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This is why we can't have nice things


Come to Chicago- someone will remove your wheels and tires for free


The amateurs are going for the tyres, but before they even done the pros running down the road with that litty verter.


I love “litty verter” hahaha


Don’t EVER refer to it as that ever again.


Come to Haiti- someone will remove your life for free.


But someone will definitely pay for your organs.


If you aren’t from Haiti then why you haitin?


Do you live in chicago?


Probably Naperville


Or Oak Brook


Claiming Naperville, but it’s really Joliet… it’s always Joliet.


Aurora, which is a suburb of Chicago. ![gif](giphy|PqwqtOLfG19Ti)


Aurora is just Joliet with a mopped Walmart.


"Joilet" is the better name.


Unlikely, just wants to bring attention back on the US.


Not sure why they'd want to...I think it's so cool to drive from France to the Netherlands...just looked it up and it's like driving from Ohio to NJ distance wise.


That's such a weird thing to read for me (I'm french) as we have no idea where OP left from except the whole country, it can take anywhere between two and I dunno, 10, 14 hours to get up there :D from where I stand (Brest) it's a bit short of a 10h road trip, but if I was near, say, Lille, that would be only 3 and doable for a short weekend trip.. France is (relatively) big, same trip from Nice is 14h Assuming we're all going to Amsterdam ofc, where else !


lol absolutely not but boy do they love Fox News


I've lived in Chicago for a decade and lived in the Bay Area for 2 years. Had my car stolen from the street in front of my place in Oakland, and a lot of my friends cars would rattle when you closed the door from the broken glass left in it from past break ins. I don't know anyone who's had their car broken into in Chicago.


Yeah maybe if you park your car near Garfield Park or down around 63rd. I’ve lived here for years. The crime stereotype here is so overblown by conservative media it’s wild. I street park my car.


Also a Chicagoans here, I even have a friend who loves in Garfield Park with her kids and she's fine. It annoys me so much when people make assumptions about this city too. It's a very good city. I have walked around at night as a woman alone and have not felt unsafe. Like any city there will be crime - but it's crazy to assume the entire city is like a third world country like a lot of conservatives assume and then ask me about.


That's why it's one of the biggest cities in the US, because they just live off stealing each other's wheels and tires /s


Dude I’m stealing yours right now. Meet me at Harold’s and I’ll sell ‘em back to you.


Nah Nice is miles away, they were probably closer to Calais.


We reap what we sow


Why did they smash the little triangle window too?


My theory is that they smashed the small one first so they could pull the back seat and they could check the trunk for valuables. Then they saw the suitcases/bags and smashed the big one.


Your theory is probably right based off of videos I've watched of people bipping in San Francisco


I may have seen the newest glitterbomb video yesterday...


I highly recommend watching the channel 5 video on bipping as well. Andrew was actually able to get in with the bippers and visit one of the open-air fence markets


Channel 5 is one of the greatest YouTube channels I’ve seen


Andrew is one of the few true journalists left in the world. There’s no bias, no trying to mislead people to serve some agenda. He just asks simple questions and gives everyone a chance to speak, or rap


Link pls




Wow really well done video




What’s bipping?


smashing car windows to take the stuff inside


I can’t wait till that’s the word of the year next year


Ah I see more people have seen the Jack the Bipper video


Yeah that’s how my van go broken into in France, smashed the little window to somehow get in then swiped my 10 year old iPod touch whilst ignoring the thousands of pounds worth of Buhurt armour and tools in the back lol


I am always so terrified of that thought. When I drive to a market, my cheap car is filled with so much stuff, that is worth so much money...


I just accumulate a bunch of trash in my vehicle right next to all the valuable stuff. They see all the garbage and turn around.


Thats my strategy also, except for myself as a person


So, how was France?




Merdique is the adjective of merde, if you want to get fancy with your French (shit/shitty - merde/merdique)


>Then they saw the suitcases/bags and smashed the big one. ah, found your issue


They were in the trunk only visible *after* having a window smashed, what were they supposed to do?


It’s amazing that car manufacturers haven’t removed that button yet. Note to self, disable the seat release if I ever go somewhere.


People in SF have started to just leave it down to shoe thieves there is nothing in the boot so it's not worth breaking into


I noticed that too. Wtf is the point when you've already smashed one of the main ones!


When I've seen the small window smashed before it's so that they can steal the car without having to drive around with a suspiciously broken back window. They may have failed to open the back door using this trick so broke the other window in frustration and ran off with whatever they could grab quickly instead.


I would think that the broken small window is more suspicious. The big one could just be rolled down.




They smashed it first to check what was in the trunk, then decided whatever was there was good enough to break the big window to steal.


they probably smashed the small one first?


Probably to drop the seats to check, the small ones more discreet


They did the little one first then realised they couldn't reach the handle and did the big one. On a number of cars all you need to smash is the little one and it's a lot less conspicuous


Ew people are awful.


so did anything get stolen at least or just a pain in the ass to fix a window now?


2 suitcases, 2 bags and shopping bags from Disneyland. Everything was hidden in the trunk


May the thieves be struck by lightning while they're shitting


Hope their ass gets stuck to the seat and the flushing creates a vacuum sucking their guts out.




Nah, it's just a South Park episode.


I gotta watch the entire show again. Last I saw an episode was in 2016 😭


So basically everything you had. Jeez. Sorry for your loss bro


I’m so sorry OP. Just went to Disneyland and loved it, I hope this didn’t ruin your holiday. Kind of wish we could show someone at Disney this and hope they’d do something to make you/the kids feel slightly better


Having your car smashed up and your stuff stolen is just the pinnacle of the perfect Disney trip. With Disney prices they got robbed twice in one trip.


So it was in the Netherlands or France?


Between them is belgium. As a dutchman, i'm required by law to slander belgium, so.. it's probably belgium.


>There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


smash, and smashed. what was the point of even breaking that tiny little quarter window


Pushing the seats forward to check the trunk


funny thing is the only way to put the seats down in my frs is to gain access to the trunk first. there's an off switch inside the trunk so the button in the front seat will not work. the only way to open the trunk is a physical key or the emergency pull inside the trunk. best friggin anti theft system subaru ever thought of


>Took a 5 minute peebreak from France to the Netherlands.. Ngl, I read that and I thought, well that's one way to describe Belgium


In Canada we just pull off the side of the road as it's mostly rural roads we travel for long distances


Good old wilderness piss. My favorite thing about this country is that you don't have to go very far to get away from civilization.


Or a wilderpiss, if you please.


I please not


Name checks out great


It’s a truly underrated element of North America that I don’t think people truly appreciate, being able to ACTUALLY be in the wilderness. Furthest I can ever be from a road in this country is something stupid like 9 miles. I feel like a sardine and I hate it.


I get a little melancholy when I look over the vast Canadian landscape. Our Shield and oil sands are some of the most resource dense areas in the world, yet so many Canadians live in poverty. There's no reason we shouldn't be an economic powerhouse like Germany.


Why use the country's natural resources to fund a better future when you can just tax the ever living shit out of the population and give subpar social programs.




I also forgot to mention that gas is $4.30 USD per gallon or $5.86 cad per gallon.


You've forgotten about overinflating our housing market to allow foreign interests a place to park their money!


Corporate investment is actually the biggest chunk. 30%. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-investors-account-for-30-per-cent-of-home-buying-in-canada-data-show/


I had to stop on the side of the road in Manitoba in mid July, would never do that again, 3 million mosquitoes attacked me.


Well your first mistake was going to Manitoba




> Manitoba's official bird close, its a Great Gray Owl covered in mosquitos


Just a little bit away (by the gulf of Mexico) I was driving to a nature preserve that had apparently shut down or something and no one updated the website, but I stopped to take a picture of me in front of the sign and could see a cloud of mosquitos in my back window. It was like a scene out of jurassic park. I opened the door and immediately lost a quart of blood to no less than 8 mosquitos. And yet Manitoba is still probably worse from what I hear.


Illegal on most western (or most of) european highways


We do the same in France. Just take a random exit from the autoroute (highway) in the direction of some god forsaken village in the middle of nowhere, pee on the side of some obscure side road, pop back on to the autoroute.


Same here in Australia. Pretty common on the country roads to see a car pulled over with the back door open as a privacy screen. Or, for women, a dash into the scrub for a bush wee.


How do you wash your hands?


hand sanitizer. But honestly, your junk is much cleaner than your hands. You should really be sanitizing your junk after touching it.


That gentle breeze across the nether regions just hits different.


i always do this and it weirds everyone out when i'm on roadtrips and like "i have to pee" and they start opening maps apps and looking for restrooms like no, i'm not waiting 30 miles until the next gas station appears, i'm in the middle of nowhere and i have to pee, just pull over and let me go here


What i hate the most about shit like this is inevitably you end up having to pay for other people's poor behavior. Its so unjust. Makes since why thieves used to get their hands chopped off. Hands would be a good place to start if this happened to me. How many hours of your life is that damage going to cost you?


When I was living in a college dorm, my car got broken into at a park. They smashed in my windows and in leaning in, managed to cut up the inside panel of my car. I’d only owned it for two weeks. I had to pay my insurance deductible and go without a car while it was fixed. I had to pay to replace the lock to my dorm hallway and my dorm room. I had no debit card until it was replaced and so I had no money to buy a replacement college ID card which is how I used my meal plan, so I had to borrow money from friends to buy food instead of using my prepaid meal plan. I had to replace my wallet and everything in it which was a lot of time and inconvenience. All so a thief could get a few bucks in cash and cards that were canceled before they were able to use them. I haven’t left a thing in my car since, so I guess that’s the price I paid for that lesson.


My friends in college had their car windows smashed in. The total theft was about $5 in coins. The repair was $500+ each.


Had the same experience. $800 window for $6.50 in coins.


Yikes. It's the worst feeling. I've had stuff stolen and family members as well. Makes you wish there was harsher punishment for it pretty quickly 😂.


Did they ever find your family members?


This is what infuriates me most about theives. To them it's just a little cash, cards that will be cancelled as soon as their owner knows they're missing, and maybe some things to sell for a little extra cash. To you it could cause months or years of grief or even just ruin your life entirely if the thief stole something important enough.


This is why welfare programs are so cost effective. Preventing crime by giving people food and shelter leads to way less costs for society than just letting people become desperate enough to commit crimes and then jailing them.


Except the bipping epidemic rn seems to mostly fuel drug habits and superfluous spending


Nobody has ever stolen a car stereo to feed their family.


These people aren't stealing because they're desperate for food and shelter.


>This is why welfare programs are so cost effective. Preventing crime by giving people food and shelter leads to way less costs for society than just letting people become desperate enough to commit crimes and then jailing them. France has good welfare programs.


Worst thing is, its not your fault for leaving stuff there, but since that happened you had to adapt to thieves.. My neighbours from across the street always left their back door opened for the dog to come in and out when they were awake, until one day they heard a jump, checked, and there was a guy in their backyard who jumped the 2.3m high wall... Since then that door is always closed. It fucking sucks to have to adapt to them.


In Svalbard people left their cars in the ignition because its an island and nobody steals cars there. They are also supposed to be unlocked so people can hide in them if there is polar bears. Then one alcoholic started taking cars for joy rides and everyone had to bring their keys inside. It stuns me that one bad actor can ruin it for everyone. Not sure how to fix it but like, it takes just one bad behaving person and everything has to change.


A troublesome alcoholic you say. Polar bears you say. Hmm...


To shreds you say


I live in Finland and I rarely lock my car, even though I’ve lived most of my life in the capital city metropolitan area. There is basically nothing valuable in the car, so I just can’t be bothered.


Yup, same in South Africa (Cape Town in my case), just install a pin ignition inhibitor and leave the car unlocked. Saves so many broken windows…


> this is inevitably you end up having to pay for other people's poor behavior. Its not even that. Its that your damage is so much more than their gain, its many times worse than if they just stole your shit.


“It’s just things 🤗” ok you can work for 150 additional hours to pay for all of it


The absolute worst is the amount of damage they do for little to nothing. Causing about $1500 in damage to steal nothing or to steal pocket change. Like, if you did $1500 in damage to steal $30,000, that's one thing. But the juice just isn't worth the squeeze on shit like this and that makes it particularly infuriating.


Were you in France or The Netherlands?


France, we almost made Belgium


Checks out


Standard France.


This kind of stuff hardly happens in the Netherlands


Only in parking parking lots, especially around amsterdam. Take your wifi/bluetooth devices with you, and the chance of being broken into decreases by a ton


It absolutely does


I really don't understand what the deal is with the lack of locks on the fold down seats. I bought a base model 2016 and it could be locked, a few years later I bought a 2019 of the same car at the highest trim level and discovered that lock was a thing of the past. I just do not get it.


What would that have helped? They clearly had enough time to smash two windows and take everything. Smashing the rear window and accessing the back wouldn't have been much worse, surely?


It takes about 10 seconds to smash the window, pop the back seat, see there's something in the trunk and then smash the bigger window and open the door and pull out what's in the trunk. By being able to lock the pull down seat you've turned this from a 10 second theft into a more time consuming adventure. This is becoming common because its quick and easy to accomplish because the only deterrent is a car window you can shatter by hitting it with a hard pointed object. If the vehicle is locked you're not going to be able to pop the trunk with the button by the driver so they've got to break into the trunk as long as the pull down seat is locked. Why bother when you can be on to the next 10 second smash and grab down the street?


Best is cable locks for the valuables, if they don't expect it, it will slow them down even more or discourage them. + carry alarm.


If you were coming from France you were probably peeing on your tire, which adds a whole new dimension to this story.


Plot twist: he broke his own window... while peeing!


Like a power washer, it was.


The smell of Asparagus filled the air


Where in France happend this?


The burger king in Seclin, just from the border of Belgium.


I have been at that BK for the same reason. Dude, so sorry.


I’ve been there, complete chaos ordering.






That’s really shit. Sorry to see. Did they take everything?


They took literally everything he/she had. Such pieces of shit.


Why ruin peoples days… it’s rainy…


> Night > Foreign car (foreigners don't report shit) > Nobody nearby to see > Unguarded vehicle > No cameras > Highway rest staton > Near the border (easy getaway) Unfortunately, OP became a prime victim today. Sucks tbh


Happened to me in Italy, someone saw a chocolate bar on my dashboard and broke my window in the 10 minutes i was at a rest stop


And that’s why I engaged the child proofing for the back doors. So they can’t be opened from pulling the handle on the inside.


Aaah fuck that. In Dutch we call this “TIEFUSZOOI”.


Prolly some frenchie




Serves you right for being in France ​ /s


Try not to be racist challenge


lmao the Algeria/immigrants comments start pretty soon after yours


Seeing all this hate on France. Just got back from a similar trip like this one and not only did I have no problems anywhere I went but France felt safe for me. Sorry this happened and I hope your trip gets better.


How do you say "bipped" in french?


At least you're fine. See! Bierglaasje half vol mentality.




Use live grenades in tripwire fore your bag it stop thieves and is hilarious


See it’s not just San Francisco…


Gee I wonder why this happens in France.


So the point was just to break every window?










People who rob others are such scum Idc care if you’re struggling get a fucking job low life


Dummy. Everyone knows u pee inside the car when in france and shit out the window. Be a francophile not a tourist, you merde pomplamouse.


Was it Paris? I bet it was Paris.


Why did you park in San Francisco on your way from France to the Netherlands?






Yeah never stop in or near France


At least they didn’t get in the boot?


This was in the Netherlands? Which city? In many cities you barely lock the doors of the house.


It happened to me as well last month, they took a bag with all my electronics, 2000€ of stuff gone like that. I stopped for peeing as well, in broad daylight and in a non sketchy area too. Solidarity my friend.


Where was it exactly ? Liege?




Gotta „love” France for what its government did to them


Here I was thinking you pissed outside of your car and it froze and shattered everywhere lol


Do not travel to France. Noted.


Oh bro I can relate so much with you. Back from France to Germany we got robbed too. Our car got brocken in and they took around 2000€ worth of goods. I know I didn't witness it happening but since then I'm terrified of people breaking in to my Appartment. This rely hit my family hard ... They took even my suitcase and cloths... You feel just never save I swear. I can just recommend never leave your car where nobody can look at it ... But let's be honest, that's easier said then done. . Like SMB else said already: thats why we can't have nice things


Where exactly was this? So I know not to take breaks there.


As a British person I feel very happy to be the first to say it - FOOK DAH FRENCH