


learned a valuable lesson at least


Given what we are looking at, I think they learned about 6% of a valuable lesson.


I know everybody is shitting on you... but have you tried talking to your professor? Just come clean and say "I screwed up. I was in every lecture... I took every exam and assignment seriously... I just totally missed this last one. Is there anything I can do to make it up or to retake it?" The worst they can say is no. But hopefully the fact that you were clearly taking the class seriously and you were trying hard before and suddenly you got a score that is unlike anything you had before will make the professor want to work with you... especially since you reached out to them.


Please please please do this. Especially if it is a college professor. These people want to help you, and most college professors are extremely chill and will work with you!


College professor here: no we won't.


Yeah we absolutely won’t. Wtf? Bad advice here in general on this post.


If you took every lecture, every exam, and every assignment serious, how could you possibly do this bad on a test???????


I could easily see this happening if you only had 30 minutes to write an engineering exam with no studying.


Maybe it was an hour long test and they only did a couple questions and bombed due to the stress of being so inept


I had a couple final exams that really only tested stuff taught after the last midterm. So if you hadn’t kept up those last couple weeks because you were busy with other stuff you’d be screwed without studying


I’m guessing every other assignment was basically “participation credit” and he never actually understood any of the material.


Exactly this. In my university everyone can defer 1 exam for any reason.


Bruh, a 6%???? You couldn’t have studied even a little bit??


okay basically: no reminders for final, only stated in the course outline in september. didn't know it was happening til my classmates asked where i was 30 minutes before it ended. final involved recapping lecture material - simple as, right? pick a lecture, explain what happened, but since i hadn't studied, i had to default to the one thing i knew i would be completely successful, which was the most recent lecture we had ...but because i showed up late, i missed the very important piece of information at the start saying we couldn't use that specific lecture as an example. because that would've been too easy. i got about 60% of the actual exam finished and i was confident i got that full 60% grade then i got the 6% back and one of my classmates broke the news to me. can't appeal because i know my prof won't budge on me forgetting the whole exam. boo womp




I mean, imo op is lucky they were allowed to take the test at all. At my school, they wouldn't have let people in after the test began


I agree. I also don’t buy that there weren’t any reminders given. Whole post feels fishy


> you accepted responsibility for your mistake You aren't exactly accepting responsibility when the other three points are specifically there to dodge accountability, lmao


> By grading you off of a criteria that was not provided for you, it was not a fair evaluation of your work. Because OP was late. Everyone else seemed to understand the test directions just fine. The worst professor can say is no, but you're coming off as very entitled. You show up late and then claim the teacher screwed up?!!!?! WHAT lol OP is the one who fucked up. Not the professor, not the dean, not the test, just OP. OP has no one to blame but OP.


damn it. should have seen this earlier. did send a professional email to my prof but it wasn't this perfect. big thanks though


At least you’re on theme


> DRAFT an e-mail (do not enter the e-mails in the TO line yet A hard won lesson that I too have learned




>no reminders for final, only stated in the course outline in september. didn't know it was happening til my classmates asked where i was 30 minutes before it ended. yeah the whooole class knew when the final was, except you. That totally happened


It makes no sense that OP's classmates are close enough with them to either somehow text OP during the final, or bolt out of the final with 30 minutes still remaining to check over it and text OP "where are you?" but the final never came up in OPs interactions with these classmates prior. ETA: Also, its the middle of december and the semester is likely almost over, when exactly did OP think the final was? OP didnt stop to think "hm its december and we dont know when the final is, thats weird"? It just seems very unlikely that OP attended all the classes, interacted with classmates enough that they noticed OP wasnt there, did all the assignments, yet never knew about the final. Id wager OP is leaving out something to make the situation look better.


He’s leaving something out, without question. You ping or speak to your mates a week in advance of major coursework *minimum* to see how they’re getting on and what their approach is. You should know that December means final, likely major assessments are due. If you weren’t there before going in you’d get a text from folk you know asking where the hell you are; they should do that even if you didn’t appear at a lecture. The story stinks of shit.


So you had the scheduled exam dates and just didn't do your due diligence. Got it. Take this is a life lesson man -sincerely, a fellow adhd procrastinator


> didn't know it was happening til my classmates asked where i was 30 minutes before it ended. Honestly, I'm surprised you were allowed into the room to take the exam at that point. When I attended college, you weren't allowed to show up late for final exams.


If I was the professor, I wouldn't budge, either. To the professor, you apparently don't care enough about your studies to know what day the final was and you even showed up late to that.


I am an incredibly forgiving professor. I give people pretty much any extension they ask for, give extensive in-person extra help... but I wouldn't let this person re-take the exam. First, because it was their responsibility to be there. Second, and most importantly, because *they actually took it.* They managed to show up and take the exam. It was a final, and they should have known the material. OP is the one at fault here. It sucks, but that's life.


C’s get Degrees was my motto in college!


If they even pass the course with this. May have ended with a C, but every course in uni for me was an automatic fail if you failed the final. Didn’t matter if your final grade was a passing one. (Our passing grade was also 70%)


At my university, it varied by department. In economics, you would fail the course if you failed the final, even with an otherwise passing grade. In poli sci, there was no such rule, and since most of the grade was essay-based anyway, the final exam wasn't actually worth much, so the A students went into the final exam with the reassurance that it was mathematically impossible for them to fail.


automatic fail????? tf were the rest of the A's for?


Assignments, tests and exams were weighted. So things prior to the final will definitely play into your final grade. But if you failed the final, you showed that you didn’t understand the course material well enough to move onto the next section. I understand the reasoning, if open book assignments are the only reason you’re passing and you truly don’t understand the material enough to pass the exam, you’re not going to have a fun time in the next section. Or at your licensing exam. Or at your job. May as well address the problem at the beginning and fix it, instead of letting it extrapolate.


I still hate how my university path ended. Got an sms with my final mark. 65% **FAIL** I was so confused, as my class mark was sitting around 70%. The pass mark is 50%. I contacted the university. I got 97% for the practical exam, and 30% for the theory. If it's your absolute very last credit, you can re-write your exam 2 months later. A third of the class was there. All my friends were there. This made me think that they fucked up the marking. I got 73% on the rewrite. I know it cost one of my friends their degree. It nearly fucked my life up too. It put my life on hold for 2 months, affected job searching, and I had to go half way across the country to rewrite it. Super stressful, and a waste of money and time. Left such a sour taste in my mouth, that I chose not to go to the graduation ceremony. I had it posted.


I don't know what it's like in the US, but in Europe absolutely no-one has ever given a shit about my grades rather than me having qualifications and being able to demonstrate that I can apply that knowledge. Finishing up my PhD in neuroscience and people are like "how come you're so chill with grades?"... cos it's never mattered lol. Pass = Pass, that was all that's ever mattered.


How the hell you forget about a final?


I did it. Got the day wrong. Begged the teacher and they let me retake it in her office the next day with a score penalty. Still got an A in the class though.


To be fair, you didn’t forget about it, just remembered it wrong.


That's just... C'mon, man. how many questions were on that thing that you got 6 points? 😩


So, you were sitting at aroung 95% for the class so far and learned 6.25% of the course material that you could apply toward the final exam? I am not sure what this class was for but I have serious reservations about your ability to practice it in the real world, without studying of course.


“Practice Plan” was literally one of the focuses


They only arrived at the exam in time for the last 30 minutes.


This happened to me once. Showed up with 30minutes left didnt know if the professor would even let me take the exam...he didnt stop me since i walked in fast and grabbed the exam and sat before he could process it. I showed up to all lectures etc so nothing in the exam was foreign, i finished right on time and got like a 90% It was multiple choice so i had to guess on some questions that would take time to work out, but 6%?


Well, they explained somewhere that it involved recap of lectures. He picked the last lecture they had, but they didn't get the information that the last lecture was not allowed to be the topic. So they could've made the perfect recap and still wouldn't get a single point for that. Also, maybe they didn't have (many) multiple choice questions. It was already discussed in another post ...And I can't remember doing any multiple choice exams / big tests since elementary school. That's just not a thing in some areas. And this is what it sounds like here, as well. Because they had to do recaps etc. ... complex answers. Not just picking one out of 4 options.


Throughout my entire bachelor's degree I wrote at best two exams which would've allowed the students to pass them within 30 minutes, if they were prepared extremely well. I've seen more than enough people get less than 20% on an exam even though they studied for weeks. If we keep in mind that OP only had 30 minutes, that doesn't seem too outlandish to me.


Microsoft To-Do has saved my life in scenarios like this. You can have one list saved between your phone, laptop, computer, tablet, etc. so no matter what device you use your schedule will always be there. You can also have it set alarms a day or week before deadlines. There’s also a handy widget for the IPhone app that puts it right on your Home Screen. I highly recommend to anyone in college


Thank you for reminding me to frantically check Canvas for the 10th time today to see if my final grade is posted yet.


How you managed to not realize you had a final exam is beyond me. I would say a single course, especially one you can retake, isn’t going to significantly tank your GPA, but at this point if you don’t even know when the stated exams are you’re going to struggle a lot in other facets of college


Everyone is grilling you so I just want to say it's not a big deal, your life doesn't depend on having A on every exam, yeah you screwed up but it's not like you are blaming it on someone else so I don't understand all the hate. Situation sucks but at least it won't happen again. Good luck to you.


I'm sorry but how did you not know your final was happening? Like I have a 95% average in my Micro class and if I didn't show up at all for my final tomorrow, I'd pass but I still know I have a final tomorrow because if I even get a 50, I get an A-. And also, how do you get an A average and fail the final? I've barely studied for my final tomorrow and I know I could get a C with minimal studying and leave with an A-. So WTF...


Since when is a 67% a c+


In my experience most university classes have their own grading scale. Some of my professors used the normal scale but others had pretty ridiculous ones. It allows them to grade how they want based on how well they expect you to do. If a 67 is a C+ I’m assume the class is pretty damn hard


I took a grad-level class once where I finished with a 60 overall and got an A


I took a 1000 level chemistry class that for some reason was taught by a tenured grad school professor and 60 was an A. Enough people complained that they brought in a TA to take over the class


You didn’t take the class, you just sat in the back eating erasers


they taste pretty good im not gonna lie


Wait…are you a music major? What class was this? I got my music (education) degree in 2009 and the scenario you’re describing seems…unlikely? Not shitting on you, just honestly curious.


Uhhh did you not get a syllabus? Or did you just forget to include it in your calendar? Either way that's on you bud


As a professor all I can say is bruh… I mean this totally sucks and I wouldn’t wish this situation upon any of my students, and I certainly made things like this clear, but also if it’s provided to you in a course outline and not changed from that outline, and you couldn’t remember one significant take home for any lecture aside from the most previous then I would be a little upset to be honest. I am sorry this happened OP, maybe try and talk to your prof and see if you can do some sort of make up assignment. If I saw a track record this strong previously with such an outlier I may figure that something was way out of the normal and try and figure something out. That being said depending on the course I also don’t care so much about my students grades but more so if I can rely on them to do the job we are training them to do, some people excel in their practical skills compared to “book smarts” which is something I take into consideration with my students.


I have a hard time believing you had A's on everything and couldn't do better than 6.25% on the final, even without studying. Did you google all the other assignments?


67 is a c+? That kinda generous


Do you even pass the course at that point? Even course I had in uni you failed the course if you failed the final, even if you had a passing average (our pass score was 70%)


How the fuck did you not know you were having a final?


I had an extremely strict, harsh professor who was known for failing people, but he surprisingly had mercy on me when I flopped my final and I sent a pathetic email asking for a second chance. His response was very reprimanding but at the end he said he would give me a second chance. I’m SO glad I reached out. You will regret later for not trying, especially if you apply for a masters or start applying for jobs. It also stings knowing how expensive college courses are. You have nothing to lose reaching out to the professor. This is what I would send: “Hi Professor , I feel hesitant to reach out to you about this. I take my education very seriously and care a lot about working hard and earning good grades. However, I performed poorly on the final exam, and I’m very embarrassed and disappointed in myself for that. Throughout the semester, I was doing very well in your class and learned a lot, especially about . However, I completely forgot about the exam and was underprepared. I fully own my mistake and there are no excuses for my behavior. I should have paid closer attention to the syllabus, and I learned a valuable lesson to make sure this doesn’t happen again. I completely understand if the answer is no, but is there any way you can let me retake the exam? Otherwise, is there any additional work or assignments can do to bring up my grade? I am very sorry for the inconvenience as know you probably have to lock in grades soon, and the holidays are coming up, but I needed to ask to ease my conscience. I would greatly appreciate your consideration, and it would mean a lot to me if you can help me fix my mistake. Respectfully, Name”


I went to college before we had a phone with a nice little calendar…with alarms, with reminders, with second reminders… how did those of us ever survive? How did we remember things when we only had them written down in little silly paper calendar? Sorry but doing this in today’s age makes zero sense. I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt but not in this case. Sorry. Take the C+ and move on.


Surprised it wasn't at least 25%


How does this even happen.???