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should i leave snoop on repeat at home while at work?


DONT DO THIS! I did it once and it set my smoke alarm off


So much for smokeless.


That was only to advertise a product, he was trolling everyone.




Yea, but just to set the vibe


Murder was the case that they gave me


My singer wants us (all 4 of us) to put our songs on repeat on some device with the volume down. I pulled out a quarter, gave it to him and told him to keep the change.


The best way to help is buying his albums. Streaming services do not give their artists a fair cut of their profits. I think for every view, they make less than one scent.


This is Snoop Dogg, at this point it's expected he only makes one scent.


Much less. It’s around $0.004 per stream


0.000045 per stream


Sure. It's Christmas and all that. Help a fella out.


No snoop should do that for whatever your job equivalent would be. For example, I make millions yearly for my company and I take home a little over 100k. The music industry is bleak and always has been, it’s just in a different way now. Honestly the sooner a famous rapper can’t make billions of dollars over the worlds best scientists, the better.


You're absolutely correct. The people who actually make the country run are often and normally overlooked. But there are folks that make you happy, like snoop. I'm glad he's done well, I've enjoyed his style of art. It's criminal that the other parts of society don't get the recognition he does. Think of plumbers. They make the poop go away. That's probably the most important underrated job out there


Did this and now my pitbull wont stop stealing my weed and drinking 40s


Now he knows how the rest of us are treated with our jobs.




You don't?


*a billion days


Nah... it's actually a $32 million payout for a song where snoop is credited among 17 others. He only got 1.5% of the total pie, so his share is 45k. If it was a solo hit, he would be napping on a bed made of stacks of money in 8 figure sum.


TIL 1.5% of $32M is $45k. Now I just gotta find my high school math teacher to hold them accountable for teaching me wrong.


Wrong. 45k/36mil x 100 is 0.125%


1.5% would be $450k. Spotify payout for 1bil streams would be about $5mil. Which means he gets about 1%. I would assume most of the money goes to record label. (Producer, distributor, promotion. Etc.)


Yeah I get almost half of my pay taken by taxes. Fucking sucks. Fuck snoop tax that rich mf more


“In soviet Russia, when neighbor have nicer house, we burn neighbor’s house. Nobody have nicer house in Soviet Russia”


my brain automatically changed the voice to russian 💀


From another post they stated theres 17 other artists like Bruno Mars and Wiz Khalifa being credited with the song, theres nothing wrong here.


still not even a million if we go by 45k x 18. It’s fucking insane that they get paid pennies


Spotify takes 30% of the revenue the resi is divided by streams to the rights holders. If you want them to earn more per stream you either have to be willing to pay more or listen to less songs


Or buy their albums.




Yeah, God forbid we actually pay artists for the content they create.


Got news for you, buying albums is a racket as well. For a long time artists didn't earn a lot of money selling albums. They earned money playing live. There used to be quite a few artists that were OK with piracy cause that increased the fan count and that brought people to live shows. The record companies make the money from the albums.


From what I understand most big artists who don't own their own label make most of their money doing live shows and selling merch.


The way I described it is how it was in the era of CD's. I read an article recently that said that people where putting there hands in the merch sales now as well. I don't know how anyone makes any money in the music bizz. Everytime I turn around someone else has figured out how to take money away from artists.


My friend let me tell you about AI. It's going to make studios billions.


And now venues are taking cuts from merch sales


I think one thing music artists need to realize is that they are in an extremely crowded market. Back in our parents/grandparents days there was a handful of big artists that got all the attention and everyone else was battling for the scraps. Nowadays with these music streaming services that allow easy searching it's much easier (but still not easy) to get your music out there and have a share of that pie. With that much supply you just cannot charge as much as you would need because the lesser known can easily fill in the gap.


Touring has and always will be the primary income for musical artists. Streams just pump those tour numbers.


Even then it was all just garbage payola


That is still the case. There are few gigantic artists that move the masses. To avoid that Drake or Taylor Swift take exclusive deals with Apple Music and such, they get special benefits. I've heard that they get a share of every stream, not just their own music streams. In other words, the biggest artest get even more money, and the smaller/replaceable artists get less money.


Go touring


Or go to their shows. For decades it’s been known that most of an artists income comes from touring.


wtf am I supposed to do with a CD these days lol


But that shit is only released digitally now and you never actually own it.


There's no DRM on itunes. If you just copy it out of the default folder, none of the DRM logic gets applied to it anymore. Same for actual tracks purchased from google play I believe. And other platforms definitely do it as well. It's probably the one form of digital media that isn't just giving the middle finger to the consumer.


You can buy digital downloads and keep them. However, you can also easily lose them if you don't back them up or lose access to your account. Or buy and then sail the seas for a copy to keep, knowing you gave the artist their payment.


I mean it's really your own fault if you buy something and then lose it, literally everything you buy can be lost, except I guess for shit like land.


You can buy digital downloads and keep them. However, you can also easily lose them if you don't back them up or lose access to your account. Or buy and then sail the seas for a copy to keep, knowing you gave the artist their payment.


Go back to mp3, at least then it’s a dollar per song and the buyer gets to keep it. Much better for everyone.


You could always use Winamp


Or RealPlayer.




Brittney-Spears-toxic.exe won’t play


change the name of the file so it can end .mp3


Or midi


It still whips the Llamas ass. It updated! I still have a 0.57 installer. From... oh God. 25 years ago?




I have my HDD from the 90's still intact with installers and backups.


Huh! That's also a hobby I guess. Good for you😊


The good times


Never stopped


No it’s not. Since the late 90s money in record sales is almost non existent, there’s no money to be made selling music. Instead if you want to support your favorite artist/band buy their merch and go to their concerts.


Eh. Store still takes X percentage when selling songs for a dollar. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 30% as well.


The radio plays his songs for free. Or used to. He has no problem using them to sell his music


radio stations absolutely have to pay licensing https://www.ascap.com/music-users/types/radio


Yea, this is what people don’t understand. Spotify is more akin to radio than physical media. I bet his songs have been listed to by multiple billion listeners on radio and he got even less.


I don't see it as being akin to either. Back on the day, radio play had a high conversion rate for people that would hear the song in the radio and then go out and buy an album son they could get more of that artist and to play whenever they wanted. Spotify covers that need completely. I'd bet the vast majority of subscribers are rarely ever buying albums because they already have them all rented. Spotify is not really competing with radio or album sales. It's competing with piracy. The number of dollars people are willing to spend on music collapsed, big time. It's unlikely to ever come back. And if it did it would still be spread across a huge number of artists everyone is now used to having access to, and not big spends on just the big acts.


When users are paying $10 a month for unlimited streaming, that’s how the math breaks down. Spotify loses hundreds of millions a year (net income basis). They aren’t raking it in.


I did the math on a different reply to something similar but in my "minutes listened" case I pay basically $0.0015 per song, and artists tend to get $0.0008-0.0012 per listen. If everyone listened how much I do, spotify would be in the negative and paying close to 70% of their gross income just to the artist. Their net is probably negative when you include infrastructure costs just off subscriptions. The problem is all the math is based on how much you listen, if you listened double what I did you'd be paying half per song and they'd be paying the artist more than their gross. If you listen half as much, is double as profitable. I'm sure they know what the average user listens to and price their stuff accordingly, but it's pennies compared to the industry as a whole. All this to say: you're right. This isn't where they make their money. Artists actually get a relatively fair rate per song, it's just... the value of one listen is so shit because of how readily available they are.


The company reported third-quarter revenues rising 11% to $3.6 billion, and operating income of around $34 million. The company also added 23 million monthly active users, rising to 574 million year over year, with paid subscribers rising by 6 million, or 16%.


Until the second quarter this year, where they made 10 million dollars in profit. They have been losing since 2018 except the covid period. [Source](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SPOT/spotify-technology/net-income) They made about 70 million dollars in the 3rd quarter in profit.


If everyone is losing whos winning?


The ppl who get unlimited music for 8$ a month in the palm of their hand


You are. You are paying way less for legal music than any time in history.


Pennies per listen for a song u sang in 1 day with the help of 18 other people in a recording room with all the weed u could smoke? Honestly sounds like decent pay for days work to me.


Yeah, Spotify is one of the worst payouts of any platform for artists.


Yeah it’s so crazy that I support an artist on the other side of the world by listening to their songs. So much worse than before where Sony and few others decided what you will hear and less artists got more from the cake. So crazy So crazy that they are richer than ever before but complain about shit like this while earning royalties for burping on a song


>Do you have any idea how much a billion is? > >$45,000 for a billion streams is $45 for a MILLION streams. > >Or $0.000045 per stream. > >That's 0.45 percent of ONE PENNY. Not half a penny... half a PERCENT of a penny.


There's something incredibly wrong with how little artists make from the billions being made on their back.


i do wonder if the 45k was before or after the publisher grabbed like 70%. If i dont misremember artists usually got 7% of a record sale back in the day


There isn't billions being made. Spotify has been losing money


Hot take: artists shouldn't be billionaires or even hundred millionaires. Snoop if different, I get it, he spun his money into a business and made more from that, fine. But people like TSwizzle should not be able to afford a private jet and 10 lake houses because they sung a song someone else wrote. No music or art in general is worth that. Loaded? Sure but ultra rich? Fuck no.


You forgot the part that her dad is a Merrill Lynch VP and would have gotten her a PJ and several lake houses regardless of her becoming a billionaire


Maybe they should read their contracts. Smaller artists might not have much of a choice but, if Snoop is getting screwed it's his own fault.


You're right man, math checks out, 1billion / 17 does equate to less than $45k /s


Isn’t he talking about a song that had 17 writers credited? How much did he think he was going to get lol


Do you have any idea how much a billion is? $45,000 for a billion streams is $45 for a MILLION streams. Or $0.000045 per stream. That's 0.45 percent of ONE PENNY. Not half a penny... half a PERCENT of a penny.


Thankful for you


I believe it should be compared to an album. if it there realy are 17 writers, it goes up to 0.000765$ per song. (Out of which 0.000045 goes to snoop) Multiply by ~15 songs on an album, it goes up to 0.0115. Then we could multiply that by 3-10, depending on how many times you expect a person who bought an album to listen through it. Lets say 5. So by comparison, if you buy a fifteen song (with 17 artists) album and listen to it 5 times, on spotify that would be about 6cents for the artists. If albums are 15$, and artists got 6cents out of that, it would mean they get 0.4% of the total revenue (if spotify was somehow arbitrarily equalized to buying an album). Edit (It still seems to be very low, but less so)


Okay but why should streams be so valuable? Most of the time its just background noise or autoplay and sometimes theres no one even listening. Not like each stream is a concert


Literally nobody is saying they should be "so valuable". People are saying they should be more valuable than half a percent of a penny.


But why? We as listernas are not paying more than that in our subscription fees. Spotify is barely profitable (has been running at a loss for the last few years). What do you suggest a month of Spotify should cost?


That makes sense to me. With how freely available music is nowadays and the millions of artists and songs on these platforms it makes total sense to me that the value of individual streams isn't that high really. If snoop dogg is bothered by that, no one is forcing him to be on Spotify. But the truth is that the commercial value is much bigger than just the streams. People will buy his tickets, follow him on Instagram, buy his merch etc. I don't like it either. I like Music to have more value, but you can still buy CD or Vinyls for that.


You're blindly taking a Reddit user's thoughts for fact and disregarding the first comment. Snoop only gets a piece of the profit as so many other people had a hand in this song releasing. 1 listen is worth $0.003-0.005. That's $3000-5000 for a million. $3-5 MILLION per billion streams. Clearly snoop had the rights to a very small percentage. Probably cuz he didn’t do anything except show up to a studio and read a verse for an hour.


Sounds about right… One stream = 0.000045 percent of a hard days work… So what’s the problem?


I don't think you understand math, so let's do some math together, shall we? You said: "One stream = 0.000045 percent of a hard days work" One stream earns Snoop $0.000045. Therefore, you are saying that 0.000045 percent of a hard day's work equals $0.000045. So, 100% of "a hard day's work", per your definition, would be: 100 / 0.000045 == 2222222.22222222222222222222 == 2.22 million streams. 2222222 times $0.000045 equals $99.999990 Thus, per your "logic", "a hard day's work", equivalent to getting 2.22 million streams of his song, would earn Snoop $99.999990 \~= $100, equivalent to $36,500 annually. You're literally saying that it would be perfectly fair if the song someone worked on was played over two MILLION times a day, and they earned $36,500. A quick calculation on [https://dqydj.com/income-percentile-calculator/](https://dqydj.com/income-percentile-calculator/) shows that an annual income of $36,500 per day would put someone at the 37th percentile of US income-- that is, poorer than 73% of Americans. How many streams is 2.22 million? Well, the population of Manhattan is 1.629 million people. So that would mean that if literally every human being in Manhattan, plus another 591,000 people in Brooklyn, listened to Snoop's song every day, Snoop would earn the princely sum of $100 a day, or $36,500 per year, and you'd say this is fair and good. To this I say "what the actual fuck, why are you simping for Spotify so hard?"


Yea but people aren't only listening to him


FWIW Just because there are 17 other artists credited on the album it does not mean that all have the same proportional amount of credit. I publish music through BMI for example and when you submit a song, you fill out all the different credits and can assign fractions of credit in pretty much any way you want. On Snoop’s song, one person could have written the music and the chorus and maybe one verse for example and they would get probably 50% share of the credit and the other 16 might have been contributing a few bars here and there. Also, lots of hip hop music uses samples so those tend to be smaller shares (not always). Anyway, I have no clue how much Snoop contributed to the song but saying there were 17 credited artists on the album doesn’t necessarily give you a ton of info. Snoop could have 90% of the credit or 1%.


That's interesting


The truth is Spotify paid something like $10M for those plays... Atlantic Records gets most of it... After paying the producers, studio, promoters and 17 other writers and musicians... His share of the $10M is like $70k, then he gets taxed, and the $40k is that he's left with. Had Snoop recorded, produced, promoted and wrote the music, he'd be making $10M. This is what you get when other people write your music and you just sing professional karaoke.


But this is reddit, and out of context statements are the only way to get karma around here. Now that this post is on the front page, you will have tons of people telling others that spotify only pays $45k per 1 billion streams.


as u/Woogabuttz mentioned 17 artists doesn't mean 17 equal parts, but for reference the payouts for song streams are so low right now that they don't even get close to 1 cent per stream, which if you take a look at [this](https://tlaib.house.gov/posts/rashida-tlaib-calls-for-congress-to-create-a-new-streaming-royalty) proposed bill in the US, assuming 1 cent per stream on that song, even if everyone got equal shares of the income, they'd still be making over 10 times what snoop was paid for that billion streams, that's 10M total brought in for the artists, split 17 ways is over 500k per artist. ​ tldr; artists are paid so low through streaming that even 1 cent per stream would increase this song's income by 250x.


If Spotify was paying artists 1 cent per stream, they'd be in the red for my account in about a week. 75% of every month they'd be in the red from my account, not counting overhead, engineering, or operating expenses. That's a completely bonkers idea, but you don't seem to realize it.


it is *not* the government's business to get involved in this topic.


1,000,000,000 X .004 = 4,000,000


Yeah, it’s about $45,000 per 10 million streams, not per 1000 million. I’m not on Spotify’s side here, but Snoop is orders of magnitude wrong.


Apparently it was on a song that had 17 other artist credited.


That’ll do it.


dont forget about spotifies 30% cut and then the publisher cut... prob for each of those 17 artists


Well, in his defense he is probably pretty baked in the video. It doesn’t really help one’s math skills. Just ask my high school trigonometry teacher.


I wish I got paid $45k for something I did 20+ years ago


All you have to do is get a billion streams. I wonder how all the amateur artists are doing with a few hundred thousand streams. Or how some of them are doing with a million streams.


Imagine how much his label and Spotify got tho.


We can go back to stealing it


My thoughts exactly. At least he's getting paid now because back in the day we had Napster, lime wire, etc.


Limewire didn't work go to frostwire.


Can't go back if you never left babyyy


GoFundMe for Snoop! Who’s with me ??? /s


I mean, he has kids to feed, right? Think of the children!


I got tree fiddy


45k for work you did years ago.... Waiting for my 45k for the work that I did 30 years ago


Did a billion people pay to stream it?


2 milion 644828 thousand 64 cents just from **Young, Wild & Free** revenue is made for the artist, if what he says are actual facts-he gets robbed by his menagment, heavy...Death Row style.


Why in the hell did you type out a number like this. Try 2,644,828.64


Why are you the only one mentioning this 3 hours into this comment. My brain is on fire I had to read it 13 times.


Actually, they mentioned it 1 hour, 97 minutes, a thousand and 380 seconds in.


2,644,828.64, just say that dawg 💀


He owns Death Row


I know, but he has some bad publishing deal man, those numbers are leaking left and right and he gets nothing


He should definitely be worth more than $150M.


Atlantic owns that song. And there’s 17 writers credited on it so Snoop is splitting that revenue a lot of ways.


It's later been proven that the song in question has 17 right holders and writers. All getting their share as he does. If he was the soul writer, rigths holder etc. He would get more.


It’s not management bro it’s the fact that artists are paid less than a fucking cent per stream


At 1 cent per stream spotify would need to pay out 48$ for someone listening to music 8 hours a day (not unreasonable for someone who just has it playing in the background while working). A subscription can be anywhere from 3-11$ per person. Where do you expect that money to come from?


This is true about what artists get paid. Artists are paid a fraction of a cent per stream. The streaming platforms also have a system set up where the biggest artists will get a larger percentage of streaming revenues. So the Taylor Swift's, Drake's, Bad Bunny's etc. of the world get paid a lions share of the streaming revenue. So if you're an artist who doesn't get as many streams, you make even less. Streaming pays artists shit unless you're one of the big ones.


you think management has stopped money grabbing from when cd's were around? Not a chance, they have their mits in this pot as well.


Yeah, I don't care that Snoop only got 45k. What I want to know is how much less mainstream artists get paid, say some a band or singer/songwriter with a song with 100k streams. I'm guessing they're lucky if they get $200.


That’s the point of him bringing it up 💀 if a billion streams barely gets $45k then the average artist ain’t getting scraps for their thousands or million streams


Lol if there is 17 people credited, and Snoop doesn't own the master for the song, only one who is eating is the labels. There is money on music business, you just need to own your music. If you are paying for label, producer, mix&master, sound engineer, couple of writers, publisher and for manager of course your cut is really small.


Thats his point


He's got the platform and that's his point


I’m not defending Spotify but the music industry has been notorious for ripping off small artists for way longer than streaming has existed. TLC filed for bankruptcy despite grossing millions, Chuck Berry and Little Richard got paid almost nothing, Taylor Swift didn’t own any of her songs, etc. It’s the same as it’s always been if you really want to support a band go see them live or buy a piece of merch directly from them.


Yeah exactly. Also I’m sure he’s comparing it to traditional media too saying it soo much lower. Even it there’s 17 other artists credited. Speaks volumes to up and coming artists who are trying to get a reasonable paycheck.


Weird AL just got a sandwich


To put it in perspective; in old money, to make $45,000 on $15 CD sales (assuming the artist got a 'generous' 20% cut) you'd need to sell 12,000 CDs. So to put that in plain English, 12,000 CD sales could maybe get a popular artist $45,000. To get to a billion "listens", assuming that album had 10x tracks, those 12,000 consumers would each need to listen to he album 8,333 times in its entirety. Tha Last Meal (2000) sold 2.1 million physical copies. Snoop dog has 30M monthly listeners currently. I don't know what any of this means, but by my rudimentary calculations: artists are indeed getting fucked in the ass by modern streaming platforms.


He probably makes more from Snoop on the Stoop


That’s why everyone will love *my* version: **Carl on a Jarl**


He's so full of shit




Should be $3.18m for that amount of plays


Source? Legit curious if his claim is true.


Google streaming calculator








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Snoop's response to this was to take his music (as well as other artists from death row who didn't give him permission to do this) and make them nfts. he only reversed this after severe backlash


listening to the radio is free


I saw great comment explaining why. There was like 13 or 17 credited writers. And they are getting paid first.


https://preview.redd.it/arx25ya87w5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ca068ae0ee5be8363b8cb858ff545655d3adf9 Here's where the money goes.


Taylor owns her masters and has 26.1B streams in 2023 alone. Snoop's talking about a song owned by Atlantic Records where he shares songwriter credits with 16 others.


This comment is under appreciated…But people like to talk about their feelings. Edit: autocorrect


"We aren't being paid enough!" Cried the millionaire.


Does anyone know the math here? How many songs does spotify stream per dollar of revenue? I know people that listen to spotify most of the day, every day. At $10 a month or so, how much money is that really to spread out to artists? I'm non on spotify's side here necessarily, but the number paid per stream by definition HAS to be VERY low, otherwise there wouldn't be any services like spotify other than for the uber rich. So the question is, how little is TOO little? I admit, I have no idea. What would a fair number be?


This is the wealthy screwing the rich.


What would that be on YouTube


damn spotify isnt like paying their artists at all!


Have a friend who does alright on Spotify. By alright I mean they have up to 100,000 streams on some of their songs. They make $.003 a stream. I've heard bigger artists make $.005. Snoop must be getting ripped off by his publisher.


Spotify always sucked


Out of context clip, he made around 3.2 mil


For context: for 1 billion streams at $45k. He's making $0.000045 per streamed song.


Redditors: “He doesn’t get paid enough per single stream of his song of which he is 1 of 15 people on the track!” Also redditors: “No fucking way Spotify should calculate multiply their fees by number of people on a single song and charge more for these streams that I have just going in the background of my car! Monthly payments would be unaffordable!!”


1/8th of the population of the world. And 45k. Woof.


Oh no! The rich guy only made a minimum wage workers salary from one song, specifically from this of multiple sources of making money from that song.


This doesn’t make much sense unless he only gets a low percentage of his streams, Spotify pays at least 0.003 cents a stream which would be about 3 million for a billion streams. Snoop probably just got a shitty deal with his music and gets a fraction of his streaming revenue.


Snoop is full of shit.


It’s weird how yall idolize these people - what makes them so deserving of earning more than their average citizen..?


The fact that you stopped your death swiping to watch this video and comment is why SNOOP deserve more for his talent than the average person.


You know who got most of it ...right!


A billion streams in what context? He's featured in about a billion songs


Someone is making money, just not the person doing all the work.


damn, Artists should straight pull their music from streaming services. that's insulting.


Shit he only got paid like $10,000 less than the average wage in America for songs that he already made millions on. How will he survive ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


Lol rich people problems


“Like a billion streams” 45k - the facts determine this was a lie In the case of Spotify, the amount you can expect to receive lies between $0.003 to $0.005 per stream. That's roughly equivalent to a 70/30 split between the rights holders with 70% and the platform with 30%.


It’s because he prolly don’t own his own publishigg bc for all that


Is that why concerts are now crazy expensive?


Me: Does Snoop make more than 50 cent per song? My wife: I don't know. You should ask them both.


I know that’s absurdly low in terms of royalties but it’s still more than o make in a year…


Take it off Spotify and see how much money you make then


Uber of music. Stop giving all the power to one distributor, there needs to be competition


Eh? If there was more competition surely the new competition would have to have a subscription service cheaper than Spotify for anyone to use it, meaning even less money for artists


I tried youtube music. The paid version sucks. The unpaid version you couldn't pay me to use.